Pleasant positive impression of modern. How to make a good impression: Important rules

Many people are lost when meeting a new person. Numerous questions arise: what to say, how to behave, etc. The following are 12 basic rules, how to behave in such a situation. They will help you overcome embarrassment and create the best impression of yourself.

1. First you need to relax. Frequently from internal stress and stiffness. Try to tie a conversation.

2. Smile. A sullen or serious view will not make you more attractive.

3. In the conversation, use the name of the interlocutor. This will help make a conversation more personal.

4. Do not take a look from the interlocutor. Right visual contact plays a huge role in communication.

5. Do not narrow. You will not be able to make a good impression on others if you squeezed or slouch. By the way, bad posture is also considered one of the signs of the insecure man.

6. Be yourself. Do not try to depict yourself in the best light with the help of lies. For example, you do not need to lie, that you are sitting on a diet, because it is fashionable if in fact every night you make a hollow on your refrigerator.

7. Head not only to talk, but also listen. Of course, to impress an interesting interlocutor, you need to be able to support the conversation. However, it is not necessary to chat without silent. Much more important to demonstrate that you are also a good listener.

8. Be careful with humor. It will be a pity if one stupid joke will spoil all the good impression of you.

9. Do not interrupt the interlocutor, But from time to time, specify the details. If you are not interested in the topic, then try switching to another no earlier than in 5 minutes.

10. The appearance is of great importance. Remember this.

11. Speak confidently and convincingly, but in moderation. Do not allow your conversation to convert into your monologue.

12. And the last advice: never begin to get acquainted with the discussion of your personal problems. In no case begin to complain about a new acquaintance.

Now you know how to make a good impression, it remains only to take advantage of these tips.

Polina Lajekhova | 04/20/2015 | 683.

Polina Lekhova 20.04.2015 683

The first impression can be deceptive, but it is also the first thing that it is impossible to correct it. How to make a good first impression on a potential employer, friends or customer friends?

Admit to honestly: how much time do you need to form an idea of \u200b\u200ban unfamiliar person? Sometimes it is enough to half an hour, sometimes a few minutes or even a couple of seconds. Perhaps soon you will have to change your opinion about a person and learn it from an unexpected side. But in any case, the first impression will remain first.

And how I would like to like people at first glance, is it not true? Let's figure it out if it is possible.

1. Spend "investigation"

  • First And most importantly - to decide who are you going to impress. It's one thing, if we are talking about a job interview. Other - if you are going to visit a friend, where unfamiliar people will gather.
  • Second - determine for yourself what kind of impression you want to create. What feature of your character or abilities would like to notice at you at the first acquaintance? Collence and responsibility? Easy character and suspended language? Competence in professional matters? It is clear that at a meeting with future employers and in a small friendly company, people behave differently.
  • Thirdmeet people in absentia. Going to the interview, learn the company's corporate website, remember the name of the chief. If your task is to impress someone from the friendly environment - "Get to know" with their hobbies, the area of \u200b\u200bactivity and so on. People are always nice when personal interest is manifested.

The more you know about your visa, the greater you will feel at the meeting.

2. Receive

Pretty to prepare will never be superfluous. Depending on what channel will pass the conversation, consider your speech. What will you talk about? How will you answer not very comfortable questions that, most likely, hear on the interview? What exciting stories can you tell us? How to convince partner to start cooperation?

Scroll in the mind possible options for developing events so that the arguments of the companion did not find you surprise.

If you feel not in your plate during important meetings, rehearse the conversation with your husband or girlfriend. A thoughtful and reheated action plan will help you cope with excitement.

3. Play

Many people confident people actually only pretend that they are absolutely sure what they say and do. But this trick works: others really believe them!

Imagine that this is your role and play! Before the meeting, make some deep breaths, relax and tune in to a good game.

When you begin to feel that doubts about our own forces and fear do something wrong, remind yourself that now you are not you, but a strong, confident, smart, charming woman.

And, of course, try to look as good as possible (whatever hiding for "good" in your case: a spectacular suit, good styling, makeup, etc.). It will give you confidence and will place your visa to yourself.

4. Smile

Lack of smile can only forgive languid fatal beauties. Even if you refer yourself to those, at the interview or friendly meeting of the drama is not a place. Smile - it helps to establish contact and tune in one wave.

American scientists argue that the first thing that most people remember is his smile. According to the results of one of the studies, a person with a pleasant smile causes more confidence than a discrepanished man dressed with a needle.

