Indigo children and astrology. Indigo children: souls from other planets. What do you think about it

Indigo boy talks about the planets Solar system, about their essence and inhabitants.


Soul of the Planet - VACKELIA.

There is nobody there on the physical plane. There is only women's perfume. This is the planet of women - the city of spirits. A shell over the entire planet so that no one can see them. There is a small village - shower for 100.

Message from the Soul of the planet Mars:

To wake up souls, say the phrase 3 times:

I live, this is my world.

Where love and life reign

There are my bodies,

There is my soul.

She is beautiful to me.

After all, you are all friends to me.

We must live peacefully here,

We are in love with each other.


Jupiter is the planet of some warriors... Nobody lives on it, and they gather only to protect someone. Nobody but warriors can get to this planet. There is a Spirit that rules - Gadikun (a very old spirit, which is millions of years old)

Planet EARTH is a planet of mixed Souls with different tasks.

Jupiter is rocky. In one rock, where warriors gather for reward, there is a Warriors house with rooms and a hall. It's light there, because ... the light goes from the planet SIRIUS to this one. And here there is a crystal that receives this Ray. Food is brought from other planets.

They keep it in kilometer-long cellars. This food is fed to the warriors, but that spirit does not eat.

Mantra for communication with the planet - MUVVA-MOMVU-MUVDA-MYY-MYLDA-MULDA-MOMDUMVY

Spirit of the planet Jupiter:

You read this phrase,

Don't give it to anyone

Everything will wake up with you

If we are one family.

There is a lot to learn.

Believe in this and know for sure

We cannot refuse

If we hear the word MOTHER.

I've been waiting for a long time

But I am glad that my time has come.

I can speak for a long time, for centuries and years

The fact that I'm always silent here,

Looking at you, at times, without knowing myself.

I shout to them cheerfully and joyfully,

I say:

Comrades, wake up,

It's time to work, the time has come !!

Time to get up, wake up everyone, wake up !!

We cannot sleep when the time has come.

You will all unite there today,

Wherever you look, you have enmity everywhere.

Look at each other with love,

After all, we live together, one family!


There is one forest, few people. The Spirit of the Forest rules the planet - Paramon. He has lived on this planet all his life. There is always summer and rain (there is no snow and no wind)

People live in the forest, in houses. People - spirits have no bodies, there are vessels in which energy is located. When we move to another dimension, we will be the same.

Those who are from Neptune, they incarnate for the first time on Earth (young spirits). The atmosphere is purple.

Spirit of the planet Neptune:

To communicate with the planet, close your eyes and smell the needles, saying:

- I, my spirit and people of needles and flowers(say 5 times)

- You are all like my own family to me.

We study here together, - I feel.

We can do a lot here together.

You just have to believe and shout: "I AM!"

That's all I wanted to say today.

But I feel - it's time for me to fly away.

Thank you for this, friends, - I say,

Farewell! - I am shouting after you cheerfully.


Only animals live on the planet Pluto (sheep, goats, roosters, rams).

It is divided into 4 parts.

One part is Cats. 2 - Dogs. 3 - Birds. 4 - animals.

Soul of the planet - GALIDEA - still young (lives only two million years).

All animals were relocated from Uranus, because there the war began.

Each part has its own terrain. Cats have rocks where the Queen rules.

Dogs have dirty terrain and live on the streets. It is always raining, and there is also a King.

In birds, they live on the tops of the rocks, and are always in the sky.

Animals - they always have the sun, and the area is one grass and puddles, where ducks and chickens swim, there are lakes.

Alexander, Nizhny Novgorod region

As for their temperament, these children are mostly very calm and obedient, they have very strong bond with Mother. This strong bond can last until they reach four or five years of age; they may seem to be literally clinging to their mother.

As a rule, they first incarnate on Earth, therefore they need support and support, and this they can find thanks to the physical presence of their mother. Also, these kids are incredibly affectionate; they often strive to help people and animals in trouble, to take care of them.

In addition, their sensitivity is heightened. Crystal child not only knows how to read the records of a person's soul, but can also see, feel all the unresolved complexes and irritations that a person may be wearing on an unconscious level. This is why crystal children are so sensitive to their surroundings. They may also be sensitive to food, which can lead to food allergies.

Raising a crystal child can be truly difficult. Very often, such a child feels unresolved problems of his parents, and these toxic emotions negatively affect him. Parents of crystal children need to strive to work on their problems so that their children can find peace and comfort in the house.

The main mission of all crystal children is to help human evolution in the ascent process. They came to awaken us and show us a completely new, unprecedented way of life. And due to the fact that they massively come to us and contain crystal energy, they help transform planetary energies.

