Endlessly creepy real stories from the internet that will give you nightmares. My worst nightmare I've ever had. Things of the girls found in the forest

Professional photographer Lottie Davies took a wonderful photo of her friends' nightmares. She asked her close acquaintances to tell about bad dream in their lives and tried to embody the scene of this dream in the lens of her camera. We present to your attention the staged filming + translation of the hero's story.

Red Devil

“My daughter Scarlett often dreamed of the Red Devil. She said she could see him in the corner of the room, but he never hurt her. Native American dream catchers always had to guard her safety.

Lou's story

“My friend Dani and I rented a room from a very nice old lady in a small Portuguese house. When I fell asleep, it suddenly seemed to me that I fell and hit my shoulder against the wall. I thought I had fallen off the bed and got stuck between it and the wall, and then someone grabbed me by the arms and dragged me towards the door. I saw that the room was filled with people, they covered the floor with a living carpet, piled up on furniture. They were all naked, with long dark hair and strangely asexual. They looked really creepy.
They continued to drag me across the floor towards the door, and at some point I suddenly realized that this could be a dream. I began to shout loudly: "Where is Dani?" To wake myself up. Then one of them pulled the bloody sheet off the bed - I could not see what was under it - and whispered: "She is here." Now I was screaming without stopping ...
Never before and never later have I been so scared of sleep. "

Viola's twin

“Everything happens on a sunny and joyful day. Viola, my three-year-old daughter, runs to me, throwing open her arms, smiling broadly and shouting: “Mommy!”. Suddenly, a second Viola appears from behind her and does exactly the same. Everything changes in an instant: sweet Dreams turns into a nightmare, I look at them in silent horror and cannot understand who the second girl is and whether the first one is really my daughter.

Another time I dreamed about three-year-old Viola again. She is a blue-eyed blonde - just like in life. Suddenly another girl appears, and in a dream I understand that she is also Viola, although she has green eyes and dark hair... They both act like I'm their mother, but they don't seem to notice each other. I feel that something is wrong, because I have not had twins, But I can not remember which one is my daughter. "

“I have nightmares all the time, I’ll tell you about the latter. I was pregnant with five twins, and it was terrible because I don't want more children (I already have two, I'm 42, and my health is not the same). I had to ask my old midwife to give birth, even though she's already retired. When the kids were born, I immediately began to think about what size stroller we need, how the whole horde will fit into our tiny car, what older children will say, how to deal with work now, and most importantly, where to get money to feed them everyone? "


“I dream that England is still inhabited by pagans, but an army of priests is already marching across it to increase the number of Christians. I am a priestess of the old faith, and when others submit to the new order in order to save their lives, I cannot do it. The priests are going to crucify me.
Later, I see myself sailing in a boat with the head priest along the flat, sleepy surface of the river, surrounded by old trees. With me is my daughter, she is about 9 years old. Here, far from people, the priest begins to open his hands and pester me, and I am forced to obey.
Before I was killed, I whispered to my daughter her secret name, which she should not pronounce, but must always remember. I see her floating towards the shore, and reaches a place where the branches of the trees hang low. She pushes them aside and finds herself in front of an ancient wall on which a figure has been carved. This is her crucified mother. I know that this place is sacred to us, and my people will not forget our true faith. In a dream I die, and when I wake up, I no longer know whether I am alive or dead. "

What's in the future?

“I divorced my husband and found myself drawn into a relationship with a very jealous man who poisoned the life of me and my ten-year-old son for a long time after I broke up with him.
I dreamed that my son became a child again, who was just learning to crawl, and played near the fireplace in an old house, where there was a recent fire. It was ashes, already without fire, but all covered with heavy, terrible dust. My former lover appeared here like a shadow, and slowly and gently covered my son's face with sticky soot. I saw that it turned black and that the baby was finding it difficult to breathe. Soot was sticking to his eyelids, and I knew that if he closed his eyes, he would die. I couldn't shake her off, because then he would have been even worse. I had to carefully blow off the soot from his face ... I felt fear and lost, and when I woke up, I realized that this was exactly what I felt in real life».

