How to get rid of horror. Techniques for getting rid of nightmares. Remedies for nightmares

Have you ever woken up at night in a cold sweat because sharks were swimming after you or a maniac was chasing you in a dream? Well, if such dreams are rare, but when nightmares are haunted regularly, it's time to take action!

Every second adult bad dreams dream at least once a year. 2-8% of people suffer from chronic nightmares once a week. Most often, terrible dreams visit a person in the morning, during the REM phase of sleep. The images can be so realistic that the body reacts to physical level: the heart beats faster, breathing quickens, and the person wakes up. Nightmares worsen the quality of sleep, and if they are repeated regularly, then you begin to feel tired, drowsy, and anxious. Everything falls out of your hands, you literally fall asleep on the go. Don't wait for the nightmares to go away on their own, it's up to you to program yourself for good dreams.

Deal with problems

The most common plot of adult nightmares is the motive of the chase. Someone terrible is chasing you, and if he catches up, then you will be unhappy. Often the cause of such night visions is unresolved problems. The subconscious is trying to get through to you and signals the danger. Let's say your husband has become suspiciously often late at work, someone is constantly calling him, he has become nervous and irritable.

There are others alarm bells, which clearly allude to adultery. But you are silent because you are afraid that your suspicions will be confirmed. It is not surprising if in similar situation uncertainty and anxiety, you constantly have nightmares. While you brush off the problem and pretend it doesn't exist, you can forget about restful sleep. If you continue to stubbornly ignore your problems, you risk harming your health.

Pass a medical examination

The cause of nightmares can be not only psychological difficulties, but also health problems. First of all, these are sleep disorders:

  1. Apnea is when a person stops breathing during sleep.
  2. Restless legs syndrome - cramps.

But the reasons may be more serious. Through nightmares, your body can send out distress signals that something is not right in your body. Therefore, if you have not passed for a long time medical examination, then you should make an appointment with a therapist and pass general analysis blood. Certain medications can also cause nightmares. If you are taking antidepressants or blood pressure medications, check with your doctor. You may need to pick up other pills.

Get ready for sleep

Much depends on how you spend the evening. Try not to eat anything a couple of hours before bedtime, especially sweets. The fact is that food increases metabolism, the body is actively involved in the digestion of food and does not allow the brain to rest. So the brain begins to show you a “movie”, and not a romantic melodrama, but a real horror.

Tea and biscuits before bed might not be the best idea.

In the evening, it is better to drink a soothing herbal tea:

  • with melissa;
  • mint;
  • motherwort;
  • valerian root;
  • linden.

The situation in the bedroom should be as comfortable as possible. If you live on a noisy street or are unlucky with your neighbors, use earplugs. Light from street lights should not penetrate the room, so get blackout curtains. Ventilate the bedroom well before I go to bed. It is better to get an extra blanket or blanket, and let the temperature in the room be cool.

Set up for relaxation

What matters is what you do before bed. Give up TV and watching the news. If you read a terrible story about a fire or a natural disaster for a dream, then it is not surprising if you are tormented by nightmares at night.

Showdown with home is also better to arrange at another time. Quarrels and high-pitched conversations cause overexcitation of the nervous system, and as a result, bad dreams. In the evening, it is better to do things that soothe, pacify and bring you into good location spirit. Read a good book with your children, listen to music, do needlework, look a funny video with cats.

Lying in bed with eyes closed, try to think about the good: about where you will go on vacation in the summer, or about beautiful dress, which you saw in the window, and be sure to buy it after payday.

Everyone knows that sports and proper nutrition- a guarantee of good health and good mood. However, there is an element that is even more important for maintaining great shape. Unfortunately, they often forget about it: young people are especially forgetful with their craving for parties and activity at any time of the day or night. It's about healthy sleep.

If a person complains of absent-mindedness, chronic fatigue, irritability, do not immediately suspect serious illness. Most often, these symptoms indicate that the patient's body does not have enough sleep.

Sleep is essential for the body to recover. vitality. Many do not attach importance to the duration of sleep or do not know at all what the threat of lack of sleep is. However, physicians consider it as pathological condition, which is distinguished by a number of obvious symptoms.

First of all, the consequences chronic sleep deprivation reflected in appearance. How less people slept during the past nights, the stronger it is imprinted on his face. From lack of sleep, bruises and bags appear under the eyes, the whites turn red, the skin turns pale.

