Fanfic fanfiction chernobyl exclusion zone is perfect. Fanfic Chernobyl exclusion zone

Listen, where is Nastyukha then? - asked Lesha.

Oh, I have a bad feeling. - Anya put her hand on her heart.

Look !! - Gosha pointed at Nastya.

The girl lies on the ground unconscious.

Naastya !! - Lesha rushed first.

Alexei knelt down next to Nastya and shook her by the shoulders.

Where are we? -Nastya got up and sat on her knees.

Nastyukhin! -Lesha tightly hugged the girl, and then kissed.

Nastya! -Anya bumped into her sister.

Guys, what's going on? Where are we? ”The redhead rubbed her temples.

Nastya, what is the last thing you remember? - Pasha asked.

After thinking for a minute, Nastya replied: -White thick fog. And then ... nothing. But what?

You killed the peasant and Pasha with Gosha, and almost killed Lesha, Anya replied calmly.

Me? -Nastya pointed a finger at herself. Everyone nodded in the affirmative.

The girl wanted to answer, but the wild cries of Gosha interrupted her.

People !! Guys !! - he ran to them.

Gosh, what happened?

We're out of the zone !! - all looked at each other.

Already three or five kilometers.

Then everyone screamed loudly, and began to jump and rejoice.

I can’t even believe it! She finally let us go !! ”rejoiced Pavel, embracing Anya and Nastya.

Pashka, I'm going to be jealous now. -Lesha folded his arms over his chest.

Oh, I'm already jealous. ”The redhead smiled, went up to the guy and hugged him.

Nastyukh, what's on your shoulder? - Pasha asked.

Nastya, you have blood! ”Cried Anya.

Well, turn around! -Lesha turned the girl with his back to him. -Nast, you really have all your shoulder in blood.

Damn, what is this ?! - Nastya felt her shoulder, after which her entire palm was covered in blood.

The girl lowered her jacket and shirt, but there was nothing on her shoulder. And that spot too.

Naast, and where is your ...? - Anya pointed to the girl's shoulder.

I got it !! The zone let us go, and Nastya doesn't owe anything else. Well, this thing disappeared on the hike, because your strength was gone, ”explained Gosha.

Well, I got the meaning. ”Nastya nodded.

Well, if so, let's move forward or something. -Pavel rubbed his palms.

Everyone went to the car. The last one was Nastya.
Then she stopped abruptly and, as if feeling someone's eyes on her, turned back. But, not seeing anything unusual, she went on.

Pasha is driving, Lech is dozing next to him.
Gosha, as always, is digging into the tablet, while Nastya and Anya are chatting about something.

People, let's have a halt, eh? -Pasha suggested.

By the way, if we leave early tomorrow morning, then by the evening we will be already at home, - Alex yawned.

Well then why not. - Anya looked at Nastya.

I-za! And you, Gosh? Gosh? -Nastya turned in his direction. The guy sniffs peacefully, leaning on the glass.

The company made a halt in a small clearing.
Gosha was left to sleep in the car.

The guys set up tents, the girls cooked dinner, or whatever.

Nastya, how did it happen that ... this one possessed you? ”Anya asked shortly.

To be honest, I myself do not understand. At one point, I lost control of myself. It was as if the devil had possessed me.

In my opinion, it was so. -Lesha hugged the girl closer to him.

Well, in some ways, Lesha is right. When I finally lost control of myself, a struggle began inside me. I tried to stop HER, but she blocked my movements. After those Lesha's words, she relaxed or something. Then I decided to try to fix everything. Well ... it turned out what happened. In short, I myself do not know how to explain it normally.

I hope that all our adventures will end there. ”Anya sighed.

Okay, stop dreaming! Let's sleep!

Oh! Nastyukh, hello. -Pasha left the tent and stretched. -Why are you up so early?

That Lesha didn't let him sleep all night? -Anya winked at her sister. -That's why at night I constantly heard rustling in your tent.

Yeah. Gorelov muttered something all night, groaned, twisted. I thought I would strangle him. - Nastya was sitting on a log, near an extinct fire.

And how are you going to live without me then ?! - Lesha's voice came from the tent. And then his head appeared.

