BUDVER DARK. Delicious beer Budweezer

Budweiser Beer History (Budejovicky) Budvar

The birth story of Budweiser Budvar Beer ("Budvaizer Budwar") begins from 1265, when the Budweis city was founded (Budvayes), and now the Budevice is located in the very center of Southern Czech Republic, and is also the center of Czech brewing. According to the legend, he was founded by the King of Przemysl Otakar II and among the privileges given by the monarch city, there was also the right to cook beer and sell it only in the city and district, where they lived and paid taxes. In 1850, this law was canceled, at the same time there was an opportunity for selling one beer variety across the country. At first, ordinary citizens were engaged in this, and the company's first belonging to the city appeared in Budweez only at the very end of the XV century.

The reference to the beer "Budweezer" is traced from 1531, when it was first time on the table of the Friedrich's first king. And now this beer is invariably delivered for lunch Queen of the English Elizabeth.

The history of the current Budweiser Budwar brewing plant (Budwar) continues in 1895, when it was founded as Czech Share Brewery (Czech Joint-Stock Brewery), who continued the tradition of beer boiling, in those days already gained wide fame. On October 1, 1895, the first beer was cooked on the brewery. The intake of the drink is constantly increasing and the plant demanded an increase in capacity and squares. For this reason, the plant had to be transferred from the center to the outskirts of Budvayez, where he is still, there is the only correct Czech "Budweier" in the world. Already by the end of 1896, about 51 100 hectoliters of beer were welded on brewer. Very soon, beer was sold throughout the Czech Republic and exported to many European countries. By 1913, the brewery had already produced about 200,40 hectoliters and was known not only in Europe, but also around the world. Manufacturers occupy a tough position - not to issue licenses for the production of beer, anywhere. Otherwise, they explain, the beer will lose their taste, and in the Budewers all their own, Czech - Zatatsky hops, Moravian barley, native water.

At the end of the 19th century in the Czech Republic, near the town of Budějov, there were already several brewers, and the owners of all of them, as a rule, were Germans. The young brewery about which we are speaking is organized by the efforts of several small businessmen-Chekhov, who combined their capital to create it. In competition with the German German Mestansky Brewery (city brewer) and two Schwarzenberg Breweries (Schwarzenberg brewers) from the cities of Třembon and Privor, Czech Share Brewery (Czech joint-stock brewer) always defeated his high quality and unique wonderful taste beerwhich in 1896 was assessed by merit at the industrial exhibition in Prague.

From the very reason, the brewery has undergone constant modernization, electrification was carried out. Also, thanks to incredible success, the plant had the opportunity to buy only the best equipment at that time, constantly expanding production, but not losing in quality. In 1922, a source of pure artesian water used in the cooking of beer was revealed right near the plant. Soon, two more sources of high-quality water were drilled, which helps to create an excellent fragrance of the original lager. Since the 1920s, the brewery has occupied some market share already on each continent, at the same time the following trademarks "Ceske Budejovice Granet" (Czech Budejovice Garnet), "Budweiser Bier" and "Budbrau" were registered.

In 1930, the Budvar trademark was registered, which was soon synonymous with high quality czech beer. In accordance with this registered trademark, the brewery has changed its name, since 1936 Budvar - the official name of the Ceske Akciovy Pivovar Ceske Budejovice plant.

During World War II, the brewery was under the control of Nazi government, and after the end of the war, the state was nationalized. Thanks to the developed export network, its recovery has passed quickly. Almost to date, the owner of Budweiser is the Ministry agriculture Czech Republic. From the day of nationalization and to the velvet revolution, 1989, Budweiser was sold only in the Czech Republic, and held the seventh place in terms of sales of domestic beer, and only from time to time were delivered abroad, and mostly in the country of social camp.

