Congratulations on the birth of a 7 year old son. I wish you reliable friends. Happy birthday to son

Happy birthday
Seven years

Congratulations dear
FROM the best holiday in the world!
No treasure is more important
For parents than children.
And so we wish
Only joy from now on.
happy birthday congratulations
Both parents and son!

Happy birthday son
We hasten to congratulate you
And leave a couple of lines
In this bright good hour.
We wish you strength, patience,
Raise a wise son.
And he is lucky in everything,
Be strong and not get sick.

The love of parents is immeasurable.
The son is your pride and support.
Your boy is strong, kind, faithful,
Caring, hard working.
Wonderful holiday - Birthday
Your hope! For long years!
A wonderful kind of continuation,
Today you are not happier.

Mom is baking in the kitchen
And dad sets the table.
Meals are prepared for the guests
It's their son's birthday.
Let the house be a bowl full
Raise your son well.
We heartily congratulate you
Good luck, we wish you joy.

Joy and fun in the house -
My son has a birthday.
We wish to engage
And achieve success
Let's congratulate the birthday boy
And leave the parents
Gratitude and recognition
For my son's upbringing.

The son knows that he is loved
Strong as ever.
After all, my son is your everything.
Support and hope.
Let it not be deprived
He is your love.
Great joy to him
Strength and health.

The holiday has come to you again
Again a son was born;
Yes, he grew up, matured,
But hasn't changed.
All the same, no doubt
His life spoils everything.
Say hello to him
Yes, and you, perhaps!

Built a house? Has the oak tree been planted?
Come on, show me your son!
The boy grows what it takes
What do you want in the future? Let nothing get in the way
On his road to success
And climbing to the top
It will easily sweep away obstacles.

You proudly bear the title -
Growing great little boy!
And it is immediately clear that in care,
After all, he is smart, handsome, blush.
Parenting is not easy
But you do it all right.
In old age you will be at peace,
After all, so much son will give you good!

Happy birthday son
FROM full of happiness this afternoon.

Let fate spoil you.
So that you can be proud of yourself!
Good luck and all the best!
More money and love.

I wish you health, husband
To never offend you.
More money louder than laughter
We wish you good health and wellness.

I wish you joy always
For the word to become a deed
Good health
I wish you much love and joy.

May you be infinitely lucky in life
So that there is always justice
Health, happiness and victories!
Drink more, but don't get drunk.

Let your dreams come true
Never see trouble
Mighty health so as not to occupy
I wish you more earthly blessings.

I wish you happiness forever
I never want to be sad
More happiness, love and light
Victory in personal life.

I wish you happiness and warmth,
Never know worries!
Live to be 100 years old
I wish you much happiness and joy.

I wish you a long life
Never cry.
Lots of money in the wallet
Good luck, health, kindness and warmth.

May the house be full of happiness
So that life is always colorful!
More clear colorful days
Health, money and luck.

Let your family smile more often
Never doubt
Victory in undertakings and luck!
Lots of happiness, light and warmth.


What should be the congratulations on the birthday of a son of 7 years old? Naturally, it must be some interesting toy which would captivate and sincerely please him. At this age, children will react very well to such a gift, and it practically does not matter what kind of toy it will be. The child will definitely show interest in the gift and will be very grateful to you for presenting it.

However, despite the fact that the child is still quite small, he should also be told a couple nice words. It is this component of congratulations to a son for 7 years that can cause biggest problems. Serious congratulations he is unlikely to accept, but frankly childish words will not work here either. It is necessary to look for something in between, and in the nature of this average it is quite fit short congratulatory verse.

Writing even the smallest verse is quite difficult. Of course, if you have a poetic talent, then sketching out a couple of interesting rhymes will not be difficult for you. But, unfortunately, not everyone has such a talent. And if you are also deprived of it, then we suggest taking ready-made or son on our website.

Especially for similar cases We have prepared a series of funny poems that are guaranteed to cause a sincere smile and an influx of joy in the child. You can be sure that congratulations of this kind are perfect for this holiday. So take one of the poems below and please your child!

