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Warrior Cats

Sun trail

Cold gray light streamed across the floor of the cavern, which was so large that its ceiling was lost in shadow. A drop fell on the endless expanse of water near the entrance, and its sound echoed off the rocks.

At the far end of the cave sat a frail White cat. Despite her age, her green eyes were clear and wise as she gazed at the skinny cats crawling in the cave. They paced restlessly in front of the shimmering waterfall. The elders huddled together in their sleeping nests, the kittens meowing frantically, demanding milk from their mothers, which they could not give.

This can't go on like this anymore," one of the elders whispered to himself.

A few tails away, one of the kittens quarreled over the gnawed carcass of an eagle that had been lying there for a long time. A large ginger kitten pressed the shoulders of a small striped cat: she gnawed the bones of an eagle.

I need food! he said.

The tabby cat jumped up and slashed the redhead's tail with its claws.

We all need food, you flea brains! she snapped, watching the ginger kitten howl in pain.

The grey-white elder, whose ribs were visible even through the skin, staggered over to the kits and pulled out a bone from them.

Hey! the kitten protested.

The elder looked at him.

I've been catching season after season,” he snarled, “and you think I don't deserve one pathetic bone?

Turning, the elder strode away, the bone firmly clenched in his teeth. The ginger kitten looked after him for a moment, and then, sobbing, rushed headlong to his mother, who was lying on a rock near the cave wall. Instead of comforting him, his mother barked something angry, flicking her tail. The old white cat was too far away to hear her, but she sighed heavily.

"We've all reached the limit already," thought the cat.

She watched as a grey-white elder walked through the cave and threw a bone in front of an even older cat. She buried her nose in her front paws, her dull eyes fixed on the far wall of the cave.

Here, Muddy Water, - a gray-white cat with one paw pushed the bones closer to her. - Eat. Not much here, but it might help.

Muddy Water's indifferent gaze flickered over her friend, and she turned away again.

No thanks, Silver Frost. I have no appetite. The Broken Feather is dead.” The cat's voice trembled with grief. “He survived if there was enough prey. Now I'm just waiting to join him...

Muddy Water, you can't...

The white cat was distracted from the conversation of the elders, turning to a group of cats that appeared at the entrance, shaking the snow from their fur. Someone was already running towards them.

Did you catch anything? one of them shouted impatiently.

Yeah, where's the loot? demanded another cat.

The head of the patrol shook his head sadly.

Sorry. We didn't succeed.

The hope that had hovered in the air of the cave began to melt away like mist in the sunlight. The cats looked at each other, then fell silent, lowering their heads and hanging their tails.

The white cat looked at them, then turned its head and saw that the cat was coming towards it. Although he no longer looked young, and his golden striped fur had become thin and patchy, he walked with confidence. It was evident that once it was a strong and noble cat.

Half of the Moon, - he greeted the white cat, sitting down next to her and wrapping her tail around her paws.

She purred weakly.

You shouldn't call me that, Lion's Roar, she protested. “For many seasons I have been the Narrator of Pointed Stones.

The golden tabby cat sucked in air.

I don't care how long the others call you the Storyteller. To me, you will always be Half Moon.

Half Moon didn't say anything, only resting her tail on her old friend's shoulder.

I was born in this cave,” continued the Lion's Roar. “But my mother, Timid Doe, told me about the time when you lived on the shore of the lake, protected by trees.

Half Moon sighed weakly.

I'm just one of those who still remembers the lake and the journey we made to get here. But I live three times as long in the mountains as I do by the lake, and endless views of the waterfall echo in my heart.” The cat paused for a moment, then asked, “Why are you telling me this now?”

Lion's Roar hesitated before answering.

Starvation may kill us all before the sun rises again. We no longer have a place in this cave, - the cat touched the shoulder of the white cat with his paw. - Something must be done!

Half Moon's eyes widened.

But we can't leave the mountains! she protested, breathless with excitement. “Sparrowwing promised me, he made me the Loremaster of Pointed Stones, because this is our destined home.

Lion's Roar met her glowing green eyes.

Are you sure Sparrowwing was right? - he asked. How could he know what would happen in the future?

He couldn’t be wrong,” Half Moon muttered.

