What to do for your birthday. The best birthday conspiracies. Happy Birthday - a successful whole year

The article will tell you about what signs exist and how to listen to them.

A small child not only sees and understands some things, he is much more able to feel the aura surrounding him. When the baby celebrates his first year - this is a great event for the whole family, however, you should be aware that this date is accompanied by many signs and beliefs related to the future life of the baby.

The first sign is a test for identification of personality and type of activity child in the future. It has long been customary to do such an activity not only to entertain guests, but also to predict a happy future for the baby, protecting him from possible problems... Making such a test is not at all difficult:

  • Prepare in advance objects that would symbolize the type of activity (for example, a book - knowledge, a pencil - creativity, a ball - comfort, and so on).
  • Arrange all these items in a circle, at an equal distance from the center and from each other.
  • The child should not watch what you are doing. At some point, just sit it in the center of the circle.
  • The child's task is to choose one object and reach for it. In the chosen subject, the parents interpret the future.

IMPORTANT: Such an activity, rather - folk omen and it is not at all necessary to comply with it, because the interpretation is not 100% guaranteed.

Special attention should be paid to the baby's haircut exactly on the day of his first year. This is required not only by folk, but also by Christian customs, and non-observance predicts not the most pleasant events.

Signs about a baby's haircut at 1 year old:

  • The first "haircut" of the child should be done by godparents
  • Exactly four curls should be cut
  • The curls are cut at the crown in the shape of a cross: front, sides and back.
  • Curls can not be thrown away
  • Curls godmother ties up with a red thread
  • The curls are given to the storage of the mother, who must keep them with her until the wedding of her child, and then pass them on to her son or daughter, as a talisman.
  • After such a symbolic haircut, any other haircuts could be done on the child's head.
  • It is believed that doing any haircut for up to a year is a bad omen for a child: he will be sick, he will not be calm and obedient.

IMPORTANT: It is customary to celebrate the first year violently and noisily, fun partyhappy life baby. On the first birthday party, you need to invite many guests.

Signs for 1 year

How to celebrate a birthday correctly: signs of the day

There has long been a sign (but few people pay attention to it) to give gifts not only to birthday people, but also to guests who have come to the holiday. Such a sign arose for a reason and carries the power to bring wealth and prosperity to the hero of the occasion. Nowadays, gifts for guests have been replaced by a lush table and treats.

Everyone knows that no birthday is a holiday without a cake. This is not in vain, because it was customary to bake a pie for a very long time. This treat "predicted" the birthday boy happy year... It was necessary to treat all guests, friends and relatives who congratulated with a pie (cake). And it was accepted to congratulate on this day from the bottom of the heart, sincerely and only good words... It is believed that toasts and wishes on this day are especially strong and have a great chance of coming true.

The candles on the birthday cake are another positive sign and it also originated in ancient times. It was believed that at birth, the sky gives a person a star and that one goes out when he dies. The lit candles on the cake symbolize the stars in the sky. It is also believed that the smoke that flies away from blown out candles during making a wish reaches heaven, where the Guardian Angel helps to fulfill it.

Other Birthday Signs:

  • All the candles blown out at once -good omen, foreshadowing the fulfillment of a wish.
  • Several candles are not extinguished - a sign portends an incomplete or partial fulfillment of desire.
  • Friends or loved ones helped blow out the candles - this means that family and others will help you to fulfill your desires.
  • Number of candles - some numbers have negative energy and therefore you cannot put a special number of candles on a birthday cake (namely: 40, 9, 13, 99, 100 and 51, as well as 21). If you want to put candles, just get the number-shaped candles.
  • You can't celebrate 49 years old - all because the numbers 40 and 9 have negative energy (the energy of the commemoration). By celebrating a date, you run the risk of incurring trouble and illness.
  • Number of guests - the holiday should not be exactly even number guests, this is a bad omen, especially if so many people are sitting at the table. Also, you should not stick to the number 13 in the number of guests.
  • Money - on a birthday, you cannot borrow and give money to the birthday person, this should be done before or after the birthday. This sign portends health problems.
  • Dressing up - even if someone accidentally gets you dirty at the table, the birthday person cannot change clothes. If you take off your clothes, in which you wished a lot of good, you will lose it all.
  • Earlier dates - the most main feature warns to celebrate their name days before the date. Such a celebration will give you health problems or even death, but later you can.
  • You can't bake pancakes - it is believed that this dish is a memorial and on a holiday it can ruin your health.
  • To celebrate the holiday for the sick - bad omen, predicts illness for a whole year.
  • The dishes were broken - the omen is not bad, but rather good, but only if you do not throw the fragments into the trash on that very day. Throw them away on the next.
  • Taking out the trash - it is impossible on this day, it is better to do the next. For the same reason, you should do the order in advance.

True omens for Birthday: what to listen to?

Birthday gifts: list, signs

In order not to incur trouble on yourself, you should also listen to the signs that predict the future and events according to what gifts are brought to birthday people.

