The worst nightmares. People from different countries and their worst nightmares. After mysteriously disappearing, they were reported missing.

Photographer Rock Maureen traveled around the world for two years collecting dream stories for the World Dream A photo project.

People from different countries and their most scary nightmares

11:15 December 27, 2016

Photographer Rock Maureen traveled around the world for two years collecting dream stories for the World Dream Atlas photo project. He chose the worst nightmares different people and published in Vice magazine along with their portraits.

Rok Morin says: “I recently spent some time in Iraqi Kurdistan on the front lines, covering the war against ISIS. Unsurprisingly, the local Kurds had very vivid nightmares. I've talked to many people, but I don't seem to have collected a single one. good night for all the time I was there. In Iraq, as in others Muslim countries, it is believed that good dreams are messages from Allah, and nightmares are from the devil. This perception, described even in the Qur'an, makes many Muslims pay close attention to night visions and constantly ask companions or religious leaders for the interpretation of dreams. ”

A rural Moroccan artisan recalled recurring nightmares of the devil trying to enter through the front door of his house. The man asked the photographer for advice, and he recommended that before falling asleep, replay in his head a meeting with the devil at the door and how he would drive him away. He learned this technique from a specialist in post-traumatic disorder in California. "On next morning the Moroccan said somberly that he did as I advised, and the devil simply changed his tactics. Now he was trying to get through the back window. This is what happens to our darkest fears. We can drive them away as much as we want, but they will always find a way to declare themselves again, ”says the author of the photo project.

I saw a father and two sons. Younger son cringed on the ground, and his father kicked him, treating him like mud. Then the father told the eldest son to drive nails into the back of the youngest, and he did so. Looking at all this, I expressed displeasure to the man. He turned to me and said, "If you don't like this, you can come and take his place."

Erbil, Iraq

As a child, I was often teased. When someone treated me particularly badly, I remember experiencing only a feeling of fierce hatred. If I was particularly angry or upset, I dreamed that I was being burned alive in my home. I just stood there, trapped, staring out the window at safe place and the fire kept stealing.

New York, USA

Sometimes I see the faces of the people I have killed. Killing a person is not the same as killing an insect.

Horlivka, Ukraine

In a dream, I washed my severed head. I did it very calmly and methodically. I didn’t see the face. I could only see the lateral cross section of the spine and blood clots, and from above - beautiful blonde hair... I remember that I wanted the same hair myself. I think I wanted to put them on myself, but first I had to wash off all the blood and debris. When I was younger, I wanted to change my hairstyle all the time. I cut my hair and hid it under the bed. I have always believed that hair will grow back differently.

New York, USA

I saw my brother run over by a car. Sometimes I dream that I am dying just like him. Maybe this is a warning. Every night I fill a glass with water and put it under the bed. This drives away the spirits that bring bad dreams.

Havana, Cuba

I have a recurring dream in which I lie in my bed and the ceiling collapses on me. The first time I dreamed about it when I was 30 years old. The next morning I learned that my uncle had died. Recently I had this dream just before the death of my cousin, and then again before the death of my neighbor.

Ben Haddou, Morocco

I watch my own dead body. I see how my corpse swells, and then rots, birds fly in and very busily eat my flesh. Then insects appear. When they finish, they leave such clean, white bones. I take these bones in my hands and show them to my family members, friends and lovers who are standing nearby. They are not interested. My body only worries me.

New York, USA

In a dream, I get pregnant during real intercourse and slips out of me Small child... It is about the size of a green bean, translucent, teardrop-shaped and has no face. I know that this is a demon child and that absolute evil will grow out of him. I know that he will become a monster and the cause of the end of the world and my death, but I want to protect him. I flood my entire house down to my chin so my demon child can swim and grow. When I talk about evil, I mean the evil you see in comics. I don't really believe in evil. I think people just misunderstand each other. Even Hitler was just an incomprehensible son of a bitch. This guy just wanted to be an artist. I think we can all understand this. I am a dominatrix and present myself as bad girl... Do I look like a bad girl? My job is mainly to hurt men. I hurt them, but at the same time I educate them in a way they don't even understand.

Black Rock, USA

I was lying on my bed in an endless space, motionless, when an ominous black cloud with three lumps approached me. A cloud flew past me and touched my cheek. The next day I had a terrible motorcycle accident and broke my arm, ribs and skull.

Ben Haddou, Morocco

I dreamed that I was in the forest and everything was on fire. I had to go further along the path, although I was in great pain from the heat. I've seen other people go off the trail, fall and catch fire. I kept walking with all my might. In the end, my hair and skin were burnt. But when I reached the edge of the forest, I found new skin, one that could make me invisible and hide from enemies.

