How to develop exquisite taste. A good sense of taste - what it is and how to develop it

We all really want to be stylishly and fashionably dressed. But sometimes our sense of proportion and taste let us down, and instead of hitting everyone with our impeccably, we achieve the opposite result.

I think ours comes from the desire to stand out from the crowd and amaze everyone at any cost, to dress up so that my beloved girlfriends will dry out with envy. Remember your adolescence: green mohawk, blue eyeshadows with red lipstick and stunning outfits, at the sight of which your mathematician was covered with red spots and began to soundlessly gasp for air. Remember how delighted you were when your neighbor from the lower floor mistook you for an alien at the entrance? Everyone has photos of you in absolutely incredible clothes and with such makeup that it is better never to show it to your children. But we have grown up and teenage habits are a thing of the past. Therefore, the time has come when it’s time to figure out how to develop your taste and always look stunning!

Get yourself in order.
Don't start with clothes, start with yourself. Go to a good hairdresser who will pick you up stylish hairstyle... Get a manicure and pedicure, but don't get carried away, choose something classic. Leave rhinestones, acid colors and long extended nails for others. We need stylish image! Choose your makeup, there are many tutorials on this topic. But the most important thing is to change yourself internally, love yourself and your body, and then you will want to dress this very body beautifully and stylishly!

Determine your body type. This is a very important point! It will help you effectively hide your flaws and emphasize your merits, because there is nothing worse than off-shape clothes. Eat: apple, pear, hourglass, triangle and rectangle. Each type has its own pros and cons. And based on this, you can both disfigure your figure with clothes, and make it incredibly attractive.

Disassemble your wardrobe. Get rid of everything shabby, from things that you do not like or do not suit and those that have become small or, on the contrary, large for you. There is no point in cherishing the hope that you will lose weight to the size of those jeans that you wore in grade 9, or that small holes in old t-shirt visible only to you. And try not to allow vulgar things into your wardrobe - they will never allow you to hear a compliment to your impeccable taste.

Decide which style is closer to you. Do not limit yourself to one or two styles, because the beauty of women is in their ability to change. Of course, do not forget about the classics, they will be present always and everywhere. Think about what style you not only like, but also reflects your inner "I" and looks advantageous on you. The most popular: romantic, casual, ethnic, derby, military, safari, etc. Sporty style it is better to leave it for situations in which it is appropriate and not choose it as the main one. Don't blindly copy a fashion magazine or a friend's style. You’ve noticed more than once that the same thing looks completely different on different people?

Decide on the colors. Determine your color type, then it will be much easier for you to decide which colors will favorably emphasize your beauty, and which should be avoided. Don't forget about colors like black, white and gray. it classic colors and they will never go out of style. At the same time, they suit everyone! Remember - the taste is silent, the bad taste screams.

Build your basic wardrobe.- this is the basis of the foundations, and every self-respecting girl should have it. This includes all things that are not subject to fashion changes: straight jeans, turtlenecks, T-shirts without prints and other embellishments, classic pumps ... You can find a selection of basic things, but in any case do not blindly follow these recommendations! These tips are general, and if something does not suit you at all, feel free to replace it with another one.

Take away Special attention accessories. They are the very "highlight" that gives a special chic and completeness to the wardrobe. All girls know that an elegant scarf can give a simple office suit a completely new sound. But don't forget that an inappropriate accessory can ruin the whole look.

Think about when and where your stylish look is appropriate. Lack of taste is, first of all, the inability to determine the line between situations when and where your outfit is appropriate. Agree, a stylish image for a nightclub and an impeccable suit in which you will be presented English queen Are completely different things. Therefore, always consider where you are going to make a splash with your wardrobe.

Filter all fashion trends. Not everything that is fashionable is stylish. A completely insipid thing can slip into fashion, so rely solely on your style and your own preferences. Study fashion magazines and form that ideal image in your head.

Classics, classics and classics again.
It is impossible not to say a single bad word about her. It is the classics that always saves us from mistakes, it is she who helps out in difficult situations when we don't know what to wear, so on classic clothes you need to pay special attention. Moreover, it is worth investing in the classics, but on fashion news- you can save money.

“Fashion passes, style remains,” the famous Coco Chanel used to say. And she was a real pro in this matter, and I think there is no one who would be willing to argue with her. Train, develop your taste! It's not as difficult as it sounds. Trust me, the girl who wore super flared pants a few years ago and dyed her eyeshadow green.