However, circles under the eyes are just flowers. The whole bouquet of symptoms manifests itself gradually, as fatigue accumulates in the body. This Bad mood- up to depression, chills, nausea. Feeling constant drowsiness may be accompanied by hallucinations, incoherent thinking and loss of coordination of movements.

If you stubbornly do not let your body relax, the biorhythms are seriously disturbed. Even when the patient gets to bed, it is not possible to fully rest: sleep becomes sensitive, intermittent, nightmares torment - and in many cases, insomnia.

Exhausted by lack of sleep, the body will give its negligent owner a whole bunch of diseases. will be under attack the cardiovascular system, develops diabetes, obesity, impotence and other equally serious ailments. The likelihood of a stroke increases 4 times, and all kinds of oncology, in particular bowel or breast cancer, increases 2 times. Scientists have found that people who sleep less than six hours a night have an increased risk sudden death- in men by 300%.

As doctors explain, after a day of continuous wakefulness, special chemical processes that cause mental disorders. A person is easily excited, becomes nervous and irritable. After two days of lack of sleep, neural connections in the cerebral cortex are disrupted, changes hormonal background. Gradually, the load on the heart and other internal organs and brain cells die.

But during the normal healthy sleep the body gets rid of negative memories, the level of stress hormone in the blood decreases. The brain has time to process problems and experiences. But how to return to normal if the signs of lack of sleep are already evident?

Chronic sleep deprivation is treated - hypnosis, psychotherapy and sedatives. But this is in severe cases. And the majority of sleep deprived citizens will be helped by well-known folk remedies. This is honey with decoctions of herbs - hawthorn, lemon balm, mint. The same decoctions help well and dissolved in a warm bath, which is recommended to be taken before bedtime.

But the main thing is to learn how to sleep properly! Doctors say that the beneficial sleep- from 23:00 to 2:00. At this time, the production of melatonin, a hormone that performs several important functions, increases. It normalizes blood pressure, improves sleep, strengthens the immune system and slows down the aging process. And wake up early in the morning another hormone - serotonin. If their balance is disturbed, people who sleep less than the prescribed time and go to bed after two in the morning are more likely to have problems associated with sleep.

So, be mindful of your sleep hygiene. Go to bed at the same time, before midnight. Take a walk before bed fresh air, loads during the day also do not hurt. In the evening, do not drink drinks containing caffeine and alcohol - it is better to drink herbal decoctions. Cut down on smoking. Eat no later than 2 hours before bedtime, but it is not recommended to go to bed on an empty stomach. Ventilate the bedroom well, keep the window open ( optimum temperature in the room - 18-20 degrees). Before going to bed, you can listen to relaxing music, but it is better to go to bed in silence - and in the dark.

Comfort also plays an important role. sleeping area. It should not be too soft and not too hard, perfect solution- orthopedic mattress. The pillow should not be high and too soft. Here, it seems, are all the rules. Observe them - and healthy, restful sleep you are guaranteed no nightmares.

Given the pace modern life It is not surprising that many suffer from sleep disorders. During a night's rest, the brain does not stop its work, but processes the information received during the day. A lot of negative, unpleasant emotional experiences, unresolved internal and external conflicts may well be neutralized by the brain in the form nightmares. Terrible dreams serve as a kind of psychological relaxation for the nervous system, but with their frequent repetition, one must think that there is a problem that needs to be resolved.

Causes of scary dreams

Terrible dreams can torment different reasons, which can be both quite banal and easily eliminated, and quite serious. Sleep for every person is a way of recovery and rest, therefore frequent violations in the form of nightmares lead to mental imbalance, which requires immediate recovery.

It is a mistake to think that the problem will resolve itself; over time, the nightmare may visit more and more often, which will certainly lead to negative consequences for the body. To get rid of bad dreams sometimes it is only necessary to analyze the cause of the appearance in order to change the situation for the better.

External causes

Not only internal states a person can become the culprit of insomnia and terrible dreams, but also external factors. These include:

  • Exposure to electromagnetic fields. That is why it is necessary to disconnect all devices from the network at night.
  • Unsuitable conditions for recreation. It could be like uncomfortable bed and uncomfortable temperature in the bedroom.
  • Excessive physical fatigue.