5. Secure the first impression

In fact, the first impression is not only the first conversation with a man, but also her ending. Thank the interlocutor for the meeting, exchange contact information. After some time, unobtrusively remind yourself.

6. Be yourself

We will be honest: no matter how hard you tried, you cannot control what people think about you. We naturally and do not try to become a witty soul of the company, if in nature you are silent person prone to self-reflection.

It sounds like a cliché, but this is true truth: be yourself, because all other roles are already busy!

Several articles we devote how to make our communication with other people enjoyable and useful.
And start from the very beginning - with dating.
Did you think that you were refused to work at the first meeting, although this meeting was appointed? And the meeting with a person is important for business or personal relations ended with nothing? And the relationship with mother-in-law or mother-in-law did not work out because you did not like each other at first glance?
Now I mentioned those situations that are really important to us and from what impression we produce in them our life largely depends. It is established, for example, that when taking a job, no matter how long the conversation has lasted, a positive or negative opinion about the candidate is formed during the first 3-4 minutes of the conversation. After that, questions are set depending on the current opinions: with positive - allowing a person to reveal from the best side, with a negative - "on the backbone". I think that not all experts involved in the problems of communication will agree with 3-4 minutes. Some consider and prove it experimentally that the first impression is formed in 10 seconds of interaction.

The first impression is always wrong

Probably many of us if they did not participate in such a dispute, at least, at least thought about the issue, how deceptive or right is the first impression. I wonder what conclusions did you come to? I am convinced that there is no definite answer to this question - it can be true, can be absolutely erroneous, can be partially true. It all depends on the one who perceive who perceives and the conditions of perception.
Sorry for the banality, but people are different. Some are open to perception, they are easy to make a first impression. Others are closed, it is often difficult about them to say anything defined. They can be either intellectuals, or near, or shy, etc., but it is often difficult to guess this. Third constantly in motion, their inner world is hidden behind external bustle and actions. There are people who know how to adapt well to circumstances, and there are those that are not amenable to any descriptive characteristic. They dissolve in the crowd, not leaving the observer in the memory of the traces of their image. They are very difficult to say anything defined. Of course, all this affects the first impression.

Factors that influence the first impression

1. Physical attractiveness
Indeed, it is noticed, "what is beautiful, that's good", that is, the effect of beauty is able to attribute to the interlocutor, without any actual base, exceptionally positive character traits and moral qualities.
Evaluating appeal, pay special attention to the face. An attractive is considered a person with a beautiful face, and this is connected not so much with the beauty of the face, as with his expressiveness. If the facial expressions of the interlocutor expresses calm and goodwill, then in most cases it will be assessed surrounding positively.
The master of the physical appeal is the most important role in the formation of physical appeal. It is known that good posture is associated with confidence and optimism, as well as internal strength and dignity. The bad posture is perceived as a manifestation of uncertainty, and very often - dependence and subordination. All this is very important to take into account when establishing contacts with people.

2. In addition to external attractiveness, non-verbal human behavior is essential.
A special place is the view of a person. If a person does not take a look, does not look "past" the other, does not give his eyes down, then it is more confident, more benevolent about him, and this is due to the presentation of the presentation that, on the one hand, the volitional In nature, a person is not afraid to look into the eyes of people, on the other - if a person on us delays his eyes, it means that we are of something interesting.
It turned out, the posture in which the person is located during the conversation is also important. People more like those who learn their body forward during the conversation, compared with those who reject it back.
There is a fact of existence for each person (in the situation familiar to him) a distance, which should separate it and an unfamiliar person so that it does not cause irritation. The magnitude of this distance depends on the growth of people, their gender, nervous mental stateThe intentions existing in relation to the person they are trying to make an opinion. For example, women prefer a slightly smaller distance of such communication, the men are greater. Likewise people talk on a closer distance. On this basis, you can determine the attitude of the interlocutor to yourself. With official communication or wary of the attitude, they try to settle down a little further.

3. Attitude towards people
A greater effect on the perception of an extraneous person will impose its positive attitude towards people. Thanks to this effect, the overall revaluation of an unfamiliar person may occur. So that the interlocutor felt a good attitude towards himself, it is necessary to show attention and interest in it. It is important not to overload a stick to not impress either the Lsiets or a manipulator.

