Sculpture park in south korea. Love Art Park

Love Art Park Pattaya is an erotic-humorous theme park dedicated to the relationship between a man and a woman. It opened not very long ago, a few years ago. There are ponds, fountains, paths, lawns, benches and a lot (they say that one and a half hundred) sculptures and sculptural groups. From huge to very small. Strictly not for Puritans.

The installations and sculptures of the park belong to different authors. The main inspirer and leader of this project is an architect from South Korea. There are also similar parks with erotic figures.

The figures are scattered across the lawns, along the paths and by the fountains. Some look very frank, 18+ category. Others are just funny and funny.

While I was walking there, there were no visitors. The sculptures were dilapidated in places, some of the fountains did not work, so the place, apparently, is not very popular. And for such an attraction, the ticket price is too high! In my opinion, it makes sense to go there only if there is absolutely nothing to do. The area of ​​the erotic park is quite large, but the exhibits are quite rare, the space is open and not very cozy. There is little greenery and there is practically no shade, it is hot at noon, which is just hellish.

Yes, some figures are quite amusing, but there are not many of them, and it's easier to look at photos on the Internet. I expected more, to be honest, more fantasy. It seems to me that it was possible to turn around there like that ... I immediately remember: the subject matter is different, but there the author had a really stormy fantasy.

And this… What did I see just now?!

When I left, I was somewhat disappointed. Probably, if it was a free square, then it would not be a question, but this way ... Perhaps it will close altogether, judging by some desolation, but this is only an assumption.

Puritans here, of course, do not need at all, they will spit. I’m interested in such things, otherwise I’m not very creative myself, at least to see what others think of. But some figures, mmm, I want to unsee :)

Visiting Information

The entrance ticket costs 500 baht.

Opening hours: from 10 to 19 hours; even though the brochure says the park is open until 10pm. Apparently in dark time days are really boring.

How to get there

The park is located quite far outside the city, south of Pattaya. On foot or on public transport not get there. Either take a taxi or drive your own car / motorcycle transport, if you have one.

If you drive along Sukhumvit towards Sattahip, after the Ocean Marina Yacht Club, which will be on the right side of the road, turn left onto Soi 13 Najomtien and road 1063, which also leads towards Phoenix Gold Golf & Country Club. After moving through railway at the intersection in front of the Mini Big C, you can turn left to Wat Thung Lahan, drive past it a little ahead, on the left you can see the parking lot of the Art Park.

Is one of the states of our world with highest level technology development. It is comfortable to do business here and there is a lot to learn, not to mention unlimited shopping in shops and markets. But, as in any tourist country, here you can find the very zest that will certainly diversify your vacation. Experienced tourists recommend visiting the Park erotic sculpture loveland.

Unusual park

The Land of Love Park is not just one of the green areas for - it is an open-air fantasy erotic sculpture park, the existence of which you will never forget. Geographically unusual composition is located on, therefore, in South Korea, this collection is often called Love Park or Jeju Love Land.

The choice of the location of such an exotic park is determined historically. Jeju Island after the end of the Korean War became the main venue for honeymoon and the first intimacy of so many newlywed couples. And since even now many marriages in South Korea are concluded under an agreement between the parents of the future bride and groom, the island has great amount institutions that create an atmosphere for sexual education and education.

It took about 2 years to create the sculptures, Grand opening the park happened on November 16, 2004. The sculptors were recent graduates of Seoul Hongik University. Having visited the unusual Love Park in South Korea, you can bring spicy photos with your participation. Over the years, it will be even more interesting and funny to consider them.

What is interesting about Love Park?

Love Land Park on Jeju Island is not unique, but it carries single theme: sexuality in any of its manifestations, both in women and in men. Along the paths and alleys of the park there are 140 thematic sculptures: these are naked people in various sexual poses, male and female genitalia and very interesting installations on the theme of sex. Also, in good weather, you can watch appropriate educational films in the park.

A visit to the Love Land erotic sculpture park is not just entertainment. The masters tried to encourage the viewer to look at themselves from the outside and admire the sculptures in order to achieve inner harmony. An artificial reservoir has been created here, flower beds have been laid out, hedges and alleys have been planted.

