Cosmetic brands. Brands and rating of decorative cosmetics. Israeli decorative cosmetics

Ear drops are an excellent topical remedy that can help relieve pain, a stuffy feeling in the ear. They are used when there is a discharge or a feeling of "gurgling" and "overflowing water", or if it becomes audible as "from a barrel."

The only caveat: an otolaryngologist (ENT) should prescribe any drugs. Only this specialist can see damage to the eardrum, which may not show any symptoms, but at the same time be a serious obstacle to instilling any drops.

In addition, only the ENT doctor will determine how much serious illness whether it is necessary to prescribe antibiotics or antifungal agents in the form of tablets or injections, so that inflammation of the brain (encephalitis) or its membranes (meningitis) does not occur - after all, the ear ends in the cranial cavity, in the immediate vicinity of the brain.

Classification of solutions

Drops can be conventionally divided according to the point of their application. So, there are remedies used for inflammation (otitis media), which is manifested by pain in the ears (or in one ear), discharge from it, hearing impairment. There are also remedies used for congestion, when the cause of it was a sulfur plug.

Drops for pain in the ears (they are also - from otitis media), have their own classification by composition:

  • Preparations containing only one anti-inflammatory (it will relieve pain) component: Otipax, Otinum.
  • Means that contain a hormone-glucocorticoid - a powerful anti-inflammatory agent used according to indications: Garazon, Sofradex, Polydexa, Anauran and others.
  • Drops containing an antibiotic: Normax, Tsipromed, Otofa, Fugentin, Dancil.
  • Antiseptic - the use of which is indicated for the prevention and treatment of purulent otitis media: preparations based on miramistin, alcohol drops (furacillin alcohol), hydrogen peroxide.
  • Preparations that contain an antifungal component: for example, Candibiotic and Fugentin, which is temporarily absent in Russian pharmacies.
  • Drops from plugs in the ears have no classification. They are carried out on the basis of different substances that dissolve the corks.

How to bury in the ears correctly

A little about how to instill drops in your ears correctly. For this:

  • if the preparation does not contain the attached sterile polyethylene dropper, buy a separate pipette and pre-sterilize it by boiling it for 2 minutes;
  • lie on your side so that the sore ear is on top;
  • nothing should be instilled if there is strong discharge from the ear (then neither otipax, nor solutions with local anesthetics, etc.)
  • for children, pull the lobe down and back. Adults need exactly the opposite: upward and backward;
  • heat the solution to at least room temperature, holding it in the palm of your hand for a few minutes so as not to irritate the ear with the cold solution;
  • insert the end of the pipette into the ear with a small area, and by pressing on it as many times as required by the instructions, drip the product;
  • press on top of the cartilage opposite the curl of the ear (where you can feel the joint of the lower jaw) and massage it;
  • lie on this side for 10-15 minutes;
  • repeat the manipulation with the other ear.

In some cases, the drug should not be instilled directly into the ear canal, but onto a cotton flagellum, which is then inserted into the ear. For this purpose, do the following:

  • there must be sterile cotton wool;
  • tear off a piece of it and, making rolling movements with the thumb and forefinger of the working hand, make a tube 2-4 cm long and about 1 cm in diameter;
  • warm drops in palms or in water to 37 ° C;
  • drip in the amount indicated in the instructions for use on the received turunda (cotton flagellum);
  • insert the turunda into the ear in a circular motion, after pulling the auricle back and up;
  • the tip of the turunda should protrude from the ear canal.

Note! Ear drops for otitis media are not the main treatment. If such a diagnosis is established, the ENT doctor necessarily prescribes anti-inflammatory, antihistamines, and sometimes antibacterial tablets. Simultaneously with instillation into the ears, vasoconstrictors are usually prescribed: they relieve swelling not only of the nasal mucosa, but also of the pharynx, including the auditory tube that opens in this place - the canal connecting the oropharynx and inner ear... So nasal drops help when the ear is blocked.

