How to make a computer out of paper. Master class: how to make a toy computer out of cardboard

Paper and cardboard are universal materials for the most various crafts. It is not necessary to master origami technique perfectly. Some original and funny things even a child can do. You still do not know how to make a notebook out of paper?

We decide on the size and purpose of the craft

Why make a model paper model computer? There can be many options - simple toy for a child, an accessory for his doll, a postcard for an adult lover of high technology or comic gift. Only the size changes, and the main step-by-step instruction how to make a notebook out of paper is the same for all crafts.

It is not difficult to guess that computers are needed for the doll and for the child himself. different sizes. If you are making a postcard as a gift, choose an arbitrary perimeter of the blank. An interesting idea is to make a laptop model and present it in a box from a real PC. Just keep in mind that making such a present is only for a person with good feeling humor. If there is any doubt about the recipient's reaction, discard the idea.

How to make a notebook out of paper with your own hands?

You will need two sheets of paper or cardboard of the same size. We connect the base and cover with tape or thread. We have preparation. Now is the time to start decorating it. The keyboard can be drawn or glued from individual paper "buttons". We make the display in the same way. We draw it on the inside of the lid or glue it. A paper laptop can show a search engine page, a desktop, or a gift recipient's favorite site. You can make the screen changeable. To do this, glue narrow strips - its frame. The top piece of paper or cardboard only needs to be fixed around the edges, leaving a hole through which you can insert new images.

Paper Notebook Design Ideas

As a base for this craft, you can use an empty candy box with a pop-up lid. One more interesting idea- make a voluminous notebook out of paper with your own hands. To do this, for the side walls you will need rectangles made of the same material as the base. Bend each rectangle twice, glue to the base. In the place where the lid is bent, you also need to leave a free strip of paper to close the product evenly. This design allows you to create three-dimensional buttons. Use paper cubes that are easy to fold yourself. You can also take parts from an old real keyboard. Don't forget to decorate the lid with outer side manufacturer's label.

Well, what child does not dream of having his own laptop, like mom and dad? All children want to have access to a personal computer, but we as parents do not like to let them access it, as it is not very useful. Children do not need real computers, they only spoil their eyesight. But why not make the kids their personal little laptops? Make them together and the kids will be happy! For them, this craft will be very interesting.

To make a laptop that even folds and unfolds like a real one, you will need:

  • large piece of thick cardboard
  • scissors
  • black paint with the effect of a slate board (you can draw on this paint with crayons, but if you could not find such paint, you can also use gouache)
  • tassel
  • crayons
  • ruler
  • pencil


First, measure out a piece of cardboard from which the base of the laptop will be made. Cut out this part. Then mark in the center so you can bend the laptop. Cut a little with a utility knife to make it easier to fold. You can do it differently: completely cut this piece of cardboard into two parts, and then tape it together so that these parts also bend freely.

Now cut out three more small pieces from cardboard: for the keyboard, screen and mouse. Even smaller parts will be needed for individual keys. We cover these parts with black red, let dry. Later we glue all this to the main part of the laptop.

Now we begin to decorate the laptop. For example, you can make a name plate with the name of the child.

The computer is ready. Now your child will be able to carry it with them everywhere, and also write something new every day with crayons (provided that you used paint with a slate effect).

Based on materials from the site:

Want to make something out of paper? Perhaps you are just bored, you want to have fun with friends or suggest interesting activity children, but in any case, making a notebook out of paper is fun, simple and cheap idea. Anyone can do it on their own, all you need is a few materials and free time.


Part 1

Manufacturing constituent parts

    Gather materials. To make a paper laptop, you will need two sheets of paper or cardboard of the same color as its body. You will also need two sheets of white paper, a sheet of cardboard, a ruler, scissors, glue, a pen, and markers or colored pencils.

    • If you want to make a laptop in a decorative case, use patterned paper instead of plain paper.
  1. Select the type of laptop. After collecting all the materials, decide what type of computer you will have. Draw the logo of the corresponding brand on one of the sheets of paper. For example, draw an apple if you want to make an Apple computer, or write Toshiba if you want to make a laptop of this brand.

    Make a desktop. Now that you have the base, you need to make the desktop screen. Take one of the sheets of white paper and attach it to the sheet on which the logo is drawn. If they are the same size, measure and mark 2.5 cm from each side of the white paper, and then cut them. Then draw or paste pictures that will depict the desktop.

    Make a keyboard. Take a second White list paper and attach to a second colored or patterned sheet. Measure and mark about 1.3 cm from each edge, then cut them. Then draw the sheet according to the keyboard pattern. Make sure the key proportions match the paper size. If you can't draw the keys yourself by hand, try carefully placing the paper on a real keyboard and pressing the paper against the keys so that they are printed on it. Then you can circle them with a pencil.

