Card file of games for the development of thinking of preschoolers. Games for the development of visual-figurative thinking. Games and exercises

Games and exercises for children preschool age on the development of thinking

Thinking is one of higher forms human activities. It's socially conditioned mental process inextricably linked with speech. In the process of mental activity, certain techniques or operations are developed (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, concretization).

There are three types of thinking:
1) visual-effective (cognition by manipulating objects)
2) visual-figurative (cognition with the help of representations of objects, phenomena)
3) verbal-logical (cognition with the help of concepts, words, reasoning).

Visual-Action Thinking especially intensively develops in a child from 3-4 years old. He comprehends the properties of objects, learns to operate with objects, establish relationships between them and solve a variety of practical problems.

Based on visual-effective thinking, more complex form thinking -pictorial ... It is characterized by the fact that the child can already solve problems on the basis of ideas, without the use of practical actions. This allows the child, for example, to use schematic drawings or mental counting.

By the age of six to seven, a more intense formation beginsverbal logical thinking, which is associated with the use and transformation of concepts. However, it is not dominant among preschoolers.

All types of thinking are closely related. When solving problems, verbal reasoning is based on bright images... At the same time, the solution of even the simplest, most specific problem requires verbal generalizations.

Various games, construction, modeling, drawing, reading, communication, etc., that is, everything that the child does before school, develops in him such mental operations as generalization, comparison, abstraction, classification, establishment of cause-and-effect relationships , understanding of interdependencies, the ability to reason.

Features of thinking in children with CRD

Delayed child thinking mental development at the age of 5-6 years is at the level of his everyday experience. He cannot establish connections and relationships of objects in a logical way. The ability to think involves highlighting the essential features of objects, combining different signs into a whole idea of ​​the subject; comparing objects and identifying differences in them, etc. All these skills in children with developmental delay are formed much worse than in their peers.

Games and exercises.

Pictures with images of animals and food for these animals are selected. In front of the child, pictures with animals and separately pictures with the image of food are laid out, they are offered to "feed" everyone.

The child is read the words and asked to name them in one word. For example: fox, hare, bear, wolf - wild animals; lemon, apple, banana, plum - fruit.

For older children, you can modify the game by giving a generalizing word and asking them to name specific objects related to the generalizing word. Transport - ..., birds - ...

The child is given a set of pictures depicting various objects. An adult asks to consider them and divide them into groups, i.e. suitable with suitable.

FIND AN EXTRA PICTURE: development of thought processes of generalization, distraction, highlighting essential features.
Pick a series of pictures, among which three pictures can be combined into a group by any common feature, and the fourth is superfluous. Invite your child to find extra picture... Ask why he thinks so. Than the pictures he left are similar.

Read a series of words to your child. Suggest identifying which word is "superfluous."

Old, decrepit, small, decrepit;
Brave, evil, brave, courageous;
Apple, plum, cucumber, pear;
Milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, bread;
Hour, minute, summer, second;
Spoon, plate, saucepan, bag;
Dress, sweater, hat, shirt;
Soap, broom, Toothpaste, shampoo;
Birch, oak, pine, strawberry;
Book, TV, radio, tape recorder.

Invite your child to draw, color, or string beads. Please note that the beads must alternate in a specific sequence. Thus, you can lay out the fence from colorful sticks etc.

Offer the child the game "I will speak a word, and you also speak, just the opposite, for example, big - small." You can use the following pairs of words: cheerful - sad, fast - slow, empty - full, smart - stupid, hardworking - lazy, strong - weak, heavy - light, cowardly - brave, white - black, hard - soft, rough - smooth and etc.

Name a situation and throw a ball to the child. The child must catch the ball if this situation happens, and if not, then the ball must be hit.

Situations can be offered in different ways: dad went to work; the train flies across the sky; the cat wants to eat; the postman brought a letter; salted apple; the house went for a walk; glass shoes, etc.

The child must imagine what he will compare. Ask him questions: "Have you seen a fly? And a butterfly?" After asking these questions about each word, suggest comparing them. Again ask the questions: "Are a fly and a butterfly similar or not? How are they similar? And how are they different from each other?"

Children especially find it difficult to find similarities. A child of 6-7 years old must make a correct comparison: to highlight both similarities and differences, moreover, according to essential features.

Pairs of words for comparison: fly and butterfly; house and hut; table and chair; a book and a notebook; water and milk; ax and hammer; piano and violin; prank and fight; city ​​and village.

