Do gems really affect health? The influence of precious stones on the fate of the owner. The place and method of wearing stones, which were of great importance, were also thoughtfully determined. For example, rings with gems worn on the fingers are very

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Stones and minerals are gifts of the earth that can protect and heal. This is why people in different times treated them with extreme caution and respect. Both ladies and men dreamed of having them, because they believed that jewelry, where precious stones are used, are able to endow their owner with unique abilities.

And now such an expensive (not only in price) gift is able to cheer up and give confidence. Passing down from a generation jewelry masterpieces, it is worth noting that the stones are highly durable. But there are “craftsmen” who are able to pass off wishful thinking: sell low-quality jewelry or fake.

You need to buy jewelry only in proven jewelry boutiques. The purchase must be carefully examined from all sides and only after you feel the stone energy - buy.

But not all gems are especially revered. But each of them certainly influences a person and in order to choose your own, you need to know the “secrets of the stone”.


Highly rare stone- "chameleon", changing from red-violet to dark green... This duality is associated with blood flows (arterial and venous).

It is believed that people who have problems with cardiovascular system, you just need to wear alexandrite.

A type of chrysoberyl strengthens blood vessels, purifies the blood. Named after Alexander I, the Ural chrysoberyl must be worn in pairs.

An excellent option would be earrings with this mineral, which, according to lithotherapists, will also protect against diseases of the pancreas.

Alexandrite is a stone of the strong in spirit. The gem is best suited for Gemini, Pisces and Scorpions and will help them become more judicious and calm.


Turquoise set in gold is called by many "the amulet of health". And it is deserved, because this gem gives energy, strengthens eyesight, helps to get rid of colds, strengthens the heart.

It is one of the few minerals that normalizes all processes in the body, especially reanimates the vocal cords and the thyroid gland.

Turquoise is very often used for meditation.


« Best friends girls are diamonds ”- the words loved by many representatives of the fair sex. Indeed, the mere mention of these sparkling and luxurious stones makes a woman's soul tremble.

It is diamonds that are symbols of good luck, love and betrothal, and they have always emphasized high status its owner.

A diamond has a powerful energy. This transparent and faceted gemstone bestows good luck, protecting against evil influences and the evil eye. It reflects the energy of ill-wishers.

But a diamond will be able to "work with all its might" only when its owner is a person with a pure soul.

Since ancient times, mention has come to us that the stone has medicinal properties... Knows how to lower the temperature, relieve insomnia. Helps to heal psychological and skin diseases and also neutralizes poison.

This "royal stone" has powerful healing and magical powers.


This gem is also called green tourmaline. It not only perfectly calms the body, but also gives it strength, slows down aging.

This is a magic stone capable of harmonizing relationships with people around.


The "diamond-like" mineral is considered masculine, because it is able to cure impotence. But this is possible, according to experts, only if a gold-framed ring is worn on the middle finger. right hand... Demantoid will help to overcome male infertility, but then a silver frame is needed.

He is also endowed magical properties: helps to concentrate, be punctual and economical, do not get overwhelmed by trifles, overcome laziness.

This stone is especially suitable for men born under the signs of Libra, Aquarius or Gemini. A very rare and most valuable green adratite.


"Symbol of longevity", "gift of prosperity", "fertile strength" - as soon as they do not name a mineral of organic origin, called pearls. And this is his secret.

Pearl products help fight cataracts, restore digestive system, normalize blood pressure.

Pearls have a hemostatic effect.

Pearl products will be useful for signs of such elements as Earth and Water.


If you want to protect a person dear to you from various addictions and spells, give him the most expensive gem - an emerald. This is a powerful talisman that can attract wealth. And emeralds also strengthen memory, help to heal from diseases. Bladder, psoriasis.

A variety of deep green beryl can also restore visual acuity, treat diabetes, heart muscle pain, and help with insomnia.


Lilac-purple stones are not very expensive gems. Any jewelry made from this mineral helps to stabilize the cardiovascular system. He will be very useful to people suffering from tachycardia, as well as diseases of the central nervous system... If there are, frequent infectious diseases and reduced immunity - then your collection jewelry must be supplemented with kunzite.