Good morning everyone. - Stretching and yawning, Gosha got out of the car.

Oo. Zadrot! Zdarova!

After breakfast, Lesha said that he dreamed of some guy. He said that he was very lucky with Nastya, asked him to love and take care of her.

And so, having collected all the things, the guys moved home.
This time Lesha got behind the wheel, Nastya was next to him, and everyone else was behind.


Everyone is dozing. Except for Lesha, who is driving the car, and Gosha, who sticks into the tablet.

Well, guys, I congratulate you! -Everyone stared at the guy. -Another two or three hours and we are home!

Uuuraa !! - everyone clapped their hands together.

Nobody could believe that they finally got out of this hell, referred to as the city of Pripyat. Everyone was already mentally imagining how they would live normally. But it seems that it was not there.

After Nastya relaxed back in the seat, her phone, lying on the glove compartment, rang, which excited everyone in the cabin.
The girl lazily reached for her phone, but touched him, and he fell under the seat.

While she was looking for him under the seat, she accidentally pressed the "speakerphone" and their mother screamed throughout the cabin.

-Nastya. Hello. Nastya. Can you hear me?- for Nastya it was so unexpected that she hit her head on the glove compartment.

Hi, Mom. -Said Nastya, rubbing the back of her head.

"Nastya! Finally! I can't get through to you with Anya for three days! Where are you ?!"

And you usually didn't care where I was, and with whom, ”Nastya answered indifferently.

-So, Anastasia, don't be impudent to your mother! the redhead just rolled her eyes.

Mom, did you want something, or are you just calling?

-Well, yes, why am I calling that. In general, my father and I were offered a lucrative contract, and tomorrow we fly to America


-Nastya, I haven't finished. You are flying with us!

WHAT? !! With what ... joy? -The girl's eyes instantly widened.

-Nastya, where did you go?

Um ... well ... I ...

-Nastya, we know that you didn’t go anywhere. You don’t have to lie. You've always dreamed of visiting America. And even more so, you know English well. Is it "s true?

Yes, but that does not mean that ... Ugh, you damn it! Yes, but that does not mean that you can take me like that and take me to America!

- Daughter, don't worry. We found you a great university, you finish it, get a good job, marry wonderful person and everything will be just great!

But what about Anya? -Nastya looked at her sister through the rear-view mirror.

-What about Anya? Anya is already here without five minutes married, and you ...

Yeah, so you mean I'm so ugly that I’m never going to marry, huh?

-Nastya, I didn’t say that. But you don’t let a single normal guy near you.

How do you know that? You never gave a damn about me.

-Don't say that! I knew about every guy of yours.

However, graduating from university, getting a job, getting married — all of this can be done here.

-Yes, but think: there are more prospects in America. Especially, well, for what promising work can I get a job here? Who to marry? Some gopnik?

And that there are no more normal guys in Russia besides gopniks?

-Yes. But you are unlikely to grab this. You had a wonderful guy. He loved you until he lost his pulse, even to the ends of the world behind you. Dima seems-Lesha immediately stared at Nastya with a questioning glance. And she looked at Anya through the rear-view mirror. Anya immediately realized that hysterics would soon begin. -That's why I left him ?!-mum noticeably raised her voice. Why didn’t he suit you so much ?! It’s what a fool you have to be to leave such a guy? !! That's why ?! Why ?!

Yes, he died, mom! - Nastya screamed at the whole salon.

-How did you die? When?

Two years ago I had an accident !! Crashed! To death! - All the guys had shocked faces, except for Ani.

"What a nightmare! Why didn't you tell me anything?"

Did not say?! Didn't say ?! Yes, you didn't care at all about me! When I was suffering there! I ... damn it, I was two steps away from suicide! This is the kind of maternal care?! Yes, with such upbringing, I could become ... In short, thanks you, mommy, huge !!

- You're not my daughter!