My son, you are no longer a boy -
He grew up, matured, matured.
For me, you, as before, son -
For others, you have become a man!

I want to wish on my birthday:
Achieve your main goals
Continue to be admired
With friends and girlfriends!

You are very big
After all, you are seven today!
Anything you wish
May it come true soon!
Seven is the magic number!
At seven - dreams come true!
We wish you luck
And so that you are happy!
And like a holiday, let it always
Life will be full of miracles
cool mood
Happiness! Happy Birthday!

My son is smart, my son is handsome
He will achieve a lot in life!
I wish you a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bstrength
And may luck smile!

Let dreams come true
Let everything, son, come true,
stay happy you
May all good things happen!

There were six, now there are seven
Don't know you at all
You are serious and mature
And on whole year cleverer.
Let them wait for you today
Many happy moments
May fate give you
What you desire
May wishes come true
And dreams come true!

Let on a birthday cake
Seven candles are lit
There will be guests and gifts,
The holiday makes the heart happy!

Let it play, laugh
More fun than usual
You live a whole year
Great, great!

Happy birthday!
7 years is the best day for us!
In the house there is joy, revival,
The sparkle of your happy eyes!

Grow up and get stronger
Never be discouraged!
Get older and smarter
The world is huge to know!

Son, I congratulate you
I wish you eternal health
Success in life and work,
What would always be lucky for you,
To stand firmly on your feet
Haven't seen any failures in my life.
Love, fight, dare dear,
Happy Angel Day, my son!
We wish you to be skillful,
Kind, smart, strong, golden,
Don't be afraid, be brave
Do not turn up your nose, but be simple.

Happy birthday to you, my dear son,
So I want to congratulate you.
Can't put into words my love
How much you mean in life to me.

At times it was sad and depressing,
Sometimes life ruffled as best it could,
But the fact that I have you gave me strength,
And lifted up your love.

Be happy, son. Good health!
I only know that you are well,
Then only I will find complete peace.
And I will know that my dreams have come true.

Son, dear, all wishes
Sound today only for you.
You are our happiness, our creation,
And all the accomplishments in life are for you!

Grow up, learn and stay kind
May your wishes come true.
And try to be a real man
So that we can be proud of you.

May the Lord bless you
And walks beside you
Every minute helps
And in the soul how Truth lives!

Happy birthday

In the house, joy, revival,
The sparkle of your happy eyes!
Grow up and get stronger
Never be discouraged!
Get older and smarter
The world is huge to know!

Son, you are seven today,
You are already quite an adult
Smart, kind and funny
You go to school with your friends.
And wish from the heart
All friends, parents:
Grow up, my friend, big,
Bold and determined!

We planted the number six,
Didn't step aside
And watered well
A glorious harvest!
You joke and smile
And grow and wonder
After all, now for the joy of all
We plant the number seven!

You know how to drink and eat
We write and count together.
Happy - today is seven
We celebrate your years!
Let the years not be great -
There is skill, intelligence and strength!
Do everything and always
Whatever your mom asks!

Kissing your cheeks, hugging you,
I smile again, I repeat again:
You are my blood, you are my treasure,
You are my crying and my laughter, incorruptibility of my life.

Now you are growing very fast
We appreciate your achievements
We will always help you in everything
Our sweet boy. Happy Birthday!

Today is a very important day
There are reasons for this:
Sometime on this day, a little earlier,
The little man was born.

I am with you always, for you I am a support.
Time is like water! And you will grow up soon
You will become strong and kind, you will become honest and courageous.
And in the family well done, and skillful in work.

Son, dear, happy birthday.
Friends only true and fun!
Worthy of life is the way to go
And meet happiness along the way.

Our dear son, happy birthday.
You are so good and kind
And the most beloved, without a doubt,
We are proud of you son!

Beloved son, you are my baby.
Cover gently with a blanket.
Now you're just fast asleep
But the fairy tale has come for you.

Your day has come when you were born
When you smiled at the world
The earth rendered its sonorous groan,
He opened his eyes and stretched.

Let everything be: heavenly gifts,
Life gives the best stories.
Grow healthy only you.
Thank God for all this!