Having opened a little to many women into the previously unknown world of fashion, she believed that bad taste is very limited, and good taste has no boundaries. It is difficult to argue with this statement, because every morning we start with a search in the closet for clothes in which we can look fashionable, beautiful, stylish. A person with good taste has a sense of harmony in everything. And what does “good taste” mean, and how to instill it, cultivate it in yourself?

Good taste rules

A child, just born, absorbs everything that surrounds him. If his parents are familiar with the rules good taste, then the baby from childhood is surrounded by a beautiful - respectful attitude between family members, educational books, beautiful clothes and many others. At a conscious age, life teaches a person the lessons of good taste, as his horizons expand, opening new facets of knowledge and self-improvement. It is not surprising that good taste in clothes is developed over the years. Taste is often associated with style, but this is the same as calling art fashion. Of course, these concepts are related.

Think you don't have good taste? It is possible to educate him in yourself, albeit more difficult. Constant interest and regular training are the keys to success. So how do you form good taste in choosing clothes and putting together a stylish wardrobe?

First, don't be guided by the number of things. The main criterion for choosing is their quality. One pair of good leather boots much better than a few pairs of cheap and low-quality ones, which after several exits on the street lose appearance... Of course, for girls who are adorned with youth, this is forgivable, because for them the appearance and relevance of a thing is more important than its quality. In addition, most teenagers spend money earned by their parents on clothes. And here self-sufficient woman substandard clothing that looks cheap is useless.

Another sign of good taste - perfect silhouette... Sometimes even the brightest trends can openly spoil your figure, make your appearance faceless and gray. Blind adherence to fashion is harmful and does not in any way indicate the presence of taste. If the clothes are trendy but don't suit you, forget about them! Things are made for you, not you for things. Every detail of your wardrobe is designed to highlight the beauty of your body and carefully hide flaws.

A good helper in shaping taste in clothes can be glossy magazine with related articles and photographs. Of course, not everything that is written there should be blindly followed, but stylists' recommendations often have a rational grain. For the same purpose, it is worth watching publications on the Internet, TV shows.

General cleaning of the wardrobe

Revisit all the clothes you have in your wardrobe. Each of us has things in our closets that we have been shifting from shelf to shelf for years in the hope of someday putting them on. Throw it away safely! The rest of the clothing should be tried on and critically evaluated. Doesn't fit your body type? Covered in pellets? Doesn't match with any other item? Outdated? Then part with her without regrets! Place all the remaining items on the shelves in accordance with the color scheme and style. In the future, try to combine things that are stored on the same shelf in one image. Concerning colors that suits you, focus on general recommendations offered by stylists to girls of a specific color type. Not sure if the color is right? Refer to the classic combinations.

Clothes that suit you nice shoes, well-chosen accessories, original aroma - the harmony of a person with excellent taste is noticeable in everything. You will succeed!

I know that for many it is real problem- it seems that there are no normal things in stores at all, and if there are, then "not on me" for a number of reasons. And the song, old as the world begins, "There is nothing to buy in Omsk." Or, for example, there are things, but how interesting it is to combine them with each other is a task beyond the realm of the possible. And we act according to the principle "No experiments! Let it be boring, but understandable." The most interesting thing is that this happens even with those who seem to know their colors, and styles, shapes, silhouettes. So what's the deal? Let's figure it out.

There is an opinion that a sense of style in relation to clothing is either there or not, and nothing can be done about it. I can assure you that it is not. Taste can and should be developed at any age, like an ear for music, for example. By the way, my sense of style does not come from childhood. It was developed after 25 years by a consciously set goal. Therefore, as a person who has already gone this way, I will allow myself to give some advice on how to develop a sense of style.

By and large individual style is the essence of a person, his inner "I" ... Finding your style means finding yourself, your point of view and being able to express it through clothes.

This is Goal # 1. To achieve it, you need at least:

- know and accept your initial data: color type, type of figure and its features;

- have high level"visual observation".

In my opinion, being overlooked is one of the main criteria for the formation of a sense of style. That is, in order for our brain to produce ready-made style solutions, it needs to be constantly fed with visual information. We call this "feeding the eyes". Those who, in your opinion, have a natural talent for dressing well, most likely, from childhood, had worthy examples in front of them. There are a number of ways to increase "watching".