A very tired person does not always sleep soundly. Overwork can provoke not only insomnia, but also a terrible dream.

  • Alcohol abuse and smoking does not allow the brain to relax due to exposure to toxic substances.
  • A hearty meal is another reason why nightmares occur.
  • Therapy by some medicines can cause disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system, and, as a result, a horror movie in a dream.

All external causes if desired, it can be eliminated, then the night's rest will normalize, become strong and calm.

Internal causes

You can fall asleep quickly, and in the middle of the night you can wake up from a nightmare for some internal reasons:

  • In the presence of an impressionable psyche, a horror movie watched can provoke terrible dreams. All night long, frames from the movie will be scrolled in my head.
  • If you constantly hide your negative emotions, experiences, through the power to portray good mood, then sooner or later the accumulated tension will result in a nightmare.
  • Creative people, due to their increased sensitivity and frequent stay in a fictional world, can often wake up from unpleasant dreams.

If you express your feelings naturally, without hiding and avoiding loneliness, sharing experiences with loved ones, then the causes of nightmares at night can be eradicated.

Psychological background of nightmares

If you have bad dreams, then the prerequisites may be hiding in psychology. In this case, the reasons may be:

  • Long stressful situations. Psychologists assure that betrayal of the second half, death loved one, conflicts in the family or at work are reflected in the state of our psyche.
  • Before an important and responsible event, there may be a fear of failure. The brain cannot shut down by constantly replaying the problem in the head.
  • Psychological trauma received in childhood. We are trying in real life get rid of terrible memories, but our subconscious from time to time returns us to a distant experience in a nightmare. For a child, such a trauma can be a divorce of parents, an accident, or rape.

Get rid of psychological reasons sleep disorders can be difficult on their own, then you will need the help of a doctor.

Obsessive dream warning

Some believe that seeing a terrible dream means receiving a warning about an upcoming event, while for others it is a consequence of events that have already happened. WITH scientific point view, there is some truth in both opinions.

Sleep is a rest for the body, but the brain continues its work after the body falls asleep. In the presence of constant fear in reality, we can talk about psychological stress, the reasons can be hidden in anything: fear for the future, problems with the law, activities associated with risk.

If terrible dreams are often repeated, but in daytime everything seems to be quite prosperous, which means that you simply do not notice the problem or try not to see it.

Thus, the subconscious mind is trying to remind you of the once unresolved issue that you are desperately trying to forget.

To get rid of nightmares, you need to realize the reason, be honest with yourself, it makes no sense to drive it into a corner. So, the problem will only get worse and at one fine moment it will remind of itself again.

Terrible dreams can also be the result of stress, fear, then a person is well aware of the cause of his dreams. The nervous system is exhausted and unable to recover. If it is not possible to eliminate the source of stress in reality, then nightmares will not leave.

Deciphering the meaning of a nightmare

Experts in the field of the study and analysis of dreams argue that in each case a nightmare of a certain content is not dreamed easily, but has a certain meaning. Let's look at some interpretations:

  1. Natural disaster. A person in real life feels helpless, for example, a child lives in dysfunctional family, a man worries that he cannot protect his loved ones, a woman has become a victim of violence.
  2. Funerals and the dead are dreamed of if a person is trying to find an explanation for his problems in esotericism. Instead of their decision, he tries to convince himself and those around him of the presence of damage, the evil eye. If a loved one who has recently passed away is dreaming in a coffin, then we can assure you that they have not yet come to terms with his passing away.
  3. I dreamed of being late for a plane or train - it's time to take a break from work, a person takes too many responsibilities on his shoulders and is afraid not to be in time.
  4. Getting into an awkward situation speaks of low self-esteem.
  5. If you dreamed of a murder, then the interpretation depends on your role in the plot. If you are being killed, then in real life, most likely, you have fallen under the influence of another person, from whom it is difficult for you to get rid of. When you have a desire to kill, you can say that there is an irresistible desire to get rid of someone's influence.
  6. Seeing your own death can mean dramatic changes in your life.

A nightmare, especially a recurring one, always signals the presence of some problem in real life. It is possible to establish a calm night's rest only after her permission.

Nightmares signal health problems

Experts say that the brain receives information about the beginning of the development of the pathology of any organ long before the moment when a person begins to feel visible symptoms.

The same nature of dreams tells about the disease. So, our body sends an SOS signal.

