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Nursing mothers are often interested in the question of whether it is possible to become pregnant while breastfeeding. In most cases, if a young mother is breastfeeding and resumes sex life, then it will be difficult for her to get pregnant. However, such natural method contraception should not be considered 100% reliable.

Help to figure out whether it is possible to become pregnant with hepatitis B, what processes occur in the woman's body, and after how many months mom can feel new life under the heart, the comments of doctors and HV consultants will help.

Several important rules for natural contraception to work. The main thing is that children should eat on demand and often breastfeed. If a nursing mother feeds her child for the first six months exclusively by breastfeeding, then this wonderful way prevent unwanted pregnancy... Doctors call this method. During this process, the mother does not have her periods, and ovulation does not occur.

The body of a woman who has just given birth cannot recover in a few days. It takes time for him to prepare for a new pregnancy. It happens faster for those who stay on artificial feeding. Mixed feeding the child also contributes to the early restoration of a woman's reproductive function.

Lactation occurs against the background of hormonal changes. During the production of milk in the woman's body, the amount of estrogen decreases, which provides protection against the next pregnancy. As a rule, during the lactation period, a woman does not have a period, but the likelihood of a new conception is still there.

Hepatitis B counselors and obstetricians-gynecologists, commenting on the question of whether it is possible to become pregnant a month after giving birth, suggest numerous examples in their practice when a woman became pregnant during lactation. Therefore, the answer to the question is whether it is possible to get pregnant during breastfeeding, will be unequivocal yes. Often a woman may simply not notice the onset of ovulation after childbirth, and it is possible that conception will occur at this time. In this case, the probability of pregnancy is about 10%.

Features of lactational amenorrhea as a method of contraception

To prevent pregnancy during breastfeeding, and the method worked 100%, it is necessary to adhere to several conditions. There are 5 main ones:

  1. The mother should feed the baby on demand and apply it to the breast at least 8 times a day.
  2. At night, the break between feedings should be no more than 6 hours.
  3. The child does not need to be supplemented or given formula.
  4. Parents should not use a pacifier to comfort their child.
  5. Mom has no period after giving birth for at least 3 months.

If you adhere to these basic rules, then birth next child may not come soon. The chance of a new pregnancy is less than 2%.

If a nursing mother does not want to get pregnant again, then she needs it as often as possible. You also need to forget about all kinds of pacifiers and bottles. If the baby is naughty, you need to calm him down near the chest. It is also recommended to maximize intimacy with the child so that bodily contact with the mother is carried out as often as possible.

But sometimes you can get pregnant after giving birth, even if there is no period in the first three months. There are cases when ovulation occurs without menstruation, therefore, 3 months after the birth of the child, additional methods of contraception must be used.

When menstruation is restored

There is no standard schedule for women who have just given birth. These terms are individual, as well as hormonal background from a young mother. But still, doctors call the approximate period of recovery of menstruation: from 6 to 24 months after childbirth.

When a woman breastfeeds, prolactin is produced in her body. This hormone prevents the maturation of the egg and thus inhibits ovulation. The amount of this hormone in a woman's body is directly related to the breastfeeding regimen. As soon as the mother begins to feed the baby, less often to apply it to the breast or inject a mixture, then prolactin in the blood serum becomes much less, which contributes to the resumption of ovulation and the monthly cycle.

As a rule, if the mother feeds on demand and introduces the mixture in a timely manner, then menstruation is restored 8-9 months after the birth of the baby. In addition, it is important to note that the cycle may differ from the previous one. The nature of menstruation can often change. The discharge may become more abundant, the pain is stronger, or vice versa. It is difficult to say what the new menstruation will be like. This is due to the physiological position of the uterus after childbirth, especially if it was bent before pregnancy.

The menstrual cycle does not recover after the first period. This process is also purely individual. Sometimes it can recover within 2-3 months, and sometimes it takes longer. If a woman doubts the restoration of the cycle, then she needs to seek advice from her gynecologist, and not think about whether she can get pregnant.

Symptoms of pregnancy during lactation

Do not assume that pregnancy and breastfeeding are incompatible things. Still, it is better to play it safe and know in advance what signs may appear when. They are often slightly different from the symptoms of a previous pregnancy.

