Early prevention of bad habits in younger schoolchildren. "Prevention of bad habits and the formation of a healthy lifestyle among schoolchildren

State budgetary educational institution

"Belgorod correctional boarding school No. 23"

Report on the methodological association of educators on the topic :

"Prevention of bad habits and the formation of a healthy lifestyle among schoolchildren"

Educator of the first qualification category: Poidunova E.A.

2017-2018 academic year

In general, there is an increase in the spread and use of narcotic drugs, alcoholic beverages, tobacco products in Russia, which poses a threat to the health and safety of people.

The harmful habit of schoolchildren is a matter of grief for teachers and parents. In order for students to lead a healthy lifestyle, timely prevention is needed, which will save them from harmful addiction.

Bad habits are a problem that modern youth very often face.

If earlier adolescents of older age suffered from bad habits, now this is typical for schoolchildren. What attracts children to such pernicious attachments? Most likely what adults look like.

Bad habits allow them to feel free and independent to some extent. Every schoolchild knows what a healthy lifestyle is, but for some reason some children are not attracted to it at all. A healthy lifestyle is, first of all, working on oneself. The person following him should eat right, play sports and, most importantly, give up all bad habits forever.

Physical and mental health are interrelated concepts. Unfortunately, not all modern adolescents are fully aware of how important it is to monitor the state of their own body from a young age. Some believe that even without this they will always remain as healthy and beautiful as they are now. The formation of such an irresponsible approach to the problem of the correct way of life is being decisively influenced by modern cinema and the media.

Previously, the attitude of schoolchildren to bad habits was mostly negative. This was achieved, among other things, due to the fact that the Soviet Ministry of Culture strictly followed what was said in the media at that time, it was very important to actively conduct propaganda against smoking and drinking alcohol.

But a couple of decades ago, young people got the opportunity to watch completely different films, in which the main characters appeared before the viewer with a bottle of beer and a cigarette in hand. In those days, American films were very popular. Schoolchildren watched them and information about what was fashionable was deposited in the subconscious. After all, this is exactly what the main characters demonstrate on the screen. In the formation of such an irresponsible approach to one's own health, not only films are to blame, but also the whole society as a whole, and social ideology. If earlier smoking was considered something very shameful, then at some certain time the society decided that it was fashionable.

At the moment, it is already becoming obvious that the problem of bad habits that schoolchildren suffer from must be dealt with very seriously. In this case, it is an integrated approach that is important.

Of particular concern is the prevalence of these phenomena, it is necessary to start preventive work in schools from an early stage. The family and the school must be in this issue. The teacher - the students - the parents - this is the triangle on which the main amusement of students outside of school hours is based as the most effective part in the prevention of a healthy lifestyle.

One of the main problems of the educational process of the school is the amusement of students outside school hours as the most effective part in the prevention of a healthy lifestyle and the prevention of delinquency.

The overwhelming majority of people begin to smoke, consume alcoholic beverages, drugs at school age, so effective measures to prevent drug addiction, smoking, alcoholism at school will help many to avoid this form of addiction.

The need to organize preventive work at school.

In order to prevent bad habits:

    conduct instructive conversations and lectures for parents about the consequences of bad habits from a very early age;

    show educational films and presentations on promoting healthy lifestyles;

    involve more children as necessary in sports sections and circles;

    share experience in combating bad habits.

Work on the formation of students' need for a healthy lifestyle, smoking prevention, anti-drug and anti-alcohol propaganda in school and classrooms is being done well.

The teacher pays more attention to the formation of students' needs for a healthy lifestyle. To acquaint students with the memos from the cycle "How to deal with bad habits", to conduct conversations on the topics "Educate yourself", "How to cultivate good habits", "Smoking is harmful to health", "How to get rid of bad habits."

The formation of healthy lifestyle skills is carried out during the academic year using various forms of classes: (class hours, outdoor games, business games, discussions, an exhibition, a competition of posters and drawings, watching videos, sports competitions, funny starts and hikes in the forest, in parks ), which significantly increases the effect of work on the formation of value attitudes towards health.

The formation of the right values ​​is laid in the family. If parents want to raise their child healthy, it is necessary to engage in proper education from the earliest years.

It is very important that from an early age the child's opinions of all family members about a healthy lifestyle and how important it is.

The first thing to remember is that mom and dad should be a positive example for the child. It is important not only to read lectures to him, but to show by your example how bright and rich the moment is to be a life without bad habits. If the mother of the growing daughter allows herself to smoke, then the words of the parent about the dangers of smoking will sound quite comical. From an early age, it is necessary to teach your child to proper nutrition, correct daily routine, do household chores and sports.

Classes in the sports sections of the school serve as a very good prevention of bad habits. Children and parents leading a healthy lifestyle usually gather there. Any activity or hobby in itself is a good prevention against bad habits. A schoolchild who is keen on any occupation will spend his free time exclusively on it. He will no longer have the desire to wander aimlessly around the streets with a cigarette and beer in his hands. In the struggle for the correct image, teachers and parents of schoolchildren must act in a coordinated and harmonious manner. Better to join forces.

This is how you will be able to achieve the desired goal faster. In addition, parents should always keep in touch with the teacher, learn from him about everything related to their child. Namely, this is one of the rules of a decent upbringing.

Prevention of bad habits among schoolchildren is a task that should be faced by both teachers and parents of students. It should become an indispensable element of educational work.


    Makeeva A.G. Pedagogical prevention of bad habits of schoolchildren. Methodical manuals for teachers. M.-2008;

    Eremenko N.I. Prevention of bad habits - M .: "Globus" - 2007;

    Agapova I.A. Educational work "Prevention of bad habits", M. - "Globus" -2009;

4.G.G. Kulinich. Bad habits: addiction prevention. SPb. - 2010.

The work of the class teacher on the prevention of bad habits forming a culture of a healthy lifestyle

Until relatively recently, everything that a person needs for life seemed inexhaustible and eternal: forests, faunal resources, minerals, etc. Water poured from the taps, at the right time the central heating began to work, electricity and gas were always available. Now people have realized that nothing is eternal and everything that we consume from nature must be spent sparingly, while taking care of the restoration of resources. All of the above applies to human health, since health is the main personal resource of each of us. A person comes to this world not only for his comfortable existence and personal happiness. His mind, skills, experience, his whole life are necessary for his children, society, future generations.