The girl in the tower

“My worst nightmare is very old, then I was 10-11 years old. My parents got divorced and I missed my father very much. I was told that I must kill some unknown girl, otherwise they (I do not know who exactly) will kill my dad. I took a large knife and began to climb the spiral staircase in the tall old tower. It was dark and damp. At the end, I saw a wooden door and found a room behind it, in which a girl was sleeping on the bed. I stood over her and raised the knife. But when the knife was already approaching her chest, I suddenly realized that she was me. However, I could not stop. I woke up only when the knife had already touched her. My mother was nearby: she woke up because of my terrible scream. I cried for hours. Even now I cannot calmly remember this. "

9 worst male nightmares

Everyone knows that real guys don't dance, cry or poop. Real guys drive Porsches with one left, hug someone else's blonde with their right, and at the same time earn money with a pleasant voice. Their bottom is as hard as the Krakatuk nut, their armpits are shaved, and they are not afraid of anything.

Something like this shows real men in films that Hollywood, Bollywood, and the rest of the advanced wood produce in batches to clog an already unbalanced girl's brain. In fact, men are, of course, afraid. From "Mom will scold" to "Why leave?" Through nefarious blackmail, bribery and eight liters of chivas rigal, Pics has compiled the most comprehensive selection of male fears.

First nightmare. "Pluck out an eye, a tooth, a corn, a bikini area, a heart." In other words, the fear of doctors.

A man of the vulgarius subspecies turns to doctors only after he sees a light tunnel, and at the end of it a friendly nodding uncle of an obscure confession. That says it all. The rest of the time he drinks, eats, lies, gets nervous ... Until he grunts. RIP

The second nightmare. “I don’t want to marry, so Viktor Petrovich from the financial sector is not yet married.”

The man does not react to the logical remark that the sand has been pouring from Viktor Petrovich for ten years now and he has enuresis, furunculosis and a runny nose. A man usually does not like to marry. Firstly, it is expensive, and secondly, you never know what will grow out of your wife. He married a fragile nymph with a crystal voice, and had to divorce his aunt across himself wider and with the same ambitions.

Third nightmare. "Gerontology. Is there life after thirty, forty, fifty, six - but what are you talking about? " Just a fear of aging.

Do you think it's just aunties old age do they go with botox? Yeah, dreaming. "Dooo, they say in the approving voices of a man, how beautifully Jack Nicholson is aging, and our restless Clint Eastwood, doooo." And they themselves squeeze wet palm fresh photo Silvio Berlusconi, and, losing their sneakers, run with him to the beautician with the words "Here I am at his age - that's the only way!"

The fourth nightmare. "Tagaaaanka, I am your immortal prisoner."

Since in our time, getting a mammoth and making money is sometimes associated with trampling on the criminal code and even the constitution along with the guarantor, everyone has the risk of thundering. Perhaps this explains the seemingly completely wild desire of men to listen to chanson and watch, for example, Brigada-2, the heir.

The fifth nightmare. "How - nafig? " or how to live if everyone ignores you.

The nightmare has its origins in the times of the primitive communal system. By any means, the male must be seen, listened to and preferably kindly. Otherwise, the individual dries up, withers, breaks down on loved ones and as a result dies. Do you need it?

Sixth nightmare. "And your whole back is white" or a public shame.

Men are so arranged that they are much more afraid of sitting in a puddle than women. They are afraid to forget the words of the speech at the conference, the anthem at the audience, or the words "He is a fool himself" spoken in front of their beloved. Accordingly, we can conclude that the proverb about God's dew was invented by women.

The seventh nightmare. "French runny nose".