The main signs on the part of the child are his desire to eat his mother's milk. Often times, breast milk can change its taste and texture, which is not to the liking of the baby. Therefore, if a child refuses to breastfeed for no obvious reason and at the same time feels good, then you need to get tested. Perhaps soon mom will be able to give birth to a baby brother or sister.

In the mother's body, when pregnancy occurs, colossal changes occur. Now the pregnant body begins to take care, first of all, of a new life, so it will not spend the same amount of energy on lactation. If a young mother begins to lose milk, it makes sense to do a pregnancy test.

If the mother does not change anything in the mode of attaching the baby to the breast, but at the same time the breast begins to ache and swell, then this may also indicate a new pregnancy. Even during breastfeeding, it is normal for the uterus to contract. But if these contractions become more frequent, you need to see a doctor.

Do not fold back and common signs pregnancy, which include nausea, vomiting, decreased appetite, drowsiness, urge to use the toilet, and back pain.

Contraception during lactation

If a woman has figured out everything for herself and received an answer to the question of whether it is possible to become pregnant while breastfeeding, then you need to think carefully about how to protect yourself during lactation. After all, if a young mother does not feel the desire to feel again all the delights of pregnancy and childbirth, then it is necessary to choose the optimal method of contraception for yourself.

For women who are breastfeeding, you can use the following types contraception:

Condoms have been and remain the most optimal method contraception. But many men may ignore such contraception, citing dullness of sensations. That's right, because this is influenced not only by the latex itself, but also by the slightly increased size of the vagina after childbirth. Married couple you need to discuss this issue and choose condoms the right size and good quality so that both partners get pleasure.

The second place in popularity and availability is occupied by Pharmatex and Pantentex candles. These spermicides can prevent unwanted pregnancies in new mothers. They can be used during lactation period, but it is still necessary to consult a gynecologist to prevent individual intolerance.

The intrauterine device can be inserted after childbirth after 6-8 weeks. Medical manipulations a little relieved by the fact that the cervix of the recently given birth woman remains ajar. If a woman has no contraindications, then this method of contraception is the most effective and convenient.

Oral tablets can be taken 2 months after childbirth, but it is necessary to study the instructions and consult a doctor. Usually, special contraindications for nursing mothers, no, but you do not need to take unknown pills without making sure they are safe. Six months later, it is recommended to switch to combined oral contraceptives. But it is worth considering that, although they are insignificant, they still affect the production of breast milk.

A young mom still needs to play it safe and not rely on only one method. lactational amenorrhea... Taking into account the fact that fertility can resume already 2 months after childbirth, it will no longer be necessary to look for an answer to the question of whether it is possible to become pregnant while breastfeeding, since all the signs will be present. After giving birth, this topic should be discussed with your doctor. Any qualified specialist will answer that if you are breastfeeding, then the need for complementary methods contraception is still there.

Many new mothers are convinced that it is impossible to become pregnant while breastfeeding. Therefore, they do not use any means of protection, and if suddenly there is repeated pregnancy, it becomes a real surprise for them. Let's try to understand and find out all the factors contributing to conception during the period of feeding a child.

Breastfeeding your baby as a method of contraception

Lactation is considered a contraceptive method called lactational amenorrhea. The chances of getting pregnant at such a moment are extremely small, but conceiving a child is possible.

After childbirth, female reproductive function is not restored immediately. And for those who practice breastfeeding, this period is even longer. Sometimes the recovery process continues to completion. Usually at this time the woman has no menstruation. In this case the answer to the question whether it is possible to get pregnant while breastfeeding without menstruation will be negative.

Important! Pregnancy while breastfeeding is possible but not common. If, after giving birth, a woman has already had menstruation, then one should begin to use contraceptives.

During lactation, hormones are intensively produced that suppress fertility itself. So prolactin prevents a woman from getting pregnant again, and the minimum production of estrogen interferes with the full functioning of the ovaries. Ovulation does not occur in the female body, so the possibility of conception is minimized.

But for lactational amenorrhea to really work, the following conditions must be met:

  • feeding the child not by the clock, but on demand;
  • the break between feedings is no more than three hours;
  • the baby should not be additionally fed with mixtures and supplemented with water;
  • it is also not recommended to soothe a child with a pacifier.

Due to this, the child should be fed at least six to ten times per day (depending on the duration of feeding), and the child should not be more than seven months old.

