International Vegan Day

When celebrated.

International Vegan Day has been observed annually on November 1st since 1994, when the Vegan Community celebrated its 60th anniversary.

Veganism or veganism is a lifestyle that is limited to strict vegetarianism. Vegans - adherents of veganism - eat and use only plant products, that is, they completely exclude components of animal origin in their composition.

History and ideology of veganism.

The Vegan Society was formed in Great Britain on November 1, 1944. main goal of the new society was to convey information about veganism to people, explain to them the main ideas and urge them to abandon the use of meat and other animal products.

50 years later, on the organization's birthday, the world celebrated World Vegan Day for the first time. By the way, the term "vegan" was suggested by mastermind movement - Mr. Donald Watson.

What do vegans eat and not eat?

The word vegan was coined by Donald Watson from first three and the last two letters English word"vegetarian" (Russian "vegetarian", "vegetarian"). The term began to be used by the "Vegan Society" founded by Watson in November 1944 in London.

But if you think that vegans are short for vegetarianism, then you are wrong. Vegans are even more ideological people and, apart from meat, do not eat anything related to animal origin. This applies to milk, eggs, naturally meat, and even honey! Only plant foods.

Do not think that veganism is only about food. In fact, it is a whole philosophical doctrine. Vegans not only don't eat animal food, they don't use animal-based fur, leather, wool or cosmetics. Their task is to preserve the diversity of nature, to perceive a person not in isolation, but within the animal world. They are against any violence against animals, and it does not matter for what purpose it is done - for human food, for clothing, or even for serious scientific experiments.

There is no need to talk about global celebrations on this day. But activists around the world, supporting the initiative of representatives of the Vegan community, organize all kinds of educational events. They organize charitable and informational events, they are focused on revealing the theme and essence of the holiday itself. Plus, this number always drops the end of the Vegetarian Awareness Month program.

The first of November cannot be fully called the day of honoring those who refused meat and other "forbidden" products. This date is an opportunity for vegans to make a name for themselves. Vegetarians themselves arrange celebrations designed to “stir up” humanity, make it live according to the laws of nature, and pay close attention to the existence of such a problem.

Adherents of the Vegan Society promoted a special way of life based on a strict vegetarian diet, excluding the use of products obtained as a result of the exploitation or killing of representatives of the animal world.

On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Vegan Society, a holiday was established dedicated to supporters of a plant-based nutritious diet, who wear clothing, shoes, and accessories from artificial materials. Main purpose international day vegan is initiation maximum number people to a vegetarian lifestyle, which has a number of advantages.

"Vita" congratulates its like-minded people all over the world!

Vegans are strict vegetarians who exclude all animal products from their diet, including meat, fish, eggs, milk and dairy products. Vegans do not use the fur and skin of animals and oppose the killing of animals for the sake of experiments and entertainment.

Adherents of strict vegetarianism in the world are increasing every day, and Russia is no exception. Especially popular in youth circles, as evidenced by the emergence of many vegan cafes and restaurants in various countries. The sharp increase in the number of vegans in the world and the transition of people to a plant-based diet (vegetables, fruits, cereals, legumes, nuts, mushrooms, algae) was facilitated by people's awareness of the suffering of animals in agriculture and medical recognition of the benefits of a vegan lifestyle. Other causes of veganism are ecology (the problem of global warming, environmental pollution, conservation of earth's resources), the problem of hunger on the planet.

The term "vegan" was first coined in 1944 by Donald Watson, the founder of the first Vegan Society in England. Supporters of vegan nutrition (as opposed to vegetarian) justified their rejection of all animal products by explaining that the production of eggs and milk cannot be called ethical, since it is always associated with the merciless exploitation of animals and the destruction of unnecessary offspring. and his associates, by their example, were able to break stereotypes traditional medicine and prove that the vegan lifestyle is complete and life-sustaining. Donald Watson died in 2005 at the age of 96 (!) years of life, while maintaining his ability to work and energy until his last days.

Convinced vegans are: the President of Slovenia; actors Alicia Silverstone, Natalie Portman, Eric Roberts, Woody Harrelson, Casey Affleck, director Peter Bogdanovich; legendary athletes, Martina Navratilova, Suriya Bonaly (Olympic figure skating champion), Jack La Lanne (bodybuilder, fitness guru), Kate Holmes (boxer, two-time world champion); musicians Moby, Prince, Bryan Adams, Sinead O'Connor; famous scientists: mathematician, physicist; physician, educator Benjamin Spock, television presenter.