Children's funds according to age

Consider the drops allowed for children:

  1. For pain in the ear: you can use Otipax from birth, Otinum - from one year of life.
  2. For the treatment of otitis media is used:
    • with antibiotics: Otofa - from 5 years old, Normaks - from 12 years old, Tsipromed - from 15 years old;
    • with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory substances: Polydex - from 5 years old, Anauran and Garazon - from 6 years old, Sofradex - from 7 years old;
    • with antibiotics and antifungal agents: Candibiotic - from 6 years old, Fugentin - from 3 years old;
    • antiseptic drops: Okomistin - from 1 year, furacillin alcohol - from 6 years, only under medical supervision.
  3. To eliminate ear plugs can be used from birth Remo-Wax, Aqua-Maris Oto - from one year old, A-cerumen - from 2.5 years old.

Drops for otitis media with antibiotics

They are appointed in cases where:

  • there was an exacerbation of chronic otitis media;
  • there is a purulent lesion of the tympanic membrane;
  • to prevent the development of otitis media, if there has been surgery, trauma, or a foreign body getting into the ear.

Normax (norfloxacin)

Active substance: antibiotic fluoroquinolone Norfloxacin.
Analogs: with the same active ingredient - no. With antibiotics from the same group: Tsipromed and Dancil.
Is it possible for children: use with caution up to 12 years.
Is it possible for pregnant and lactating: it is forbidden.
Contraindications: kidney disease, allergy, epilepsy, liver disease.
Dosage: 2-3 drops 4-6 r / day. You can start with 2-3 drops every 2-3 hours.
Price: 150-200 r


Active substance: antibiotic fluoroquinolone Ciprofloxacin.
Analogs: No. From the same group of antibiotics - Dancil and Normax.
Is it possible for children: not allowed under 15 years old.
Is it possible for pregnant women: No.
Contraindications: lactation, hypersensitivity.
Dosage: 2-3 drops each. every 4 hours. With purulent otitis media, 2-3 drops. every 2 hours.
Price: 150-170 r

Dancil, Uniflox (ofloxacin)

Active substance: antibiotic fluoroquinolone Ofloxacin.
Analogs: Uniflox. From the same group of antibiotics - Tsipromed and Normax.
Is it possible for children: not allowed under 18 years old.
Is it possible for pregnant women: No.
Contraindications: lactation, hypersensitivity, liver and kidney disease, be careful - while taking painkillers, theophylline, drugs containing magnesium, aluminum, iron, vitamins, zinc.
Dosage: 2-3 drops each. 4 times a day.
Price: Danzil 150-160 p. Uniflox - 120 r

Otofa (rifamycin)

Active substance: rifampicin.
Analogs: No.
Is it possible for children: from 5 years old.
Is it possible for pregnant women: No.

  • adults - 5 drops 3 r / day;
  • children - 3 drops. 3 r / day, better - through turunda, 2 times a day

Price: 200 r


They are applied:

  • with pain in the ear;
  • together with other drugs (including drops) for otitis media in the acute period;
  • edematous viral (for example, after the flu) otitis media;
  • inflammation caused by a sharp increase or decrease in atmospheric pressure, which leads to barotrauma.

Otipax, Otyrelax

Active substance: lidocaine - anesthetic and phenazone - anti-inflammatory and analgesic agent.
Analogs: Otyrelax (contains both active ingredients).
Is it possible for children: from the first day of life.
Is it possible for pregnant women: can.
Contraindications: damage to the eardrum (traumatic or infectious), allergy to components.
Dosage: 4 drops each 2-3 r / day.
Price: Otipax 200-240 r, Otyrelax 180-210 r


Active substance: Choline salicylate is an anti-inflammatory agent.
Analogs: No.
Is it possible for children: since the year.
Is it possible for pregnant women: Not recommended.
Contraindications: damage to the eardrum, lactation, allergy to anti-inflammatory drugs and salicylates.
Dosage: 3-4 drops each. 3-4 rubles / day. If the drug is prescribed before removing sulfur plugs, then 3-4 drops. 2p / day.
Price: 180-240 r

Solutions containing anti-inflammatory hormones

Ear drops with hormones are prescribed for otitis externa, when inflammation has occurred auricle and the external auditory canal, while the eardrum and the structures behind it do not suffer. With this disease, there is severe pain in the ear, radiating to the temple, back of the head, both jaws; it gets worse at night. If all structures of the outer ear are affected, the pain will be noted in the entire half of the head and intensify during chewing.


