How to restore power equilibrium? Low energy. Low energy

Surely you happened at least once to slip or stumble literally in a flat place and fall to the ground. Although it remains very little time to meditation, you can still have time to take some measures to help you quickly restore balance. There are also exercises that help to hold balance, despite negative changes caused by age, illness or recent injury. Learn to prevent sudden falls to avoid associated with them. pain sensationsPossible injuries and damage for pride.


Part 1

Correct actions with equilibrium loss
  1. Return to the ground raised leg. At the beginning of the fall, if only your support leg was demolished (for example, if you slipped very much), it still remains on Earth. Try as soon as possible to return to the ground and the second leg. It is much easier to keep the balance when you are standing on the ground with both legs.

    • This may not be enough in order not to fall, if you are standing on slippery (for example, on ice), uneven or inclined surface.
    • It is better to put a second foot away from the first (at a distance of at least 30 centimeters). Arrange the feet of the sewn - it will help you to restore the equilibrium.
    • Put the leg raised to the ground in the direction in which you fall. If your center of gravity moves forward, and you will put the second leg back, it will not improve the equilibrium. As a rule, when falling the side, the raised foot is located on the same side into which the fall occurs.
  2. Sit down. After both of your feet are on the ground, bend the legs in the knees and sneeze to the ground. Thus, you drop the center of gravity of your body, which will help you to keep your equilibrium. In addition, your legs will work as a shock absorber and soften the blow to the joints if you stumbled or fell.

    • Try to get started to the belt to the side opposite to the direction of the fall. Thus, you will still stabilize your center of gravity. However, do not overdo it in order not to fall in the other side.
    • This technique is most effective on a flat surface when you can quickly sit down, without fearing to damage your knees.
    • If you high heightYou may need to sit down down, because when you are standing, the center of gravity of your body is higher than that of lower people.
  3. Use your hands to redistribute the weight of your body. Most people with a loss of equilibrium instinctively try to grasp for anything with hands or with their help to move the center of gravity to the side opposite to the direction of the fall. To quickly shift the center of gravity, wait for the way in the direction opposite to the one in which your body moves. This will help you again find the lost balance and prevent falling.

    • Note that if you hold some item, when you crawl, he can fly out of your hands, so try to keep it with it. In addition, he will help you to shift the center of gravity and return the balance. IN emergency situation You should use any opportunity!
    • At the same time, a person looks awkward - you probably had to see this from the side. Nevertheless, it is better than falling on the ground.
  4. Clammable for something stable. As mentioned above, with a sudden loss of equilibrium, a person instinctively tries to grasp something. Do not oppose this instinct. If you have the opportunity to grab about something and restore the balance, it will keep you from falling. However, this possibility is far from always.

    • In order not to fall, you can grasp the wall, tree, railings, fence, parked car, even for another person. In the latter case, be careful not to draw the same person.
    • Some items seem stable, but with a slight effort they can overturn. Keep this in mind, although in the case of a sudden loss of equilibrium, you will naturally have little time in order to assess the stability of a particular item.
    • Often, this is another reason that, with a sudden loss of equilibrium, people drop what they had in their hands - they instinctively stretch their hands to a possible support, reveal the palms and produce what they held before.
  5. Print to an uneven surface. Unfortunately, we do not always lose the equilibrium of non-smooth and smooth surfaces. If you are on a staircase, large cobblestones or other uneven surfaces, to gain equilibrium, you will have to change your actions a little. Here are just a few tips:

    • If possible, lower the leg raised to the Earth so that it turns out to be approximately one level with the supporting leg. Thus, you will avoid the danger of even greater loss of equilibrium. If it is impossible, bend your legs in the lap so as to reduce the height difference.
    • Sometimes it is better not to stay still, and jump over or run to a new place. This method acts well if you are trying to keep the equilibrium on an unstable surface (for example, on a stony hillside), or when your body is already in motion.
    • If you have a little time, then appreciate whether you will find aboutwe have more stability and whether it is more security if you jump into a new place. In this case, you will win a little time to move your center of the masses, and also be able to land on both legs and take more or less vertical pose. In addition, such actions are useful if you are next to the flat section of the Earth with a loss of equilibrium.

