How to provide first aid to a newborn who has choked on milk? Ears on the crown. Prevention of such cases

Most of what newborns do, they do reflexively. When they are hungry or unhappy, they automatically start crying. For them, the advice does not fit in any way: first think, and then act.

Familiar smells

The ability for a heightened sense of smell develops simultaneously in both the newborn and his mother. The child can not only distinguish the mother's voice from many others, but also find her by smell. An interesting study was done with 6 day old babies. Each of them was brought to the breast of several mothers, but he only reached for his mother's breast, regardless of whether there was milk in it. Mothers also have the ability to recognize their baby by smell. In particular, blind women do this.

Imaginary images

Newborn education begins with striving for comfort and better satisfaction of their needs. They are hungry, asking for their arms in order to get comfortable, and for all this they have only one language - crying. Put yourself in the place of a newborn: "I cry - and they take me in their arms. I continue to cry - they feed me. I cry again when I am alone - and they take me in their arms again." After repeated repetition of such signals and responses, an imaginary image is formed, a picture depicting what should be expected as a result of crying. Specialists dealing with the problem of child development call such pictures schemes. The more such imaginary images are created in a baby, the better his mind develops. Thus, the initial reflex, crying, develops into thinking, or a cognitive process. At the same time, images are born in the child's mind that contain an answer to his need. At the same time, the language of the signals given by it is being improved.

For the mother, the process rapprochement is as if in reverse order... When you first start communicating with your baby, your thoughts precede your actions: "Is he hungry? But I just fed him. Is he wet? Or does he just want to sit on my neck? Maybe!" The more often you do such gymnastics for the mind, the faster you will learn to intuitively feel what the child needs and act almost reflexively, i.e. act before thinking.

By constantly developing the language of communication with the child (the "signal - response" connection), you will soon come to a state of harmony: the process of your learning will go in parallel, and you will learn to adapt to each other - your baby, in whose head there are already many beautiful pictures of possible interaction, and you, more and more responsive to his signals.

The style of rapprochement, which includes communication according to the "signal-response" type, fosters the child's trust in you, teaches them to formulate their needs in such a way that others will quickly understand them. So, 9-month-old babies reach out to you in anticipation that you will vilify them. At the same time, they have an image - a picture: "Pick up and play" and a corresponding signal to you.

Mutual improvement

Pictures-images are born not only in the head of a child expecting help from you. Parents also imagine an image of what their child wants. So stretched out invisible threads from the baby to the maternal consciousness, and from the mother to the child.

What happens to babies, to whose signals the parents do not respond, for fear of making the children too dependent or being subordinated to them ("We do not want him to pitch the rope out of us"). The mind of a child, whose calls remain unanswered, and whose needs are unmet, turns out to be not so rich. Without knowing what answer to expect, he cannot recreate an image-picture that suggests what should follow his cry or some other signal. His head is filled with "dummy cards". Mother is also in to a large extent impoverished because the child's signals are not improving and it is still very difficult for her to understand what he needs. Between them, such a mutual understanding has not been developed as in the first case. Mother and baby know little about each other's thoughts, and a certain distance begins to arise between them.

Once I was explaining to a young mother how best to establish contact with a newborn. She seemed to understand everything, but then suddenly anxiously asked: "With these calling sounds, everything is clear, but what if I am so stupid that I give them the wrong answer. Suppose he is wet, and I think he is hungry?" I encouraged her: “You can't be wrong and stupid when you pick up the baby and start babysitting. possible reasons this scream until you find what is bothering your child. The main thing is that by your actions you will show that you are ready to listen to him and try to help him.

Basic behavioral conditions of the child

Cry. Loud, dissatisfied screams, accompanied by sharp uncoordinated movements of the limbs. At this point, it is very difficult to grab the child's attention. This behavior is unpleasant for both the baby himself and his loved ones.

Active concentration. A state similar to calm concentration, but the child's head and limbs move, as if he is immersed in himself and does not notice you. The child seems to be attracted by his movements own body.

Calm concentration. The eyes are clear, open, attentive; the limbs are in relative rest. The child seems to be contemplating the environment. This is the most appropriate state for interaction and learning.

Doze. The eyes are open but stick together or begin to close. The child is quite absent-minded, limbs and torso move, sleepy half-smiles pass across the face. He just woke up or is about to fall asleep.

Superficial sleep. The child wakes up easily, his limbs and face twitch from time to time; breathing is uneven, flashes occur motor activity... The limbs are pressed against the body.

Deep dream. The child's movements are minimized, the expression on the face is calm, peaceful, breathing is even, the limbs are relaxed and dangle, like in rag doll.

Enjoy your newborn's smile

With the first smile of a newborn, you will freeze with happiness and forget all sleepless nights and constant babysitting. You think with delight, "My baby really loves me." But suddenly his cheeks puffed out with a bubble, and you sigh in disappointment: "Oh, it's just air coming out." After many years of observing the smiles of newborns, I myself want to blow air bubble... Babies can smile and do smile, and not just let the air out (although this also happens after they get rid of the excess gas).