4. Speech and voice
We unconsciously associate the sound of voice with certain identity characteristics. Therefore, even when we do not see a person, but only hearing him, then we still have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe interlocutor and something about his character. With a sighty voice, unbalanced or hysterical person is stably associated. Fast, but slightly lifting speech will issue uncertainty. The languid voice detects sensual, but careful nature. And sluggishly speaking and stretching words a person can impress the shortness. The voice of the voice, most often, indicates a cheerful temper.
At the perception of a person also pay attention to the verbal turnover, often used words and expressions, intonation, sound hardness, the tempo of speech and articulation. The vote reflects thoughts. If we think about something harsh or unpleasant, then the voice becomes harder. If we think about a close person, the voice appears softness. In addition, the value is of style and content - analyzing them, it is not difficult to understand the cultural level of a person. Already after a few minutes of the conversation, the interlocutor will form an idea and how friend you are reliable, about what degree of confidence can we talk about. Interesting patterns established scientists - they believe that the emotions of anger and fear make the sound of the voice more old, and the emotions of the joy "reduce" age.

5. Features of the design of human appearance, such as clothing, hairstyle, cosmetics also affect the folding impression. The general rule in the selection of clothing reads: "Choose the style of clothing that is acceptable where you are going." In some circumstances, the style works as an identification system "his own strangers". If styles fundamentally coincide, then you are taken for "your", and it facilitates communication with unfamiliar people. Dress, suit forced to attribute a person certain qualities. For example, a person in military uniform, such qualities as discipline, accuracy, perseverance were attributed. In general, the selection of clothing needs to be very carefully, given its coloring and the proportions of the figure (you can read about it on the Internet, but also on the pages of the site also talk about it).

"Life never grants us the second opportunity to make the first impression" Mark Levi

It is said that the first impression is the most accurate and sure. The first impression is made in 7 seconds. It may be an interview, a party or a date. It often happens that the second chance simply does not happen. One gets to produce a good first impression easily and naturally, and others are more difficult. But it's not difficult to produce a good first impression if you know some tricks of professionals.

1. Be sure to smile
2. Do not wait until you are interested, and do the first step myself
3. Crane hand firmly and confident
4. Do not be afraid to say hello to the man first
5. We behave confidently, but not as self-confident bouncer
6. Keep your back smoothly, and the posture of beautiful and confident
7. Always look accordingly. Dress better than the situation requires
8. Two appearance always should be neat, neat and even flawless
9. Watch your wardrobe, hairstyle, bristles, nails and body odor
10. Hold the teeth with snow-white, and the breath is fresh
11. Be calm, do not fuss and do not be nervous
12. remember the name of the person and call a couple of times in a conversation
13. Look into the eyes of the interlocutor, do not get distracted and do not take a look to the side

14. Control the voice, intonation, timbre. Keep the voice of confident and solid
15. Relax to the interlocutor felt the naturalness of the situation
16. We are noble, help others and especially girls
17. We behave friendly and positive
18. Look at yourself from the eyes of other people and adjust the behavior
19. Good and positive mood guarantees a good conversation
20. Be easier, everything is still drawn to such people
21. Show a sense of humor, but not overgrime stick
22. Interested people: opinions, desires, hobbies, interests and life
23. Ask the Council at the interlocutor, it will increase his self-esteem.
24. Be punctual and do not make people wait
25. Choose the topic for conversations that are interested in the interlocutor, and not you
26. Avoid controversial topics and conversations (politics, religion, etc.)
27. Speak less and listen to the interlocutor more
28. Never interrupt the interlocutor
29. Use the technique of active hearing, ask the lead questions and agree
30. Look for common points of contact and what connects you
31. Do not be intrusive, do not tighten the conversation, so that the interlocutor missed
32. Treat respectively to all, even "small" people
33. Be sincere and trustworthy
34. Do not complain, do not tell about your problems and do not load the interlocutor

35. Try to present yourself as much as possible in the best light.
36. Wheave yourself and do not be afraid to behave naturally
37. Speak clearly, clearly and slowly
38. Standing or sitting slightly lean to the interlocutor, it will show interest.
39. Learn to love people and enjoy communication with them

40. Try to look actively and sports - it likes everyone
41. Do not be distracted in conversation for calls, telephone and other people
42. Use body language: gestures, view, gait, facial expressions
43. Do not look closed. Do not choke, do not cross hands and legs
44. Be self-charonized and not too seriously believing
45. Do not be smart and not be uncompromising
46. \u200b\u200bWatch the manners and behave adequately
47. Cool the interlocutor, unobtrusively repeating his posture, behavior and speech
48. Do compliments and slightly ice companion
49. Let the interlocutor understand that it is important, valuable and interesting
50. End the conversation on a positive note

These simple ways will help you produce good and excellent first impression. From this too much depends in the career and personal life to ignore. Save yourself to my memory to be ready always.