Developing pathologies appear before us in the form of images known from everyday life. You can give some interpretations of the plots signaling a developing disease:

  • If an adult sees a wound in the heart, feels the fear of death, then one can suspect the beginning of the development of problems in the heart.
  • Pathologies respiratory system expressed in the form of attacks of suffocation, drowning, feeling that an unbearable weight lies on the chest.
  • If insects overcome in a dream, then skin problems can be assumed.
  • ARVI will declare itself by taking an ice shower.
  • Fever, migraine - you will see a scene of war, enemies all around, a showdown.
  • With a developing neurosis, the horrors of war, natural disasters, and troubles begin to dream.

Psychoneurologists believe that you should not run to the doctor after an anxious dream, but if the same story is repeated several times, then we can assume that you need to pay attention to your health.

Healthy sleep rules

You can prevent the appearance of terrible night dreams if you follow some recommendations:

  1. Sleep in a ventilated room and in complete darkness.
  2. The bed should be of high quality bed sheets from natural fabrics.
  3. Do not eat heavily at night.
  4. Walking before bed is better than watching another horror movie.
  5. If there are problems in the family or at work, it is better to take a sedative.

Majority sedatives have a cumulative effect, so to get therapeutic effect coursework required.

  1. It is recommended to take a bath with lemon balm, chamomile.
  2. Plunging into the realm of Morpheus, it is important to leave daytime worries and problems behind the bedroom doors.
  3. Eliminate alcohol, smoking, strong coffee before a night's rest.

If there was conflict situation in the family, then you should try to settle it before going to the bedroom, so as not to scroll through the events of the day in your head.

Techniques for getting rid of bad dreams

There are several methods that will help get rid of horror stories in the middle of the night.

  1. Healing by painting. The method involves drawing scary pictures from night dreams in great detail. After the drawing is drawn, one must try to find in it the image that frightens. The next step is to take bright colors and paint the picture in a positive way.
  2. Method mental images helps to effectively deal with nightmares in adults. The bottom line is to come up with a positive ending to a terrible dream. This can be done in the form of an oral story or drawing images.
  3. Tell someone about your dreams, share your fears and worries. You can keep a special diary, but a conversation with real person more efficient.
  4. With the help of a specialist, you can learn how to manage your dreams and with the help of certain actions turn them into not such a terrible event.

You must always remember that a dream does not affect reality and is not able to change your life.

Folk omens and superstitions

Since ancient times, peoples have had their own signs regarding dreams. Some of them are difficult to explain, and it remains only to believe in them or not. Among the common popular superstitions the following can be named:

  • If you look at the full moon on the moon, you can lose all vitality.
  • It's bad if it hits a sleeping person Moonlight. This can lead to insomnia and nightmares.
  • If you had a terrible dream, so that it does not begin to come true, you cannot talk about it until the sun rises.
  • It is believed that small children should not be shown in the mirror so that the sleep is strong and calm. And you can’t sleep in front of a mirror, it is believed that this takes away strength from a person and provokes nightmares.
  • Leisure clothing should be sleeved to protect against any entities.
  • If in dreams a dead person comes to you and calls with him, then you need to read a prayer, go to the temple and light a candle for the repose.
  • If you had a nightmare at night, then after waking up you need to look out the window and say: "Where the night is, there is a dream."

Experts who study dreams claim that they reflect our inner world. If you have nightmares, then, in this way, the subconscious gives signals about the presence of existing problems that need to be addressed. To some extent, nightmares can be useful, but if you wish, you can get rid of them using a folk conspiracy:

“A sweet dream is drowning, flowing down to me. Every dream is in colors, every dream is good. Let it be so!".

Medication for bad dreams

If during a night's rest terrible dreams come, which are the result of mental disorders, you will have to visit a specialist. Receive Only medications normalizes mental processes and make your holiday relaxing.

In the presence of a diagnosis associated with mental state, without drugs can not do. Doctors often prescribe "Prazosin", which relieves anxiety, excitability, which improves sleep.

Do not forget that in many patients it is antidepressants that can lead to nightmares.

If you can't sleep well at night, then folk healers recommended to take a course of drugs for medicinal herbs, for example, "Motherwort", "Valerian". You can prepare a composition of chamomile, hawthorn, wild rose, motherwort, valerian root and prepare tea. Ready-made fees are also suitable: Nervo-Vita, St. John's wort P.

