Nutrition of the child at a temperature. The best cold remedies. Healthy foods for the flu

Ekaterina Morozova - mother of many children, editor of the "Children" column at Colady magazine


An invariable symptom of ARVI is a cold, which is always accompanied by an increase in temperature. The only question is, how significant is your child's temperature rise. It depends on how and what to feed a child with ARVI.

  • The correct behavior of the parents in this case is patiently offer the child delicious light meals and not insist on compulsory meals. It must be understood that it is more productive to spend the forces of the body on opposing the disease, and on the assimilation of food.
  • Usually children refuse large or solid foods, so you can suggest light vegetable broths, vegetable or fruit purees , freshly squeezed juices, fruit drinks, compotes or plain water.
  • Replenish fluid better every 30 minutes .

What is there for a child with ARVI: foods and dishes that need to be included in the diet

  • Low fat yogurt will perfectly satisfy hunger and restore intestinal microflora.
  • Fruits and vegetables , especially baked ones - an ideal treat for a child. Baked apples, pears or pumpkins are extremely healthy and don't feel heavy in the stomach.
  • Protein-rich foods , for example - lean fish or meat dairy products , helps to restore the strength and immunity spent on fighting the virus.
  • Porridge- simply perfect food for a sick baby. They contain essential vitamins and minerals to support the body's natural defenses. The most valuable in their composition - buckwheat and oatmeal ... They can be boiled in water or milk, depending on your child's wishes.
  • Citrus perfectly replace ascorbic acid, due to the high content of Vit. C in combination with bioflavonoids. Especially useful grapefruit juice and fruits ... It lowers fever and improves appetite.
  • Vegetable or fruit puree help to assimilate faster useful material fruits. To please your baby, you can combine different colored vegetables and create colorful side dishes.
  • Freshly squeezed juices should be cooked with a predominance of fruit. Drink immediately after mixing.
  • Herbal tea with lemon, warm milk with honey, plain water, cranberry juice, decoction of rose hips - invite the child to choose. Drinking plenty of fluids is essential when treating colds. It loosens phlegm, removes toxins and prevents dehydration.
  • Fermented milk products with bifidobacteria restore normal intestinal microflora and increase natural immunity.
  • If a child has a sore throat, eliminate sour, spicy, or salty foods .
  • If the baby is coughing, then don't give him crackers, cookies and sweets ... They irritate the mucous membrane and provoke an unproductive coughing fit.

During an exacerbation colds you need to carefully monitor the proper nutrition of the child, because insidious viruses attack weakened children with reduced immunity. The correct diet for ARVI in children is aimed at speedy recovery and prevention of re-infection .

During illness, appetite decreases, all the body's forces go to fight infection. How to feed a child during illness to maintain strength and promote recovery

Baby food rules for colds

1. Key rule in the diet of a sick child is not to force him to eat what he does not want. Except for those cases when the attending physician insists on the use of specific products, justifying this by the individual characteristics of the baby's health.

2. At a temperature on the first day, vomiting is possible: the disease incapacitates the stomach, which is unable to hold food. In such a situation, it is better for the child not to eat or drink for 2 hours. Then, if he asks for a drink, give a small sip of water. Look at the reaction of the body. If vomiting has not resumed, you can give more water after 20-25 minutes. On the day when the body does not eat, a serving of pitit is permissible to increase it to half a glass, no more. If the child asks for food, give him a tablespoon of porridge or applesauce. Monitor your body's response.

3. If the temperature is elevated, in the first two days, do not offer the child solid food at all, only liquid or semi-liquid in consistency, simple and light: porridge, curd mass, applesauce... Then you can add boiled eggs, dry biscuits, croutons to the diet.

4. From cereals, doctors recommend eating buckwheat and oatmeal. B vitamins, iron, calcium, potassium and phosphorus, which they contain, are especially necessary for the child's body to recover. So that the child does not get tired of porridge, experiment with their preparation: cook them in water, milk, vegetable broth.

5. Eliminate spicy and salty foods from the diet, especially if the baby has sore throat: such food can cause irritation sore throat and increased pain.