The existence of a person on earth helps to make worthy of health, spiritual and physical, which is the main property of a person. And a matter not only personal, but also public. But, unfortunately, human health is far and not always the first place, which for some is assigned to things and other material benefits of life, career, success. This is not to say that people do not understand the meaning of health, do not value it. But, unfortunately, most people realize the value of health when it is under serious threat or, to a certain extent, has been lost. Only then (and even then not always to the proper extent) does the motivation arise - to cure the disease, get rid of bad habits, become healthy.

Health cannot be regarded as the elementary absence of physical defects in a person or disease. The Charter of the World Health Organization (WHO) interprets the concept of "health" as "a state of complete social and spiritual well-being."

What does it mean to be healthy for a child? This means - to develop in harmony your physical and spiritual strength, to have endurance and poise, to be able to resist the action of both unfavorable factors of the external environment and your inner world. The healthy lifestyle of the younger generation is the key to the health of the nation as a whole. That is why educational and upbringing activities of the family, college and the whole society are so necessary for the preservation and promotion of health.

The family, unfortunately, is not a place for the formation and strengthening of the child's health in our time. Many parents lack the knowledge and experience to do this. But the family should not, has no moral right to withdraw from solving such an important problem. The family, according to scientists, is one of the greatest values ​​created by mankind in the entire history of its existence. Each family is unique, but at the same time contains characteristics that can be attributed to any type.

1. Patriarchal (traditional) family.

This is a large family, where different generations of relatives and in-laws live in one "nest". There are many children in the family who depend on their parents, respect their elders, and strictly observe national and religious customs. In such families, adolescents are more stable in nature, therefore, are more restrained in relation to alcohol and smoking.

2. Nuclear family.

They consist mainly of two generations - of spouses and children - before the latter got married. In such families, that is, in young families, there is usually close cooperation between spouses in everyday life. It is expressed in a respectful attitude towards each other, in mutual assistance, in an open manifestation of care for each other, in contrast to patriarchal families, in which it is customary to veil such relationships. But the spread of nuclear families is fraught with a weakening of emotional ties between young spouses and their parents, as a result, the possibility of providing mutual assistance is reduced, and the transfer of experience, including the experience of upbringing, from the older generation to the younger is difficult.

3. Incomplete family.

A sad sign of the present time is the growth of single-parent families that have arisen as a result of divorce or the death of one of the spouses. In an incomplete family, one of the spouses (most often the mother) is raising a child (children). And if at the same time there is no father or his image in the family, then it is very difficult for a young man to become a man.

4. Maternal (extramarital) family.

It differs from an incomplete family in that the mother was not married to the father of her child. Today in Russia every third child is brought up in an incomplete or maternal family.

But regardless of what type this or that family belongs, each family primarily has an educational function. The upbringing potential of a family is a combination of material, national, psychological, spiritual, emotional capabilities of a family in raising children, determined by its characteristics (type, structure, traditions, etc.)

Features of family education:

Organic connection with the life of the child;

Continuity and duration of exposure;

The repetition and inconsistency of the educational impact;

Intimacy, naturalness, versatility and immediacy of communication based on a sense of kinship, love, trust, mutual responsibility;

Relative isolation;

Communication and interaction of people of different ages with different interests and professional activities (family as a differentiated social group);

Mutual orientation of formative influences.

Negative factors of family upbringing:

Immorality, immoral style and tone of relationships;

Lack of spirituality of parents;

Underdevelopment of parental feelings;

Lack of a normal psychological climate;

The predominance of material values;

Fanaticism in any of its manifestations;

Illegal (criminal) behavior of adults;

Lack of psychological and pedagogical knowledge among adult family members.

The family is a school of work and life. Nothing can compare in terms of the power of influence in preparing a teenager for a future life with the enormous role played by the family. The family brings up the child, not by some kind of "events", but by the whole way of their life, by that spiritual and moral atmosphere that dominates in it, with the irreplaceable wealth and warmth that can be between very close people.

In short, a normal family is the best way to prevent drunkenness, alcoholism and, of course, tobacco smoking. It is no secret that the lack of warmth, comfort in the house, a joyful atmosphere, which the mother could not create, makes other family members look for them somewhere else. The family is the main link where good habits are formed and bad ones are rejected. The child's first impressions of performing a certain action are drawn from being at home. The child sees, perceives, tries to imitate, and this action is fixed in him regardless of his fragile will.

The issues under consideration related to alcoholization and smoking are relevant, of course, first of all, for the younger generation. The lack of reliable information on the prevalence, frequency of use of drugs, alcoholic beverages, toxic substances, including smoking, makes it difficult to perceive the facts associated with the severe health effects of these substances. Yes, many adolescents do not know about the dangers of these substances, since, first of all, there is not enough family communication.

Family communication is an intimate, emotional, trusting relationship. With today's extremely tense rhythm of life, the family becomes a “refuge for the soul”, more and more necessary for a person as a place for a favorable change in the situation, a transition to a state of unrestrainedness. Therefore, family communication plays a special role in family education, as well as in the prevention of bad habits.

The main mistakes of modern families:

Lack of family communication;

Indifference in the affairs of children;

Alcohol abuse, smoking by the parents themselves.

Therefore, one of the tasks of the education system, along with the research activities of the healthy lifestyle of students, the conduct of medical and preventive and recreational activities, educational work with students, is informational and educational work with their parents.

The upbringing of good, healthy habits in the younger generation will be facilitated by the return of children to the beauty of words and nobility of deeds, the upbringing of a culture of the child's inner world, a positive example of adults, and the creation of conditions for reasonable leisure. The upbringing of strong-willed character traits, education, knowledge of the legal foundations of health care, the correct attitude to life values, the formation of interest in creative, cognitive activities, the creation of conditions for social and professional self-determination, preventive measures - all this helps to form the need for a healthy lifestyle.

The lack of basic knowledge of the children on how to become healthy, to maintain and strengthen their health is the fault of the parents and teachers. Health education should help people learn all about the essence of human health. About what strengthens or weakens it, about the ability to preserve it by the person himself. Thanks to the joint efforts of college, family, society, the growing citizen should be strengthened in the idea that it is he who is responsible for his own health and should consider it as the highest value. Because his health is the length of his life on earth, it is life success and personal happiness. .

Information and educational and educational measures should be carried out in conjunction with preventive measures. Prevention (translated from Greek - precautionary, preventive) is a whole range of measures aimed at ensuring a high level of people's health, their creative longevity, eliminating the causes of diseases (for example, preventing the development of bad habits), creating better working conditions , everyday life, recreation, etc.