Those who fit the stone will be born in the element of the Earth.

Lapis lazuli

The blue-lilac color of the stone is truly feminine.

  • It will help ladies overcome migraines by stabilizing blood pressure.
  • Protects future mother during pregnancy from miscarriage.
  • It also perfectly normalizes blood formation and helps fight various pain symptoms.
  • It is simply necessary for allergy sufferers, as well as for patients with dermatological diseases.

But he is not "friends" with natural blondes, therefore, it is better for blond ladies to refuse lapis lazuli.


The red mineral has long become the "king of gems". After all, it is able to increase vitality, give fun and protect the body from aging. Ruby also heals melancholy and depression, helps to get rid of frigidity and impotence. Poor appetite and cancerous ulcers can be healed with this gem.

An ancient Avestan legend says that a long time ago, at the very beginning of time, peace on earth was protected by a stone sky. But, one day, powerful forces of evil invaded the earth, and the stone cover could not stand it and split, and small fragments woke up to the ground in gems. And now each stone, like a splinter of that stone cover, stores its strength and ability to protect a person.

Gems are a generous gift of nature, they are amazing and beautiful! But do the lovers think precious stones over the fact that each of them, accumulating the wisdom of the universe, was formed for millions of years, that he is a particle of earthly and cosmic memory and is much older than any of them.

How to choose a piece of jewelry with natural stone so that it not only decorates the appearance, but also helps to become stronger, protects from troubles, attracts good luck and, most importantly, does not harm. And is it possible with the help of a gem to balance the negative aspects in Bazi? With these questions, I turned to astrologer Arina Yurchenko.

Arina, how can natural stones influence the fate of a person?

Wearing a stone or jewelry with a natural stone is very efficient way correction of fate natural remedies, without the interference of magic. The age of the stones is much greater than the age of mankind. There is a version that the stones influenced the origin of life on the planet. Even the ancient Atlanteans used crystals to implement their scientific and technical developments. They believed that minerals can influence both the fate of individuals and entire states. Any precious or semi-precious stone has a memory. He remembers his master or whoever found and processed him. If, having bought a stone, you do not clean it and put it on yourself immediately, then it can bring both joy and sadness, and it can change the fate of its new owner in bad side, up to fatal consequences. This is often the case with large diamonds.

The stones are surprisingly diverse and have a wide range of colors. And a person has a biofield and energy centers - chakras. Each chakra is ruled by a certain planet, which has its own stone. For example, the Sun has ruby, amber, Mars has red coral, carnelian, pomegranate, etc. But there are different planets - good, which bring harmony, happiness, good luck and evil to fate, such as Saturn and Struck Mars. When these planets dominate in transits and aspect evil houses or struck by other planets, then they can bring theft, trouble, unhappy life. But when they are favorable in aspects, they bring vitality, victory over fate and many benefits. For example, take the red CORAL, which is often called " widow's stone". It is ruled by Mars, and if a person in natal chart lack of confidence vitality and energy, the stone of this planet will make favorable changes in his life. But you shouldn't wear coral all the time. He can really attract fatal events. So any stone can bring both good luck and failure. Natural stones have strong vibrations that affect a person's aura, these vibrations can change the mood of the chakras.

How should you choose and wear jewelry?

There are two options. The first is to turn to professionals. An astrologer, for example, will build a natal horoscope chart by date, hour and minute of birth. He will see which planets need to be strengthened, and which stones are suitable for this.

Or contact an experienced kinesiologist. He will test the stones on the muscles of the human body, make a selection according to the name of the stone, its purpose and the timing of wearing it on the body. He will determine in what metal it is better to wear it and what kind of jewelry is suitable for this. But here, too, there are news, since according to kinesioly, stones are often selected to correct the health and heal the aura or energy centers. And for business, money luck, attracting good luck in marriage will not work. Therefore, in any case, the stone can be correctly selected only by knowing your horoscope.

