Test whether I should get a cat. Test - Are you ready to have a kitten

How difficult it is to choose a cat! And the point is not even that you want both long-haired and short-haired, and black, and red at the same time, but in fear: “What if we don’t get along with her characters?” Don't worry, psychologists have already thought everything over for you and created a test by which you can easily ... know yourself, and then find a cat breed that suits your temperament.

Look at these pictures and listen to inner voice, which will whisper to you which of the figures you like best. Try not to put conscious reasoning into your choice, just feel which figure is more pleasant for you to look at. Remember your choice. Now choose from the remaining figures the least attractive picture for you.


● Square
If you chose a square, then you tend to love order, attention to detail. You like to analyze the information you receive, afraid to miss the main thing. You are rational and prudent, cautious and thrifty, with rare perseverance and perseverance achieve your goal. This means that cat breeds such as British Shorthair, European Shorthair, Ragdoll, Kuril Bobtail, Angora are most likely to suit you.

● Triangle
If you like the appearance of a triangle, you are clearly dominated by the makings of a leader. You are able to take responsibility, decisive. You know how to focus on the problem and find solutions that lead to victory. You are distinguished by self-confidence, ambition. Abyssinian, Bengal, Bombay, Burmese, Thai cats will be a worthy company for you.

● Circle
If you enjoy the contemplation of the circle, it means that you are friendly and caring. You are generous, trusting, undemanding and generous. you hate conflict situations and are ready to make concessions, just to keep peace.
Probably, every cat could dream of such an owner: do what you want, your every whim will be satisfied, any violation of the rules will get away with you! Fortunately, we are talking about a situation where cats do not choose their owner, but vice versa. So, a person with the listed qualities can be advised to get a Siberian, Persian, Scottish Fold, Exotic or Sacred Burmese - you will not have conflicts with them!

● Rectangle
The psychological properties of someone who likes a rectangle, in in general terms, the following: sensitivity, unambitiousness, courage. This person is constantly open to new knowledge, immoderate curiosity can sometimes even border on recklessness. His gullibility and indefatigability in search of new sensations will find their support in the Munchkin, Maine Coon, Devon Rex, Russian Blue, Singapore.

● Zigzag
Truly creative natures you can name the people who chose the zigzag. They are characterized by creativity, dreaminess, expressiveness. Their looseness and well developed intuition close to a cat, and, therefore, it will not be difficult for them to establish contact with animals. An extraordinary outlook on things and a sense of humor are dictated by atypical predilections to these people, sphinxes - Canadian and St. Petersburg - are especially suitable for them. And; Cornish Rex, Oriental, Siamese, American Curl.

After you've read which cats are right for your type, look in the body shape section to see which breeds you'd rather not risk a long-term relationship with.

Before getting a pet - a cat or a cat, each future owner must assess how ready he is for cohabitation with a furry friend. It is not uncommon for a person to get a pet, but at the same time their life together in the same territory: in an apartment in the city or country house, turns into a series of squabbles and scandals. A person has problems with upbringing, maintenance, and often even tolerance for a pet. It is worth making any omission in raising a kitten, as after a while a person gets an uncontrollable predator with sharp claws and teeth next to him, ready to fight to the death for his territory and a piece of meat. If you've made up your mind anyway get a cat, we invite you to choose some statements of the test that determines the possibility of your living with a cat in the neighborhood.

Statement #1

a) I like to watch movies on my home theater, as there is a good loud high-quality sound, but I usually connect headphones, as I can interfere with my neighbors.

b) At home, I put things in the places I want to, even sometimes not in a closet or chest of drawers. At home, I usually do what I want, this is my home, I can afford it.

Statement #2

a) The sofa, bed and armchair are my territory, only I can be there.

b) The sofa, bed and armchair are my territory, but I will not mind my furry friend being there with me.

Statement #3

a) When visiting a friend, the cat annoys me - she constantly messes with her hair my clothes. And generally speaking, cat grooming is not for me, she should catch mice and not disturb a person with her presence.

b) Coming to visit a friend, I like to squeeze and hug his cat, I like to play with her.