As veterans in the study of children's smiles, we, with good reason, divide them into two main types: internal and external smiles. Inner smiles, as if turned into oneself, are more characteristic of the first few weeks and perfectly reflect the state of inner satisfaction. Sometimes it's like sleepy half-smiles; sometimes just a slight twitching of the corners of the lips. There are other smiles: relief - when colic stops, satisfaction - after a good meal, or when children are picked up and start to rock. Sometimes you can catch the smile of a child while playing with him. Such early smiles are like a signal: "I'm fine." They make you experience pleasant moments too. And nevertheless, it will take several more months before the baby will have an external smile when communicating with you. It is meant only for you and seems incredibly captivating to you.

Whatever the reasons for the baby's smile, enjoy it - both sliding grins and sleepy half-smiles - all of them are nothing more than faint semblances of a future conscious smile all over your mouth.

Ekaterina Morozova - mother of many children, editor of the "Children" column at Colady magazine


Why is the baby crying, and how can mom calm him down?

  1. Runny nose or uncleaned nasal passages
    What to do? Calm the baby in your arms, clean his nose with cotton "flagella", walk with the baby around the room, holding him upright. If the crumbs have a runny nose, consult a doctor and choose the optimal treatment (nasal drops, use of a respirator, etc.). Do not forget that with a runny nose, the baby loses the ability to suck milk normally. That is, crying can be caused by the fact that the baby is simply malnourished and cannot fully breathe.
  2. Overexcitation
    The reasons are too long a waking period, loud music, noisy guests, relatives who want to cuddle the baby, etc. What to do? Provide the baby with an environment in which he can safely fall asleep - ventilate the room, dim the lights, create silence, rock the baby in his arms or in the crib. As a prophylaxis "from the cradle", try to observe the daily routine of the crumbs, put them at the same time, accompanying the process with traditional actions in your family (musical carousel, bathing before going to bed, mom's lullaby, motion sickness in dad's arms, reading fairy tales, etc.).
  3. Hunger
    The most common reason tears of a newborn. Often, it is accompanied by smacking in children (in search of a breast, the baby folds his lips with a tube). Feed your baby, even if it's too early to eat according to the schedule. And pay attention to whether the child eats, how much he eats, how much he is supposed to eat by age for one feeding. It is possible that he simply does not have enough milk.
  4. Soiled diapers
    Check your baby: maybe he has already done his "wet job" and asks for "fresh" diapers? Not a single crumb will want to lie in an overflowing diaper. And the baby's bottom, as any mother knows, must be dry and clean. By the way, some crumbs-neat, even once "peeing" in a diaper, require immediate change.
  5. Diaper rash, diaper irritation, sweating
    The baby, of course, is unpleasant and uncomfortable if, under the diaper, his skin melts, itches and stings. If you find such a nuisance on children's skin, use a diaper rash cream, talc (powder) or other means for treatment skin problems(according to the situation).
  6. bloating
    With this reason, crying usually does not help either motion sickness or feeding - the baby "twists" its legs and screams, not reacting to anything. What to do? First, to organize the child "hot-water bottle", laying his tummy on his own belly. Secondly, use a gas tube, belly massage, exercise "bicycle" and special tea (usually such simple manipulations are enough to calm the tummy and the baby himself). Well, do not forget that after feeding your child should be held in an upright position for a while (10-20 minutes).
  7. Temperature
    This reason will be discovered by everyone caring mother... The temperature can rise in crumbs due to vaccinations, illness, allergies, etc. What should I do? First of all, check with your doctor. And together with him, choose a drug that will be the least harmful and most effective (+ antihistamine). But the main thing is to find out the cause of the temperature. You should not immediately rush to a child with antipyretic drugs, as soon as the mercury column rises above 37 degrees - knocking down the temperature, you can "smear" a picture typical, for example, of a serious allergic reaction... Therefore, calling a doctor is your first action. While waiting for the doctor, it is recommended to put on the baby light cotton clothes and drink water or barely sweetened tea. See also:.
  8. Uncomfortable clothing (too tight, seams or buttons, diaper folds, etc.)
    What to do? Check the baby's bed - whether the diaper or sheet is smoothly filled. Does the baby get in the way of extra details on the clothes? Do not chase after "fashionable" new clothes - dress your baby in comfortable and soft cotton clothes, according to age (seams out!). Put on cotton mittens on the handles (if you are not an adherent of strict swaddling) so that the baby does not accidentally scratch itself.
  9. The child is tired of lying in one position
    Every young mother needs to remember that the baby from time to time (regularly) should be turned from one barrel to another. The baby gets tired of the same pose and starts crying to demand “changes”. If the child does not need a diaper change, then simply turn it over to another barrel and shake the crib.
  10. Baby is hot
    If the baby is too wrapped up and the room is hot, then redness and prickly heat (rash) may appear on the baby's skin. Measure the temperature - it can rise from overheating (which is no less harmful than hypothermia). Dress your baby according to the temperature - thin diapers / undershirts and caps, no synthetics. And if there is such an opportunity, try not to put diapers on your baby in the heat.
  11. The kid is cold
    In this case, the child can not only cry, but even hiccup. Check the baby for a cool back, tummy and chest. If the child is really cold, wrap him up warmly and rock him. Experts advise rocking the child in a crib or in a stroller: mother's hugs will come in handy during periods of wakefulness, and accustoming a child to hands is fraught with sleepless nights for parents. long time(it will be extremely difficult to wean).
  12. Otitis media or inflammation of the oral mucosa
    V in this case it just hurts the baby to swallow milk. As a result, he breaks away from his chest, barely taking a sip, and cries loudly (moreover, crying is observed not only during feeding, but also at other times). Examine your baby's mouth and ears, and call a doctor if otitis media is suspected. Assign medicines from inflammation in the mouth, only the doctor should also.
  13. Constipation
    The best prevention is to breastfeed the child (not with mixtures), regularly give the baby some water, and always wash it off after a bowel movement. If, nevertheless, this trouble happened, use a special tea and a gas tube (do not forget to lubricate it with baby cream or oil) - as a rule, this is enough to alleviate the condition and cause bowel movement (insert the tube to a depth of 1 cm and gently move it back and forth ). If it does not help, carefully enter in anus crumbs small remnant baby soap and wait a little. Read also:
  14. Pain when urinating or defecating
    If there is irritation on the baby's genitals or anus from being in diapers for a long time, allergic rash, a reaction to the combination of urine and feces (the most "painful" and harmful), then the process of defecation and urination will be accompanied by painful sensations... Try to avoid this condition of the baby's skin, change diapers regularly and wash your child every time you change a diaper.
  15. Teeth are being cut
    Pay attention to the following "symptomatology": is the baby actively sucking on his fingers, toys and even the crib bars? Does the bottle nipple "nag" intensely? Has salivation increased? Are your gums swollen? Or maybe your appetite is disappearing? The emergence of teeth is always accompanied by discomfort and sleepless nights of the parents. Usually, teeth begin to cut from 4-5 months (possibly from 3 months - during the second and subsequent births). What to do? Let the baby chew on the teething ring, massage the gums with a clean finger or with a special massage cap. Do not forget (in especially "sleepless" situations) and about the ointment, which was created just for such a case.