The second way of choosing is independent:

1. First of all, you need to listen to your intuition and choose the stone that attracts not yours external attractiveness, but some kind of internal attraction.

2. You should not adhere to strict advice on choosing a stone, focused on the sign of the zodiac, because according to classical astrology, a person is not always a pure bearer of one zodiac sign.

3.You can pick up a stone by dowsing.

4. The easiest way is to put the stone you just purchased under your pillow at night. If you dreamed bad dream or a nightmare, then you need to either hand over the stone back or try to clear it of negative information.

How to wear natural stone jewelry correctly?

Rings with gems should be worn on the fingers that are intended for them. The stones of the strong planets: the Sun, Saturn, Mars and Jupiter, women wear on the right hand, and men on the left. The rest of the stones are worn on the auspicious side. For women it is left, for men it is right. Each planet patronizes a certain finger. The sun is for the ring finger of the right hand. The moon is for the ring finger of the left hand. Mars - index or ring finger of the right hand. Mercury - the little finger of the left hand, as well as the middle and ring fingers of the right and left hand. Jupiter is the index finger of the right hand. Venus is the middle finger of both hands. Saturn is the middle finger of the right hand. Jewelry with stones from other planets is best worn in earrings, pendant or bracelet.

First of all, you need to understand why the stone is purchased.

  1. For permanent wearing as a talisman, talisman or decoration.
  2. For the correction of fate.
  3. For the treatment or prevention of diseases. (Lithotherapy)
  4. For meditation or to harmonize the space of an apartment, office. (Druze, eggs, pyramids, balls)

After that, you can look for information about stones in special literature. My advice is not to pick up stones to correct the fate or strengthen the planets on your own. But even if there are recommendations from an expert, you should like the stone and “smile”. Literatures about minerals and their magical properties a lot, but you only need to trust your subconscious. Stones cannot be picked up just because you are a Scorpio or Sagittarius. Listen to yourself and find what your inner voice asks for.

Western astrology is good, but as a Bazi consultant, I am interested in the possibility of correcting unfavorable moments in fate with stones. Since it is sometimes difficult for a person to act independently and additional help is required.

Here are some examples. I would like to pick up gems for these people that will help them cope with negative moments in Bazi.

Irina is a pretty, talented girl. She has a very interesting map of Bazi. All earthly branches form the side of the Tree, its Ruler of the Day is extremely powerful. This is a special structure and, accordingly, a special character.

Irina has extraordinary energy, she is charismatic and very attractive. She is also expressive, artistic, knows how to present herself well, loves attention and the sound of applause. There is an indication that she is slim, tall, is distinguished by philanthropy and humanity. She has good creative inclinations and high intellectual potential. Active by nature, loves to act, can stand up for herself and for others. Differs in a strong subjective assessment and pays attention to the preservation of reputation. She is lively, frank, adventurous, has the ability to think outside the box, to create something new. She has good data for a successful career in creating something new. However, in personal life not everything is going smoothly, it is difficult for her to find a loved one, since she is attracted by strong, active men, but she does not work out with this type. Good luck period creates an unfavorable background for the relationship, although acquaintance and marriage are possible. After watching her Bazi's TV, you can see that in 2011 she will meet a man, they will have a relationship, but marriage is more likely in 2016.

Arina, is it possible for a girl to choose such a gem that will help her become softer, happier, meet her soul mate and live in harmony?

This girl has a very young soul. She came to pursue a career and attract courageous qualities. She has a complex planetary conjunction of the ruler in charge of the marriage house damaged by the black moon. She will like active and initiative men like her, but she won't marry like that. She has a chance of 2 marriages. And a lover who will leave a mark for life.

She has many talents, including literature and dance. She has Mars in Scorpio, her abode and in the 9th house. She's super lucky! There will be many trips abroad. Her karma is caring for loved ones and strong bond with them. This is a complex horoscope in which a person realizes himself late.

In no case should she wear stones: Amethyst, sapphire. Dark and black stones. Likewise, all stones are red and red. This will only enhance her Yang energy, and may also attract accidents abroad on a trip or air flight. I also do not recommend wearing diamonds and colorless or transparent stones... He can attract serious problems by fate and illness.