6. At strong cough do not give your child sour foods, crackers, and shortbread.

7. In the first days of illness, give the baby liquid often, every half hour or hour. As a rule, at this time, children are more willing to drink juice and water. At elevated temperature children sometimes ask for milk. If it does not induce vomiting, then it should continue to be given to the child. At temperatures above 39 degrees, choose skim milk (without the top layer of cream) or skim milk, because fats in milk are difficult to digest, especially during illness.

Drinking during illness should be more abundant than usual. First, as the heat rises, sweating increases, which leads to a loss of fluid that must be replenished. Secondly, drinking plenty of fluids helps to remove toxins that the infectious agent secretes, and those that are formed in the body during the fight against the microbe, the so-called toxins.
During the course of the illness, give the child also mineral water, it is better without gas, so that it does not cause belching and heartburn, thereby not aggravating unnecessary problems baby's condition ".

8. As a rule, children refuse to eat meat, fish, poultry, fats (butter, margarine, cream) during illness. It is better to introduce these products into the diet after the temperature drops, at the stage of recovery.

9. As soon as the disease begins to recede, be sure to offer your child vegetables and fruits - they contain a large amount of iron and vitamin C, which help fight colds.

10. During the initial period of recovery, appetite may be further reduced, just the stomach and intestines are not yet ready to eat at their usual size. After complete recovery, the appetite will return to normal.

11. In the first week or two after recovery, the child's appetite increases significantly. This is fine. The body is recovering, it needs to catch up. Get ready for this. However, do not overfeed your child: increase portions after illness gradually, offer your child dairy products and fruits as snacks.
If your appetite does not return to normal after two weeks, consult your doctor.

A sick child can be offered vegetable, milk soups, meat and fish products in the form of soufflés, meatballs, steam cutlets, boiled and stewed vegetables, soft cottage cheese, dairy products, casseroles and, of course, an abundant amount of liquid; it can be water, but it is better if the baby drinks fortified drinks - fruit drinks, juices, compotes, etc.

Food should be soft or semi-liquid so that the child does not spend a lot of energy and energy chewing food. In addition, semi-liquid and pureed dishes are digested better and faster. Do not offer your baby food that crumbles: small crumbs can provoke coughing fits. You should not add spices to dishes and add salt to them: such food irritates the mucous membrane and is less digestible.

Children early age on average, they suffer from respiratory diseases up to 6 times a year, while meetings with intestinal and children are not excluded viral infections... How to deal with diseases with the help of potions and pills, doctors in polyclinics tell parents in detail. But the questions about how to balance the diet, how and what to feed a child during an illness remain open and therefore become overgrown with all sorts of misconceptions. Here are the most common ones.

  • A sick child must be forced to eat, otherwise he will not recover.

In no case should this be done. As a rule, all children's, respiratory viral and intestinal infections are accompanied by high fever and intoxication. When viruses and bacteria multiply, the immune system begins to protect the body, as a result of which the temperature rises, breathing becomes more frequent, significant loss liquids, and therefore water-salt metabolism is disturbed, blood thickens and symptoms of intoxication appear - malaise, headache, lack of appetite, up to a complete refusal to eat, etc. Therefore, a sick child must first of all be provided abundant drink, since fluid loss leads to an aggravation of symptoms of intoxication. For the same reason, force-feeding a child is unacceptable. This is especially true for diseases accompanied by acute gastritis - nausea, vomiting, since "imposed" food can intensify the symptoms of toxicosis - cause repeated or irrepressible nausea and vomiting. Therefore, with a sharp decrease in appetite, you should not be afraid of malnutrition - you just need to take care of a sufficient supply of a sick baby with liquid, which is especially important for infants and young children.

There is a rule that the entire amount of food that the child does not receive due to age during the illness is replenished by drinking. To determine the amount of liquid necessary for the child with manifestations of toxicosis, it is necessary to take into account the indicators of his body weight. Children under 1 year old should be given 150-200 ml of liquid per day for each kilogram of weight, and 120-170 ml per 1 kg per day for children over 1 year old.

For watering use boiled water, lightly sweetened tea, for viral and bacterial infections useful drinks with vitamins - rosehip infusion, tea with lemon, fruit drinks, compotes, fruit and berry juices... Drinks can be given to a sick child warm - only in case of nausea and vomiting, the drinks offered should be at room temperature.