Berlin, Germany

I locked myself in the bathroom with a knife in my hand. People came to me in single file, one at a time, begging me to slit their throats as an act of mercy. They smiled. The horror of what was happening was unbearable. I knew I was doing what they were asking me to do, but I still thought there had to be another way. A solution must be found before so many people die at my hands. I woke up and felt this sensation of cutting my throat all day. I was afraid of myself, I felt this disgusting feeling, as if I wanted to truly experience it.

Edmonton, Canada

You hear stories all the time like when terrorists broke into the Vogel family's house in Itamar and killed all but one girl. They even killed the baby. In my dreams, terrorists come to my house and kill my entire family. Then the funeral, and I am the only one who survived. I wake up in tears.

Neve Daniel, West Bank

I saw a group of people - a man and two women. I tried to discourage them, but once they made eye contact, I couldn't distract them. I felt them physically trying to get into my brain. They wanted to cripple me. I felt a throbbing in my skull, it was like a small helicopter taking off and falling fragments eggshell... I begged the helicopter not to take off. I was afraid that it was one of my souls and, as soon as it flew away, everything would be lost forever.

Ljubljana, Slovenia

I once worked as a musician in America: New York, Chicago, San Francisco. Several years ago I was deported, and now I live in this park. The bench is my living room. I can sleep well here if the kids don't throw stones at me. Basically, I dream about the past, my family. My father, the kingdom of heaven to him, was me best friend... I was 18 when he died. He tried to escape Cuba on a raft in 1968 and drowned at sea. Once I dreamed that I was with him when the raft began to sink. He tried to save me. We died together.

Havana, Cuba

When I was about four years old, I dreamed that a witch came to our house. She came to pick up mom. My family is of Iraqi Jews, so witchcraft mixed with the Bible is part of our culture. In particular, my mom practiced folk magic when I was a child. I remember pieces of paper with ancient Hebrew prayers written on them, which I had to add to my tea. My mother was a witch, but she was a good witch. She did this to protect us.

Tiberius, Israel

I had a recurring dream with a tiger. He came to my house. The first time this happened, I took the tiger by the head and broke his neck because I was scared. I thought he wanted to kill me. I had this same dream for many years, and every time I killed a tiger. Nevertheless, one night the tiger came again, and I was tired of killing, and then I said: “Okay, let it happen. I'll let him eat me. " Tiger stood on hind legs... He extended his claws and ripped open my chest. He opened my heart. At that moment, his power became mine - the power that I received only because I allowed him to kill me. The tiger's strength lies in surrender. Fear weakened me, but in the end I stopped fighting the forces in myself and allowed them to take over me. I never saw a tiger in my dreams again.

We all want to think that in the face of disaster, we will remain unwavering calm. At least if we face death, we like to think that we will meet it with dignity or, perhaps, with a daring challenge, proudly raising our heads, but certainly not screaming in horror and panic, because we are adults who ... oh, okay. No one wants to die, and certainly no one wants to die under horrific, out of control, excruciatingly painful circumstances. However, the people on this list not only found the strength to bravely face death under the aforementioned circumstances, but also scared her away and survived.

10. Joan Murray
Fell from a height of 4 400 meters onto an anthill of fire ants

In September 1999, 47-year-old Joan Murray failed to open its main parachute while jumping from a height of over 4,400 meters. By the time she managed to deploy her reserve parachute, she was less than 300 meters from the ground. Her flight got out of control, the reserve parachute lost most of its air volume, and she hit the ground at a speed of 129 kilometers per hour, landing directly on a large anthill of fire ants.

Joan broke most of her bones in right side bodies, and the fillings on her teeth flew out on impact, and yet she somehow survived, although she lost consciousness. However, the situation with fire ants turned out to be much more complicated. Before doctors came to her aid, Joan was bitten more than 200 times. Incredibly, her doctors (one of whom wrote "miracle" on her card) said the ant bites may have helped Joan's survival by triggering a massive adrenaline rush. Years later, after undergoing over 20 reconstructive surgeries and countless physical therapy sessions, Joan returned to work, life and skydiving, making her 37th jump in 2002.

9. Louis Nell
Was attacked by two pit bulls

It all started just like a dog owner's nightmare: golden retriever Luis Nella, nicknamed Chrissy, was attacked by two pit bulls right in their backyard, appearing seemingly out of nowhere. Then Louis made an attempt to protect his dog, and she quickly turned into a situation that could have ended sadly for Louis himself.

The Pit Bulls, the dogs of one of Louis' neighbors, burst into the house through the screen door and lashed out at Chrissy before anyone knew what was going on. His wife, Linda, frantically recruited the police while Luis fought the animals for "a good 5-10 minutes", receiving a severely bleeding bite on one of his hands after toppling over while trying to pin down one of the dogs under a chair.

Fortunately, the police quickly arrived and shot one of the dogs on the spot (the other was later euthanized). Chrissy was killed during the attack. “They tore her throat completely,” Linda said. If not for Luis's courage and the police's quick reaction, the situation would have been much more serious.