Yes Yes. Men are also afraid of getting sick with interesting diseases. And they talk about this sensitive topic, starting from ten in the yard, "the older boys have told." So, one older boy told how he publicly collapsed in a swoon in the barracks, passing military service, while checking the bedside tables. The major, who liked to express himself floridly, opened his bedside table and, seeing the mess, crumbs and red ants, cried out: "Oh, horror, gonococci!"

Nightmare Eight. "Half past five" or "Who needs it at all, this Viagra."

Nightmares of people were embodied in a gloomy and mesmerizing photo project.

Photographer Lottie Davies asked her friends and acquaintances to share the most frightening dreams they have ever had. From these stories, she created a series of atmospheric images called "Nightmares and Memories."

Lou's story

“My friend Dani and I rented a room from a very nice old lady in a small Portuguese house. When I fell asleep, it suddenly seemed to me that I fell and hit my shoulder against the wall. I thought I had fallen off the bed and got stuck between it and the wall, and then someone grabbed me by the arms and dragged me towards the door. I saw that the room was filled with people, they covered the floor with a living carpet, piled up on furniture. They were all naked, with long dark hair and strangely asexual. They looked really creepy.
They continued to drag me across the floor towards the door, and at some point I suddenly realized that this could be a dream. I began to shout loudly: "Where is Dani?" To wake myself up. Then one of them pulled the bloody sheet off the bed - I could not see what was under it - and whispered: "She is here." Now I was screaming without stopping ...
Never before and never later have I been so scared of sleep. "

Red Devil

“My daughter Scarlett often dreamed of the Red Devil. She said she could see him in the corner of the room, but he never hurt her. Native American dream catchers always had to guard her safety.

Viola's twin

“Everything happens on a sunny and joyful day. Viola, my three-year-old daughter, runs to me, throwing open her arms, smiling broadly and shouting: “Mommy!”. Suddenly, a second Viola appears from behind her and does exactly the same. In an instant, everything changes: a sweet dream turns into a nightmare, I look at them in silent horror and cannot understand who the second girl is and whether the first one is really my daughter.
Another time I dreamed about three-year-old Viola again. She is a blue-eyed blonde - just like in life. Suddenly another girl appears, and in my dream I understand that she is also Viola, although she has green eyes and dark hair. They both act like I'm their mother, but they don't seem to notice each other. I feel that something is wrong, because I have not had twins, But I can not remember which one is my daughter. "


“I have nightmares all the time, I’ll tell you about the latter. I was pregnant with five twins, and it was terrible because I don't want more children (I already have two, I'm 42, and my health is not the same). I had to ask my old midwife to give birth, even though she's already retired. When the kids were born, I immediately began to think about what size stroller we need, how the whole horde will fit into our tiny car, what older children will say, how to deal with work now, and most importantly, where to get money to feed them everyone? "


“I dream that England is still inhabited by pagans, but an army of priests is already marching across it to increase the number of Christians. I am a priestess of the old faith, and when others submit to the new order in order to save their lives, I cannot do it. The priests are going to crucify me.
Later, I see myself sailing in a boat with the head priest along the flat, sleepy surface of the river, surrounded by old trees. With me is my daughter, she is about 9 years old. Here, far from people, the priest begins to open his hands and pester me, and I am forced to obey.

Before I was killed, I whispered to my daughter her secret name, which she should not pronounce, but must always remember. I see her floating towards the shore, and reaches a place where the branches of the trees hang low. She pushes them aside and finds herself in front of an ancient wall on which a figure has been carved. This is her crucified mother. I know that this place is sacred to us, and my people will not forget our true faith. In a dream I die, and when I wake up, I no longer know whether I am alive or dead. "

What's in the future?