Dear son, you are our joy,
We want to congratulate you.
So that your life is like sweetness,
To always be loved.

I remember holding a little one.
I rocked you in my arms.
Now you are an adult.
Simple roads and quiet rivers!

And you, daughter (name), seven!
You have matured completely!
Yes, all dolls, cubs
Do you love like before
But textbooks lie
In a colorful bag.
Grow up, our girl,
Smart and beautiful
Be nicer and more beautiful
Kind and happy!

You are not two, not three, but seven,
And you are almost an adult:
Mustaches will soon grow
You can do everything yourself.
Yes, in knowledge you will catch up with us -
You went to school, first grade!
Be happier every year
Grow smarter and don't get sick!

You are seven today
I became an adult, child, you are completely,
Independent and serious
And there are no curiosities in education.
On your birthday we wish you happiness
Let the rain wash away the bad weather
Let luck smile on you
Let fate try to be generous.

It's your birthday today
7 years, because let's be honest, this is a celebration,
Accept gifts, congratulations,
So I want you to be lucky in everything.
Be a kind, affectionate child
Listen to your parents and don't yawn at school
And today, to make a wish come true,
Blow out the candles to the fullest.

My son, you are no longer a boy -
He grew up, matured, matured.
For me, you, as before, son -
For others, you have become a man!

I want to wish on my birthday:
Achieve your main goals
Continue to be admired
With friends and girlfriends!

You are very big
After all, you are seven today!
Anything you wish
May it come true soon!
Seven is the magic number!
Everyone - dreams come true!
We wish you luck
And so that you are happy!
And like a holiday, let it always
Life will be full of miracles
cool mood
Happiness! Happy Birthday!

My son is smart, my son is handsome
He will achieve a lot in life!
I wish you a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bstrength
And may luck smile!

Let dreams come true
Let everything, son, come true,
stay happy you
May all good things happen!

There were six, now there are seven
Don't know you at all
You are serious and mature
And a whole year smarter.
Let them wait for you today
Many happy moments
May fate give you
What you desire
May wishes come true
And dreams come true!

Let on a birthday cake
Seven candles are lit
There will be guests and gifts,
The holiday makes the heart happy!

Let it play, laugh
More fun than usual
You live a whole year
Great, great!

Happy birthday!
7 years is the best day for us!
In the house there is joy, revival,
The sparkle of your happy eyes!

Grow up and get stronger
Never be discouraged!
Get older and smarter
The world is huge to know!

Happy birthday
Seven years is the best day for us!
In the house, joy, revival,
The sparkle of your happy eyes!
Grow up and get stronger
Never be discouraged!
Get older and smarter
The world is huge to know!

You are seven years old! How are you?
It's time to receive gifts!
Don't forget that on your birthday
Wish must be made!
And if you really want
Believe it will come true
Like in a fairy tale cartoon
And in a great movie!

Seven years have already passed
How happiness has already come to our house
How fast did you grow up
Millions of things ahead

You are already smart and beautiful
The boy is very patient
I wish you joy everywhere
And the star will burn

She will light the way for you
And good luck will meet you
happy birthday congratulations
I wish you happiness and joy.

If a person is seven
So he's really big!
We wish you that
Good luck with your studies
So that in each notebook
Rated "five"
For everyone to be friends with you
They came on my birthday!

We planted the number six,
Didn't step aside
And watered well
A glorious harvest!
You joke and smile
And grow and wonder
After all, now for the joy of all
We plant the number seven!

ringing bell
Laughter breaks out
Have a child today
Holidays are the best!
Celebrating a birthday
(Name) - seven whole years!
I sincerely wish
In the life of any victories!
Both in play and study
You be lucky!
Listen to mom and dad
And don't forget me!

Explore your home planet
On campaigns in the white world!
Pleasant, cheerful companies,
Gifts, surprises, dreams!
Let willpower be in you
And the joy of school!
Solve all problems, tasks,
Health to you and good luck!

Happy everyone today
And we have light on our faces:
We celebrate exactly seven -
Seven wonderful years of yours!
You live - grow, teach
And love science, work.
Let both mother and doctors
Relax carefree!
Know: we live, always loving
In this world only you!