8. Geary & Suzan Whaley
Raised into the air during a tornado

At the end of May 2013, a series of tornadoes rocked the central United States, and it is safe to say that Oklahoma was hit the hardest. On May 20, a tornado that struck the city of Moore killed 24 people. By May 31, nine more people had died, while numerous tornadoes raged throughout central Oklahoma. While driving on the highway towards their home near Shawnee, husband and wife Susan and Giri Whaley spotted one of these tornadoes, the second-most powerful E4 tornado. They don't remember much about the rest of that day, but investigators think they tried to hide under an overpass (bad idea) where a tornado covered them, lifted their truck and sucked both of them right out of the car windows.

Susan filmed the tornado with her mobile phone and he continued filming throughout the incident. She says that she can hardly remember how she came to herself on the ground, still holding her mobile phone in her hands, and having not determined the whereabouts of her husband. She found him 15.2 meters away, while about a dozen of his bones were broken, but, nevertheless, he somehow survived. They now know that a tornado wind can be amplified by a vehicle tunnel, but they hope they don't have to look back at that knowledge. Surprisingly, their dog Rocky, who was with them during the tornado, went missing after it ... until it was discovered four days later, stuck under some rubble, but still alive.

7. Theresa Christian
Has been locked in the freezer for five days

Yes, tornadoes must be avoided at all costs ... well, almost anything. For those of us claustrophobic, this story will serve as an example of how some self-defense methods against tornadoes can potentially become more intimidating than the tornado itself. Investigators believe that Teresa Kristjan, who was 59 at the time, tried to hide in the freezer and accidentally locked herself there, falling into a trap. She spent five days there.

Incredibly, her sons came to her on the fourth day and turned the apartment upside down, unsuccessfully looking for their mother. On Wednesday they returned with the apartment service representatives. This time, Teresa's son Stewart heard a faint call for help. They found her sitting upright and conscious, inside freezer, which was in the closet. The cover was broken, but it was unable to move. She had severe frostbite on her legs and was hospitalized in grave condition... Oddly enough, at that time it was not predicted inclement weather but trying to avoid a tornado was the only explanation offered by the local authorities as Mrs. Kristjan could not speak.

6. Janis Ollson
Was cut in half during cancer treatment

A cancer diagnosis is never good, but Janice Ollson's cancer was the type that would make most people desperate. The cancerous bone tissue was right in the middle of her pelvis, and doctors told her that the only option was, essentially, to take it apart to access the problem area and then put it back together like a puzzle. They said she would lose her left leg and that her right leg would have to be ... completely detached from her body during the procedure. And they weren't sure if they could reattach it.

In general, the operation involved cutting Janice Ollson in two, and that was her only hope. Even though this procedure had never been done on a living patient, doctors at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota decided to try it. Since there was no "bone connection between her torso and her remaining leg" during the operation (according to Dr. Michael Yaszemski, who designed the operation), they used the bone of her amputated left leg to reattach the right one closer to the center of the spine. her body. After two operations lasting 28 hours and 240 staples used to reassemble Janice, the pioneering operation was completed and successful. Of course, Janice went through very difficult recovery procedures, of which there were many. In addition, she needs a technique to get around, but she doesn't complain. Since the operation that saved her life, the clinic has performed three more similar operations on other patients, two of whom have died.

5. Rita Chretien
Spent in wildlife seven weeks

In March 2011, Rita Cretian and her husband, Albert, traveled to Las Vegas from their home in British Columbia in their van. They later told reporters that they did not have sufficient experience of such travel, and that they relied on their GPS for precise definition directions. On March 20, their van got stuck in the snow in the Nevada desert, and could not go further. There he remained until May 6, where he was found by hunters on ATVs. The search began on March 30, when their children did not wait for their parents to arrive. It was on May 6 that Rita said that she felt the last remnants of energy leaving her after eating a mixture of dried fruits, nuts and candies for 49 days. When she heard the motors of the hunters, she just lay down and prepared to die.

Albert went to seek help two days after their van got stuck, but unfortunately he didn't even get close to her - he was eight kilometers from the nearest town when his frozen body was finally discovered at the end of September 2012 of the year. However, he traveled roughly the same distance from the van, making a heroic effort under unforgiving conditions. Deputy Sheriff David Prall said: “Once he [Albert] lost the ability to use GPS due to snow drifts, he could not determine where the road was. He made many unnecessary ascents. He was literally heading for the top of the mountain ... and where he reached was much further than his body could bear ... this man had great courage and inner strength that allowed him to get where he went. "

4. Randal McCloy Jr
Trapped after an explosion at the Sago Mine

On January 2, 2006, an explosion at the Sago mine in West Virginia trapped 13 miners for two days. According to Randal McCloy Jr., only one of them survived. Emergency breathing devices did not work for at least four miners. And this was just one oversight that led to this situation, since in the end a huge number of oversights were discovered that contributed to the explosion.