    Part 2

    Fall prevention
    1. Wear suitable shoes. Sometimes drops with loss of equilibrium can be avoided in the case when you suitable shoes. This is especially true if you slipped. If you do anything related to increased danger Loss of equilibrium, select special shoeswhich will maximize your stability.

      • Of course, you can fall and not engaged in risky actions. Do not constantly think about relatively little danger to lose balance and in connection with this change your shoes and lifestyle. Just choose the shoes suitable for a particular situation. For example, do not wear sandals when you have to walk on ice.
      • Choose shoes that reduce the danger of falling. Often freely sitting shoes (including slippers, sandals and the like) can fly from her feet in the most incorrectly. Do not wear similar shoes during sports training and other occupations associated with increased risk Falls.
    2. Be careful. Often, people fall due to the fact that they just do not look where they step. Look carefully in front of yourself, especially when you move on slippery or poorly illuminated surface. Be careful - so you not only reduce the risk of falling, but it is easier to restore the equilibrium if you suddenly turn off.

      • IN dark time We use the lamp or if necessary, headlights. Try to illuminate the road to reduce the risk of falling.
      • If you go down the stairs, be sure to look at the lower steps. When you look at the next step, your brain processes the received information and gives the signal to your feet on how to act correctly. Do not step by inertia, because the next step may not be on the place where you expect.
    3. Try not to leave the house when you are sick or weakened. Some medications and substances reduce the ability to keep balance. If you used alcoholic beverages or accepted medications that violate the ability to keep balance and reduce the reaction, it is better to move less (especially if no one accompanies you to reduce the risk of falling.

      • This does not mean that you should sit at home after you drank a little alcohol. However, try not to go to distant distances and do not take anything related to increased physical activity.
      • Be careful when you descend from the stairs. This is especially dangerous if you are impaired equilibrium and coordination of movements.
    4. Use the railings. Almost all stairs and many inclined tracks (for example, ramps) are equipped with railings and adjacent to the wall or other stable design. Hold on to the railing when you get down (or climb) on the stairs or an inclined plane, so as not to lose the equilibrium. Falling on the stairs is much more dangerous than on a flat land, so do not give strength of gravity to defeat you!

      • On the descent on the stairs, do not let go of the railing, but slide on them with your hand. Thus, you will reduce the risk of falling when you shift your hand.
      • Check whether the railing is resistant. If the railing is unstable or poorly fixed, in the event of a fall from them there will be little sense. If necessary, try to use the railings on the other side. If it is impossible, move forward with great care.

    Part 3.

    How to avoid injury when falling
    1. Protect your face. When falling, protect primarily the face and head, covering them with your hands. It should be done even if there is a danger of injury to another body. Head injuries are very dangerous and can even lead to full outcome, so try not to hit your head about the ground or other hard surfaces and objects.

      • When falling forward, pull your arms before your face. Thus, you can rest in the earth in time and simultaneously protect your face.
      • When falling back, bring hands behind your head and lean forward. it the best way Protect your head from hitting the Earth or soften the blow if it still happens.
    2. Remember your capabilities. In some cases sharp movesaimed at preventing falling is no less dangerous than the fall itself. Such movements can lead to serious damage, especially in the elderly and those who have not fully recovered after the previous injuries. When you try to keep the balance you can deform the spine, so sometimes it is better not to strive to resist the legs by anything, but fall and get rid of a couple of minor scratches and bruises.

      • If you lose equilibrium, most movements are instinctively, therefore it is not possible to avoid sharp involuntary movements.
      • If you really prefer to fall, so as not to expose yourself more serious danger, try to land so as not to affect sensitive sites Body and former injuries. For example, if you transferring the bundle break knee Sustava And not yet fully recovered after it, try to turn around in the fall so as not to land on the damaged leg or knee.
    3. Use hands to mitigate the hit. When falling forward, pull your arms in front of yourself and slightly bend them as soon as they touch the earth. Imagine that you are flexing in the ground when performing prescripts from the floor. This will help you to soften the fall and prevent hand fractures, possible with a tough landing.