The history of Budvayizer had a parallel existence in America. The American brand appeared in 1876, and the Czech brand is a little later, in 1895. Although, long before the emergence of the American brand of beer, the Germans-brewers from the Budyevts (Budweys in German) signed their products "Budweezer", meaning that the beer was cooked in Budvaye. This legal incident caused a mass court proceedingsthat continue still. Of course, the Czech beer "Budweezer" has nothing to do with the American eponymous drink. Although there is some connection between Nimivs. So, one day, one of the companions of the Czech plant "Budvar" left Budeeviets and left in the United States, capturing a recipe and technology for the preparation of popular local beer. And soon the production has established its production in America and even composed competition with its former colleagues from the Czech plant "Budvar".

In 1958, an agreement was concluded on the protection of the indications of the place of origin of products. Now in America, this beer releases a leading brewery concern Anheuser Busch.

In 1967, the brewing company in Budewitz received international registration on its the current name - National enterprise "Budvayer Budvar". This enterprise is really national - any of the names (Budweiser Budvar, Budweiser, Budvar and Budejovicky Budvar) on the labels is performed in red, blue and white - the colors of the flag of the Czech Republic. Such painting confirms that this beer is welded in the city of Ceske Budějovice in accordance with ancient traditions and high quality standards.

Further development Local and foreign markets began only after 1989, this year the managing composition of the plant was completely changed, and new managers came to the management who began to conduct more aggressive marketing policies. Thanks to the new factory management policy for the mid-1990s, Budweiser was able to take the third place on the sales of beer in the Czech Republic after such serious companies as a Prensen holiday and Prague breweries.

From 1991 to 1997, a complete restructuring of the plant was carried out, which gave the opportunity to Budejovicky Budvar to significantly increase its productivity and achieve 15 million decaliters of the total production of beer. In the first half of 2003, Budejovicky Budvar presented 5,832,490 beer decaliters and took 4 place among the Czech beer manufacturers.

Very quickly, Budweiser has achieved incredible success in exporting indicators. For example, 1991 - exports in 18 countries of the world, 1995 - 24 countries, 2000 - 56 countries on all five continents. Budweiser is 31% of the export of all Czech beer and takes 1st place among czech manufacturers By export. This is the most famous Czech beer in the world. Major export countries - Germany, United Kingdom, Slovakia, Austria, etc.

By the end of 2004, the Budweezer Budvaver's breweeer won more than 40 awards at home and abroad. Over the past three years, the company has been awarded six medals international Competition WORLD QUALITY SELECTIONS, on which product quality is tested. Another serious victory in the international arena is the first place employed at the World Beer Cup Competition ("World Beer Cup") in Edinburgh (Scotland). The Budweiser Budvar trademark was among the 50 most prestigious brands UK.

The history of Czech beer in Russia as a dispute between American Anheuser Busch and Czech Budweiser Budvar stretches from the late 80s. Back in 2000, the world's largest American brewing company (the main brands of the company - Bud, Bud Light, Budweiser and Busch) did not have the right to sell their beer in our country. "Budweezer" - the king of American beer "- nothing else like an elementary fake under the beer produced in the city of Ceske Budeevice. But at the end of 2001, Anheuser Busch managed to register their signs: the word Bud sign and the beer label so that there is no connection. With Czech geographic names. The result was the presence of products in Russia of both Czech and American brewers, it began to easily adjacent both on the shelves of shops and on the bar racks.

Budweiser Budwar leads litigation and with the SAMSON brewing plant located in the Budweison, which produces Budweiser Burgerbrau beer. Samson and Budwar challenges the right to sell beer under the Budevitsky brand in many countries, including in Russia.

State Budweiser Budwar is much larger than private Samson, but Samson has an important advantage for the beer market: it is much older than its competitor. Budweiser Budwar was built in 1895, and Samson builds his story by 1795 - in the Czech Republic, the brewery is even advertised under the slogan "We were here earlier."