For example, McCloy also reported after his rescue that three weeks before the incident, while drilling in the roof of the mine, he and his colleague came across a pocket of methane, which, if anyone does not know, is an explosive. After they reported it, they discovered the next day that the leak had been plugged with an adhesive used to seal the bolts in the shaft walls. And more about this they did not hear anything.

McCloy came very close to dying, like his colleagues - from carbon monoxide poisoning. Even if all emergency breathing devices worked well, his survival would be incredible. They provide only one hour of oxygen, and help arrived 41 hours after the explosion. Incredibly, some news channels erroneously reported that only one miner was killed in the incident and 12 were rescued, giving relief to a dozen families whose hearts were broken when the error was discovered a few hours later.

3. Regan Martin
Kidnapped by a serial killer

David Alan Gore was a rapist and serial killer who operated in the United States from the late 1970s to the early 1980s. He was executed for his crimes in 2012, and his accomplice Fred Waterfield was sentenced to several life sentences. In all, Horus killed six women. He and Waterfield abducted their last two victims on July 26, 1983. They are 14-year-old Regan Martin and 17-year-old Lynn Elliott (Lynn Elliott), and this day Regan will never forget: she is the only survivor of all the victims of Gore.
It all started when Gore and Waterfield picked up the girls on the beach, planning to take anyone who was willing to go with them to Gore's parents' house (they were out of town) and rape them. After Martin and Elliot got into the car, the glove compartment of the car opened and they saw a .22 pistol, which Gore began to threaten Martin with. Taking what was happening as a joke, the girls soon realized that this was not at all the case. They were taken to a house where they were both sexually abused.

Most likely, Elliot saved Martin's life by trying to escape. While Gore was raping Martin, Elliott slipped out of the house, naked and handcuffed, and ran down the road, but Gore noticed her when she heard the door creak. He shot Elliott in the head in front of a child witness, and it was for her murder that he was convicted and sentenced to death in 1984. The witness called the police, who arrived in time to rescue Martin.

2. Anna Hjelle
Attacked by a mountain lion

Mountain lions are known to be territorial animals. The mountain lion that attacked 30-year-old ex-Marine Anna Kjelle in 2007 killed people before her. In fact, he killed another victim earlier that day, and he decided to kill the second one. Anna has been mountain biking in the wrong place, and if it hadn't been for the quick thinking and immense courage of her friend Debi Nicholls, she most likely would never have been able to tell her story.

Debbie did not let go of Anna's legs while giant cat tried to drag Anna into the forest, holding her face with her teeth. All this time Anna was conscious and vaguely remembers how she thought that it would be easier for her to simply die on the spot. “At that moment, I was thinking about the fact that my face was torn off,” she says. And half of her face was really ripped off. Two more cyclists heard the screams and came to the rescue, chasing the mountain lion with stones while Debi held Anna. The mountain lion eventually let her go, and the men carried Anna to the start of the trail, continuing to be pursued by the animals.

The police shot big cat while she was next to the body of Mark Reynolds, whom the animal had killed and partially eaten earlier that day. Anna was airlifted to Orange County Hospital, where she received approximately 2,000 stitches during a five-hour operation.

1. Eugene Han & Kirstin Davis
Injured in a mass shooting at a cinema in Colorado

Finally, we have a couple who chose the wrong time and place to go to the movies: they attended the infamous movie theater mass shooting that James Holmes carried out in July 2012. Ten people were killed in a mass shooting at a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado. Eugene and Christine were among 70 people who were injured but survived, yet their story is unique for one startling reason.

The couple went to the midnight show after Eugene's 12 hour shift, and so he fell asleep during preview... When he awoke, Holmes entered through the exit door, only three meters away from them, or thereabouts. Eugene saw the outline of a pistol against the backdrop of a movie screen, and knew that big trouble was about to begin. Holmes then threw a tear gas grenade and the shooting began.

Eugene, of course, pushed Christine under the chairs and squeezed himself between her and the wildly shooting Holmes, which we think any of our male readers would do. He watched the bullets fall and says that he saw "pieces of meat flying", then one bullet hit him in the thigh, and another in the knee. Then he heard the click of a gun and realized that this was their chance to try to escape. They ran out the door while Holmes was reloading his gun, and for a moment, Eugene met his eyes. The bullet in Eugene's thigh was too dangerous to remove, and it took him months of physical therapy to get him to use his leg again, but the couple were able to turn one of the creepiest moments of their lives into a positive one. In April 2013, Eugene proposed to Christine, and they got married on July 20 - a year and one day after the shooting.

Are you afraid to watch horror films, but still having made up your mind, then for several days you are afraid to sleep without light? Let it be known to you that in real life even more terrible and mysterious stories than the fantasy of Hollywood screenwriters can invent. Find out about them - and for many days in a row you will peer into dark corners with fear!