Active ingredients: lidocaine (anesthetic), neomycin (antibiotic), polymyxin B (antibiotic).
Analogs: Polydexa contains the same 2 antibiotics, but instead of an anesthetic it contains a hormonal anti-inflammatory substance.
Is it possible for children: up to 6 years old - with caution.
Is it possible for pregnant women: when absolutely necessary.
Contraindications: hypersensitivity, lactation.
Dosage: 4-5 drops 2-4 r / day.
Price: 290-390 RUR


Active ingredients: framycetin and gramicidin - antibiotics, dexamethasone - glucocorticoid hormone.
Analogs: No.
Is it possible for children: from 7 years old.
Is it possible for pregnant women: carefully.
Contraindications: hypersensitivity, perforation of the tympanic membrane.
Dosage: 2-3 drops each. 3-4 rubles / day.
Price: 290-320 r


Active substance: Dexamethasone (anti-inflammatory agent), neomycin and polymyxin B are antibiotics.
Analogs: It differs from Anauran in only 1 substance, not an antibiotic.
Is it possible for children: yes, usually - from 5 years old.
Is it possible for pregnant women: as prescribed by a doctor.
Contraindications: hypersensitivity.

  • adults - 1-5 drops 2r / d;
  • children - 1 drop. 2 r / day

Price: 250-300 r


Active substance: hormone betamethasone, antibiotic gentamicin.
Analogs: No.
Is it possible for children: from 6 years old.
Is it possible for pregnant women: No.
Contraindications: lactation, hypersensitivity, absence or damage to the tympanic membrane.
Dosage: 3-4 drops. 2-4 rubles / day.
Price: the drug is currently under re-registration.

Antiseptic solutions


Active substance: miramistin.
Analogs: No.
Is it possible for children: yes, from 1 year.
Is it possible for pregnant women: Yes.
Contraindications: hypersensitivity.
Dosage: 2-3 drops. 3 r / day.
Price: 150-200 r

Boric acid alcohol solution

Boric alcohol causes otosclerosis and its use is possible only out of despair, until you reach the pharmacy or are far from it, and there are no other medicines at hand.

Analogs: No.
Is it possible for children: No.
Is it possible for pregnant women: No.
Contraindications: hypersensitivity, perforation of the tympanic membrane, lactation.
Dosage: 3-5 drops 2-3 r / day, you can - for turunda.
Price: 50-60 r

Furacilin (nitrofural) alcohol solution

Active substance: nitrofural.
Analogs: No.
Is it possible for children: possible from 6 years old, but - only under medical supervision.
Is it possible for pregnant women: No.
Contraindications: lactation.
Dosage: 2-3 drops. 2-3 r / day.
Price: 50-60 r

Antifungal drugs


Active ingredients: Chloramphenicol (antibiotic), clotrimazole (antifungal agent), lidocaine (anesthetic), beclomethasone propionate (anti-inflammatory hormone).
Analogs: No.
Is it possible for children: from 6 years old.
Is it possible for pregnant women: No.
Contraindications: damage to the eardrum.
Dosage: 4-5 drops 3 r / day.
Price: 250-280 r


Active ingredients: gentamicin (antibiotic), fuzidin (antifungal antibiotic).
Analogs: No.
Is it possible for children: from 3 years old.
Is it possible for pregnant women: No.
Contraindications: hypersensitivity, damage to the tympanic membrane.

  • children 3-18 years old - 1-2 cap. 3 r / day or turunda moistened with the drug;
  • adults - 2-5 caps 3 r / day

Price: the drug is under re-registration.

Drops for ear congestion

You can say what drops are needed for ear congestion after its cause is found. This could be:

  1. sulfur plug formation;
  2. ingress of water when swimming, swimming in the pool;
  3. in children - the ingress of a foreign body;
  4. ear inflammation caused by a fungal process;
  5. residual inflammation after suffering from influenza, measles, scarlet fever;
  6. filling the ears with air during fluctuations in atmospheric pressure (landing or takeoff of an aircraft, fast skiing or snowboarding);
  7. otosclerosis: damage to the bony part of the labyrinth of the inner ear.

All these conditions are treated in different ways. So, otosclerosis is subject to surgical treatment, with a fungal infection, antifungal drugs are prescribed in tablets or injections. After the transferred general infectious disease, if there are signs of otitis media, they are treated with the means indicated above, and when filling the ear cavity with air, vasoconstrictor drops in the nose are needed.