The most important thesis, or, if you prefer, the rule of prevention: "It's better not to start than to quit later." And if prevention for adults is a relatively useless thing, due to a sufficiently clear understanding of the whole danger of tobacco or any other "habit", then prevention for children can bring truly stunning results. Children, in spite of attempts to show their own independence and opposition, are more than sane and suggestible creatures. Individual prevention is carried out by the person himself when he leads a healthy lifestyle. Public prevention is an integral system of measures: social, economic, legislative, educational, sanitary and technical and sanitary and hygienic. And the success of all the measures carried out largely depends on how consciously each citizen of the country relates to the protection and strengthening of his health, how wisely and effectively he uses the opportunities provided to him to strengthen and maintain his health and the health of the people around him.

As a result of scientific research, the influence of risk factors, including bad habits, on the occurrence of various forms of body pathology has been proven. For example, smoking leads to coronary heart disease, lung disease, and malignant tumors. Since some risk factors begin to act from childhood, the cause of many diseases (most forms of non-infectious pathology, including cardiovascular diseases) should be identified and eliminated starting from childhood. Risk factors are widespread among children and adolescents. But it is precisely at this age that well-carried out preventive measures are especially effective.

Parenting is not easy, especially when a child is in adolescence. Teachers, psychologists and doctors should help parents to understand the importance of the processes occurring in the adolescent body. In connection with these changes, the methods of family education are also changing. This issue should be given great attention in the process of parenting meetings.

Adolescence isn't just about puberty. It is also “the age of maturation of personality and outlook,” wrote L.S. Vygotsky. Class teachers, involving psychologists, doctors, and members of the public to work with students, should make every effort to ensure that as a result of this “maturation” we get a benign product: a person who is spiritually and morally healthy. Class teachers, working with adolescents, should not see them only as violators of school order. It is necessary to learn to notice positive shifts and changes in them, to involve them in obtaining additional knowledge, creativity, to develop the desire to lead a healthy lifestyle, to help and support in building their personality. Of course, the promotion of a healthy and safe lifestyle should be offensive and planned, the level of explanatory work should be high. Means and forms are very diverse: visually acting (posters, films, television programs), printed, literary works, oral (radio speeches, public lectures, conversations).

The teenager, due to psychological characteristics, perceives visual methods of propaganda better. Any openly edifying forms, teachings, he meets with skepticism, as an encroachment on freedom, an attempt to "get into the soul." Conversations with adolescents require special skills, clear language. Moreover, this applies to such an acute topic as the prevention of bad habits.

Among the issues requiring special attention is the issue of upbringing volitional qualities. It is no secret that modern schoolchildren have such a phenomenon as a certain defect of will. Will-building is not only a problem of adolescence. This quality is brought up from childhood. Together with the correct value orientations, it becomes the guarantee of the moral life of the individual. Many teenagers want to be strong-willed. They suffer from the fact that they do not have volitional qualities that would help them better cope with their academic duties and with resisting bad habits. And, if their lack of formation is found, the class teacher and the parents of the students cannot avoid this problem. If adolescents feel respect for themselves, their interests, problems from the class teacher, an adult person with a more developed consciousness and greater life experience, then they will perceive the teacher (psychologist, doctor, etc.) not just as a transmitter of knowledge, but as a bearer of the moral experience of mankind, a person worth listening to. The warmth and sincerity of adults will help to open up to adolescents all positive prospects for the moral development of the individual, leading a healthy lifestyle. Anti-alcohol and anti-drug propaganda, prevention of bad habits is not only a message of negative consequences that intimidate a teenager (unfortunately, sometimes all work comes down to this), it is also a competently built entire educational process that allows a teenager to improve himself, his personality ( examples of posters).

The implementation of preventive and educational measures is the task of the whole society: health authorities, various ministries and departments, periodicals and television, public organizations and labor collectives. But first of all, it is the concern of the family and the educational institution. Both should not forget that the health of the younger generation is further development, the social and economic power of our state, a dignified old age for each of us.

The college should in every possible way contribute to the formation of the pedagogical culture of parents, which is an integral part of the general culture of a person. Pedagogical culture is the basis of the educational activities of the father and mother. She helps to avoid mistakes in family upbringing, to solve difficult problems of relationships with children. In the process of forming the pedagogical culture of parents, knowledge of sociology, psychology, and physiology of children is mastered. Indeed, in order to give a child a correct upbringing, it is necessary to know him well, “in all respects,” as KD said Ushinsky. Trainings, questionnaires and tests will help parents master the methods and techniques of upbringing, learn to creatively use the material received. Family education "blindly" should not be allowed. After all, this can affect the development of our children. In children, it should be developed sharply negative attitude to smoking and alcoholism. It is important to explain to them that smokers and drinkers are not “adults”, not “courageous” people, but simply “slaves of habit”, that it is a sign of weak will and bad self-control.

And for everyone - both adults and children, it is obviously useful to remember the words spoken by Leo Tolstoy about smoking and alcohol consumption: "Liberation from this terrible evil will be an era in the life of mankind."

The bad habits of schoolchildren are a matter of grief for teachers and parents. In order for students to lead a healthy lifestyle, timely prevention is needed, which will save them from harmful addiction.

Bad habits are a problem that modern youth very often face. If earlier adolescents of an older age suffered from bad habits, now this is typical for high school students. What attracts children to such pernicious attachments? Chances are, teenagers want to look like adults.

Bad habits allow them to feel free and independent to some extent. Every schoolchild knows what a healthy lifestyle is, but for some reason some children are not attracted to it at all. A healthy lifestyle is, first of all, working on oneself. The person following him should eat right, play sports and, most importantly, give up all bad habits forever. What is the value of a healthy lifestyle?

There are many answers to this question. Each person finds his own advantages in it. Someone hopes that such a lifestyle will allow to prolong youth and beauty, someone is attracted by the opportunity to stay slim and fit, to feel great. Proper nutrition, daily routine allow the student to master the school curriculum much better. Physical and mental health are interrelated concepts.

Unfortunately, not all modern adolescents fully realize how important it is to monitor the state of their own body from a young age. Some believe that even without this they will always remain as healthy and beautiful as they are now. The formation of such an irresponsible approach to the problem of the correct way of life is being decisively influenced by modern cinema and the media.

Previously, the attitude of schoolchildren to bad habits was mostly negative. This was achieved, among other things, due to the fact that the Soviet Ministry of Culture followed what the feature films tell about, what is said in the media. In those days, there was a very active propaganda against smoking and alcohol consumption.

But a couple of decades ago, young people got the opportunity to watch completely different films, in which the main characters appeared before the viewer with a bottle of beer and a cigarette in hand. In those days, American films were very popular. The schoolchildren watched them and the information that smoking is fashionable was postponed in the subconscious.