    Make a stand. Since there is no design in a paper laptop to keep the screen upright, you will need to make a stand. Take a piece of cardboard and fold it into three equal strips. Unfold and connect the edges of the cardboard so that a triangle forms. Glue them with tape: the triangle should retain its shape.

    Assemble the keyboard. Now you need to take a second sheet of colored or design paper and stick a drawn or printed keyboard on it. Turn over the keyboard and reverse side apply glue to it, along the edges and in the middle. Place it in the center of the colored sheet, gently attach and smooth so that there is no bubble left. In one of the upper corners draw a power button.

Hello, friends! Today I invite you to plunge into the world of cardboard toys again and figure out how to make a toy computer with your own hands. Children love to copy adults in their games, and such an attribute of everyday adult life, like a computer, can be very handy. At the same time, in contrast to electronic gadgets, a cardboard computer does not cause any psychological addictions, but it is excellent for the development of imagination. Solid benefit! :)

And also a realistic cardboard computer can be useful as a prop for photo shoots or some kind of theatrical performances.

Master class: how to make a toy computer out of cardboard

Materials and tools:

- sheets of A4 office paper (for printing templates);
– packaging corrugated cardboard (3 mm thick);
- standard (clerical) knife;
- metal ruler;
- scissors;
- double sided tape;
- masking tape;
- a pencil and / or a compass;
- glue "Moment Crystal";
- glue stick;
- a piece of paper.

And, as usual, you will need templates. You can download them here:

Now we will do a stationary version of the computer, the main element of which is the monitor. Its dimensions are as follows: 40×26.5 cmexternal dimensions screen, 33 cm- height.

We start manufacturing already traditionally - first we print out templates of parts on office paper.

Using a glue stick, glue the halves of the templates E-1 and E-2, aligning them along the red line.

We cut out all the templates with small allowances.


To speed up the process, you can cut out parts at once in 2 pieces by folding the cardboard in 2 layers. But if it is too heavy, then you can cut it out in 1 layer, just in this case it will be necessary to print more templates.

So, we fold 2 suitable pieces of corrugated cardboard with their faces facing each other and fasten them along the edges with pieces of masking tape. On the wrong side of the cardboard with the help of pieces of double-sided tape we attach a template of details P-1 and P-2, placing it in accordance with the recommended wave direction of the corrugated layer of cardboard (i.e. parallel to the lines visible on the wrong side of the cardboard).

Stationery knife cut out the details along the outer contour.

Advice! Don't try to cut straight through. First, with short pressing movements, go over the contour with a knife, then with long movements, rotating the cardboard, go around in a circle several times until it is completely cut.

After that, we separate one round part and cut out slots in the second part.

Having folded the cardboard in 2 layers, we cut out 2 parts according to the following template P-2(they are larger diameter) with slots. Then we transfer the template to a new piece of cardboard and cut out one piece P-3(smaller diameter), also with slots.

We glue all the details of the stand on the Moment Crystal glue, as shown in the photo. It is advisable to combine the pattern of sections of all parts - this way the stand will look better.

The stand is ready.


Cut out the details: C-1- 1 PC., C-2- 4 things., C-3- 8 pcs.

Detail C-1 along the lines of blue color only cuts need to be made, not cutting through the lowest layer (i.e. the front layer of cardboard). Then peel off 2 layers of cardboard in areas around the edges and in the center of the part.

Glue the details C-2 to detail C-1 as shown in the photo.

I’ll note right away: single-layer sections are made so that the rack is almost completely wrapped with an outer layer of cardboard. But you can not do this, just cut out additional 2 parts C-2, instead of C-1. Choose the option that you like best.

We glue all the details C-3.

And glue the workpiece to the details S-1 + S-2.

Apply glue to the part C-3, as well as on the central single-layer section of the part C-1. We glue the workpiece.

We glue the remaining single-layer sections.

The toy monitor stand is ready.


Detail E-1 cut along the outer contour of the compound template. It is necessary to cut 4 such parts. To do this, you can cut the template exactly along the outer contour and then trace it with a pencil on cardboard.

Or you can use the tip of a compass to mark the corners of the part. Then you can cut the sides of the parts along the ruler between these points. Rounded sections of parts can be indicated by several points placed along the arc.

Detail E-2- it's a frame. It must be cut in one copy.

Remember to position the templates according to the recommended wave direction of the corrugated cardboard layer. It is not necessary to follow these recommendations exactly, the main thing is that all the details are oriented in the same way. In this case, the sections of the assembled screen and other multilayer parts of the product will look neat.

According to the corresponding template, cut out 1 piece E-3(without slots) and 4 parts E-4(with slots).