Well, in addition to the above reasons, it is also worth noting the child's natural desire to be closer to mom, fear of loneliness, intracranial pressure, meteorological dependence, desire to stay awake etc.

Try to walk with the baby more often, take care of it nervous system from overexcitation, make sure his clothing is suitable for weather conditions and room temperature, check the baby's skin for redness and clear the nasal passages, put it calm classical music, sing songs and call a doctor if you cannot figure out the reasons for persistent and prolonged crying on your own .

Hello, my dear subscribers! This article will be useful for young and inexperienced parents. Moreover, I myself faced a situation when a nursing baby choked on milk. The case ended with an ambulance. So ignore this topic, I can not.

If a newborn choked on milk - what to do? You will ask yourself this question more than once, and in order not to get confused in the right moment, let's discuss everything in detail.

Of course, there can be a great many reasons for this. We will consider a specific case when the baby choked or regurgitated.

While eating, a child may choke for several reasons:

  • The specific shape of the mother's mammary glands.
  • Active sucking of food.
  • Too much milk (or formula) pressure that the baby cannot control.
  • Uncomfortable hand position or not correct attachment to the chest.
  • Frequent shortness of breath observed in newborns (this happens because the baby does not yet know how to properly combine food intake and breathing process).
  • Unusual sensations from food (this happens when complementary foods or mixtures are introduced).

Signs that the child is choking and choking

You can understand that the baby is choking and choking on the following signs:

  • Sudden, violent cough.
  • Active salivation.
  • "Bulging" peephole.
  • Tears.
  • Heavy, wheezing - hiss of breath.
  • Change or abrupt loss vote.
  • The child begins to "swallow" air through his mouth.
  • Redness / whiteness, and then blue skin.
  • Loss of consciousness.

First aid

What first aid should be given to a baby if he begins to choke on milk? If you see one (or several) of the above listed signs, you must proceed as follows:

  • If a child tries to scream or wheeze, then Airways not completely clogged (which is good). It is necessary to turn it over in such a way that it is as easy as possible for the baby to spit out the "fallen into the wrong throat" milk; start patting him on the back, between the shoulder blades (but do not overdo it, so as not to repulse the internal organs).
  • If the baby is unable to make a sound, although he tries to make an attempt to breathe (the chest trembles, the tummy is pulled in), then the airways are completely blocked (this is very bad). Call an ambulance immediately, but in the meantime, turn him face down, keeping your hand on his stomach and pat between the shoulder blades.
  • If this does not help, lay it on its side and simultaneously press on upper part tummy and lower part breasts. Movements should be directed towards the throat to help "get out" of stuck food and / or vomit.