Russia refers to those countries that are leading in terms of the exports of the Czech beer brand "Budejovitsky Budvar". Neighborhood and proximity of our characters and the traditional love of the Russian consumer to Czech beer determine such popularity of this booming brand. So in 2002, sales "Budvayer Budvav" amounted to 15.3 thousand hectoliters of beer against 12 thousand in 2001 and rose by almost 30 percent over the year.

The exclusive distributor of Czech brewery Budweiser Budvar in Russia is North Winds Distribution. Here are the main brands of Budweiser Budvar - "Budweiser Budvar", "Budweiser Budvar Czech Premium Lager", "Budweiser", "Budvar", "Bud", "Bud Super Strong", "Budweiser Budvar FREE". In 2007, the sale of Budweiser beer in Russia increased by almost 20%, which amounted to 50 thousand hectoliters of the packaged and spill beer. At the same time, sales of dark beers increased by 40%. On the russian market Budweiser Budvar Lager is represented in barrels of 30 liters. or in bottles of 0.33 and 0.5 liters, as well as in the banks of 0.5 liters.

In October 2007, the Dark Lager Budweiser Budvar became the winner in one of the most serious contests in the world - "World Beer Awards", which organizes the British beer magazine "Beers of the World", and was awarded the title "World" S Best Lager. "Representatives The plant declares that this variety is an unconditional leader, its sales constantly and rapidly grow. Only in 2006 the volume of production Budweiser Budvar increased by 56% compared with 2005.

Interesting the process of ripening the dark beer "Budweiser Budvar Dark Lager", which appeared only in August 2005. Since it is beer of lower fermentation, then in the process of its preparation it is nervous at a temperature of 5-10 ° C for eight to ten days. But the process of maturation of this brand Budweiser Budvar lasts as many as 90 days, and there is no caramel in his recipe. This beer is boiled from the artesian water and four types of malt, which is roasted by special technology. Thanks to all this Beer "Budweiser Budvar Dark Lager" has excellent and balanced taste with a pleasant hint of hops and a small bitterness. This variety of beers can certainly try in Russia.

In general, the famous "Budweezer" is listed in the Guinness Book of Records. It is characterized by the highest alcohol content and a slightly sweet-spicy aroma.

Now the Budvar plant is one of the largest in the Czech Republic and he also, as in the previous times, pleases their fans of the unchanged quality and its novelties of beer.

Low alcohol drinks today are of great popular among consumers. "Budweezer" - beer, which for many years already has a leading position among connoisseurs of this product. This material It will be an assistant to those who want to learn more about the history of its occurrence and peculiarities of production.


Beer brand "Budweezer" can rightly be called the oldest in the world. Surprisingly, the history of this drink takes its beginning in the 13th century!

It is thanks to the Czech monarch, whose name is Putaka II, the production of beer "Budweezer" began. By the way, this state leader is also known as the founder of Kaliningrad (initially Königsberg). It is this city after years who has become the place of production of this brand of beer.

Beer Budweezer

1256 is considered the time to adopt the law on the resolution of the production of this weak alcohol drink. However, initially selling beer was allowed to be allowed only in the vicinity of Budweyz. Only by the end of the 15th century the first urban brewery, whose drinks were conquered countless fans of this product.

But the production and sale of Bervizer beer for more than 6 centuries was carried out only in the territory of South Czech Republic. And only in 1850 this trademark was able to conquer the remaining part of the country, and later spread to european countries. Already by 1913, this drink gained fame worldwide. By the way, Czech brewery has been categorically against the production of "Budvaizer" in other regions. After all, it existed that it is necessary to create a high-quality product. quality productsgrown in native places.

An important part of the history of the creation of this drink is judicial litigation between Czech and American manufacturers. For almost a hundred years, the right to the well-known trademark has been conducted. The cause of discord is the conflict between large brewing companies, because long before official registration The drink in the Czech Republic appeared another "Budweezer", but already American.

Trying to characterize the beer "Budweezer", the features of its production in the Czech Republic and the United States note. Although manufacturers are sufficient big friend From another distance, but both of these trademarks rightly deserve the love of consumers. Sure, controversial questions About the title of this drink already underway long yearsBut the beer lovers "Budweezer" did not have dirty, but on the contrary, it became even more.