In August 1966, on a deserted hill in the vicinity of the Brazilian city of Niteroi, a local teenager discovered the half-decomposed corpses of two men. Local police officers, having arrived for the dough, found that there were no traces of violence on the bodies and in general there were no signs of a violent death. Both wore evening suits and waterproof raincoats, but the most surprising thing was that their faces were hidden by rough lead masks, similar to those used in that era to protect against radiation. The victims had an empty water bottle, two towels and a note with them. which read: "16.30 - be at the appointed place, 18.30 - swallow capsules, put on protective masks and wait for the signal." Later, the investigation was able to establish the identity of the victims - they were two electricians from a neighboring town. The pathologists were never able to find traces of injuries or any other causes that led to their death. What experiment was discussed in the mysterious note, and from what otherworldly forces two young men died in the vicinity of Niteroi? Until now, no one knows about this.

This happened in the early 1990s, several years after the Chernobyl disaster. In one of the Ukrainian cities that fell under a radioactive release, but were not subject to evacuation. The corpse of a man was found in the elevator of one of the houses. The examination revealed that he died of massive blood loss and shock. However, there were no signs of violence on the body, with the exception of two small wounds on the neck. A few days later, a young girl died in the same elevator under similar circumstances. The investigator in charge of the case, together with the police sergeant, came to the house to conduct an investigation. They were taking the elevator when suddenly the lights went out and a rustle was heard on the roof of the car. Turning on the flashlights, they threw them up - and saw a huge disgusting spider half a meter in diameter, which crawled towards them through a hole in the roof. A second - and the spider jumped on the sergeant. For a long time the investigator could not aim at the monster, and when he finally fired, it was too late - the sergeant was already dead. The authorities tried to hush up this story, and only a few years later, thanks to eyewitness accounts, it got into the newspapers.

On a winter afternoon, 18-year-old Zeb Quinn got off work in Asheville, North Carolina and went to meet his friend Robert Owens. She and Owens were talking when Quinn received a message. Straining, Zeb told his friend that he had to call urgently and walked aside. He returned, according to Robert, "completely out of his mind" and, without explaining anything to his friend, quickly drove away, and, moreover, drove off so hastily that he hit Owen's car with his car. Zeb Quinn was never seen again. Two weeks later, his car was found at a local hospital with a strange set of items: it contained a hotel room key, a jacket that did not belong to Quinn, several bottles of alcohol and a live puppy. Huge lips were painted on the rear window with lipstick. As police found out, Quinn's message was transmitted from the home phone of his aunt, Ina Ulrich. But Ina herself was not at home at that moment. On some grounds, she confirmed that it was likely that someone else had visited her house. Where Zeb Quinn disappeared is still unknown.

In 2005, a nightmare began in Jennings, a small town in Louisiana. Once every few months in a swamp outside the city or in a ditch on the highway near Jennings locals discovered the next body of a young girl. All the victims were local residents, and everyone knew each other: they were in the same companies, worked together, and the two girls turned out to be cousins. The police checked everyone who, at least in theory, could have anything to do with the murders, but did not find a single clue. In total, eight girls were killed in Jennings over the course of four years. In 2009, the killings stopped as suddenly as they began. Neither the name of the killer, nor the reasons that prompted him to commit crimes, are still unknown.

Dorothy Forstein was a well-to-do housewife from Philadelphia. She had three children and her husband Jules, who earned good money and held a decent post in the civil service. However, one day in 1945, when Dorothy returned home from a shopping trip, someone pounced on her in the hallway of her own house and beat her to a pulp. Lying on the floor unconscious, Dorothy was found by the arriving police. During interrogation, she said that she had not seen the face of her attacker and had no idea who attacked her. It took Dorothy a long time to recover from the nightmare incident. But four years later, in 1949, the family was again visited by misfortune. Jules Forstein, arriving from work shortly before midnight, found the two youngest children in the bedroom in tears, trembling with fear. Dorothy was not in the house. Nine-year-old Marcy Fontaine told police that she woke up from a squeak front door... Going out into the corridor, she saw that she was going unfamiliar man... Entering Dorothy's bedroom, after a while he appeared with the unconscious body of a woman slung over his shoulder. Patting Marcy on the head, he said: Go to sleep, baby. Your mom was sick, but now she will get better. " Since then, Dorothy Forstein has not been seen.


In 2015, the Broads family from New Jersey moved into their million-dollar dream home. But the joy of the housewarming was short-lived: the family was immediately terrorized by threatening letters by an unknown maniac who signed himself as "Observer". He wrote that "his family has been in charge of this house for decades," and now "it is time for him to look after him." He also wrote to the children, wondering whether they "found what is hidden in the walls" and declaring that "I am glad to know your names - the names of fresh blood that I will receive from you." In the end, the frightened family drove out of the creepy house. Soon the Broads family filed a lawsuit against the previous owners: as it turned out, they also received threats from the Observer, which were not reported by the buyer. But the worst thing about this story is that over the years, the New Jersey police have not been able to figure out the name and purpose of the sinister "Observer".


