Velkopopovicky Kozel: history, producer and reviews of Czech beer

As soon as a licensed dark "Velkopopovitsky goat" appeared in Russia, I did it right away. Fortunately, just at that time I came from the Czech Republic and brought the original "Goat" with the wallpaper. I did not find any serious differences at that time, and I was very happy to report this to everyone. But more than two years have passed and more and more often I hear that they say the Kaluga "Kozel" has deteriorated. In fact, they always say that after some time has passed after a new brand of beer is released. And often (but not always) people are right. So I decided to re-conduct a comparative tasting.

I bought a Czech dark "Goat", bought a Kaluga one, came to my wife's kitchen and said:

- Tanya, here are two almost identical circles (the picture is different). Pour me one beer from this bottle and the other from this one.

He turned around and honestly left the kitchen. I waited for the call of my wife (it's nice when the wife calls to drink beer 🙂), returned.

Looked, smelled, tasted and ... and identified almost immediately. This pier of Kaluga smells from Kaluga, and this one is brewed by caring Czech brewers. There is a difference!

The Czech color is darker and richer, ours is lighter.

The foam is exactly the same.

The aroma - both here and there resembles a broth of dried mushrooms. But the Czech mushroom aroma is much stronger. Ours has more CO2 /

Taste - Czech, richer and sweeter (caramel-toffee). In the domestic one, the same CO2 is strongly felt and the taste is faded, watery and lemonade.

Strange as it may seem, Kaluga's aftertress is more hoppy and bitter, while the Czech one is downright molasses. By the way, the Czech contains the sweetener E954 (saccharin). This is to the quality of our and imported beer... Although maybe ours simply do not indicate it on the label, tk. the law allows not to indicate in the composition of ingredients less than a certain percentage. But nonetheless.

There is also a difference in alcohol. Ours is 3.2% at 9.55 density, and Czech is 3.8%.

Let me summarize. If you try the beer individually, the difference is not so strong that you would notice (like, for example, Staropramen or Loewenbrueu). In comparative tasting, this difference is already felt and, moreover, not in favor of ours. But to say that the Kaluga "Kozel" and the Czech is heaven and earth is not correct.

Tanya, a lover of dark beers, used to buy the Kaluga "Goat". I asked her why she didn't buy it anymore (and she didn't even drink Czech). She replied - “Oh well, mushroom soup some! ".

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orVelkopopovický Kozel Dark (Černý) fromCzech RepublicagainstVelkopopovitsky GoatDarkfromOf Russia

We will separate the angels from the goats.
The goats are now extremely black.

They stood next to each other in the store, and I did not pass by, just glancing at them with a casual glance, and put everyone in the basket. I wanted to check the obvious - how original better copy and is it worth paying twice as much for it? Let's take a closer look at the labels:

VelkopopovickyKozelDark... Ingredients: water, barley malt, hops.Produced on 01.06.2010 by " Plzensky Prazdroj, a. s. ”, Plzen , Czech Republic, usable until 03/01/2011 Density - 10.75 ° P , alcohol - not less than 3.8% vol., energy value 34.5 kcal / 100 ml. Glass bottle volume of 0.5 liters. Purchased for 7880 BYN rub. ($ 2.61 or 79, 6 p. rub.).

Velkopopovitsky Goat Dark ... Ingredients: drinking water, malt barley, hops.Produced on February 25, 2010 at SABMiller RUS LLC, Kaluga, Russia, under the license Plzensky Prazdroj, a. s . ”, Usable for 180 days. Density - 9.55%, alcohol - not less than 3.2% vol., Energy value 36 kcal / 100 g. Glass bottle with a volume of 0.5 liters. Purchased for 3880 BYN rub. (one,$ 28 or 39, 2 dew. rub.).

What caught your eye? There will be less alcohol in the Russian version, which may mean a lower degree of fermentation (a slightly higher calorie content confirms this). In addition, the density is different. The Russian one is even older, which can manifest itself in the presence of signs of aging. Or it may not appear. Will we pour?