The adult offers to guess what (what vegetable, animal, toy) he is talking about and gives a description of this item. For example: This is a vegetable. It is red, round, juicy (tomato). If the child finds it difficult to answer, pictures with various vegetables are laid out in front of him, and he finds the right one.

Ready-made series of plot sequential pictures are used. The child is given pictures and asked to look at them. Explain that the pictures should be arranged in the order in which the events were deployed. In conclusion, the child draws up a story from the pictures.

The adult talks about something, including some fables in his story. The child must notice and explain why this does not happen.

Example: This is what I want to tell you. Yesterday I was walking along the road, the sun was shining, it was dark, blue leaves rustling under my feet. And suddenly from around the corner a dog would jump out and growl at me: "Ku-ka-re-ku!" - and has already pointed out the horns. I got scared and ran away. Would you be scared?

I walked through the woods yesterday. Cars are driving around, traffic lights are blinking. Suddenly I see - a mushroom. Grows on a branch. He hid among the green leaves. I jumped up and ripped it off.

I came to the river. I looked - a fish was sitting on the shore, thrown its legs over and over and was chewing a sausage. I approached, and she jumped into the water - and swam away.

Dumb people
Offer your child drawings that contain any contradictions, inconsistencies, irregularities in the behavior of the characters. Ask your child to look for errors and inaccuracies and explain their answer. Ask how it really is.

The highest stage of human cognition is considered thinking... The development of thinking is a mental process of creating obvious laws of the surrounding world that do not require proof. it thinking activity, which has a goal, motive, actions (operations) and a result.

Development of thinking

Scientists offer several options for defining thinking:

  1. The highest stage of assimilation and processing of information by a person, the establishment of cause-and-effect relationships between objects of reality.
  2. The process of displaying the explicit properties of objects and, as a result, the creation of an idea of ​​the surrounding reality.
  3. This is the process of cognizing reality, which is based on the knowledge gained, the constant replenishment of the baggage of ideas and concepts.

Thinking is taught in several disciplines. The laws and types of thinking are considered by logic, the psychophysiological component of the process - physiology and psychology.

Thinking develops throughout a person's life, starting from infancy. It is a sequential process of displaying the realities of reality in the human brain.

Types of human thinking

Most often, psychologists divide thinking by content:

  • visual-figurative thinking;
  • abstract (verbal-logical) thinking;
  • visual-action thinking.

Visual-figurative thinking

Visual-figurative thinking implies a visual solution to a problem, without resorting to practical actions. Responsible for the development of this species right hemisphere brain.

Many people think that visual thinking and imagination are the same thing. You are wrong.

Thinking is based on a real process, object or action. Imagination, on the other hand, includes the creation of a fictitious, unreal image that does not exist in reality.

Developed among artists, sculptors, fashion designers - people of the creative profession. They transform reality into an image, and with its help, new properties are allocated to standard objects, they establish non-standard combinations of things.

Exercises for the development of visual-figurative thinking:

Question answer

If capital letter N of english alphabet flip it 90 degrees, what is the result of the letter?
The shape of the ears german shepherd?
How many rooms are in your living room?

Creation of images

Create the look of your last family dinner. Draw the event in your mind and answer the questions:

  1. How many family members were present, who was wearing what?
  2. What dishes were served?
  3. What was the conversation about?
  4. Imagine your plate, where your hands were, the face of a relative sitting next to you. Get a taste of the food you ate.
  5. Was the picture shown in black and white or in color?
  6. Describe visual image premises.

Item Description

Describe each of the items presented:

  1. Toothbrush;
  2. Pine forest;
  3. sunset;
  4. your bedroom;
  5. drops of morning dew;
  6. an eagle soaring in the sky.


Imagine Beauty, Wealth, Success.

Describe the highlighted image using two nouns, three adjectives and verbs, one adverb.


Imagine the people you have interacted with today (or someday).

What did they look like, what were they wearing? Describe their appearance (eye color, hair color, height and build).

Verbal-logical type of thinking (Abstract thinking)

A person sees the picture as a whole, highlights only the significant qualities of the phenomenon, not noticing insignificant details that only complement the subject. Such thinking is well developed among physicists, chemists - people who are directly related to science.

Forms of abstract thinking

Abstract thinking has 3 forms:

  • concept- items are combined according to the characteristics;
  • judgment- approval or denial of any phenomenon or connection between objects;
  • inference- conclusions based on several judgments.

An example of abstract thinking:

You have a soccer ball (you can even pick it up). What can you do with it?