For frequent wearing:

You can wear yellow sapphire, yellow topaz, amber, all shades yellow stones... Sapphire at least 1 carat. The rest must be at least 3 carats.

Good agates (but only white, pink, yellow and gray colors). They can be worn as large rings and pendants, bracelets. Agates protect and soothe well.

Green stones will do. Chrysolite is a talisman against enemies, it will strengthen intuition, strengthen health and etheric body... Chrysoprase will bring success in trade and business. Emerald will calm the liver, strengthen the heart and eyes, but only in earrings and a pendant. Green stones will bring the attraction of the energy of marriage according to the horoscope and will attract acquaintance with the future soul mate.

Perhaps the first spouse will be younger than her or look very young. Marriage is close, 2009 - 2015

The very best for her family life will be wearing yellow topaz or sapphire. This will attract a successful spouse to her, and she will stop suffering from problems from her husband or men. Also, these stones will attract a successful career and good fortune.

Here's an example. Girl Masha, she is only 6 years old, she is a nice, kind child.

In her BaZi there is an imbalance of elements, in the earthly branches an unfavorable combination of Fire is dormant, and there is no Water so necessary and useful for her development, study and health. The deity who can give her responsibility and zeal - Yin Metal , very weak and stands behind, it is made weak by an unfavorable deity Spirit of food strong in the season. Fire yang - its most unfavorable element, but at the same time it conceals a positive potential, since at correct upbringing can be neutralized and aimed at strengthening character. The child has great difficulties with self-expression - Fire, which needs to be dealt with and balanced with Water. But if you leave it, as it is, without attention, then in the future this may manifest itself in behavior in an unexpectedly bad way.

When she goes to school, her fortune period 戊辰 will continue to weaken Water, Masha will be distracted by things that are far from her studies. It will be really difficult for her to concentrate, listen, complete tasks, her energy will go against her studies. Already now, while she is small, it is necessary to introduce elements that support and strengthen the personality, the family has a difficult, albeit interesting work.

This is very interesting girl, she will have difficult period childhood.

It will be difficult for the girl to study due to the conjunction of the Sun and Mercury, damaged by the aspect of Uranus in her natal chart. The sun is a pest that burned good qualities planets and weakened Mercury. And Mercury is childhood up to 14 years old, memory, study, which gives great difficulties in all this. When these planets are in the 9th house, this can give big obstacles in obtaining higher education in more late age... Also, the girl may have difficulty remembering teaching material... But she is very gifted with a good Jupiter, which will help her in difficulties and give her luck and help in business, and will also bring interest in metaphysics and spirituality, make her an ascetic nature with good potential for study the spiritual world and foreign culture.

What stones will help her

In order for the child to study better and to have a strong nervous system, I strongly recommend wearing chrysoprase on a chain in a pendant. He will protect her from the wrath of her teachers and provide her Mercury with support. All green stones are also favorable to her. In the future, when she becomes a lady, she can wear rings with green stones on her hands. I will not refuse pleasure and give a recommendation to find the real Moonstone and give it to the child to wear to protect health, enhance luck and strengthen the psyche. She will become more balanced, will not suffer from phobias, communication problems. This will give the child help in communicating with other people, bring her career success, and in childhood will help to find understanding and recognition in the team. These stones will make parenting easier for parents.

Arina, thanks for the interview. The topic is very interesting and useful, I know from myself how correctly selected stones can have a positive effect. I hope everyone will find their own gem, which will protect him in dangerous moments, help to strengthen positive properties nature and weaken the negative.

On the selection of a stone and the choice of the day when to wear it, you can contact the astrologer Arina Yurchenko

Hello dear readers! I propose today to talk about amazing properties stones and their effect on humans. Believe it or not, there is an opinion that precious stones and gems can enhance certain character traits of their owner and have an impact on certain areas of our life.

It turns out that, if necessary, we can adjust our personal qualities ourselves and life situations, taking advantage of the energy of any stone that is beneficial to us.