Her thoughts drifted back to the ceremony, many seasons ago, when Sparrowwing had appointed her Loremaster of the Pointed Stones. She shuddered as she heard his voice again, full of love and grief that they couldn't be together. “Others will come after you, and so will moon after moon. Choose well, educate so that you can entrust the future to them.”

He would never say that if he didn't want this to be our home.

Half Moon looked at the rest of the cats, emaciated and hungry. She shook her head sadly. Lion's Roar was right about something: something had to be done to survive.

Gradually, the cat began to understand that the cold gray light in the cave began to shine with warm gold, as if the sun was rising behind the wall of a noisy waterfall. But Half Moon was aware that it was night.

Lion's Roar, like the rest of the cats in the cave, ignored the golden conflagration.

“No one sees it but me! What can this mean?

Bathed in bright light, Half Moon remembered the first time she became a healer. Sparrowwing told her that her ancestors would guide her in her decisions, that sometimes she would see strange things. The cat never knew its ancestors, but learned to see the signs.

Possible explanations began to swirl in Half Moon's head like snowflakes in a blizzard.

“Maybe warm weather will come earlier than usual. But how will this help when there are so many of us? Then shelter… But what about those who help us here in the mountains?”

The sunlight was getting stronger and stronger, Half Moon could barely look at these rays. She relaxed and new idea appeared in her head.

“Maybe Lion's Roar is right. Only a few of us can survive here. Maybe one of us should go where the sun rises to create new house in bright light? Where they will be safe, where they will eat well and raise kittens?

As Half Moon bathed in warm sunlight, she felt confident in herself. Some of her cats will stay in the mountains to support life here, while the rest of the clan will go to rising sun to find a new home.

But I won't leave this cave, she thought. “I will spend the sunset of my life here, where most of my moons have passed, far from where I was born. And then maybe... maybe... I'll find Sparrowwing again."

Gray Wing climbed the snow-covered slope toward a ridge that darkened against the sky like a row of sharp teeth. He carefully rearranged his front paws in turn, so as not to fall through the crust of crust into a loose snowdrift. Light snowflakes fell from the sky, sparkling on his dark gray hide. It was so cold that Gray Wing couldn't even feel his paws, his stomach howling with hunger.

"I can't remember the last time I felt full."

In the last sunny season, he was still a kitten, playing near the waterfall with his brother, whose name was Cloudless Sky. Now it seems like it was an eternity ago. Gray Wing only vaguely remembered the green leaves on the low mountain trees and the sunlight that bathed the rocks.

On the floor of a huge cave, the vaults of which were drowned in dusk, a gloomy cold light trembled. The entrance to the inside was hidden by a wall of flowing water, the rumble of the waterfall echoing incessantly from the rocks.

In the depths of the cave sat a decrepit white cat. Despite her age, her clear green eyes shone with wisdom, and her gaze glided anxiously over the emaciated cats crowding in the cave; the young ones paced restlessly up and down in front of the glittering waterfall, the old ones wearily huddled together in their sleeping niches, and the kittens meowed frantically for milk from their emaciated mothers.

A few tails away, the kittens were arguing over the skeleton of an eagle. The meat from the bones was gnawed the day before, when the mothers of the babies caught the bird. A large ginger kitten was shoving a frail cat away from the bone, which she greedily gnawed.

I need! he said decisively.

The kitty jumped up on its paws and vindictively bit the offender by the tip of the tail.

We all need it, tickhead! she snorted, ignoring the redhead's wild howl.

Then an old bony cat ran up to the kittens, whose ribs protruded menacingly from under the rare silver-white wool, and grabbed the bone thrown in the heat of the fight.

Hey, wait! - the red kitten was indignant.

The old woman glared at him.

I hunted long moons without sleep and rest! she hissed. “Surely I didn’t deserve some pitiful bone?”

With these words old cat withdrew, clutching her prey tightly in her teeth.

For a few moments the kitten looked after her in confusion, and then, with a bitter cry, rushed to his mother, who was lying on a stone near the wall. But instead of comforting the baby, she only barked angrily at him, waving her tail angrily.

The old white cat sat too far away to hear her rebuke, so she only sighed:

"Everyone's strength is already at the limit," she thought.