-Nastya, you already an adult girl, and you have the right to know the truth. So ... you don't own daughter... You see, since childhood I was friends with one girl. We were inseparable. We went to the same school together, to the same class. Then we studied at the university. We then lived in Pripyat. And then, we decided to leave for Moscow. I went without any problems, but Lena ... She had a fiancé here. She did not love him. In Moscow, a real fiancé was waiting for her. Your ... father. Well, a few days before that accident, she ran away. She changed her first and last name so that he would not find her. There they got married, and then Lena became pregnant. Her husband had a business, and one day he crossed the road to some influential person, who threatened him that if he did not fulfill his conditions, he would kill his wife. In short ... when Lena was seven months old, her husband was blown up in the forest, right in his car. premature birth... And after a day of torment ... you were born. You are very similar to Lena. She is bathed. The same redhead, beautiful, but in character she went to her father. When you were already a month old, Lena disappeared. I did not know where she was. Nobody knew. Therefore, I adopted you, so as not to leave you to the mercy of fate. Seryozha liked you very much, and to be honest ... he loved you more than Anya. But during the divorce, I forbade him to take you. We haven’t found Lena yet, and we’re unlikely to find it. Nastenka, know: we love you very much. I love you like my own daughter. Why are you silent?

What can you say then?

- Well, yes ... In general, tomorrow at 15:00 in Vnukovo.-and the call was dropped.

Nastya just sat for a minute and looked at phone and then angrily threw it into the glove compartment, slamming the door.

For the remaining 3 hours, everyone drove in complete silence.

Nastya just looked out the window at the changing landscapes and thought ...

-If you brought us here because of this, I will ...

What's in there?

I went to that board and started examining it. But one photo shocked me.

I looked at the caption under the photo: "Elena Konstantinovna Belova. 1984"

I didn’t understand anything. Who’s it? And why...

And why does she look so much like you ?!

I don't know, let's get out of here.

-What do you want from us ?!

Ha ha ha! Nothing from you! But, I know what you need! You're looking for your girls, aren't you ?! Anya and ... Nastya!

But this one was more difficult! All the time she tried to break free, fought, cursed at us. Until she was injected ... Fighting girl! I love those!

I think I know who will die first!

Me too!!

-Fuck! Your mother!

Nastya, what are you? And what is this?

Nastyukhin, why are you circled in red in the photo?

No idea!

-Perhaps she is the last SUCH!

Well, it's definitely the last one! You yourself made up her mother!

-Belova Anastasia?

-After we shook out all your mother's filthy soul, we lost hope. But then we found out that she had a daughter. By the way, you are very similar to her. All her abilities have passed to you.

And here it is, dear Moscow.
All these houses, streets, parks.

The White Volga drives up to the same place it left from 2 weeks ago.
The guys took their bags out of the trunk, everyone said goodbye and Gosha drove off.

Joyful Anya, Pasha and Lesha skipped to their apartment, while Nastya simply trudged behind.

Yes! Our apartment! Finally we are at home! -Anya started jumping around the apartment.

I can’t even believe that we all survived, ”sighed Lesha.

Nastyukh, why aren't you happy? ”Pasha asked Nastya, who leaned against the back of the sofa and looked at one point.

My life is over, what is there to be happy about?

Nastya, in my opinion, you are exaggerating. This is America. There you will start a new life. C blank slate.

What new life, Pash? What a blank slate? I won’t erase my memory. I won’t forget everything that happened to me before. This is America! Everything is different there. There is a different life. Well, I’ll live there, so what? I’ll remember Moscow every day. These are native streets, parks. There are other people there. I'll just live there with a load on my shoulders, remembering you every day. It would be better if they killed me there, in Chernobyl!

Nastya, don't say that. - Anya looked at her sister with regret.

Anh, it's just ... it turns out that you're not even my sister.

You know, even if you and I are not relatives, you have always been, are and will be my sister. We are with you from the cradle together. And in the literal sense. - the girls hugged. From the side it seems so cute.

I always dreamed of living in America, but now ... I don't even want to live. ”Nastya brushed aside a tear.

Exactly! -Anya jumped up like scalded. -Disk! -Girl ran into their room with Pasha.

Anh, what are you doing? What disk?

Well, when I went to my parents' wedding, my mother gave me a disk and told you to turn it on if you feel bad.

And what is on it? - asked Lesha.