Properties of popular stones

Stone opal able to push on adventures. Therefore, if you are a hot-tempered, temperamental person, and even not averse to having fun, you should not use opal as a talisman. And, on the contrary, for a hesitant, timid person, this stone is ideal.

Stone malachite endows the owner (or mistress) with the desire for constancy, he is able to prevent change, which means that an unmarried girl should not wear malachite jewelry, as well as those who are eager to change their current position.

Stone heliotrope endows with the ability to influence others, but in return is weakened creative potential owner of the stone.

Stone hyacinth- an excellent choice for those who have entered a period of stagnation. Hyacinth is capable of provoking change, however, some of them may be unexpected for you.

Stone obsidian do not wear as pendants on your chest. This stone is not for nothing called the "stone of warlocks", if worn at chest level, your love sphere may suffer.

Stones ruby, emerald, sapphire like a sponge, they are able to absorb information about all the events that happen in the life of their owner. They can also influence the new owner by imposing the events of their previous owner's life on his fate. Therefore, if you inherited them, or decided to acquire them, listen to what your intuition tells you, how much this decoration is “yours”.

Ruby, emerald, sapphire

Stone alexandrite will attract loneliness, because many call it "the widow's stone".

Stone cornelian is an active assistant for those who strive for prosperity and success, want to reveal their talents. If used as an amulet, it will protect the owner from accidents, improve mood, give energy to its owner when he especially needs it, protect him from quarrels, envy, evil eye, gossip and evil spells, keep love, loyalty and happiness in the house.

Stone 8-facet diamond not worth wearing as jewelry, it is often used by magicians to communicate with the subtle world. To an ordinary person the stone will attract difficult, confusing situations.

Stone coil improves general state a person, being framed in copper, but you should not wear it in a silver frame.

Stone turquoise is a symbol of fidelity, married life... If a person is a traitor, turquoise can reveal his secrets, punish for treason. You should not put a turquoise jewelry on an unmarried girl on your ring finger.

Stone crystal love witches and sorcerers, it is no coincidence that special balls are made of crystal for fortune-telling. If you are wearing crystal jewelry, take it off overnight and store it away from your bedroom. To reduce the magical properties of this stone, it can be set in gold.

What metals are stones compatible with?

The metal framing the stone should contribute to the manifestation of all the properties of the stone.

Transparent stones of the Jansky beginning(these stones activate, emit energy) must be set in an active metal - they can be gold, tin, iron.

Opaque stones of Yin origin(such stones are able to absorb negative energy) must be in a frame made of inactive passive metal, it can be silver, titanium, copper.

Gold-framed(not in silver) there should be diamonds, blue turquoise, rubies, spinel.

In a silver frame(not in gold) there should be emeralds, jades, amethysts, morions, chrysoprase.

Copper and its alloys- poor setting for topaz, heliotrope, smoky quartz, rock crystal, morion, hyacinth.

Many are interested in the properties of stones, someone with faith uses their action in their Everyday life, someone doubts and does not believe that everything is exactly as it is written in this article. What is there to believe, just check the properties of stones for yourself, and then you will know for sure the answer to how much stones actually help us change our reality. But what if?..

I wish you health and prosperity!

Minerals are probably the oldest of all that exists on Earth. Even a nondescript cobblestone that lies on the side of the road, like a shining gem in a museum window or jewelry store, can store the memory of the era of the dinosaurs and transmit this information to the modern world.

The stone is not dead nature at all. It contains beauty and harmony that are accessible to human contemplation and understanding. He played a colossal role in the history of culture, became one of the material foundations of the development of human civilization.

Precious and semiprecious stones have long been used as talismans, the purpose of which is to protect the owner from adversity and bring good luck. In addition, the crystal can heal the soul and protect from the evil eye. Proven positive influence stones for health constant contact with a human body. A gem worn on the chest has a powerful therapeutic effect. Even in ancient times, doctors recommended drinking water in the morning, in which minerals were immersed at night.