If we are talking about an older baby, then the frequency of feeding does not have of particular importance, since after six months, complementary foods appear in the baby's diet, which means that he already needs much less mother's milk. It is from this period that the risk of becoming pregnant increases if the woman does not use contraception.

Important! The chances of getting pregnant while breastfeeding are especially high after the baby is 6 months old.

To understand when you can get pregnant after giving birth while breastfeeding, you need to focus on the time of the onset of menstruation. In this case internal system informs that the female body is ready to conceive.

Contraception while breastfeeding

A woman who has recently given birth needs to know how not to get pregnant while breastfeeding. In this case, the main solution is protection during intercourse.

  1. Condom. The effectiveness of condoms is considered to be quite high. It is important to choose correct view such contraception and, if necessary, apply a special lubricant, since after childbirth, many women complain of excessive vaginal dryness.
  2. Vaginal diaphragm. The effectiveness of this method is 90 percent. In order not to face pregnancy while breastfeeding, spermicidal agents can be used. It can be a variety of pills, creams and suppositories. They are able to create a special environment that neutralizes sperm activity.
  3. Intrauterine device. If a woman does not have any contraindications, it can be established after eight weeks after giving birth. The spiral will operate for five years.

Contraception video while breastfeeding

Pregnancy and lactation

The body of some women after childbirth recovers quickly enough and after two months the hormonal balance can be normalized. In this case, menstruation appears and there is a risk of conception.

If menstruation did not have time to appear, but at the same time the fertilization of the egg took place, then menstruation will not come, but already in connection with conception. The test will help to recognize pregnancy. It should be done on the tenth day after fertilization. The test should be repeated after another two weeks.

When faced with pregnancy during lactation, it is important for a woman to understand how safe this condition can be. In this case, all the forces of the body will be directed primarily to the development of the fetus, and then to nutrition. born child... As a result, the least resources remain for maintaining the health of the woman herself. And all this should be taken into account while continuing to breastfeed during pregnancy.

In the first weeks of waiting for a baby, you may experience discomfort during lactation. However, this condition then goes away. The hormone oxytocin, produced during feeding, does not affect the tone of the uterus, so there is no need to fear premature termination of pregnancy.

If milk is lost or saved if you become pregnant, it depends entirely on the condition and well-being of the woman herself. If on early dates arises severe toxicosis, then the female body is under stress, which can cause the extinction of breast milk production.

Breastfeeding videos during pregnancy

Signs of pregnancy while breastfeeding

How to detect pregnancy without a test while breastfeeding? After all, the very first signs a newly-made mother can associate with fatigue or overwork. At such a moment, she least of all associates her altered state with conception.

Signs of early pregnancy with breastfeeding include:

  • altered milk quality;
  • breast tenderness;
  • onset toxicosis;
  • increased urination;
  • lower back pain;
  • felt discomfort in the lower abdomen.

Faced with such symptoms, a woman should do a test and find out the reason for the appearance of these symptoms. If pregnancy is confirmed, but at the same time the young mother does not want to give birth to her second child yet, you can resort to medical abortion.

This procedure takes about three days. The drugs are prescribed only by a specialist. Medication interruption Pregnancy while breastfeeding is based on the internal administration of drugs that suppress the activity of the hormone progesterone, as well as drugs that stimulate the contractility of the uterine muscles.

Lactation and pregnancy can be compatible. But a woman should be attentive to this state, since there should be much more strength and nutrients entering the body than with breastfeeding.

In contact with

Having a baby is so wonderful! Small fists on a snow-white swaddle, tiny bonnets, colored rattles, walks in the park with a stroller ...

The birth of a toddler is so exhausting! Night vigils, lack of milk, colic, first teeth, frequent washing... It is not surprising that very rarely people decide on the weather - the majority are afraid of even one thought about the imminent next pregnancy. In addition, the body of the young mother has not yet recovered from childbirth - how can another healthy baby grow up there in such conditions?

In general, even if a woman still has not started her period (she is breastfeeding), she is still afraid - what if another pregnancy? Mother-in-law or mother can with all confidence experienced women assure her: do not be afraid, as long as you feed, you will not "carry it." Is it true?

Can you get pregnant while breastfeeding?