“I divorced my husband and found myself drawn into a relationship with a very jealous man who poisoned the life of me and my ten-year-old son for a long time after I broke up with him.
I dreamed that my son became a child again, who was just learning to crawl, and played near the fireplace in an old house, where there was a recent fire. It was ashes, already without fire, but all covered with heavy, terrible dust. My former lover appeared here like a shadow and slowly and gently covered my son's face with sticky soot. I saw that it turned black and that the baby was finding it difficult to breathe. Soot was sticking to his eyelids, and I knew that if he closed his eyes, he would die. I couldn't shake her off, because then he would have been even worse. I had to gently blow away the soot from his face ... I felt lost, and when I woke up, I realized that this is exactly what I feel in real life. "

The girl in the tower

“My worst nightmare is very old, then I was 10-11 years old. My parents got divorced and I missed my father very much. I was told that I must kill some unknown girl, otherwise they (I do not know who exactly) will kill my dad. I took a large knife and began to climb the spiral staircase in the tall old tower. It was dark and damp. At the end, I saw a wooden door and found a room behind it, in which a girl was sleeping on the bed. I stood over her and raised the knife. But when the knife was already approaching her chest, I suddenly realized that she was me. However, I could not stop. I woke up only when the knife had already touched her. My mother was nearby: she woke up because of my terrible scream. I cried for hours. Even now I cannot calmly remember this. "

Nightmares can haunt anyone. Unfortunately, no one is immune from these night "furies" that penetrate the human mind every night. Nightmares never just happen. All our inner experiences, any problems at work and in the family can provoke such a heavy sleep.

1. "The eyes of everyone I saw began to bitterness and turn black."

A man with the nickname ashcaughtemall told users social network Reddit about how he nearly went crazy after a nightmare. “It was damn scary. Me, my father, stepmother and mine cousin sat in the living room and looked at our old family photo album. Suddenly I saw that in the photographs everyone's eyes were burned out, and in their place were black holes. I got scared and threw the photo album away from me, got up abruptly and ran to the bathroom to rinse my face and drink a glass of water. As soon as I turned on the tap, instead of water, a red goo with the remnants of human flesh began to pour out. It wasn't just skin and bones. They were small human embryos... Soon the sink clogged up, and it all began to spill out onto the floor. I shouted, no, I was not yelling in my own voice, but I could not find a way out of the room. V again I tried to find the door, but suddenly it opened by itself, and I saw my relatives with burnt eyes. "

2. The wolf who stole my face

The story of a user with the nickname iHonestlyCantSleep clearly demonstrates to us that especially impressionable people do not need to watch horror films at night.
“When the film“ The Call ”was released, I, of course, wanted to watch it. To say that the film impressed me is to say nothing. The thought of the girl coming out of the well made my hair stand on end in all places. Literally a couple of weeks after watching, I had a nightmare in starring which was exactly this terrible woman from the film. I lay in my bed and tried to sleep. Suddenly the door of my room opened, and behind it stood a girl of about ten in a white robe and with black hair that covered her face.

The Internet is home to a huge variety of creepy stories... In fact, on the Internet, it is difficult to avoid bumping into some disturbing story that will haunt you for several days after you turn off your computer. Believe it or not, there are a lot of such stories on the Wikipedia site. Umkra has collected for you 10 real super creepy stories that will give you nightmares. So, BOO!

The mysterious death of Lisanne Frun and Chris Kremers

Two girls from the Netherlands, Lisanne Frun (pictured above) and Chris Kremers (pictured below) were vacationing in Panama.

The girls went on a hike

And in the beginning everything went well

However, they never returned from the campaign.

After mysteriously disappearing, they were reported missing.

Their phones were found next to the remains of the girls.

In the photo above, you can see the shoe along with what's left of its owner's feet. Later it was proved that these shoes are only sold in the Netherlands. A DNA test proved that the feet in the boots belonged to Chris, and the pelvis (bone) found was Lizanne.

Things of the girls found in the forest

Extremely strange photographs were found in the girls' phones. Of the 90 photographs, 87 were completely black, while the rest contained fragments of branches and rocks. These photographs have never been published.


Lithopedion literally translates to "stone child", and is a phenomenon when female body does not know that it is pregnant and the fetus dies during an ectopic pregnancy.