For almost two years, in 1974 and 1975, a serial killer was wielding the streets of San Francisco. His victims were 14 men - homosexuals and transvestites - whom he met in zany city institutions. Then, having got the victim in a secluded place, he killed her and brutally mutilated the body. The police called him a "draftsman" because of his habit of drawing small cartoon pictures that he gave to his future victims to break the ice when they first met. Fortunately, some of his victims survived. It was their testimony that helped the police find out about the habits of the "draftsman" and draw up his composite sketch. But, despite this, the maniac was never caught, and still nothing is known about his identity. Perhaps he is now walking sedately through the streets of San Francisco ...

In 1896, Dr. George Gould published a book describing the medical anomalies that he had to face during his years of practice. The most macabre of these was the case of Edward Mondrake. According to Gould, this intelligent and musically gifted young man lived in strict solitude all his life and even his relatives were rarely allowed to visit him. The fact is that the young man had not one face, but two. The second was on the back of his head; it was the face of a woman, judging by Edward's stories, with a will and personality, and very vicious: she grinned every time Edward cried, and when he tried to sleep, she whispered all sorts of nasty things to him. Edward pleaded with Dr. Gould to relieve him of the accursed second person, but the doctor feared that the young man would not survive the operation. Finally, at the age of 23, an exhausted Edward, having obtained poison, committed suicide. V suicide note he asked his family to cut off his second face before the funeral so that he would not have to lie with him in the grave.

In the early morning of December 12, 1992, 19-year-old Ruby Brueger, her boyfriend, 20-year-old Arnold Archembo, and her cousin Tracy were driving along a deserted road in South Dakota. All three drank a little, so at some point the car skidded on the slippery road, and it flew into a ditch. When Tracy opened her eyes, she saw that Arnold was not in the cabin. Then before her eyes, Ruby got out of the car and disappeared from sight. The police who arrived at the scene, despite their best efforts, did not find any traces of the disappeared couple. Since then, Ruby and Arnold have not made themselves felt. However, a few months later, two bodies were found in the same ditch. They lay literally a few steps from the scene. In bodies in various stages of decomposition, Ruby and Arnold were identified. But many police officers who had previously participated in the investigation of the accident site unanimously confirmed that the search was carried out very carefully, and they could not miss the bodies. Where were the bodies of the young people these few months, and who brought them to the highway? The police could not answer this question.

This old battered doll is now in one of the museums in Florida. Few people know that she is the embodiment of absolute evil. Robert's story began in 1906, when it was given to a baby. Soon the boy began to tell his parents that the doll was talking to him. Indeed, the parents sometimes heard someone else's voice from the son's room, but they believed that the boy was playing something like that. When an unpleasant incident happened in the house, the owner of the doll blamed Robert for everything. The grown boy threw Robert into the attic, and after his death, the doll passed to the new mistress, a little girl. She did not know anything about her story - but soon she also began to tell her parents that the doll was talking to her. Once the little girl ran to her parents in tears, saying that the doll was threatening to kill her. The girl was never inclined to dark fantasies, therefore, after several frightened requests and complaints from her daughter, they, out of sin, donated it to the local museum. Today the doll is silent, but the old-timers assure: if you take a picture in front of the window with Robert without permission, he will certainly cast a curse on you, and then you will not avoid trouble.

In 2013, a Facebook user named Nathan told his virtual friends a story that scared many. According to Nathan, he began receiving messages from his friend Emily, who had died two years earlier. At first they were repetitions of her old letters, and Nathan believed that this was only a technical problem. But then he received a new letter. "It's cold ... I don't know what's going on," Emily wrote. Out of fear, Nathan drank well, and only then decided to respond. And Emily immediately received an answer: "I want to walk ..." Nathan was horrified: after all, in the accident in which Emily died, her legs were cut off. Letters continued to arrive, sometimes meaningful, sometimes incoherent, like cipher programs. Finally, Nathan received a photograph from Emily. On it he himself was captured from the back. Nathan swears that no one was in the house when the photo was taken. What was it? Is there a ghost on the Web? Or is it someone's stupid joke. Nathan still does not know the answer - and cannot fall asleep without sleeping pills.

The true story of the "Thing"

Even if you've seen the 1982 movie "Thing," in which a young woman is abused and bullied by a ghost, you probably don't know that this story is based on true events. This is exactly what happened in 1974 with housewife Dorothy Beezer, the mother of several children. It all started when Dorothy decided to experiment with the Ouija board. As her children said, the experiment ended successfully: Dorothy managed to summon a spirit. But he flatly refused to leave. The ghost was distinguished by bestial cruelty: he constantly pushed Dorothy, threw her into the air, beat her and even raped her, often in front of children who were powerless to help their mother. Exhausted, Dorothy called for help from experts in the fight against paranormal phenomena. All of them unanimously told later that they saw strange and creepy things in Dorothy's house: objects flying through the air, a mysterious light that appeared from nowhere .. Finally, one day, right in front of the ghostbusters, a green fog thickened in the room, from which a ghostly figure emerged a huge man. After that, the spirit disappeared as suddenly as it appeared. What happened in the Los Angeles home of Dorothy Beezer, until now, no one knows.