After all, this is exactly what the main characters demonstrate on the screen. Of course, not only films, but society as a whole, and social ideology are to blame for the formation of such an irresponsible approach to their own health. If earlier smoking was considered something very shameful, then at some certain time society decided that it was fashionable. At the moment, it is already becoming obvious that the problem of bad habits that schoolchildren suffer from must be dealt with very seriously. In this case, it is an integrated approach that is important.

This is the only way to raise a healthy generation thinking about its future. So, what should be the main methods of competent education based on the adoption of a healthy lifestyle? The formation of correct life values ​​is laid in the family. School, friends and close circle, undoubtedly, play a lot in the life of a teenager. important role... If parents want to raise their child healthy, it is necessary to engage in his upbringing from the earliest years.

The first thing to remember is that mom and dad should be a positive example for the child. It is important not only to read notations to him, but to show by example how bright and rich life can be without bad habits. If the mother of the growing daughter allows herself to smoke, then the words of the parent about the dangers of smoking will sound quite comical. From an early age, it is necessary to accustom the child to proper nutrition, the correct daily routine.

It is important to show him that only a healthy person can enjoy life, since poor health discourages any desire for fun and entertainment. In order for a child to hear everything that parents are trying to convey to him, they must become for him those people whose opinion is absolutely authoritative. Older brothers, sisters and other relatives can also be involved in this.

It is very important that the child from an early age hears the views of all family members about a healthy lifestyle and how important it is. Particular attention should be paid to a teenager entering a transitional age. At this time, schoolchildren, more than ever, are inclined to self-expression and are very susceptible to other people's influence. Lectures on the dangers of alcohol and smoking should be given by teachers of general education schools.

At the same time, it is very useful to involve psychologists and other specialists who can find an approach to adolescents. Promoting a healthy lifestyle should become one of the most important tasks for teachers. Special attention should be given to students from so-called dysfunctional families. For such children, teachers sometimes become the only educators.

When talking with a teenager, it is very important to focus on exactly what the student needs, and not teachers, parents. Simply put, there is no need to describe to him any vague prospects of what will happen to him in many years if he surrenders to the power of bad habits, or to say that his healthy lifestyle is needed primarily by his family and those around him.

It is important for a student to realize how much he himself needs this healthy lifestyle, and right now. For example, when talking to a girl, you can mention how unattractive women who smoke and drink are to people of the opposite sex. Schoolgirls who are in transitional age, as a rule, are already becoming interested in boys. They will definitely think about how addictions will affect her relationship with them.

The young lady can be reminded that girls who lead the wrong way of life are perceived by boys as "their boyfriend" rather than as a fragile and defenseless creature that needs to be protected and protected. You can also tell her how much the skin of women who smoke is aging. All this needs to be presented in a sufficiently unobtrusive form to enable the teenager to understand everything.

To win the confidence of the young lady and further persuade her to your point of view, you can give her an impromptu lesson on beauty. For example, you can tell her about skin care, makeup. In this case, it is imperative to once again identify all those problems that can begin with the skin of a smoking woman. Teenage boys can be told about how bad habits are detrimental to his fitness.

In some schools, it is customary to invite men who enjoy authority among schoolchildren to such lectures. For example, it can be a famous actor or singer. Many celebrities agree to hold these conversations completely free of charge. In this way, they contribute to the development of a healthy nation. In the process of talking with adolescents, it is important to mention your own attitude to alcohol and smoking.

It can be emphasized that all that this or that famous man managed to achieve in life, he managed to accomplish after a categorical rejection of alcohol and smoking. Parents of teenagers should remember that their children are very influenced by their environment. It is important to always be aware of who the child is communicating with, in which society he prefers to spend his free time. If a student contacted a bad company, it's time to sound the alarm.

In this case, it is important to do everything in order to switch the teenager to a more rewarding pastime. It is necessary to understand that a person acquires all bad habits from idleness. When a teenager is busy, he has no time to think about addictions. He faces completely different goals. That is why it is important to rationally organize the child's leisure time. It is best to send him to some circle, or offer to go to classes that are held at school.

Classes in sports schools are very good prevention of bad habits. As a rule, people who lead a healthy lifestyle gather there. Rotating in such an environment, a teenager will not want to stand out from other athletes and will choose a healthy lifestyle once and for all. Any activity or hobby in itself is a good prevention against bad habits. A schoolchild who is keen on any occupation will spend his free time exclusively on it.

He will no longer have the desire to wander aimlessly around the streets with a cigarette and beer in his hands. In the struggle for a correct lifestyle, both teachers and parents of schoolchildren must act in a coordinated and harmonious manner. Better to join forces. This is how you will be able to achieve the desired goal much faster. In addition, parents should always keep in touch with the teacher, learn from him about everything related to their child. This is one of the rules of a decent upbringing.

Prevention of bad habits among schoolchildren is a task that should be faced by both teachers and parents of students. It should become an indispensable element of educational work.

Introductory remarks from the class teacher:

Dear Parents! Please remember. How many times in the last 2-3 weeks have you come home and sincerely, without any special educational task, "in a sober mind and sound memory" told your child about this. what a wonderful life, what a pleasure to be alive and healthy, to love, laugh, cry:

Amid the general whining about bad people, rising prices, poor housing conditions, bad weather, about the deteriorating environmental situation, about "such and such" politicians, do we help our own children to believe that life, despite all the problems and difficulties, is a great and priceless gift? ..

After all, if we ourselves do not believe that life is beautiful and amazing, and do not prove this to children by our example, what can we oppose to the drug culture, which claims that, in addition to tobacco, alcohol, drugs, psychedelic rock, debauchery and bestial behavior, in this there is absolutely nothing to enjoy life, and living without it practically makes no sense. We have no right to forget that for a child the most effective example of love of life or death boredom is his parents.

Activating game "Association"

School psychologist:

Dear Parents! Please take a blank sheet and a pen. Try to write as many words of associations per word within 2 minutes:

Habit -:

Cigarette -:

Alcohol -:

Health -:

Prevention -:

Count the number of word associations for each word. Make yourself a conclusion for yourself: what kind of emotional coloring in most cases are words-associations.

Analysis of the answers of students in grades 8a and 5b.

School psychologist:

Your children did a similar job.

The maximum number of words named for the first word -: Of these, positive emotional coloring -: words, which is:%, negative -: words, which is:%. All other words are also analyzed. The school's psychologist reads out the most accurate definitions, assesses the most "attractive" word, draws conclusions about which concept children have more information about.