Prevention of nightmares

Experts working on finding out the causes of nightmares have come to the conclusion that they can be prevented. To do this, you must follow the following recommendations:

  • Less often watch TV, it is better to read a book, especially before going to bed.
  • Any disease must be treated promptly.
  • Do not play computer games before going to bed.
  • Forget about all the troubles and problems before going to bed.
  • Avoid strong emotional experiences.
  • Dinner should be light.
  • It is desirable to go to bed at the same time every day, it is better if it is before midnight.

When health problems arise, in the family or at work with colleagues, you should not drive them into the far corner. A timely decision will remove the nightmares from your dreams and make them pleasant and peaceful.

My patients who suffered from panic attacks often reported that they had nightmares. Let's figure out what it is and how you can deal with nightmares.

Most often, nightmares are dreamed of by children between the ages of six and ten. But adults also suffer from unpleasant dreams: every twentieth sees terrible dreams.

Few people know that in addition to nightmares, there is a medical disease " night terror”, which often accompanies sleepwalking. With night terror, a person wakes up screaming about half an hour after falling asleep. Often he is in a state between sleep and wakefulness, so the next morning he may not remember anything.

Unlike night terrors, nightmares occur in the second half of sleep, in the fast phase. If a person is awakened at this moment, then he almost always remembers all the details of the dream, and can describe them very clearly.


About why nightmares are dreaming, whether they harm a person or, on the contrary, are beneficial, scientists have been arguing for several centuries.

Today, science is inclined to believe that having bad dreams occasionally is even useful, since it is a product of our brain that allows us to deal with stress. Bad dreams can distract from experiences, defuse the mind and thus lead to psychological relief.

In addition, sometimes nightmares can indicate real problem in life, which we most often do not notice or do not want to notice.

However, if nightmares become a constant occurrence, then it is not necessary to talk about their positive effect on the human body.

A study by German scientists showed that among the nightmares in adults, falling into the void is in the lead, in second place is the chase, followed by being late.

Weak mentality in children

Bad dreams are very common in children, as they have a low threshold of sensitivity. Reasons may be quarrels with parents, especially in the evening, lack of friends or bad relationship with peers. Physical punishment can also cause nightmares.


Psychologists believe that nightmares and stress are directly related to each other. When the human brain is under stress, the subconscious cannot switch to rest mode and continues to look for a way out of the situation even in a dream. A strong emotional shock can also cause nightmares.

Experts distinguish the term "post-traumatic stress disorder", which is most often characteristic of people who were in a war zone. But in especially impressionable people, it is observed even after watching horror films.


Physical or emotional fatigue can cause nightmares. The fact is that a person mentally returns to the same problem even during sleep in order to solve it. The risk group includes doctors, rescue workers and law enforcement officers.


Apart from psychological problems, nightmares can indicate various physical illnesses. For example, you are more likely to have a nightmare if you have a fever or a migraine.

However, sometimes nightmares indicate serious illnesses such as oncology. And even breathing problems and snoring can cause bad dreams.

Uncomfortable sleep

Bad dreams can occur when external stimuli are present, such as bright lights, noise, loud music, or lack of air. Therefore, before going to bed, you need to make sure that nothing will interfere with you.

Nightmares can even cause wrong location beds.

Binge eating

Overeating at night can also become the cause of terrible dreams. The fact is that a hearty meal before going to bed leads to disruption of the organs, as a result of which - to overexcitation and bad dreams.

oily and spicy food increases body temperature, speeds up metabolism and, accordingly, leads to nightmares.

Creative person

Creative people have nightmares much more often than others. Psychologists believe that creative people can sometimes see "prophetic" dreams, including nightmares that serve as a warning.


These include nicotine, caffeine and alcohol. Instead of resting during sleep, the body has to work to remove foreign substances.

Nightmares can also be caused by various drugs, especially at the beginning of their use.

If you're tired of nightmares, here are five ways to help you deal with them.


It sounds trite, but improving the atmosphere in the bedroom will help to cope with nightmares. She must be well-groomed, comfortable temperature and without too much light.

To get rid of unpleasant sounds, you can use a noise generator. It is also worth limiting the blue light that comes from computers, smartphones and tablets. It prevents the body from producing the "sleep hormone" melanin. Therefore, do not use gadgets at least two hours before bedtime.