She silently followed the silver-white old woman, who dragged an eagle bone through the entire cave and threw it in front of another old cat, lying in her sleeping hole, with her nose buried in her paws. The faded gaze of the old woman was fixed on the far wall of the cave.

Here, Misty Water, - the silver-white creaked, pushing her prey towards it with her paw, - eat. Not much, of course, but it's there.

Cloudy Water slid an indifferent glance over the bone, shifted her eyes to her friend, and turned away again.

Thanks, Silver Rime, but I'm not hungry. After the death of the Broken Feather, I no longer wanted to even look at the food, - the voice of the old cat trembled with sadness. - If we had a little more food, he would be alive now! She sighed bitterly and bowed her head. - Now I live only in anticipation of an early meeting with him ...

Cloudy Water, you can't...

The snow-white cat did not hear the end of this conversation, she was distracted by the appearance of a whole string of cats that noisily entered the cave, shaking the snow off wet wool. Immediately several tribesmen jumped up from their seats and rushed to the arrivals.

Did you catch anything? one local asked impatiently.

Where is the loot? exclaimed another.

The leader of the returnees shook his head mournfully.

Sorry friends. We returned with empty paws.

The hope that had engulfed the inhabitants of the cave melted away like mist under the hot sun. The hunters looked at each other dejectedly and walked away, their heads bowed low and their tails dragging on the floor.

The snow-white cat followed them with her eyes, but after a moment she turned her head sharply, noticing the cat approaching her. His muzzle was white with age, his thick golden hair was sparse and bald, but his proud gait showed that he had once been strong, courageous and respected in the clan.

Half Moon! - he greeted the white cat and sat down beside him, wrapping his tail around his paws.

The white cat purred softly.

Lion's Roar, stop calling me by that name, she begged. “I have already lost count of the moons that have passed since I became the Loremaster of the Pointed Stones.

In response, the golden cat only snorted dismissively:

What do I care how long you've been called Stoneteller? For me, you will always remain Half Moon.

Half Moon did not answer, but silently stretched out her tail and stroked her old friend on the shoulder.

I was born in this cave,” continued the Lion's Roar. “But my mother, Timid Doe, often told me about the times when we lived elsewhere. I heard from her that you were born on the shore of the lake, under thick trees.

Half Moon sighed softly.

Now, besides me, there is no one left in the clan who would remember the lake and our long journey here ... But I also live here three times longer than I lived near the lake, and the unceasing murmur of the waterfall has long sounded in my heart. She paused, blinked, then asked: - Why did you start this conversation?

Lion's Roar hesitated to answer.

If nothing changes, we could all die of starvation before the warm days return, and besides, there was no room left in the cave for a long time. He extended a paw, smoothing the fur on Half Moon's shoulder. - We need to do something.

Half Moon stared at him in astonishment.

But we can't leave the mountains! she choked out in a broken voice. “Sparrowwing gave his word, he made me the Teller of Pointed Stones because we are destined to live here in the mountains!”

Lion's Roar, without flinching, withstood the indignant gaze of her green eyes.

Did you ever think that Sparrowwing could be wrong? - he asked. How could he know what the future holds for us?

He couldn't be wrong! Half Moon whispered with conviction.

Her mind was transported back to that distant day when Sparrow Wing made her the Teller of Pointed Stones. Ah, how long ago that was! But Half Moon trembled involuntarily even now, when Sparrowwing's voice, full of love and bitterness of inevitable separation, reached her from the distant past:

“From now on, you will be called the Loremaster of the Pointed Stones. You will be the first, others will come after you, and it will always be so - moon after moon, snow after foliage. Choose your successors wisely, carefully train them in everything you know, in order to entrust them with the future of your clan…”

“Would he say that if we weren’t destined to live in the mountains?”

Half Moon looked around her clan - her unfortunate, hungry and emaciated cats. How to be? She shook her head sadly. Lion's Roar was right about one thing - something had to be done or they would all starve to death.

Unexpectedly, she noticed that the cold gray light flooding the cave suddenly turned warm and golden, as if a hot sun had risen behind the waterfall. But where does the sun come from on a dark night?

Lion's Roar, as if nothing had happened, continued to wash his ears, other cats also behaved as if they did not notice anything surprising, meanwhile the golden light became brighter.