Signs and interpretation:

  • "Redirecting" gifts - bad omen, especially if you are giving something that was once given to you. Thus, you give your energy to the person.
  • Knives and other sharp objects - you cannot give, so as not to spoil the relationship with a person, not to bring illness and misfortune on him.
  • "Empty" gifts- we are talking about those things in which you can give something (wallets, handbags, backpacks, vases, dishes, and so on). If you are giving an "empty" gift, you are giving an "empty" life, so be sure to put some small souvenir: keychain, postcard, chocolate bar, etc.
  • Coin - if you put a coin (one or more) inside your gift, you will give your loved one wealth and prosperity.
  • "Binding" gifts - it is believed that a number of items should be received as a gift only from a loved one. Such gifts "tie" people to each other (tie, belt, suspenders, and so on).
  • Beads and pearls - such gifts will give a person tears, just like a handkerchief.
  • Mirror and comb - such gifts should be accepted with caution and symbolic money in return.
  • Flowers - only bouquets with an odd number of flowers should be accepted as a gift. If you find an even one, break and throw out one flower, or the whole bouquet.

What can and cannot be gifted for a birthday: signs

Give a watch, a ring, a flower, a wallet, an icon for a birthday: signs

Signs and interpretation:

  • Give a watch - it is believed that such a gift will only "hasten" your quarrel and parting with the person to whom you are giving them. However, if you donate jewelry watch from noble metal and stones, then in order to avoid negative consequences, just offer to give you token money.
  • Give flowers - giving flowers on such a holiday is considered a good omen, you only need to give an odd number of flowers, if the flower is bushy (a large number of buds), twigs are considered.
  • Gift a wallet - giving an empty wallet to a lack of money. You should give this item of personal use only by putting money in it, the smallest frets, but best of all - a red bill.
  • Give an icon - a good omen that predicts a happy and joyful life for a person. You should choose an icon, after consulting with a clergyman, you can choose a nominal icon.
  • Give a ring - Only spouses can give rings to each other; it is also allowed for parents to give rings to their child. Otherwise, such a gift carries negative energy and can bring loneliness to the birthday boy.

Gifts and their meanings: signs

Why not celebrate 33 years and 40 years?

There are two milestones in a person's life, two dates that should not be celebrated according to signs and beliefs. We are talking about 33 and 40 years of life. The fact is that the omen originates in Orthodoxy, because it was at the age of 33 that Jesus died, which is why believers are so afraid of this event. If this is done, then sorrows and troubles, comparable to the torments of Christ, can "fall" on a person.

On the other hand, it is not good to celebrate 40 years. This number also has a negative meaning and the energy of death, because it is on the 40th day that it is customary to remember loved ones who have passed away. At 40, you can accept congratulations, but the feast and guests are not desirable, so as not to incur troubles.

Why can't you celebrate your birthday and congratulate it in advance?

Birthday is not just a celebration of gifts and surprises. It is believed that on this date a person's energy will weaken because the spirits of departed ancestors accumulate around him. That is why humanity believes in signs that try to protect them from bad events and problems.

To celebrate your name days in advance is to blame yourself on illness and death, because you can only organize commemorations in advance (before the anniversary of death is meant). If you cannot celebrate your holiday day after day, it is better to postpone it a day later - this is just a good omen!

Signs about when is the best time to celebrate a birthday

What can not be done before a birthday and on a birthday: signs

What you can't do before your birthday and on the date of the holiday:

  • To be at the commemoration - this will attract the energy of death to you and can contribute to diseases, in best case. Weak energy a person at this time will absorb a lot of negative things.
  • Attending a funeral - as well as a commemoration, the death of a person can worsen your well-being and bring a lot of evil, as well as problems and diseases into your life.
  • Borrow money - this can be done in advance, but not desirable. It is advisable to take money from someone you trust and love (from relatives).
  • Communicate with the poor, give them money - you can absorb negative energy and experience the same fate as a disadvantaged person.
  • To be in the hospital (per day and per day) - such establishments have a depressing atmosphere that can affect you badly.
  • Return the debt - so you can attract a lack of money.
  • To wash the floor on the day of the holiday - omen attracts death and disease.
  • Take things and garbage out of the house on the day of the holiday - to be healthy and full of strength you shouldn't do that.

What not to do on your birthday: signs

Signs after birthday: 12 days

It is believed that a holiday in honor of the birth of a person should be celebrated for more than one day. Significant for a person are the following 12 days after the date:

  • Day 1 - is designed for you to “praise” yourself for your accomplishments. It will bring you self-confidence.
  • Day 2 - is necessary in order for you to improve your energy field, on this day you need to do what gives you pleasure.
  • Day 3 - is necessary in order for you to cleanse yourself of negativity, so that there is an opportunity to bring something new and "fresh" into life.
  • Day 4 - needed to strengthen family ties, the day should be spent with the family.
  • Day 5 - necessary in order to establish relationships with friends and colleagues, you can have parties, visit entertainment venues.
  • Day 6 - is necessary to restore health, purify the body and exercise, make a fasting day.
  • Day 7 - necessary in order to establish a relationship with a loved one, spend the day in romantic events.
  • Day 8 - on this day, conspiracies and prayers should be read to strengthen health and gain self-confidence.
  • Day 9 - on this day, one should reunite with nature in order to find harmony, tranquility and health.
  • Day 10 - is necessary so that you can plan your career and achieve your desired goals in life.
  • Day 11 - on this day, you should get rid of everything unnecessary in order to attract positive energy to yourself and dump the negative.
  • Day 12 - is necessary so that you ask for forgiveness from all those who have offended you and from God for their sins.