In general, the assurances of relatives have a logical basis: since there is no menstruation, then the body is not yet ready for pregnancy. While lactation is in progress, the woman's pituitary gland produces the hormone prolactin, which inhibits the onset of ovulation. And since the follicle with the egg does not mature, then you will not be able to get pregnant.

But of course, there is an exception to every rule. Sometimes a woman feeds a child on demand, milk gushes, and suddenly from nowhere it is taken into best case- menstruation, at worst - an unplanned pregnancy.

Why do nursing mothers get pregnant?

This is only in the calendar (for ease of counting) monthly cycle women begins with menstruation. In fact, ovulation occurs first of all - after all, menstruation is nothing more than the excretion of a "blank", "unworked" egg from the body. So in the absence of menstruation, you can easily lose sight of your first ovulation. And if you, considering lactation a "panacea" for pregnancy, do not buy condoms, then you will not have to wait long for pregnancy.

And they learn about such a conception, as a rule, rather late - when the baby is already beginning to move. Indeed, in ordinary cases, pregnancy is suspected by missing menstruation - and if they were not initially 0, then the woman continues to believe that she has lactational amenorrhea, while the day next genera everything is getting closer.

When can you rely on amenorrhea?

It is believed that there are conditions, adhering to which, you will not get pregnant even without contraception:

  1. No supplementary feeding - you feed the crumb only with your milk.
  2. It is necessary to apply the baby to the breast on demand, and not by the hour, and at least 6 times a day.
  3. You need to feed your baby from the hospital, from birth.
  4. The mother's body must be in perfect order.

If you are not sure about " lactational contraception", Better buy pharmacy products- so it will still be more reliable.

How to notice a second pregnancy?

About her can be prompted by both your own state of health and the behavior of your child.

How will the baby behave?

During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes significant changes that cannot but affect the consistency and taste. mother's milk... Often the “food” changes so much that the baby refuses to breastfeed, or eats much less than before.

If you notice that your child is healthy, but suddenly became very picky about "breast" food - buy a pregnancy test.

How will your body behave?

  • At normal nutrition you may lose some milk. The reason for this is that the body redirects incoming resources to the unborn baby;
  • Breast swelling (with the same or less milk), nipple soreness;
  • Irregular periods: just appeared and disappeared again;
  • Often, when feeding, a woman can feel a mini-orgasm inside herself from a contracted uterus. This is the norm. However, if these contractions are too frequent and no longer depend on feedings, they can signal pregnancy;
  • And finally, don't forget about the classics of the genre! Pregnancy - that's why pregnancy is to "please" a woman with toxicosis, that is morning sickness up to vomiting, as well as loss of interest in food. And besides, you may feel lower back pain, frequent urge"In a small way." This standard set of a young "waiting" quite unequivocally hints: a stork will come to you again soon.

What kind of contraception can a nursing mother use?

If you can get pregnant during lactation, but you don't want to, you need to plan a family with the help of a pharmacy! Ideally, your gynecologist prescribes the contraceptive.

Most likely, he will advise one of these:

  • IUD (a spiral placed inside the uterus),
  • condoms,
  • mini-drank,
  • injections,
  • implants,
  • sterilization (if you are completely sure that you will not give birth again).

But pills with progesterone and estrogen are now contraindicated for you.

And if you give birth to a second, then when is it better?

You had a sister, your husband had a brother, and you want your baby to be not alone in the family. This good wish! But is it worth giving birth to a second heir immediately after the first?

The doctors are sure: no. First, the mother's body needs to recover. Secondly, your firstborn should receive everything from her milk. useful material to grow up strong and healthy.

The "golden mean" between the birth of children is considered to be the period from 2 to 4 years. It is convenient for mom not only in terms of physiology, but also psychologically - the couple manages to sleep off after colic and teething of the first child, and the pain of childbirth is completely forgotten.

  • Lactational amenorrhea. With milk, but no menstruation
  • Signs of pregnancy while breastfeeding
  • V restoration of the menstrual cycle during lactation
  • Some people consider breastfeeding a reliable natural contraception, others, on the contrary, the right way get the weather. Why is there no menstrual period during breastfeeding and is it possible to get pregnant before the menstrual cycle resumes?