“Am I the only one seeing this? How can this be?

Warmed by the dazzling golden radiance, Half Moon once again remembered the ceremony of her initiation. Sparrowwing then said that the ancestors would never leave her, they would always be there to tell her the right decision, therefore, she should be very attentive to everything unusual, because behind it there can be something much more than it seems at first glance.

For all my long life Half Moon never felt the presence of her ancestors and did not talk to them, but she learned to notice and interpret the signs.

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A cold, dim light cut through a cavern so vast that the vaults sank into darkness. A veil of water covered the entrance, and its noise echoed off the walls.

In the depths of the cave sat a sickly-looking white cat. Despite her age, her green eyes were clear and filled with wisdom as she gazed at the skinny cats crawling on the floor and pacing restlessly in front of the shimmering streams of the waterfall. The old men huddled together on their mats, the kittens meowed frantically, demanding food from their exhausted mothers.

It can't go on like this anymore, the old cat whispered under her breath.

A few tails away, kittens were arguing over the skeleton of an eagle. All the meat from the bones had been gnawed the day before, when the queens caught the prey. A large brown kitten pushed a small tabby cat away from the bone it had bitten into.

I really need! he said.

The tabby cat jumped up and grabbed the tip of the comrade's tail.

We all really need it, birdhead! she snapped, accompanied by the kitty's howl.

A grey-white elder, each rib clearly visible under the skin, crawled up to the kittens and, taking the bones in her teeth, dragged the bird remains.

Hey! - protested the kid.

The elder glared at him.

I hunted season after season,” she growled. "Don't you think I deserved this pathetic bone?"

She turned and walked proudly away, clutching her prey in her teeth.

For a few moments the kitten looked after her, and then, crying, rushed to his mother, who was lying on a stone near the wall of the cave. Instead of comforting her son, the mother muttered something, waving her tail in annoyance.

The old white cat was too far away to hear the queen's words, but she sighed longingly.

We are all balancing on the edge, she thought.

She followed the grey-and-white old woman through the cave and threw an eagle bone in front of another cat, which was lying in its nest with its nose in its paws. Her empty gaze was fixed on one point on opposite side.

Take it, Muddy Water, - the gray-white elder pushed the bone with her paw. - Eat. It's not enough, but maybe it will give you strength.

Muddywater's indifferent gaze flickered over her friend and then back to the dot on the wall.

No thanks, Silver Rime. I have no appetite at all since Broken Feather died.” Her voice trembled with desperation. - He could have survived if we had a little more food. The elder sighed. Now I'm just waiting to join him.

Muddy Water, so it is impossible ...

The white cat was distracted from the conversation of the elders when a group of cats appeared on the threshold of the cave. Snow covered their skins. Some of the inhabitants of the cave jumped up on their paws and rushed to meet the newcomers.

Did you catch anything? one of them asked hotly.

Yes. Where is your prey? another demanded.

The cat leading the visitors drooped guiltily.

Sorry. We didn't have anything to bring you.

The hope that had smoldered in those gathered was dispelled like fog driven away by the bright sun. They turned to look at their comrades and then trudged back, their heads down and their tails dragging along the ground.

The white cat was distracted from her observation by noticing that one of the cats was heading towards her. His muzzle was gray with time, his golden spotted skin was sparse and hung in tatters. He walked confidently, which indicated that he had once been brave and strong cat.

Half Moon,” he greeted the white cat, sitting down next to her and wrapping his tail around her shoulders.

The cat disengaged with a faint, contented purr.

You mustn't call me that, Lion's Roar, she protested. “For many seasons I have been the Narrator of Pointed Stones.

The red cat snorted.

I don't care how long others call you Stoneteller. To me, you will always be Half Moon.

This time the white cat was silent. She only extended her tail and touched her old friend's shoulder with it.

I was born in this cave,” continued the Lion's Roar. “But my mother, Timid Doe, told me about the times before we came here. When you lived by a lake protected by trees.

Half Moon sighed weakly.

I'm the only cat that still remembers this lake and the path we took to get here. But I've lived here in the mountains three times as long as that lake, and the sound of the waterfall echoed in my heart. She paused, blinking, then continued. - What did you come to talk about?