I don't know. "The blonde shrugged." The most interesting.

Anya put the disc into the player.

Their mother appeared on the screen.

At first she is something spoke and then a camera footage appeared in the frame of a little girl lying on the bed in one diaper. She smiles sweetly and waves her little arms. A little older blonde girl crawls by her side.

Naast! -The girls looked at each other.

"Who is so good there? Who is smiling there? Nastenka." I heard the voice of Anina and Nastya's mother.

Then Anya began to lisp something, and Nastya rolled over on her stomach and laughed.

Nastyukh, is that you? -Lesha came up from behind.

Then the record goes to the next one. Little Nastya is held by her mother in her arms, and in front of her is a huge cake with candles.

Our Nastya is one year old today! -Said Nastya's mother and blew out the candles with her. Little Nastya began to laugh and clap her hands.

The next entry: the park. There are a lot of children running around, having fun. A 6-year-old girl runs up to the camera. This is Ann.

Mom! Mom! There a boy pulled Nastya by the pigtail, and she gave him in the stomach and poured sand on his head!

Nastya, it turns out that you have been so harmful since childhood. -Lesha hugged the girl.

School ruler Lots of children running Lots of first graders with flowers Girls with huge bows
In front of the camera there is a small redhead girl with bows and huge bouquet flowers.

Nastenka is going to first grade today.

Ankaa !! - the girl rushed at her sister.

Nastyuhaa !!

Anya and Nastya hugged each other.

The apartment where Nastya and her mother lived in Ufa.
Nastya is sitting on the couch and chatting on the phone.

Oh, Gorelov, you are not changing. ”The girl laughed. At that moment, my mother came and stood over her. - Hang on a minute. Ma, well, what do you want?

Give me another check here! How do you talk to your mother? You and your hahahals already ...

Mom, it’s you have a fuss! And I have a boyfriend! Yes Lesh ...

Nastya! Put down the phone, and march to her room! You are punished! -The girl stood up demonstratively and went to her. -And give the phone!

Does she have cameras all over the apartment? -Nastya slapped her hand on her forehead.

What is it? - asked Lesha.

Lesh, think about it.

Then a couple of shots followed with Lesha and Nastya, Nastya's graduation, and ... a speech.

Nastya, today you are 18 years old. You are already quite an adult girl. I love you very much. And even though I am not with you now, but I wish you all the very best, you are my very best girl and...

Then Nastya could not stand it and, covering her mouth with her hand, ran to her room.

Nast! -Lesha wanted to follow her, but Anya stopped him.

Lesh, don’t. She needs to be alone. Damn, well, I don’t understand my parents, 19 years old they didn’t care about her, but now they’re on you. America, university, work.

Anh, so can you call them and try to dissuade them?

Pasha, if I call them, they will take me away too.

At that time, Nastya was sitting in the room on the bed, crying and looking at photographs.

An hour later, Anya decided to check how her sister was there.

Nastyush, how are you doing? -A blonde head appeared at the door.

It's fucking simple. - In an hour Nastya became like some kind of brownie: on her head there is some kind of crow's nest, her eyes are red, tear-stained.

Nastya, don't worry, everything will be fine. We'll chat on Skype and we'll come to visit.

Anya, I just feel that all this is not casual. Nothing, nothing, but here: university, work, husband-girls hugged. -Anh, help to pack the suitcase.

Of course.


Pasha and Lesha are already sitting in the living room.

Hello everyone. - Anya greeted quietly leaving the room. - Nastya has not come out yet?

No, how is she?

She cried all night. -Anya looked at the clock. -Nastya, it's time for us to leave!

That's it, I'm ready. -Nastya left the room with a large bag and a suitcase. Dressed in blue jeans with a high waist, a sweatshirt with a skull and black sneakers.

Well, let's sit down on the path. - Pasha said sadly.

Let's go already. -Nastya got up, took her suitcase and went to the door.


Airport ... A lot of people are in a hurry, someone is flying on vacation, someone is home, someone is at work.
Everyone has different emotions: joy, delight, but only our heroes have this sadness.

Do you think it is so easy to let a dear, beloved person go to the other end of the world? Not at all.