As for whether there is a cork, only an otolaryngologist can determine after examination. You can not self-medicate. Only if the doctor recommends using drops in the ears for sulfur congestion, the following drugs are used. They are conventionally divided into 2 groups:

Water based earwax drops


Active ingredients: cocoyl hydrolyzed collagen, cocobetaine, methyl glucosadioleate.
Analogs: No.
Is it possible for children: from 2.5 years old.
Is it possible for pregnant women: No.
Contraindications: otitis media, hypersensitivity to drug components, damage to the tympanic membrane.
Dosage: To prevent the appearance of traffic jams, apply 2 p / week. In case of traffic jams, rinse the ear by taking 1 ml of the solution and pouring it over for 1 min, then rinse with saline sodium chloride solution. The course is 3-4 days.
Price: 5 bottles of 2 ml - 310 r, spray 40 ml - 430-450 r

Aqua-Maris Oto

Active substance: sea salt.
Analogs: No.
Is it possible for children: from 1 year.
Is it possible for pregnant women: can.
Contraindications: ear pain, damage to the eardrum.
Dosage: With head tilted to the left side, insert the tip into the right ear and press the dispenser for 1 second, remove excess liquid with a paper towel, repeat with the other ear. Can be used daily, for an unlimited amount of time.
Price: bottle 100 ml 380-480 r

Products based on olive, peanut or almond oils


Active ingredients: allantoin, liquid lanolin, mink oil, benzethonium and others.
Analogs: analogs in active substances no.
Is it possible for children: from birth.
Is it possible for pregnant women: Yes.
Contraindications: ear pain, damage to the eardrum, discharge of fluid from the ears.
Dosage: lying on the side opposite to the clogged ear, drip 10-20 drops of the drug, lie down for 20-40 minutes, then, turning on the other side, let the solution drain itself for a minute. Additionally, do not rinse the ears.
Price: 340-410 r

About what you would like to see on the blog, I especially remember the wish to write more reviews about budget cosmetics. We all know perfectly well that the crisis has not gone anywhere, so there is on golden plates and it is at least tactless to recommend smearing with creams for several thousand. Yes, I continue to use the luxury and professional cosmetics, but I also know a lot of cheaper analogs, moreover, of good quality. And today I will try to put together a list of excellent budget funds, hopefully useful enough.

I already made a list like this for one magazine, and to be honest, the process of approving it was another reason why I hate gloss. I was not even allocated a price category in which I had to meet, but the amount. Quite stupid: the headline "How to buy everything you need for a thousand rubles" sounds impressive, and in life few people find themselves thrown ashore by a wave without a single item of cosmetics, but with a thousandth bill in their fist.

We buy the necessary things gradually, and here it is important to stick to a certain price category: this is how cutting the family budget works. If you stick to the mass market category and buy only what you really need (well, that is, not five pieces of mascara at once), or what is over, then you will spend less than this thousand in a month. While if you try to immediately collect a full "basket" of cosmetics of the same category, then you will not keep up with a thousand.

So, in that magazine they were rested precisely in a certain amount, and I had to name which in themselves would not be sufficient for anything. But then it turned out to be even more fun: gloss works, after all, starting from advertisers. And suddenly my list was returned to me with a request not to mention the same brand twice in it - they say, you can't give anyone an advantage. But I wanted to choose exactly two products of the same brand as the best! Of course, what I picked up as a replacement was also good product but ... but now you understand why I feel more comfortable on my blog. Here I recommend without anyone else's direction; perhaps this is subjective, but sincere.

Something has learned the introduction almost on Friday fast, but excuse me, it boiled over. Moving on to the list I have compiled. At first, I wanted to go to the store in general and collect a real basket of necessary funds, that is, literally make a purchase on the air, but then I decided that there would be little point in this, because I already have my own necessary funds. But I honestly walked through the store with budget cosmetics and all the photos of the windows were taken by myself.

Let's start with makeup. I'll just list the funds, but you will find detailed reviews on the links.