Organization of discussion of the causes of bad habits.

Classroom teacher:

Habit is second nature, How often do we hear these words. Everyone has a large number of habits, both harmful and useful. Habits are automated actions that manifest themselves independently of a person's desire. Good habits help us feel collected, organized, and ready to face challenges. They help a person with stress. in the face of time pressure. Unfortunately, people - both adults and children - spontaneously develop not only useful, but also bad habits. Any reason does not appear by chance. What are the reasons for the emergence of bad habits?

1. Ignoring the peculiarities of puberty.

For students in grades 5-9, the environment plays an important role, especially friends. It is the environment that largely determines the behavior of children, their attitude towards elders, towards their duties. To school and so on. In addition: at this age, there is a very high craving for various kinds of experiments. Children try to drink and smoke. For many, this may become a habit in the future.

The greatest difficulties arise when communicating with adolescents 12-17 years old. And this is no coincidence. The adolescent (puberty) period is characterized by the fact that yesterday's child enters the process of puberty. The child develops a socio-psychological attitude towards others, and first of all towards peers, teachers, parents; traits of character begin to emerge quite clearly, interests, inclinations to this or that activity take shape, that is, the foundations of the personality are manifested.

The formation of character and personal properties is inextricably linked with the desire for independence, hence the attempts to free oneself from the guardianship of parents and elders, to determine one's attitude to the environment. Lack of life experience and still vague direction of aspirations and beliefs often create a number of difficulties for a teenager. In particular. When communicating with others.

The most characteristic reactions in early adolescence are reactions of protest or opposition, imitation and compensation. These reactions periodically arise in the family circle or school microcollective (class) in connection with an unfavorable situation for a teenager, have a clear direction against those persons who, in his opinion. are responsible for its origin. The most important thing during this period is to bring up independence in children. The ability to defend one's opinion, not to be led by others.

It is necessary to form in the child a critical attitude to the tempting offers of advertising and to the tempting offers of peers (to try something, to experiment with something.

Advertising of tobacco and alcoholic products mainly affects children and adolescents. This is due to their lack of critical understanding of beautifully designed, seductive proposals. Bright colors, beautiful people and prestigious things serve as bait. Attracted by the magnificent landscapes. foreign words and promises of something unusual: travel, adventure, new opportunities. The child may ask: "Why are tobacco and alcohol advertised if they are dangerous substances?" You can answer like this: "Advertising is not prohibited. And people themselves must learn to see the traps so as not to fall into them."

The adolescent's social contacts are significantly expanding, he faces many social and personal problems that he tries to comprehend. Failures are experienced extremely painfully and violently, since increased emotional lability, vulnerability and impressionability are typical for puberty.

Adolescents often complain of decreased performance, fatigue, headaches, and disturbances in the process of falling asleep. Often during this period, the so-called pubertal behavioral crises are noted:

1. Increased attention to your health and fear of getting sick with a serious illness.

2. False belief in their physical inferiority (irregular facial features, ugly figure, thin legs, etc.)

3. The desire to comprehend everything independently, to understand, to find the answer to exciting questions in books and even in philosophical works. Such adolescents avoid contact with peers, seek solitude.

4. Behavior disorders - rudeness, anger. Negative attitudes towards adults.

Due to emotional and volitional immaturity, a teenager with weak educational control can easily fall under the influence of asocial elements masking their true essence with beautiful phrases and arguments about the "true life philosophy" without prohibitions and conventions that do not agree with the officially accepted "educational" one.

Puberty behavioral crises, as a rule, occur under unfavorable conditions of upbringing or in children suffering from chronic diseases (rheumatism, tuberculosis, heart disease, etc.). They are also possible against the background of residual phenomena of organic damage to the central nervous system. In physically healthy adolescents with correct life and work attitudes, puberty is relatively calm.

2. Organic lesions of the brain, chronic diseases, intoxication, etc. This reason is highlighted by the school's paramedic.

One of the reasons that can cause bad habits, neuropsychic disorders is organic brain damage. The most common residual effects of traumatic brain injury. It can occur both during childbirth and in the early years of life. These lesions may not manifest themselves with any painful disorders for a long time, as a result of which the parents forget about them.

Damage to the central nervous system also occurs as a result of previous brain infections (meningitis, encephalitis) or general infections (rheumatism, viral flu). Traumatic injuries against this background cause quite pronounced disorders in the mental development of the child.

Various physical defects of both congenital and acquired nature, especially cosmetic defects of the face (cleft lip, cleft palate, etc.), have an extremely adverse effect on the neuropsychic state of the child.

Such children from an early age, when communicating with others, especially with their peers, begin to painfully experience their "inferiority".

Among the causes of behavioral disturbances and bad habits, intoxication occupies a special place. The most common is alcohol intoxication - more often periodic under the influence of older adolescents, parents or close peers. Another form of intoxication occurs as a result of the use of drugs - tranquilizers (seduxen, elenium) and antihistamines. Neurointoxication has an extremely adverse effect both on the child's body and on his personal development.

3. Mental trauma. This reason is covered by a narcologist.

Mental trauma is an overwhelming experience for a person, accompanied by negative emotional reactions. The reasons most often are various conflict situations. More often than others, the so-called generational conflict occurs as a result of excessive guardianship and control of elders over the behavior and actions of adolescents. The adolescents are very painfully experiencing the forcible deprivation of communication with their peers, with whom they have established strong and emotionally significant relationships.

It is extremely painful for children to perceive the breaking of habitual life attitudes: moving to another city, moving to another school. Sometimes the cause of feelings is conflict as a result of a complex of their own inferiority. More often it occurs in a teenager with borderline mental retardation, as a result of his failure to master the curriculum. Frequent "educational" conversations of teachers, threats and punishments from parents.

The cause of mental trauma can be unfounded accusations of an unseemly act. Awakened and rejected ardent youthful love, hurt pride, disclosure of carefully hidden secrets, etc.

4. Inharmonious family and wrong upbringing. Classroom teacher.

A typical mistake is a lack of attention for a child in a family, when a well-groomed, well-fed, carefully dressed child can be internally lonely, psychologically neglected. Because up to his mood, experiences. Nobody cares about interests.

Psychological neglect is especially harmful when combined with overprotection: Where a strong recommendation prevails. Where everything is determined by instructions and instructions, there is no room for morality. We are so afraid. So that our children do not make mistakes in life, that we do not notice, how, in fact, we do not let them live. We trample and violate their rights given to them from birth, and then we are surprised at their infantilism, lack of independence, personal inconsistency that the fear of life prevails in them over the fear of death:

What is the danger of overprotection? The child does not develop and consolidate the skills of self-control and self-regulation. When the control of elders is weakened, he becomes disoriented in his behavior. This can explain the situation. When an excellent student, an obedient son of his parents, suddenly finds himself involved in illegal actions. Including drug use.