Options: play soccer, throw in the ring, sit on it, etc. Are not abstracts. But if we imagine that good game hitting the ball will catch the coach's attention, and you can get into a famous football team ... this is already transcendent, abstract thinking.

Exercises to develop abstract thinking:

"Who is superfluous?"

From a number of words, select one or more words that do not match the meaning:

  • careful, fast, cheerful, sad;
  • turkey, pigeon, crow, duck;
  • Ivanov, Andryusha, Sergey, Vladimir, Inna;
  • square, pointer, circumference, diameter.
  • plate, saucepan, spoon, glass, broth.

Finding differences

What is the difference:

  • train - plane;
  • horse-sheep;
  • oak-pine;
  • fairy tale-poem;
  • still life portrait.

Find at least 3 differences for each pair.

The main and the secondary

From a series of words, choose one or two, without which the concept is impossible, cannot exist in principle.

  • Game - players, penalty, cards, rules, dominoes.
  • War - guns, planes, battle, soldiers, command.
  • Youth - love, growth, teenager, quarrels, choice.
  • Boots - heel, sole, laces, fastener, bootleg.
  • Barn - walls, ceiling, animals, hay, horses.
  • Road - asphalt, traffic light, traffic, cars, pedestrians.

Read phrases in reverse

  • the premiere of the performance tomorrow;
  • Come visit;
  • let's go to the park;
  • what's for lunch?

The words

Write as soon as possible in 3 minutes more words with the letter f (w, h, i)

(beetle, toad, magazine, cruelty ...).

Come up with names

Come up with 3 of the most unusual male and female names.

Visual-Action Thinking

It implies the solution of mental tasks through the transformation of the situation that has arisen in reality. This is the very first way to process the information received.

This type of thinking is actively developing in preschool children. They start to unite various subjects into a whole, analyze and operate with them. It develops in the left hemisphere of the brain.

In an adult, this type of thinking is carried out through the transformation of the practical use of real objects. Visual-figurative thinking is extremely developed in people who are engaged in industrial labor - engineers, plumbers, surgeons. At the sight of an object, they understand what actions should be performed with it. People say that people of such professions have a “full hand”.

Visual-figurative thinking helped ancient civilizations, for example, measure the earth, because during the process both hands and brain are involved. This is the so-called manual intelligence.

The game of chess perfectly develops visual-active thinking.

Exercises to develop visual-action thinking

  1. The simplest, but very effective task for the development of this type of thinking is collection of designers. There should be as many parts as possible, at least 40 pieces. You can use visual instructions.
  2. Are no less useful for the development of this type of thinking and various puzzles, puzzles... The more details there are, the better.
  3. Make 2 equal triangles from 5 matches, from 7 - 2 squares and 2 triangles.
  4. Transform into a square by cutting once in a straight line, a circle, a rhombus and a triangle.
  5. Mold a cat, a house, a tree from plasticine.
  6. Determine, without special devices, the weight of the pillow on which you sleep, all the clothes you are wearing, the size of the room in which you are.


Each person should have developed all three types of thinking, but one type always predominates. This can be determined as early as childhood, while observing the child's behavior.

Visualization games.

Game number 1. "What is it like"?

Assignment: you need to come up with as many associations as possible for each picture. Quantity and quality are assessed (originality) images. It is good to play the game with a group of children in the form of a competition.

Game number 2. "Tasks for drawing a given shape from a certain amount chopsticks ".

Tasks for changing shapes, for the solution of which you need to remove the specified number of sticks.

"Given a figure of 6 squares. You need to remove 2 sticks so that 4 squares remain."

"Given a figure that looks like an arrow. You need to shift 4 sticks so that you get 4 triangles."

"Make two different squares with 7 sticks."

Tasks, the solution of which consists in shifting the sticks in order to reshape the figure.

"In the figure, shift 3 sticks so that you get 4 equal triangles."

"In a figure consisting of 4 squares, shift 3 sticks so that you get 3 of the same squares."

"Make a house of 6 sticks, and then shift 2 sticks so that you get a flag."

"Move 6 sticks so that the ship turns out to be a tank."

"Move 2 sticks so that the cow-like figure is looking the other way."

"Which least amount do you need to shift the chopsticks to remove the garbage from the scoop? "

Game number 3. "Continue the pattern."

The game consists of a task to reproduce a drawing about a symmetrical axis. Difficulty often stems from the child's inability to analyze the sample. (left side) and realize that the second part of it should have a mirror image. Therefore, if the child finds it difficult, in the early stages you can use a mirror. (attach it to the axis and see what the right side should be).