Anechka! Nastenka! - parents rush to meet the children.

Oh lord. -They pounced on them.

Girls, how have you grown. Such adults have become. Nastya, well, just a bride.

Ira, leave the girls alone. Nastya, check-in soon, let's say goodbye.

Nastya stood with her back to her friends for 10 seconds, and then turned around.

Well ... let's say goodbye ... what-if. -The girl went up to Anya. -Anh, I beg you, do not cry, or I will burst into tears too.

Nastya, the main thing is not to forget us. Call, come.

Necessarily. - Then Nastya went up to Pasha.

Nastyukh, we will miss you very much. You really have become like a sister to me. We will come to you as well. ”Pasha hugged the girl.

Oh ... at least call for the wedding. ”The redhead smiled.

The last one is left ... Alexey.

Anya saw and took Pasha aside.

Nastya, I ...

Lesh, I love you very much. - the girl almost cried. - I will miss you very much.

Nastya, I also love you very, very much. I promise, I will wait for you. No matter how much time passes, I will love you and wait. By the way ... this is for you. ”He put a heart-shaped pendant in Nastya's hand. There was engraved "Nastya + Lesha"

Nastya's eyes sparkled with tears. She just hugged Lesha.

Nastya! It's time already! -Sergey shouted.

Well, guys, do not remember dashingly. -Nastya herself could hardly hold back her tears.

The girl took the suitcase and went to the check-in point. The guys just watched her receding back.
She handed over her things, and now her passport and ticket are checked.
Everything went well. Anastasia is already at the entrance. The last time turns to friends ... and moves on ...

Anya, Pasha and Lesha are sitting in armchairs and waiting; they do not know what, but they are waiting.

Pash, what time is it? - Anya asked, brushing away her tears.

Everyone stared at the screen, where all flights were displayed.

Title: "Butterfly Wing"
Fandom: TV series Chernobyl: Exclusion Zone

Characters (Peyring): Pasha and others
Rating: G
Genre: General
Sammari: the world has changed beyond recognition. Can the time traveler put up with this, because of which everything happened?
Warning: OOS characters, fanfiction books
Rights: everything belongs to the filmmakers. Accommodation prohibited

Butterfly wing

In the first minute, as soon as he left the building, he was blinded by the sunlight. Never before had the world seemed to him so bright and radiant as after a long, painful night that began with the death of friends in 2013 and ended with an attack on the station in 1986 ...

Now, when he looked around, trying to understand what was happening, the past seemed like some kind of nightmare, bad dream from which he woke up with difficulty. The dilapidated five-story buildings of the same type, preserved in his memory, were replaced by new skyscrapers, the previously deserted streets were filled with children, and even the sky, leaden gray and empty, as if mourning the lost city, became clean and joyful blue ... Like a scattering of forget-me-nots in the grass ... Like her eyes that day when she asked whether he would return for her or not ...

It is a pity that it did not occur to them that there would be simply nowhere to return.

And, although the mind already understood everything, comprehended everything in that terrible second, immediately after returning from the past, the heart refused to recognize the obvious. It ached desperately, clinging to the ridiculous hope: “It just can't be! The future could not have changed so much just because of one station that survived in spite of everything! "

Captain Kostenko could be pleased - his life was not in vain. Let, and twenty seconds later extra years, he managed to find and punish those who, in his opinion, destroyed his world. But it is not known whether this new future would suit him. Without an ecological catastrophe, without a civil war and the destruction of the state, but also without the slightest freedom for each person. An ideal world for those who lived in it since birth, and a fake, contrived, completely impossible for someone who remembered a different past and a different present ...

... Pasha thoughtlessly watched the flight of a butterfly circling over a flower bed. Her black wings glittered in the sun, and in this particle of darkness he fancied smoke rising above the burning station, the floor in an empty apartment, covered with a thick layer of dust, impenetrable South night covering the exclusion zone with an impenetrable cap. He remembered inappropriately a fantastic story about a time traveler who, being in the past, accidentally crushed a butterfly. And when I came back, I learned that the future has changed dramatically ...