Statement #4

a) Every animal should know my word “No” otherwise it will be punished.

b) they should be treated with love. Yes, they may do something wrong, but over time they will be able to teach the words “You can’t” and “You can”, the main thing is to be patient.

Statement #5

a) At home and at work, I always rely only on myself

b) While at work, I always expect that someone is waiting for me at home - this is my beloved cat.


Approval No.

Test results

7 points-you will be able to live together with a cat under one roof, you are ready to have a cat. A furry friend will delight you with his presence every day, and he himself will be happy to have such an owner as you. He will raise an affectionate, kind and well-mannered animal.

3-6 points- you will be able to live together with a cat under one roof. However, if you decide to get a cat, you should pay attention to the habits of the pet. Pay maximum attention to education and do not get upset if something does not work right away.

2 points or less– unfortunately, you should not get a cat. You have taken a dominant uncompromising position. You do not understand the cat, its requirements, habits and habits. You are relentless in your choices. With the advent of a pet's home, there may be a misunderstanding in the relationship with him, some tension, which can lead to aggression and irreparable consequences.

Don't be discouraged if you don't score at all. It is very difficult to remake yourself, it is even more difficult to get along with a pet that has the same character as yours. Is it justified to spend your nerves and efforts on a cat? Are you feeling bad right now? Take care of your health and the health of your pet, leave the thought of getting a cat, maybe without it you will be much more comfortable and pleasant at home than with it.

For those who are allowed by the test to get a cat, do not worry about your relationship. Try to properly raise your pet, which will eventually become a full member of your family.

Test "Are you ready to have a kitten?"

You have seen cute fluffies more than once, which caused you delight and admiration. Large kind eyes, soft fur, pleasant purr. At some point, you realize that you want to have a kitten. It is important to understand that the appearance of a new family member in the house is a very important step that will require certain knowledge, skills and psychological preparation. Take this quiz to find out if you're actually ready to have a kitten.

Question 1. What are you going to feed the future pet?

A. Whiskas, Friskas, Felix, etc.
B. natural food(chicken, beef, vegetables, cereals).
IN . Premium or super premium dry or wet food.
G. Food from the table.

Question 2. What do you feel sorry for spending money on?

A. Do you need to spend a lot on a cat?
B. Cat food and scratching post.
B. Cat food, scratching post, toys, house, carrying bag.
D. I will buy everything my pet needs.

Question 3. How are you going to solve the issue related to the period of sexual hunting of a pet?

A. Sterilization (castration).
B. Let the cat have kittens.
B. Hormonal preparations.
G. I have not heard of such a problem.

Question 4. Why did you decide to have a kitten?

A. I love these lovely creatures very much.
B. To not feel lonely.
B. This is the decision of the flatmate (spouse, parents).
G. I have long wanted to have pet, and a kitten is the most convenient option.

Question 5. How did you start preparing for the appearance of a kitten in the house?

A. Why prepare for this? There is food in the house.
B. Bought a tray and filler.
Q. I read useful information.
G. bought everything necessary items(food, tray, scratching post, toys, bowls, etc.), and also carefully read articles about caring for kittens.

Question 6. What will you do if your kitten gets sick?

A. I'll take him to the vet.
B. I don't want to think about it now.
B. I will carefully look after him, feed him well, stroke him.
D. I will start looking for a solution to the problem on sites about pets.

Question 7. Where do you live?

A. House in the village.
B. Large private house.
B. City apartment.
G. A room in a hostel (a rented apartment).

Question 1. A-1, B-2, C-3, G-0.
Question 2. A-0, B-1, C-2, D-3.
Question 3. A-3, B-2, C-1, G-0.
Question 4. A-3, B-2, C-0, D-1.
Question 5. A-0, B-1, C-2, D-3.
Question 6. A-3, B-0, C-1, D-2.
Question 7. A-2, B-3, C-1, G-0.