We glue the screen parts as follows:


All parts of the toy monitor are ready.

The monitor can be easily assembled, and if necessary, can be disassembled again and stored in a compact form.

If desired, cut out the LG logo from a piece of drawing paper (the template is in the downloaded file) and glue it to the bottom of the screen.

The cardboard monitor is ready! It turned out to be an excellent prop for games in kindergarten(although it can be useful at home).

Like the idea? Enjoy your health! :)

Since this is a stationary version of a toy computer, a keyboard may be needed here to complete the picture.

We did not make such a keyboard, but the templates for it are also provided above.

Manufacturing technology is as follows. We print out the keyboard template (with woodgrain buttons or with white buttons) and cut out 2 groups of buttons separately.

Stick on purl sides double-sided adhesive tape and glue the blanks onto pieces of microcorrugated cardboard 1.5 mm thick (on front side).

Ordinary corrugated cardboard with a thickness of 3 mm is not suitable here, because the buttons are small, and the layers of cardboard can simply fall apart.

Alternatively, you can also use beer/binding board.

Cut out the details of the base of the keyboard from cardboard OK(2 - 3 pcs.), And from paper - a template for installing buttons.

We glue the parts of the keyboard, we fix the template for installing the buttons on top.

Cut out the buttons along the ruler and glue them to the base of the keyboard.

Here, the photo shows a cardboard laptop keyboard - the principle is the same.

As you can see, the keyboard is somewhat simplified even for a laptop. But we do not need extra complexity. And for children role playing(for example, in businessmen or bosses) it is quite suitable. :)

By the way, you can also make this toy laptop with your own hands.

The "chip" is that, thanks to special fasteners, the lid of this laptop opens and closes, just like a real laptop.

In general, it looks very realistic. There are even "nests" for flash drives and cables, a touchpad. And to the screen (its size 29.9×11.2 cm) you can attach some computer picture - it will be generally beautiful!

You will learn how to make such a laptop out of cardboard on the pages of the tenth issue of the Masterclassnitsa electronic magazine. There published detailed master class, and presents templates with which to make a toy computer will not be great work.

In addition to a laptop made of cardboard, the room contains other no less interesting and popular toys, as well as decorations and various accessories, which you can do with your own hands, including with children.

In general, this issue is almost entirely devoted to children, and most of the master classes are designed specifically for children's creativity. And there are 21 of them in total. Find out what these master classes are about right now in the demo version of the magazine.

If you like the ideas presented in the magazine and want to implement some of them right away, order the tenth issue (the download link will be sent to your email immediately after payment):

Happy creativity and good mood!

Yours, Inna Pyshkina and the Kartonkino team.

Hello, friends! Today I invite you to plunge into the world of cardboard toys again and figure out how to make a toy computer with your own hands. Children love to imitate adults in their games, and such an attribute of everyday adult life as a computer can be very useful. At the same time, unlike electronic gadgets, a cardboard computer does not cause any psychological addictions, but it perfectly contributes to the development of fantasy. Solid benefit! :)

And also a realistic cardboard computer can be useful as a prop for photo shoots or some kind of theatrical productions.

Master class: how to make a toy computer out of cardboard

Materials and tools:

- sheets of A4 office paper (for printing templates);
– packaging corrugated cardboard (3 mm thick);
- standard (clerical) knife;
- metal ruler;
- scissors;
- double sided tape;
- masking tape;
- a pencil and / or a compass;
- glue "Moment Crystal";
- glue stick;
- a piece of paper.

And, as usual, you will need templates. You can download them here:

Now we will do a stationary version of the computer, the main element of which is the monitor. Its dimensions are as follows: 40×26.5 cm- external dimensions of the screen, 33 cm- height.

We start manufacturing already traditionally - first we print out templates of parts on office paper.

Using a glue stick, glue the halves of the templates E-1 and E-2, aligning them along the red line.

We cut out all the templates with small allowances.


To speed up the process, you can cut out parts at once in 2 pieces by folding the cardboard in 2 layers. But if it is too heavy, then you can cut out in 1 layer, just in this case you will need to print more templates.

So, we fold 2 suitable pieces of corrugated cardboard with their faces facing each other and fasten them along the edges with pieces of masking tape. On the wrong side of the cardboard with the help of pieces of double-sided tape we attach a template of details P-1 and P-2, placing it in accordance with the recommended wave direction of the corrugated layer of cardboard (i.e. parallel to the lines visible on the wrong side of the cardboard).

With a clerical knife, cut out the details along the outer contour.

Advice! Don't try to cut straight through. First, with short pressing movements, go over the contour with a knife, then with long movements, rotating the cardboard, go around in a circle several times until it is completely cut.