Stones help with psychological problems... For example, in the old days it was believed that it gives the owner self-confidence and reduces the feeling of fear, and prolongs life, filling the body with energy. was considered a stone that awakens a sense of beauty and promotes development creativity... Lithotherapy was practiced by such healers as Paracelsus, Hippocrates and Avicenna, which certainly confirms the beneficial effects of stones on health.

When choosing jewelry, talismans and amulets, you can safely trust your intuition: the stone that you immediately liked will surely turn out to be a useful acquisition. If it already had an owner, it is advisable to erase information about the past from the stone. To do this, the crystal is immersed in water, and then placed in freezer for several days. There is another way to "cleanse" a gem - to take the stone in your hand and hold it for some time under running water.

It has long been believed that all talismanic stones require respectful attitude, they must not be thrown and pressed, otherwise trouble may come.

    “When choosing jewelry from stones, talismans and amulets, you can safely trust your intuition: the stone you like will come in handy” - I completely agree. Some stones are drawn like a magnet.

    Stones are always fascinating. Probably they really have something like that.

    stones of course influence fate

    How do you know if the stone you like carries negative information?

    The stones, of course, can affect health if they fall on the head. Accordingly, and on fate.

    Listen, a stone is an inanimate object! How can he influence the fate of a person! His fate depends on the personality itself, and most of all on the Lord! What does the stones have to do with it !? That's what stones are beautiful, original - yes! Thanks for the article, the main thing is not to be in such a delusion! Reason is given to man to think!

    Lithotherapy and magic stones used by the priests of Egypt for their rituals!

    Peace to you. Forgive me, you said about the "dinosaurs", today there is very widespread information about dinosaurs, allegedly someone found large bones, fossils, and lined them up, something similar can be seen like a dinosaur. Why exactly a dinosaur? Did the seekers ask about the state of the people at that time. Darwin's theory, science has shown that he is wrong. From now on, man existed. —It is known— that people change — not evolution, but adaptation to the environment. —It is known— that people were taller than they are now, 60 cubits = 30 meters. Minerals are wonderful, stones are beautiful. Time passes, and gradually, imagine, humanity began to forget about its Creator-Lord, who can help His creation, in everything, absolutely everything that he, a man, can only wish for. Forgetting about Him, then the person took all sorts of things for himself: talismans, Feng Shui, some symbols of happiness, all sorts of signs (a poor black cat is offended, the knife will go away, he will come ...). You - reasonable person and what are they? And in the end, the Supreme Lord is One, One, He- did not give birth, and was not born, and there are no others like Him, He has power over the heavens and the earth, He constantly sees us, knows about us, reminds us of Himself, gives we have the opportunity to live ... Thank you. Life Values.

    An interesting and controversial topic. I am now preparing my store selling products from natural stones... Indeed, the power is hidden in the stones. Sometimes you really want to touch them, touch them, and sometimes you want to avoid them. I only to mother of pearl and pearls even friendly attitude

    Since childhood, I love different pebbles. Grandma will read the conspiracy, hang it on your chest and wear it until you lose it
    Now I wear topaz.

    For a long time I heard from my grandmother about the benefits of stones for humans, which I find interesting.

    In Crimea, there used to be sanatoriums (I don’t know how now), in which they were treated with carnelian plates. They say that someone else's ring or other jewelry with stones cannot be worn by you. It is necessary to remove all information from it by placing it in a glass of water with salt for several hours. And only then put on

To provide beneficial effects on the body, precious stones are worn on the body or drink water in which they have been lying for a night or more. Gems revitalize the body's energy centers (chakras) and directly affect vata, pitta and kapha. They can be used to activate or calm certain organs of the body, to strengthen or neutralize the influence of the planets in a personal horoscope. By applying gems, the following should be taken into account.

Stones and jewelry tend to absorb the qualities and energetic vibrations of their previous owners, so they need to be cleaned before use. To do this, it is enough to immerse them for a couple of days in salt water or into milk. It won't hurt them.

When you wear a gem, it must touch the skin (for this a small window is made in the frame), so that its subtle energies can directly interact with the energies of the body.

