Prose about the best friend touching to tears. To tears, touching poems to a friend just like that. New poems to the best friend, bringing to tears

School weekdays have come, and homework is set in full swing. And here in again schoolchildren have to reflect on the free themes of their essays, among which is the Letter to a Friend. This topic is interesting, because it allows you to plunge into the last century, at the time of our parents, when they did not call their friends, but wrote letters.

Today, in our essay, we will write a real letter to a friend, talking about the events that have taken place.

Letter to a friend

Hello, my beloved friend Tanya!

How long have we not seen each other. This is a huge distance, these kilometers separated us, but did not kill our friendship, because we still continue to communicate. To be honest, I was very upset when I found out about your moving abroad, but I really hope that we will meet again. I really want this. Now we only have correspondence.

I received your letter. It brought me joy, because it was nice to know about you, to read about life abroad from the point of view of your vision. I'm glad you're doing well. However, so do I.

With the advent of autumn, school chores began. Now the lessons different tasks broke into my life, but summer time further and further removed. Yes, it is still warm outside, but in the mornings and evenings you can already fully feel the autumn time, and the leaves on the trees begin to change their colors. I try to walk as much as possible on the street, in the park. After all, very soon you will not want to go there because of the cold.

My life is varied and interesting. In addition to school, I have many circles. I go to an English club where I really like it. In addition, I signed up for a dance group. I also have a small hobby. As long as it's all over initial stage but i really like it. What am I interested in? I started knitting toys. Very interesting activity because you not only create different characters but also give joy to little children. I have already knitted three toys that I gave to the children in the yard. And you know, adults approached me with a request to knit such toys, but for a fee. Maybe soon, my hobby will also turn out to be a profitable business. But, I'm kidding. In fact, I began to knit toys only because I was interested in it. In the future, I plan to knit them not according to ready-made schemes and invent your own. You know I will definitely succeed.

I'm sorry my friend, I was wrong
Forgive me for insults, bad words.
Sometimes misunderstandings happen
But all this will not separate us from you.

I trust you with my secrets
I always respect your opinion
Let's be more human and kind
Love and happiness in your life!

Well, that's enough, that's enough
You don't have to be mad at me
I'm not comfortable, I'm restless
I know that I offended you.

I know you're angry, unhappy
And maybe, like me, you're sad,
I beg you, let's go as before
You will call me today.

You can't have girlfriends quarreling,
It spoils karma, everything around,
Well, pay attention to the pain
I won't do it again, I give a tooth!

Girlfriend, there are no ideals,
The word is random, sometimes offends,
But if not right, then I'm sorry,
Understand me as a human being.

We are stupid and harsh,
Realizing your mistakes
We are trying to become better and wiser,
Careful, fair, kind.

We are in a bad mood
We are all angry and annoying around.
I'm sorry my friend, I offended you
But I really need your support.

We, like squirrels, fight in the wheel,
We fail to think of ourselves.
Understand and do not keep evil in your heart,
After all, you are the best and one of me!

I'm sorry, forgive me, it happens sometimes:
Suddenly a friend does not find understandable words, and then
Suddenly mistakes happen, but a quarrel is nonsense,
After all, our friendship is more important, it has lasted for years.

I'm sorry my friend
What happened to us.
We respect each other
But now they're arguing.

I don't want to see anymore
Your tears, sorrows, torments.
I do not want to hurt you,
I don't want to part with you!

Living without resentment is not at all difficult,
But sometimes you can offend.
Sometimes, not wanting evil,
We say unnecessary words.

I didn't think, I'm sorry, my friend,
After all, we have known each other for a long time.
I won't repeat the mistakes of the past
I love and appreciate you.

So, I've decided everything, listen to me,
So, it's not good that I'm without you,
I'm sorry, I'm sorry
And I won't let you down again!

Forgive me, I beg you, well, stop being angry,
I'm guilty, I admit everything
From anger, you know, wrinkles appear,
My friend, I love you very much!

Stop pouting on me
It's time for us to put up with you
You are my girlfriend
Can't sleep at all without you.

I'm tired without you
It's very sad, you know?
I ask you to forgive me
I suffer, you know!

I suggest you forget everything
I propose to reconcile
Drink tea with buns
Stop being angry with me!

Girlfriend, I turn to you, I repent before you.
I'm sorry, my dear, I didn't mean to offend you.
I don’t know how it all happened, because everything happened by itself.
But I regret that I could not restrain myself with my tongue.

We have been friends with you for a long time, and there were colds between us.
But we knew how to maintain friendship, drive away the cold winds.
Therefore, now it is time for us to test the strength of friendship.
Let's forget all the insults, and for the sake of friendship, forgive everything!

Let's make peace, friend
Let's forget all the insults
What have we done to each other
And we won't do that again.

There are no more friends for me
Than you, we have been together for so many years.
I miss and believe - you too,
Sorry. I love you honestly.