Real life example

I once had one of the twins choked on milk while spitting up. Unfortunately for us, however, he also had snot, which we did not even know about.

After feeding the baby and supporting him with a column, I put him to sleep. It was deep night. However, my mother's instinct did not allow me to fall asleep. I decided to check if everything is all right with my Andryusha (at that time he was 29 days old). What I saw shocked me: the baby had bulging eyes, he was all red and could not breathe.

I didn't know what to do in such situations. However, the husband took the baby in his arms and began to suck the contents out of his nose. I wasted no time calling an ambulance. After a few minutes, the baby began to breathe and slowly began to return to normal. When the ambulance arrived, the diagnosis was: "Your boy has a runny nose."

True, the ambulance arrived “so quickly” (we had to wait 40 minutes) that without taking any action, the result would have been disastrous for us.

Prevention of such cases

In order to prevent such cases, you need to follow a few simple rules:

Your baby is still very young, and, of course, he can choke on milk or mixture during a meal (this is especially not rare in the first months of life, since he is not yet really adapted to this world and, at times, performing such simple our tasks of how to breathe and eat at the same time can become a test for him). Carefully monitor the baby's behavior while eating, follow the simple rules during and after feeding, and in no case give in to panic in emergency situation!

That’s all :) All healthy toddlers! I look forward to your comments! Until new articles !!!

Always yours, Anna Tikhomirova

Estimated reading time: 12 minutes

So these long nine months of waiting and longing were left behind, replaced by fears and apprehensions. early birth... They also, according to the laws of the process, have come to their logical conclusion. And here she is a new life takes her first breath and publishes her first cry, notifying the world of her appearance. This is just the beginning of a long journey.

The newly born baby will be put on the belly or on the breast of the newly-made mom and immediately taken away. And while mom moves away from generic process, the baby will have to go through a few more stressful minutes.

For nine months, the baby experienced all the emotions and impressions together with his mother. The world it concerned him indirectly. He was protected by being in the cramped space of the uterus. At the moment of birth, the child is faced with the external environment. Far from familiar and incomprehensible to him. The first moments are adaptation to the world after the birth process.

At birth, the mother-child relationship is not interrupted, but on the contrary is even more strengthened. From the first moments of birth, the baby is able to interact with the outside world.

He sees, hears, feels pain, cold, warmth, reacts to taste changes, smells. With his cry, he attracts the attention of adults. When communicating with us as adults, children accumulate and improve their experience of getting to know the world around them.

This is just the beginning

Immediately after birth, the state of the baby is assessed according to the Apgar scale (the color of the skin, pulse, facial expressions, reflexes, muscle tone and respiration are assessed). This procedure is repeated after 5 minutes and a record in the form of a fractional number is entered into the newborn's honey card. How more number, the better the health indicators at birth. Conversely, low numbers indicate difficulties in life.

This is by no means the last inconvenience the baby will experience in the near future. It will be measured (chest and head volume, body length) and weighed, and then, within 12 hours, they will be vaccinated against viral hepatitis, and within 7 days from tuberculosis with BCG vaccination. The new world, which seems to any adult to be quite safe, is not so for a baby. Rather, on the contrary, to replace comfort maternal womb comes an environment full of various threats. It is better to use every opportunity to save a small, fragile body from additional stress and illness.

Let's get acquainted

Without a doubt, during pregnancy and during childbirth, mom often thinks and introduces herself to her baby. And most often these ideas are very distantly related to reality. Because a newborn baby always crumples like a ruddy smiling toddler with velvety skin and clear eyes. In reality, however, things are often somewhat different.

At the first glance at a newly born baby, you may get the impression that something is wrong with him: disproportionate big head strange shape, crooked legs and arms, long hair or their complete absence, uneven skin color, etc. But do not worry about this, since the above description is absolutely normal. For a person who has spent 9 months in a liquid environment and does not have a special variety of postures and movements, this baby looks amazing.

It will take quite a bit of time, and by 1 month the baby will already look like a star of children's gloss.

In the first days of life, the baby's skin is especially sensitive due to the loss of original lubricant, therefore, it should be handled with extreme care and attention. It is better to use special oils and creams for newborns for care, which can be purchased at the pharmacy.

Formation of the regime

The baby's first breath is the beginning of adaptation to the world. Lots of stimuli, stains, smells, sounds, temperature changes ... to get used to all this crumbs it takes great amount energy. Therefore, during the first month of life, he sleeps and learns to stay awake. If the first week is almost continuous sleep, then starting from the second there are small and short periods of wakefulness, and then more. But be that as it may 18 - 20 hours a day, the baby enjoys dreams in the "frog pose". Every 2 to 3 hours, the newborn wakes up to have a snack. However, even while eating, it costs him nothing to fall asleep or doze during the entire feeding. Sometimes, in order to stimulate the baby to eat, it is patted on the bottom and the nipple of the mother's breast is removed from the mouth, and reinserted again. Otherwise, the dormouse may well remain hungry.