    Prolactin is not only about milk

    Both during pregnancy and during breastfeeding, serious hormonal changes... While the baby is waiting for the moment of birth, important role plays the hormone progesterone. At the beginning of pregnancy, its level rises, and because of this, the immune response decreases (the embryo is not rejected as a foreign body), the muscles of the uterus relax (which allows the baby to grow and develop). In addition, progesterone promotes the proliferation of the secretory tissue of the mammary glands, where milk will be produced, and at the same time inhibits (that is, inhibits) lactation. The drop in progesterone levels after childbirth is one of the signals for the start of milk production.

    And now, after giving birth, two other hormones come to the fore - oxytocin and prolactin. Oxytocin begins to be released even during childbirth - it is he who provokes the onset of contractions, contributing to the contraction of the uterus and the opening of its cervix. During breastfeeding, it produces a kind of "microcontraction" of the milk ducts, forcing milk to be released.

    Prolactin plays a more versatile role. First, it causes milk production in the mammary glands. The level of prolactin in a woman's body rises even during pregnancy, but then the appearance of milk, as you remember, was interfered with by progesterone. And secondly, prolactin "inhibits" menstrual cycle: interferes with the production of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), thereby preventing ovulation and, then, menstruation or new pregnancy. This phenomenon is called lactational amenorrhea.

    Both oxytocin and prolactin are produced in a nursing woman's body in response to mechanical stimulation of receptors in the nipples. As soon as the baby picks up the breast, it becomes a signal for the production (prolactin) and excretion (oxytocin) of breast milk.

    Lactational amenorrhea. With milk, but no menstruation

    If you are not too lazy to understand the role of hormones in the lactation process, then you have probably noted two important facts.

      The hormone prolactin interferes with the onset of ovulation, and therefore a new pregnancy.

      Prolactin is not produced continuously in the body of a nursing woman, but only in response to irritation of receptors in the nipples during breastfeeding.

    It is easy to conclude: the more often you put your baby to the breast, the less likely it is to restore the menstrual cycle. How much less?

    Statistics show that in the first six months after childbirth, breastfeeding protects against the onset of a new pregnancy with a probability of 98%. Not bad, as effective as a condom!

    But ... To do this, you must follow a few rules!

      The child must be exclusively breastfed(sometimes, on the advice of a pediatrician, it is possible to supplement with water in small quantities). Any complementary feeding dramatically reduces the contraceptive effect of breastfeeding.

      Need a child apply to the breast regularly; it doesn't matter if you have established a certain feeding schedule or you feed your baby on demand, you need to apply it to the breast every 3.5-4 hours, at least.

      Night feeds are compulsory... The break, even at night, should not exceed 6 hours.

    Under these conditions, pregnancy will definitely not occur in the first 6 months, however, depending on the frequency of feedings, lactational amenorrhea can last up to 14 months.

    As a rule, with the introduction of complementary foods, the contraceptive effect of breastfeeding disappears.

    Signs of pregnancy while breastfeeding

    Doctors do not recommend getting pregnant more than once every two years. A shorter period does not allow the mother's body to recover and devote at least a year to full breastfeeding of the baby. It is not difficult to start using contraception in time if you notice that your periods have resumed. Talk to your healthcare provider about which method of contraception is right for you.

    However, the menstrual cycle is restored not from menstruation, but from an outwardly imperceptible phenomenon - ovulation. One ovulation is enough for new pregnancy, and if there was no menstruation, it can be a surprise for mom!

    If you reduce the number of feedings, then your menstrual cycle is restored within 2-3 months. Don't worry about contraception when your period returns, but when you introduce your first solid food!

    If the menstrual cycle has not yet recovered, what signs could indicate a new pregnancy? In addition to the usual ones (nausea, drowsiness, frequent urination, increased pigmentation), there are also specific ones associated with breastfeeding.

      The amount of milk decreases. As you remember, from the first days of pregnancy, the amount of progesterone, the "pregnancy hormone" that inhibits the formation of milk, increases in the mother's future body.

      The taste and quality of milk changes. Often, babies are naughty at the breast after the mother has a new pregnancy - they do not like the changed taste. This can also happen during menstruation if the cycle has already recovered.

    Pay attention to vaginal discharge as well. With lactational amenorrhea, they are absent altogether. Watery transparent selection may indicate the onset of ovulation. Finally, the meager irregular bloody issues may indicate the onset of pregnancy and, moreover, about the threat of its termination (more on this in detail below).