  1. Many do not consider a base for make-up to be a necessary item at all (but in vain!), But in any case, there are good bases not only in the luxury segment. I can recommend the matting base (as well as theirs), Anew Avon "cream-perfector" (I will write about it later) and an excellent tool - base and care in one.
  2. Foundation - I liked it a lot, but overall I prefer the luxury products in this category, I'll be honest. Although with the collapse of the ruble exchange rate it became not so profitable to buy "Koreans", "Japanese" and other authentic BB-creams in Asia, but still it is still the only option to find super-quality at a price lower than our luxury suite.
  3. Blush - very good dry blush is produced by Bourjois, in addition, there are options and matte, and with a delicate light shimmer, and bright and natural. From cream (more precisely, even gel) I would recommend.
  4. Powder - a lot depends on the effect you need. If you like a transparent setting powder, which itself does not give a tint and does not overlap anything, but fixes the tonal, mattifies and gives a slight "blur" effect, then try the powder from last year's collection of L'Etoile "Marie Antoinette". It's a shame that this is the limit, but I see many products from the collection in stores. But with budget powders of good coverage ... alas, it is difficult here. It is not for nothing that at one time, being forced to switch from economy to mass-market cosmetics, I still left the luxury powder for myself. This is a very delicate matter.
  5. Shadows - L'Etoile is my favorite here. And fortunately, not limited editions, but proven ones from a constant assortment. Firstly, their Les Parisiennes five-color palettes are mostly of very good quality (although there are punctures with limits, but here are links to good options - L'Etoile). Confetti's monochromatic baked eyeshadows are also beyond praise. Well, my favorite ones are the gel-metal "diamonds" from the series.
  6. It is not difficult to find good mascara in the mass market, the richest choice here is from Maybelline:,. Vivivenne Sabo also has very good copies - surprisingly inexpensive (yes, let's face it, cheap) and at the same time excellent,.
  7. Eyebrow products - it is difficult to advise pointwise here, since everyone shapes eyebrows in different ways, but my favorites in the mass market are a series (personally, I most often use a gel with fibers and an eyeliner-marker) and.
  8. I haven't met good concealers in the mass market segment for a long time; the last pleasant discovery is L'Etal.
  9. As for lipstick, here I want to recommend the really best so much that I raise the price bar a little: L'Oreal Color Riche lipsticks are almost flawless. Moisturizing, uniform coverage, excellent pigmentation. I showed shades from four shades, and of course, shades from the New Year's collection with absolutely. If you prefer transparent options, I can recommend saturated ones. Among budget matte lipsticks, the best while I would call last year - they say they are going to be transferred to a permanent collection. They are both comfortable to wear and very durable. If you want matte, but a little softer and not so "eternal" - I recommend.
  10. But it's not difficult to find good highlighters in the mass market: a light silky highlighter, a white Maybelline highlighter, their multifunctional, shimmer bases.

Well, if you think about it, then you should not limit yourself to decorative cosmetics. It’s not harmful to live without mascara and lipstick, but without skin care products? I do not pretend here for a full-fledged list, again, but I will name the basic tools that I personally really liked. After a little thought, I decided not to include serums here: after all, this is the quintessence of useful components, and it is they who are extremely rarely inexpensive, but effective. You can save on basic moisturizing, but better not on serums.

  1. Face cream - I really liked the Lumene creams from the Vitamin C series; true, it was a long time ago, but I hope that the changes there are only for the better.
  2. Make-up remover - there is generally room here, many can dissolve cosmetics (but not your skin) inexpensive means... For example, a couple of Nivea works well - and, micellar water and, Bioderma, Avon has a waterproof makeup remover that literally removes all... On the last link you can read about the excellent Dermacol, which is also great.

  1. Masks and scrubs - Himalaya has good options, such as the Refreshing Fruity Purifying Mask for Dry Skin and the Neem Exfoliating and Purifying Mask. The second one perfectly cleans everything, but my son cannot stand it because of the "mud" color. Accustomed to white kaolin masks, you know! If you get along well with cloth masks, try it; and the brand also had a warming cleansing mask, which is also good. Once my must-have was the Garnier self-heating sauna mask - I can't even count how many times I bought it: has it really been taken out of production? It's just a crime! I cannot but mention which I really, really liked.
  2. Anti-inflammatory drugs - first of all I would advise transparent ones. I put it on at night - and in the morning you see the result, as if two days had passed. Sometimes it completely heals, but if it has formed, excuse the unaesthetic truth, an abscess - the plaster will most likely pull out its "head" without squeezing and traumatic effects. To this I can also add: my favorites are Nivea, Сettua (without the addition of coal) and TonyMoly. Everything is very budgetary. I can’t advise anything from the means of acupuncture, everything is individual here: for example, someone helps tea tree oil in the composition, but someone does not, someone loves salicylic acid, and someone peels off from it. The gel helped my daughter.
  3. Tonic, whatever one may say, is a necessary thing. You can wash your face with perfectly lime water, from which the tap becomes covered with stalactites, but if you rub your face with a tonic afterwards, all this rubbish will leave your skin. You can take the simplest L'Oreal tonics, or even buy rose water at the pharmacy.
  4. Creams for hands and feet also do not require millions of investments. Great options there is, a little more expensive - hemp. By the way, at one time I really liked the foot creams of the Belarusian brand Belita Vitex - I bought six of them then, probably.
  5. Shower gels - that's what you can always find in the mass market! Of course, we all love to pamper ourselves with the subtle fragrances of L'Occitane and The Body Shop, but very pleasant fragrances can be found in, for example. And I also found my new favorites - - in our usual "Girlfriends".