Bottle beer Budweezer

In principle, if you compare the taste features of the drink, you can see the similarity between them. It is easy to explain to the use of similar production technology. After all, the American product is based on the use of Czech brewing rules. And the main differences between them are the presence of notes of caramel, adding chocolate and coffee. In addition, the main difference is the color of the drink (in American - bright, and in the Czech version - dark).

3 Czech beer "Budweezer"

Great popularity of the beer "Budvayer Budwav" brought american double. After all, before the emergence of court disagreements, this product was known only in the territory of the Czech Republic.

"Budwaver Budvayer" is an isolated alcoholic drink of dark color, low fermentation. It is made on a specialized brewing plant, whose name "Buduevitski Budwar". This small, but famous brewery is located in the town of Ceske Budevice.

Beer Boxer in a glass

The main features of the alcohol product are the original taste of beer, and extraordinary way His preparations. Thanks to the brewers created, but at the same time tender taste and unique, saturated colorConsumers high appreciate this drink.

"Budweezer" is distinguished by its opaque coffee (closer to the black) tint. It feels well the presence of hops, caramels, acid berries. And it is a mixture of malt, caramels and coffee-chocolate notes create an unforgettable taste of this alcoholic beverage.

5 American version of Beer "Budweezer"

Among the multiple consumers, it is this drink that is considered a favorite and part of the most popular varieties. Professional brewers managed to maintain the initial recipe of this beer, taking into account all its primary features.

The distant 1876 is considered the time of creating an American "Budweier". The history of his appearance originates in Missouri, in the small town of Saint Louis. Little to the famous private manufacturer Adolfus Bush after visiting Bohemia set forth the goal of creating analogue of Bohemian beer. The name and basic traditions of the manufacture of alcoholic beverage producer borrowed from Czech brewers. However, despite the similarity in the brand and manufacturing technology, the American version has a different unique taste, which made it possible to create an American lager.

Pour beer in a glass

At the beginning of the twentieth century, the beer "Budweezer" was able to achieve the status of a nationwide drink among consumers of their country. After universal recognition, the manufacturer has increased production this product up to 12 million decaliters per year. It became a huge achievement in the history of the existence of alcoholic beverages.

But the twentieth century is also famous and a period of dry law (20-30 years), when the creation and implementation of this product were almost completely stopped. However, sowing to survive hard timesBeer "Budweezer" gradually restored its popularity, deserving the love of millions of consumers. And besides, manufacturers took care of creating 6 variety of varieties of this product.

Below are varieties of this American beer:

  1. Budweiser Selekt is considered a light drink, and low-calorie, where the alcohol level is 4.3%.
  2. Budweiser American Ale is an el 5.3%, characterized by a hoody tint.
  3. Budweiser 4 is a bright beer of 4.0%, which is a lightweight option.
  4. BUD LIGHT is a very popular light 4% product.
  5. BUD ICE is a 5.5% ice light alcoholic drink.
  6. BUD DRY - famous bright beer, which has 5.5%.

Although there are several places of production of beer "Budweezer", the taste of drinks of both brands is almost the same. There are only minor differences between them. For the production of Czech beer, special artesian water is needed, and it is accepted a certain time withstand. And in the American product there are no notes of caramel, and it has completely different shades.

Therefore, due to its color, the name "Light Lager" deserved.

So, the beer "Budweezer" is the most sought-after alcoholic beveragewhich today is known worldwide. Thanks original taste and the aroma of the product, even the most demanding connoisseurs of high quality beer, will be able to appreciate Czech, as well as the American version.

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Budwader Budweezer - probably the most Czech restaurant in Moscow and the first corporate restaurant in Russia, open with the support of the Budeuvitsky Budwar national enterprise, the manufacturer of the world-famous beer "Budvizer Budwav".