In 2007, several Washington families immediately approached the police with complaints about phone calls from unknown persons, accompanied by terrible threats, the callers threatening to cut their interlocutors' throats in their sleep, and kill their children or grandchildren. Calls rang out at night, at very different times, while the callers knew for certain where each of the family members was, what he was doing and what he was wearing. Sometimes mysterious criminals recounted conversations between family members in detail, in which there were no strangers. The police tried unsuccessfully to track down the telephone terrorists, but the phone numbers from which the calls were heard were either fake or belonged to other families receiving similar threats. Fortunately, none of the threats became reality. But who and how managed to play such a cruel joke with dozens of unknown people, remained a mystery.

In September 2008, there was a terrible train crash in Los Angeles that killed 25 people. One of the victims was Charles Peck, who was driving from Salt Lake City for an interview with a potential employer. His California fiancée was looking forward to being offered a job so that they could move to Los Angeles. The day after the disaster, while rescuers were still removing the bodies of the victims from the rubble, Peck's fiance's phone rang. It was a call from Charles's number. The phones of his relatives - son, brother, stepmother and sister - also rang. All of them, having picked up the receiver, heard only silence there. Calls back were answered by an answering machine. Charles's family believed that he was alive and was trying to call for help. But when rescuers found his body, it turned out that Charles Peck died immediately after the collision and could not call in any way. What's even more mysterious, his phone also crashed in the crash, and no matter how hard they tried to bring him back to life, no one succeeded.

Professional photographer Lottie Davies took a wonderful photo of her friends' nightmares. She asked her close acquaintances to tell about bad dream in their lives and tried to embody the scene of this dream in the lens of her camera. We present to your attention the staged filming + translation of the hero's story.

Red Devil

“My daughter Scarlett often dreamed of the Red Devil. She said she could see him in the corner of the room, but he never hurt her. Native American dream catchers always had to guard her safety.

Lou's story

“My friend Dani and I rented a room from a very nice old lady in a small Portuguese house. When I fell asleep, it suddenly seemed to me that I fell and hit my shoulder against the wall. I thought I had fallen off the bed and got stuck between it and the wall, and then someone grabbed me by the arms and dragged me towards the door. I saw that the room was filled with people, they covered the floor with a living carpet, piled up on furniture. They were all naked, with long dark hair and strangely asexual. They looked really creepy.
They continued to drag me across the floor towards the door, and at some point I suddenly realized that this could be a dream. I began to shout loudly: "Where is Dani?" To wake myself up. Then one of them pulled the bloody sheet off the bed - I could not see what was under it - and whispered: "She is here." Now I was screaming without stopping ...
Never before and never later have I been so scared of sleep. "

Viola's twin

“Everything happens on a sunny and joyful day. Viola, my three-year-old daughter, runs to me, throwing open her arms, smiling broadly and shouting: “Mommy!”. Suddenly, a second Viola appears from behind her and does exactly the same. Everything changes in an instant: sweet Dreams turns into a nightmare, I look at them in silent horror and cannot understand who the second girl is and whether the first one is really my daughter.

Another time I dreamed about three-year-old Viola again. She is a blue-eyed blonde - just like in life. Suddenly another girl appears, and in a dream I understand that she is also Viola, although she has green eyes and dark hair... They both act like I'm their mother, but they don't seem to notice each other. I feel that something is wrong, because I have not had twins, But I can not remember which one is my daughter. "

“I have nightmares all the time, I’ll tell you about the latter. I was pregnant with five twins, and it was terrible because I don't want more children (I already have two, I'm 42, and my health is not the same). I had to ask my old midwife to give birth, even though she's already retired. When the kids were born, I immediately began to think about what size stroller we need, how the whole horde will fit into our tiny car, what older children will say, how to deal with work now, and most importantly, where to get money to feed them everyone? "


“I dream that England is still inhabited by pagans, but an army of priests is already marching across it to increase the number of Christians. I am a priestess of the old faith, and when others submit to the new order in order to save their lives, I cannot do it. The priests are going to crucify me.
Later, I see myself sailing in a boat with the head priest along the flat, sleepy surface of the river, surrounded by old trees. With me is my daughter, she is about 9 years old. Here, far from people, the priest begins to open his hands and pester me, and I am forced to obey.
Before I was killed, I whispered to my daughter her secret name, which she should not pronounce, but must always remember. I see her floating towards the shore, and reaches a place where the branches of the trees hang low. She pushes them aside and finds herself in front of an ancient wall on which a figure has been carved. This is her crucified mother. I know that this place is sacred to us, and my people will not forget our true faith. In a dream I die, and when I wake up, I no longer know whether I am alive or dead. "

What's in the future?

