Teach an old cat to the tray. How to train an adult cat or a cat to the tray. Cat: walks by himself

Cats are very smart, but too stubborn, so they do not like to follow any rules that the owner sets. Sometimes a cat's bad temper can become a serious problem in a relationship with the owner. For example, in the spirit of these animals, ignore the tray provided to them and go exactly where they like.

Those owners who have had a cat for a long time do not have such difficulties. Because a pet at a young age is much easier to teach to the toilet.

If you take an adult cat who previously went to the tray, you will be delighted, because she will quickly understand what they want from her. But this may not happen if the move becomes stressful for her. Then she might start protesting the new toilet.

Cats from the street are accustomed to the tray is problematic. Therefore, the question of our article is always relevant.

Refusal of a cat from a tray prepared for her, most likely, will lead to misunderstanding between an animal and a person. Many people, when a cat shits anywhere, does not react in any way to the owner’s remarks, they decide to give it away. But this is not the way out. After all, we are responsible for our pets. It means you have to fight.

How to potty train an adult cat? Now let's look at this issue.

Choosing a location for the tray

Cats are pretty delicate creatures who, if they visit a tray, then try to find a good corner for themselves, away from human eyes. Because of this, it is desirable to place the toilet in a similar place.

by the most the best places for are bathroom, toilet, warm balcony. And always remember that you need 24/7 access. This will help you deal with the habit faster.

It is not necessary to have a cat litter box in the hallway and kitchen. Since such places are not suitable for hygienic reasons, and the cat will be uncomfortable here. So which place to choose? A closet may also be suitable if the owner and cat find it acceptable, as the animal may refuse to visit it if you go there often.

If your pet has not been potty trained before, then you need to make it attractive to her. To do this, it must be very spacious, as well as deep. The depth must be at least 10 cm, so that the cat can freely dig there and safely hide the fruits of their labors. The width of the tray should be so large that the pet can fit well there.

Toilet house for cats

This option will be a great replacement for a regular tray. It will be convenient for the pet, and it will be easier for you to clean it.

Has a special filter. It purifies the air. If for some reason you forget to clean the cat's latrine, the filters can remove bad smell.

Animals are happy to visit such a toilet, because the house hides the cat from prying eyes thanks to reliable walls and a roof. Yes, and it is possible to put such a miracle device not only in the bathroom, but also in the hallway, neither the cat nor the toilet will embarrass you.

What is the best cat litter box? It’s impossible to say for sure, it all depends on the preferences of the beast. Some people like house toilets, while others will be happy to go to a simple bright tray, so it’s worth starting to train a cat from the most ordinary. And after a while you will be able to understand what is preferable for your animal.

Which filler is best?

Cats always act according to their intuition, going to the toilet is no exception. It only helps the owners. After all, knowing the preferences of your animal, you can make life happier.

Before accustoming an adult cat to a tray, you should choose a filler. This is very good invention. It helps in the process of accustoming the owner, indicating to the pet where the place for needs is located. After all, if there is nothing to dig into, then is it a toilet? And besides, the filler absorbs unpleasant odors, which gives the owner a state of comfort.

But what filler to choose, because now there are a great many of them?

Previously used as a filler torn paper and sand. Now there are other, more hygienic options. Let's take a closer look.

Filler cost

The cheapest fillers are wood. 15 kg of this costs 300 rubles, 3 kg - only 70 rubles. The average cost of mineral fillers. The most expensive silicone ones, their price is 400 rubles for 3 kg and 500 for 7 kg.

Mineral cat litter

Granular fillers (for example, Fresh Step, etc.) absorb moisture and odor well. Due to this, a lump is formed, which can be removed with a children's spatula.

Reviews about it are only good, because this filler not only removes odors, but also does not stick to the paws of the animal. The granules in the litter have different sizes, so each cat will be able to choose the right one.

Among the disadvantages: it cannot be used for small kittens and it is undesirable to throw it into the sewer.

for cat litter box

Such fillers are pressed sawdust of coniferous trees. Suitable for both small kittens and adult cats.

Such fillers absorb moisture well, but do not crumple, but crumble into dust. The advantage is that it natural material, which means it does not harm cats, and you can safely throw it into the sewer.

  • uneconomical;
  • light enough (a cat on its paws can pull it all over the apartment).