You will sleep best if you exercise during the day. Fatigue physical activity is one way to improve the quality of sleep. It can be aerobics, fitness, dancing, the main thing is not to train right before bedtime, as then your body will be tense and will not be able to calm down to fall asleep.

Take a hot bath right before bed. A sharp drop in temperature after will give the brain a signal that it's time to go to bed. And don't eat before bed.


If the cause of your unpleasant dreams is stress or depression, then you need to see a doctor. Often people belonging to this risk group are prescribed the drug Prazosin.

It is also worth talking to your doctor about any medications you are already taking, as medications that change blood pressure can cause nightmares.

In addition, bad dreams can occur if the dosage of the medications taken has been changed. In this case, they will disappear when the body adapts to the changes.


To get rid of nightmares, you need to encourage good dreams. To do this, first imagine the place where you would like to be. After that, slowly sinking into sleep, start thinking about pleasant events for you. You can imagine an imaginary interlocutor to whom you tell about your dreams, as well as the nightmares that torment you.

But if a bad dream still had a dream again, try to manage the events that occur in it. By learning to control your dreams, you will be able to regulate what you dream.


Suddenly appearing, nightmares envelop the human soul with networks of fear. Immediately after sleep, the sleeping person cannot come to his senses for 2-4 minutes, thinking “Where is the dream, and where is the reality?” This problem is irrelevant if horrors appear rarely. But when nightmares are constant, a person begins to think, "How to get rid of nightmares?".

Most often, terrible pictures appear during REM sleep. This phase lasts from 2 minutes to 30 minutes and ends, as a rule, with the awakening of a person. At first he is frightened, his eyes wide open, his body covered in sweat, his heart pounding. A person experiences, which gradually returns to normal. Terrible pictures do not remain in the memory, but a feeling of horror and painful fear is fixed for a long time. How to get rid of this problem and when you need to see a doctor? Let's try to find answers.

Who has nightmares?

Many believe that nightmares are the prerogative of children. Statistics show that children adolescence and adults experience. Moreover, terrible visions during sleep are visited by 50% of adults. It is estimated that 2 to 8 percent of adults suffer from recurrent nightmares. For some, it has become a chronic pathology.

During night vision, a person is visited by terrible pictures, he experiences powerful emotions which make the heart work 2-3 times faster. Sometimes the pictures are so vivid and real that a person wakes up and does not understand where the dream is and where the reality is. The images remain in the memory for a long time, making a person shudder every time they remember.

This leads to mental breakdowns, stress, physical fatigue.

Differences between nightmares and horrors

Night terrors are compared with horror, although these are 2 types of irritants.

Horrors are visions characteristic of the deep sleep phase. Night terrors visit a person during the first 120 minutes of sleep. A person experiences an indescribable feeling of fear at this time. Some horrors are characterized by movement. A person can twitch an arm, a leg, all muscles can tremble. awaken and make a person in reality experience a strong shock.
Nightmares occur during REM sleep, towards morning. A person does not know how to get rid of nightmares, because these are disturbing dreams with terrible pictures. They differ in the reality of what is happening. Each person sees their images, but most often these are traumatic events that happened in real life.

Sources of Night Terrors

In adults, terrifying dreams are more likely to occur spontaneously. But often they are the result psychological trauma(depression or anxiety).

Remember what negative moments you experienced. Maybe you lost workplace, a child or a loved one fell ill, an operation is due. If such events have taken place in your life, then you should not think about how to get rid of nightmares in a dream. They will leave with the traumatic situation.

In such cases, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Other sources of nightmares:

Overeating before bed. routine modern man suggests that dinner is the only complete meal. A person after work is so hungry that he is ready to take a double serving before bed. During sleep, the body digests food, it becomes difficult to breathe, the heartbeat increases, which causes terrible visions. How to get rid of nightmares in a dream this case you decide. Eat your meals earlier or take a walk before you go to bed.

Inner restlessness and worries. Try keeping a diary of your nightmares and previous events. Establish a relationship of events. To understand what scares you in a dream, draw images and think about what it looks like. Record all events, no matter how important they are. Reread the list and highlight the things that really bother you. So you will understand what causes anxiety not only during the day, but also at night.