1. Studying the history of fashion

First of all, it is worth turning to the history of fashion of the twentieth century. More early periods The development of the costume may not be useful to you, but the twentieth century is worth a look. Moreover, it is to look, and not just read, it is very important here visual component. There are a lot of sources: the Internet, books, films, magazines, etc. The more, the better. As for cinema, there are a number of films that illustrate well the fashion of a particular decade:

Silent movies with such actresses as Vera Cold, Gloria Swensen, Mary Pickford (10s);

- "The Great Gatsby" (20s);

- "Ninochka" and other films with Greta Garbo;

- "Blue Angel" and other films with Marlene Dietrich (30s);

- "Casablanca" (40s);

- "The Stepford Wives", film adaptations 1975 and 2005, "Sabrina", "Breakfast at Tiffany's", " Funny face"(50s);

- "Boney and Clyde", "Murder on the Orient Express", "Magnification", "Georgia Tough", the musical "Hair" (60s);

- "Beauty of the Day", "Cabaret", "Midnight in Paris", "Gia" (70s);

- "Saturday", "Little Faith", TV series "Dynasty", "Santa Barbara" and "Miami Police" (80s);

- "Pret-a-porter", TV series "Friends" (90-00).

The book that systematizes your knowledge and impressions of the history of 20th century fashion may well be "Fashion and Fashion Designers" by Palomo-Lovinski.

By studying the history of fashion, you may find style fulcrum - just the style that reflects your inner world... Having found it, it will already be easier for you to express yourself with the help of clothes. By the way, she may not be alone.

2. Observing the fashion of today

Despite the fact that you can be very stylish and still not follow fashion, it is still worth watching the creations of great designers. It increases the level of observance well and inspires to create interesting solutions... For full view collections I usually use the sites and The entire internet is at your disposal to study trends.

3. Visiting museums, exhibitions

The laws of composition are the same in painting, sculpture, and costume design. Therefore, visiting museums and exhibitions is another way to qualitatively nourish our eyes.

4. Attendance at competitions and exhibitions of young fashion designers

In this regard, we can say we were lucky. Despite the fact that we live far from the capital with its opportunities, in Omsk every year one of the best contests in Russia -

Someone is proud of a scarf knitted with their own hands, someone likes to weave lace napkins and pots. Finnish artist Lisa Hietanen uses yarn, crochet and knitting needles to create real people. They look like living people not only in height. Facial features, hairstyle, clothing details - the authenticity of the knitted figures is amazing.

Lisa herself comes from a small village. Obviously, to brighten up the long evenings, the talented artist took up needlework, and this is what happened in the end. Now it is more than just fun and entertainment. And this is not only a way of expressing oneself. The craftswoman receives many orders for the production of knitted people from photography or even from nature.

But that is not all! The artist creates entire installations of plants, household items and even food. Her goal is to reproduce her neighbors and their hobbies. It all started with a model of myself and my beloved dog.

Unimaginable, but she can really knit with knitting needles almost any object from nature - how do you like a glass of milk with a plate of porridge, don't you want to treat yourself to it?

And now about the mundane, namely - about the technique of creating such unusual "bundles". First, Lisa takes a photo from different angles. Then it creates a wireframe from the reinforcement. after that he sculpts the figure out of plaster and cement. And then "dresses" the statue with crochet and knitting needles. To create one human figure v full height takes up to 4 months. That's patience, that's patience! And the eye and accuracy are simply unimaginable.

It is not entirely clear, however, how to use these shapes then. As a decoration or as an honorable item in your personal collection of souvenirs and trophies? you will definitely stand out among your friends if you acquire such a sculpture.

Is a friend showing off a self-portrait taken on vacation by an unknown artist? And now you can order yourself from woolen thread full length from the famous author. Lisa's work attracted the attention of hand-made fans from all over the world. Today, almost 6 thousand fans have already subscribed to her Instagram account.

Take a look, you will also like it, even if you are not fond of knitting and do not really like crafts. It turns out from multicolored yarn you can create not only fashion sweaters and warm beanies with mittens. There is always a place for creativity and talent in this world! Of course, these knitted figurines will not keep you warm in the winter cold like a pullover and a hat. But they will warm your soul, touch, awaken warmth and tenderness. And perhaps they will inspire you to create something of your own, the same unusual and beautiful.