In addition, it is important which finger you wear the stone on. Here are some guidelines: diamond - unnamed, pearl - pinky, red coral - unnamed, emerald - pinky, opal - unnamed, yellow sapphire - index, blue sapphire - middle.

Stones exposed to heat or chemical processing may not have the original healing energy. Better to get real, unprocessed, clean stones no cracks or defects. When you are going to buy a stone, be sure to use a magnifying glass to make sure there are no cracks or other imperfections.

If possible, stones of 3-5 carats should be worn, but 1 carat is sufficient for a diamond. A stone that is too small will not have a perceptible effect.

Unless you yourself are versed in both the properties of stones and in Vedic astrology (jyotish), it is wise to consult a specialist before investing money in buying a gem. The wrong stone, or wearing it on the wrong part of the body, can have an adverse effect. Here are some of the characteristics of the main gem and semi-precious stones.


In astrology, the ruby ​​corresponds to the sun. This stone protects life, promotes longevity, especially for vata and kapha individuals, and brings prosperity. It enhances concentration, gives strength to the mind and strengthens the heart. Rubies soothe vata and kapha, but can increase pitta. Garnets have the same vibration as rubies - they are a substitute for ruby. Both rubies and garnets should be worn either in a ring on ring finger, or in the form of a necklace.


Just as rubies represent the sun, pearls represent the moon. It has a cooling effect and a calming, healing vibration. Pearls balance all doshas, ​​although their cooling effect is especially good for pitta. Pearls give the mind peace and serenity. Pearl ash (mochi basma), when taken orally, is good for many ailments. You can use many of the firming effects of pearls by preparing pearl water. Place 4-5 pearls in a glass of water, leave overnight and drink water in the morning.

Yellow sapphire

This gem, which Jupiter represents, brings a sense of solid ground underfoot, constancy and wisdom. It helps to calm vata and pitta and may slightly increase kapha. It strengthens the heart, increases the energy of the lungs and kidneys. Yellow sapphire should always be worn on index finger- the finger of Jupiter. Yellow topaz- sapphire substitute - has many of its qualities and has a similar beneficial effect.

Blue sapphire

This beautiful gem represents Saturn and brings the wearer the qualities of this highly spiritual planet. Saturn - the deity of earth and iron - bestows enlightenment. Blue Sapphire soothes vata and kapha and can stimulate pitta. It promotes muscle and skeletal growth and helps heal arthritis. Wear blue sapphire on the middle finger of your right hand, preferably with a silver frame. Do not wear it with diamonds - it will create disharmony.

Lapis lazuli

With an energy similar to that of Saturn, this stone is divine and sacred. It gives strength to the body, mind and consciousness and makes its owner more sensitive to higher spiritual vibrations. It strengthens the eyes, soothes vata and pitta, and helps with anxiety, fear and weak heart. In addition, it is beneficial for the liver and skin diseases. Lapis lazuli should be set in gold and worn on the little finger or as a necklace.


This powerful gem brings prosperity and spiritual awakening... It soothes vata and pitta, balances the nervous system and relieves nervousness. Symbolizing the planet Mercury, emeralds enhance writing, public speaking and intelligence. It is better to set them in gold and wear them on the little finger.


This very powerful gem prevents premature aging, increases life expectancy and enhances immunity. It transmits subtle energetic vibrations to the heart, brain and deep dhatu of the body. it best stone for rejuvenation. He brings prosperity and uplifts spiritually.

The effect of diamonds on the doshas varies depending on the color of the diamond. Reddish diamonds have a fiery energy that stimulates pitta. Bluish diamonds have a cooling effect and soothe pitta, enhancing kapha. Colorless diamonds pure water soothes pitta, but increases vata and kapha.

As a symbol of the planet Venus, diamonds really help create strong ties in personal relationships and are rightfully associated with marriage. These stones stimulate shukra dhatu, the reproductive tissue of the body. They patronize art, music, love and sex. Wear a gold-framed diamond in a necklace or in a ring on your ring finger. But keep in mind: Poor quality diamonds can have a negative effect on the body.