    Perhaps you are healthy, full of strength and enthusiasm and have nothing against weather children. But in this case, you must remember that breastfeeding may not the best way affect a new pregnancy.

    It's all about the hormone oxytocin, which, as we already mentioned, is secreted by a nursing mother in response to mechanical stimulation nipples. If you are not pregnant, then it simply helps in the separation of milk. But if a new pregnancy occurs, then oxytocin acts on the uterus, causing it to contract. Sometimes it can even lead to a miscarriage (in the first trimester), premature birth(in the third trimester), not to mention the deterioration of blood supply and fetal hypoxia. And although not everyone has such problems, a nursing mother needs to follow the advice of an observing doctor exactly; you may even have to stop breastfeeding.

    Restoration of the menstrual cycle during lactation

    As we already mentioned, as soon as the number of feedings decreases (usually after the introduction of complementary foods, when the baby turns 6 months old), the woman's menstrual cycle is restored within 2-3 months. That is middle period lactational amenorrhea - 6-8 months after childbirth. However, this period may vary. If the baby does not apply to the breast regularly (for example, the mother expresses milk in advance so that someone close to him feeds the baby from a bottle), then the cycle will resume earlier, even if the baby is still completely breastfed. How fewer feedings and the longer the breaks between them, the earlier you can expect the onset of the first ovulation.

    In women who are not breastfeeding, the menstrual cycle may resume as early as 6-8 weeks after giving birth.

    However, if the baby continues to latch on to the breast at every feeding even after the introduction of complementary foods, suckles for a long time and productively, then lactational amenorrhea can last a year or even longer. If you stop breastfeeding and your menstrual cycle has not recovered within three months, you should see your doctor for a hormonal check.

    So, if your baby is fully breastfed, breastfeeding is frequent day and night, you can be sure that you are protected from another pregnancy. But remember that if the feeding regime is violated, pregnancy may occur without you noticing. So if you rely solely on natural contraceptive mechanisms, keep a pregnancy test handy!

    Prepared by Anastasia Sergeeva

    Many people think that pregnancy while feeding is a very rare occurrence, the probability of which is almost zero. But is it really so? Let's consider this aspect in more detail in this article.

    During lactation, a woman's brain produces a significant amount of prolactin, a hormone that is responsible for milk production. Its concentration directly depends on the frequency of feeding. The high content of this hormone in a woman's body prevents the growth of the follicle, in which the maturation of the egg takes place. Accordingly, if there is no egg cell, ovulation does not occur and fertilization in this situation is impossible.

    This process is called lactational amenorrhea. Experts have determined that she has enough high efficiency as a method of contraception - from 95% to 98%. But to this method worked, you need to adhere to some rules. Pregnancy during feeding will not occur if:

    • a woman lays the baby to her breast at his first request. Break in feeding at daytime should not exceed 3-4 hours, and at night - 6 hours;
    • the child is not receiving additional food or drink;
    • less than 6 months have passed since the birth of the baby;
    • the woman has no menstruation.

    Only if these rules are carefully observed, lactation can be considered as a way to prevent conception. V Lately the method of lactational amenorrhea has become less effective than before. This is due to the use of stimulants during labor, which change the hormonal background of a woman. Without stimulation, labor can take up to 24 hours. Considering that now, in most cases, pregnancy proceeds with complications of one degree or another, such a long generic activity is unsafe for mother and baby.
    In some women, the cervix opens early. V in this case you need to remove the child as quickly as possible and this is an indication for stimulation generic process... There are also opposite situations, when the cervix does not open for too long, this can lead to dangerous consequences... As a result of the use of stimulants, hormonal processes in a woman's body change, but this does not affect her health.

    Signs of pregnancy when breastfeeding

    The following signs indicate the onset of pregnancy:

    • a decrease in the child's interest in milk or a refusal from it. As a result of hormonal processes in the body future mother after conception, the taste of milk changes. It can be bitter for a first toddler. But this does not always happen, in some cases children do not even notice the changes;
    • After fertilization, the female body directs resources first of all to the development of the fetus, and then to milk production. For this reason, its quantity may decrease;
    • Signs of pregnancy while breastfeeding include changes in the breast area. A woman may feel swelling of the nipples, their soreness, sensitivity;
    • the change uterine contractions... Contractions during the nursing period are normal, so the uterus returns to its original state. Any changes in this process can be triggered by a new pregnancy;
    • if during lactation the woman's cycle resumed and menstruation did not occur in due date, this could be evidence of pregnancy.