Some of these experiences become the cause of the appearance, which negatively affect the quality of sleep. Try to distract yourself from problems and rest. Eat on time, go to bed, moderate the labor impulse. Give, gymnastics, introduce new foods into the diet. After all, even the strongest organism needs rest and variety.

In part, they remain in the subconscious, even if you do not think about them. At that moment, when a person is as relaxed as possible, they make themselves felt. To drown them out, try to remember before going to bed about pleasant moments, scroll through them in your head and fall asleep in a favorable mood.

Sometimes, in order to understand how to get rid of night fears, you need to think about your own secret desires. You drown out and suppress, but dissatisfaction manifests itself in nightmares that come in a dream. Do not force yourself to do something that you absolutely do not like.

How to rid yourself of nightmares?

Night fears and terrible pictures knock a person out of a working state and do not allow him to fully rest. If you see them regularly, find a way to get rid of them. In cases where nightmares in a dream are the result of restless leg syndrome or breath holding (apnea), you need to get qualified help. Medicines and therapy will also help you get rid of nightmares - the result of depression, stress and anxiety. post-traumatic disorders. The doctor individually prescribes treatment that will eliminate anxiety and panic disorders.

Try to identify the causes of nightmares and eliminate them. Eat no later than 2 hours before bedtime. The food taken can speed up the metabolism, giving signals to the brain, causing it to activate. Please note that food with a lot of sugar acts on the subconscious more intensely.

If during the day you experienced a strong shock, try to do some relaxation exercises before going to bed:

Reading pleasant literature, knitting - simple exercises which are great for soothing nervous system.
- calm exercises help to purify thoughts and. Practice at home in the evening. It only takes a few minutes to relax.
Hot bath with salt - after physically and mentally have a hard day perfectly relaxing hot water. Feel how the negative emotions of the past day are washed away, and your mind is filled with calm thoughts.

Nightmares can be the result drug therapy. Check with your doctor if you think this is the source.

Reducing the dose or canceling the drug can cause nightmares at night. Horrors will disappear as soon as the body gets used to the new changes.

Drugs for hypotension or hypertension, antidepressants can also cause nightmares. Consult a doctor who will change the drug to another drug.

Relaxing atmosphere for restful sleep

Lack of healthy sleep can cause depression and lead to nightmares. It turns out vicious circle. Try to break the chain by creating a complete atmosphere for healthy sleep. To do this, create a pleasant aura in the bedroom:

clean things, dust, wipe the floor in time;
ventilate the room before going to bed;
lay bed linen, causes pleasant sensations;
install a white noise generator that will block unfavorable sounds;
use the bedroom only for relaxation, not for work.

Do before bed physical exercise, which will give a pleasant fatigue. Just choose an activity that will bring you joy:

load exercises;

Do exercises up to 6 times a week a few hours before bedtime.

Nicotine, alcohol, caffeine content excites the brain, preventing good sleep. Reduce the amount of these substances or stop using them no later than 4 hours before bedtime.

For a better association, try writing a script or drawing a happy ending to a bad dream.

Encourage pleasant dreams

Set yourself up before bed. Imagine a place where you were calm: a beach, Forest Glade, country cottage area. Recreate sounds, smells, colors in your thoughts. With every minute, plunging into the abyss of sleep, think about the good. Imagine yourself in the image of a positive hero: a princess, a superhero, an actor, a traveler. Try to focus on your goals. Imagine how you take a long-awaited position, find a loved one or acquire a figure of your own dreams.

In Europe, it is customary to discuss problems with a psychotherapist. In Russia the best psychologist- boyfriend or girlfriend Talk to them about your nightmares and tell them what scares them. Start a diary and write in detail the images that come in a dream. This will help to look at fears from the outside.

Find time during the day to relax. Unload thoughts from negativity, relax to avoid stress.

How to prevent nightmares?

Customize yours: watch comedies, read classic literature. Avoid unpleasant conversations, negative news. Recall the pleasant events of the current day, week. Make plans for the weekend when you meet up with friends or relatives. Avoid thinking about possible unpleasant cases that might happen.

Ventilate the room before bed. Excessively hot or cold air creates discomfort and leads to nightmares. remember, that nightmares- unrealistic.

Relax and calm down before going to bed, discuss with loved ones what torments you. Embrace native person sure to help if you're scared. If you have been following these rules for several months and still do not know how to get rid of nightmares, consult a doctor.

March 15, 2014