Red corral

This stone from the sea represents the planet Mars. It soothes pitta and helps to control anger, hatred and jealousy. Coral gives strength to the liver, spleen and pericardium (sac). Wear red coral as a necklace or ring on your ring finger. The frame is preferable from copper, but it is possible also from silver or white gold... Red coral gives strength and grace and elegance.


This semiprecious stone represents the planet Neptune. It strengthens maja dhatu (bone marrow and nerves) and shukra dhatu (reproductive tissue). Improves vision, relieves fever, soothes pitta and is good for migraine headaches. Opal enhances exalted feelings, increases religiosity and helps develop intuition. This stone is especially useful for people who have Neptune in their horoscope in the third, fourth, sixth, tenth or twelfth house. Opal should be set in gold or silver and worn on the ring finger.

Cat's eye

This stone is useful for allergies, recurrent colds with congestion, and allergic asthma. It soothes kapha and vata while slightly increasing pitta. Helps treat kidney dysfunction. The cat's eye enhances awareness and helps to avoid being trapped in emotions. People involved in psychic healing should wear this gold-rimmed stone on their little or ring fingers - it will help them protect themselves from negative influences.


These stones have an energy akin to Venus and somewhat similar to the energy of diamonds. They soothe vata, enhance perception, promote communication, and enhance intuition. Can be worn rhinestone in a necklace or in a ring on the ring finger, in a frame of gold or silver.


This stone is extremely good for Vata disorders. It is useful for senile diseases, nervous exhaustion and dysfunction of the nervous system, helps to treat epilepsy, parkinsonism and schizophrenia. It induces restful deep sleep, but at the same time prevents lethargy. It is good for strengthening memory and promotes positive thinking... Onyx makes its owner peaceful and happy, enhances love in personal relationships. He has energetic vibrations akin to the Sun and Jupiter. This stone should be set in silver and worn on the ring finger. If your sun sign is Sagittarius or Gemini, then you better not wear this stone.


Jade promotes longevity. It enhances the energy of the kidneys and, in addition, has a reputation as a talisman that brings success to the wearer. This stone also promotes public speaking. It helps prevent the formation of cataracts, has a strengthening effect on the prostate gland. Wear it on your little finger silver ring with jade.


Amethyst is a stone for sahasrara (upper energy center), it gives clarity to the mind. Set in gold, it brings prosperity. It can be worn in a ring or as a pendant on a gold chain. It is helpful for people with neuromuscular weakness to wear amethysts and place them on the four corners of the bed. Some amethysts have more dark color, which gives them an energy akin to Saturn and similar to that which they possess blue sapphires... Amethysts bestow dignity, love, compassion and hope. This stone helps to control emotions and is beneficial for imbalances in Vata and Pitta.


As a substitute for the emerald that symbolizes Mercury, aquamarine reduces mental dullness, promotes happiness and intelligence, improves speaking ability, and strengthens memory. In addition, this stone has properties akin to Venus - aquamarine is useful to wear married couples to strengthen and intensify love for each other. Aquamarine should be set in silver and worn on the little finger.

It should be borne in mind that wearing a properly selected stone is not enough to correct the imbalance of doshas - you also need to monitor your diet, meditate, perform suitable physical exercises and yoga postures, consciously observing the current state of the body.

Four stones to help balance the doshas

Gems can be prohibitively expensive for you, at least for the time being. If so, there are four inexpensive stones that you can use to help you achieve balance in body, mind, and consciousness.

If there is an excess of cotton wool, rose quartz can be used to achieve balance. Warming color and energy rose quartz are able to provide relief from vata-type disorders such as nervousness, dry skin, constipation, flatulence, and back pain.

For agitated pitta, use red coral or pearls. Their cooling energy will help with pitta disorders such as anger, various inflammatory diseases, like colitis and conjunctivitis, as well as hyperacidity.

It is helpful to wear pomegranates to balance kapha. The deep red color of this stone revitalizes the body and reduces the manifestations of excess kapha such as water retention, lethargy, depression and excess weight.