    Pregnancy and baby feeding

    Many women are afraid to carry a baby during lactation, but this should not be a deterrent. In the absence of complications, feeding can be continued. The hormone oxytocin, produced during lactation, is not harmful to the uterus until 34 weeks. Some breastfeeding women develop painful sensations in the nipple area, which complicates the feeding procedure. If there is no threat of a new pregnancy, the woman herself has the right to decide whether to wean the older child. The baby can refuse mother's milk himself, since during the second trimester it begins to turn into colostrum.
    Refusal to feed depends largely on the age of the child. If he is already 1.5 years old for the next pregnancy, the weaning process will take place without difficulty. At this age, the baby's need for breast milk decreases. But excommunication should be painless not only physiologically, but also psychologically.

    Feeding should be finished gradually. So that the older child does not have a feeling of jealousy, it is necessary to stop breastfeeding before childbirth. Otherwise, the appearance of a sister or brother will be associated with weaning. At the same time, it is important to give the first baby enough attention.
    In a different situation, when the child is only a few months old, and he is still long time will need breast milk, feeding can be continued, and after childbirth, feed both babies. But this option is permissible only if the pregnancy is progressing well. In this situation, a woman should receive good nutrition... Breastfeeding during pregnancy puts additional stress on the body. All nutrients will first of all be received by the fetus, then they will enter the milk, and only after that necessary substances will enter the mother's body.

    There are reasons why you need to mandatory stop feeding:

    • decrease in body weight in a woman;
    • a pronounced form of toxicosis. There are cases when the child begins to experience the sensations characteristic of this state in addition to the mother;
    • the likelihood of premature birth;
    • risk of miscarriage;
    • lack of pregnancy in the past;
    • spontaneous termination of pregnancy in previous cases;
    • decrease in hemoglobin in a woman's blood. This situation is quite dangerous for the fetus, as it can provoke intrauterine hypoxia.

    Possible complications

    If pregnancy occurs during lactation, the woman may face certain difficulties.

    1. First of all, this is a significant load and stressful situation for the body. Doctors recommend planning next pregnancy not earlier than 2-3 years after childbirth.
    2. Carrying a child requires significant resources of the mother's body. In order for the fetus to fully develop, it must receive in enough vitamins, micro and macro elements. Also nutrients are needed for milk production. For this reason, the woman's body needs recovery and pregnancy after feeding is easier.
    3. The beginning or development of varicose veins of the legs. The likelihood of this problem is high even if the woman did not encounter it when carrying the first child.
    4. If during the previous birth the cervix was deformed or damaged, then this can provoke the termination of pregnancy as a result of contact with fetal bladder into the channel.
    5. If the last time delivery was carried out by caesarean section, the scar requires careful observation. In the case when a little time has passed between childbirth and a new pregnancy, the tissues in the area of ​​the incision are not completely restored and may disperse. Particularly relevant this problem becomes at corporal section, when the uterus is cut longitudinally along the midline. In this case, in women, the placenta is often attached too low, the fetus does not receive the necessary amount of oxygen and nutrients.
    6. A short interval between two pregnancies can provoke an exacerbation of somatic diseases. These are diseases of the blood, lungs, disturbances in the work of the cardiovascular system. In this situation, in addition to an obstetrician-gynecologist, a woman should receive advice from specialists who specialize in these diseases.
    7. Severe anemia. At the same time, the hemoglobin level falls below 70 g / l. If during the previous childbirth a woman has lost a large number of blood, a new pregnancy that occurs after a short period of time will cause the progression of anemia.
    8. V postpartum period a woman may face inflammatory processes in the uterus. This poses the threat of a new pregnancy.