It is important to understand: a child who is limited in his activity does not acquire his own life experience; not personally convinced of which actions are reasonable and which are not; what to do and what to avoid.

So overprotection in some children suppresses the initiative, others, more active., Leads to impulsive, unmotivated actions, while still pushing others to secrecy, the desire to deceive adults. And then it is important to know what exactly your child is doing, sometimes outwardly the absence of any undesirable actions hides a harmful activity behind it. For example, a child is quiet, not rude, and does not miss lessons. Well, what does he do? After all, those who use drugs are just "quiet" in contrast to those who use alcohol.

It is necessary to learn to trust the child, giving him space for life, for his mistakes, for his own experience, the manifestation of independence

The family contributes to the formation of both psychological and social personality traits. If a teenager is brought up in a harmonious family, all members of which are bound by a warm emotional attachment to each other, then an unfavorable environment (asocial company) does not have a deforming effect on him, as on a teenager from a dysfunctional (inharmonious) family.

Harmonious relationships are more often established in complete families, where there is a father, mother, grandmothers. Grandfathers and other relatives. Families are often inharmonious where one of the parents is absent, there is a stepfather or stepmother who has not found emotional contact with the child.

Families where internal solidarity relations are broken, there is no mutual understanding in solving life problems, there is an excessive dominance of some members over another, there is no emotional warmth, and conflict situations often arise.

5. Forms of manifestation of behavioral disorders and bad habits.

Classroom teacher.

Various forms of behavior disorder and bad habits are not always fixed with age. They can be smoothed out. However, these changes are the initial manifestations of a neuropsychic disease. Painful manifestations that have arisen in adolescence may disappear for some time, but they will certainly appear at a more mature age.

1. Fears and obsessions.

The emergence of various fears is quite typical for childhood and puberty. Most often it is a neurotic fear of the dark, loneliness, separation from parents, increased attention to their health. In older children and adolescents, obsessive fears become more complex, and actions take the form of painful defensive ones. Sometimes quite complex rituals. The obsessive fear of infection is accompanied by frequent hand washing. The obsessive fear of getting a bad grade leads to a number of inhibitions (for example, not going to the movies or not watching TV, etc.).

2. Motor disinhibition.

Motor disinhibition is one of the most common behavioral disorders in childhood and early adolescence. It manifests itself in restlessness, an abundance of insufficiently purposeful movements. Exuberant playfulness, the desire to run a race, jump, start various outdoor games are combined in such children with increased distraction. Inability to concentrate attention for a long time. The child cannot concentrate on the teacher's explanation, is easily distracted by homework, as a result of which his academic performance suffers seriously.

3. Runaways and vagrancy.

Leaving home, sometimes many days of vagrancy, appear most often in the period from 7 to 14 years. This is a kind of expression of protest or resentment against teachers and parents. It is important to note that leaving home is carried out alone, without any preparation or thought about possible difficulties and hardships. With frequent departures, a teenager often falls into the company of asocial elements and begins to get used to alcohol.

4. Disorder of appetite.

An appetite disorder in children and adolescents occurs for various reasons. It can be a desire to attract attention and achieve the desired goal or a reaction to a quarrel, separation from family and friends, difficult experiences. The reason for restricting food or refusing to eat is also the desire to lose weight, correct the figure.

5. Fear of your physical inadequacy.

This is understood as an unfounded conviction that one has a physical handicap. This phenomenon is more common in girls.

6. Pathological hobbies.

They are characterized by extreme obsession or overly intense character, unusual and pretentious, when everything else (study, entertainment, meeting with friends) is relegated to the background.

7. Tobacco smoking.

In the very process of smoking, the desire to imitate adults to feel like an adult is most clearly manifested. When smoking, a teenager copies all the details of this process, characteristic of the person he is trying to imitate. With a negative attitude of parents to this pathological habit, the child begins to smoke secretly in the company of peers, away from adults. In the process of smoking, adolescents' desire for grouping is realized. When smoking, you can talk about forbidden topics, find mutual understanding and support from the interlocutor, increase your authority among peers, and expand friendly contacts. To buy cigarettes, a teenager begins to "carve out" money given out by parents for various purposes. There is a passionate desire to chicly take out of your pocket a pack in beautiful packaging and catchy labels, print, take out a cigarette, smoke and treat your peers. The emotional background created by the prohibition and the desire to communicate with like-minded people contributes to the consolidation of the habit.

8. Alcohol abuse.

Acquaintance with alcohol occurs mainly on holidays, where a teenager often secretly tastes small amounts of alcohol, and he is driven by curiosity about the drink. At puberty, a teenager wants to seem like an adult, better than others .. At this (15-17 years old) age, alcoholization begins. It has been established that the teenager is attracted not by the taste of the drink, but by its action - the state of intoxication. The systematic use of alcoholic beverages should be attributed to the most harmful habits of adolescents, since it leads not only to various behavioral disorders, but also to the development of alcoholism, a painful condition, which is more correctly called alcohol addiction.

Purpose: creating conditions for those present to comprehend the acuteness of the declared problem for society, a specific family, a specific person and determine an active educational position in relation to the younger generation.


Obtaining reliable factual information that awakens emotions, makes one think and analyze, reflect on one's own life practice and educational experience.

Developing your own educational position in relation to your child (children), in relation to the surrounding youth.

Gaining experience of behavior in difficult situations and projecting this experience onto future situations.

Form of carrying out: lecture hall

Participants: parents of students 4 - in class


“Actions are the fruits of thoughts.

If thoughts are reasonable, there will be good deeds. "

Gracia y Morales Baltasar

Yesterday he was very small, and you carried him in your arms, called him a baby. For him, no one existed but you, and your most important problem was to change your baby's diapers on time. Just yesterday…

And today he is almost an adult, your child. He has his own view of many things, he tries to be independent. These attempts most often lead to conflicts, misunderstandings and growing alienation between you. Sometimes you just feel discouraged, and you do not know what to do next. How to understand your child? How to deal with him? How to protect from mistakes, because he is still completely inexperienced?

You want only good for him, but why is he leaving more and more often, slamming the door? Where did all these conflicts come from literally “out of the blue”, because until recently it seemed to you that you perfectly know and understand your child? Questions, questions, questions ... And among them the eternal main ones: what to do and who is to blame. Do not rush to despair, many parents face similar problems! We'd better try to find a way out of this situation together.