Lion's Roar hesitated before answering.

Hunger can kill us before the sun shines again. And there is no more room in the cave. He shifted from paw to paw and smoothed down the fur on Half Moon's shoulders. - We need to do something.

Stoneteller's eyes widened as she turned to her friend.

But we can't leave the mountains, she protested. Her voice trembled with fear. - Sparrow Wing promised. He made me the Narrator of Pointed Stones, because this house is destined for us.

Lion's Roar met her bright green eyes.

Are you sure he wasn't wrong? How could he know what would happen in the future?

He was right,” Half Moon muttered.

Her thoughts returned to the ceremony many seasons ago. Sparrowwing made her the Loremaster of Pointed Stones. She shuddered when she heard his voice again, full of love and pain from the fact that fate does not allow them to be together.

Others will come after you. Lead them, show them the way. Believe in the fate of the Clan. He would never have said that if he didn't want us to stay here.

Half Moon's gaze wandered over the cats' heads. Her cats. Now weak and hungry. She shook her head sadly. Lion's Roar is right: if they want to survive, they need to do something.

Gradually, she noticed that the cold gray light illuminating the cave became warm and golden, as if the sun was rising behind a veil of water. But Half Moon knew that night was coming.

Lion's Roar sat calmly beside her, licking his ears, the other cats also ignoring the golden light illuminating the cave.

They can't see anything, but I...! What does this mean?

Immersed in the rays of bright light, Half Moon remembered how she became a Healer. Sparrowwing said that her ancestors will help her make decisions, so sometimes she will see strange things that will mean more than it might seem at first. Half Moon never fully believed in the ancestors, but learned to listen to the signs.

The possible meanings of this omen flashed through Half Moon's mind like snowflakes in a blizzard. Maybe that means they're coming soon warm days? But how will this help if there are so many of us? She wondered if the sun was shining somewhere now? There must be a lot of food, safe and warm. But what does it matter here, high in the mountains?

The light of the sun became brighter and brighter, so that in the end the Half Moon was completely enveloped in its rays. She relaxed as a new idea popped into her head.

Maybe Lion's Roar is right, and only a few of us belong to this place. Maybe others can go further and find a home where the sun shines brightly. Somewhere where they will be safe, fed and able to raise new generations of kittens.

Basking in the warm sunlight, Half Moon gained the confidence she needed. Some of the cats would be able to stay, a small group that could hold out in the mountains, and the rest of her Clan would follow the sunrise, look for a new home.

But I don't want to leave the cave, she thought. - I want to meet the twilight of my life here, in a lifetime from where I was born. And then maybe... just maybe... I'll see Sparrowwing again."

Chapter 1

Gray Wing climbed up the snow-covered slope. The cat was heading for the peak, which loomed against the sky like a row of sharp teeth. He carefully rearranged his paws so as not to fall under a crust of ice and drown in a powdery substance under it. White flakes slowly fell from the sky, settling on his gray fur. It was so cold that he could no longer feel his paws. His stomach rumbled with hunger.

I already forgot when was the last time I was warm and full.

In the last warm season, he was still a kitten and played with his brother - Clear Sky, at the edge of the pool, which was located outside the cave. It seemed like a lifetime had passed since then. Gray Wing retained only a vague memory of green leaves covering the stocky trees and sunlight flooding the rocks.

Stopping to look for prey, the cat looked around the snow-covered mountains, whose peaks stretched wherever you look. The heavy gray sky promised more snow.

There was no scent of prey in the air, and Gray Wing trudged on. Clear sky emerged from behind a rock ledge, its pale gray fur barely visible in the snow. The cat's jaws were empty, and when he noticed his brother, he just shook his head.

No prey odors. Nowhere! he shouted. Why can't we...

A hoarse cry from above cut him off in mid-sentence. A shadow flickered beside Gray Wing. Raising his head, he saw a kite swooping down. The claws of the bird were large and curved.

As the kite flew closer, Clear Sky jumped high into the air, throwing out its paws. His claws grabbed the bird's feathers and he fell down, dragging the kite with him to the ground. The bird let out another loud cry and fluttered its wings frantically.

Gray Wing rushed up the slope...

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