The formation of the daily routine should be started during this 1 month, gradually streamlining the process of feeding and awakening the baby and strictly observing the time intervals between these two processes. It is very important to carry out the necessary hygiene procedures. Morning toilet, which involves washing the baby, cleaning the nose and ears, washing the eyes and the spaces between the fingers on the arms and legs. Evening toilet, which includes bathing and procedures for caring for the delicate skin of the newborn.

The first basics of communication

It is a mistake to believe that a newborn does not see anything. By the fifth day of life, the child opens his eyes wider and slightly, intermittently tries to follow the object. It is necessary to develop this skill bright toys... Babies even have their own color preference... Often their gaze stops at a certain bright color. Someone prefers bright yellow, pink, red, and someone has a favorite black color.


Studies have been carried out in infants 4-6 weeks old, they were shown ribbons in bright and bed tones. The time of fixing the gaze of the babies was carried out using a stopwatch. One of the babies chose green color, another cold pink, third preferred blue tint and one of the girls chose black.

After analyzing the results, conclusions were drawn. The children chose colors according to the color of their mothers' clothes. It is in this colors mothers were dressed after the birth of babies. The very first impressions are associated with these tones: feeding, lulling in the arms. The girl who chose black associated her choice with the clothes of her lover and caring father... He wore a black navy uniform.

Talk to me mom

From the first days of life, it is necessary to communicate affectionately with the baby, thanks to this he feels cared for. Feeling safe and needed helps a child to develop properly. Now on modern market there are a lot of sound toys, but they cannot replace the affectionate and dear voice of the mother.

When you are talking to your baby, stand so that he can see your face. During this period, the child not only listens, concentrates, but also distinguishes the sounds of speech, intonation. They try to imitate, associate your appearance with your characteristic intonation, timbre of voice, rhythm of speech.

During communication with adults, the baby gets to know the sounds, this is necessary in the future for the formation of speech. The humming begins with syllables, which are then combined into words by the child, then sentences are obtained.

Ears on the crown

Even in utero, the baby begins to get acquainted with the sounds. Psychologists recommend talking often, reading fairy tales, listening to music for pregnant women. After birth, the child does not lose the ability to hear.

At loud sounds, he shudders, while chaotically moving the handles. This is the norm, it is necessary to take into account this fact, exclude loud sounds in the presence of crumbs.

It is strictly forbidden to swear, swear and an increased tone of conversation near the baby. For a beneficial development, you need to put the child on pleasant music, sounds of nature, read fairy tales, and sing lullabies.

Remember. The child needs constant attention, benevolence, care for further normal psychological development.

Diet and results

In the first week after birth, a baby can usually lose up to 300 grams of weight. You should not worry about this. This process is quite natural, because there is an excess of fluid in the body of the crumbs, and there is still no established diet. Weight will stabilize already in the first week of life and, normally, will begin to increase.

To date, there is no meal schedule for newborns. They are fed at the request of the crumbs, which occurs every 2 to 3 hours. Usually it is 6 - 8 feedings per day, with breaks of 5 hours at night, this will lay the foundation for the diet of the crumbs. In the case of women who become mothers for the first time, experts recommend applying the baby to the breast more often, up to 12 times a day. This will stimulate lactation naturally.

In the process of eating, the baby receives not only milk or nutritional mixture, but also a large number of air. In order to avoid the accumulation of excess gases, after feeding the baby, you need to hold it with a column for a couple of minutes so that he regurgitates excess air.

The main and, perhaps, the only source of nutrients for the baby is mother's milk. Such food allows digestive system run smoothly and evenly. And the sleep following feeding promotes vigorous development. internal systems and active growth babies.

The very process of attaching a baby to the breast is a mystery of two, it is a process of energetic communication between matter and its offspring. Therefore, mommy should avoid stress and anxiety, unnecessary anxiety. The child is acutely aware of the mother's condition and reacts by refusing to eat and crying if the mother is upset or annoyed. This can affect the weight of the baby's body and his health is extremely negative.

Subject to favorable conditions, by 1 month the baby will gain weight from 600 to 800 grams and will noticeably grow up.

How to measure your baby:

To measure your body length: put on a flat surface so that the shoulder blades, sacrum and heels touch it.

To measure head circumference: a centimeter tape runs along the brow ridges and the back of the head.

To measure your chest circumference: the measuring tape runs behind the lower corners of the shoulder blades, in front - along the lower edges of the areola.

Along with the nutrition of the newborn great value have its allocation. The baby's chair is an indicator of the work of a small organism. He is seriously evaluated by doctors, and mommy will also have to become more skilled in this knowledge.

In the first couple of days, the baby's discharge cannot be called formalized. They have a liquid and viscous consistency and dark green... This is meconium, the result of processing the remnants of cells and substances accumulated in the womb and captured during childbirth.

Meconium is replaced by transitional stools. It is mushy and yellowish in color. It may contain meconium inclusions, so you should not panic at the sight of greenish inclusions, it will soon pass.

At the end of the first week of life, the baby is established normal stool... It is usually set at the end of the first week of life. From this moment until the end of the neonatal period, that is, up to 28 days, the child's stool normally has a homogeneous mushy consistency, a sour smell and a yellowish brown color.

Stool patterns may vary slightly depending on the type of feeding. So, if the baby eats exclusively breast milk, then the color of his stool will be yellowish-golden, and the stool itself will be soft. Depending on the number of meals, the baby will surprise mom, usually 2 to 6 times a day. If for some reason the baby cannot feed on breast milk, then he will defecate a little less often, only 3-4 times a day, and his stool will be viscous and thick, brownish or light yellow.

Looking at the stool of the crumbs is a very important diagnostic point in relation to his health. The new environment and nutrition often cause dysbiosis and various intestinal infections... If the baby's stool has changed its smell from sour to sharply unpleasant, has become heterogeneous in density and color, you should sound the alarm and consult a doctor. This should not normally happen.

Umbilical wound

After emerging from the womb, it is disconnected. The umbilical cord that connected them earlier is cut and tied. From this protruding piece of flesh, a pretty little navel is formed by the end of the first month, with proper care, of course. And for him, mommy will need to treat the umbilical wound twice a day as follows:

  • Wash your hands thoroughly;
  • Take a piece of sterile cotton wool and wrap it around a match or toothpick. Repeat this procedure three times. The result should be three wooden sticks with cotton wool at the ends;
  • Moisten one of the resulting tampons in hydrogen peroxide and gently treat the wound without pressure;
  • Take another stick and soak in salicylic alcohol. Wipe the wound again, despite the active protest from the baby;
  • Moisten the third swab in brilliant green and repeat the procedure.

As a result proper care a couple of weeks umbilical wound should become narrow and dry, without any discharge and redness of the skin on the baby's tummy. By the end of 4 weeks of life, it will finally overgrow and the baby's navel will take on a normal appearance.

Water procedures

You need to start bathing the baby immediately after discharge from maternity hospital, on the same day. Postpone water treatments follows if, on the eve or on the same day, the baby was vaccinated against tuberculosis.

Water for bathing a baby should be used boiled and close in temperature to 37 ° C. The baby should be bathed every other day, and once a week, bathe with a baby sponge and wash your hair twice a week using shampoo for newborns. All other products used for bathing must also be special for children. Try to get the child out of the water before he asks you to cry and shout. After that, the baby should be wiped with blotting movements and proceed to the care procedures.

You should not bathe your child when he may be hungry, that is, if more than 1 hour has passed since the last meal.

A newborn's skin is very delicate and prone to irritation and dryness. Therefore, the baby's skin must be lubricated with baby cream or oil, Special attention giving deep folds.

After each chair, the crumbs must be washed off with soap and running water. After that, the skin of the buttocks must be lubricated with oil or cream.

The baby's nails at 1 month old should not be cut in order to avoid injury and subsequent inflammation.

Twice a day, the baby needs to be washed. To do this, take two cotton swabs and dip in boiled water, then lightly squeeze and wipe both eyes at the same time in the direction from the ears to the nose. Then take another cotton swab. Also moisten and wipe all the crumbs' face.


After 2 weeks, the baby can be taken out for walks, the duration of the first of which should be no more than 15 minutes. For the first "appearance" should choose a suitable day in terms of weather. It is better to neglect walking if it is raining or heavy snowing outside, as well as if it is severe frost, smog or fog. In the future, it will be possible to chill at your pleasure, everything comes with experience. The day after the first walk, the time spent in the air is already 30 minutes. And so gradually the duration of walks increases to 2 - 2.5 hours a day for cool seasons, and unlimited for warm ones.

There is no need to dress up the baby "like a cabbage", trying to protect him from colds. It is just constant overheating that leads to frequent colds at the kids. Focus on the temperature of the pens, if they are warm, then the little one is warm. In the case of children, the “cold nose” principle does not work.

Swaddle, do not swaddle

Many parents have doubts whether to swaddle their child or not. Nobody will give a categorical answer. There is a lot of debate about rationality today. this method... Many psychologists believe that swaddling limits the knowledge of a little crumbs. outside world... Which can lead to psychological consequences.

Although our grandmothers actively practiced tight swaddling, all the babies looked very funny, like little dolls. Proven scientific research, swaddling has a beneficial effect on the baby's sleep. He wakes up less from chaotic hand movements. So there is no right in this dispute.

To find the golden mean, many pediatricians recommend combination swaddling. During wakefulness, leave the child in loose clothing, and swaddle while sleeping.

"Hospitalism" - a pedagogically neglected baby

Outwardly, the child can look completely healthy, physically strong. If he receives little attention from birth, the emotional sphere of such children is very poorly developed.


Usually abandoned babies suffer from this syndrome. Such children rarely cry, rarely smile, and are almost not interested in anything. In the future, they play sluggishly and primitively with toys, problems with speech arise.

"Hospitalism" is characterized by mental retardation. Psychomotor functions are also impaired. Subsequently, such children develop apathy, constant sucking fingers, fists. Thus, the child compensates for the lack of information.

How to be

Desired babies do not have such a problem. Mother's love, warmth, affection is the main incentive for better development skills in an infant. At the caring, loving mom never a crumb will be diagnosed with hospitalism. Because she will never leave her blood for a long time unattended, she will not make her cry for a long time, she will find the cause of her dissatisfaction, she will sound the alarm when something is wrong.

Parents should remember that the child's brain needs information from the outside world, for further correct development... This need must be developed from the first days of life. Constant communication, bright non-annoying toys, pleasant music.

Summing up

After 4 weeks, the baby will move from the neonatal period to new level during infancy, which will last up to 1 year. Ahead is a big world and a long life full of amazing discoveries. And not only for the baby, but also for the parents. The most important thing to remember is that every child is unique and unrepeatable. Therefore, the rates of its growth and development are also individual and special, they may differ from generally accepted standards, and there is nothing wrong with that. If there are any prerequisites, you need to immediately run to the doctor. If there are none, there is no need to come up with causes and effects. There is a more important and enjoyable lesson - just being a mom! Love and take care of your kids!

A child is an extremely restless and inquisitive creature. Many different objects pass through his handles, but if the baby is still very small, then all of them must be studied "by the teeth".

This behavior is fraught with the swallowing of small parts and getting them into the respiratory tract. And a baby under one year old can choke breast milk or a mixture when feeding, an older baby - with pieces of food.

What if the child chokes? What should be the first aid? When is it better not to interfere? Each parent needs to clearly understand the sequence of actions in an emergency, since children's life depends on the correct behavior.

If you suspect that your child is choking, first of all, stay calm, don't panic or get hysterical. Before giving him first aid, try to take a sensible look at the situation (of course, this is extremely difficult) and get rid of unnecessary emotions.

The human body is in many ways an autonomous system that can independently get rid of various fluids and solid objects that got into the respiratory system. For example, using the cough and gag reflex.

If choked Small child coughed and cried, he started vomiting, which means that everything is not so bad. He breathes because there is no obstruction in the airway. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to calm the little one and determine what he choked on.

Most often, small pieces of food and drinks come out with vomiting and coughing up. Of course, after everything that happened, the baby will not immediately come to his senses, he will cough and feel discomfort in the chest. However, then, after an hour or two, the condition returns to normal.

What to do if the child chokes on any bead or piece of food of a larger size, but continues to breathe? No need to try to get it foreign object on your own, since you will only push it even further by unskillful actions.

Calm the baby and make sure he is breathing, lay him on his side, lifting his chin up, and then call ambulance.

Emergency first aid from parents is needed if the following adverse symptoms are observed:

  • the child began to choke, tries to catch air in his mouth;
  • first his skin turn red, then turn blue;
  • mouth opens, saliva flows out;
  • the baby seeks to grab the neck with handles (this is what children do over a year old);
  • he is not able to talk, cry (if a newborn), this is a sure sign of airway obstruction.

The most unfavorable signal is that the baby is so bad that he loses consciousness. In this case, you can only help with quick and at the same time well-thought-out actions.

First aid for an infant

Usually a newborn or infant under a year may choke when feeding - milk, food, water, saliva. The most common reasons a similar situation are:

  • incorrect position of the crumbs when feeding;
  • too long a gap between meals (the baby will gag);
  • too abundant flow of milk from the breast (the baby does not have time to swallow and chokes);
  • large holes in the nipples (if the baby is artificial).

Wherein month old baby will cough violently, snort, or breathe frequently. In children aged several months, the signs usually do not differ. To help babies, do the following:

  1. Raise your baby's hands up. Similar method little known, may seem overly simple and ineffective, but this position of the body expands the airways and normalizes the passage of air to the lungs.
  2. Another method that you should try if the previous one did not help. If the baby has choked with saliva, milk, you can help the newborn like this - put it with your stomach on your palm and pat it with the edge of your palm 5 times between the shoulder blades.
  3. If a month-old or an infant chokes on a piece of food, a small object, the parent can do the following - the baby rises by the legs and gently shakes it, or the baby is pressed on the root of the uvula to trigger the gag reflex.

The child is coughing, but breathing does not change? Most likely, the foreign object ended up in the laryngeal tube and did not advance further. Special help is not required here, since with cough and saliva, a piece of food will fly out on its own.

The situation becomes much more complicated if a child under one year old or a year old starts waving his arms, pulling in his tummy, but he can no longer cry. Wrong actions by adults can cause suffocation or death.

Use the following 5-step technique to clear your infant's airway:

  1. If one month old baby choked on milk, saliva, began to breathe very often, while breathing periodically is not audible, turn the baby back to you, hug it with your hand, and press it into the stomach area. Then tilt the little one forward and pat 4 times on the back.
  2. When choking with saliva, milk or any drink and if there is no result from the previous step, you can help the baby in a different way. Infant placed on the back, with its head located below the pelvis. We put two or three on the sternum. You need to press 4 times, making sure that the sternum is always straightened. Alternate pressing and patting on the back while waiting for the doctor to arrive.
  3. If the child still does not start breathing, try to visually find the food that caused the suffocation. You need to put the baby on the tongue thumb, carefully move the jaw down and inspect the neck. If the foreign body is within sight and reach, you can try to remove it by grasping it with your fingers. Beware of pushing it deeper.
  4. If the previous actions did not bring relief to the baby, he still does not breathe, artificial respiration should be done. Try taking 2 mouth-to-mouth breaths. Does your chest move as you breathe in? This means that the airways are cleared, so you need to continue helping so that the child begins to breathe without your support.
  5. Continue with the above sequence of steps while the doctor is driving. With the proper skill, the mother can help the baby in about a minute. This is a good indicator, since first aid in such a situation should be truly emergency.

It doesn't matter how many months old a nursing baby who choked. You need to act decisively, but the claps and presses should be sharp, but not too hard. Excessive application of force can rupture internal organs.

You can provide first aid to children over a year old in the same way as in the case of children up to 12 months old.

If the previous techniques do not help, the parent can use the Helmich method, which the US Academy of Pediatrics recommended for children who have celebrated their year.

The actions of adults differ depending on whether the child is conscious or not. If the baby is aware of what is happening:

If the baby is unconscious, we provide first aid a little differently:

  • the child is placed with his back on a hard surface;
  • an adult stands up near his legs (you cannot sit on the baby);
  • one palm is placed in the area of ​​the ribs and navel (feel the end chest, which cannot be pressed), is pressed from above with the second hand;
  • press quickly 10 times, directing the movement up.

After making sure that consciousness has not returned to the baby, moreover, he has stopped breathing, go to artificial ventilation.

It is done as follows:

  1. Making sure there is no airway foreign bodies, you need to take in air and slowly exhale it into the baby's mouth, after blocking nasal breathing... You should not immediately blow in the entire volume of air, since the child's respiratory organs are significantly smaller. Do no more than five breaths.
  2. Then you need to move on to indirect massage of the heart muscle. If the baby is not yet a year old, press is done with your fingers. For children over a year old, this procedure is performed with two palms. You need to press hard and sharply, but you should control the strength of the jolts.
  3. Then you need to go back to ventilation of the lungs - only two exhalations. The actions are repeated until the child begins to breathe on his own or emergency medical assistance arrives.

If the child has choked, the most important thing is not to stop and give up. It is not known when the ambulance will arrive, so first aid must be provided consistently and without stopping.

First aid for preschoolers and adolescents

Not only a newborn or nursing baby, but also an older child can choke on a piece of food, drink and even saliva.

Preschoolers and children adolescence are already able to react with understanding to the situation that has arisen and follow your instructions.

First of all, try the Helmich method described above. If it doesn't work, you can move on to induce vomiting to help. unwanted body get out of the airways.

To provoke the gag reflex, you need to press the root of the uvula with your finger.

With vomiting, both the esophageal tube and the airway reflexively contract. Therefore, not only the gastric contents are pushed out, but also foreign and such dangerous objects that have entered the respiratory tract.

Preventive measures

If you are not eager to remove from the larynx and pharynx of the child various subjects, heed the advice of experts and follow certain and not very complicated precautions:

  • check for integrity Stuffed Toys stuffed with cotton wool, since it can easily end up in the baby's mouth;
  • various constructors, mosaics, trinkets with small constituent parts remove from children under one year old;
  • from the first month, make sure that the baby, if possible, does not drag everything into his mouth;
  • teach your child to eat carefully, exclude games and pampering when eating;
  • food for little child(especially if you are introducing complementary foods for the first time) you need to grind well, and for older children, fish and fruits should be peeled.

In addition, you should not shove food into your child, even if it seems to you that he is hungry. The kid will definitely start spinning, turning away, screaming, which significantly increases the likelihood of choking.

Thus, it is up to every parent to know what to do if the child chokes. However, whatever the likely outcome, you need to call an ambulance. Yes, most likely you will be able to help the baby, but only experienced specialist can tell if the airways are damaged or if everything is in order.

Hello, I am Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully completed her studies at SUSU as a special psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and consulting parents on raising babies. I use the experience gained, including in the creation of articles of a psychological orientation. Of course, in no way do I pretend to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers to deal with any difficulties.