Twelve days after birthday: signs

Birthday for Easter, Maslenitsa, Forgiveness Sunday: signs

Be born in religious holiday- great luck. It is believed that such a date will save a person from evil and disease. Believe it or not - everyone's personal business.


  • Born on Shrovetide - to be a cheerful and cheerful person.
  • Born on Easter - be healthy and kind person all life.
  • Born on Forgiveness Sunday - do good and be famous for it.

Give birth on your birthday: signs

It is believed that if a mother gives birth to a child on her birthday, she gives him all her destiny, her happiness and luck. It is believed that such a child will be loved and happy, will idolize and respect the mother all his life.

Rain, snow, sun, thunderstorm on Birthday: a sign

It is believed that weather conditions, like nothing, better predict the fate of the birthday man on his birthday. Pay attention to the weather outside the window and interpret how it goes next year.

Signs and interpretation:

  • Rain - to happiness and wealth
  • Snow - to profit and occasional part-time jobs
  • Blizzard - To a large number affairs and work
  • Freezing - many difficult moments in life
  • The sun - happy and good future
  • Rainbow - pleasant and significant event, joy
  • Strong wind - big life changes
  • Ice - to difficulties

Get a haircut on your birthday: signs

Having a haircut on your birthday is a bad omen. It is believed that in this way a person “cuts off” his energy, thereby cutting off the energy field. Diseases, setbacks and bad luck "burst" into a weak energy field. You should cut your hair a few days before or after the date.

What are the signs that accompany the holiday?

Birthday wedding: signs

A birthday wedding is a bad omen, it is believed that each of these events should have its own separate date, so as not to disrupt a person's energy and not attract bad luck. Sign also applies to events such as weddings and matchmaking.

Months on Birthday: signs

The period of menstruation for a woman is a time of "cleansing". At the same time, as the body is cleansed, the human soul becomes freer and lighter. Monthly birthdays are a good omen that promises a woman positive changes, health and good luck.

Full Moon on Birthday: signs

Every year the holiday falls on different phases moon and therefore listen to the omens. Birthday on the waning moon will bring you losses and expenses, a holiday on the growing moon will give prosperity and luck, and full moon- harmony, luck and health.

On Birthday, death of a loved one, funeral: signs

Any death on your date of birth is considered bad luck... So, fate kind of "hints" to you that in your life there will be negative and unpleasant events... In order to somehow improve your energy, try to limit your communication with the relatives of the deceased, do not look at the deceased person, do not go to the cemetery and funeral.

Good and bad birthday omens: interpretation

Get sick and be in the hospital on your birthday: a sign

As already mentioned, a hospital is a building that accumulates only negative energy. On your birthday, you should carefully avoid the hospital, if you get sick - this is also a bad omen that predicts you difficult year and weakened health.

Sign: the clock stopped on Birthday

A stopped clock is always a bad omen; if it happened on your birthday, you should pay attention to your health and lifestyle. In the next 20 days, protect yourself from travel, shopping, spending big money and meetings with unfamiliar people so as not to incur trouble.

Wash on Birthday: signs

Washing on your birthday is not at all bad, moreover, it should be done with joy and kindness. When taking a bath or shower, ask God for health and believe that you are washing away all the negativity that has accumulated over the year.

Cry, tears on Birthday: a sign

It is impossible to cry on your birthday from sadness and misfortune, so as not to incur grief and problems in the coming year... But tears of joy are a completely different sign. They will bring many positive experiences and meetings with nice people.

What conspiracies and prayers to read on your birthday?

To improve your energy field, find health and harmony, receive God's grace, you should read prayers and conspiracies on your birthday. This should be done with good mood trusting every word and believing in a happy future.

Birthday Prayer

Birthday Conspiracy

Video: "Birthday rituals, ceremonies and conspiracies"

Signs for a birthday: what to do, what not to do, what not to give

Birthday is the date of birth of a person, which is fraught with many mysteries, magic and secrets, since ancient times. It is believed that on this day a person is, as it were, “born again”. That is why many signs are associated with this holiday, the observance of which can attract good luck, happiness and success in further life birthday boy.

Signs for a birthday: what to do on a birthday

Turns out, new year sign"As you celebrate the New Year, so you will spend it", to a greater extent refers to the birthday, since this day is laid individual program birthday boy for the whole next year.

Tune in to POSITIVE right after waking up on your birthday. So, you will be open to the flow positive energy from the Higher Forces, which is so strong that it is even able to reanimate the damaged aura. In addition, if you have the evil eye, then on this day, your GOOD MOOD will help get rid of it.

