How to make a positive out of a negative image. Photo from the negative on the computer

DERSP 02-06-2008 12:20

Good day or night. A question for software connoisseurs. Can you please tell me if there is a PC program available that could be used to treat photos from the existing scanned negatives, and if there are any, please give me a link.
Best regards, Sergei.

spp 02-06-2008 01:30

Photoshop to help you.

Borion 02-06-2008 03:29

Negative turns into positive with one click Even simple graphic editors have such an option. I don’t use Photoshop, but I use the free version of the PhotoFiltre program (just like that, not Filter) and there it is done through the "Palette" -> "Negative" menu.

Serg_62 02-06-2008 23:43

quote: Originally posted by spp:

Photoshop to help you.

quote: Originally posted by Borion:

Negative turns into positive with one click

For monochrome negatives - no doubt, but if the negative is colored ...
I was only able to wrap color negatives right away when scanning with the scanner software.
And if I scanned the negative "one-to-one", like a slide, then later it did not work to wrap it up. After all, the concept of "negative" in editors means "additional color", but on real film everything is far from the same. Or was I mistaken and just doing the wrong thing?

Borion 03-06-2008 12:09

Mmm, I find it difficult to answer. In fact, I came across color photos converted to negative, I just returned them to initial appearance... And I didn't have to scan film negatives.

CB-Rь 03-06-2008 11:08

I tried (for a long time) to get something from b / w negatives - it didn't work out.


Serg_62 03-06-2008 19:56

The algorithm for working in Photoshop can be something like this:
First, turn the negative into positive (Image - settings - invert, or Ctrl-I), the colors will be distorted.
Now call the Levels tool (Image - Settings - Levels, or Ctrl-L)
Let's see that simultaneous processing of all 3 channels (RGB) is enabled
Take a black eyedropper and point to the area of ​​the image that should be black. This can be the gap between frames, if, of course, scanned "with a margin".
Take a white eyedropper and point to the area that should be white.
Here there should already be an acceptable result, if, of course, the sites are selected correctly. With a large grain size, you can "miss" white point... You can also adjust the semitones, and each channel separately.

ag111 03-06-2008 20:11

Colored negative film has a special orange layer, either anti-halo or to improve color rendition, I don't remember much already.

What simple programs do, they ignore this layer.

Black and white negatives, color slides scanned. It turns out very well on a good scanner.

DERSP 06-06-2008 15:33

Thanks guys. I understand that there is no special program designed specifically for the circulation of color film. Such a program in which it would be stupid to print pictures from negatives. It’s a pity, I’m sure that there are thousands of amateur photographers who have dozens of old negatives, photos from which were either lost or were not printed at the time for financial reasons. Still, I think that the topic needs to be continued, maybe some advanced user on the topic of "photo" stumbles upon it, and will give a hint for solving this, I think, necessary problem for many people.
Best regards, DERSP.

ag111 06-06-2008 15:42

There should be a plugin for photoshop IMHO. You also need to look at the native programs for scanners that work with negatives. Scanners are cheap now.

Serg_62 06-06-2008 21:00

quote: Originally posted by ag111:

You also need to look at the native programs for scanners that work with negatives.

As I said, scanners do a good job of wrapping negatives, but as far as I know, only during scanning. There, firstly, RAW is processed, which has a margin of bitness, and secondly, the "hole" in the negative holder is additionally scanned, i.e. "clean" lamp, and the gaps between frames or the area around the perforation. Analogs of black and white dots.
Based on these data, a preset is selected for processing if the film is from renowned manufacturer, or the data is applied directly if the preset could not be selected (in this case, the result is worse).
So if the task is to translate the actual negatives into positive, then it is quite possible (but better with a special slide scanner, the dynamic range of the universal household is too small).
But if the negatives have already been scanned one-to-one, then IMHO only with pens in the editor.

Big john 09-06-2008 21:57

So far I found:
- Retouch Pilot software is designed to remove some blemishes such as scratches, small spots, hairs and other small defects existing in the photo or appeared during scanning. And also the program will allow you to restore old photos. You will be able to remove defects that have appeared during long storage, such as emulsion cracks and fixation spots, and even restore torn corners in a digitized image. Retouch Pilot gives your old photos a new life!

Video Pilot software is designed for color correction of video materials. Thanks to a unique technology - color correction based on the reference color, color management becomes easy and natural. Trust your videos to Video Pilot and they will sparkle with new colors!

LIKE IT, sorry with English shit)
- Silver Pilot is designed for converting photograph negatives into positives within two steps: you just select a clear area in the margin of the film or clear film base and press the Start button. This technology allows you to get high-quality positives even if you are a novice in photography, for any film model. The software is easily mastered, and includes built-in examples.
The last link to the Silver Pilot Rapidshare for 2006 does not work, but the direction of the search has been determined.
I kind of indulged in it out of boredom, there was a video tutorial, just about converting negative-positive, and the picture was colored (like the head of a Chinese dragon made of wood, I don't remember anymore, I look in the file bin, I can find that program, although I'm not sure ... ...

Big john 09-06-2008 22:12

Additive ... there are 54 progs of all sorts of small ... "Programs from Two Pilots!"