Son, beloved, dear!
We wish you well on your day!
You are a smart fellow, our dear,
Let everything work out, please!

We wish you health and great success,
May the joy only grow!
Applause in your honor
We wish you fiery love!

Our son is the best
He helps us
About your parents
He doesn't forget

Pleases with its warmth,
Pleased with care
And the son is successful,
At my job

Happy Birthday to You,
Our beloved boy
We love you very much
Our dear bunny!

We are very happy that God
He gave us such happiness
And on your birthday, let
Give us some kindness.

And we know what lies ahead
You have a long road
And we ask God, take care,
We do not need another happiness.

And a protector will grow for us,
We are behind you, like behind a wall,
Don't let my tears run
We will be happy with you.

Many years have passed since
As in an ordinary family,
A man appeared
Loved without limit

The stork brought us a son,
We've been waiting for him
And gifts for him
The whole family bought

Time passed quickly
You are almost a man
Happy birthday dear
Be always loved!

Happy birthday, dear son, we congratulate
Wishes at once we all direct.
We wish luck waterfall together
We send the route of happiness immediately.

Arrange your own happiness, life,
You will never put up with problems.
And boldly enter the battle for everyone,
And you get your leadership too.

We wish dear son
We are happiness in life with all our hearts,
We wish such a smart
IN wonderful holiday we are big

So that all dreams come true
All the best happened
For good luck to happen
And you were happy, to spite everyone!

We wish you happiness
Family so that there is no war,
Let them value you
To be happy and always happy

Let your dreams come true,
So that you are always happy
We wish you good luck
In solving any problems!

Your years are always few
We love you
We have a son, and thank God!
So it will be forever.
We want confidence
Never lose heart
Achieve the result
Life has only pluses to take!

This day is our most important
Of all the days in the world.
After all, for dad and for mom
The main thing is their children.
This day is your birthday
Our beloved son.
Happiness, joy, luck
We want to wish.
Be healthy, smart, brave
For the whole family to enjoy.
So that you do any business
It came with ease.

You gave us happiness
By his appearance
They dreamed about you, son,
Waited impatiently

You grew up obedient, smart,
Helped around the house
Gained experience
A little from us

Happy birthday son
We congratulate you
Life without you, dear,
We do not represent!

Son, happy birthday!
How our boy has grown!
Take it as an adult
You are childhood luggage:

Love of relatives, parents,
And faith in your success
You will be the winner
For us, you are the best!

We wish you happiness, joy,
Health, long years!
And despise danger
Good luck seeing the light!

Happy birthday, son!
The year flew by so fast
Yesterday you were a boy
And today I've grown up.

And like a grown man
We wish to be stronger
To be able to drive a car
Protect so that he can friends.

So that everyone knows from now on -
Our son is a gentleman!
Let luck not leave
And get rid of problems!

Today we wish our son
Become a real man
And radiating happiness in life,
So that you do not think to lose heart.

Yes, there will be failures too -
Without them, life is nowhere,
But only the most worthy people
They are never afraid!

Son, from his parents
You accept congratulations!
We wish you, dear
Live happily, live happily!

May there never be thunderstorms
Let the money be a suitcase
Let there be true friends
Let there be a caravan of brides!

Our son, on your birthday
We wish you bright warm days!
More wish fulfillment
And to make life brighter.

Happy birthday greetings to your son from mom in verse will help express your feelings, just choose the most appropriate verse. There is beautiful poems for adults and children.

1. Today is my son's birthday.

Today is my son's birthday.
I want to wish you
To always have enough strength
Complete cases successfully

For your career to succeed
And you have known happiness
So that there are joys without measure,
To live, as in the most vivid dream!

2. If, son, you decide something

If, son, you decide something,
So always go ahead,
We wish you to be happy
And also - let you be lucky.

Life is wise, son, don't forget
Let all good things happen
Never, please, do not be discouraged
And do not know about longing and sadness.

3. Happy birthday, dear son!

Happy birthday, dear son!
You have become quite big for me.
Childhood flew by short term -
The one that was released to us by fate.