Forget about your problems. Think only about the good, because what you make that day will come into your life. Otherwise, negative emotions will block the flow of light energy, and you may suffer from black magic and energy vampires.

It is good to make prayer requests to God. On his birthday, He will surely hear you and fulfill your prayers.

Be sure to celebrate this day (with guests, or alone, it doesn't matter). Dress in advance purchased, new outfit including underwear (worn items can frighten off luck). To attract financial wealth for the whole year, put money in your pocket (if there are no pockets, hem from the inside out). Wear this outfit until the end of the celebration, no matter what happens (get dirty, torn, etc.). And most importantly, remember old omen- "how you meet this day - so you will spend the whole year", up to next day birth.

Signs for a birthday: what not to do on a birthday

It is important for a birthday person to know what he should not do on his personal holiday.

Since ancient times, it was believed that you can not celebrate your birthday in advance - by this you shorten your life.

Do not borrow anything, neither the day before your birthday, nor during it (not only money is prohibited, but also any products). This can lead to material problems, troubles and conflicts at work, for a whole year.

Do not give alms and do not lend to anyone on their birthday - give away good luck and prosperity for the coming year.

Try to minimize, or even better refrain from communicating with patients - you can "pull" other people's sores. Better yet, for self-defense, put it in your pocket silver product(any) - it will strengthen your energy field and protect against diseases.

On your birthday, between you and thin world the line becomes much thinner, which makes you especially susceptible to both good and bad. Therefore, in advance, exclude from the list of invited people who are unpleasant to you.

The number of guests invited, like the candles on the party table and cake, can also affect your coming year. It is believed that 9, 13, 18, 51, 21, 13, 99 or 100 guests should not be present at the holiday - such a number will bring misfortune to the birthday person. If your age coincides with one of the above numbers, then it is better to buy candles in the form of these numbers, or completely abandon them.

If someone broke the dishes on his birthday, he must say: "For luck!" Throwing out the fragments, as well as taking out the garbage, can only be the next day - so as not to take luck out of the house.

Birthday Signs: What You Can't Give on Your Birthday

Birthday gifts can do too magical influence on the fate of the birthday man. Therefore, let us remember the signs, acting on the principle "forewarned is forearmed." There should be an odd number of flowers presented (count spray roses by stems). Otherwise, remove one flower from the bouquet and put it in a separate vase. Well, or just send the flower gift to the trash can.

It is undesirable to give haberdashery and ceramic dishes(wallets, gloves, vases, etc.), this - to turmoil at work and money problems. If the gift has already been handed over, let the giver, or the birthday person, put a coin in them.

A knife as a gift, like any stabbing and cutting objects (needles, scissors, etc.) - can lead to quarrels in the family. Better not to give them away. And if you have already received a gift, then get rid of such a gift.

Donated pearls - to tears. A handkerchief, presented as a gift, also leads to them. To avoid this, before using, soak a handkerchief in holy water.

Mirror - there is a portal between the real world and otherworldly. Since our energy field weakens on our birthday, the mirror received as a gift can play negative role in the fate of the birthday man. You can only look into it the next day!

Remember, you cannot accept gifts from people whose decency you are not sure of. Otherwise, you can get a "surprise" in the form of damage or lining. It is better to get rid of gifts from such donors, and, in no case, do not redistribute them. If there is no way to refuse, while taking a gift, say to yourself: "I take only what I see, and leave the invisible to yourself." And cross yourself mentally!

For every person, life begins on his birthday. This is the most main holiday in life, and it is necessary to treat him in a special way.
  1. On your Birthday you cannot cry, so as not to offend your Guardian Angel. And his patronage is very necessary for every person.
  2. You cannot borrow or lend money on this day.
  3. Birthday must be celebrated day in and day out. Only on his birthday the spirits of deceased relatives and friends, as well as angels, come to the “newborn” to hear all the wishes that they have to fulfill for the birthday boy next year. If you celebrate your birthday on a different date, then no one will hear the wishes and they will not be fulfilled. Therefore, the next year of the birthday person's life will become gray and unsuccessful.
  4. You cannot celebrate your birthday in advance. If someone mistakenly congratulates you before, then be sure to say to yourself: "May God live and survive all enemies."
  5. On his birthday, the birthday person needs to be cheerful, cheerful and cheerful in order to tune his biorhythms to such a wave. In this case, the whole year he will be accompanied by luck and joy. It is a very bad omen if the birthday person is sick on his birthday.
  6. In no case should a birthday be celebrated in an institution (restaurant, cafe, etc.) if there were earlier commemorations there, and 40 days have not yet passed from their date.
  7. It is not recommended to celebrate 13 years for children, 40 years for men and 53 years for women.
  8. Make sure to festive table not found next quantity guests (including the birthday person) 100, 99, 50, 21, 18, 13, 9. This magic number of guests can affect the life of the birthday person.
  9. The birthday person should not change clothes twice at the time of his birthday celebration. Otherwise, he may be plagued by financial problems throughout the year. If it so happens that the birthday boy's clothes get dirty, it is necessary to say:

- Not for bad, but for good.