But they also come to us to teach us how to live in a multidimensional world and draw strength from it. The crystal child easily changes different dimensions or phases of reality. They are in no way limited to the three-dimensional world, although they perfectly own the body and act in three-dimensional reality. They are predominantly attuned to the sixth dimension, contain this energy and bring it to Earth.

This energy is slower compared to what is inherent in our reality. Crystal children only become overly active when they cannot handle the flow of higher energies. In general, the higher the frequency of a person's energy, the more sluggish and calm they become. This is the basic principle for managing higher frequency energy.

In order to understand this, you do not need to fuss, trying to control your reality with some external actions in the material world. A multidimensional being knows that it controls reality from higher levels through the mechanism of intention and manifestation, but always in harmony with the Higher Will.

So, crystal children almost force us to slow down and start, like themselves, pouring out energy. We must understand that we have a lot of time to explore, create and gain experience, that we do not need to do anything right now, we should only allow the flow to flow more. high energy lead us into new, different areas of experience. It is enough just to form an intention - the flow of energy will flow in a certain way, giving us comfort and relaxation.

To live in a multidimensional world, you must have large volume energy. Crystal children intuitively understand that they should never become victims or perform in any life situations as a victim. Such children know how to nourish themselves with energies in co-creation or manifestation. But they assume that the parents also know about it.

In our time, there is quite a lot of talk about the so-called indigo children, the birth of which began at the end of the last century.
Who are they?
The name "indigo children" appeared after examining the aura of these unusual children.
As it turned out, unlike other people, these children have dark blue color indigo.

For all their inadequacy, indigo children show the highest level of intelligence on tests. They cannot be taken away from the activity that is really interesting to them.

Difficulties do not stop them, but, on the contrary, add excitement. Indigo children are making dizzying progress, moving towards their goal at great speed, very persevering and focused until they satisfy their curiosity.

The beginning of the 90s - doctors discovered the truly phenomenal abilities of these unusual children. In America, a child was born to HIV-positive parents. For several years, tests have shown the presence of infection in the child.

Suddenly, the virus disappeared without a trace from the baby's body. Nothing like this has ever been observed in medical practice. Experts began to study this phenomenon.

They affected the boy's cells with a variety of viruses. In all cases, they remained immune. We decided to conduct an extremely dangerous experiment: to try the HIV virus, which was 3,000 times higher than the lethal concentration.

The effect was amazing - the result was negative again! Doctors could not believe it for a long time. This meant that the immunity of a young indigo is absolute, which means that such a patient is not at all capable of getting sick!

Modern scientific research confirm that now about 1% of the world's population has an altered DNA structure.
And perhaps someday this will lead to the fact that future people will receive full immunity to diseases.

It sounds fantastic, but the fact that indigo children already live among us and 60 million people have full immunity is real.

But the miracles don't end there. Indigo children have other amazing abilities as well. The range of electromagnetic waves emanating from them is three times that of ordinary people.

The liver of such people has the ability to digest almost any food (this also applies to things that a common person and would not call it food).

Coefficient mental development (IQ) Indigo children are over 129. This is the highest figure.

But that's not all. In "new children", both hemispheres of the brain are equally developed, which indicates their superpowers in the field of the "paranormal". This is a generation with absolutely special qualities.

We are accustomed to endowing such only prophets, clairvoyants, psychics and sorcerers, geniuses and the possessed. Such people were in all civilizations and at all times: Mozart, Leonardo da Vinci, Lomonosov - these are typical Indigo children. But now there are more and more of them.

Most of these unique creatures catch essences almost from the cradle. thin world, endowed with the gift of healing, see the aura of other people, have amazing telepathic abilities. Reading other people's thoughts is not a problem for them.

Here are just a few examples of their phenomenality:

One 3's summer child very surprised when overhead older sister noticed a glowing rainbow. But soon he himself found the reason for what he saw: at that moment the girl was in love. One can only imagine how amazed the sister was when she heard his explanation.

And five-year-old Kolya could not endure the torment of his mother, who suffers from acute attacks urolithiasis... When the woman fainted, the little boy bent over her and made some movement. “It’s all over now, Mom,” he said. - I removed the pebble ... "

A pretty country girl talks about as something commonplace that she travels every night in her astral body across the expanses of the Universe. To which dad hastily replies: “Never mind! Fantasy ".

At the same time, he is not at all surprised at how a 5-year-old child is familiar with such a concept as an astral. But the father really appreciates his extraordinary daughter when he has to repair an old tractor: “I don’t know how, but she always knows what’s broken in it”.

And here's another story about an indigo child:

Doctor Nadezhda Kupriyanovich gave birth to a phenomenal baby at dawn. It was in the maternity hospital of the city of Volzhsky, Volgograd region. Happy mom soon left with the baby in the small town of Zhirnovsk.