“Why didn't you think about it earlier? If one butterfly changed the world so much, then what to say about a nuclear power plant ... We saved people from the past - and lost our future. Let it be unfair, difficult, sometimes dangerous and unpredictable, but it's your own. An unequal exchange ... "

The butterfly flew up and disappeared into the sparkling blue. For a moment, Paul wished he could do the same. The only thing he knew was that time and space were not constant. And, therefore, you need to find a new "butterfly" to return everything to its place ...

Alexei picked up the girl in his arms, and she, in turn, wrapped her legs around his waist.
Now they didn't care. That they were in the ass of the world, that they were almost killed several times.

They have each other, and this is the main thing.

When the air in his lungs ran out, Lesha quietly whispered in Anastasia's ear: "I love you"
The girl smiled and answered: "And I will you"

When they renewed their kiss, there was a resounding knock at the door.

Who is this? -Nastya clung to the guy.

And x * d knows. -Lesha began to slowly approach the exit. -I’ll go and take a look.

Lesh, stop. Are you out of your mind? Think, well, who could be here? Especially at a time like this?

What happened? Who's knocking? ”Anya and Pasha jumped out half asleep. Nastya shrugged her shoulders.

Groin, let's go see !? - Lesha twisted a lighter in his hands.

Wait, there are cameras there! Let's see. ”Anya rubbed her eyes.

Goshaa! Goosh !! - Gosha flew out of the bedroom at Nastya's cry.

What ... what happened? -The sleepy guy crashed into the closet. -Ah ... right now, I'll ... find the cameras ...

Gosha sat down on a chair and began rummaging through his computer.

Well, Gosh, did you find it? -Nastya went up to the guy.

Yes, but it's dark and you can't see anything.

Yes, to hell with him! Lech, take the flashlight and let's go! -The guys left.

Anya and Nastya were noticeably worried about their boyfriends.

After 2-3 minutes Lesha and Pasha came back.

There is no one there! -Pasha scratched the back of his head with a pistol.

How not? And who knocked then? -Anya looked at Nastya.

So, I don’t know, and I don’t want to know! -Nastya straightened her sweatshirt.

Listen, maybe we have that ... glitches? -Gosha adjusted his glasses.

Yeah. All at once? Seems to have calmed down.

Listen, let's go to bed, huh? -Anya fell asleep on the go.

Yes ... let's go. -Pasha sighed, took Anya by the hand and went into the bedroom. Gosha followed, and Nastya slowly behind.

And you, Anastasia, I will ask you to stay. -Lesha grabbed the girl by the hand and sharply pulled her to him. -We are not finished yet. -He pressed his lips to her.

Nastya, Lesha, Pasha and Gosha are sitting in the kitchen and having breakfast.

Oh! Good morning, sleepyhead! Sit down for breakfast. -Nastya pushed a plate to her sister.

Not very good! And at night no one heard any noise? -Nastya and Lesha looked at each other.

No, I was asleep! ”The redhead blurted out and buried herself in the plate.

Aha. They slept there. With Lehoy. In the bathroom. -Pasha was already barely holding back his laughter.

Forgive me, I could not restrain myself at the sight of this beautiful person. -Lesha pointed to Nastya and everyone laughed together.

You know ... Anh, let's go and sleep too? -Pavel winked at the girl.

Oh ... you guys have only one thing on your mind! -Anya got up and went to the sink.

Oh, Anh, don't talk. ”The redhead sighed.

So, I don't understand what these dirty hints are ?! - Lesha looked at Nastya.

This, Gorelov, is not hints. You personally, in life, have two joys: devour and have sex.

And YOU contribute to all this! -Nastya looked at the guy with a questioning glance. -Well, you can cook for me, and ...

I understood everything!

Okay, I'm in the shower, and you don't kill each other here. -Anya left the kitchen.

Then I, too ... in the shower. - Pasha got up and ran after the girl. Nastya and Lesha looked at each other and began to laugh.

Finally! I want to go to the toilet for half an hour! -Nastya jumped up from the chair when Anya and Pasha left.

Krasava! -Lesha "gave five" to Pasha.