Spit 3 times over your left shoulder, but you still shouldn't change.

10. Do not put pancakes and dishes containing rice on the festive table at the same time.

11. Do not put on the table, on your birthday, dishes from pigeons and pork head.

12. If you celebrate your birthday in your own apartment, then the dishes broken at the festive table can be thrown away only after the last guest leaves.

13. When celebrating your birthday, try to place your favorite pet dog somewhere. It is impossible for the dog to be in the house. A dog can howl during fun and bring trouble to its owner.

14. If guests give you shampoo, soap, balms for your birthday, detergents, handkerchiefs, stabbing or cutting objects, then be sure to say to yourself "All that you brought, take it for yourself." This will save you from tears and quarrels. Even better, if you accept each gift, you mentally repeat "I want to take the gift, but let the owner keep the pledge." This will save you from many troubles, troubles and ill-wishers.

15. Going to a birthday party, guests must give an odd number of flowers. You should not give pearls, mirrors, figurines of birds, objects with incomprehensible symbols or hieroglyphs, thermometers, tonometers. Such gifts can bring negative energy to the birthday person's home.

16. It is customary to put gifts on the table, and not to pass the birthday person from hand to hand.

17. Magic ritual for the birthday person, blowing out the candles on the birthday cake and making a wish at the same time. The birthday boy must close his eyes, make his own innermost desire, concentrate your breath and blow out the candles on the cake. The candles must be extinguished at one time, only under this condition the wish of the birthday person will come true. If it is difficult to blow out the number of candles appropriate for your age, then you can put one large candle in the cake. A wish will certainly come true if it is kept secret. If only the birthday boy lets out his wish, higher power turn away from him and the wish will never come true. My advice is to always keep any of your desires in secret, this will be the main guarantee of your success.

18. During the celebration of a birthday, it is customary to wish a lot have a good birthday... It is necessary to take into account the fact that the Universe does not perceive the “not” particle. Therefore, you cannot say in your wishes - do not be in pain, do not be in distress, etc. You must always say - be happy, rich, healthy, successful, etc.

19. Birthday is the most important and important holiday... There are many rituals performed on this particular day - to improve health, on financial well-being, for love, for good luck, etc. Everyone should make a decision about celebrating their birthday, carrying out rituals, inviting guests, the main thing is that the birthday person should be cheerful and happy on this holiday.

Birthday is the most wonderful occasion to reflect on your life. With another year lived, you think about how time has passed and promise yourself what you will do next year.

For some, this is a time of deep reflection, for others, a period of renewal. Birthday beliefs can save you from the depressive thoughts that appear with age, because it the simplest way enhance your luck.
They are also in a wonderful way help friends and family celebrate a special day and continue traditions, many of which are centuries old.
In addition to the well-known tradition of blowing out candles on the cake, the number of which is equal to the number of years of the birthday person, and making a wish, there are several more interesting beliefs. The candle blowing custom is believed to have originated in Germany. Obviously, every year there are more candles on the birthday cake, and the chances of success are diminishing, but take in more air and you will succeed.

1. Hidden treasures

This custom is clearly not to my liking. medical professionals, but some traditions call for hiding inside a birthday cake various subjects... Despite the danger of strangulation to unsuspecting guests, these secret "treasures" bring wealth and love to those fortunate enough to find them.
One such treasure is adding the ring to the cake batter before baking. The guest who gets the piece with the ring will soon be the bride or groom. If a person is already married, then the ring simply enhances his luck.
Another "treasure" is a penny. The one who finds her in the cake is predicted wealth.

2. Take your time to celebrate your birthday

We often want to wish a happy birthday to a close friend or family member as soon as possible. However, in some cultures, this seemingly innocent desire can bring unhappiness to the birthday person.
In Europe and Russia, this event cannot be celebrated before the actual day of the event. You must definitely wait. There is a belief that if you celebrate your birthday in advance, then you shorten your life.
Early congratulations and early celebration will bring bad luck. Also, in order to protect themselves children, it is not customary to give gifts ahead of time. What if someone forgot their birthday? Although this is unlikely, nevertheless, if it happens, then it is said that it brings good luck.

3. Don't be late with congratulations

In some cultures, celebrating a birthday too early is bad, however, according to other beliefs, congratulations should be given to the birthday person as early as possible, from the very beginning of the day. If one of your loved ones is the hero of the occasion today, then you should congratulate him in the morning, thereby maximizing his luck.
Early wishes are especially important when a child has a birthday. In this case, the baby should hear congratulations on his birthday as soon as he wakes up. His day should begin with these words, they will charge the day with positive and positive emotions.