The content of the article:

The first impression is an image that is formed at the first meeting with a person from other people. This happens not only by receiving emotional and physical information, but also due to the development of their personal reaction to them. Thus, in the head there is a certain set of characteristics of this individual, in accordance with which further communication will develop. For all mankind, this process is very important, because it is he who predetermines any relationship between people. Therefore, everyone is trying to learn how to produce such an impression that he needs in this situation.

Factors of formation of the first impression

The process during which the impression is formed, lasts only a few first minutes when you meet. Despite this, it stacked in the head in people as a reference point in building future relations. The way of a person will perceive at this point depends on many factors affecting the formation of the first impression. Most modern psychologists are trying to draw up a list of the most important items on which attention is drawn in the first place.

Today, among them allocate:

  • Exterior appearance. This factor can be explained as a common image assessment. Meaning emotions that arise for the first time at the sight of this person. They are not supported by conversations or manners, and just built on what feelings cause his appearance during the meeting.
  • Elements appearance. No matter how tried to argue, but the most important point in the formation of the first impression of a person is the assessment of material qualities. This is clothing, and hair condition, nails, leather. All that can be seen with the naked eye before the beginning of the conversation. Absolutely all people pay attention to this and take note long before the recognition of a particular person as a person.
  • Manifestation of emotions. Only after the evaluation of previous qualities, the intangible characteristics of the person are taken note. At this point drawn attention to the manifestation of feelings. It is important how this personality behaves in one or another situation will behave, whether to smile during jokes and what sights to life shares. Thus, they evaluate moral qualities, which is also important when meeting.
  • Features of behavior. Many people are able to determine many traits of his character from the first minutes. To do this, they estimate the gait, the position of the hands and feet when communicating, gesturing, movement of the mimic muscles and even the character of a smile. These and many other points allow you to determine the intentions and openness of the opponent, its habit and attitudes towards the company. This item is also extremely important because it helps to know the type of character of a person.
  • Individual qualities. The latter, as evaluated when meeting a person, his personal characteristics are. These are the qualities that distinguish it from the total mass. Such may be like views on life and the presence of moles on the chin. In a word, what is capable of hooking and attract the attention of those present.
Most often, the listed factors are used precisely in this order. But despite this, each person has a tendency to notice what is more important and interesting, changing this sequence.

Distorting first impression effects

Given that the first impression of a person develops for an incredibly short period of time, it cannot be called objective. The thing is that on its formation is influenced by not only the moment, but also other factors. These are different circumstances and information that can distort the resulting picture. It often happens that when an individual sees his opponent, he already has certain subconscious prejudices on his account.

Several effects, which have such an action:

  1. Halo. This concept denotes the exaggeration of the significance of the first impression. After all, it can create a specific image that will be taken into account with all subsequent meetings. For example, if you will like it at first acquaintance with a woman and interest, then all his bad actions in the future she will justify herself. Exactly the same situation may be formed and not in his favor. If he is late or unsuccessfully joked on the first date, it does not make sense to hope for the second.
  2. Primary. Evaluating a person, everyone is inclined to expose their priorities. And so someone first looks at the color of the eyes, and others on the tidiness in clothing or generosity. It is the impression of the first item that can determine the attitude towards this person at all. Therefore, someone can be constructed by a beautiful jacket or uttering the desired phrase, even if, in addition, a person cannot boast anything else. Perception forms what was presented initially.
  3. Boomerang. Almost every person knows what this phenomenon means. The thing is that people are always inclined to counteract the effect on them. Therefore, in relation to those who are immediately trying to join the team, attract attention or puts themselves above the rest, negative emotions are produced. Everyone perceive them as enemies and, despite the subsequent actions, seek catching everywhere.
  4. Condescension. This feature is solely a feature of a person who will have to make up his opinion about commens. There are people who are inclined to regret others, so they will be initially tuned to everyone. Their opinion can not be called objective, but that is how they see others.
  5. Stereotype. Very frequently found phenomenon, which is observed in relations between men and women. It is in such cases that people tend to perceive new acquaintances with biased outstanding opinions. If the lady once changed, then every subsequent male representative would need to prove to her that he was not like that. And it doesn't matter that there is no reason to think so, because there is a stereotype developed earlier.
  6. Projections. This happens among people who do not like any qualities in themselves. That is why subconsciously try to see them in others. Consequently, the opinion of a person will be initially bad, because it is supported by the most unloved habit or a character line. People rarely may notice such problems themselves, but communication with them is still sufficiently difficult.