Gosha, as always, was digging into his computer. Nastya and Anya were chatting in the bedroom. And Pasha and Lesha tried to overhear what they received from Nastya.

Damn, girls, it's not fair! You are talking about nast there, but we don't hear! -Lesha stood with his back leaning against the locked door.

And we are not about you! So you can not try! -Nastya abruptly opened the door, and Lesha fell right at her feet. Everyone started laughing out loud.

Nastya, what's on your leg? -He showed her to the leg.

And what's on my leg? -Nastya bent down to look, and Lesha pulled her legs and she fell.

But now it's funny for me too!

Then Nastya pulled Anya, and she under the pretext "Pash, why are you laughing? Lift me up!" dropped Pasha.

Everyone couldn't laugh.

The fun was interrupted by Gosha.

Guys, we have problems !! - She flew into the bedroom.

Oh Lord, what happened?

Let's go! -All got up and went to the computer.

Well? -Lesha twisted a lighter in his hands.

Here! -The guy pointed to the screen.

CCTV footage was on the screen.
The tape showed the entrance to the bunker, with what looked like a man lying next to the doors.

Is that a corpse? -Any's eyes instantly widened.

Gosh, can you bring it closer? -The guy pushed something there, and brought it closer to the person. -I don’t understand anything. Let's see?

And if he has accomplices? -Pasha looked at the guys.

I'll take the gun! Come on! -Nastya took a pistol out of the bedside table and headed towards the exit. Pasha and Lesha follow her.

Mom dear! -Nastya covered her mouth with her hand.

There was a man lying on the ground at the door, but this was a very scary man.

The head is punctured so that the brains can be seen. In some places there is no skin, only meat, or even tendons.
All rib cage in blood. A couple of ribs sticking out. The mouth is slit from ear to ear, and the blood pours out in a stream. Clothes are torn to shreds.

Wow, f * ck !! - Lech grabbed Nastya by the hand.

And what about him? -The girl's eyes read horror.

And x * d knows him!

Where did he come from here at all? -Pavel looked around.

Let's get out of here! I don't like it! -Lesha went into the bunker, and a second later he left, took Nastya by the hand and dragged him along. Pasha followed.

Guys, what's there?

You, Anh, it is better not to know! But ... there really is a corpse.

And ... what to do with him? -Gosha glanced fleetingly at the screen.

We'll find the bags, a shovel ... and bury him somewhere ... far away. Anh, find us bigger bags.

So we will go bury this body, and you are sitting here. Do not open the door! Only for us, we will knock like this! -Pasha and Lesha took a pistol, Gosha sacks and a shovel and left.

Nastya sat on a chair and just looked at one point.

What happened?

Nothing. It's okay. ”The redhead sighed.

Nastya, I can see that something has happened.

Anh, I'm tired. With this Chernobyl ... there is simply no strength. These kidnappings, phantoms ... fucking basements. I was nearly killed three times. These idiots are just waiting to bang you and kidnap me. Any other person would have gone crazy by what we have experienced. And we are holding on. And then ... to be honest ... I already just ... - Nastya put her hands on her head. - Anh, you know, I ... in general ... I did not quite tell the truth. - Anya looked at her blankly. -In short ... damn it, where to start ... Just remember what hair I had in childhood?

Well, such ... type of fair-haired.

I myself do not know what to call this color. But they always gave it red. And by the age of 14, I really turned red. Do you think why I always wore a hat then? I got the tattoo drunk. On a bet. Sometimes I regret it. And I changed the style not because I was tired, although partly because of this, but more ... Do you remember Dima?

Is that who you were friends with since childhood?