      • When falling in hand, there is a danger to get a fracture of bones of forearm, palm or wrist. However, it is necessary to protect yourself with your hands to avoid more serious injuries.
      • The risk of fracture increases if you are trying to soften the blow under an uncomfortable angle, for example, when falling back. This is explained by the fact that in this position, your hands are not designed for high loads, and the joints do not have sufficient flexibility.
      • The stronger the muscles of the upper half of the body, the better you will be able to soften the blow and prevent injury when falling.
    4. Rush. If you fall during the intensive movement forward (for example, when running or jumping from a high height), sometimes safer to go on the ground, and not try to stop sharply. At the same time, be sure to cover your head and neck.

      • First tap the earth with your hands and then top Spins and blades. Wear not very much so that your head is not behind the feet, otherwise after rolling, you can knock on the ground face!
      • When you rolling forward, bend your back, hurt your head to the chest and lean forward. Try to grind so that your body is like a wheel.
      • When you rolling to the side, tighten the bent hands to the body, cover your face with your palms and slightly tilt your head forward. Thus, you protect your face and come out of the bottom of the ground with a population.

    Part 4.

    Exercises to improve equilibrium

    Balancing on one leg. To begin with, put the legs on the width of the hips and put your hands on the belt. Continuing to stand straight, bring off one foot from the floor and bend it in the knee, bringing the foot back. Stay in this position up to 30 seconds, then change your leg. Repeat this exercise Several times for each leg.

    • To complicate the exercise, try to pull the leg raised to the side or in front of it, without touching it by the floor. In this way, you can move the center of gravity of your body and even more strengthen the muscles that help maintain equilibrium.
    • Even more complicate the exercise: stand up on an unstable surface or attach goods to the ankles.
  6. Make bending hands in biceps, standing on one leg. Stand straight, put your feet on the width of the thighs and take a dumbbell in one hand. Bend hand with a dumbbell in the elbow 90 degrees. Palm up. After that, lift one leg and stay in this position to 30 seconds, then change your leg and repeat the exercise.

    • Complete the exercise and gradually increase the weight of the dumbbells. You can also not keep your hand with dumbbell motionless, and bend and blending it. At the same time, your muscles will have to constantly adapt to changing the position of the center of gravity.
    • Variate this exercise. For example, you can raise different legs. Equilibrium is more difficult to hold if you raise my dumbbell legs. Start S. simple option And gradually complicate the exercise.
  7. Walk along the straight line, touching the heels of socks. If you want to improve your ability to hold balance, go along a straight line, putting your feet closely, so that the heel of the front leg almost touches the back sock. At the same time, pull your arms around and keep them at the level of shoulders.

    • For better stability, focus on any distant point ahead. If you look at your legs, you will be harder to keep the balance.
    • To complicate the exercise, move very slowly or at every step you don't go to the ground.
    • At a certain point, turn 180 degrees, while maintaining your posture, and go along the same line back.
  • To improve your ability to maintain balance and avoid injuries with possible drops, develop dexterity and flexibility. To do this, follow physical exercises, participate in sports game, engage in yoga and just lead active image Life.
  • Take a hobby for which the ability to keep balance is required. Thus, you will develop the corresponding muscles. It can be dancing, walking on a rope, ice skating or climbing.
  • Exercises for equilibrium hold will especially use those who for any reason (for example, due to the injury) are not sufficiently developed muscles of the lower half of the body. During the problems of S. inland ear or neurological disorders You should consult a doctor.


  • If you are damaged when you fall, contact medical help. Even with a slight concussion, consult with a doctor.
  • If you have recently transferred injury, do not exercise for equilibrium development until you get the permission of your doctor or physiotherapist.