Among the natural fillers that are safe for kittens is corn, it is good in its own way, but only does not absorb odors. This is rare in our stores.

Silicone filler

A rather expensive type of filler (for example, Trixie Fresh and Easy, etc.). Its lumps absorb odor and moisture well. The tray is replaced once every three weeks. After all, the filler remains dry to the touch (even after use), occasionally it is worth removing the resulting lump.

There are many pluses, but the minuses include the fact that it is not cheap, and not all cats like the filler, as it rustles when digging.

With flavor

The price of a filler with fragrances varies from 785 to 1500 rubles per 7 kilograms. But the choice of flavor must be approached carefully. So, many cats like the scent of lavender, while the smell of citrus fruits irritates them.

We teach the cat to the toilet

How to train an adult cat to the tray? Usually this process is simple and fast. After all, cats feel why and where they put the tray. However, outbred cats are potty trained with difficulty. Moreover, the opinion that it is easier to accustom a cat to a tray than a cat is fundamentally wrong. Everything is just the opposite.

Cats are driven by the desire to mark their territory. Therefore, it is easier to accustom him to the tray. A cat is a very capricious creature. Therefore, the task becomes more difficult.

The first time a cat wants to visit the toilet some time after eating. Although these animals are quite patient.

It is better to show the toilet to the cat immediately after its relocation to new house. After all, she intuitively knows what the tray is for. If this is your option, then consider yourself lucky. Since, having relieved the need in the tray once, the pet will go there all the time.

But if the cat began to spoil anywhere, you will have to wait for a convenient moment when he wants to retire. Noticing that he is looking for a suitable place, take him and take him to the tray. Then stroke, the cat will calm down and, most likely, will relieve himself here. If he tries to escape, then try to return him. Do this repeatedly until it comes off exactly where you put it.

Another option, when you notice that the cat is starting to bridge somewhere, is to put a tray there. Having started her business, she will not stop halfway and will continue the process.

Do not rush to immediately change the filler, let the cat get used to it, then the next time it smells like it goes into the same tray.

If the pet keeps coming back to the place where there is no toilet, put it there and move it very slowly in the direction where you would like to organize it for the cat. Of course it will cost for a long time but it will pay off handsomely.

If the animal is brought from the street, then at first pour earth or sand into the tray. The usual filler will help the beast to navigate what they want from him.

If, while you were not at home, the cat urinated in an indecent place, blot it with a napkin, and then put it in the tray. If the animal left not only a puddle, but also feces, then it must also be moved to a pot. And wipe the place chosen by the cat with vinegar or alcohol, then she will not want to visit it again.

Possible problems that arise in the process of accustoming

There are situations when an adult animal refuses to use the tray, although until recently it willingly did everything. Do not immediately scold the cat, it is better to contact the veterinarian. Since such behavior often indicates health problems. Sometimes this simply indicates the wrong tray or the wrong location.

Trust the cat to choose a place for the tray.

Keep the toilet relatively clean. Since many animals cannot stand dirty trays and will meow demandingly when the pot is one.

Most animals are owners. Which means they don't like to share the toilet with anyone. Therefore, if you do not want animal conflicts, purchase as many trays as you have pets.

It is very difficult to say for sure whether you can accustom your cat to a tray, it all depends on the individuality of the animal.

Although there is nothing impossible in this world. Since there would be a desire, and everything else will follow. Be persistent and persistent in accustoming the cat to the tray, only then everything will work out with time.


Stick to simple rules:

  • Do not engage in handshaking.
  • Show the animal that he is not allowed to do whatever he wants. Explain to him that you can not hang on the curtains, jump on your shoulders, etc.
  • Get a special scratching post and accustom a kitten to it, then you will not face the problem of damaged furniture.
  • A cat and a dog in the house is a special situation. Contrary to popular belief, these animals can get along together. It is better to take a kitten and a puppy, rather than adults, then they will get used to each other. A cat and a dog require a lot of attention from the owner, so think about whether you can give it.

A small conclusion

Now you know how to potty train an adult cat. We hope that our advice will help you and you will cope with the task. Good luck.

How nice after have a hard day collect heaps around the apartment and scrub the puddles that await the owner in the most inaccessible places. A newspaper on the pope, a water gun at the ready, slippers fly around the apartment, but nothing helps - the mustachioed hooligan “mines” the territory again and again. So that this plot does not come true, even before the appearance of a pet in the house, you need to learn how to accustom a cat to a tray.