Yes. At the age of ... 13 we started dating. We were always together. I even knew his parents. We felt so good together ... He always said that when we grow up, we will get married, we will have three children, a house and everything will be fine. We will be the happiest in the world. ”Nastya smiled .-And ... then ... one day my world stopped. Six months after you left ... The day before our anniversary, four years, he called me and said that he had some surprise for me and tomorrow I will see him. And in the evening ... the phone rings. It was his mother. She was hysterical. She was shouting something, said that ... Dima crashed. Had an accident ... The ambulance arrived too late ... We couldn't do anything. My phone just fell out of my hands, I rolled down the wall and ... started crying. I ... until the last moment I wanted to believe that this was a stupid joke. I cried all night. In the morning I immediately ran to the hospital. The doctor did not want to let me in, he said that it would be too big a blow for me, but ... he let me in all the same. When I saw him ... my heart stopped. I just didn't recognize him. I got hysterical ... until the funeral, I only sat on a sedative. At the funeral, his mother and I just ... we drank valerian in liters. But it didn't really help me. I was crying like crazy. And then ... his father gave me this. - she showed a pendant in the shape of a heart on her neck. Nastya opened it. There is a photograph of her and Dima and the inscription "Together forever"-Dima wanted to give it to me. I came home and sat sobbing looking at this pendant and our photos. I practically did not eat, slept for a maximum of two hours, and then with sleeping pills. It was the worst time. You left, Dima died, my mother doesn't care for me. He dreamed of me, said that black suits me, so that I would wear it more often. After that ... I felt a bit overwhelmed, I threw out all that damn thing and went around in jeans, in all black. A lot of guys wanted to meet me, but I didn't care. I dreamed about him every night. He said that he misses me very much, that he misses me. And so that I do not get upset, but continue to live on. On the year of his death, he ... I dreamed again. He said that he loved me very much and wanted me to be happy ... even if not with him. He said that I would soon meet a guy who ... would love me as much as he did ... In the afternoon, after the cemetery, I decided to take a walk in the park. Dima and I constantly walked there together. Or I came there alone when I was in a bad mood. There we kissed for the first time. There he first confessed that he loved me. And ... you know ... it was on this day, in this park, that I met ... Lesha. He looked after me for a month, and then confessed his love in this park. I went to the same park when he cheated on me. Well, I thought so. And again there I learned that he flew to Moscow.

Yeah ... well you go. Nastya, but ... you are great. You survived, and you are holding on. If I were in your place, I would have hanged myself, or I would have swallowed pills ... Oh, I'm sorry. Both of the girls sat in tears.

Nothing. I didn't have any thoughts ... But ... I realized that ... I won't lose Lesha. If something happens to him ... I'll actually hang myself. I won’t survive. ”Suddenly, something rustled in the kitchen.

So, I'll go take a look now. If anything, run out of the bunker and go look for the guys. -Nastya got up and went to the kitchen.

Naest, what's there? Why are you silent? Don't scare me !! - Anya was ready to run to the guys.

Anya, come here! ”Nastya shouted from the kitchen. The blonde quickly dashed there.

What, what is there? ”The redhead was looking around, and Anya was looking at her.

It feels good. But who ... '' sounds came from the entrance corridor. Closing door, banging, steps.

Nastya, what is it? I'm scared. ”Anya spoke in a whisper.

Calm down. - Nastya took out a large knife for meat from the stand. - Take the knife. Just in case.

The girls approached the source of the sound; their footsteps were already very close. Nastya prepared to defend herself.
She withdraws her hand, preparing to stab someone / something and someone's hand intercepts her.

Girls, are you out of your mind? Why are you walking around the bunker with knives? - these were their guys.

Fu damn, scared! We thought it was some ... - Lesha took the knife from Nastya.

And you had to knock! -Anya kept her hand on her heart.

Did you close the door so that we would knock? - the girls looked at each other.

Why are you so out of breath? - asked Nastya, looking at the guys.

Well, in short, we buried this body. And we decided to go to the car, to have a look, just in case, and there they put two bullets in the engine. Well, we rushed here.

Now what do we do, how do we get out of here?

We will spend the night here, and tomorrow morning we will get up and go on foot! In about 12 hours we will leave the zone, and then we will find a wheelbarrow and wash out of here.

Wait, what about my car? Are we leaving her here ?! - Gosha began to shout.

Gosh, if we leave here alive, I'll buy you a new one! -Nastya started shouting at him. -Do not push her to us!

Well, yes. Okay, I'm in the shower. Girls, collect things for now. -Pasha went to the shower. Anya and Nastya collect things, etc.

We went to bed right after dinner. Everyone thought that tomorrow they would leave here and they would start a new life ...