0–6 points. You should not get a kitten because you are irresponsible about this idea. In such owners, animals do not live long.
7–14 points. Take your time. Study first necessary information about caring for cats. Buy all the necessary items. Prepare yourself for the fact that the kitten will require new expenses in the family. And then you can safely get a pet.
15–21 points. you are very the responsible person a big cat lover. You are 100% ready to have a kitten. Your pet will live happily ever after.

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Cats are great pets. They not only give special warmth and comfort to the house, but are also real family doctors. These purring, fluffy and adorable creatures have psychic abilities and know how to relieve stress from their owners. In addition, they get along well with children, unlike many other animals.

However, despite the obvious advantages, it is always necessary to remember that a cat is not a toy. And, having made the decision to start it, you take responsibility for later life and the fate of the cat. Therefore, the question “to start or not to start a kitten” must be approached meaningfully.

We have collected for you a few facts that you should think about before deciding to bring a kitten into the house:

Do you like being obeyed? Do you get irritated when people disagree with you? If so, maybe you'd better get not a cat, but a dog? Dogs are more accommodating, obedient and trainable.

Remember that cats cannot stand rudeness, coercion and dictate, because it is not without reason that these animals are called "walking on their own." This is very smart creatures who do not like to obey. Therefore, only a kind and patient person who values ​​friendship, trust and partnerships can become a good owner for a cat. And only for such a person a cat is a real joy!

You have seen cute fluffies more than once, which caused you delight and admiration. Big kind eyes, soft fur, pleasant purr. At some point, you realize that you want to have a kitten. It is important to understand that the appearance of a new family member in the house is a very important step that will require certain knowledge, skills and psychological preparation from you. Take this quiz to find out if you're actually ready to have a kitten.

Question 1. What are you going to feed the future pet?

A. Whiskas, Friskas, Felix, etc.
B. Natural food (chicken, beef, vegetables, cereals).
IN. Premium or super premium dry or wet food.
G. Food from the table.

Question 2. What do you feel sorry for spending money on?

A. Do you need to spend a lot on a cat?
B. Cat food and scratching post.
IN. Cat food, scratching post, toys, house, carrying bag.
G. I will buy my pet everything he needs.

Question 3. How are you going to solve the issue related to the period of sexual hunting of a pet?

A. Sterilization (castration).
B. Let the cat have kittens.
IN. Hormonal preparations.
G. Haven't heard of such a problem.

Question 4. Why did you decide to have a kitten?

A. I really love these cute creatures.
B. To not feel alone.
IN. This is the decision of a flatmate (spouse, parents).
G. I have long wanted to have a pet, and a kitten is the most convenient option.

Question 5. How did you start preparing for the appearance of a kitten in the house?

A. Why prepare for this? There is food in the house.
B. Bought a tray and filler.
IN. Read useful information.
G. I bought all the necessary items (food, a tray, a scratching post, toys, bowls, etc.), and also carefully read articles about caring for kittens.

Question 6. What will you do if your kitten gets sick?

A. I'll take him to the vet.
B. I don't want to think about it now.
IN. I will carefully look after him, feed him well, stroke him.
G. I will start looking for a solution to the problem on sites about pets.

Question 7. Where do you live?

A. House in the village.
B. Large private house.
IN. City apartment.
G. A room in a hostel (rented apartment).

Question 1. A-1, B-2, C-3, G-0.
Question 2. A-0, B-1, C-2, D-3.
Question 3. A-3, B-2, C-1, G-0.
Question 4. A-3, B-2, C-0, D-1.
Question 5. A-0, B-1, C-2, D-3.
Question 6. A-3, B-0, C-1, D-2.
Question 7. A-2, B-3, C-1, G-0.

Test results

0–6 points. You should not get a kitten because you are irresponsible about this idea. In such owners, animals do not live long.
7–14 points. Take your time. First, study the necessary information that relates to the care of cats. Buy all the necessary items. Prepare yourself for the fact that the kitten will require new expenses in the family. And then you can safely get a pet.
15–21 points. You are a very responsible person, a big cat lover. You are 100% ready to have a kitten. Your pet will live happily ever after.