After such tasks no longer cause difficulties in reproduction, the exercise is complicated by the introduction of abstract patterns and color designations. The instruction remains the same:

"The artist drew part of the picture, but he didn't have time for the second half. Finish the drawing for him. Remember that the second half must be exactly the same as the first."

Game number 4. "Handkerchief"

This game is similar to the previous one, but it is more difficult because assumes reproduction of the pattern relative to two axes - vertical and horizontal.

"Look closely at the drawing. Here is a folded in half. (if one axis of symmetry) or four times (if two axes of symmetry) handkerchief. What do you think, if you unfold the handkerchief, what will it look like? Draw the handkerchief so that it looks unfolded. "

You can come up with patterns and options for tasks yourself.

Game number 5. "Make a figure".

This game, just like the previous one, is aimed at the development of figurative thinking, geometric representations, constructive spatial abilities of a practical plan.

Several variations of this game are offered (from easiest to hardest).

a) "On each strip mark with a cross (NS) two such parts from which you can make a circle. "

A similar type of task can be developed for any shapes - triangles, rectangles, hexagons, etc.

If it is difficult for a child to be guided by a schematic representation of a figure and its parts, then it is possible to make a model out of paper and work with the child in a visual and effective way, i.e. when he can manipulate parts of the figure and thus make up the whole.

b) "Look carefully at the drawing, there are two rows of figures. In the first row there are whole figures, and in the second row the same figures, but broken into several parts. Connect mentally the parts of the figures in the second row and the figure that you have with this will work, find it in the first row. Figures of the first and second rows that fit each other, connect with a line. "

c) "Look carefully at the pictures and choose where the parts are located, from which you can compose the figures depicted on the black rectangles."

Game number 6. "Fold Shapes".

The game is aimed at developing the ability to analyze and synthesize the ratio of figures to each other in color, shape and size.

Instruction: "What do you think will be the result when the shapes are successively stacked on top of each other on the left side of the picture. Choose an answer from the shapes on the right."

By difficulty (disguised relationships by form) tasks are distributed in this way: when a larger figure is superimposed on a smaller figure, which provokes the child to not assume that he will cover a larger figure with a smaller one and chooses the result of mixing smaller and larger figures. Indeed, if a child finds it difficult to define relationships, it is better to overlay objects on top of each other not in a visual-figurative plan. (mental overlay), but in a visual-effective, i.e. direct superposition of geometric shapes.

Game number 7. Find the pattern.

a) The game is aimed at developing the ability to understand and establish patterns in a linear series.

Instruction: "Look carefully at the pictures and fill in the empty cell without breaking the pattern."

b) The second variant of the task is aimed at developing the ability to establish patterns in the table.

Instructions: "Consider the snowflakes. Draw the missing ones so that all types of snowflakes are represented in each row."

You can come up with similar tasks yourself.

Game number 8. "Traffic light".

"Draw red, yellow and green circles in the cells so that there are no identical circles in each row and column."

The course of the game (conducted with two children). The teacher invites the children to get the stones out of the jars with nets and transfer them to the aquarium. Whoever pulls out the pebbles carefully is considered dexterous. Children take nets and carry out the task. One child succeeds, the other does not. The teacher changes the nets for them, and another child turns out to be dexterous. If by this time the children themselves do not indicate the reason (the net broke), the teacher takes both net and invites one child to choose which of the net he wants to take and justify his choice.


One of important aspects visual-figurative thinking is the ability to act in the mind, in terms of images of representation.

The initial stages of the development of visual-figurative thinking are closely related to the development of perception processes. When solving perceptual tasks, the processes of perception proceed in close connection with submission processes. In order to select an object corresponding to a model from a number of other objects, it is necessary to have a certain idea of ​​this sample. In visual-figurative thinking, the ability to present objects in the way they were perceived is the initial one.

Mentally retarded preschoolers experience great difficulties in solving visual problems. They often perceive the image in the picture as real situation with which they are trying to act.

Task didactic games of this section is to teach mentally retarded children in familiar situations to operate with ideas and find correct exit without resorting to practical actions with objects.

Get the ball (lesson)

Target. Learn to solve problems in a figurative plan for use assistive devices in a problem situation.

Equipment. The picture, it shows: a room, a tall cabinet near the wall, on it balloon, at some distance from the cabinet there is a chair, in the center is a boy, he looks surprised, he does not know how to get the ball.