Above, I spoke in the spirit that a person with bad habits is a seeker of happiness, but he is looking for him not where it is necessary, and wanders - perhaps, for many years - by the neighboring paths. We talked about some of this kind of neighboring paths in the second part. This discussion, meanwhile, was to prepare the reader to the ideas and techniques presented below. In other words, wherever you entered the past, now you "turned out to be where you need"!

Despite the fact that the topic discussed in the third part is meditation, exercises, a cotton-balancing diet and bringing everyday activity - at first glance, they are very different, they are essentially different ways to the same goal. If I were asked to describe this goal as concisely, I would call it perfect health. Ayurvedic concept of perfect health is based on the idea of \u200b\u200bgenuine unity human body, reason and spirit - and therefore, perfect health is achieved in the event of an effective and harmonious interaction of the physical, intellectual and spiritual aspects of our essence. The purpose of the third part of this book, as in general, Ayurveda is to help you open and use the tools granted by nature to implement this idea into reality.

The results obtained by you when filling the mentally-bodily questionnaire, identified your dominant doshu. Essentially, this is the answer to the question of who you are physically and emotionally. At your birth, the equilibrium point was determined, called Prakriti in Sanskrit, which literally means "nature". However, various kinds of stress tend to cause deviations from the natural state of the harmony of your body, leading it into a state of impassable, called vaccine. And although, according to its basis, your essence remains unchanged, and the dominant dosha is the same, the impassableness of your current state, in all likelihood, means an excessively increased role of some other daft.

When a person is experiencing a detrimental addiction for some time, such an overly influential greywee is almost always wool. It is important that even people may be subject to cotton-freeness, from nature related to wat-type. Based on the fact that the majority of people who have experience in detrimental addictions, the destabilizing effect has a wool, the technique described below are directed to the doubt of the Vata-Doshi. Approaching its body to its natural state Prakriti, you can then make amendments to your diet, exercise course and other Ayurvedic practices, no longer aiming their exclusively on the balancing of the wool. Those who wish to learn more about it. I suggest reading my "perfect health" book or consult a doctor-ayurvedist.

In solving the problem of addictive behavior, the entire material set forth in the third part can be very useful, but I want to emphasize the importance of meditation in this regard. All addiction has one common feature: Their force is due to something external brought from the surrounding world, not inherent in the human "I". This external can be powder, liquid, machine, but this in any case is not what you were born - it is required to search, buy, and then drink, swallow or use in any other way. Meditation occurs exclusively from the inside of a person. You already have everything to start meditating. It was with you when you came to the world. No one can sell it to you, and no one can pick up it. Meditation is the opposite, an antitz of addictive behavior, and I urge you to pay special attention Dedicated to meditation next chapter.


We have already seen, in what sense the addiction can be an attempt to satisfy certain needs and how these needs can be interpreted from the point of view of the mentally-bodily type of man. A man with a dominant wool can drink to relax. Pitt-type man most often gives you the opportunity to check and demonstrate my ability to own yourself, while for a man of a cap-type it is often a manifestation of depression and distance from other people. In Ayurvedic ideas, the purpose of meditation is completely different from the total listed, despite the popular view that it is mostly a way to relax. Essentially, one of the most wonderful features of meditation is its ability to combine in one experience at first glance completely incompatible states of consciousness. I will call this experience with calm alertness.

The meaning of the word calm appears quite transparent, and what is meant under alertness? Capacity in relation to what? To answer this question, we will briefly focus on how our consciousness works in everyday life. Perhaps the most obvious in this respect is that it works constantly. Thoughts entail each other behind them, gossy in the chain stretching from morning to evening. Memories and desires, hopes and disappointments - most people are not experiencing a single moment of inner silence, and the assumption itself about the possible stop of the "stream of consciousness" is somewhat scary.

However, although continuous thinking activities - The phenomenon for us is quite familiar, most people have others, completely excellent experience, understanding which we get closer to understanding calm cavity.