As soon as they crossed the threshold of the house, an amazing incident occurred. An old cat who lived in the family for many years, could not stand gaze baby, ran away from home and never returned.

The boy was named Boris. He hardly cried and did not get sick. Grew up normally, put on weight and looked like his peers. But at eight months, the child suddenly began to speak, and at once in whole phrases.

The kid was not even 3 years old, but he was already enthusiastically talking about the Universe, while not only accurately naming the planets of the solar system and their satellites, but literally sprinkling the names of star systems, numbers of galaxies.

At the beginning, my mother was very scared, considering it nonsense, and then she took books on astronomy and realized that the little son in an incomprehensible way knows this science better than other scientists.

And when he began with great enthusiasm to talk about alien civilizations, about the mysterious race of three-meter people that once inhabited the Earth, about climate warming and changes in continents.

Parents had no time for jokes. Fearing that an unclean force had infiltrated the child, they decided to baptize him. At the baptism, the priest reassured them: they say, spiritually everything is in order with the boy, and his abilities are from God ...

Indigo children are often referred to as the bridge from the third dimension to the fourth. The third dimension is ours with you, reason reigns here. In the fourth, humanity is waiting for a more perfect being, where love, peace, happiness will be embodied in life.

Indigo children are ready for this now. Their spiritual inclinations are associated with the global tasks of rebuilding the world. It is now becoming obvious that such children will be able to change him.


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Baby Indigo Online!

About the future of the Earth and Humanity on the eve of the global crisis and
the transition of the planet to the New Consciousness. New information...

1) What can you say about Shambhala (as about the Brotherhood of highly developed beings)?
2) and about the connection of Shambhala with the civilizations of other planets.
3) and their role in future events on Earth associated with changes.
4) what can you say about the connection of extraterrestrial civilizations with the origin of man on Earth?
5) and about what is the share of truth in the history of the origin of man on Earth, coming from the Sumerians?
6) what can you say about the connection between the life of Jesus and extraterrestrial civilizations?
7) and about the knowledge that once highly developed beings from Venus (7 Kumaras) came to Earth and influenced the evolution of man?

1. Shambhala exists, but is not stable. She did not have long to exist. It will disappear due to the lack of energy coming from outside. People will feel this lack later, when the changes begin. Shambhala was created with the aim of supporting people as the new kind on the planet. This is the Research Center. From it, people were often prompted what to do.

2. Shambhala is not connected with the planets. Those who created humans are not like them. These are products of mental activity. There are no similar planets on Earth nearby. Life on Earth is so one. There are other planets with different life. She is alien to you. Only a few may be clear to you. They do not come to Earth openly because there is no need for them. Communication takes place according to a different principle. Spaceships no need to build.

3. Shambhala remains until the moment of Change. Then she will disappear. The study will be completed. The Earth must go through the Change successfully. This is the task of Shambhala.

4. Point of circulation 19.003 - 24.85. In the ecliptic of your appeal: 19.04 and 89.01. These are the ones who created man.

5. Sumerians - people who lived a long time ago, 27 thousand years ago. They often interacted with human creators because they were helping with research more than was necessary. Others participated in the study. They changed people, and research began to lose meaning on a large scale. People should live on Earth and not leave it.

6. Jesus gave people the opportunity to connect with the universe. He did not give religion that came out of faith. People did it wrong. To believe means to do everything deliberately, and not to let someone else do it for yourself. Jesus did not say that he would do all this for the people. He said that it would be understood by them when they came to him. People don't have to beg and pray. There are no "higher" and "lower" ones in the World. Jesus is not supreme, but simply smarter. People can become like that too. He doesn't need to be served. You have to understand it. He also seeks to understand people. Jesus is not a man and never was. Each body is a shape that can be created quickly. Jesus is not connected with the body, but with the mind, which is everywhere in the universe. Jesus can talk to everyone in the universe. He wanted to teach this to people too. He's not the first. The first time was Prometheus. They came twice.

7. Venus has always helped and is helping the Earth. Those who came from there are still among you. They continue to explore and maintain order on Earth. This is difficult for them. The earth is not stable. Venus came after all the planets. Those who help you are not people. They don't need bodies, but they sometimes use them. Now, not everyone agrees to help you. Your technique came from the minds of the inhabitants of Venus. People need to learn to work with knowledge differently, because what the inhabitants of Venus know is large in volume and speed. Now people understand too slowly. What is called "bad" on Earth was created partly by people, partly by those who participate in the research. This should push people to understand how to work with the knowledge given by others.