After that, we separate one round part and cut out slots in the second part.

Having folded the cardboard in 2 layers, we cut out 2 parts according to the following template P-2(they are larger diameter) with slots. Then we transfer the template to a new piece of cardboard and cut out one piece P-3(smaller diameter), also with slots.

We glue all the details of the stand on the Moment Crystal glue, as shown in the photo. It is advisable to combine the pattern of sections of all parts - this way the stand will look better.

The stand is ready.


Cut out the details: C-1- 1 PC., C-2- 4 things., C-3- 8 pcs.

Detail C-1 along the blue lines, only cuts need to be made, without cutting through the lowest layer (i.e., the front layer of cardboard). Then peel off 2 layers of cardboard in areas around the edges and in the center of the part.

Glue the details C-2 to detail C-1 as shown in the photo.

I’ll note right away: single-layer sections are made so that the rack is almost completely wrapped with an outer layer of cardboard. But you can not do this, just cut out additional 2 parts C-2, instead of C-1. Choose the option that you like best.

We glue all the details C-3.

And glue the workpiece to the details S-1 + S-2.

Apply glue to the part C-3, as well as on the central single-layer section of the part C-1. We glue the workpiece.

We glue the remaining single-layer sections.

The toy monitor stand is ready.


Detail E-1 cut along the outer contour of the compound template. It is necessary to cut 4 such parts. To do this, you can cut the template exactly along the outer contour and then trace it with a pencil on cardboard.

Or you can use the tip of a compass to mark the corners of the part. Then you can cut the sides of the parts along the ruler between these points. Rounded sections of parts can be indicated by several points placed along the arc.

Detail E-2- it's a frame. It must be cut in one copy.

Remember to position the templates according to the recommended wave direction of the corrugated cardboard layer. It is not necessary to follow these recommendations exactly, the main thing is that all the details are oriented in the same way. In this case, the sections of the assembled screen and other multilayer parts of the product will look neat.

According to the corresponding template, cut out 1 piece E-3(without slots) and 4 parts E-4(with slots).

We glue the screen parts as follows:


All parts of the toy monitor are ready.

The monitor can be easily assembled, and if necessary, can be disassembled again and stored in a compact form.

If desired, cut out the LG logo from a piece of drawing paper (the template is in the downloaded file) and glue it to the bottom of the screen.

The cardboard monitor is ready! It turned out to be an excellent prop for games in kindergarten (although it can come in handy at home).

Like the idea? Enjoy your health! :)

Since this is a stationary version of a toy computer, a keyboard may be needed here to complete the picture.

We did not make such a keyboard, but the templates for it are also provided above.

Manufacturing technology is as follows. We print out the keyboard template (with woodgrain buttons or with white buttons) and cut out 2 groups of buttons separately.

We stick double-sided tape on the wrong sides and glue the blanks on pieces of microcorrugated cardboard 1.5 mm thick (on the front side).

Ordinary corrugated cardboard with a thickness of 3 mm is not suitable here, because the buttons are small, and the layers of cardboard can simply fall apart.

Alternatively, you can also use beer/binding board.

Cut out the details of the base of the keyboard from cardboard OK(2 - 3 pcs.), And from paper - a template for installing buttons.

We glue the parts of the keyboard, we fix the template for installing the buttons on top.

Cut out the buttons along the ruler and glue them to the base of the keyboard.

Here, the photo shows a cardboard laptop keyboard - the principle is the same.

As you can see, the keyboard is somewhat simplified even for a laptop. But we do not need extra complexity. And for children's role-playing games (for example, in businessmen or bosses), it is quite suitable. :)

By the way, you can also make this toy laptop with your own hands.

The "chip" is that, thanks to special fasteners, the lid of this laptop opens and closes, just like a real laptop.

In general, it looks very realistic. There are even "nests" for flash drives and cables, a touchpad. And to the screen (its size 29.9×11.2 cm) you can attach some computer picture - it will be generally beautiful!

You will learn how to make such a laptop out of cardboard on the pages of the tenth issue of the Masterclassnitsa electronic magazine. A detailed master class is published there, and templates are presented with which it will not be difficult to make a toy computer.

In addition to a laptop made of cardboard, the room also features other equally interesting and sought-after toys, as well as decorations and various accessories that you can make yourself, including with your children.

In general, this issue is almost entirely devoted to children, and most of the master classes are designed specifically for children's creativity. And there are 21 of them in total. Find out what these master classes are about right now in the demo version of the magazine.

If you like the ideas presented in the magazine and want to implement some of them right away, order the tenth issue (the download link will be sent to your email immediately after payment):

Enjoy your creativity and good mood!

Yours, Inna Pyshkina and the Kartonkino team.