It is very important that an atmosphere of love, goodwill, and mutual respect reigns in the family, so that parental control is not excessive and does not interfere with the development of the independence and responsibility of children.

In general, understanding a child means being able to take his position and look at the situation through his eyes. Do you really feel your son or daughter so well that you can always determine his (her) mood? Unfortunately, many parents only think that they are “tuned in” to their child, but in fact they wishful thinking.

Parent test: "Do you understand your child?" Slide 3-15.

This test is designed to help you determine how well you understand your child in a difficult adolescence. Be honest when answering questions: only you will see the results, so you have no reason to be cunning. You have three options: yes (always); sometimes; no never). For each answer, 1, 2 or 3 points are awarded, at the end of the test, count the number of points scored and see what you get as a result. Slide 16.

The test is not a sentence or a characteristic of a person; rather, it can be called a warning or useful advice.

1. Teenage environment and bad habits

From small and helpless, they turn into adolescents. Children grow up and the problems we face become more serious. Today I would like to invite you to think about the bad habits that lie in wait for any person on the path of life, sometimes crossing out the whole life. How to keep your child safe from drugs? Perhaps we won't find a unique recipe today, but we'll try to figure it out. Slide 17-18.

Habit is second nature ... How often do we hear these words. Everyone has a large number of habits, both harmful and beneficial. A habit is an automated action that manifests itself independently of a person's desires. Good habits help us feel collected, organized, and ready to face challenges. They help a person in case of stress, in a time pressure. Unfortunately, people - both adults and children - develop not only useful but also bad habits. Any habit does not appear by accident. It is based on a reinforcement mechanism. If the habit has received repeated positive reinforcement, then it will become entrenched and it will be difficult to eliminate it. Both psychologists and teachers solve the problem of bad habits, and parents also struggle with the bad habits of children. How do we do it? Let's try to move from theory to practice.

You don't want bad habits to prevail over your children, do you?
Therefore, we will talk about smoking, drug addiction, and alcoholism.

Slide 19-21.

1.1 Smoking

How to keep your child from smoking? We may not find a unique recipe today, but let's try to figure it out.

The fact that tobacco is harmful to the body has been known for a long time. Experiments have shown that animals die under the influence of nicotine. Then the phrase was born: "A drop of nicotine kills a horse." To be precise, a drop of nicotine can kill not one, but three horses. Slide 22.

Nicotine is a powerful nerve poison. For humans, a lethal dose is 0.08 g of nicotine (this amount is contained in only 10 cigarettes). Not all smoke goes to the lungs. The smoker gets about 25% of this "smoky bouquet", 60% is scattered in the atmosphere, but 15% gets into the lungs of others. In the child's body, mechanisms that allow, due to the work of the liver, kidneys, lungs, to quickly get rid of toxic substances as soon as possible, are only being formed. Hence the sad statistics: the incidence of colds in children of smokers is 3 times higher, bronchial asthma is 4 times higher, and allergies are 2 times higher compared to children from non-smoking families.

Slide 23. Measures to avoid secondhand smoke:

- In the family, there should be a taboo on smoking in the presence of a child;

- the apartment needs to be frequently and regularly ventilated;

- To teach the child the correct behavior in the presence of people who smoke;

- explain to the child why one of his household smokes, and he should not do this in any case.

The first time you smoke, the throat is sore, the heart beats faster, and a nasty taste appears in the mouth. All these unpleasant sensations associated with the first cigarette are not accidental. This is a protective reaction of the body, and we must take advantage of it, give up the next cigarette. Until the hour has come when it will not be so easy to do it.

There are 3 stages of smoking.

1. Irregular smoking / psychological dependence /.

2. Prolonged smoking / psychophysiological dependence /.

3.Intensive smoking / physiological dependence /.

It is important to explain to your child the health risks of smoking. In this case, the main emphasis should be placed on things that are significant for a girl or boy. Smoking affects growth. It quickly ages a person and makes him less attractive. Not a single smoker has ever managed to reach heights in sports.

What to do if you find out that your child has tried smoking. Slide 24-26.

Ask him to explain why he decided to try smoking. A son or daughter should understand that an honest confession will not be punished. It is necessary to understand the reasons that made the child try to smoke. The child should know that his act upset you very much. Ask him to reassure you: make a promise not to repeat your wrongdoing.

(The results of the questionnaire survey of students. See Appendix 1)

1.2. Childhood alcoholism is scary!

Video clip "Childhood alcoholism in Russia" (see video)

In the modern world, these problems have suddenly “rejuvenated”: there are so many adolescents among smokers, drunkards and drug addicts today that adults simply do not have the right to dismiss this problem. There is no guarantee that your own child, obedient and modest yesterday, will not become addicted to tobacco, alcohol and drugs tomorrow; of course, you should try to avoid this. Slide 27-28.

But what should be done so that the teenager does not sink to the bottom, does not turn into an alcoholic or drug addict, does not exchange real life for hallucinatory delirium? First of all, a personal example is important here: what does a child see from childhood, how do you feel about smoking, alcohol, your closest relatives, friends of your family? How do you celebrate the holidays?

The second point is your attitude to information that comes in large quantities from the TV screen, from radio receivers, from the pages of newspapers and magazines: if you joyfully laugh at jokes about drug addicts, be proud of the “exploits” of our drunken compatriots (“Nobody in the whole world is Russian will get drunk! ”), you sneer skeptically, reading about cirrhosis of the liver, what do you want from a teenager? He will treat in the same way this issue, like you! Be careful in your statements, or even better - reconsider your concept of life and change attitudes

(Results of the questionnaire study. See Appendix 1.)

1.3. Addiction Slide 29-32.

Let me tell you one legend that will allow us to dot the i.

« A traveler walking along the river heard desperate cries of children. Running to the shore, he saw drowning children in the river and rushed to save them. Noticing a person passing by, he began to call him for help. He began to help those who were still afloat. Seeing the third traveler, they called him for help ... But he, not paying attention to the calls, quickened his steps ...

“Do you care about the fate of the children?” Asked the rescuers.

The third traveler answered them: “I see that the two of you are coping. I will run to the turn, find out why children fall into the river, and try to prevent it. ".

This parable illustrates possible approaches to solving the problem of drug addiction. You can save "drowning" children by building hospitals and rehabilitation centers, and fight drug dealers. Professionals should and are doing this. The task of teachers and parents is “to reach the bend of the river and prevent children from falling into the water,” that is, to do their own thing - prevention.