A quick tour of the park takes a little over an hour, but it is worth noting that the administration of the erotic architectural complex has a changing exhibition. On the territory of the park there are shops of "goods for adults", as well as a museum of "Sex and Health". The park's café serves erotically designed meals.

Love Art Park is a picturesque park that is located away from noisy Pattaya and contains more than a hundred erotic sculptures and other interesting expositions.

Title on English language:
Love Art Park

Address and coordinates:
129/5-7 M.8 Huay Yai Soi Na Jomtien 13/1 Banglamung Chon Buri 20150
12°49’37.6″N 100°56’10.9″E (12.827099, 100.936367)

Working hours:

Entry price:
Entrance ticket price - 500 baht for adults and 200 baht for kids.


Photo and video

How to get there on your own?

The Love Art Park love park is located not far from the Dolphin World dolphinarium, if you decide to visit it on your own, without resorting to the help of travel agencies, then you can get here in three ways:

    Own transport. On a rental bike or car, drive along the Sukhumvit highway towards the south, before reaching the Technical College, you will see a sign for the dolphinarium and orchards. Turning left, you will get to Na Chom Thian 13 street, along which you need to drive about 3 km - there is also a sign for the park.

    Taxi. The cost of a trip to Love Park by taxi is about 200 baht one way, a motorcycle taxi will cost a little less.

    Knock Knock. On the Sukhumvit Road, catch a white songthaew heading south. For 20 baht you can drive to the intersection of the highway with Na Chom Thian 13, where you need to get off and walk 3 kilometers in the direction of Love Park. To return back to Pattaya, you will need to make the return trip.

Love Art Park on the map

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An excursion to the Love Park will cost 600 baht for adults and 200 baht for children, by simple calculations it turns out that this is only 100 baht more expensive than the entrance ticket itself, but at the same time you are picked up from the hotel and brought back to Pattaya.

Detailed description:


The park opened in October 2014, near the Russian village of Baan Dusit, 16 kilometers south of Pattaya. The park grows every year, new buildings and sculptures are erected.

The territory of the park

In a park area covering a total area of ​​49,000 square meters, there are well-groomed alleys with paths, ponds and fountains. The park has beautiful architectural buildings: an art gallery, a concert hall, a cafe, a restaurant, a playground, a conference hall and an art store.

But the most interesting thing, why all the tourists come here is the erotic figures of people and animals. All sculptures created by professional Korean sculptors reflect beauty and feelings human body with eroticism, humor and wit… Many installations are dedicated to the problems modern society, embody Eternal values and reach High Quality in fullness, size and detail.

Helpful information

By visiting this park, you will get a lot of positive emotions and interesting photos. Each sculpture is illuminated, so you can admire them at any time of the day, getting different impressions. We also note that you can visit the park with children, despite its name, there are no frankly erotic scenes here.

Another place worthy of a visit by travelers has been added - Love Art Park (or simply, a park of erotic sculptures) has opened there. By visiting this park, you will get a lot of positive impressions and interesting photos (see our photos at the end of the article)!

Pattaya Love Art Park began work from the second decade of October last year. Solemn date the opening is scheduled for the first quarter of this year, when the construction will be completed, and the exhibition of sculptures, after the expansion of the "exhibits", will take its completed form. The plans of the park management also include the construction of an art gallery, a restaurant and a number of facilities for farangs.

park architecture

Park of erotic figures in Pattaya- this is a large area (16 thousand square meters) right in the open air, combining sculptures with a rather extraordinary appearance. Most of the exhibits reflect topical issues of today's society, the purpose of some is to deliver aesthetic pleasure, while others serve as the embodiment of eternal spiritual values. All sculptures are endowed with a hidden meaning that visitors cannot always grasp. The presented exhibits are characterized by a noticeable share of humor and irony, admiration for the beauty of the human body. The author of this masterpiece is Song Seo, a sculptor of Korean origin. To the south of the park, literally a kilometer away, is located, in which our compatriots live.

Scheme of the park of erotic sculptures

Cost of visiting

Entrance to the territory erotic sculpture park in Pattaya paid: cost of the visit:

  • adults - 500 baht
  • children - 200 baht

Video guide to the park of erotic sculptures

Park of erotic sculptures on the map of Pattaya

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12.829816 , 100.949185 Erotic Sculpture Park (Calculate route)

Photo of the park of erotic figures in Pattaya