    Contraceptive methods

    If pregnancy while breastfeeding is not part of the woman's plans, she should take appropriate action. Today there is big choice contraceptives that are suitable for a nursing mother:

    1. Barrier contraceptives. These include condoms and vaginal diaphragms. These remedies are quite effective. When using condoms, you must use special lubricants. After giving birth, the woman does not develop natural lubrication what is causing the discomfort and unpleasant sensations during intimacy... In some cases, couples try to use improvised means for this purpose, such as petroleum jelly or cosmetic cream... This should not be done because the condom may break.
    2. The vaginal diaphragm is a spring-loaded cap made of latex material. The principle of operation of this contraceptive is to close the cervix, as a result of which the sperm cannot enter the uterine cavity. The diaphragm is easy to use and can be used multiple times.
    3. Intrauterine device. It can be installed as early as 6 weeks after giving birth. During this period, the cervix is ​​still slightly open, which facilitates the procedure for placing the spiral. The effectiveness of this contraceptive reaches 100%. The duration of the spiral is from 5 to 7 years. But it can be removed when needed.
    4. Spermicidal contraceptives. These are vaginal suppositories, pills and creams. These funds create a destructive environment for sperm in the vagina. Their efficiency exceeds 80%. But for a woman who has recently given birth, spermicides will suitable option, since fertility after childbirth reaches its initial rate gradually. The main reason women prefer these contraceptives is their inability to pass into breast milk.
    5. Oral contraceptives. They are divided into two types: mini-drank and combined means... The mini-pili tablets do not contain ethinyl estradiol. You can start taking them 2 months after giving birth. These tablets do not interfere with milk production and do not negative impact on the baby's body. This is their obvious advantage. But mini-drills also have a drawback. Their effectiveness depends on adherence to the admission schedule. A delay of 2-3 hours significantly reduces protective properties this tool. Combined tablets lack this disadvantage. You can take them after the child reaches six months of age. As a result of the effect of combined contraceptives, milk production decreases. But its amount will decrease slightly, and the baby by this time is already receiving complementary foods, and will not feel a lack of nutrition.
    6. Some couples practice such methods of protection as the calendar method and interrupted intimate intercourse. These methods are of very low efficiency. It is extremely difficult to calculate the moment of recovery of the cycle after childbirth. And the interrupted act does not exclude the ingress of sperm into the vagina. Before ejaculation, a man secretes pre-ejaculatory fluid, which is contained in small amount sperm.
    7. Sterilization is also possible. It is the most effective of all the methods listed, but is only suitable for those couples who do not plan to have children in the future. This procedure consists in bandaging fallopian tubes in women and spermatic tugs in men. If this process is irreversible in a woman, a man can, if desired, restore reproductive ability.

    1. An expectant mother who is still feeding her first child should receive a full balanced diet... In the first weeks after conception, you need to take vitamin complexes, which will be in addition to the nutrients that enter the body with food.
    2. During this period, it is highly undesirable to overwork. Caring for a small child requires a lot of effort, but a woman now has to think about the baby who will be born soon. Therefore, relatives should be involved in the performance of household duties.
    3. Walking in the fresh air for 1-2 hours a day will bring tangible benefits.
    4. Adequate sleep is just as important as balanced diet... You need to sleep at least 8 hours a day. It is recommended to rest with your feet on a pillow to reduce swelling.
    5. A woman should use preventive stockings or tights to reduce the load on the veins and prevent development varicose veins... This rule is recommended to be followed even if the woman did not experience problems with veins during the period of bearing the first baby. Under the influence of the load exerted by the uterus on the venous system, the blood cannot rise. As a result, there is pressure on the walls of blood vessels.

    If a woman has negative rhesus factor, she needs to donate blood for Rh antibodies. When these antibodies accumulate in the mother's body, they destroy the erythrocytes of the fetus and the child may develop such a pathology as hemolytic disease. A characteristic feature of the second pregnancy is weakening abdominal wall... Therefore, after 20 weeks, you need to wear a bandage.


    Lactational amenorrhea can be called quite effective way warnings unplanned pregnancy... But she does not completely exclude conception. Thus, it is possible to become pregnant while breastfeeding. WITH medical point vision, the time interval between childbirth and conception should be from 2 to 3 years. Female body when carrying a fetus, it receives a significant load. Milk production also requires certain resources. For this reason, experts recommend planning your next pregnancy after breastfeeding. It is safer for the health of the mother. And also there will be no need to wean a child who still needs nutrients contained in breast milk.

    Features of breastfeeding during pregnancy are presented in the video: