Russian jewelry market: specifics, promising niches, development trends. Lux is chasing millennials. Jewelry Sales

The crisis has seriously affected the Russian jewelry market. In a period of declining purchasing power, buyers are not, to put it mildly, the first thing they think about buying expensive jewelry. And it is in such conditions that it is especially interesting to know the expert's opinion about the trends in the development of the segment, and about the most promising niches.

jewelry market must be analyzed in the context of the situation in the consumer market as a whole. In 2017, against the backdrop of improving macroeconomic indicators and the strengthening of the ruble exchange rate, a feeling of market stabilization emerged, and the level of negativity in assessing their prospects on the part of consumers decreased. At the same time, there are no sufficient grounds for a breakthrough and a significant rise in sales in consumer markets.

According to the Fashion Consulting Group research, jewelry imports to Russia continue to decline, and according to the results of the three quarters of 2016, even the relatively very low figures of the previous year decreased by about a quarter. The increase in the cost of imported products, which occurred for Russian buyers after the depreciation of the ruble, forced some of the players who manufactured products abroad to consider options for transferring production to the territory of Russia, to look for local manufacturers. There was hope that the rollback of imports would free up space on the market for local producers. In addition, due to the difficult economic situation, as well as the state policy of promoting projects under the Made in Russia brand, the loyalty of Russians to local products is growing.

Over the past 3 years, Russian jewelry retailers and brands have been testing new projects and carefully exploring local production opportunities, especially in the middle segment, where consumers are waiting for something more unconventional. If for 2013 about 65-70% jewelry in Russia accounted for foreign products, then in 2015 this share began to noticeably decrease in favor of Russian goods. The Jewelers Guild is optimistic that more than three-quarters of the items on the market today are homemade.

Nevertheless, despite the decline in the share of imports, against the background of a sharp drop in the purchasing power of the population compared to the pre-crisis period and, accordingly, a catastrophic drop in demand for jewelry, Russian manufacturers suffered no less than buyers of imported goods: the volume of production in Russia (-45% gold and -20-30% silver). There was an outflow of buyers from the brands of the middle price segment to the brands of the budget segment.

To what extent has the jewelry market suffered from the crisis in general?

Volume and dynamics of the gold jewelry market, tons, 2012-2016

During the peak of the crisis in 2015, the demand for gold jewelry in Russia rolled back 14 years - the market (in foreign currency terms) decreased by 43% compared to 2014. In 2016 demand continued to fall - sales fell by another 11% compared to 2015.

Volume and dynamics of the jewelry market, RUB, 2012-2016Q4/2017F

The jewelry market (including gold jewelry) is experiencing a negative trend: 2015 showed a decline by almost half and reached the highest low level over the past 10 years. In 2016, the market fell by another 18% and amounted to $172.2 billion. The forecast for 2017 is stabilization to 3% under the optimistic scenario and decline to -10% under the pessimistic scenario.

The specifics of the jewelry market in Russia 2016

Until recently, the jewelry market was under strong influence"post-Soviet heritage". Only a small amount of foreign jewelry companies, represented in mono and multi-brand stores, exclusively in large cities have been able to gain a foothold in the market over the past decade.

  1. The market was formed by large "historical" brands capitalizing on the reputation of Soviet-era manufacturing plants;
  2. The dynamics of development is slow and inert. Models created back in the 70s, such as Bismarck chains, are still popular.
  3. Simplified, the specifics of the Russian jewelry market in comparison with the European market can be described as "conservative demand". Products and collections on the shelves reflect the love of the population for demonstrative decorativeness, on the one hand, and for traditionalism, classics, on the other.
  4. High-quality expensive jewelry is not perceived as an adequate replacement for jewelry, even for everyday and daytime use.
  5. In contrast to the European market, the daily wearing of jewelry is the norm from school age.

About 40% of the jewelry market is accounted for by large players

On the this moment The top 7 players stand out on the jewelry market in Russia, occupying a total of 32% of the market. the largest jewelry network in terms of revenue for 2016 is the Adamas network - 11.6 billion rubles. and 6.7% of the total market. The second place is occupied by Pandora with revenue of 8.6 billion rubles, the third place is taken by the Moscow Jewelery Plant, 8.3 billion rubles. respectively. The luxury segment brands also account for about 10% of the market, they enter the retail market through such large distributors as Mercury Group, Jamilco, Kosmos Zoloto, Bosco di Ciliegi.

Key trends in the consumer market

  • The natural "leaving for silver" and an increase in supply in the category of lightweight gold items. A repetition of fluctuations in demand, which were also observed during the 2008 crisis. Buyers who do not consider jewelry as an investment, but buy it as an accessory, pay more attention to silver products. Assortment and variety silver jewelry during a period of decline in purchasing power increases
  • Relatively stable demand for niche offerings. Such products original design, clearly targeted at a specific target audience, always find their buyer. Jewelery in which to express one's individuality is the result of careful selection and in times of crisis is in a more stable demand.
  • Carte blanche to the Russian manufacturer. The work of foreign jewelers has risen in price due to changes in the exchange rate in Russia, so they do not see any special prospects for selling their products in Russia, and temporarily give way to Russian manufacturers on the market.
  • The majority of retailers have adopted a concentration of efforts on special price offers and assortment optimization as the basis of their marketing policy. The number of intermediary companies between the manufacturer and the retail operator has been reduced. Retail companies are actively developing own brands and are gradually being squeezed out of the mass market trade marks without distribution networks.

Jewelry market of Russia and countries post-Soviet space today exists in general conditions crisis. In 2016, the decline in jewelry retail sales continued in Russia, which fell by another 30%. The market for diamond products, which is experiencing competition from cheaper ones, has especially declined. precious stones. It is not uncommon for even large manufacturers to overestimate the characteristics of stones and use cheap synthetics.

As a result, production is decreasing, the rate of decline of which is kept at the level of 2015. According to the Assay Office of Russia, in 2016 the supply of gold jewelry amounted to 27.1 million pieces or 51.7 tons, while in 2015 it was about 28 million pieces and 58.9 tons. According to other data, the Russian jewelry industry in 2015 reduced the use of gold compared to 2014 by 39.8% - to 34.22 tons. The situation in the segment of silver jewelry worsened: 41.34 million pieces (down 21%), or 183.5 tons (-12%). This means that in the silver segment, to which many enterprises have reoriented, there has been a glut of the market. At the same time, the volume of imports silver products by quantity for Last year remained unchanged, amounting, as in 2015, to approximately 11.5 million units, but decreased by 16% in weight, to 37.5 tons.

Volumes of jewelry branded in the Russian Assay Service*

**The total volume includes jewelry made of platinum and palladium, the number of which is calculated in kilograms and practically did not change over the years. For example, in 2016, 12.46 thousand platinum jewelry and 2.76 thousand palladium jewelry passed through the Assay Office

In 2017, according to some forecasts, it may resume slow growth jewelry market - but only if the economic situation improves and the incomes of the middle class increase. But even if in 2018-2020. the jewelry market will grow by an average of 8% per year, full recovery to the volumes of 2015 is possible only in 4-5 years. The expected growth in demand for jewelry cannot be satisfied only through domestic production, since during the years of the crisis significant capacities have been put out of action, technologies are practically not updated. And most importantly, enterprises do not have working capital for the purchase of raw materials in order to short time increase production volumes, and this will increase the attractiveness of Russia for foreign suppliers.

A possible increase in imports is also facilitated by last changes in market regulation. Thus, from September 1, 2016, as part of Russia's obligations to the WTO, the export duty on diamonds, which was 6.5%, was canceled, and on gold and platinum it was reduced from 4.88% to 1.63%. Considering that almost all diamonds are already exported (in recent times their exports to India are growing, $1.5 billion per year), the current measure will further complicate the development of Russian cutting. From January 1, 2017, the duty on jewelry imports has been reduced from 20% to 10%. Also announced was the abolition of import duties on colored stones, which today is 15% for rubies, sapphires and emeralds, and for other stones - 10%.

Steps towards the liberalization of the jewelry market will create favorable conditions for foreign manufacturers to enter the Russian market, which will be able to offer luxury and premium products or fairly large volumes of inexpensive jewelry with diamonds and colored diamonds. natural stones: Russian buyers today want to be sure that they give their money for quality products.

In the markets of a number of post-Soviet countries, the trend towards an increase in the volume of imports jewelry products showed up in 2016. At the same time, there were changes in the very structure of imports. If earlier the main share of imported jewelry belonged to foreign manufacturers of the high price segment "luxury" and "premium" (brands Chopard, Cartier, Bvlgary, Tiffany, etc.), then over the past two or three years, the flow of imported products in almost all price segments especially in the mass market segment.

Volumes of jewelry imports to Russia*

*Data provided by the Assay Chamber of Russia

The share of illegal imports, according to experts, remains quite high in the luxury price segment and can reach up to 70% of the volume of imports of such products. The main reason is that customs clearance is too expensive for the importer, the cost of which in relation to the purchase price of products in practice can range from 20% (Armenia, Ukraine) to 45% (Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Azerbaijan) and even up to 100% (Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan).

Jewelry export volumes from Russia*

*Data provided by the Assay Chamber of Russia

**The total volume includes platinum and palladium jewelry, the number of which is calculated in kilograms and does not affect the overall picture

Attention is drawn to the sharp decline in the export of gold jewelry - from 18 tons in 2014 to 2.64 tons in 2015. This is a consequence of the strengthening of state control, thanks to which corrupt schemes of fictitious exports were stopped, when, for example, gold chains were exported at practically the price of gold in order to reimburse 18% VAT. In some cases, export deliveries were carried out only on paper.

Russia's share in world jewelry exports is negligible - only 0.12% ($120 million). But at the same time, there are great prospects for its growth: due to first-class design, cost reduction and the presence of numerous Russian-speaking diasporas, whose representatives are used to buying Russian goods. Today, a sharp discussion is being held on the issues of state policy in the field of exports, jewelers are increasingly demanding the introduction of a free export regime with a declarative declaration system.

In this situation, active reformatting of the market continues. Large companies reduce production volumes, introduce a cost-saving mode. The former market leaders, who were always actively attracting credit resources, are now in a difficult position. Thus, the debt of the jewelry company "Yashma Gold" reached $ 500 million, and on May 25, 2016, the Arbitration Court recognized " Jewelry House Yashma is bankrupt. At the end of December, a search was conducted in the Moscow office of the Adamas group of companies, which is suspected of not paying taxes on $80 million. The most successful are small enterprises that are not burdened with high costs and flexibly respond to demand. in terms, according to expert estimates, in 2016 amounted to about 45 billion rubles ($0.71 billion), and taking into account the share of the shadow segment (30-35%), it can reach $1 billion.

The Russian consumer is generally focused on budget products, and this trend has noticeably increased over the past two years. The average check in a jewelry store is no more than 18-20 thousand rubles. (about $300). The level of retail markup on jewelry in Russia and post-Soviet countries today has dropped to the level of 30-50%. The most common jewelry retail business model is multi-brand chains. But at the same time, in Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, the largest sales volumes are provided by numerous small operators. Foreign jewelry companies in the post-Soviet countries are represented mainly in the premium and luxury price segments in the "boutique" trade format. Both single trade objects (Chimento, Pomellato, Pianegonda, Emporio Armani, Nomination) and multi-brand ones are widespread. As a rule, modern shopping centers are the main location for boutiques of foreign jewelry companies.


Jewelry sales in Russia in 2014-2018 grew by 32.4%: from 69.7 to 92.3 million pieces. The dynamics was predominantly positive, only in 2015 there was a decrease by 21.8% compared to 2014. The drop in sales in 2015 was associated with a decrease in the purchasing power of the population during the acute phase of crisis changes in the country's economy. Growth in jewelry sales in 2016-2018 became possible only due to a significant decrease in the average weight of sold items.

In 2014-2018, the structure of jewelry sales in Russia changed. In 2014-2016, gold products accounted for more than half of sales. However, in 2017-2018, there was a decrease in sales of gold jewelry and an increase in sales of silver products. In 2018, silver products accounted for 65.4% of total sales (against 45.0% in 2014), and 32.7% for gold products (against 52.4% in 2014). These changes are due to a general decrease in the purchasing power of the country's population and the flow of demand to a lower price segment.

In 2014-2018, the average price of jewelry in the Russian market mainly decreased by 1.9-26.1% and amounted to 2,559.6 rubles per piece in 2018. Only in 2015, the indicator increased by 36.9%, which was caused by the weakening of the ruble and inflation, which affected the cost of products. In 2016-2018, in the context of a reduction in real incomes of the population, the average price of jewelry was decreasing, which became possible due to the expansion of the range of jewelry products with lighter and more inexpensive models.

According to BusinesStat forecasts, in 2019-2023, jewelry sales in Russia will grow by 0.4-4.1% annually, in 2023 the figure will reach 101.0 million pieces, which will exceed the level of 2018 by 9.5%. In 2019-2020, sales are expected to stagnate, which will be due to an increase in VAT, rising fuel prices and overall consumer inflation. One of the factors for the development of jewelry sales in the country in the coming years may be the expected lifting of the ban on the sale of jewelry via the Internet. Currently, the online sale of jewelry is illegal, as the free sale of precious materials and stones is prohibited.

"Analysis of the jewelry market in Russia in 2014-2018, forecast for 2019-2023" includes the most important data necessary for understanding the current market conditions and assessing the prospects for its development:

  • Economic situation in Russia
  • Production and producer prices
  • Sales and prices of jewelry
  • Balance of supply, demand, jewelry inventory
  • Number of buyers and purchase of jewelry
  • Export and import of jewelry
  • Ratings of enterprises in the industry by financial indicators

The review provides details by type of jewelry:

  • gold jewelry
  • silver jewelry
  • jewelry made of other metals

Data on the largest jewelry manufacturers are given.

BusinesStat prepares an overview of the global jewelry market, as well as reviews of the markets of the CIS, the EU and individual countries of the world.

The review presents the ratings of the largest importers and exporters of jewelry. The rating of the largest foreign companies receiving Russian jewelry and the rating of the largest foreign suppliers of jewelry are also presented.

In preparing the review, official statistics were used:

  • Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation
  • Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
  • Federal customs Service RF
  • Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation
  • Customs Union EurAsEC
  • world Trade organisation

Along with official statistics, the review presents the results of BusinesStat research:

  • Survey of buyers of jewelry
  • Jewelery Retail Audit
  • Survey of jewelry market experts





Basic parameters of the Russian economy

Results of Russia's entry into the Customs Union

The results of Russia's accession to the WTO

Prospects for Russian business





Jewelry Supply and Demand Balance


natural sales volume

Sales value

  • Table 30. Rating of enterprises engaged in retail trade in jewelry, by revenue from the sale of products, RF, 2017 (million rubles)

average price

The ratio of the average price of jewelry and inflation

The ratio of the natural value of sales and the average price


Number of buyers

Share of buyers from the population

Purchase volume and average purchase costs


Natural volume of production

Manufacturers price


  • Table 52. Rating of jewelry manufacturers by revenue from the sale of products, RF, 2017 (million rubles)
  • Table 53. Rating of jewelry manufacturers by profit from product sales, RF, 2017 (million rubles)
  • Table 54. Rating of jewelry manufacturing enterprises by profitability from product sales, RF, 2017 (%)


Balance of exports and imports

Natural volume of export

Export value

Export price

Natural volume of imports

The value of imports

Import price


natural volume

  • Table 87. Ranking of jewelry exporters by export volume, RF, 2018 (thousand pieces)
  • Table 88. Rating of foreign companies receiving Russian jewelry in terms of supply, 2018 (thousand pieces)
  • Table 89. Rating of jewelry importers by import volume, RF, 2018 (thousand pieces)
  • Table 90. Rating of foreign suppliers of jewelry to the Russian market in terms of supplies, 2018 (thousand pieces)

value volume

  • Table 91. Ranking of jewelry exporters by export volume, RF, 2018 (thousand dollars)
  • Table 92. Rating of foreign companies receiving Russian jewelry by volume of supplies, 2018 (thousand dollars)
  • Table 93. Ranking of jewelry importers by import volume, RF, 2018 (thousand dollars)
  • Table 94. Rating of foreign suppliers of jewelry to the Russian market in terms of supplies, 2018 (thousand dollars)


Financial result of the industry

Economic efficiency of the industry

Industry investment


OAO Moskovsky jewelry Factory»

  • Organization leadership
  • The main shareholders of the organization

LLC "Krasnoselsky jewelry factory "Diamant"

  • Registration data of the organization
  • Organization leadership
  • Subsidiaries of the organization
  • Balance sheet of the enterprise in form No. 1 (at the end of the reporting period)
  • Profit and loss statement of the enterprise in form No. 2 (for the reporting period)
  • The main financial indicators of the enterprise

LLC "KOYUZ "Topaz"

  • Registration data of the organization
  • Organization leadership
  • Main members of the organization
  • Subsidiaries of the organization
  • Balance sheet of the enterprise in form No. 1 (at the end of the reporting period)
  • Profit and loss statement of the enterprise in form No. 2 (for the reporting period)
  • The main financial indicators of the enterprise

OOO "Diamant-S"

  • Registration data of the organization
  • Organization leadership
  • Main members of the organization
  • Balance sheet of the enterprise in form No. 1 (at the end of the reporting period)
  • Profit and loss statement of the enterprise in form No. 2 (for the reporting period)
  • The main financial indicators of the enterprise

LLC Jewelry Factory Platinum

  • Registration data of the organization
  • Organization leadership
  • Main members of the organization
  • Balance sheet of the enterprise in form No. 1 (at the end of the reporting period)
  • Profit and loss statement of the enterprise in form No. 2 (for the report



Table 1. Nominal and real GDP, RF, 2014-2023 (trillion rubles)

Table 2. Real GDP and real GDP index, RF, 2014-2023 (trillion rubles, %)

Table 3. Investments in fixed capital from all sources of financing, RF, 2014-2023 (trillion rubles, %)

Table 4. Export and import, trade balance, RF, 2014-2023 (billion dollars)

Table 5. Average annual dollar/ruble exchange rate, RF, 2014-2023 (rubles per dollar, %)

Table 6. Consumer price index (inflation) and price index for foodstuffs, RF, 2014-2023 (% of the previous year)

Table 7. Population including migrants, RF, 2014-2023 (million people)

Table 8. Really disposable income of the population, RF, 2014-2023 (% of the previous year)

Table 9. Supply of jewelry, RF, 2014-2018 (million pieces; %)

Table 10. Jewelry supply forecast, RF, 2019-2023 (million pieces; %)

Table 11. Production, imports and stocks of jewelry at the beginning of the year, RF, 2014-2018 (million pieces)

Table 12. Forecast of production, imports and stocks of jewelry at the beginning of the year, RF, 2019-2023 (million pieces)

Table 13. Demand for jewelry, RF, 2014-2018 (million pieces; %)

Table 14. Forecast of demand for jewelry, RF, 2019-2023 (million pieces; %)

Table 15. Sales and exports of jewelry, RF, 2014-2018 (million pieces)

Table 16. Forecast of sales and exports of jewelry, RF, 2019-2023 (million pieces)

Table 17. Balance of supply and demand for jewelry, taking into account stocks at the end of the year, RF, 2014-2018 (million pieces; %)

Table 18. Forecast of the balance of supply and demand for jewelry, taking into account stocks at the end of the year, RF, 2019-2023 (million pieces; %)

Table 19. Sales of jewelry, RF, 2014-2018 (million pieces; %)

Table 20. Jewelry sales forecast, RF, 2019-2023 (million pieces; %)

Table 21. Sales by types of jewelry, RF, 2014-2018 (million pieces)

Table 22. Sales forecast by types of jewelry, RF, 2019-2023 (million pieces)

Table 23. Jewelry sales, RF, 2014-2018 (billion rubles; %)

Table 24. Jewelry sales forecast, RF, 2019-2023 (billion rubles; %)

Table 25. Jewelry retail sales by quarters, RF, 2017 (billion rubles)

Table 26. Jewelry retail sales by quarters, RF, 2018 (billion rubles)

Table 27. Sales by types of jewelry, RF, 2014-2018 (billion rubles)

Table 28. Sales forecast by types of jewelry, RF, 2019-2023 (billion rubles)

Table 29. Jewelry sales by regions, RF, 2014-2018 (million rubles)

Table 31. Average price of jewelry, RF, 2014-2018 (rubles per piece)

Table 32. Forecast of the average price of jewelry, RF, 2019-2023 (rubles per piece)

Table 33. Average price by type of jewelry, RF, 2014-2018 (rubles per piece)

Table 34. Forecast of the average price of jewelry by type, RF, 2019-2023 (rubles per piece)

Table 35. The ratio of the average price of jewelry and inflation, RF, 2014-2018 (%)

Table 36. Forecast of the ratio of the average price of jewelry and inflation, RF, 2019-2023 (%)

Table 37. Correlation between the natural value of sales and the average price of jewelry, RF, 2014-2018 (million pieces; rub per piece; billion rubles)

Table 38. Forecast of the ratio of natural value sales and the average price of jewelry, RF, 2019-2023 (million pieces; rub per piece; billion rubles)

Table 39. Number of buyers of jewelry, RF, 2014-2018 (million people; %)

Table 40. Forecast of the number of buyers of jewelry, RF, 2019-2023 (million people; %)

Table 41. The share of buyers of jewelry from the population of the Russian Federation, 2014-2018 (%)

Table 42. Forecast of the share of jewelry buyers from the population of the Russian Federation, 2019-2023 (%)

Table 43. The volume of purchases and average costs for the purchase of jewelry, RF, 2014-2018 (pieces per year; rubles per year)

Table 44. Forecast of the volume of purchases and average costs for the purchase of jewelry, RF, 2019-2023 (pieces per year; rubles per year)

Table 45. Production of jewelry, RF, 2014-2018 (million pieces; %)

Table 46. Forecast of jewelry production, RF, 2019-2023 (million pieces; %)

Table 47. Production of jewelry by type, RF, 2014-2018 (million pieces)

Table 48. Forecast of jewelry production by type, RF, 2019-2023 (million pieces)

Table 49. Production of jewelry by federal districts of the Russian Federation, 2014-2018 (thousand pieces)

Table 50. Price of jewelry manufacturers, RF, 2014-2018 (rubles per piece; %)

Table 51. Price forecast for jewelry manufacturers, RF, 2019-2023 (rub per piece; %)

Table 55. Balance of exports and imports of jewelry, RF, 2014-2018 (million pieces)

Table 56. Forecast of the balance of exports and imports of jewelry, RF, 2019-2023 (million pieces)

Table 57. Export of jewelry, RF, 2014-2018 (million pieces; %)

Table 58. Forecast of jewelry exports, RF, 2019-2023 (million pieces; %)

Table 59. Export of jewelry by type, RF, 2014-2018 (million pieces)

Table 60. Forecast of jewelry exports by type, RF, 2019-2023 (million pieces)

Table 61. Export of jewelry by countries of the world, RF, 2014-2018 (thousand pieces)

Table 62. Export of jewelry, RF, 2014-2018 (million dollars; %)

Table 63. Forecast of jewelry exports, RF, 2019-2023 (million dollars; %)

Table 64. Export of jewelry by type, RF, 2014-2018 (million dollars)

Table 65. Forecast of jewelry exports by type, RF, 2019-2023 (mln USD)

Table 66. Export of jewelry by countries of the world, RF, 2014-2018 (thousand dollars)

Table 67. Export price of jewelry, RF, 2014-2018 (USD per item; %)

Table 68. Jewelery export price forecast, RF, 2019-2023 (USD per item; %)

Table 69. Jewelry export price by type, RF, 2014-2018 (USD per item)

Table 70. Forecast of jewelry export prices by type, RF, 2019-2023 (USD per piece)

Table 71. Export price of jewelry by countries of the world, RF, 2014-2018 (USD per piece)

Table 72. Jewelry imports, RF, 2014-2018 (million pieces; %)

Table 73. Forecast of jewelry imports, RF, 2019-2023 (million pieces; %)

Table 74. Import of jewelry by type, RF, 2014-2018 (million pieces)

Table 75. Forecast of jewelry imports by type, RF, 2019-2023 (million pieces)

Table 76. Import of jewelry by countries of the world, RF, 2014-2018 (thousand pieces)

Table 77. Imports of jewelry, RF, 2014-2018 (million dollars; %)

Table 78. Forecast of jewelry imports, RF, 2019-2023 (million dollars; %)

Table 79. Imports of jewelry by type, RF, 2014-2018 (million dollars)

Table 80. Forecast of jewelry imports by type, RF, 2019-2023 (mln USD)

Table 81. Imports of jewelry by countries of the world, RF, 2014-2018 (thousand dollars)

Table 82. Price of jewelry imports, RF, 2014-2018 (USD per item; %)

Table 83. Jewelry Import Price Forecast, RF, 2019-2023 (USD per item; %)

Table 84. Import price of jewelry by type, RF, 2014-2018 (USD per item; %)

Table 85. Jewelry import price forecast by type, RF, 2019-2023 (USD per item; %)

Table 86. Import price of jewelry by countries of the world, RF, 2014-2018 (USD per item)

Table 95. Revenue from sales of products, RF, 2014-2018 (billion rubles; %)

Table 96. Selling and administrative expenses, RF, 2014-2018 (billion rubles; %)

Table 97. Cost of products, RF, 2014-2018 (billion rubles; %)

Table 98. Profit from the sale of products, RF, 2014-2018 (billion rubles; %)

Table 99. Economic efficiency of the industry, RF, 2014-2018 (%; times; days days)

Table 100. Investments in the industry, RF, 2014-2018 (million rubles)

Marketing research "The jewelry market in Russia in 2012-2017 and the forecast for the jewelry market (jewelry market) in Russia for 2018-2022". Analysis of the Russian jewelry market.

Executor AMICO
the date 29.10.2018
Number of pages 231 pp.
Price 39 000 rub. 39000 RUB
print version

After placing and paying for the order, within 1 (one) business day, a marketing research / business plan will be sent to the specified e-mail. Accounting documents will be sent by regular mail. Our managers will contact you on the specified numbers.

diagrams - 96, graphs - 7, tables - 81

Description of "Jewelry Market":

Purpose of the study - analyze the jewelry market with a perspective for 2022.

The structure of the jewelry market:

The work consists of the following sections

  • Production of articles of all, production of jewelry made of gold and silver, and other products of precious metals, also presents the structure and dynamics of production by region from 2012 to August 2018.
  • The jewelry market is calculated based on import, export and production data.
  • Exports and imports of jewelry are listed by country of origin and destination.
  • Analysis of the bijouterie segment, as well as products made of pearls, precious and semi-precious stones(production volume, geographical structure, export and import indicators by countries of origin and destination)
  • Analysis of the raw material base (revenue of companies in the mining and processing of precious metals, diamonds and precious and semi-precious stones)

The study includes a description of the largest jewelry manufacturers on the market and their financial statements:


The study also presents the characteristics of the largest retail chains:

  • 585gold
  • Valtera

In terms of the number of jewelry stores in Moscow, the Moscow Jewelry Factory is the leader - *** branch, followed by SUNLIGHT - *** points, PANDORA - *** point, " Bronnitsky Jeweler» and *** by *** and 38 points, respectively.

Particular attention is paid to the market development forecast for 2018-2022.

Excerpts from the jewelry market research:

  • As a result of sanctions, increased exchange rates and government protectionism, consumer loyalty to domestically produced jewelry is growing. Russian jewelers adapt to modern conditions and create jewelry in line with world trends.
  • In 2017, the total market volume amounted to *** billion rubles, which is ***% more than last year.
  • At the end of 2017, the volume of jewelry production in Russia increased by a quarter and amounted to *** billion rubles.
  • The main centers of the domestic jewelry industry are located in the Central region - these are the Kostroma region and Moscow. In 2017, the production volume in the Kostroma region amounted to *** billion rubles, which is ***% of the total production volume.
  • The leading enterprise in the region is the Krasnoselsky jewelry factory "Diamant". The jewelry factory stood at the origins of the SOKOLOV brand and until 2012 created jewelry under the name "Diamond". In September 2012, the image of the company was refreshed. After the rebranding, Diamant has become more modern, more relevant, more fashionable. The company's revenue in 2017 amounted to *** billion rubles.
  • In Moscow, in 2017, the volume of jewelry production amounted to *** billion rubles, which is 13.5% of the total production volume. The leading enterprises in the capital are MUZ, SUZ (Adamas), and Bronnitsky Jeweler.
  • In 2017, the largest volume of retail turnover fell on Dagestan - ***%, Moscow is in second place - ***%, Krasnodar Territory is third - 8.9%. Big weight of the southern regions is often associated with cultural traditions, jewelry made of precious stones and metals is considered a profitable investment.
  • According to experts, the share of the “gray” jewelry market does not exceed ***% of the total turnover or *** billion rubles in 2017.
  • To reduce the share of illegal products and control the turnover, from June 1, 2018, Russia began an experiment on marking precious metals, stones, as well as products made from them.
  • At the end of 2017, imports of silver jewelry amounted to *** million dollars, which is ***% higher than the figure for the previous year. In January-July 2018, the indicator increased by almost 1.5 times compared to the same period of the previous year.
  • China is actively increasing its supplies to Russia, in 2016 Italy was the leader in terms of imports of products from other metals, but in 2017 China almost quadrupled its supplies from *** million dollars to *** million dollars. silver products increased from *** million dollars to *** million dollars.
  • Despite the fact that Italy also increased the supply of products from other precious metals from *** billion rubles. to *** billion rubles, this was not enough to remain in the leading position.

Forecast for the development of the jewelry market for 2018-2022

  • Decrease in consumer demand for expensive Jewelry will become a driver for a new era in the Russian jewelry industry.
  • According to experts, the volume of domestic jewelry production in 2018 will amount to *** billion rubles, an increase of ***%, and the total market volume will increase to *** billion rubles.
  • By 2022, the jewelry market in Russia will increase to *** billion rubles.

The marketing research contains: 96 diagrams, 81 tables, 7 graphs and 2 diagrams.

1. SUMMARY...6






3.1.1. Jewelry production volumes...13

3.1.2. Geographical structure of jewelry production...15


3.2.1. The volume and dynamics of the production of gold jewelry and their parts...21

3.2.2. The geographical structure of the production of gold jewelry and their parts...22


3.3.1. The volume and dynamics of the production of silver jewelry and their parts and their parts...24

3.3.2. Geographical structure of the production of silver jewelry and parts and parts thereof...25


3.4.1. The volume and dynamics of the production of ritual and ceremonial items made of precious metals...28

3.4.2. The geographical structure of the production of ritual and ceremonial products from precious metals...29


3.5.1. The volume and dynamics of production of jewelry from other precious metals...31

3.5.2. Geographical structure of the production of jewelry from other precious metals...32


3.6.1. The volume and dynamics of revenue...34

3.6.2. Geographical structure of revenue...35



4.1.1. a brief description of companies...38

4.1.2. Balance sheet...39

4.1.3. Profit and Loss Statement...41


4.2.1. Brief description of the company...42

4.2.2. Balance sheet...43

4.2.3. Profit and Loss Statement...45


4.3.1. Brief description of the company...46

4.3.2. Balance sheet...47

4.3.3. Profit and Loss Statement...49


4.4.1. Brief description of the company...50

4.4.2. Balance sheet...51

4.4.3. Profit and Loss Statement...53


4.5.1. Brief description of the company...54

4.5.2. Balance sheet...55

4.5.3. Profit and Loss Statement...57


4.6.1. Brief description of the company...58

4.6.2. Balance sheet...59

4.6.3. Profit and Loss Statement...61


4.7.1. Brief description of the company...62

4.7.2. Balance sheet...63

4.7.3. Profit and Loss Statement...65


4.8.1. Brief description of the company...66

4.8.2. Balance sheet...67

4.8.3. Profit and Loss Statement...69


4.9.1. Brief description of the company...70

4.9.2. Balance sheet...71

4.9.3. Profit and Loss Statement...73

4.10. LLC "KUZ" DELTA "...74

4.10.1. Brief description of the company...74

4.10.2. Balance sheet...75

4.10.3. Profit and Loss Statement...77



5.1.1. The volume and structure of silver jewelry imports...78

5.1.2. The volume and structure of imports of jewelry from other precious metals...82

5.1.3. The volume and structure of imports of products of gold and silversmiths...86


5.2.1. The volume and structure of exports of silver jewelry...88

5.2.2. The volume and structure of exports of jewelry from other precious metals...92

5.2.3. The volume and structure of exports of products of gold and silver craftsmen...96



6.1.1. Volume and dynamics of jewelry production...98

6.1.2. The geographical structure of the production of costume jewelry and similar products ... 99


6.2.1. Volume, dynamics and structure of bijouterie imports...102

6.2.2. Volume, dynamics and structure of bijouterie exports...106


7.1. PEARLS...110

7.1.1. Volume, dynamics and structure of the production of pearls...110

7.1.2. Volume, dynamics and structure of imports of pearls...112

7.1.3. Volume, dynamics and structure of exports of pearls...116


7.2.1. Volume, dynamics and structure of production of articles from precious and semi-precious stones...118

7.2.2. Volume, dynamics and structure of production of products from amber...120

7.2.3. Volume, dynamics and structure of imports of products from precious and semi-precious stones...122

7.2.4. Volume, dynamics and structure of exports of products from precious and semi-precious stones...126










10.1. SUNLIGHT...150

10.1.1. Brief description of the company...150

10.1.2. Balance sheet...151

10.1.3. Profit and Loss Statement...153

10.2. AR-L-G (RICHEMONT GROUP)...154

10.2.1. Brief description of the company...154

10.2.2. Balance sheet...155

10.2.3. Profit and Loss Statement...157

10.3. PANDORA...158

10.3.1. Brief description of the company...158

10.3.2. Balance sheet...159

10.3.3. Profit and Loss Statement...161

10.4. MERCURY...162

10.4.1. Brief description of the company...162

10.4.2. Balance sheet...163

10.4.3. Profit and Loss Statement...165

10.5. 585GOLD...166

10.5.1. Brief description of the company...166

10.5.2. Balance sheet...167

10.5.3. Profit and Loss Statement...169


10.6.1. Brief description of the company...170

10.6.2. Balance sheet...171

10.6.3. Profit and Loss Statement...173

10.7. VALTERA...174

10.7.1. Brief description of the company...174

10.7.2. Balance sheet...175

10.7.3. Profit and Loss Statement...177



11.1.1. Production of precious metals...178

11.1.2. Producer prices for gold...180

11.1.3. Producer prices for silver...183


11.2.1. Extraction of precious and semi-precious stones, except for diamonds...186

11.3. DIAMONDS...188

11.3.1. Diamond mining...188

11.3.2. Diamond processing...190

12. MARKET FORECAST FOR 2018-2022....192


14. APPS...196




List of diagrams

Diagram 1. Volume and dynamics Russian production jewelry in value terms, 2012 - Jan-Aug 2018, billion rubles

Diagram 2. Structure of jewelry production by federal districts in value terms in 2017, %

Diagram 3. The structure of jewelry production by constituent entities of the Russian Federation in value terms in 2017, %

Diagram 4. The volume and dynamics of the Russian production of gold jewelry and their parts in physical terms, 2017 - Jan-Aug 2018, thousand pieces

Diagram 5. The structure of production of gold jewelry and their parts in physical terms by federal district, 2017, %

Diagram 6. The structure of production of jewelry made of gold and their parts in kind by the subjects of the Russian Federation, 2017,%

Diagram 7. The volume and dynamics of the Russian production of silver jewelry and their parts and their parts in physical terms, 2017 - Jan-Aug 2018, thousand pieces

Diagram 8. The structure of production of jewelry made of silver and their parts and their parts in physical terms by federal district, 2017, %

Diagram 9. The structure of production of silver jewelry and their parts and their parts in physical terms by federal district, January-August 2018, %

Diagram 10. The structure of production of jewelry made of silver and their parts and their parts in kind by the subjects of the Russian Federation, 2017,%

Diagram 11. The volume and dynamics of the Russian production of ritual and ceremonial items made of precious metals in physical terms, 2017 - Jan-Aug 2018, thousand pieces

Diagram 12. Structure of production of ritual and ceremonial items made of precious metals in physical terms by Federal District, 2017, %

Diagram 13. The structure of the production of ritual and ceremonial items made of precious metals in kind by the subjects of the Russian Federation, 2017,%

Diagram 14. The volume and dynamics of the Russian production of jewelry from other precious metals in natural terms, 2017 - Jan-Aug 2018, thousand pieces

Diagram 15. The structure of production of jewelry from other precious metals in physical terms by federal district, 2017, %

Diagram 16. The structure of production of jewelry from other precious metals in physical terms by constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 2017, %

Diagram 17. The volume and dynamics of revenue in the jewelry manufacturing industry, 2012 - January-June 2018, million rubles

Diagram 18. Revenue structure in the jewelry manufacturing industry by Federal District in 2017, %

Diagram 19. Revenue structure in the jewelry manufacturing industry by constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 2017, %

Diagram 20. Dynamics of revenue in the jewelry manufacturing industry in the leading regions, 2012 - 2017, thousand rubles

Diagram 21. The volume and dynamics of imports of silver jewelry in value terms in 2012 - January-July 2018, thousand dollars

Diagram 22. Structure of imports of silver jewelry by countries of origin in value terms in 2017, %

Diagram 23. The volume and dynamics of imports of silver jewelry in physical terms in 2012 - January-July 2018, tons

Diagram 24. Structure of imports of silver jewelry by countries of origin in physical terms in 2017, %

Diagram 25. The volume and dynamics of imports of jewelry from other precious metals in value terms in 2012 - January-July 2018, thousand dollars

Diagram 26. Structure of imports of jewelry from other precious metals by countries of origin in value terms in 2017, %

Diagram 27. Volume and dynamics of imports of jewelry from other precious metals in physical terms in 2012 - January-July 2018, tons

Diagram 28. Structure of imports of jewelry from other precious metals by countries of origin in physical terms in 2017, %

Diagram 29. The volume and dynamics of imports of products of gold and silver craftsmen in value terms in 2012 - January-July 2018, thousand dollars

Diagram 30. The volume and dynamics of imports of gold and silversmiths in physical terms in 2012 - January-July 2018, tons

Diagram 31. The volume and dynamics of exports of silver jewelry in value terms in 2012 - January-July 2018, thousand dollars

Diagram 32. The structure of exports of silver jewelry by countries of destination in value terms in 2017, %

Diagram 33. The volume and dynamics of exports of silver jewelry in physical terms in 2012 - January-July 2018, tons

Chart 34. Structure of exports of silver jewelry by countries of destination in physical terms in 2017, %

Diagram 35. The volume and dynamics of exports of jewelry from other precious metals in value terms in 2012 - January-July 2018, thousand dollars

Diagram 36. The structure of exports of jewelry from other precious metals by countries of destination in value terms in 2017, %

Diagram 37. The volume and dynamics of exports of jewelry from other precious metals in physical terms in 2012 - January-July 2018, tons

Diagram 38. The structure of exports of jewelry from other precious metals by countries of destination in physical terms in 2017, %

Diagram 39. The volume and dynamics of exports of gold and silversmiths in value terms in 2012 - January-July 2018, thousand dollars

Diagram 40. The volume and dynamics of exports of gold and silversmiths in physical terms in 2012 - January-July 2018, tons

Diagram 41. The volume and dynamics of the Russian production of costume jewelry and similar products in value terms, 2012 - Jan-Aug 2018, mln., rub.

Diagram 42. The structure of production of costume jewelry and similar products by federal districts in value terms in 2017,%

Diagram 43. The structure of production of jewelry and similar products by federal districts in value terms in January-August 2018,%

Diagram 44. The structure of production of jewelry and similar products by constituent entities of the Russian Federation in value terms in January-August 2018,%

Diagram 45. The volume and dynamics of imports of jewelry to Russia in value terms, 2012 - January-July 2018, thousand dollars

Diagram 46. The structure of imports of jewelry by countries of origin in value terms in 2017,%

Diagram 47. The volume and dynamics of imports of jewelry to Russia in physical terms, 2012 - January-July 2018, tons

Diagram 48. The structure of imports of jewelry by countries of origin in physical terms in 2017,%

Diagram 49. The volume and dynamics of exports of jewelry in value terms, 2012 - January-July 2018, thousand dollars

Diagram 50. The structure of exports of jewelry by countries of destination in value terms in 2017,%

Diagram 51. The volume and dynamics of exports of jewelry in physical terms, 2012 - Jan-July 2018, tons

Diagram 52. The structure of exports of jewelry by countries of destination in physical terms in 2017,%

Diagram 53. The volume and dynamics of Russian production of pearl products in physical terms, 2017 - Jan-Aug 2018, thousand pieces

Diagram 54. The structure of production of pearl products by constituent entities of the Russian Federation in physical terms in 2017,%

Chart 55. The volume and dynamics of imports of pearl products to Russia in value terms, 2012 - January-July 2018, thousand dollars

Diagram 56. Structure of imports of pearl products by countries of origin in value terms in 2017, %

Diagram 57. The volume and dynamics of imports of pearl products to Russia in physical terms, 2012 - Jan-July 2018, tons

Diagram 58. Structure of imports of pearl products by countries of origin in physical terms in 2017, %

Chart 59. The volume and dynamics of exports of pearl products in value terms, 2012 - January-July 2018, thousand dollars

Diagram 60. The volume and dynamics of exports of pearl products in physical terms, 2012 - Jan-July 2018, tons

Diagram 61. The volume and dynamics of the Russian production of products from precious and semi-precious stones in natural terms, 2017 - Jan-Aug 2018, thousand pieces