The most difficult stage of our conversation is devoted to the problem from which each of us wants to fence ourselves off, thinking that this will never affect us. But Seneca was right when he said, “What is good? Knowledge. What is evil? Ignorance". To resist evil, one must know about it, one must be stronger than it. What should we know about drug addiction today?

Difficulties and contradictions are inherent in every period of the life of society. Perestroika affected many aspects of life, brought not only some positive results, but also many new problems, among which: juvenile delinquency, drug addiction, substance abuse. These problems are global, have a social character and affect most of all adolescents with an unstable psyche.

So, drugs have become a reality today, their danger is associated with three main points:

1) A drug is a drug that constantly increases the need for its use. Drug addiction, substance abuse is the reception of poisons, which, becoming part of the metabolic processes of the body, cause the need to take more and more large doses.

2) Addiction to drugs, substance abuse lead to a rapid degradation of the personality of a teenager who is ready to obtain the substance by any means, goes to commit a crime, stopping at nothing. At the same time, in 90% of cases, the courts fail to find out the sources and bosses of the drug business.

3) Drugs and substance abuse lead to a decrease in performance, movements are slowed down, attention is scattered, the reaction to any stimulus becomes inadequate, the teenager loses reference in the outside world, moral and intellectual degradation occurs.

There are the following reasons for starting drug use:

1. Free offer to try the drug.

2. Out of curiosity.

3. Does not realize the harmfulness and harmfulness of a habit, the reaction to which is 15 - 20 times higher than to alcohol.

4. Low self-esteem of a teenager.

5. The desire to get away from melancholy and loneliness.

Scientists and practitioners dealing with drug addiction problems identify specific factors that contribute to the involvement of adolescents in the company of drug users. Parents also need to know and keep in mind.

1. Difficulty in relationships with elders or lack of parental control.

2. Some adolescents strive to prove themselves or stand out in the peer group at any cost - due to the fact that they are used to increased attention in the family. They have a need to surprise, accomplish, do what other teenagers have not done before.

3. The force of coercion is often used, especially for the weak-willed, or for adolescents, deprived of the attention of adults.

Every year the underground markets of our country receive the latest varieties of drugs. In Russia, he commits more than 20 thousand crimes on the basis of drug addiction. In the past five years, the total amount of drugs seized has increased from 12 to 85 tons. According to opinion polls, 12% of schoolchildren under the age of 16 have tried drugs at least once in their life, 1% use them regularly. Representatives of the criminal environment are extremely interested in repeating the first drug use experience of adolescents. It's money.

Each parent should be well aware of the signs of a child's addiction to drugs: Slide 33.

1. Abrupt change of friends.

2. A sharp deterioration in behavior.

3. Changing eating habits.

4. Cases of forgetfulness, incoherent speech.

5. Abrupt mood swings.

6. Complete loss of previous interests.

7. Sudden lack of coordination of movements.

8. Frequent mention of drugs in jokes and conversations.

9. Against the background of complete health - dilated pupils, redness of the eyes, cough, runny nose, vomiting.

However, being attentive to a child does not mean closely following his every step and suspecting everything bad. It means loving and supporting him. For a very long time, the famous actress Marlene Dietrich said about her mother: “Harder than the floor under my feet when I was little. Harder than rocks when you need support, and much harder than rocks when you stand without help and are ready to run at breakneck speed. "

2. Liability of minors

Administrative Offenses Code Slide 34.

Article 20. 20. Drinking alcoholic and alcohol-containing products or narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances in public places.

Article 20. 21. Appearance (in public places in a state of intoxication).

Article 20.22. Drinking and appearance, as well as the use of narcotic, psychotropic substances by minors under the age of 16. It shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on parents or their legal representatives in the amount of 3 to 5 times the minimum wage.

Criminal Code

Article 228. Illegal manufacture, acquisition, storage, transportation, transfer or sale of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances (imprisonment for a term of 3 to 10 years).

Article 230. Induction to the use of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances (imprisonment for a term of 2 to 8 years).

Article 231. Illegal cultivation (a fine ranging from 500 to 700 times the minimum wage).

Article 232. Organization of dens for the consumption of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances (imprisonment for a term of 3 to 7 years).

  1. The outcome of the meeting. Slide 34.

Try to help them understand that ...

The media often creates attractive images of people who drink alcohol and smoke, but real life not so much and not more than among nondrinkers and nonsmokers.

Alcohol and drugs dull the mind and can interfere with motor coordination, but they do not solve any problem.

Neither cigarette, nor alcohol, nor drugs can turn a child into an adult. Only time and experience can do this. Moreover, alcohol consumption by minors is a violation of the law, just like smoking by children under 14 years of age.

Not being addicted to tobacco, alcohol or drugs in the future will help you gain good friends and gain a better position in society. To be successful in life, children must learn to communicate effectively, be able to work in a team and choose friends who are free from alcohol and drugs.

The vast majority of famous actors, musicians, singers, whom we often see on screens, come to the conclusion that a sober lifestyle is necessary, and those who do not understand this end up badly.

Slide 35. Techniques for counteracting bad habits.

  • Teach your teen to have their own personality. Tell him what makes a person special and unique. Talk to him about people he respects, why they deserve it.
  • Study the meaning of the word "friendship" with him. Ask him to make a list of qualities that he would describe a friend, and another list - an enemy. Write your lists, compare them.
  • Many parents teach their child to be polite. It's good. But explain to your teen that there are situations where politeness should be forgotten. For example, when someone puts pressure on him in order to force him to smoke, take alcohol or drugs, one must firmly say “no”.
  • Save your kids from temptation. Do not allow your children to visit friends when their parents are not at home, do not allow them to become participants in "hidden" companies. No parties in the absence of parents.
  • Stimulate the participation of the teenager in the social life of the school and class, in sports, music, without requiring him to be the best. Then there will be less likelihood that the bad will be carried away.
    Spend more time with your child, children appreciate it and are proud of it.
    How parents behave about alcohol and smoking is very important. Children are more responsible when parents set an example.
  • There is a simple pattern: the more teenagers around your child drink alcohol or smoke, the more likely he will do the same. Let the child move in a safe environment.

Memo to parents from a child Slide 37.

Do not spoil me

Don't be afraid to be firm with me

Don't rely on strength

Don't make promises you can't keep

Don't make me feel younger

Do not correct me in the presence of strangers

Don't forget that I love to experiment.

Do not forget that I cannot develop successfully without attention and approval.

And besides, I love you so much, please answer me in kind ...

Love your children, but don't be blind!