How to make a good impression

To build any relationship, it is very important that a person learned from a good side. Not all people know how to show all their advantages, and this is quite capable of surrounding them. To find out how to make the first impression, you do not need to reread millions of smart books and monographs. It is only possible to afford to be yourself and take into account some facts about the opponent.

Features of behavior when meeting

First you need to get together with thoughts and set the goal of this meeting. It is necessary to clearly understand how important it is for a person what will think about him. Finding out these criteria for yourself, you can proceed to the preparation of yourself.

We give some tips to be observed when meeting:

  • To be natural. When a person has an important meeting, he is trying to prepare for it as carefully. But externally, such an ideality may seem like a latter and unreal, which will still be fattening. Moreover, all acquaintance will be spent on thinking, so that something is not forgetting and not to say too much. Therefore, such a long preparation will not lead anything good. It is better to be myself and communicate with a person sincerely, without too much fuss.
  • Do not flatter. In order to enjoy someone, it does not necessarily imitate him completely. All people are individual in their actions and views. And the presence of one's own opinion is more like more than zealism and consent with everything. Of course, it is not worth it too violently to defend your point of view, so as not to offend the opponent. Everything should be in moderation.
  • Enjoy meeting. Despite how people will be present during a conversation, it is necessary to calm themselves and approach this situation with the mind. If the meeting should take place, it is better not to resist this, but on the contrary, look for a point of contact with a person. It is necessary to listen to it carefully and take useful information for yourself. Such a meeting can bring a lot of fruits for both sides when building a constructive approach.
  • Look at oneself. Sometimes such a skill helps a person to ease life during important meetings. After all, we look at yourself at all with a different angle. Gestures and jokes of the individual can only be understandable to him alone, but the strangers are able to perceive them as an offense. Therefore, it is worth considering their manners in communication so that they are available and understand everyone.
  • Determine their advantages. To interest anyone, you must first define for yourself how it can be done. After that, it will be much easier to establish communication, because a person will know his main advantages. It is they who should attract attention from the part and make communication as interesting. Such attractive moments can serve as a sense of humor, friendliness. If a person cannot understand that he can offer interesting, you need to carefully work on myself.

Rules for conducting a conversation with the interlocutor

First, his opponent always needs to be recognized as close as possible, learns to understand his interests and views on life. This will help more constructively build a conversation without embarrassing moments.

Secondly, it is worth adhere to universal rules for conducting a conversation, which are generally accepted:

  1. Listen to. This requires every interlocutor. It is very important to everyone and it is necessary that they pay attention to them, tolerance showed and nodded their heads in response to some phrases. If such an opportunity was provided, then the conversation will be very productive. At least, from a sense of politeness, a person will not refuse request, will be called a good listener and the interlocutor.
  2. Do not say a lot. It is very important that the opponent does not feel superfluous during the prevailing peculiar monologue. People who start talking from discussion their problems only scare away from themselves. Do not bother your interlocutor overnight attention and chatter. Any conversation should end before a person starts to hint about it or speak directly.
  3. Contact by name. For some reason, few people remember in the modern world in the modern world. And in fact, any person is always pleased to hear her name. Therefore, you need to try as often as possible. Thus, respect for the interlocutor is manifested and the first impression of his opponent is also improving. Naturally, it does not concern business meetings, where necessary to contact by name and patronymic.
  4. Make eye contact. No matter how strange it sounds, but the method really works. A direct view of the eye says that his interlocutor is really important to this person. The maneuver will be necessarily appreciated.
How to make the first impression - watch the video:

The psychology of the first impression is extremely popular in the modern world. The impact on the subsequent communication and the development of any relationship is almost always built on this principle. Therefore, it is very important to be able to not only correctly express yourself at the meeting, but also learn to objectively assess its new acquaintances. Thus, a person will never have problems with misunderstanding or an underestimation of his personality, and all important conversations will become the usual secular conversation.