In general, cat owners are a little more fortunate than dog breeders: even small kittens quickly figure out why this plastic thing is needed. If the baby was born in a nursery, then everything is even simpler: a self-respecting breeder teaches kittens to the tray from the age of three weeks. Mom-cat also does not remain indifferent, demonstrating to the children exactly where to relieve themselves. The owner can only find out from the breeder what kind of filler the kitten is used to.

But if the toilet for a pet is an innovation, you will have to take on the responsibility of a caregiver. Fortunately, cats are naturally clean, and even pets taken from the street quickly get used to the tray.

An adult stray cat taken into the house will quickly get used to the toilet if sand mixed with earth is used instead of filler. This is unhygienic, but acceptable as a temporary measure. As soon as the pet learns to use the tray, you can add more and more filler to the sand, gradually reducing the proportion of "natural" material.

So, to train a cat to the toilet, the owner will need:

  • a suitable sized cat litter box with high sides if the animal is an adult, and with low walls if a kitten has settled in the house;
  • filler;
  • soft disinfectant odorless, not caustic;
  • scoop for excrement;
  • brush for washing the tray.

Place for the tray - always available nook. It is imperative that the cat is not tied to the litter box negative impressions, for example, frightened by a fallen object or the sound of running water. You can’t punish a pet next to the tray, rattle household utensils near the “place of deployment”, etc. When the pet gets used to the toilet, delicacy can be left behind, but on initial stage it's necessary. Another important point- the cleanliness of the tray. Excrement should be cleaned regularly, the tray itself should be thoroughly washed as needed.

Since it is necessary to accustom the animal to the tray from the first days of the appearance of a mustachioed newcomer in the house, it is advisable to take a couple of days off. If the pet gets used to defecate where necessary, it will be quite difficult to re-educate her. Usually kittens, like most adult cats, look for a place to toilet after sleep, a heavy meal or active game. In search of a place, the pet behaves restlessly, tramples, sniffs, sometimes scratches with its paw. As soon as the owner notices such behavior, you need to calmly, without frightening the cat, take it in your arms and put it in the tray. Without negativity: do not forcefully hold, do not grab by the paws, do not seat, pressing on the croup. If a cat associates unpleasant experiences with a tray, she will never want to climb into it.

Cats are known for their dislike of change, so the litter box should be put in its permanent place right away. The pet must have free access to the cat toilet: you must either leave the door to the room open, or mount it in interior door cat eye.

As a rule, a cat, experiencing certain urges and being on a loose filler, itself understands what's what: it starts spinning around itself, digging. Noticing this, it is advisable to turn away or move away a little, since most cats do not like to relieve themselves in front of strangers. This is not shyness, but a natural instinct: "meditating", the cat is vulnerable to enemies. For the same reason, the tray favorite place digging: the pet hides “waste” so that the enemy does not find it by smell (and you also need to hide your stay from potential prey).

So, if the cat sat down on the tray and did its business, you need to praise the clever girl with an affectionate voice, stroke it, treat it with something tasty. It is not recommended to immediately remove the "traces of the crime" - let them lie down until the next time, so that the cat can find the allotted place by smell. If the pet flatly refuses to sit on the tray, tries to escape, you need to wait for the moment when she starts to “attach” again and try again. Persistent, but not rude. If you missed or the owner did not keep track, you need to transfer a pile or a piece of paper moistened with urine to the tray, and then take the pet to the toilet and show her where the waste has “moved”.

In some cases, although the owner is acting correctly, the pet does not want to go to the tray. Perhaps she doesn’t like the cat litter box: the container is too small, the filler smells strongly, the choice of place is poor. In such a situation, only an experimental approach and careful observation of the cat's behavior will help. In other cases, the pet has already chosen a place for the toilet and does not want to change the habit. To over-stubborn a bully, you need to block her access to the chosen place and destroy the smell left on the floor or furniture. Any non-chlorine disinfectant will do. You can purchase a repellent spray or spray the washed area with citrus juice.

Demonstrative heaps and puddles left on furniture or in the middle of the room are a signal that the cat feels uncomfortable. Stress can be the culprit new pet in the house, a sloppy child, insufficient attention from the owner. You need to find the cause and eliminate it. Sometimes cats use this behavior to tell us about pain - in this case, only a veterinarian will help.

So the long-awaited kitten has come to your house. So many worries, so much trouble, but so much joy. And then the hard days come. First you need to accustom the cat to the tray, so as not to clean up the “traces of the crime” throughout the apartment. How to do it quickly and without unnecessary problems? And what to do if suddenly the pet stopped going to the tray, although until now she had relieved her need in the right place? Let's consider these questions.

What problems can arise in the learning process?

To accustom adult cat to the tray, you need to understand what obstacles may arise along the way.

  • It is difficult to teach a street cat to go to the tray, especially if she is several years old. But it is quite possible (I know from personal experience).
  • The animal got into new family and experiencing stress.
  • A four-legged friend has pain during bowel movements.
  • Why is it difficult for an adult cat to potty train? Because on the street she could mark the territory, which she is now successfully doing in the apartment.
  • The pet will experience the stress associated with getting to other owners.
  • What to do if the animal has stopped going to the toilet in the right place? Change the filler, for example.
  • To teach a kitten to go to the tray, you need to buy a model in size.
  • If the owner has changed the location of the tray, a kitten or an adult cat can protest by marking the territory.
  • If the owner did not remove the result of vital activity from the last time in time, the animal may not like it.
  • The four-legged friend is trying to attract the attention of the owner.

A small digression on how to accustom street cat to the tray in the apartment. They gave us a beautiful, big street cat. We brought him to the apartment and showed him the place of his toilet. Everything was fine until the husband scolded the pet for the oversight. In retaliation for the abuse, our miracle went to the toilet in the hallway. I took charge of his upbringing. He decided not to repeat this experience again. But the smell on the rug in the hallway lasts for several years. And no detergents it cannot be removed. This was the only time that an adult, street cat went to the toilet in the wrong place. Probably marking territory or showing character.

Why did the cat stop going to the tray? List of reasons

So you ask why the cat so beloved and adored by everyone does not go to the tray? Protest? Sick? Dissatisfied with life? Let's find out!

There are several reasons why a cat has stopped going to the litter box. And this, believe me, is not always revenge or anger. There are much more important aspects refusal to go to the toilet in the right place.

  1. Inflammation genitourinary system or received injuries. For this reason, the animal often goes to the toilet and simply does not have time to run to the designated place. If in urinary tract there are stones, the ducts are blocked and the cat cannot defecate. No need to rush to conclusions and punish an adult pet. You should consult a doctor and examine the animal.
  2. Not everyone knows, but cats are very clean animals. And if suddenly a four-legged friend refuses to go to the toilet in the right place and “plays pranks” in another, then in this way he protests. Perhaps he does not like the filler, perhaps there are “traces” of a crime from the last time in the tray, perhaps there is an unpleasant smell. Such "possibly" can be listed more than a dozen.
  3. But the cat does not want and therefore does not go to the tray. He doesn't suit her. Maybe the owner liked the model, because it is combined with the interior of the room, easy to clean, etc., but the pet did not like the design at all. The animal prefers an old, unsightly product.
  4. A street cat, and an apartment cat too, can be confused by the smell of the filler. The owner may like the smell of lavender (as a rule, fillers are sold with this smell, but it doesn’t matter how important), but the animal does not need these aromas at all.
  5. I doubt that a person would want to go to the toilet in a noisy square with curious looks. So is the cat. He loves privacy in this matter. Therefore, the cat toilet should be located in a secluded place.
  6. If the time has come for the cat to actively breed, he may begin to mark the territory. Scolding a pet is not an option. This will only increase stress and make the situation worse. You should consult with your doctor. If a feline "wedding" is not planned in the near future, then the veterinarian will advise drugs that act as a sedative and completely discourage the cats from going to the "bride".
  7. Jealousy! If another animal appears, then the old-timer can show character. After all, the youngest is loved more, caressed more, they give him all the best. Just like with children!
  8. Vindictiveness. Another quality that does not give the owners peace of mind. In retaliation for swearing, a cat can shit where it is not necessary. Therefore, it may be worth talking to the pet and asking for forgiveness. It may sound silly, but sometimes it helps, believe me. Cats are smart. They understand everything. This is how you look reproachfully at your feline “son” or “daughter”: “Well, why did you go to the toilet here, and not in the right place?” You scold them, scold them, but they understood everything, lowered their eyes. Shame on them. That's how it happens!

How to teach a pet to go to the tray?

Let's move on to main topic: accustoming a cat to a tray.

  • First things first, you should examine the baby or apartment / street cat at the veterinarian for the presence of diseases. Often, various diseases interfere with accustoming to the tray.
  • If there is an old-timer cat, that's good. He will be able to teach the recruit to visit the toilet in the right place. If there is no “senior”, then you can ask your friends for a trained, well-mannered pet with its tray and filler. New friend he will explain everything to his relative in due course.
  • If you can’t train a cat to go to the toilet in the right place, you can use by special means. They are able to destroy the smell of the "traces of crime" of the past, and therefore the cat will be forced to defecate in the right place. Some advise using essential oil citrus fruits (in particular, orange) to discourage hunting to walk past the tray. On a favorite place, you need to apply a few drops of oil or spray the “crime scene” with water with the addition of such a component. Checked! Valid! Pets don't like the smell of citrus.
  • Accustoming to the tray is a matter that requires ingenuity from the owner. If the pet decided that the bed - appropriate place for bowel movements, you can convince her of this. And very quickly. Cover the bed with a film, stick double-sided tape on top of it. If the animal decides to go to the toilet, it will cause him a lot of trouble: an incomprehensible rustle, adhesive tape sticks to his paws. Soon the pet will understand that it is better and safer to go where it is supposed to.
  • If the cat has stopped going to the tray in the right place, it may have changed its habits. The owner should move the cat litter to a place where there is a lot of "crime" activity. Alternatively, you can arrange several trays around the apartment. The pet will choose where he likes best.
  • If a cat is stressed, she may "forget" where her litter box is. When stressful situation will pass, the pet will calm down, she will again “remember” where she needs to defecate. The main thing is to be patient and help the animal cope with the problem.
  • Strong odor from household chemicals able to discourage the animal from defecating in the right place. For a person, put powder near the tray or chemical agent- a trifle, but the pet is unpleasant.
From personal experience. I had 4 cats: 3 kittens and 1 adult. We took the first kitten at a decent age: 5 months. He was an apartment boy, his mother taught him everything. When he first appeared in our apartment, I took him, put him in a tray with filler, buried a little sand with his paw. Then he went to look around. And so several times a night. At night, he already went to the toilet in the right place. The street kitten was smart. I did the same with him. And with the last kitten, there were no problems with toilet training. An adult cat also understood everything the first time. I was lucky, or the cats came across smart, but I showed them the location of the tray several times and after a couple of hours I found traces of a crime in it. At that moment (when the first kitten appeared), I did not know how to raise a cat. But I thought that if I show by example where, how and what to do, then the pet will understand everything faster. It worked! And love for the animal and patience are also important.

If the question of how to accustom a newly arrived cat to the tray quickly does not give rest, the owner can dream up and invent his own way to achieve the goal. You can read specialized literature or seek the advice of a veterinarian. It is important to be patient, and then the event will not be long in coming.

The sudden appearance of an adult fluffy pet at home can take anyone by surprise. New owners immediately have a large number of issues related to feeding and caring for animals. But the most important question remains: how to accustom an adult cat to a tray? pungent odor cat feces cannot please the household. And toilet training is the first thing you should teach your pet.

The cat and the cat are wayward creatures with strong character. The animal very often does not want to obey the rules established in the house. If a kitten appeared in the apartment immediately after birth, then there are usually no problems with accustoming. Adult creatures who are not familiar with the process find it rather difficult to get used to such conditions. And the refusal of the cat to use the tray looks quite natural.

Location identification

Tailed creatures tend to lean in favor of nooks and crannies. Therefore, a place for a pot should be selected, taking into account these features. The best option is the bathroom or toilet. You can also use a balcony (if there is heating), a small closet.

Another condition right choice location is the accessibility of the territory. The pet must freely get there at any time of the day.

Compliance with such simple terms will allow you to accustom an adult cat to the tray in the apartment quickly and without problems.

Required Purchases

An adult pet who has not previously been potty trained should also like the design of the new toilet itself. The tray should not only be spacious (suitable for certain sizes animal), but also comfortable.

There are two main types:

Closed buildings are an isolated structure (most often in the form of a house with a door or window), with special filters installed in it to keep unpleasant odors. Such modern trays are very convenient and attractive. An adult cat performs all delicate procedures without any problems, hiding from strangers. Such a design can be placed not only in the bathroom, but also in the corridor, there will be no smells and inconveniences.