The differences began already with the foam - in the Russian version it was slightly less abundant, but it was distinguished by a finer-grained texture and somewhat greater durability, while the Czech version had more large bubbles and the vein was of a darker shade. In terms of color, both versions are very similar, I will not undertake to determine which is darker. Foam is visual business card beer that pleases the eye. The scent is even more important feature, you can judge a lot by it. In the “Czech” it is quite rich, with rich sweetish notes of caramel and burnt malt and kvass, the Kaluga goat smells differently, much poorer, there are no kvass tones, there is not enough caramel. Let's dare to try? The Pilsen goat is good - velvety, moderately sweet, rich in caramel tones. The beer pleasantly envelops the palate and dries it a little, the aftertaste shows a slight bitterness of burnt malt, a little coffee. The beer is very drinkable, it's hard to come off. Let's wait a minute or two and take a couple of sips of the “licensed goat”. Sweetness manifests itself very first, after it you cannot immediately make out the caramel, other shades are also deeply hidden, the aftertaste is poor, sometimes sourness slips in it (perhaps the shelf life affects?).

Yes ... However, two brothers are excellent and I personally like the copy much less. Perhaps, after all, it was worth fermenting it more, because there is a lot of sweets in it, you won't drink a lot of such beer - it “becomes boring” a lot. In general, it can replace the original to the same extent as instant coffee freshly brewed from beans. Although, maybe someone will like the sweeter version. Czech is good, drinks are excellent, but expensive, you bastard, what can you do - the customs significantly raises the price for it. Is the difference worth the taste of the money? Worth it, at least in this case.

Velké Popovice, a small Czech town located near Prague. First mentioned in the 14th century. The first official mention of the Popovice brewery took place in the 16th century as the property of the Hysrl family. It is also the first written reference to a great beer at the time.
After the hard times of the Thirty Years' War, the brewery changed ownership and moved to the church. Initially, Popovice belonged to the Strahov Monastery, but in the 17th century it became the property of the Benedictine Monastery of St. Nicholas, from Old Prague. After the closure of the monastery by Joseph II, the brewery was sold at auction and bought by Major Bedrich Schiedburg. After several resales in 1870, the owner of the brewery became Frantisek Ringhoffer, the mayor of Smikov. He built a new brewery and installed modern equipment.

1874 was the first year when beer was released under the brand name Velkopopovicky Kozel. The emblem was drawn by a traveling French painter who did so in gratitude for the hospitality of the inhabitants of Popovice. In 1975, 18,000 hectoliters of beer were brewed and sold. After a major restructuring of the brewery in 1902, the figure of 90,000 hectoliters of beer was reached.
The rapid development of Popovice Brewer was halted by the First World War. But after the end of the war, Velkopopovicky Kozel quickly regained its position, reputation and again became one of the most popular. The development of the brewery was again halted by the occupation of the Sudetenland. And during the occupation, the brewery lost the opportunity to receive raw materials. Also the main owner - Ringhoffer Works - lost several very important factories.
After 1945, the brewery became a state-owned enterprise and in the post-war years was included in several industrial impoverishment. Thanks to the traditions and solidarity of the factory workers, Velkopopovicky Kozel has remained one of the most famous and best beer brands in the Czech Republic.
In 1991 the brewery became independent and in May 1192 it became a production company with a registered capital of CZK 325 million, with a subsequent increase to 625 million. In 1994, the brewery set a beer production record in its entire history - 931,000 hectoliters of beer. In 1995, the Stock Company Radegast Brewery gained a decisive influence in the affairs of the brewery. As a result, Popovice Brewery has become part of the third largest player on the Czech beer market, with a market share of 20%. About 10% of the beer produced is exported to Slovakia, The Russian Federation, Finland, Sweden and the USA. In 1995, 1996, 1997 and 1999 Velkopopovicky Kozel won the gold medal at the World Beer Championship in Chicago in the pilsner brand category.

Velkopopovicky Kozel varieties

Velkopopovicky Kozel light - light beer golden color with 4% alcohol.

Velkopopovický Kozel dark - dark beer made from special varieties of dark malt. Has a caramel flavor, nice smell... The amount of alcohol is 3.8%. One of the best Czech varieties dark beer... Seven times has earned a medal - dark beer of the year.

Velkopopovický Kozel 11 ° Medium is a new beer from the brewery in Velké Popovice. Manufactured since 2005. Contains 4.6% alcohol.

Velkopopovický Kozel Premium is a light beer with 4.6% alcohol content. Considered one of the best lagers in the world.

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Brewery "Velkopopovitsky Kozel"

Velkopopovický Kozel is one of the most popular beer brands in the world. Filled with many legends and historical anecdotes, the bearded goat from Velko Popovice near Prague is of great interest - and not only among beer lovers. The plant, the symbol of which is the famous cloven-hoofed animal, has become popular tourist spot where the beer production is turned into an art object.