Let it be happy life way,
Gain experience, grow.
Don't forget about the main thing among the hustle and bustle:
If it becomes difficult - come to your mother.

4. Beloved son, we wish you happiness

Beloved son, we wish you happiness,
Big love, and may you always be lucky.
May the flame always of mutual passion
It burns and brings all the good things.

Let any dream come true
And it will be simple and easy in life,
Let your beloved meet you
We want you to always be lucky!

5. Happy birthday, dear son!

Happy birthday, dear son!
The best of men
The most loving, beautiful,
The most sincere and sweet!

I always knew, son
The world won't be alone
If you are with me -
My precious boy!

become wholesome
And great value
All desires and dreams
If somewhere near you!

6. Son, let the roads of life

Son, let the roads of life
They lead you to good
Always love your Fatherland -
And joy will find you.

I wish you inspiration
Let dreams come true
Wishes of all fulfillment,
For you to experience happiness!

7. Son, how quickly you grew up

Son, how fast you grew up
And level growth, and level shoulders,
For years you are only happier
Happy your way, wonderful meetings!
We congratulate you on your anniversary!
He paints you, no doubt.
Let the house of guests be full
And the jars are full of jam.

8. Today is the brightest holiday

Today is the most Holy holiday,
You were born on this day, son!
Be healthy, cheerful, happy,
To put a block to everyone's troubles!
More reliable friends nearby −
All those who can support.
Do not forget, for happiness you need
Strive for the goal and dream!

9. Little bunny will become big

Little bunny becomes big
Mom will be a little sad:
You don't have to give your son a hand,
He firmly holds the spoon himself.

Dear son, my joy,
Congratulations again.
This day is only once a year,
I celebrate with you.

My bunny, happiness and love to you
The biggest in the world.
Do not forget - you are for your mother
The most native on the planet!

10. My dear son, dear

My dear son, dear,
Beautiful, gentle, dear,
Accept congratulations from mom
Happy birthday to you, beloved!
I wish to live without any troubles
In our world for a hundred years!
Keep love in your soul
And be happy again and again!

11. My beloved son, this day is for me

My beloved son, this day is for me
The brightest, because you were born!
May there be so much fire in your heart,
How much life would give you in return!

Don't be afraid to dream, let your desires
All one after another will come true soon,
I wish you bright, pure love,
And also the most devoted, true friends!

12. Son, you are mother's blood

Son, you are mother's blood,
I love you with all my heart
And on the cheek now a tear
Rolled down. You're so big,
And he became smart, son, beloved,
Happy birthday to you, dear!
Always be an angel
And be happy, my dear!

13. Such a wonderful day today

Such a wonderful day today
Birthday of my son!
Let the grace of the Lord descend
And maternal, only on him!
Good, my dear son, I wish you
May all your dreams come true
You are the best, I know that
Be happy, dear, in life you!

14. My golden, my sweet gentle boy

My golden, my sweet gentle boy,
I congratulate you on your birthday,
Not only my sun, not just a bunny,
You are my birthday, and I wish you

To live in a happy world filled with goodness,
Love, bright happiness, and warmth of friendship!

15. When I gave birth to a son

When I gave birth to a son
She was so happy!
And here my son grew up,
And I was able to achieve a lot.

I congratulate you on your birthday
Good luck son
I wish with all my heart now
Congratulations, of course!

16. I want to congratulate my dear son

I want to congratulate my dear son,
Good luck to him, wish him happiness,
And the best thing is this
So that you do not have to be sad and grieve.

I wish you joy, success to your son,
And to achieve his
So that the moment does not leave happiness forever,
And not to be afraid of anything.

17. I wish you reliable friends

I wish you reliable friends
On the birthday of the Day, of course, guests!
Let there be fun, and jokes, and laughter,
Son, you are for mom, believe me, the best!
Wish excellent study, son,
And let happiness come to your doorstep
So that in life you are always lucky, dear,
And let there be love and warmth in your heart!

18. You are infinitely loved

You are infinitely loved
From the very first sight!
May you be lucky on the way
Overcome all obstacles!