I didn’t download it, but the link to the download exists, check for viruses, I don’t know the site, there may be surprises, although Symantec Antivirus 10 reacts to keygens, how it reacts to trojans, can immediately remove the keygen when working with the archive, without placing it in an isolator .. ...

The beginning of the new year is perceived by most of us as the beginning of a new stage in our life - when we want all the negativity to remain in the old year. But there is unpleasant memories, who "wander" from year to year and haunt us. When they surface from the depths of memory, a powerful wave of emotion rolls in. Moreover, they are so strong, as if this event just happened to you. Such a reaction means only one thing: the emotion was experienced, but the situation was not rethought, so the memory of it still torments.

In this case, a person, mentally returning to a traumatic situation, experiences stress, and this is a direct road to illness. The fact is that during stress, adrenaline is released into the bloodstream, which constricts the blood vessels. At the same time, the organs receive less blood, due to which various disorders may occur in them. Therefore, it is very important to be aware of and transform the information that contributed to the stress. How? With a new direction in practical psychology, which received the name "cold dynamics".

Cold dynamics means "dynamics of the whole" (hole - whole, dynamic - force in action). The whole means the harmonious work of the left and right hemispheres of the brain. The first is responsible for our ability to process information, think logically, analyze. And the second - for our creative thinking, emotions and experiences. Thus, both the right and left hemispheres of the brain are actively involved in cold-dynamic processes. Whereas, for example, during meditation, when we try to turn off the "head", only the right is actively working.

How will both of your hemispheres be involved when you work through traumatic situations? You will turn on your imagination (this is a paraffia of the right hemisphere of the brain), presenting an image of a trauma (in this case, you will enter a meditative state), and then you will analyze what lesson this situation has taught you.

HELLO, I AM YOUR COLD DINE. In cold-dynamics, images, thought-forms are called cold. To better understand what it is, remember your father. Imagine him standing in front of you. See how he looks outwardly, what kind of face he has, what kind of eyes. If you concentrate on the memory of your father, you will be able to see a three-dimensional mental image, a hologram. Everything that we have ever seen has such mental images. So, effortlessly, you can draw in your imagination a hologram of a lemon (in this case, sourness may even appear in your mouth), an airplane, or whatever. At the same time, you do not strain, inventing these images, but they themselves pop up in your imagination. Right now, as you read these lines, remember something or someone and imagine it. I am sure that you will immediately "see" a kind of hologram.

In cold dynamics it is believed that our emotions can also have their own holograms. But since emotions cannot be touched, and they can only be felt in your body, then, in order to see their image, you will first have to concentrate on the bodily sensation that this or that emotion causes. To better understand what I am talking about, remember any emotionally charged event in your life. For example, when you were afraid of something. Typically, fear causes coldness in the body, severe constriction and spasms. It most often underlies the diseases of the body. It is with such feelings-sensations that cold dynamics works.



“Concentrate on the bodily sensation” are not just empty words, but a certain algorithm of actions. How can this be achieved? There are many concentration practices and almost all of them are related to our breathing. Try now to concentrate on something and at the same time breathe quickly, rhythmically. You definitely won't succeed. Therefore, before starting to work with your emotions, and above all - to concentrate on the bodily sensation that they cause, you need to balance your breathing. To do this, take a deep breath and exhale slowly several times. At the same time, in order not only to calm down, but also to enter positive attitude, imagine that a candle is burning in your heart and the light from it with each exhalation is dispersed in waves through your body.


Then pay attention to the sensation caused by the emotion. What does it mean to pay attention? If you really succeed, then nothing but this sensation will distract your attention from its object - not a crushing shoe, not an uncomfortable chair, not a noise outside the window.

Now let's dwell on the "object" of attention. If the emotions are just "baked", then you will feel them, what is said, "here and now." For example, for several hours after conflict situation there may be a feeling of heaviness in the solar plexus region.

If emotions are deeply buried and connected with a long-standing event, then breathing slowly and remembering this event, you will have to feel the most tense area in your body. This is where your emotions reside.


In our imagination, we direct light from our heart to it and mentally imagine an image that corresponds to the sensation in the body. We do not invent it, but imagine it. That is, this image, as when remembering a lemon, should simply "jump out" in your imagination. It may take a few seconds for someone, a few minutes for someone. For example, when I concentrated on my oppressive feeling in the solar plexus area, I literally immediately saw a three-dimensional image of a hairy black spider that was sitting on my chest.


After you see the image of your emotions, look with your inner gaze at your heart, which pulses and radiates light, take a few breaths in and out, and imagine that your heart is intensifying the light. Take a deep breath and, as you exhale, direct this light from the heart to the image you see and transform it into a positive one. In this case, the left hemisphere of the brain must be turned off. Only the right one works, which is responsible for our imagination, the transformation should happen on its own. You don't need to invent anything.

For example, when I shone the light on my spider, I saw in my imagination how it turned into a diamond. At the same time, I felt the tension go away from my solar plexus and a deep sigh escaped spontaneously. By changing the image of emotions, I changed the sensation in the body, because they live in a tight bundle.


At the next final stage of the cold-dynamic process of transformation of negative into positive, it will be necessary to turn on the left hemisphere of the brain and mentally ask yourself the question: “Why did I need this situation?”. The answer should come quickly, since you will be in a state of concentration, when the prompts of our subconscious are best "heard", which, as psychologists assure, knows everything.