Diagram 62. The structure of production of products from precious and semiprecious stones by federal district in physical terms for January-August 2018,%

Diagram 63. The volume and dynamics of the Russian production of amber products in natural terms, 2017 - Jan-Aug 2018, thousand pieces

Diagram 64. The structure of production of amber products by constituent entities of the Russian Federation in physical terms in 2017,%

Diagram 65. The volume and dynamics of imports of products from precious and semi-precious stones to Russia in value terms, 2012 - January-July 2018, thousand dollars

Diagram 66. The structure of imports of products from precious and semi-precious stones by countries of origin in value terms in 2017,%

Diagram 67. The volume and dynamics of imports of products from precious and semi-precious stones to Russia in natural terms, 2012 - January-July 2018, tons

Diagram 68. The structure of imports of products from precious and semi-precious stones by countries of origin in physical terms in 2017,%

Diagram 69. The volume and dynamics of exports of products from precious and semi-precious stones in value terms, 2012 - January-July 2018, thousand dollars

Diagram 70. The volume and dynamics of exports of products from precious and semi-precious stones in physical terms, 2012 - Jan-July 2018, tons

Diagram 71. The volume and dynamics of the turnover of retail trade in jewelry in specialized stores, 2012 – January-June 2018, billion rubles

Diagram 72. The structure of the turnover of retail trade in jewelry by federal district, 2017, %

Diagram 73. The structure of the turnover of retail trade in jewelry by federal district, January-June 2018, %

Diagram 74. The structure of the retail trade turnover in jewelry by constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 2017, %

Diagram 75. The structure of the turnover of retail trade in jewelry by constituent entities of the Russian Federation, January-June 2018,%

Diagram 76. The volume and dynamics of revenue in the jewelry retail industry, 2012 - January-June 2018, million rubles

Diagram 77. Revenue structure in the jewelry retail industry by constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 2017, %

Diagram 78. The volume and dynamics of revenue in the wholesale trade in jewelry, 2012 - January-June 2018, million rubles

Diagram 79. Revenue structure in the jewelry wholesale industry by constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 2017, %

Diagram 80. The volume and dynamics of the Russian jewelry market in 2012 - 2018 (O), billion rubles

Diagram 81. Dynamics of the structure of the Russian jewelry market in 2012 - 2018 (O), %

Diagram 82. The volume and dynamics of revenue in the precious metals industry, 2012 - January-June 2018, billion rubles

Diagram 83. Structure of production of precious metals by region in value terms in 2017, %

Diagram 84. Dynamics of producer prices for raw or semi-processed gold, 2015 - January-August 2018, thousand rubles / kg

Chart 85. Monthly dynamics of producer prices for raw or semi-processed gold, 2015 - Jan-Aug 2018, RUB/kg

Diagram 86. Producer price dynamics for raw or semi-processed gold in the Federal District, 2015 - Jan-Aug 2018, RUB/kg

Chart 87. Producer price dynamics for unwrought or semi-finished silver, 2015 – Jan-Aug 2018, thousand rubles/kg

Chart 88. Monthly dynamics of producer prices for unwrought or semi-finished silver, 2015 - Jan-Aug 2018, RUB/kg

Chart 89. Producer price dynamics for raw or semi-finished silver by Federal District, 2015 – Jan-Aug 2018, RUB/kg

Diagram 90. The volume and dynamics of revenue in the industry of mining of precious and semi-precious stones, except for diamonds, 2017 - January-June 2018, million rubles

Diagram 91. The structure of production of precious and semi-precious stones, except for diamonds, by constituent entities of the Russian Federation in value terms in 2017, %

Diagram 92. The volume and dynamics of revenue in the diamond mining industry, 2017 - January-June 2018, billion rubles

Diagram 93. Structure of diamond mining by constituent entities of the Russian Federation in value terms in 2017, %

Diagram 94. The volume and dynamics of revenue in the diamond processing industry, 2012 - January-June 2018, billion rubles

Diagram 95. The structure of diamond processing by constituent entities of the Russian Federation in value terms in 2017, %

Diagram 96. Forecast of the volume of the Russian jewelry market in value terms for 2018 - 2022, billion rubles

List of tables

Table 1. Production of jewelry by federal districts, 2012 - Jan-Aug 2018, thousand rubles

Table 2. Production of jewelry by constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 2012 - January-August 2018, thousand rubles

Table 3. Dynamics of producer price indices for jewelry in the Federal District, 2012 - Jan-Aug 2018, %

Table 4. The volume of production of jewelry made of gold and their parts in physical terms in the Federal District, 2017 - Jan-Aug 2018, thousand pieces

Table 5. The volume of production of jewelry made of gold and their parts in physical terms by the subjects of the Russian Federation, 2017 - Jan-Aug 2018, thousand pieces

Table 6. The volume of production of jewelry made of silver and their parts and their parts in physical terms in the Federal District, 2017 - Jan-Aug 2018, thousand pieces

Table 7. The volume of production of jewelry made of silver and their parts and their parts in kind by the subjects of the Russian Federation, 2017 - January-August 2018, thousand pieces

Table 8. The volume of production of ritual and ceremonial items made of precious metals in physical terms in the Federal District, 2017 - January-August 2018, thousand pieces

Table 9. The volume of production of ritual and ceremonial products from precious metals in kind by the subjects of the Russian Federation, 2017 - January-August 2018, thousand pieces

Table 10. The volume of production of jewelry from other precious metals in physical terms by federal district, 2017 - Jan-Aug 2018, thousand pieces

Table 11. The volume of production of jewelry from other precious metals in physical terms by the subjects of the Russian Federation, 2017 - Jan-Aug 2018, thousand pieces

Table 12. The volume of revenue in the jewelry manufacturing industry by federal district, 2012 - January-June 2018, thousand rubles

Table 13. The volume of revenue in the jewelry manufacturing industry by constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 2012 - January-June 2018, thousand rubles

Table 14. Balance sheet of JSC "Moscow Jewelery Plant", 2015 - 2017, thousand rubles

Table 15. Profit and loss statement of JSC "Moscow Jewelery Plant", 2015 - 2017, thousand rubles

Table 16. Balance sheet of Krasnoselsky Jewelery Plant Diamant LLC, 2015-2017, thousand rubles

Table 17. Profit and loss statement of Krasnoselsky Jewelery Plant Diamant LLC, 2015-2017, thousand rubles

Table 18. Balance sheet of OOO Kostroma Jewelry Factory Topaz, 2015-2017, thousand rubles

Table 19. Profit and loss statement of Kostroma Jewelry Factory Topaz LLC, 2015-2017, thousand rubles

Table 20. Balance sheet of YuZ Platina LLC, 2015 - 2017, thousand rubles

Table 21. Profit and loss statement of YuZ Platina LLC, 2015-2017, thousand rubles

Table 22. Balance sheet of Bronnitsky Jewelery Plant LLC, 2015 - 2017, thousand rubles

Table 23. Profit and loss statement of Bronnitsky Jewelery Plant LLC, 2015 - 2017, thousand rubles