My favorite scent isn't here, but the others are just great.

I will also mention body scrubs. For many years my favorite was the scrub (it is for those who like it harder), but it was redone again. I hope it didn't get any worse: I checked - the abrasive particles there are still made from apricot pits, I really love that.

Ufff, this is a very long text, but I hope it's useful. What are your favorites? Or, on the contrary, would you like me to provide some more detailed advice?

V Lately Beauty bloggers are widely discussing the power of makeup. Today, make-up is a means of self-expression and artistic liberation. The whole charm of the makeup application process is that the end result is always flawless. The average woman spends about an hour a day perfecting her skin.

Long gone are the days when the Egyptians used ore to make eye paint and green eye paint. The make-up industry has gone a long way with groundbreaking products like waterproof lipstick, anti-wrinkle cream, custom made foundation, and more.

At a time when the makeup industry lacked a variety of false eyelashes, Huda Kattan launched her brand Huda Beauty, introducing the legendary eyelashes that Kim Kardashian loved so much to the world.

This Arab-American woman, along with her sisters Aliya and Mona, has continued to launch a line of beauty products that includes lip kits, mini liquid lipsticks and eyeshadow palettes that have won the hearts of women around the world.

She teaches makeup workshops in Dubai, Doha, Qatar and Abu Dhabi and has millions of followers on Youtube, Instagram and Facebook. Her brand's best-selling treasures are the classic eyelash collection and lip kits consisting of lip liner, lipstick and liquid lipstick.

Brand history Christian louboutin began with Christian sketching shoes while walking the streets of Paris. His obsession was so strong that he watched the women walking the streets and followed them all the way to see them walk. Christian Louboutin is a brand named after him that every woman is willing to die for.

Recently, his collection has been supplemented by the line of cosmetic products Nails, Lips and Perfumes (nails, lips, perfume). The gorgeous lipsticks and nail polishes come in tubes with branded spikes on the cap. The best-selling Rouge Louboutin has a separate page on the official website dedicated to the red color.

It is possible to choose both bright popular colors, for example, coral and fluorescent, as well as classic shades... Although the label is primarily associated with red patent high-heeled shoes, the constant additions to the cosmetics collections compete with cosmetics brands around the world.

Do you know how difficult it is to make perfect eyebrows? ABH cosmetics were specially launched to address this problem with a collection of eyebrow makeup - mechanical pencil brow Definer, lipstick and eyebrow gel, palette and pencils.

The brand can also offer customized, custom made lipstick kits, liquid lipsticks, and beauty brushes for professionals. Although ABH cosmetics are expensive, they are like fine antique, the price of which is determined by its quality.

Eyes, Lips and Face (also known as E.L.F.) is by far the most affordable brand luxury cosmetics on this list. Indeed, who doesn't pay $ 6 for the best-selling blush palette so much praised by all makeup artists?

The brand's most sought-after products include baked eyeshadow, mineral makeup base, lip highlighter palette and more. In addition, ELF supplies the market with the best replicas on cosmetic products Sephora brands.

Inspired by the image of the bold modern woman UD offers a wide range of cosmetics that make customers want more. The most popular Naked eye shadow palette is specially made for perfect smokey eyes, and the Moonshadow palette is just a glitter's dream.

UD recently launched their line of vegan cosmetics that look so delicious that you just can't help but taste it!

6. M.A.C

"Any race, any gender, any age" - this is the slogan under which this cosmetic brand produces its products. As a product of the company's intellectual activity Estee lauder M.A.C is definitely worthy of the title of first-class cosmetics.