History of the brewery

The earliest historical documents from which we learn about the Popovice brewery date back to the 16th century. The Hysri beer, which was brewed here in the late Middle Ages, was about as popular as Velkopopovicky Kozel today. Therefore, we can say that the modern brewery continues the ancient traditions of brewing.

Perhaps the Hysri family would still have owned the brewery, if not for the famous European conflict between Catholics and Protestants, which grew into the Thirty Years War. At its end, in the middle of the 17th century, Popovice came into the possession of the monastery of the Benedictine Order.

Before early XIX centuries the brewery changed hands several times, was resold, changed owners, but the production remained successful, and Popovitsky beer became popular. The Velkopopovický Kozel brand with the familiar emblem was first issued in 1874.

The plant, which became one of the largest in Europe, survived both world wars, despite the fact that during the hostilities it was necessary to stop the conveyors - there was no possibility of supplying raw materials. During the years of Soviet power, he was nationalized, but he passed this test with honor. Today the brewery in Velko Popovec is part of the Stock Company Radegast Brewery, the largest beer concern in the Czech Republic.

Some statistics

At the beginning of its journey to the world market alcoholic beverages, Velkopopovický Kozel was already a fairly successful brand. In 1875, about 18,000 hectoliters of beer were sold (equivalent to 1,800,000 liters).

Already in the first years of the 19th century, after the reconstruction and modernization of production, the annual sales amounted to 90,000 hectoliters.
A little more than a hundred years have passed - and today the production of beer has increased a hundred times. The annual turnover of the modern plant exceeds 900,000 hectoliters. The plant set a record in terms of production volume in 1994, when its productivity reached 934,000 hectoliters. It is worth noting that the authorized capital of the plant, which in the 90s of the last century amounted to 325 million czk, by now has grown to 625 million.

The Velkopopovický Kozel brand produces several types of beer, for every “taste and color”. This spectrum is represented by three varieties of light, dark and unfiltered beer, united by one logo.

Beer varieties

The brewery in Velko Popovice follows the traditions of medieval brewing, using artesian water and several types of hops. On sale it can be found in different types containers - glass and plastic bottles different volumes, cans, and of course, for bottling.

  • Velkopopovický Kozel Světlý is one of the most popular light Czech beers. Its strength is 4.0%. The combination of caramel malt and atec hop gives it a slight bitterness. This beer is usually served with dinner every day.
  • Velkopopovický Kozel 11 ° Medium is a light beer with golden hue... Its fortress is 4.6%. This is a rather "young" beer - its production began only in 2005. It contains sugar and yeast, so the bitterness is almost not felt.
  • Velkopopovický Kozel Premium is the third light variety of Popovicky beer, with a strength of 4.8%. It contains only hops, water and malt. Its color is golden yellow, the taste is sweetish. This popular beer has received many international awards, including the top prize at the Chicago Beer Championship.
  • Velkopopovický Kozel Černý is a dark beer with a more complex composition. In addition to hops, malt and water, it also contains barley and yeast. Its fortress is 3.8%. As befits a dark beer, it has a much clearer taste of bitterness.
  • Velkopopovický Kozel unfiltered - has a sour taste, appetizing light cloudy color... It contains water, malt, barley and yeast. The strength of this beer is 4.9%.

The Velkopopovice Brewery is not only a large industrial facility, but can also become a pleasant point of the excursion program. Having visited the factory, you can taste plenty of fresh beer, step by step follow the entire manufacturing process of this noble drink, you will get acquainted with the history of Czech brewing.

Excursions to the brewery

Today we have the following proposals:

Beer varieties Velkopopovitsky Kozel

Where to drink beer Velkopopovický Kozel

Velkopopovitsky Kozel is widespread both in bars, shops in the Czech Republic and all over the world. This light and rich beer is loved, without exception, by everyone. Of course, the most delicious beer is fresh, draft, so let's clarify where exactly, you can taste Kozel beer and feel the atmosphere of comfort and coziness.

We will list only a few famous bars where you can drink Kozel draft beer. Don't forget that there are many small local pubs in Prague where Velkopopovický Kozel beer is served. A sign will help you find out such a bar.

  • Bar "" - excellent location near Wenceslas Square, as well as proximity to the Brewery House, which is a must-see for everyone!
  • Bar "" is the only bar in Prague where only branded beer is served. The location of the bar is not in the center, the bar is not a so-called "attraction", and therefore the prices are pleasant here. (Recommended!)
  • Bar "" - quite a cozy bar in the city center.

As practice shows, Velkopopovicky Kozel beer is bottled in almost every pub, otherwise it is sold in bottles, which, by the way, is quite common in Prague.