The disadvantages of closed devices include the high cost of products, as well as the difficulty of accustoming adult street pets.

Freedom-loving pets, who previously relieved themselves in nature, are unlikely to agree to a small enclosed space of a new tray. Closed toilets for cats are quite difficult to clean, because the entire structure will have to be disassembled and reassembled. If the animal has health problems, this procedure will have to be carried out regularly, several times a day.

It is much easier to train your cat to an open litter box. Wide and comfortable deep designs greatly simplify the process of accustoming. There are trays with high sides to allow the animal to bury their waste, and trays with low sides, more suitable for small cats and kittens. Also, open trays come with or without a grate.

Of great importance when arranging a cat litter box is the choice of filler. it real find for those pet owners who are away from home most of the day. The structure of the filler allows all the liquid to be absorbed, reliably locking all odors. Lack of filler is unhygienic and inconvenient. In addition, it is much more difficult to train a cat to use the toilet in an empty tray. Clean animals often refuse to go to the right place if the pot is not removed.

There are several main types of fillers:

  • woody;
  • silica gel
  • mineral,
  • filler from industrial waste.

For adult cats that used to live on the street, you can use ordinary sand or earth for the first time. Such a trick will help, and will allow you to quickly accustom the cat to the tray, recreating the right environment.

For the first toilet training, it is recommended to use an inexpensive but high-quality wood filler. It is not very convenient to use such a product all the time. The sawdust softens, stains the paws of the animal, and requires regular replacement. After the adult cat gets used to the litter box, you can use silica gel filler. It does not require such frequent replacement, it is very convenient to use and hygienic. Odors and all waste products of the animal will be firmly blocked by adsorbent granules.

Cleanliness is very important for pets of all ages. In this regard, they are more picky than cats. Therefore, for the convenience and comfort of your pet, regular cleaning of the toilet is required.

Useful Observations

Some external signs can help the new owner in accustoming the pet to the tray.

  • If a cat starts looking for a secluded place, sniffing corners, scratching with its paw and fussing - this is sure signs that the pet wants to go to the toilet. In this case, it is necessary to transfer the cat to the tray as soon as possible. If the procedure was successful, be sure to praise the animal.
  • If the cat has chosen a place and is already bridging, then it is also necessary to quickly transfer the animal to the toilet. However, you should not do sudden movements, because you can scare gentle creature, calling severe stress before going to the tray.
  • If the trouble has already occurred, and traces of the cat's vital activity are observed on the floor in the room, then you should not angrily scold your pet. Carefully remove the puddle with a newspaper or paper, and put the waste in a tray. Own smell will help the cat to navigate in space, and the next time without any problems to find his toilet.
  • Both for a kitten and for an adult cat, going to the toilet immediately after eating or sleeping is typical. You can regularly remind your pet of the sequence of actions, and in the future it will be possible to train the cat to the toilet quite easily.

Some owners do not want to use filler in cat litter. This is a personal matter for everyone. But in this case, accustoming adult cats to the tray may be slightly delayed. Clean pets do not like dirty toilets, and they are unlikely to want to go to a dirty tray twice a day.. Which, of course, will entail an unforeseen puddle on the floor.

If the animal is already familiar with its pot, but previously there was filler in it, then the only way accustoming a pet to new conditions is gradual decrease amount of filler. In a short time, you can completely eliminate foreign materials in the tray. But again, there will be a problem of regular cleaning of the toilet.

It is much easier to accustom an adult cat to a new toilet with sand or wood filler. It is necessary to show the animal a place to perform delicate procedures, scrape with a paw on sawdust. If possible, you should take some litter from the pet's old toilet, its own smell will attract the cat to the new location of the toilet. In this case, it will be easy to train a cat.

The animal must be shown the place where the tray will be located, allowed to sniff everything and get acquainted with the situation. A smart creature will immediately understand what the owner wants from her.

It is better to introduce the cat to the toilet immediately, upon arrival in a new house. Thus, it will be possible to avoid stress in the animal. Some blunders at first are not scary. Only regular embarrassments in the wrong places should alert.