Do a lot in life
Be in the center of exciting events!
Happiness, success, love
And interesting discoveries!

19. You were a baby once

You were once a little
But year after year time went by
You have grown, mother's joy!
Soft and light on the heart,
When I see you, dear,
I always thank fate
And on my birthday today
I give you my love!


20. Many years ago

Many years ago
In a small bed
A cute boy appeared
Tiny and sweet!

This fabulous baby
Mother's blood -
wonderful legs,
Face and back!

The boy grew up, became big,
Smart and beautiful
As much as I would like
To make him happy!

Happy birthday son!
This boy is you
May it come true today
All your dreams!

21. Happy birthday, my son!

Happy birthday my son!
You've become quite big.
You are handsome and tall
Mom has already caught up with growth!
I wish you, dear
You learn and love life
Let there be enough strength for everything
And take care of your mom!

22. Son, my dear bully

Son, my dear bully,
Live like a bird in the sky!
Let there be eternal spring
And happiness is with you too!

When I gave birth to you
It seemed like an angel had fallen
And only then I realized -
Soon the devil turned out ...

23. Don't hide from the rain under a stupid umbrella

Don't hide from the rain stupid umbrella,
It is necessary - with your chest go against the storm to the shaft,
Well, they will ask you, they say, why and how much -
You did not sit like a stone, you lived and searched!

Let, son, the hand be fair,
Listen to your heart in the heat and blizzard,
Happiness in life cannot be taken by fire or sword,
The path of goodness is only towards him, you truly live!

24. For your happiness, dear

For your happiness, dear,
We will always pray
We'll be proud of you
All our life year.

In this beautiful moment
The holiday came to the house again,
And from our two hearts,
We would like to wish you:

Courage, honor and strength,
Generous wreath of joy
Life is simple and beautiful...
Well, happy birthday, son!

25. We are on this wonderfully beautiful day

We are on this wonderfully beautiful day
Let's hurry to congratulate you
Today is your holiday, son,
Take the words from the heart!

Love and attention of loved ones
May they always be with you,
Happiness, health and joy
The way to your house will not be forgotten.

26. This day was the happiest in my life

This day was the happiest in my life
The moment you were born,
Immediately joy filled my heart,
So live, son, for many years.

And all the years do not know sadness,
Only let happiness on the threshold,
Well, we will pray to God,
To save you from grief.

27. My beloved son, congratulations

My beloved son, congratulations
With all my heart I wish you
I am a lot of happiness and love,
May your plans come true

And you always be worthy
And never be sad
I wish you laughter and smiles
And avoid mistakes in life!

28. I wish my son a lot of luck

I wish my son a lot of luck
After all, for a man it means a lot,
And wisdom in solving problems -
Wherever the road takes you

You never forget your family
Because the whole family loves you so much
And don't let everyone near you,
Let them be near sincere people!

29. I know, son, the time will come

I know, son, the time will come
Your accomplishments and victories,
I believe in you without a doubt
And I know that there will be no troubles
And your life will be beautiful
Happy birthday to you, son!
Let your life be
A hundred roads are always open!


30. We want our beloved son

We want our beloved son,
All the best has been achieved
Do you have one talent?
We want it to be useful in life,

Value yourself, value others
And smile more often in life
We write this poem for you
You, our beloved, do not give up!

31. So I want to give you everything

So I want to give you everything
What can be useful in this life
So I want to make my dreams come true
Help you achieve everything.

But you are a man, my dear son,
So, he must destroy the barriers himself,
And I wish you on your holiday
Only the best, because nothing less is needed!

32. I wish you, son

I wish you son
So that you can achieve everything.
Your birthday is the best day
Let not laziness celebrate

You collect more guests
And call your loved ones friends
After all, a big holiday has come -
Today is your birthday!

33. Happy birthday to you!

I congratulate you on your birthday!
You are my favorite, believe me!
I wish you without a doubt
So that happiness comes to your door!
You, son, be healthy and strong,
And sadness does not concern let
Be always cheerful and beautiful,
May your path always be easy!

34. Our son you are golden!

Our son you are golden!
Today personal holiday is yours -
Congratulations from mom and dad
Accept, our dear, on your birthday!