Try right now to imagine what looks like an awakening from deep sleep. Opening your eyes, you are trying to remember some moment, where you are. Second-two you, perhaps you will not even understand who you are. But gradually the car of your thoughts and feelings will gain a move: your personality, your memories, duties that entails a new day, your feelings towards one or another people - all this will be in place. Nevertheless, this does not exclude that at a certain point in time, "you" existed in some sense separate from you. This "you" was only an observer not involved in the flow of thoughts and feelings. Meditation will help you first make sure the existence of this magic silent observer, and then call it when you want. Gradually, you will learn how to use such a state of calm cavity as a kind of domestic compass, a support point, a power center, from which the impact of the spirit will be able to spread in all areas of your life. When this happens, the noise of your daily thoughts is somewhat in a clean chord of your true entity.

Perennial research has proven the beneficiamentation of meditation for people of all professions in all life circumstances, from cancer patients to professional athletes. Presented here is simple, but effective technique It is capable of becoming a huge help for you to restore the equilibrium of your body and establish contact with your highest "I".

Respiratory meditation

Contrary to your possible ideas, for many forms of meditation do not need special exercises and manuals. The method presented here requires only concentrated, but at the same time impartial awareness of the respiratory process; In other words, a meaningful approach to breathing.

If it seems to you too simple, think about what it is happening when you make air. With each breath, your body takes tens of billions of atoms - the smallest fragments of the Universe, which over the past centuries visited inside the countless number of living beings and will continue this path when you no longer be in the world. In this sense, breathing literally represents the act of complicity. This is a biological process that introduces us in contact with the past and future as our own typeAnd all other living beings.

To clarify the value of breathing at the level of your own everyday experience, feel close relationship Meanwhile, how you breathe, and your physical and emotional state. When you are frightened or depleted, the rhythm of your breathing is accelerated, while the depth of each breath decreases. When you are relaxed, you breathe deeply and measured and as a result you feel relaxed even more. Breathing is a connection between the biological and spiritual aspects of our essence. The breathing meditation is a powerful means of combining these aspects in a single human being.

Engage in respiratory meditation twice a day, in the morning and early evening. Each session should last twenty-thirty minutes. As your experience accumulates, your consciousness will become increasingly peaceful, and you will learn to dive into a state of calm alert prior to everyday thinking. The stress generated by addictive behavior will weaken by themselves, since a new source of calm, happiness and internal force will open for you.

Respiratory meditation

Highlight the time when you can be free from duties and visitors.

Find a quiet corner or room where you will not distract the noise of transport and other interference. Sit calmly on the floor or on a stool with a straight back and close your eyes.

Breathe as usual, but gradually focus on the respiratory process.

Do not attempt to control your breath or affect it, limit only to the full awareness of each breath and exhalation.

If you notice that your breathing accelerated, slowed down or even stopped at some point, - do not oppose and do not rejoice, just watch. Let breath stabilize itself.

If you are distracted own thoughts Or you can't focus for some other reason, do not resist. Give your attention calmly and naturally go back to breathing.

Continue this meditation 20-30 minutes. Then, still sitting with closed eyesDedote a few minutes smooth transition To your daily consciousness.

Slowly open your eyes and allow your feelings to engage in the surrounding you spectatical images And sounds.

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Page Creating Date: 2016-04-15

The unstable economic situation in the world and the problems with the partner in, lack of work and the lack of funds for the content of the family - in the conditions of society, almost all people are subject to stress. Some personalities skillfully cope with, directing negative energy into a positive channel. Others fall into depression, from which it is quite difficult to get out of themselves.

Loss of harmony between consciousness and body is fraught with global consequences affecting health. To prevent the occurrence of problems and deterioration of well-being, it is important to ask the following issues on time: how to restore mental balance? Is it possible to get rid of internal imbalance? How to find harmony?

Signs of chronic stress and internal imbalance

It is paramount to correctly and in time to diagnose the presence of a mental imbalance.

A similar condition in psychology is characterized by a disease with the following behavioral and emotional features:

  • Unless manifestations of anger and anger.
  • Unreasonable sample.
  • Excessive emotionality and fussiness.
  • Lack of motivation and desire for self-improvement.
  • Tightened depressive condition.
  • Reducing the level of concentration of attention, scattered and non-accuracy.
  • A sharp decline in performance.
  • Impairment of memory, perception of new information and brain activity.
  • , dissatisfaction with life.
  • Apathy for communicating with others, closedness and escaped from the inside.
  • Breakiness and lethargy, accompanied by a sense of fatigue.
  • Loss of interest in what is happening in the world events.
  • Pessimistic mood and negative thoughts are the reasons to think about the presence of chronic stress.
  • Lack of appetite and reduced level of interest in, beloved classes.
  • Unreasonable feeling of anxiety and fear, regular.
  • Caught coldness to a partner manifested in the loss of sexual attraction.
  • Violation of the usual mode of the day, accompanied by insomnia.

The human body has in the genetic level abilities for regeneration and recovery. Your task is to detect the problem in time by wrapping the desire to find a way out of the current situation.

Effective techniques for restoring mental equilibrium

Restore mental equilibrium is simple. The main thing, wanted to re-enjoy the charms of life. If you wish to get rid of mental illness, it is important to be guided in solving the problem of the following rules:

  1. Tune in to Change the usual image Life. Best patience and learn how to perceive the events from a positive point of view.

  2. Explore Indian methods for gaining inner harmony. Meditation helps to remove from the urgent problems, retaining in their own consciousness. Among lovers of Ayurvedic technician popular breathing exercises "Pranaya".
  3. Realize the fact that life consists of "white" and "black" stripes. If you add rationality to the worldview, you will easier to perceive the events.
    Write down on a sheet of 3-5 significant actions that you are proud of. Tell your creation to a refined frame and hang in a prominent place in the bedroom. Remind yourself about past "victories", stopping every day at the homemade painting.
  4. with a loved one - one more actual way Get rid of depression. Tell a friend or spouse about problems that do not give you peace. Share in hidden thoughts, open and adopt support accompanied by facilities.
  5. Learn to inactivate. Located by the window, watch passersby, reason about their behavior, distracting from me.
  6. Register negative thoughts on paper, freeing consciousness from negative energy. Throw out or burn the leaflet on which there are urgent problems, without spinning.
  7. Fantasize, without limiting the imagination by the fractions of decency and morality. Visualize the most bold dreams, presenting the likelihood of achieving such events.
  8. Take yourself by charity, helping people and animals in need. To make a good deed, you do not need to be a millionaire. Mercy is manifested in a bowl with a homeless dog or a warm blanket, presented in the shelter for newborns.
  9. Do not forget O. physical Loadsbecause with the help of sports you can get rid of health quickly and without harm to health negative thoughts and negative energy. Sign up B. gym Or enjoy running, studying landscaped sights of the edge.

  10. Imagine that you are constantly inside a special protective ball that protects against negative thoughts and negative energy.
  11. Put your palm on the chest, feel the heart rhythm. Life fighting in inside can take a completely different image. The main thing is to make efforts for this and want changes.
  12. Try to keep calm and composure in stressful situations. Via decisive action and rational thinking It is possible to quickly and without harm for your own reputation to exit "dry" from the water. Did you ask? Prepare universal responses in advance, warning the occurrence of an awkward moment.
  13. Think about what you can be grateful. Do not dramatize by making up a similar list. Life, close people, warm sweater, roof over your head, hot and rich food - The reasons to say "Thank you" quite a lot.
  14. Get rid of OT. harmful habits, looking at the ordinary things from the new angle. The taste characteristics of food will change significantly if you give up smoking cigarettes.
  15. Try to rationally evaluate the events. Look around, designating items with characteristic names. The realities are much easier than seem at first glance.
  16. Feel free to your smile. Manifestation sincere positive emotion It will not cause disgust or negative in society, but on the contrary - will contribute to the positive mood.

  17. Consider your own problems. Imagine that a friend or spouse addressed to you. How would you do? Solutions are on the surface.
  18. Do not neglect the services of professional massages and manual therapists. Allows you to relax not only physically, but also spiritually.
  19. Learn to tell people "no" if you really do not want to help them. Show responsiveness only in those situations where without your help really can not do.
  20. Follow the diet. IN daily menu must be present a large number of Water and biology active substancescontained in useful products Nutrition. Consult a nutritionist if you want to fix own healthBy changing the list of familiar dishes.
  21. Take your success and lesions as the achieved events. Do not jump above the "heads" - from there it is painful to fall. However, strive for self-improvement, adequately assessing its capabilities and skills.
  22. Read the fascinating consciousness and awakening imagination. Literature develops associative thinking and helps to distract from problems.
  23. Go shopping by pleaseing yourself with purchases. Do not respond in the process of "shopping" on phone calls, focus on the purchase of goods.

  24. Forgive people, and anger, destroying your own consciousness.
  25. Meet friends or relatives to enjoy pleasant memoriesHaving removed from the urgent problems.
  26. Listen to the peaceful music that will help you calm down and tune into a positive way.
  27. Realize that for recovery soul equilibrium You will have to re-enjoy the events of the past and anticipating the upcoming adventures.

At once answer the urgent questions, improve your own overnight social status, instantly establish relationships with your loved one and suddenly get a position in the company - this is the nearest goals, but not the problems, because of which it is worth. You can change the realities in one day, but you can revise the worldview on what is happening.

Life curves us
then up then down
And we…
Razing hands
Take up
Through laughter and whistle

You probably noticed if I really want something, but it is impossible - the whole body is strained. But we suffer this "impossible", we are civilized people, but there is no body. It belongs to nature, it continues our desire in nerve pulses, in the internal hidden movement. We strain the body, but the face culturally smile - for example, with their boss and gently say "Of course! Everything will be ready on time! All as you taught us in your office "
The body of man lives in its natural laws. It, as the mirror reflects our inner mental and emotional world.
So, if our human consciousness, so strongly affects the physical body, then it means through the body, through its exercises you can influence the psyche!

For example: if the lower abdomen is compressed from fear, and if this state is held - the children arises Enurperse, and in adults a disorder of the gastrointestinal tract. Diarrhea. The body reacted to a long stress with a reflex reaction and this is good. Naturally reacted to the negative, we restore the internal balance of health. Those people who have learned to suppress their emotions that accumulate the negative inevitably suffer various diseases of cardio-vascular system.

With a long stress, heaviness and pain in the spine appear. This pain is determined by no osteochondrosis, but by the "clamp, block" by a decrease in energy in the heart zone. There is a long reducing the muscles of the spine and reduce the nutrition of cartilage and disks.
Osteochondrosis is always a consequence of such a clamp in a particular spinal zone. If such a state is long - the pain develops and then the disease.

With a constant, curved seat behind the computer, the normal operation of the heart and lungs is disturbed, hidden cardiovary and pulmonary failure occurs. When you try to catch up with a minibus, a young man is experiencing a sinking in his chest, the breath and even heart pain. Scoliosis leads to K. incorrect location internal organs chest.
Restless, neurotic people are constantly tense, their body is cowardly, as well as their thoughts. Sometimes the accumulated negative (with a light provocation) creates an emotional explosion, conflict.
At clapped people, the body loses the plasticity and ease of movements. Therefore, such people are tired all the time. Such people have the body does not rest even at night! Man lives "not in himself."
The inner wisdom of the body always strives for a comfortable, cozy equilibrium, you just need to let go of your computer mind.

The natural location of the body in space can be studied in young children. From the very birth, the infants learn the art of body movement in space and time. They quickly learn - how to be harmonious in this world. And we can learn from them!
Parents perplexity causes their eccentric postures when a certain laying of body parts causes redistribution and leveling of energy.
For example: the child sleeps up. This happens when the body needs to activate the smoke center. Growth and Development Center physical body. I do not need to lay it "right", he himself knows better as it is right for him!