The idea of \u200b\u200bopening a restaurant under a branded trademark has long been keen on the head of the founders. After all, by 2010, many Czech restaurants and beers that use branded beer names appeared in Moscow. Possessing experience in the restaurant business and enough good contacts With distributors of beer "Budvayuser Budvad" in Moscow, managed to enter the leadership of the Czech concern. First of all, negotiations were held with the Czech side, of which it turned out that such a restaurant had long wished the management of the enterprise. Next, there was a painstaking job related to the study of Czech brewing Prague, Budejevitz, Krumlov and other cities. The factory itself owns a network of beers, which are called "Budvarka". It would seem, take corporate identity, developments and open the same restaurant in Moscow. But no! The brand recognition for the Moscow public was strongly worried. Therefore, the owners of the institution tried to reproduce the whole best that there is in Czech beer restaurants, adding a little Moscow chic to it.

Interior "Budvayer Budwar" is made in a traditional Czech style: brickwork of walls, a lot of wood, handmade forging. Most of the design is devoted to the history of the plant and brand "Budwavor Budvizer", right up to such parts as authentic czech postcards turn of the 19-20 centuries. In the restaurant, three separate rooms: non-smoking room for 20 seats, a small room for smokers with a bar counter and the main hall with a scene and all necessary for banquets and corporates with equipment.

The restaurant menu has a beer Czech cuisine adapted to Moscow. The chef has been in danger in the legendary Masné Krámy's beer restaurant ("meat rows"), so they come to the "Budwaver Budvizer", first of all, meat dishes And numerous beer snacks (many types of sausages, pork ears, squid rings in a grain, salty black freight with sour cream and loaf, cooked in spices of crayfish and much more).

The special pride of the establishment is a wood-burning furnace that allows me to serve meat and fish with the smell of a fire. In a wine map, in addition to the standard alcoholic line, you will find, perhaps, the cheapest in Moscow original beer "Budvayuser Budwar" and Czech emphasis and tincture: Pereacovitsa, Vishnevice, Slylovitsa, "Becherovka".

The restaurant organized direct broadcasts of hockey and football championships, as well as all major sports events of Russia and Europe. On Thursdays and Fridays plays live music, and guests willingly dance under world hits.

If you look at the story, then Beer Budweiser Budvar ("Budwaver Budvizer") appeared in 1265. At this time founded the town of Budweis (Budvayes), in this moment Ceske Budeevice. It is located in the central part of the region, which is called South Czech Republic, and is considered to be one of the centers. There is a legend that this city was founded by the King of Pre Grace Otakar II, which among the privileges, the king of this city, allowed to cook beer and engage in selling it. But the sale was allowed only in that city and nearby area, where there lived manufacturers who have paid taxes in the treasury. But in 1850, this law was changed and was officially given the opportunity to sell one grade of this beer throughout the state. At first, the sale was organized by a simple citizen, and the first enterprise belonging to the city appeared in Budweeze about the very end of the 15th century.

Also, the beer "Budweezer" is mentioned in 1531, when this beer was first submitted to the table to the King Friedrich first. And at the moment "Budweezer" each time is submitted to dinner table Queen England - Elizabeth.

The current Budweiser Budvar Budweiser Budwar (Budwar) continues its history in 1895. At that time, he was named as Czech Share Brewery (Czech joint-stock brewing plant), which continued the best traditions of beer, already at that time already gained great popularity. In early October 1895, the first batch of beer was produced on this brewer. Beverage supply orders all the time increased and the plant took an increase in production capacity and sizes. Because of this, the plant was transferred from the central part of the city to the outskirts of Budweez, where it is located and at the moment, there is a single and unique Czech "Budweezer". By the end of 1896, about 51 100 hectoliters of beer were produced at the brewing plant. After a while, this beer began to sell throughout the country and export to neighbouring countries. By 1913, the plant has already made about 200 140 hectoliters and became known not only in the European part of the continent, but also throughout the world. Beer producers have taken a clear position - no one can get a license for the work of beer, anywhere. It is explained by the fact that they believe that the drink will lose its fragrance and taste.