  • If the child refuses regular food, then you can offer him his favorite "goodies" - chips, crackers: let him eat at least something.

In no case should you resort to such "compromises". High-calorie foods lacking vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber may not be beneficial or even harmful to a sick child. During the preparation process, snacks acquire carcinogenic properties, i.e. the ability to provoke the development of cancer. When carbohydrate products are fried in oil, a carcinogen is formed - acrylamide. In addition, snacks are full of flavors, mostly synthetic. And their regular use leads to a decrease in immunity, which is already lowered during illness, to the development of allergic reactions and diseases of the digestive system. In addition, the spices and salt added to snacks have irritating effect on the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, which also leads to inflammatory processes... And the organs of the digestive system during intestinal infections and viral diseases and so are in a state of "stress".

  • During illness, it is better for the child to give only fruits, as this is a source of vitamins.

Of course, fresh fruits are rich in vitamins that help the body recover, and are also abundant in dietary fiber - pectin, fiber. But it is unacceptable to focus only on them, since during an illness the body spends a lot of protein for metabolic reactions, thermoregulation, the formation of an immune response, and much more. Therefore, when composing a diet for a sick child, it is necessary to take care of the sufficient inclusion of proteins in it, especially of animal origin, and primarily milk proteins, since they have a lipotropic effect, i.e. able to reduce the accumulation of fat in the liver. This is very important for improving the functions of the liver, which suffers in any infectious disease, neutralizing harmful substances- products of intoxication.

When choosing edible fats, it is necessary to focus on animal products - an important source of polyunsaturated fatty acids. They, in turn, help the body form the correct immune response and fight off viral and bacterial agents. Add vegetable oils recommended already in ready-made meals.

With intestinal infections, the consumption of fruits and berries should be minimized. Of course, the fruit diet has positive side Is the ability of some biological substances to provide specific action on the body. For example, pectin, which is rich in fruits and berries, as a colloidal substance, has the ability to bind water and swell, forming a foamy mass. Passing through the intestines, it adsorbs, i.e. absorbs all harmful substances, toxins, bacteria.

Fruits and vegetables also contain organic acids that are bactericidal. it positive factors, especially with dietary therapy of intestinal infections. But, given that fruits and berries are contained in high concentration fruit acids and carbohydrates, which cause fermentation processes in the intestine and aggravate the symptoms of intestinal infections, this category products from the diet of children suffering from these diseases should be excluded for 1-2 days or offered as part of fruit drinks, compotes. Vegetables and fruits rich in fiber and causing flatulence are excluded from the diet: beets, cabbage, turnips, cucumbers, legumes, radishes, oranges, plums, tangerines, grapes, etc. carrots, potatoes.

  • Chicken broth is a cure for all diseases.

Indeed, since ancient times, strong meat, especially chicken broths have earned the fame of healing, thanks to the ability to increase the patient's appetite, thereby bringing him back to life. It is thanks to the good stimulation of appetite that chicken broth is popular in our time. But dietitians do not recommend the use of meat and even more meat and bone broths in the diet of young children, and even more so in the diet of adults and children with impaired metabolic processes. When boiling meat, proteins are destroyed, due to which muscle fibers become soft, and extracts pass into the broth. active substanceschemical compounds which can be easily extracted with water from food products during cooking and provide flavor to food. Also, purines contained in meat, nitrogen-containing compounds, which are an indispensable component of muscle tissue, pass into the broth. There are especially many extractives in offal, meat and fish broths. When they are used, there is an excessive secretion of digestive enzymes, irritation of the mucous membrane gastrointestinal tract which leads steadily to inflammatory diseases... In addition to the fact that extractives have a strong stimulating effect on digestive system, when they are used, overexcitation occurs nervous system, which is manifested by impaired concentration of attention, emotional instability, motor disinhibition. In children, extractives and purines can cause allergic reactions and metabolic disorders.

  • At intestinal infection, poisoning, the child cannot be fed for some time - it can only be given water or tea.