Add these 3 trends to your outfit for a special occasion and no one can resist

All girls prepare a special look for a holiday or a party. Its main difference from all the others is the abundance of color, shine and detail. Festive look admits maximum concentration colors and extraordinary ideas. However, even when creating such a colorful image, it is customary to take into account fashion trends season. You should not take all the trends at once, but some of them are just what you need to create an image that no one can resist.


An excellent alternative to fine flaking glitter and good decision for smart image- sequins. Do not get carried away by these sparkling details - let them only be adorned with part of the costume: skirt, top or accessories.


Embroidered with rhinestones and shiny threads floral or frosty pattern- another trendy idea for a smart look. The style of embroidery is also important - stick to the trendy oriental motifs and the Victorian era.

This image will successfully complement laconic accessories and jewelry with stones.

Pure color

For a holiday, create a mono-bow in trendy shades: the palette of the season consists of 17 trendy tones, but for a special event, bright saturated colors are suitable.

Opt for iridescent fabrics and pay attention to the details - they can match the outfit in color or create contrast. For example, gold or silver total look can be completed with black accessories.

Do you agree that they are "greeted by their clothes"? I mean not just the rags that you are wearing, but the style, manners, voice, image in general. As well as experience and reputation, because this is also "clothes". You spend money, time, energy, life to create this “clothes” ... And you are doing the right thing! It works - it attracts the right people, helps to make good money, makes your life interesting and successful. Presentations are also "clothes". A testament to your level and professionalism. Of course, you will not be entrusted with an important project and will not pour money just after watching a couple of slides. There will be negotiations, checks, analysis, price spinning, final offers, final negotiations. Nerves and torn years, in a word. And here there is a little trick: in negotiations, HOW you say - 95% of success, WHAT you say - only 5%. It's easy to guess that presentations are the same theme: the value of the idea you are trying to convey will only help you 5%. All other 95% - competent structuring of information and visual design.

The most important thing to create presentations is good taste.

What is a sense of taste? Innate abilities? Talent? Is it possible to develop it, or is it like a sense of rhythm - either you have it or you are not lucky?

Can. Necessary. Important.

How? There are several exercises.

Sense of taste is the ability to appreciate beauty. To learn how to create beauty, you need to learn to appreciate the beautiful. This exercise is number of times.

1. Expert judgment.

Whether you are driving around the city or walking, pay attention to advertisements: billboards on the roads, signs on shops, posters in the subway, food packaging in stores - all this is a visualization of someone's brilliant ideas. How successful it was is for you to judge. This is the essence of the exercise. Imagine yourself as an expert or a demanding customer. Click "Like" in your mind if you liked it, and think about why. Celebrate good moves. Soon, on subconscious level, you will develop a sense of style and understanding of the basic canons of design.

2. Experience of comparisons.

Everything is learned by comparison, isn't it? At one time, the site helped me a lot. On this site, by category, the sites of almost all world brands are divided. After living on this site for a couple of nights, I still could not explain what "fashion design" is, but I felt it. Just before getting to know this site, my presentation was called "the awkward attempt of a diligent eighth grader." After - we decided to sell my presentations as separate product... My skills were not added, I only worked in Power Point and Microsoft Publisher, but a sense of taste appeared. For the sake of fairness, I note that the sites of many megacorporations presented at TBWE are morally outdated, even though tens of thousands of dollars were spent on their development. But this is also a plus - flipping through these sites, you will notice general trends in beauty and functionality in design, you will understand what is outdated and what is classic. For example, the fashion for the design of sites in the style of "Windows 8" quickly passed and now looks even vulgar. Ordinary, to say the least. Especially after the website of the Unified Center for Administrative Services was created For 447 thousand UAH, by the way. What to do, where to go ?! Yes, at least on There are mainly magazines. But the magazines are mostly foreign. Design, accordingly, too. And the west, whatever one may say, is still ahead. Take a closer look, you will see a lot of elegant solutions. You can enter in the search bar "presentation" on different languages, and see examples of people from different corners the world.

3. Nature as art.

When training taste, look at nature. The words of Alexander Vasiliev (art critic, fashion historian, host of the program “ Fashionable verdict"):" What develops taste? Two things are nature and art. Nature does not create bad taste - there is no tasteless fish or bird. There is not a single tasteless flower, leaf, fur-bearing animal, mountain or lake. Sculpture, music, poetry, cinema, theater can provide an excellent example. Therefore, when trying to develop your taste, look at nature and at the best works of art. It will give harmony, and without harmony it is impossible to develop a sense of taste. "