4. Let's start all over again

In some cultures, adults are given the opportunity to become children again when they reach a certain age... For example, in Japan, when a man reaches the age of 61, he begins his second childhood. He must wear a red hat and red vest to symbolize his return to childhood.
From that moment on, all his problems are forgotten and he is given a chance to start everything with blank slate... In Korea, this tradition takes effect when a person turns 60. On this special birthday, people seem to return to the year they were born and can start all over again.

5. Pull the ears

Some peoples have unusual tradition pull the birthday boy's ears. Belief comes from the idea that long ears Is a sign of longevity. To increase the size of your ears, at least symbolically, you should expose your ears to "enlarge" each year of your life.
As a rule, this should do close friend or a family member. The adherents of this tradition believe that performing this ritual will bring good luck in the new year of the birthday person.

6. Death and marriage

A birthday is the perfect excuse to eat something delicious, get presents and have a party, but there are some things you shouldn't do on your birthday, at least according to some superstition.
For example, you cannot appoint a wedding on your birthday, because it is believed that such a marriage is doomed to bad luck. It is also not advised to choose a marriage partner who was born in the same month as you, as this means that your union will be too stormy in bad sense this word.
Fortunately, your birthday is a wonderful day to die. If a person dies on his birthday, then it is believed that his soul is guaranteed to be saved.

7. Food selectivity

V different cultures have their own beliefs about what kind of birthday food can bring good luck, while some other nationalities, on the contrary, have certain products to avoid while celebrating.
For example, in China, for good luck, you need to eat noodles on your birthday, and for sweets, you must eat a cake similar to a peach, which is also considered a symbol of good luck. In India, they say that salt should not be eaten on your birthday, otherwise you may suffer bad luck.
Pennsylvania Germans have a very tasty birthday tradition. You should definitely eat a donut for good luck, which guarantees you that you will live at least a year.

8. Personality predictions

Many people know that a person's personality can be determined to some extent only by the day of the week when he was born. If you believe this, then know that those born on Monday have good looks and the life of "Tuesday" people is full of grace.
Other days of the week carry a negative charge, because there we are talking about grief and too long a journey to the goal. It is likely that this superstition is of Christian origin, because it retains the most best qualities for the child who came into the world on Sunday. There is certainly no evidence that the day of the week you were born has any effect on your personality, no matter how sweet it sounds.

Birthday Signs

So, what should you do on your day and what is absolutely forbidden? Let's start with what is possible and necessary.
Everyone knows what you will meet New Year, so you will spend it. But, as it turned out, this sign also applies to our birthday, because it is on your day that your personal program on next year.

When you wake up on your birthday, try to tune in to the good right away. This will make you as open as possible positive energy, which is sent to the birthday man by higher powers.
The energy received on your day has tremendous potential, it can patch holes in your energy field, and if you stay in good location spirit, it can even remove the evil eye from you, if there is one.

Forget at least on your day about conflicts, aggression and despondency, because negative emotions quickly block the flow of fresh energy, which makes you extremely vulnerable to energy vampires and black magicians.
Try to think about the good, abstracting from the problems, because all your mental projections on your birthday will definitely attract what you think about.
If you are a believer, then be sure to turn to God with prayer requests. On your day, he hears you more than ever! Therefore, do not spoil yourself the whole next year and be in a great mood on your birthday.

The day before it is worth buying new clothes and linen. Even if you do not celebrate your holiday with guests, you should still dress up and celebrate at least symbolically. If on your day you put on old and worn things, then luck will turn away from you.
Put money in the pocket of a new outfit, or if there are no pockets, hem it inside to the clothes. So they will be found with you all year. Even if you get dirty during the celebration, do not change your clothes.

What not to do on your birthday

1) In no case do not borrow one day before your birthday, as well as on the day of the holiday. You can't even ask for salt, let alone money. If you neglect this advice, then the whole year you will be accompanied by financial problems, conflicts at work, troubles and troubles.

2) On your birthday, do not lend money to anyone and don’t give alms, because by such actions you will distribute all prosperity and good luck for the coming year.

3) On your birthday, if possible, try not to communicate with sick people, because the risk of overtaking their diseases is increased. If this cannot be avoided, then be sure to put any silver item in your pocket. It will strengthen your energy field against diseases.

4) You should be aware that the guests you invite to your holiday also influence how your next year will be. Make sure that your event does not have the following number of guests: 9, 13, 18, 21, 51, 99, 100. It is believed that this number of guests will bring bad luck to the birthday person.

5) The same applies to the number of candles on the birthday cake and on the table in general. If your age is one of the above numbers, then the way out is a candle in the form of a number, or complete absence candles.

On your day, the barrier between you and the energy world becomes thinner, therefore, on a birthday, a person is very susceptible to both good and bad. For this reason, you should not invite people to your holiday whose intentions you doubt.
If one of your guests breaks the dishes, then it's for luck. But it is better to throw away the fragments the next day, so as not to endure good luck with them. The same should be done with the garbage, let it wait until the next morning.

Birthday gifts

Gifts play a lot important role in the fate of the birthday man. Let's talk about the signs associated with them.
- Everyone knows that you need to give an odd number of flowers. Be sure to count the number in the presented composition, and if suddenly it turns out to be even, then pull out one flower or throw away this gift altogether.