Table 24. Balance sheet of Aquamarine LLC, 2015 - 2017, thousand rubles

Table 25. Profit and loss statement of Aquamarine LLC, 2015 - 2017, thousand rubles

Table 26. Balance sheet of Capital Jewelry Plant LLC, 2015-2017, thousand rubles

Table 27. Profit and loss statement of Capital Jewelry Plant LLC, 2015 - 2017, thousand rubles

Table 28. Balance sheet of JSC PO Kristall, 2015 - 2017, thousand rubles

Table 29. Profit and loss statement of JSC PO Kristall, 2015 - 2017, thousand rubles

Table 30. Balance sheet of LLC “KYUZ “Dominant”, 2015 – 2017, thousand rubles

Table 31. Profit and loss statement of LLC “KYUZ “Dominant”, 2015 – 2017, thousand rubles

Table 32. Balance sheet of Delta KYUZ LLC, 2015 - 2017, thousand rubles

Table 33. Profit and loss statement of LLC "KYUZ "Delta", 2015 - 2017, thousand rubles

Table 34. The volume of imports of silver jewelry by countries of origin in 2012 - January-July 2018, thousand dollars

Table 35. The volume of imports of silver jewelry by countries of origin in 2012 - January-July 2018, tons

Table 36. The volume of imports of jewelry from other precious metals by countries of origin in 2012 - January-July 2018, thousand dollars

Table 37. The volume of imports of jewelry from other precious metals by countries of origin in 2012 - January-July 2018, tons

Table 38. The volume of exports of silver jewelry by countries of destination in 2012 - January-July 2018, thousand dollars

Table 39. The volume of exports of silver jewelry by countries of destination in 2012 - January-July 2018, tons

Table 40. The volume of exports of jewelry from other precious metals by countries of destination in 2012 - January-July 2018, thousand dollars

Table 41. The volume of exports of jewelry from other precious metals by countries of destination in 2012 - January-July 2018, tons

Table 42. Production of costume jewelry and similar products by federal districts, 2012 - January-August 2018, thousand rubles

Table 43. Manufacture of costume jewelry and similar products by constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 2012 - January-August 2018, thousand rubles

Table 44. The volume of imports of jewelry to Russia in value terms by countries of origin, 2012 - January-July 2018, thousand dollars

Table 45. Volumes of imports of jewelry to Russia in physical terms, 2012 - January-July 2018, tons

Table 46. The volume of exports of jewelry from Russia in value terms by countries of destination, 2012 - January-July 2018, thousand dollars

Table 47. Export volumes of costume jewelry in kind by countries of destination, 2012 - January-July 2018, tons

Table 48. Production of pearl products by constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 2017 - January-August 2018, thousand pieces

Table 49. Volumes of imports of pearl products to Russia in value terms by countries of origin, 2012 - January-July 2018, thousand dollars

Table 50. Volumes of imports of pearl products to Russia in physical terms, 2012 - January-July 2018, tons

Table 51. Production of products from precious and semi-precious stones in the Federal District, 2017 - January-August 2018, thousand pieces

Table 52. Production of amber products by constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 2017 - January-August 2018, thousand pieces

Table 53. Volumes of imports of products from precious and semi-precious stones to Russia in value terms by countries of origin, 2012 - January-July 2018, thousand dollars

Table 54. Volumes of imports of products from precious and semi-precious stones to Russia in physical terms, 2012 - January-July 2018, tons

Table 55. Dynamics of retail trade turnover in jewelry by regions of the Russian Federation, 2012 - January-June 2018, thousand rubles

Table 56. The volume of revenue in the jewelry retail industry by constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 2012 - January-June 2018, thousand rubles

Table 57. The volume of revenue in the wholesale trade in jewelry by constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 2012 - January-June 2018, thousand rubles

Table 58. The volume of the Russian jewelry market in value terms in 2012 - 2018 (O), mln. rub.

Table 59. Balance sheet of Onyx Trading LLC, 2015 - 2017, thousand rubles

Table 60. Profit and loss statement of Onyx Trading LLC, 2015 - 2017, thousand rubles

Table 61. Balance sheet of Ar-El-G LLC, 2015 - 2017, thousand rubles

Table 62. Profit and loss statement of Ar-El-Gee LLC, 2015 - 2017, thousand rubles

Table 63. Balance sheet of JSC "Panclub", 2015 - 2017, thousand rubles

Table 64. Profit and loss statement of Panclub JSC, 2015 - 2017, thousand rubles

Table 65. Balance sheet of M-Style LLC, 2016 - 2017, thousand rubles

Table 66. Profit and loss statement of M-Stil LLC, 2016 - 2017, thousand rubles

Table 67. Balance sheet of Regent Gold LLC, 2015 - 2017, thousand rubles

Table 68. Profit and loss statement of Regent Gold LLC, 2015 - 2017, thousand rubles

Table 69. Balance sheet of Jewelry House Kristall LLC, 2015 - 2017, thousand rubles

Table 70. Profit and loss statement of Jewelry House Kristall LLC, 2015 - 2017, thousand rubles

Table 71. Balance sheet of Spektr LLC, 2016 - 2017, thousand rubles

Table 72. Profit and loss statement of Spektr LLC, 2016-2017, thousand rubles

Table 73. Dynamics of the volume of revenue in the precious metals production industry by constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 2012 - January-June 2018, thousand rubles

Table 74. Dynamics of producer prices for raw or semi-processed gold in the Federal District, 2015 - Jan-Aug 2018, RUB/kg

Table 75. Dynamics of producer prices for unwrought or semi-finished silver in the Federal District, 2015 – Jan-Aug 2018, RUB/kg

Table 76. Dynamics of the volume of revenue in the industry of mining of precious and semi-precious stones, except for diamonds by constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 2017 - January-June 2018, thousand rubles

Table 77. Dynamics of revenue in the diamond mining industry by constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 2017 - January-June 2018, thousand rubles

Table 78. Dynamics of revenue in the diamond processing industry by constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 2012 - January-June 2018, thousand rubles

Table 79. Top 300 Russian manufacturers jewelry for 2017

Table 80. 100 largest Russian companies in the jewelry retail industry in 2017

Table 81. 100 largest Russian companies in the jewelry wholesale industry in 2017

List of charts

Chart 1. Monthly dynamics of jewelry production in Russia in value terms, 2015 – August 2018, billion rubles

Chart 2. Dynamics of jewelry production volumes in the leading regions, 2012 2017, thousand rubles

Chart 3. Dynamics of producer price indices for jewelry in the Federal District, 2012 - Jan-Aug 2018, %

Chart 4. Monthly dynamics of producer price indices for jewelry and their parts, 2015 – August 2018, %

Chart 5. Quarterly dynamics of jewelry retail turnover, 2016 – Q2 2018, billion rubles

Chart 6. Dynamics of the share of jewelry in the total retail turnover, 202-2017, %

Chart 7. Dynamics of the turnover of retail trade in jewelry in the Federal District, 2012 - 2017, thousand rubles

List of schemes

Scheme 1. Classification of jewelry products

Scheme 2. Classification of gemstones