Or when the child sleeps the threaded handles and head down - to unload the heart, etc. When you try to lay a child "right", he takes the same pose without leaving his sleep. With age, we re-educate the body, and the mind of the child and the natural yoga disappears.

And we forget - how to listen to your body, and his advice of health! And as said Wise Socrates:
"If a person respects himself and gradually follows his health, then there will be such a doctor in the world that his body would know better than this person himself" Socrates

Just and fatigue over time, more and more fills the inner space of a person, his bright aura, and he fades. Sick.
With age, a person loses the feeling of the internal balance, his spiritual equilibrium and comes Handra. Already and actively move do not want.

A smart body knows how to relax deeply, and therefore be strong when necessary. Who can't relax - he does not know how to strain.
Smart, the trained body makes us calm and wise and of course healthy.
A child who is engaged in gymnastics and with good posture is better, and most importantly learns. It is a fact!
Whenever we change the pose in a dream - new Points of Support are formed. There is a new feeling of equilibrium. When a child turns a lot in a dream, he is so treated. It subconsciously searches for new stability.
Physically balanced people do not take hasty, reckless solutions and therefore do not commit hazardous errors. The equilibrium and strength of the physical body leads to the stability of the psyche and the joy of life. This balance sheet internal forces is a health base!

3. The desires of movement arises! Your desire to move!
Let at first, this movement will be modest. So what. For that, your native one.
Perhaps it will be swaying from side to side, possibly convulsive movements in the excess of "nerves", but most often it will be wave-like movements that will go into a free wide dance.
It would be nice then to combine them with the exercises of the Chinese gymnastics of the Qi-Gong for the elderly. By the way, so Qi-Gong and born!
Having mastered several ligaments of these simple exercise, try to perform them with closed eyes. Make your element. Chinese complexes are in the U-tube. The main thing is that you do not drive yourself under other people's exercises, but an ancient experience for yourself. Then such charging of the body of the energy will be pleasant to you and want to perform it again. You are filled with the energy of qi, and your native (original) energy is not spent. Such a person lives not just longer, he lives joyful.

4. Body equilibrium exercises:
- The famous exercise of Romberg's Pose: Legs together hands on the sides, eyes are closed - in which direction the person falls out there and violations. When you can already steadily stand in this pose - complicate it. All too + slow rotation to the right three turns, then left. Over time, the number of revolutions increases.
- Pose Swallow - at least three minutes. Surprising useful exercise. Strengthening and leveling total spinal column. Who will initially find it difficult to keep the body horizontally, you can stick to the chair. Do not forget to change your legs. Who easily performs this exercise - you can complicate - close your eyes. Rarely, who holds the balance of 6-7 seconds.
- EXERCISE FOR EQUATING: Cost exactly, steadily closed eyes. At the same time, raise your leg, bent in the knee and both hands bend in the elbows. Fist climbs to armpits, hold for a few seconds. With exhale, lower your arms and leg. We change the leg - continue the exercise 7 times.

Big Ball Put on a low stool or floor, and sitting on it try to catch a balance without touching the floor. The eyes do not close.

Going houses on tiptoe with raised hands - depicting the ballerina. This exercise is not easy, but fun.

Put on a carpet of stalks from the shovel, or any other thick stick and walk along it. With the exercise, the balancing of the body is restored and it is impossible to painfully fall and there is still an intensive foot massage!

The manifestation of its hidden energy potential causes a tide in man vitality And the feeling of muscular joy in the body. Gradually comes faith in itself, in its physical strength.
Do not hesitate to increase with the load time - long trips swimming, etc., all this is possible if our depressed energy is liberated by equilibrium.
Very helpful, early in the morning, to rely on the back of the big, beautiful tree, and bare feet "germinate" to the ground, and at the same time slowly and sweetly ride to pure inner sky.
Manifestation of his image using energy exercises leads to awareness of themselves, their real aspirations, their spiritual destination.