The dead fetus undergoes calcification, i.e. literally turns to stone. Thus, the body protects the mother's body from the dead tissue of the baby, and infection is prevented.

The worst thing in all this is that a woman can live with a fetus for several decades, without even knowing about its presence.


Self-cannibalism, also known as autocannibalism, is self-eating. As a rule, this urge manifests itself in animals. For example, crickets of the genus anurogryllus eat their own wings, and the North American rat snake can get so carried away by eating its own flesh that it can kill itself.

Honey man

In the ancient traditional Chinese medicine there is such a thing as "honey man", which means the process of immersing a dead body in honey.

Before death, the patient or old man did not use anything but honey until he finally died. After death, the body was placed in a coffin filled with honey and left for a century.

After the passage of time, the honey-soaked body was removed and eaten as a medicine.

Idyll Dabb

Idyll Dabb was a 17-year-old teenager from Scotland who went on vacation to Germany with her family in 1851.

One evening, the girl just disappeared. Not finding their daughter, the grieving family returned to Scotland. In 1860, during the restoration of the Laneck castle tower, a skeleton was found at the top of the tower by workers. It turned out that the girl was locked in the abandoned castle Lanek, where she was slowly dying of hunger.

The remains of Idil were found next to a diary in which the girl documented her slow and painful death.

The girl wrote that she climbed the tower on a rotten wooden staircase, which collapsed as soon as the girl reached the top. Idyll was confident that people would see her signals. When she waved her hand from the tower window, the boatmen simply waved them off. In the diary, the girl wrote that in last hours life she wanted to jump out of the tower, but did not.

Hands resist him

This nightmare painting was painted by artist Bill Stoneham in 1972. The painting, titled Hands Resist Him, depicts a boy and a girl doll with black eyes, standing in front of the door, behind which one can see disembodied hands pressed against the glass.

Some time after the painting was sold on eBay, it was found in a landfill among a pile of rubbish. The family that found it brought the canvas home, and on the very first night a little four-year-old daughter ran into the parents' bedroom shouting that "the children in the picture are fighting."

The next night - that "the children in the picture were outside the door." The next night, my father put a video camera in the room with the picture, which reacts to movement. The video camera worked several times, but it was not possible to record any activity.

Isadora Duncan

Isadora Duncan was an American dancer who died tragically in 1927 when her long silk scarf became entangled in the wheels of the car she was traveling in.

When the dancer was taken out of the car, it was determined that her neck instantly broke, killing her.

This scarf was presented to Isadora by her friend Mary Dusty, who gave it to her right before the celebrity went out. She even managed to warn Isadora about the tangled scarf before she went there to meet her death.

The disappearance of Brianna Maitland

On March 19, 2004, 17-year-old Vermont waitress Brianna Maitland finished her shift and went home before the next shift, which was due to start in a day. But she never returned home, and no one has heard of her since.

The next day, her car was found empty next to an abandoned house. The mystery of her disappearance remains unresolved to this day.

Alice in Wonderland Syndrome

Alice in Wonderland Syndrome is a special condition in which people have problems with perception and distortion of their own body size.

it neurological disorder, often associated with brain tumors, migraines and psychoactive drugs.

In this state, people find themselves confused about the shape and size of their entire body or separate parts... They may feel that their body is increasing or, on the contrary, decreasing.

This syndrome can also relate to distortion of the shape and size of surrounding objects.

Robert the ghost doll

A doll named Robert Cook is said to be haunted. It once belonged to the artist and writer Robert Eugene Otto.

The artist received this doll in 1906 from his Bahamian servant, who, it is said, was a big fan of voodoo and black magic.

Otto often heard children talking to the doll, and some people claim that she even answered them.

Neighbors claimed that they saw the doll jumping near the windows of the house when there was no one in the house itself.

Currently this creepy doll kept in the Museum "East Martello", located in Florida, USA.