TO eND XIX. Century in the Czech Republic not far from the town of Budevitsa has already created several brewing enterprises, and the owners of all these brewers, usually, were usually. The new brewery, about which we tell you, was created thanks to the efforts of several entrepreneurs-Chekhov. For its foundation, they united. Then there was a competition with German Mestansky Brewery (city brewer), as well as two Schwarzenberg breweries (Schwarzenberg brewers), which were placed in the cities of the Třembon and Privor. But Czech Share Brewery (Czech joint-stock brewer) always took the top due to its high quality products and a unique and wonderful taste of a drink, which in 1896 was highly appreciated at an industrial exhibition, which took place in Prague.

Since the creation of a brewing plant, it is undergoing continuous modernization, an electrification of production was carried out. Thanks to the tremendous success and popularity of the plant, the owner of the plant could afford to equip the factory only the best equipment at that time, all the time increasing production and maintain high quality. In 1922, the source of the purest artesian water was died near the plant, which is used for beer boiling to this day. Then two wells were drilled to obtain high quality water, which makes it possible to make a drink with an excellent aroma of the original lager. Since the 1920s, the brewery has occupied a certain part of the market on each continent. At the same time, the following trademarks were registered - "Ceske Budejovice Granet" (Czech Budejovice Garnet), Budweiser Bier and Budbrau.

And in 1930, the Budvar brand was officially registered, which was considered synonym after a short period of time. highest quality Beer in the Czech Republic. In accordance with the new brand, the name of the brewing plant was changed, since 1936 Budvar - became official title Plant Ceske Akciovy Pivovar Ceske Budejovice.

When the second began world WarThe brewing plant was under the control of the Nazis, and after the completion of the war, the state of the state passed into the state. Due to the fact that at that time a large export network existed, the recovery of the plant was rapidly.

The history of Budvaizer takes place in the United States. The same brand in America was registered in 1876, and Czech - a little later, in 1895. Moreover, much earlier than the American brand of beer appeared, the Germans - manufacturers of beer from Budweys (in German) denoted their drink "Budweezer", while they meant that the beer was produced in Budweese. This legal issue led to the mass, which did not end up to the present. Of course, the beer "Budweezer" from the Czech Republic does not apply to the drink with the title title from America.

In 1958, they concluded an agreement on the protection of the indications of the place of origin of products. At the moment, beer under this brand in the United States is produced by the leading brewing concern.

In 1967, the brewing enterprise in Budewitz received international registration on its current name - Budwater National Enterprise. This plant is really national - if you look at, then each of the names (Budweiser Budvar, Budweiser, Budvar and Budejovicky Budvar) on the bottles labels are made in red, blue and white - this is the colors of the Czech flag. These colors finally provide confirmation that this drink is really manufactured in the city of Ceske Budějovice in accordance with long-standing recipes and has very high taste qualities that are valued all over the world.

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Budějovický budvar

Czech brewery Budyovitsky Budwar, also known as the Czech Budweier is one of the most famous enterprises of its industry in the world.

The plant was founded as a private joint-stock company. Prior to that, there was only a brewery in the city, which was ruled by the Germans. Initiative group Czechs who are tired of the omnipresent championship of Germany, opened its enterprise, called Budeivitsky Budvar on the name of the city, and on October 1, 1985, the first beer was cooked at the factory. After the war, the brewery became state ownership.

Currently, the brewery produces more than 100 million liters of beer per year, 50% of which is exported to European countries. It is noteworthy that water for the manufacture of this beer is mined in the same place, or rather - in two: these are wells depth 312 and 320 meters. Malt for beer is bought in Moravia (suppliers are adjusted for the requirements of the enterprise), and Hop is used exclusively Czech. Supplements This beer does not contain. That is why Budovitsky Budwar does not sell licenses for the production of beer products in other countries. It is not surprising that the Europeans prefer the Czech Budvier to the American Beer of the same name. The exception is Denmark.