We wish you a lot of fame, money,
Health, courage, love!
And we beg you, our good,
Give us grandchildren soon!

35. Once upon a time, many years ago

Once, many years ago,
Fate gave you to me!
I remember how happy dad was
And I opened the world with you!
Beautiful, gentle mother's world!
He is the best without a doubt
You are my God, son! You're my idol!
Darling, happy birthday to you!

36. My beloved son, my hope

My beloved son, my hope,
Happy birthday to you!
Be strong and gentle, be healthy
And never forget your mother!
I love you, believe me, with all my heart,
Grow up, my good, big big big!
Do not know in life neither grief nor evil,
Mom has support in life!

37. Son, happy birthday, dear!

Son, happy birthday, dear!
Let fate be even, without potholes.
I will support your path in life any.
As long as you like it and feel comfortable!

In matters of success, the joys of life,
I wish you happiness and good luck.
Reliable, sociable comrades
May only the best await you ahead!

38. Happy birthday son!

Happy birthday son!
With personal happiness, dear!
Let happiness without delay
It will flow into your house like a river!

May luck be inseparable
The shadow follows you.
And love is safe
Rules over all fate!

I'm proud of you son
Every year it gets stronger!
Of all life's paths,
Choose whichever is longer.

39. Son, let me congratulate my mother

Son, let me congratulate my mother
You today, golden!
You are the best, the most glorious!
I wish you, dear

So that every day and every year
It seemed like just a holiday!
So that in life you always laugh!
To continue the glorious race!

40. We wish dear son

We wish dear son
We are happiness in life with all our hearts,
We wish such a smart
On a beautiful holiday, we are big,

So that all dreams come true
All the best happened
For good luck to happen
And you were happy, to spite everyone!


What should be the congratulations on the birthday of a son of 7 years old? Naturally, it should be some kind of interesting toy that would captivate him and sincerely please him. At this age, children will react very well to such a gift, and it practically does not matter what kind of toy it will be. The child will definitely show interest in the gift and will be very grateful to you for presenting it.

However, despite the fact that the child is still quite small, he should also say a couple of pleasant words. It is this component of congratulations to a son for 7 years that can cause the greatest problems. He is unlikely to accept serious congratulations, but frankly childish words will not work here either. You need to look for something in between, and in the context of this average, a short congratulatory rhyme is quite suitable.

Writing even the smallest verse is quite difficult. Of course, if you have a poetic talent, then sketching out a couple of interesting rhymes will not be difficult for you. But, unfortunately, not everyone has such a talent. And if you are also deprived of it, then we suggest taking ready-made or son on our website.

Especially for such cases, we have prepared a number of funny poems that are guaranteed to cause a sincere smile and an influx of joy in the child. You can be sure that congratulations of this kind are perfect for this holiday. So take one of the poems below and please your child!

My son, you are no longer a boy -
He grew up, matured, matured.
For me, you, as before, son -
For others, you have become a man!

I want to wish on my birthday:
Achieve your main goals
Continue to be admired
With friends and girlfriends!

You are very big
After all, you are seven today!
Anything you wish
May it come true soon!
Seven is the magic number!
At seven - dreams come true!
We wish you luck
And so that you are happy!
And like a holiday, let it always
Life will be full of miracles
cool mood
Happiness! Happy Birthday!

My son is smart, my son is handsome
He will achieve a lot in life!
I wish you a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bstrength
And may luck smile!

Let dreams come true
Let everything, son, come true,
stay happy you
May all good things happen!

There were six, now there are seven
Don't know you at all
You are serious and mature
And a whole year smarter.
Let them wait for you today
Many happy moments
May fate give you
What you desire
May wishes come true
And dreams come true!

Let on a birthday cake
Seven candles are lit
There will be guests and gifts,
The holiday makes the heart happy!

Let it play, laugh
More fun than usual
You live a whole year
Great, great!

Happy birthday!
7 years is the best day for us!
In the house there is joy, revival,
The sparkle of your happy eyes!

Grow up and get stronger
Never be discouraged!
Get older and smarter
The world is huge to know!