To accustom a pet to a tray: possible problems

In some cases, it is simply impossible to teach a pet to the toilet, she flatly refuses to visit her tray, and continues to shit anywhere. There may be several reasons for this phenomenon:

  • health problems: various diseases a cat can give a signal to its owners that she needs help (you need to contact a veterinarian);
  • inconvenience and discomfort: uncomfortable tray, bad location of the tray, filler Bad quality- all this can cause the animal to refuse to use the cat litter;
  • many cats do not want to go to the same tray with another animal: in this case, the problem is solved simply - buying another tray.

The world is not without good people. So you decided to save the cat's life by taking him home. Now a new page begins both in your life and in the life of the rescued animal.

How to potty train a street cat? After all, before the street animal was left to itself. What found, then ate. Where he wanted to relieve himself, he went there. Now everything is different. There is new order and the new rules are yours. How to help a new family member become a full-fledged resident of your home? How to quickly solve the problem with bowel movements painlessly for both parties? Let's consider this question in more detail.

Where to begin?

Raising a street cat begins with the very basics.

First of all, decide on the location of the future tray. It should be located in a quiet, not noisy place, but at the same time, where you can constantly control the cat's adventures at first. Perhaps such a place will be a secluded corner in the corridor, vestibule, toilet or on the balcony. The main thing is that the cat has round-the-clock access there.. The door must be open. Then accustoming a street cat to a tray will make sense.

Tip: until the street cat has settled in and is not used to the new environment, you can help him by limiting the rooms in which he can be. Since the street cat goes to the toilet wherever she can, you need to show that there are limits to her habitat. It is strictly forbidden to enter other rooms, and even more so, defecate there.

From the first days, you need to show that there is only one rightful owner in this house - and that's you!

Selecting the correct tray. Modern pet stores provide wide selection trays, for any color and wallet. There are expensive options: closed trays-houses. They are practical in that it will become easier to teach a street cat to go to this type of litter box, since animals from the street are shy in public to do their important business. And in such a house no one sees them. And the owner can only dismantle the house, remove the traces of the "crime" and collect it back. In addition, these houses have built-in filters to purify the air from unpleasant odors.

Open trays are not as expensive, but they are also suitable for potty training a street cat.

They are good because they have where to turn around. Nothing hangs above the cat, and she feels freedom, akin to the street. The depth of such bowls should be more than 10 cm, so that the cat can safely bury his adventures there. And the width is so big that the whole body of the cat could fit there. Otherwise, you run the risk of observing such a picture: the front paws are in the tray, and the hind legs and butt are behind the side.

Decide on the filler for the bowl. There are several types of fillers. Familiarize yourself with each and choose the most suitable:

  • based on sawdust or clay. Cheapest refills. They are most often used by the owners. They are especially suitable for small kittens. Advantages: absorb moisture; being natural waste, they can be easily disposed of into the sewer. Disadvantages: when absorbing moisture, they do not gather into a lump, but, on the contrary, crumble; stick to the cat's paws; spread throughout the apartment; frequent change on a new filler;
  • mineral fillers. They have average cost. When absorbing moisture, they turn into lumps that are easy to clean up, but they should not be thrown into the sewer. Does not stick to the paws of the animal, does not spread further than the toilet, eliminates all unpleasant odors from the animal's feces;
  • flavored fillers. The cost is higher than the previous filler. But here you should be very careful, because the pet may be allergic to different smells. Study carefully the composition and take into account the features of your pet;
  • silicone fillers. Relate to the most expensive species fillers. Very economical, because such material needs to be changed every three weeks. During this time, it absorbs moisture, transforming into lumps, eliminates odor and remains dry, so the cat will not disdain to go to the toilet again. This method is very well suited to potty train an adult cat. However, some pets may not like him, as he rustles very much when pawed.
  • if you have had pets before, do not use the old toilet. The old smell from other cats will scare the animal away and discourage you from going to the toilet in a civilized way;
  • in the first days after taking the cat from the street, pour earth or sand into the toilet so that the animal does not feel much difference, but can continue to dig and dig the earth;
  • if the cat missed, do not scold him, but wet the wet place with a napkin and take the paper to the tray. The native smell will attract attention next time on Right place . And where the puddle was made, disinfect with vinegar or alcohol. The smell will disappear. The temptation to go there again - too;
  • if the cat walks correctly in a small way, but in a big way, where he wants to, put another toilet and teach it in the same ways as before.

Don't be discouraged when something doesn't work the first time. Patience and a little effort. And the love and purring of a cat is gratitude for all your efforts!