This is not true - keep feeding the baby. Scientists have proven that with diarrhea, absorption remains, i.e. intestinal absorption function sufficient to ensure absorption of food ingredients, therefore fast diets and water-tea breaks are not recommended and food intake during diarrhea should be continued. In addition, hunger slows down the healing and recovery processes of injured cells of the intestinal mucosa, weakens the body's defenses, and sharply disrupts the morphology of the wall of the small intestine. That is why a water-tea break is prescribed only in very severe cases and for no more than 4-5 hours at indomitable vomiting, and after its completion, the child is fed according to appetite. During the pause, the baby must definitely receive a fractional drink in the form of glucose-salt solutions in the recommended given age volumes.

  • Since "they knock out a wedge by a wedge", a sore throat can be treated with ice cream.

It is believed that acute sore throat can be cured with cold, since after a sharp cooling in a sore spot, blood circulation increases and local immunity is mobilized. In this case, the probability of recovery for an adult is approximately 50%, and this is very small to recommend such a "method of treatment." For babies, this manipulation is by no means suitable, since the nasal mucosa pharyngeal ring in children it is very loose, the lymph drainage from the pharyngeal ring is enhanced and not fully formed, in addition, local immunity is not fully formed. That's why ice products can only aggravate pathological processes and harm the child.

With angina in children, good healing effect gives warm milk: warm drinks do not irritate the inflamed mucous membrane, and the milk contains fine milk fat, which creates a "protective" film on the irritated areas. Cranberry juice is also useful, containing biologically active substances that suppress the vital activity of pathogenic microbes. All dishes should be offered to the child warm: this will help the tonsils to warm up and will not irritate the already inflamed mucous membrane. It is better to give food to the baby in liquid or semi-liquid form, since it is difficult for him to swallow solid food.
In any case, you should not experiment with the health of the child, because his body is quite fragile and vulnerable. Ask the doctor all questions about the nutrition of the baby and listen to the opinion of a specialist.

Doctors today agree that proper nutrition plays a leading role in the treatment of ARVI - viral diseases that affect the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract... Moreover, a diet for ARVI helps both adults and young children, whose bodies are trying to cope with the disease on their own as soon as possible. What's so special and unique about proper nutrition? How quickly can you restore health by eating necessary products? What to exclude from your daily diet? You can find detailed answers to these and many other questions later in the article.

Meals should be light and simple

The first signs of the presence of acute respiratory infections in the body are quite easy to determine - this is a runny nose, sore throat, cough, headache, etc. It is important to apply for medical help at the very first stage, when the disease has not yet passed into dangerous stage development and did not give complications to the human body.

In addition, it is important to adhere to basic dietary rules during this period in order to stop the spread of microbes and restore the functioning of the immune system. Diet for ARVI involves the implementation of the following recommendations:

  1. Food should be light, so as not to burden the already weakened human body.
  2. You should exclude some foods from your diet, at least for the duration of your illness. At the same time, it is worth using those foods that have health benefits, even if they are not of particular value to you in terms of their taste.
  3. It is very important to consume as much liquid as possible, because in a dry throat, harmful microorganisms multiply much faster.
  4. It is advisable to eat often, but little by little, so that the body has time to digest food, as well as fight microbes.
  5. It is necessary to focus on the consumption of proteins, minerals and vitamins.

Diet for ARVI for adults

For adults, everything is much easier than for a small child. The diet for adults includes eating the following foods:

  • Fresh vegetables and fruits.
  • Garlic and onions.
  • Honey with milk.
  • Dairy products.

The immune system of an adult is more developed, so what helps him may not always work for a child. In addition, other possible factors: the presence of an allergic reaction, child intolerance to a particular product, individual characteristics organism, etc.

Diet for ARVI for children

Based on the above information, we can make a clear conclusion that the diet for ARVI in children should be special and not like the food that is needed for older people.

It is imperative to consult with your doctor

The main features of such a diet should be highlighted:

  1. Nutrition for ARVI in children should be as simple as possible, no complicated meat dishes, no fast food, etc.
  2. It is important to give your child as much as possible. natural products, while paying attention to the fact that the products do not cause allergic or any other negative reaction.
  3. It is allowed to use various pharmacy herbal teas for example with chamomile, sage, etc.
  4. If the child does not want to eat, you do not need to force him to do this, because the body of a small child is trying to fight the infection on its own, and in this period he cannot be distracted by anything else. You cannot overfeed a child, even if he loses a few kilograms during an illness, the appetite will definitely return as soon as the body feels that it is safe.
  5. It is necessary to include in the diet foods high in vitamin C and iron, which increase the child's body's resistance to all kinds of infections.