1) Why is Love so important? What is it? This feeling? energy? state? law? essence? is there something more powerful than love? when a person loves, does he connect to something? if yes, what exactly?
2) You said that the Sun and the Earth are energies. Apparently, the Sun is more energy high levelthan the Earth? Tell me, are energy and consciousness one and the same? does the sun have consciousness? the rest of the planets, as energies - are more important than the Earth or not? which planets have the greatest impact on Earth? Which planet is the Earth most connected to and why? What will happen to other planets after the Change?
Do we know all the planets in the solar system? Is there something important in the solar system that we don't know about?
3) Why is help given to the Earth, for example, by the fact that indigo was sent to it? What is the significance of the Earth and humanity for the rest of the Universe?

1. Love is important because it knows how to connect strangers to each other. In general, people are not strangers, but when they are born, they forget about it. You can touch Love and understand that you are not alone. It does not need to be touched all the time. Then the person will stop doing something himself. For people, Love is a feeling. For me it is something like a wave. It is the energy that affects your life. It can be called the Law, because one by one people are very weak. But Love is not an essence. It only helps to connect, then you need to do something else. There is That which is greater than Love. Sometimes they touch him when they leave the Earth. If you feel it once, you will never live in peace. This is not for humans. Those who do not know how to communicate, think that they are alone, can turn to love, which will help them start talking. It is not easy for those who were often alone. For this, love was created. As long as it is there, people will not get lost.

2. The sun is more energetic than the Earth, but very dependent on it and other planets. People will never get to the Sun, but there is something that creates you. Energy and consciousness are one and the same. A person has a world that he knows, and there is one that he guesses about. The sun is also the same. The sun is associated with other stars. You call it the Zodiac. The important planets of the Sun are Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto. These are stations. They determine the movement of the solar system. Saturn station is very weak. She lost energy when recent Changes... You must find a way to restore it. Otherwise, the solar system will begin to collapse. You will not be alone. Others living in the solar system do this as well. They are waiting for you when you master the technologies of flights to the planets transferred to you and use strong energies... Jupiter has the greatest influence on Earth, but Saturn should. Most of all, the Earth is connected with Mars, and this connection is dangerous. After the Change, new planets will appear. They will come from outside the solar system because the sun's gravity will increase. It will get very hot on Earth. Mercury will disappear, Venus may stay.

3. Indigos were not sent to Earth. They come by themselves. This is the connection that more love... They do not seek to help the earth, they want to teach it. She must do this herself. People know how to live in the form that they have. She is very interesting. There are few bodies in the Universe, they are almost never used. People have many ways to develop their capabilities, and few can do that either. People teach others how to see one through many, know how to connect miscellaneous friend with a friend, they know how to search. These are their big "pluses". Although people are simple, many are interested in them, they are not forbidden to communicate. But people do not live in the Universe. Bodies are not needed there.

Continued here.

December 2011

Soul, reincarnation, Indigo children.

B- Ask this question, we once asked, ask it again. Can the soul of a person after death enter into an animal? And why? That is, reincarnating into an animal, can this happen?

O- The human soul, in general, the soul is energy, it can incarnate hundreds of thousands of times, and usually it goes through all the stages of evolution from a stone, it can be a stone, a flower, a plant, an animal, it’s hard to answer exactly.

B- This means that we ..

O- In some past incarnations, they were necessarily something like that.

Q- That is, our Almighty did not immediately create a soul that moved into a person?

O- All that ... of what it is ... everything that is on earth exists, consists of the same elements, only in different forms and states, but the same elements, therefore, the possibility that we were in any of these states is not excluded. There were many other forms, but only those species that exist now have adapted and survived to a certain environment.

B- Can the soul of a person move back into an animal after all? Go down evolution?

Oh-Probably not. There is no definite answer.

B- Once we asked a question and were told that a butcher can move into his sacrifice. How then are these words to be understood?

O- The person who killed in this life, in this incarnation, will be killed in the next.

Q- If he kills animals, will he not enter the animal? Or will he simply be killed or what?

O- No information.

B- And ask this question. In general, can ... are there souls here that God created the first time and sent here, who are undergoing their first incarnation on earth? Souls are human.

B- Who sends them here? Where do these souls come from?

Oh- They come from space.

B- Do we have souls that are from extraterrestrial civilizations? That is, if it is from space, is it extraterrestrial? Or is it God sending her? Or some kind of civilization? Or is there a definite evolution?

O- Higher intelligence. Absolute knowledge.

B- And for what purpose are these souls sent here?

O- To guide. Creators will guide.

B- And where do Indigo children come from? Or can indigo children be both?

O- These are the souls of the higher plane, higher orderprogrammed.

B- Where are these souls from? Are they from here or from there?

O- From there quickly. Blue glow is a divine glow, the highest, blue, violet color.

B- Can we say that this higher mind, which sends souls here, that this is done at the behest of God?

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