- You should not give ceramic products and something from haberdashery (vases, gloves, wallets). This will lead to problems at work at the birthday person and to financial difficulties... In extreme cases, you can neutralize such a gift by putting a coin in it, which both the birthday person and the giver can do.

- Do not give knives, thereby you provoke conflicts in the family. The same applies to any piercing and cutting objects. And if you were given them, then it is better to get rid of such a gift.

- Do not give pearls to the birthday boy, because it is a symbol of tears. This is also the handkerchief. If you were given such a present, then moisten it with holy water before using it.

- Don't give mirrors. Since a mirror is a corridor between the real and the other world, and on a birthday the energy field of a person is extremely susceptible, then this item received as a gift can greatly harm the birthday person. You can look at such a gift only the next day.

- Do not accept gifts from those who do not inspire confidence in you about their decency. It is possible that along with the gift you will receive damage. If, due to some circumstances, you cannot refuse the gift, then taking it, say to yourself: "Let the invisible stay with you, I take what I see." After that, cross yourself mentally.

If you still have doubts about the intentions of the donor, then it is better to get rid of the gift, but in no case redistribute.

Birthday plays an important role in the life of every person, being not only festive event, but also possessing a magical meaning. On this day, fate is especially supportive of the birthday man - paying attention to signs and beliefs, he can attract good luck in any business.

A haircut

  • Especially for those born on monday good days for haircuts are Thursday, Friday, Saturday, bad - Sunday.
  • Those born on Tuesday can have their hair cut on Thursday, Saturday, Sunday, but not on Friday.
  • If the birth happened on Wednesday, it is good to schedule a visit to the hairdresser on Saturday, it is bad - on Thursday.
  • For those born on Thursday, Friday and Monday are considered good days, and Wednesday is unfavorable.
  • Those born on Friday should go to the hairdresser's on Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays, preferably abstain on Tuesday.
  • For people who were born on Saturday better days for haircuts are Wednesday and Friday, the worst is Sunday.
  • For those born on Sunday, you can plan a haircut on Tuesday and Thursday, not on Monday.


For the holiday, you need to put on new things and underwear - this is how the birthday person will attract happiness and good luck. You should put money in your clothes pocket - so that they can be found all year long and not be transferred. It is not recommended to change the outfit, so as not to lose everything that was acquired on that day.

If the hero of the occasion stains his clothes, it means that someone is trying to jinx him. In this case, you should change clothes with the words: "Not for bad, but for good."

How to mark

  • Celebrating your birthday in advance is shortening your life. Before the deadline only the dead are remembered. If you are congratulated before the date, you must say: "God grant, live and survive all the enemies."
  • If you celebrate the event later, then the wishes may not be fulfilled - according to legends, it is on the birthday of the guardian angel and the souls of deceased relatives descend to earth to listen to all wishes and transmit them to heaven. Even if your birthday found you on the road, you should still perform certain rituals - make a wish, accept congratulations, blow out the candles on the cake.
  • You should be very attentive to your health - having met the holiday sick or morally depressed, a person risks getting health problems for the entire next year. If you have to go to the hospital, tune in to an emergency discharge, and let loved ones show you more attention and care.

  • On the eve of a birthday, you should not attend a funeral or go to a cemetery.
  • As you celebrate your birthday, you will spend the whole next year. A person should be visited only by positive thoughts, you cannot be sad and sad - you can attract what you think about.
  • On the eve of your birthday, you should not borrow money or other items, otherwise you will be in debt for a whole year.
  • Also, on this day, the birthday person should not lend something or give alms - this way you can give your well-being and good luck for the coming year.
  • During the holiday, the house should be clean, but you cannot clean up and take out the garbage on your birthday - you need to take care of this in advance or the next day, otherwise you can sweep out your happiness. Even if something is broken in the house, the fragments can be taken out only after the last guest leaves.
  • You should not bake pancakes for your birthday - they are considered exclusively a memorial and Maslenitsa dish.
  • Birthday cake means sweet life, and the light from the candles on it is the symbol of the star under which the person was born. When the candles are blown out, the smoke rises to the heavens, transmitting to them a message for the fulfillment of desire. If the first time you did not manage to blow out all the candles, ask your friends, then they will help you fulfill your plan.
  • A dog's howl on this day - to the coming death. In case of drinking songs, the four-legged friend should be removed somewhere so that he does not sing along.
  • Dreams on the night before a birthday are prophetic. You need to remember people from a dream - they will influence your life for the next year. Words spoken in a dream can be perceived as prophetic, especially if they are spoken by the dead. It will also blow you away to pay attention to the roads - their width, quality and where they lead you.
  • In the parting words to the hero of the occasion, there should not sound a particle of “not” - instead of “not getting sick,” one should wish “to be healthy”.

About guests

  • According to old beliefs, the number of guests, like candles at a holiday or cake, should not be 9, 13, 18, 21, 51, 99, 100.
  • An odd number of people at the party means that someone is missing a couple, and their envy may be directed at the birthday boy.
  • On this day, the birthday person becomes more receptive to higher powers, as to good influence, and to the negative. Therefore, it is undesirable to invite people in whose purity you are not sure of the purity of their thoughts.
  • If people unpleasant to the birthday man are present at the holiday, accepting a gift from them, one should say to oneself: “I am taking a gift, not a lining” and cross mentally three times. In the future, it is advisable to get rid of the gift.
  • Giving gifts to guests is a good omen. So the higher powers see your generosity and are ready to reward you with even more gifts.


  • Birthday rain lucky omen... It is especially good if the sunny weather suddenly gives way to rain and you have to get wet.
  • Thunderstorm - Thunderous thunder symbolizes the impending alarm.
  • Rainbow - portends happiness and good luck.


  • To give birth on your birthday means a loss of individuality, the birthday man gives part of his luck to his child.
  • A wedding is considered a bad omen only if it falls on the bride's birthday.
  • Death loved one- an unlucky sign, brings sorrow and sorrow.

On years

  • 13 years - this date should not be celebrated on a grand scale.
  • 33 years old - considered mystical date, by the age of Christ. During this period, critical events often occur in a person's life.
  • 40th birthday is a sacred age for a man. On this day, it is recommended to give up noisy fun.
  • 53 years old - playing special meaning in a woman's life. This holiday should be celebrated quietly and calmly, with the family.

What can not be given

  • Bouquets with an even number of flowers - this is considered a wish for the well-being of a deceased person in the afterlife. If such a coincidence turned out to be a florist's mistake, you should simply remove the extra flower. If you doubt the donor's good intentions, get rid of the entire composition.
  • Yellow flowers are a symbol of parting and deception.
  • Soap, shampoo and other cleansers - they attract tears to themselves.
  • Haberdashery (wallets, bags) - these items should not be empty, otherwise the birthday person will face financial difficulties. At least a coin should be put in gifts.
  • Vessels (vases, jugs, pots) - they should also be presented full.
  • Weapons, as well as sharp, stabbing and cutting objects (knives, forks, scissors) - worsen energy, attract quarrels and conflicts into life. Gifts of this kind need to be bought back - to give the donor a coin or a small bill for them.

  • Clock - is a symbol of the passing time, counting down the time of life.
  • Pearl Jewelry - Pearls symbolize tears and bring grief.
  • Handkerchiefs - can bring tears and sorrow to the birthday person.
  • Tie - with the help of this wardrobe item, you can tie (or bewitch) a person to yourself.
  • Mirrors are a corridor between our world and the other world, and can bring misfortune to the birthday boy.
  • Figures and figurines in the shape of birds, as well as stuffed animals and paintings with birds - portend trouble.
  • You cannot give your gifts - this way you can give another person something positive that was intended exclusively for you.

After birthday

After the holiday, you need to observe yourself and the signs for another 12 days, each of which symbolizes the month of the next year and a certain area in life:

  • The first day symbolizes the personality of the birthday person. You should pay special attention to your persona and introspection, understanding the mistakes of the past and making plans for the future.
  • The second is responsible for the financial side of life. It is necessary to think over cash receipts and spending for the coming year. Special attention on this day you need to devote to nutrition - the richness of your table for the whole next year depends on how high-quality and varied the food will be.
  • The third is relationships with people around you, both business and personal. Time to develop a working strategy, think about how to strengthen ties, get rid of unnecessary contacts. The day is also good for beginnings.
  • The fourth is dedicated to the family. It is advisable to spend time with your parents, especially your mother. You can put things in order in the house, visit the cemetery. Real estate transactions will be successful.
  • The fifth is associated with recreation and entertainment. It is advisable to spend this day with children and friends, go for a walk, get as much as possible positive emotions should not think about work. A personal acquaintance can develop into a serious relationship.
  • The sixth is the day of health. It is necessary to cleanse the body, it is useful to go on a diet or do therapeutic fasting. Any physical exercises... It is also good to communicate with animals on this day.

  • Seventh - is responsible for the relationship with a partner. It is necessary to spend as much time as possible together, visit an exhibition or museum together. You should definitely refrain from quarrels and conflicts.
  • Eighth - a day dedicated to the secret and magical. Good time for meditation, solving problems with inheritance. Dreaming prophetic dreams... If noise and crowds are avoided, the next year will be calm.
  • Ninth - symbolizes training, career, and also religion. A wonderful period for expanding horizons, traveling, communicating with people. You can do charity work, go to educational institutions.
  • The tenth is the personification of success. You should pay attention to reputation, career, enroll in refresher courses. It's good if you can help loved ones.
  • Eleventh - dedicated friendship and attracting new things into your life. On this day, it is good to get rid of unnecessary things, habits, relationships. You can change your style, place of residence, get married. It is useful to meet and chat with friends.
  • Twelfth - responsible for ill-wishers and restrictions. The day is good for going to church, meditating, fighting bad habits... There are chances to accidentally find out about the plans of the enemies.