What foods should you give your child?

You are probably interested in the question of what to feed a child with ARVI. First of all, it should be remembered that in the first days of illness, the child needs a large number liquids, as he loses interest in solid foods. That is why you can cook him a low-fat broth, give him fermented milk products, tea with lemon, juice from fresh carrots and other similar dishes.

Carrot juice is an ideal drink for ARVI

Then you can diversify the menu with the following products:

  • Fresh vegetables in the form of salads, slices, you can bake vegetables or make juice with pulp from them. Cabbage, tomatoes, potatoes, cucumbers, greens are especially useful.
  • Fresh fruits. It is important here not to give those fruits that cause allergic reaction, otherwise the immunity will not withstand the "double attack", fighting against allergies and acute respiratory infections simultaneously. During illness, bananas, apples, you can make fruit jelly or applesauce. Good stimulation immune system baby and baked apples.
  • Garlic and onions. These natural medicines are irreplaceable means for colds, since both garlic and onions have antiviral properties. For effective result you can inhale with garlic vapor, and add onions to salads and other dishes.
  • You should not give up your usual diet, while excluding fatty and hard-to-digest foods from the diet. It should be remembered that a child with ARVI has no appetite, but this does not mean at all that the use of main dishes must be completely abandoned. Chicken broth, porridge, vegetable stew, fresh vegetable salads, cottage cheese casserole, low-fat pancakes are ideal, sauerkraut etc.

Any diet should contain and use medicinal herbs as well as medicinal drinks that promote quick recovery and restoration of immunity in children. For example, you can brew a rosehip decoction or make a fruit drink from lingonberries, cranberries.

How to feed a baby if he has a fever?

The next question requires even more detailed consideration, because at such moments, parents are often very worried, not being able to obtain objective information about what to feed a child with ARVI with a temperature. In principle, such a diet will be slightly different from the one that should be used for any colds:

  1. Limit yourself to liquid meals, while the child should be in a sitting position so that he does not choke.
  2. Let's get more tasty food which the child asks for. For example, cottage cheese with jam, banana puree, jam, your favorite porridge. It is worth refraining from fatty soups, borscht, meat dishes.
  3. The food itself should not be too hot.
  4. Brew black tea, make apple or orange juice.

Choose lean liquid meals

How to feed a child under 1 year old with ARVI?

If we are talking about absolutely small child, up to 1 year, then in this case it is necessary to apply the baby to the breast more often. A young mother should take more care of proper nutrition, she should eat more foods containing iron and vitamin C. It is also allowed to buy a special baby food, which contains numerous vitamins. You should definitely contact a professional pediatrician, which will tell you the basic rules of nutrition in such a difficult period for the baby.

How quickly can you restore your health?

It must be understood that food itself is not the main cure for acute respiratory infections. For a full treatment, a whole range of measures is required that the doctor prescribes after thorough examination and passing you the appropriate tests.

It is important to monitor your health on a daily basis to find out if there are any changes for the better.

However, diet is important in order to quickly recover from the harmful effects of microbes, strengthen the immune system and prevent microorganisms from entering the human body again.

How quickly can you get rid of ARVI while observing correct diet? This question cannot be answered unequivocally, because the body of each person has its own characteristics, in addition, it is necessary to take into account the patient's age, the degree of development of the disease and many other factors.

We hope that now you have learned exactly how to feed a child with a cold and fever, and also figured out what diet you should choose for yourself and your child in case of ARVI. It is necessary to follow such a diet from the first day, as soon as you feel the first symptoms of the disease, because this is how you can naturally to raise immune function and save yourself or your child from serious consequences. Do not forget about other methods of treatment, because only complex treatment guarantees a speedy recovery.

Every time your child is sick, the doctor will tell you in detail what his diet should be, taking into account the nature of the disease and the child's tastes.

Nutrition of the child during a cold no temperature can be normal. However, the child's appetite may decrease even when mild cold because he doesn't walk, moves less, because he doesn't feel well and because he swallows mucus. Don't force your child to eat more than they want. If he eats less than usual, offer him a drink between feedings. Let him drink whatever he wants. Remember that drinking too much will be no more beneficial than moderate consumption.