“I divorced my husband and found myself drawn into a relationship with a very jealous man who poisoned the life of me and my ten-year-old son for a long time after I broke up with him.
I dreamed that my son became a child again, who was just learning to crawl, and played near the fireplace in an old house, where there was a recent fire. It was ashes, already without fire, but all covered with heavy, terrible dust. My former lover appeared here like a shadow, and slowly and gently covered my son's face with sticky soot. I saw that it turned black and that the baby was finding it difficult to breathe. Soot was sticking to his eyelids, and I knew that if he closed his eyes, he would die. I couldn't shake her off, because then he would have been even worse. I had to gently blow off the soot from his face ... I felt fear and lost, and when I woke up, I realized that this is exactly what I feel in real life. "

The girl in the tower

“My worst nightmare is very old, then I was 10-11 years old. My parents got divorced and I missed my father very much. I was told that I must kill some unknown girl, otherwise they (I do not know who exactly) will kill my dad. I took a large knife and began to climb the spiral staircase in the tall old tower. It was dark and damp. At the end, I saw a wooden door and found a room behind it, in which a girl was sleeping on the bed. I stood over her and raised the knife. But when the knife was already approaching her chest, I suddenly realized that she was me. However, I could not stop. I woke up only when the knife had already touched her. My mother was nearby: she woke up because of my terrible scream. I cried for hours. Even now I cannot calmly remember this. "

9 worst male nightmares

Everyone knows that real guys don't dance, cry or poop. Real guys drive Porsches with one left, hug someone else's blonde with their right, and at the same time earn money with a pleasant voice. Their bottom is as hard as the Krakatuk nut, their armpits are shaved, and they are not afraid of anything.

Something like this shows real men in films that Hollywood, Bollywood, and the rest of the advanced wood produce in batches to clog an already unbalanced girl's brain. In fact, men are, of course, afraid. From "Mom will scold" to "Why leave?" Through nefarious blackmail, bribery and eight liters of chivas rigal, Pics has compiled the most comprehensive selection of male fears.

First nightmare. "Pluck out an eye, a tooth, a corn, a bikini area, a heart." In other words, the fear of doctors.

A man of the vulgarius subspecies turns to doctors only after he sees a light tunnel, and at the end of it a friendly nodding uncle of an obscure confession. That says it all. The rest of the time he drinks, eats, lies, gets nervous ... Until he grunts. RIP

The second nightmare. “I don’t want to marry, so Viktor Petrovich from the financial sector is not yet married.”

The man does not react to the logical remark that the sand has been pouring from Viktor Petrovich for ten years now and he has enuresis, furunculosis and a runny nose. A man usually does not like to marry. Firstly, it is expensive, and secondly, you never know what will grow out of your wife. He married a fragile nymph with a crystal voice, and had to divorce his aunt across himself wider and with the same ambitions.

Third nightmare. "Gerontology. Is there life after thirty, forty, fifty, six - but what are you talking about? " Just a fear of aging.

Do you think it's just aunties old age do they go with botox? Yeah, dreaming. "Dooo, they say in the approving voices of a man, how beautifully Jack Nicholson is aging, and our restless Clint Eastwood, doooo." And they themselves squeeze wet palm fresh photo Silvio Berlusconi, and, losing their sneakers, run with him to the beautician with the words "Here I am at his age - that's the only way!"

The fourth nightmare. "Tagaaaanka, I am your immortal prisoner."

Since in our time, getting a mammoth and making money is sometimes associated with trampling on the criminal code and even the constitution along with the guarantor, everyone has the risk of thundering. Perhaps this explains the seemingly completely wild desire of men to listen to chanson and watch, for example, Brigada-2, the heir.

The fifth nightmare. "How - nafig? " or how to live if everyone ignores you.

The nightmare has its origins in the times of the primitive communal system. By any means, the male must be seen, listened to and preferably kindly. Otherwise, the individual dries up, withers, breaks down on loved ones and as a result dies. Do you need it?

Sixth nightmare. "And your whole back is white" or a public shame.

Men are so arranged that they are much more afraid of sitting in a puddle than women. They are afraid to forget the words of the speech at the conference, the anthem at the audience, or the words "He is a fool himself" spoken in front of their beloved. Accordingly, we can conclude that the proverb about God's dew was invented by women.

The seventh nightmare. "French runny nose".

Yes Yes. Men are also afraid of getting sick with interesting diseases. And they talk about this sensitive topic, starting from ten in the yard, "the older boys have told." So, one older boy told how he publicly collapsed in a swoon in the barracks, passing military service, while checking the bedside tables. The major, who liked to express himself floridly, opened his bedside table and, seeing the mess, crumbs and red ants, cried out: "Oh, horror, gonococci!"

Nightmare Eight. "Half past five" or "Who needs it at all, this Viagra."