The brand's quirky Wine Lip Tint is a huge hit on Instagram. Dakota Johnson recently used the legendary film Fifty Shades Darker. matte lipstick Retro by M.A.C in Feel So Grand. Mr. Gray approves!

Every time you enter a store, Sephora will give you the feeling of coming Christmas. As a make-up freak's paradise, it offers a wide variety of beauty and skincare samples, which of course are cheaper than the actual product, allowing you to sample the full range of products.

The only thing you shouldn't leave the store without is various kinds of hydrophilic masks. Sephora also offers various master classes based on pre-subscription, which in turn makes this make-up kingdom even more attractive.

"Most beautiful make-up women are her passion. " This is what drives YSL to produce amazing cosmetics that will impress the female audience. Everything from lipstick shades used by models during fashion weeks to magical skincare products that bring a galactic glow can be found here.

Literally all women are in love with the YSL Volume Effect Faux Cils Mascara, the Perfect Touch Foundation Brush, the Touche Eclat Radiance Foundation and its golden packaging.

9. Lakme

And here is the brand that all working women regularly refer to. CC creams, nude lipsticks, pastel nail polishes, Metallic lip markers, blush sets and bright nail polish shades are the list of the best-selling products of this cosmetic brand.

“On top of the world” - this is the motto of the Lakme company, which has already ascended to the stars.

If you suddenly need to dress up, the only thing that should be on your dressing table is the products of the cosmetics brand Make Up Forever. This brand offers everything to transform a girl into a Disney princess.

This Swedish brand offers everything from skin care products to great beauty and perfume kits. The luxurious Pink Kiss Lip Balm, the highly pigmented Sweet Coral blush and the ultimate pink lip liner are a must have for every makeup freak, especially when you consider how difficult it is to find the perfect shade of pink.

Lancome makes le teint particulier foundation that is perfect for your skin tone. The name of the buyer is indicated on the packaging of this foundation. In addition to this truly magical product, there is a huge number of cosmetics from Lancome, such as a huge family of tonal correctors, the perfect Rouge lipstick, a nude lip kit and much more.

A popular beauty blogger will tell you about budget analogues of well-known luxury brands of cosmetics.

In times of crisis, you should not spend deprivation of money on decorative cosmetics, especially since there are excellent inexpensive analogues that are no worse. We chose the best (according to reviews) decorative cosmetics the price of 60 to 500 rubles, which will not let you down and will save you money.

The best inexpensive decorative cosmetics

Nail polish

In this nomination, the winner is the Charm and beauty varnish from EL CORAZON(12 photos), because it has the highest consumer rating and the lowest price of about 60 rubles. In principle, there are a lot of inexpensive nail polishes on the market. The following varnishes also have a high rating (above 4.7 points): Eveline “Holografic Shine”, Faberlic “Secret Story”, Revlon “Top Speed ​​Fast Dry”, varnishes from Rimmel London.


Charcoal Black Super Expressive Look 5-in-1 Mascara by Oriflame... The price is about 300 rubles. It is she who has the most positive ratings.

Mascara "Lash Sensational" (23 photos) from Maybelline adds volume and curls to eyelashes for 340 rubles.

Waterproof mascara (25 photos) from Art make-up... If you love the most natural eyelashes. The price is about 150 rubles.


Baked eyeshadow from Limoni... When applied, they do not crumble, they are well distributed, rich pigmentation, high durability. The price is about 300 rubles. Photo 15.

Eyeshadow Color Riche L'Ombre Pure (27 photos) by L'Oreal... The unique gel technology makes the color vibrant, rich and long-lasting. The price is about 250 rubles.

Four-color eyeshadow from Rimmel"Glam'Eyes Quad" (22 photos). Soft and light texture, shadows do not roll or fade, retaining long-lasting color. The price is about 490 rubles.

Shadows "Shining Diamonds" (photo 19) from Maybelline... Rich and luminous shadows. The price is about 490 rubles.


Blush from Essence"The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn". Despite its brightness, this blush looks natural on the cheeks and does not contain glitter. The price is about 150 rubles. Photo No. 7.

Blush and Bronze

In this category, we choose, oddly enough, powder in balls Vivienne sabo"Poudre Melange". It has shades of pink and bronze and is great for sculpting the face and creating a natural blush effect. The reflective particles in the light beads are very small and make the face more radiant. Enough of this "powder" (photo 12) for a very, very long time. Bestseller on Ozone. The price is about 300 rubles.