Nutrition of the child at a temperature.

If a child has a temperature of 39 ° or higher with a cold, flu, sore throat, or other infectious disease, they usually almost lose their appetite, especially for solid foods. On the first day or two, do not offer solid food at all, but give liquid every half hour or hour while he is awake. Usually sick children willingly drink juices and water. As for the rest of the drinks, it depends on the child's tastes and the nature of his illness.

It is difficult to say anything definite about milk. Sick young children usually drink a lot of milk. If they do not vomit at the same time, then this is what they need. At temperatures above 39 °, skim milk is better absorbed (drain upper layer cream). Fat is the most difficult to digest part of milk.

If the temperature does not decrease, despite this, after 2 days the child may feel hungry. give him simple easy food, for example, biscuits, croutons, porridge, curd mass, jelly, applesauce, egg, boiled in a bag.

Foods such as vegetables (cooked and raw), meat, fish, poultry, fats (butter, margarine, cream) are usually poorly digested at high temperatures and children refuse them.

However, the experiments of Dr. Clara Davis showed that during the recovery period, when the temperature subsides, children greedily eat meat and vegetables and digest them well.

The most important rule: never force him to eat what he does not want, unless the doctor has special reason to force the child to eat something. If you force him, you can induce vomiting.

Nutrition of the child during illness: if the child is vomiting

Vomiting is accompanied by many diseases, especially at the beginning, while it lasts heat. Baby food at this time is determined by many factors and only a doctor can establish it. However, if you are unable to consult a doctor immediately, follow the suggestions in this section. Vomiting occurs because the disease incapacitates the stomach, which is unable to hold on to food.

It is good to let your stomach rest completely for at least 2 hours after eating. Then, if the child asks, give him a sip of water, at first no more than 10-15 g. If water remains in the stomach and the child asks for more, give him a little water after 15-20 minutes. If the child is very thirsty, gradually give him more water, but no more than half a glass. On the first day, do not give more than half a glass of liquid at one time. If vomiting does not resume after water, try giving a little orange juice or a carbonated drink. If several hours have passed after vomiting and the child asks for food, give him something light, such as biscuits, a tablespoon of porridge, or applesauce. If the baby wants milk, skim the cream off the baby before giving him a drink.

If vomiting in a child again, do not give anything for 2 hours, and then start with a teaspoon of water or crushed ice. After 20 minutes, give your child 2 more teaspoons of water. Increase the amount of water very carefully. If a child who has been vomiting is not thirsty even a few hours later, do not offer him anything - he will almost certainly vomit again. Such caution is explained by the fact that with each vomiting, the child loses more than he drank.

Vomiting in a child that was caused by an illness with a high fever, occurs most often on the first day and then usually does not recur, despite the fact that the temperature remains high. Sometimes there may be small spots or streaks of blood in the vomit if the baby is pushing hard. This in itself is not dangerous.

Do not overfeed your baby at the end of the illness.

If a child has a high fever for several days and has not eaten anything, he will naturally lose weight. When this happens to the child for the first time, the mother is very anxious. When the temperature drops and the doctor allows you to gradually move to normal nutrition, the mother is impatient to feed the child better. But often after an illness, he first refuses to eat. The child has not forgotten how he ate before, and has not become so weak as to be unable to eat. By the time his temperature drops, there will still be enough infection in his body that affects his stomach and intestines. As soon as the child sees food, his stomach and intestines immediately warn him that they are not yet ready to accept it.

If you stuff a child with food and force him to eat while he feels mildly nauseous due to illness, the aversion to food takes root in him faster than in healthy child... In a few days, you can take away his appetite for a long time.

As soon as the stomach and intestines recover from the disease and are able to digest food again, the child returns strong feeling hunger. In the first week or two after his illness, he eats a lot and greedily to make up for the lost time. Sometimes he can whimper, asking for more food 2 hours after a hearty meal. Three year old child will require certain types food that is especially needed by his depleted body.

During the recovery period, parents should give the child only the food and drink that he wants, without any insistence and patiently, but with confidence, wait for signs of readiness for an increase in nutrition. If after a week the appetite for the child has not returned, consult your doctor.