It would seem inappropriate to write letters in the 21st century, when the world is full of new technologies. Nevertheless, expect this simple envelope for two weeks, open it and read a letter from your school friend, is important to me. It always intrigues, inspires and fascinates. Agree, such feelings from reading messages in the social. networks you will not receive.

Here is an example of one of these letters.

Hi, Olya!
How is life, how are you?
Exactly 10 years have passed since our last meeting. Remember, we ourselves had just graduated from high school. Successfully passed the exams and went for a walk. And now, they didn’t have time to look back as they themselves became mothers. How is your son Artyom? Does she like going to kindergarten? What school are you planning to send to? My children will soon finish first and second grades. They don't like school at all. They say it's boring. I understand them, but I'm trying to prove the opposite. That's what all mothers do. Yes, time flies. I began to notice this especially when the children went to school.
Where are you planning to vacation in the summer? Can we somehow cooperate and have a rest with families? I wouldn't mind flying to Egypt or Tunisia. But, the current dollar exchange rate wishes good luck. Let's see if things get better and stabilized.
How is it on the personal front? Doesn't offend? Kidding! Knowing your character, you definitely won’t let yourself be offended. I, too, thank God, everything is fine in this regard. There are, of course, some minor disagreements, but in my opinion there is no way without this, especially when you have been married for 9 years. Nightmare, 9 years old, but as if only recently there was a wedding.
By the way, I saw Lenka a couple of days ago. She finally gave birth to a girl - Katya. Lenka recovered, of course, very strongly, about 20 kilograms. But happy, like an elephant.
In general, a lot of news. I would sit and write. But it's time to end. You can't write much anyway. I want to see each other as soon as possible, to talk heart to heart, as before. Look at you, what are you like, have you changed?
Write often and don't forget!

I love her character so passionate, strong
She is support in the most difficult hour,
With her all the problems, like a soap ball,
She will dispel sadness and encourage you.

I need you, precious friend
Stronger, perhaps, than a monk God,
And since we are close to each other,
Do not suspect a catch in my words.

When sometimes inclement problems
A heavy weight presses on my chest,
As if according to a long-familiar pattern
I'm calling YOU, not anyone else.

With you, we can not communicate for a long time
Due to short life interruptions,
But if so, I want to confess to you
You remain the closest to me anyway.

And outwardly you and I are slightly similar,
And how much common themes for chatting...
Together we can overcome all obstacles,
No matter how hard they are.

You know that I'll be there forever
Neither path nor gray hair will separate us,
And remember that I'm happy, I'm glad!

I do not need wealth and fame,
You are the most precious to me.
We have the same morals
As if you and I are related.

All the secrets, as if in the palm of your hand,
It's easy to joke with you, to be sad.
One in a million
We will be friends forever!

Thank you for always being there
And often you understand perfectly.
For the fact that you warm with a gentle look,
Help and support is always ready.

You know how to listen patiently
And it's interesting to chat with you
May your life always be happy
And every day is yours - bright and wonderful!

I'll tell you, girlfriend, without hesitation,
Your brilliant mind has always captivated me.
I do not hope - I know without a doubt
Problems, sorrows with you are nonsense.

You are dazzling and so practical
You are always an example for me in everything:
Diplomatic, moderately artistic,
You are the epitome of the finest manners.

With you, my friend, everything is very clear:
Always there faithful man,
It's really cool to be your girlfriend
I believe our friendship will never end.

Fulfill your cherished dreams

Be recognized in the modeling business,
So that soon the beauty queen
You became and reigned supreme.

I want you to always stay
Sociable and sweet laughter,
To continue in spite of the years
She hasn't stopped being my friend.

I want to tell you about best friend:
She is so considerate, sincere.
There is no better girl, believe me, in the area
That is why our friendship lasts forever.

She is compassionate and very dreamy,
Always so kind, reliable in trouble.
In addition, she is smart and very attractive,
With her, just comfortable, always and everywhere.

Never change friends

They cannot be exchanged like coins.
You will understand it later
There is no closer friend in the world

Never lose friends
Nothing can replace that loss
An old friend won't come back to you
You can't replace him with a new friend

And don't hurt your friends
Resentment will become a wound on the heart
Though friends know how to forgive
The door to their soul will be closed

We must always keep friendship
This feeling is longer than a century
The best friend will never give
There is simply no one more devoted!

Birds are flying for you
One page, two pages
You read bedtime stories
Close your sweet eyes...

A cat will catch you
Paw asterisks in the window.
Dolls, butterflies, toys −
They also nap on the pillow ...

Smile, be happy
The kindest, cutest!
Let the moon and sun shine
The best girl in the world!

We are friends in spring and summer,
In rain, sun and snow,
AND dearer than friendship this
There is nothing in the world!

Very cool with you
And laugh and joke!
I wish with all my heart
All the happiest in the world to be!