Beer Budějovický Budvar.

The range of Czech Budvaizer varieties is large enough to not only fans, but also beer disorders could find "their" taste. Enterprise is cooking:

1. Light beer - its varieties are called "sun beds", or "laggers". The most common one is Budweiser 12 ° LEžak.

2. Dark beer - for example, Budweiser 12 °. It has a much more rich taste compared to light, but still it is not the main raisin of brewery.

3. Special beer varieties:
- Bud "Premier SELECT" - bitter beer, which was first made in the fall of 2013;
- Named Beer "Budweiser Budvar";
- Czechvar Premier variety, etc.

Because of the same beer name (namely, the "Budweezer") for many decades there are no judicial litigation between the Czechs and their American colleagues. But the Czech Brewever very accurately characterizes one of the slogans of this brewery: "They are huge, but we are real."

How to appear beer bisser

In the South Czech Republic is the city of Ceske-Budweis (Budweis), founded in 1265. The region, previously called Bohemia, was famous for his beer, which here began to boil from the 13th century.

In the late 19th century, there were several brewers in the city of Budweis, which belonged to the Germans. In Ceske-Budějevice, 11 thousand Germans lived and 16 thousand Chekhov. Despite the small numerical advantage of Czechs, the Germans were much richer Chekhov. Almost all shops and petty production belonged to the Germans.

At the end of the 19th century, the demand for Czech beer increased, so small entrepreneurs and owners of mini-breweries, in 1895, decided to unite and joint investments to create greater Czech breweries. On October 7, 1895, the brewery released its first products, which was instantly popular among the residents of Budějvitz. The beer was decided to call in honor of the city, which the Germans called Budweez.

In September 1896, the brewery was welded 51,000 hectoliters of beer. When the volumes increased about beer, Budviser learned not only the whole Czech Republic, but also nearby states.

In 1913, production reached 200,140 hectoliters, which made it possible to export Budweiser beer around the world.

After the events of the Second World War, the brewery was nationalized, then today the owner is the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic.

In the period 1945-1989, the beer was sold mainly in the Czech Republic and occupied the 7th place in terms of sales of Czech beer. During these years, Budweisuser was exported only to the Cochangerian countries.

After a complete change of management of the enterprise, in 1989, with the arrival of competent managers, the brewery began the struggle for the upper position in the sales ranking. Thanks to aggressive marketing policies, in the mid-1990s, the Budweiser brand has occupied the Honorary 3 place on the sales of beer in the Czech Republic.

Budweiser brand varieties

Budweiser Budvar Světlý Ležák - Light beer, a fortress of 5.0% vol.
Budějovický budvar světlé výčepní pivo -Look light beer, a fortress of 4.0% vol.
Budweiser Budvar Tmavý ležák is a dark beer, a fortress of 4.7% vol.
Budweiser Budvar NEALKOHOLICKÉ PIVO - non-alcoholic beer, fortress in 0.5% vol.
Bud Super Strong -strong special beer, fortress of 7.6% vol.
Budweiser Budvar - Draft beer, fortress in 5.0% vol.
Pardál. - Light light beer, fortress of 3.8% vol.
Pardál Echt. - Cvetle beer, fortress of 4.5% vol.

Beer Budviser, however, like Pilsner is sold almost everywhere. We give you as usual several bars, where you can try Budweiser beer.

Where to drink beer Budweiser

1. Bar - Here you can try different varieties of beer Budweezer. We can say that the bar has a complete range of beer brought directly from the brewing plant.

2. Bar "" - Why we suggest you try this beer in this bar, you will learn by reading the bar in the internally. If we talk briefly, then besides Budvayizer, you will be given to try rare and unique beer.

Since we are talking about beer grades, which is mainly exported, then, of course, it is better to try only draft beer, because you can easily buy a bottle beer in your city.