Lip gloss

There can be many winners in this nomination, because there are good glitters in the collections. Maybelline, Lumene, L'Oréal. We chose lip gloss from Eva Mosaic « Perfect lips and the power of gloss ”for its high rating among consumers (11 photos). The price is about 300 rubles.


This lipstick is from the brand L'Etoile Rouge Desir (photo 21) is not only affordable, but also outperformed its luxury counterparts in blind tests. The price is about 300 rubles.

Super lustrous from Revlon... Many interesting shades (photo 16), good quality, low price and high overall ratings. The price is about 300 rubles.

Moisturizing lipstick with hyaluronic acid from Maybelline"Hydra Extreme" (20 photos). Allantoin prevents the appearance of small cracks and wrinkles on the lips. The lips are noticeably smoother and more sensual. UV protection factor SPF 15 and 8 hours continuous moisturizing. The price is about 200 rubles.

Liquid eyeliner

Look at the stand for a wide variety of high quality eyeliner formats Art-Visage... This eyeliner (photo 13) creates a clear, expressive contour that lasts all day long. Easy to apply, fix quickly and will not be imprinted on the upper eyelid. The soft felt brush is so versatile and easy to use that it allows you to quickly and accurately draw both a thin graceful line and make it more saturated. The price is about 150 rubles.

Eyebrow pencil

Pencil from Eva Mosaic Ideal Brow (8 pictured) has a powdery texture, easy to apply and lasts all day. Contains kaolin and specially selected waxes. Plus, a handy styling brush and three shades for different looks. The price is about 200 rubles.

Gel for eyebrows

The perfect eyebrow gel from Art-Visage perfectly fixes the eyebrows and is very inexpensive. The price is about 70 rubles.

Compact powder

Classic compact powder Max factor Crème Puff is a perfectly smooth matte finish. Instant radiance of the skin, as if filled with light from within. The price is about 300 rubles.

Organic powder Natura Siberica is full of advantages, it does not dry the skin, does not emphasize peeling, perfectly masks minor skin imperfections and evens out the tone. The price is about 500 rubles. And they have only one drawback, they are inconvenient to use on the go. there is no mirror.

Powder for normal to dry skin from Art-Visage... Masks imperfections, protects from the sun, does not dry out the skin. The price is about 250 rubles.

BB cream

Foundation care cream "BB blemish balm" from eva mosaic... An excellent BB cream at an affordable price. It spreads perfectly over the skin, blends with the skin tone, protects from the sun. The price is about 250 rubles. Best applied with a damp sponge or hands.

CC cream

Allure Best of Beauty 2013 award went to CC cream from lumene and he's really impressive. The skin becomes healthy and radiant with it. In addition, the cream blends in with the skin tone, lasts a long time and protects from the sun.

Radiance cream

Luxury Power BB cream from L'Oreal... The cream cares for the skin, nourishes it and restores its natural radiance for an even, healthy color faces. The cream adjusts to any skin tone for a gentle glow. Does not leave oily sheen and contains sun protection factor.

Base makeup

The leveling base for the face Beauty Base from Lumene with a shine effect. You can cover it all over your face for instant hydration and a healthy glow, or you can add highlights to your cheekbones. The price is about 300 rubles.

Smoothing make-up base Maybelline Affinitone Primer. This base prepares skin for makeup, hides skin imperfections and smoothes unevenness. It is used as a stand-alone product or as a base for foundation. The price is about 290 rubles.

Mattifying foundation with sun protection

Foundation satin mat make up by eva mosaic... Mattifies the skin, prevents the appearance of oily sheen, masks minor imperfections and inflammations. Recommended for combination to oily skin. SPF 15. The price is about 200 rubles.

Foundation that conceals imperfections

Leader in the category, proven over the years by True Match Foundation from L'Oreal... The price is about 500 rubles.


Concealer from Eveline 2 in 1 perfectly masks dark circles and redness. Apply to the skin (photo 2) or to the foundation with the pad of your finger, lightly hammering in. The price is 150 rubles.

Means for applying foundation

Winner - Real Techniques sponge from Samantha chapman... More convenient and cheaper than the well-known beauty blenders. The price is about 400 rubles. In photo number 14.

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