A well-known vegan with many years of "experience" is Nick Jukes - head world organization InterNICHE (a network of organizations for humane education), thanks to the sparkling energy of which thousands of experimental animals around the world have been replaced by progressive humane alternatives.

"Vita" also congratulates another like-minded person on Vegan Day - the director of a unique farm animal shelter in the south of England. Having been a vegan for almost 20 years, Fiona regularly competes in the Peace Marathons held in different countries(in Russia - annually) to prove the benefits of vegan nutrition. The Vegan Society, in its anniversary year 2004, awarded Fiona the title of honorary vegan.

"Vita" congratulates today well-known Russian vegans - a writer and journalist, artist, soloist of the group "ScenaCardia" (Grand Prix of the Sochi festival "5 Stars" in 2005).

Today, vegans are openly demonstrating the benefits of their lifestyle and championing their views with great vigour. So, for example, an eleven-year-old vegan from Christchurch ( New Zealand) recently challenged nutrition professor Robert Pickard for his claim that animal products are indispensable.

Ella, who does not eat animal products all her life, won her high school triathlon last year and was a finalist in the Vegan Triathlon in 2005 and 2006. Ella wants to compete in a triathlon with Professor Picard one on one.
"I want to challenge Professor Picard to a race and run, swim and bike with him." Yolanda Soril, the mother of a young triathlete, says that keeping up with her four full of energy vegan children is no easy task, and wishes Dr. Picard good luck if he is brave enough to compete with her daughter.

Additional Information:

Discoveries of scientists in last years proved that vegan nutrition provides the human body with all the components necessary for normal development. The Dietetic Association of America and the Dietetic Association of Canada declared in 2003 that a properly balanced vegan diet is suitable for everyone. age categories people, including newborns. Scientists have proven that essential amino acids are synthesized in the body of vegans (research by academician Ugolev), vegans also have no problems with either calcium, or iron, or vitamin B12.

It was also amazing that Benjamin Spock, the author of world-famous books on healthy eating for children, was also a staunch vegan. Unfortunately, the 7th edition of Spock was not printed in Russia, in which he cites doctors' data on the benefits of vegan nutrition for children:

"Our ideas about nutrition have expanded significantly in recent years. Whereas before we were supporters of including in children's diet a large number of meat and dairy products, we now know that children should receive nutrients from sources plant origin. Vegetables, fruits, cereals, and legumes are rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber, while being low in fat and completely free of cholesterol. We have only recently realized how valuable these modest herbal products and realized how many health problems can be prevented by putting them at the heart of the diet."

Other doctors are of the same opinion. Dr. Tim Rudak, Nutritionist, Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (USA): "Doctors have long recommended a plant-based diet because it's good for the heart, but a collective switch to a vegetarian diet would not only eliminate a source of harmful animal fat for the human body and cholesterol. He would also eliminate poultry farms that cultivate bird flu and other infectious diseases. How many more must die before we realize these outbreaks can be prevented?"

However, the December 2006 United Nations report on veganism was even more compelling. Citing the need to reduce the greenhouse effect that causes global warming, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) has approached the US Congress with a proposal to encourage people to go vegetarian in their taxes to encourage environmentally friendly lifestyles.


Holiday November 1 - International Vegan Day - Vegetarian

Strange word- is not it?! But this is at first glance. It is formed from the first three and the last two English name vegetarian (vegan), which in Russian literally sounds like a vegetarian, and in a broader sense, vegetarian, vegetarianism. It was first heard in 1847 in England, when Donald Watson, a well-known opponent of animal nutrition in the country, founded the Vegetarian Society in London. By the way, International Vegan Day ends Vegetarian Awareness Month, which begins on October 1, which marks the onset of world day vegetarianism.

In vegetarianism, to clarify, there are four directions. The first is lacto-vegetarianism. Representatives of this kind of humanity allow the consumption of milk and lactic acid products. But they completely exclude meat, fish, seafood from the diet. The second trend is ovo-vegetarianism. Its furious supporters say a resolute no to meat, fish, dairy products, but at the same time they willingly eat eggs, and, of course, everything vegetable. Sometimes you just wonder how talented they are at preparing delicious salads and egg dishes! The third direction is Lacto-ovo vegetarianism. It is especially popular and in demand in Europe and allows eggs, milk, dairy products, but fish and seafood, in their opinion, like meat, should not be categorically eaten. And finally, the fourth direction is Vaganism. It recommends eating only plant-based foods. The rest (meat, fish, milk and even honey) is a strict taboo.

An instructive statement is that vegetarianism in one form or another is widely developed on all five continents of the Earth. It is followed by one sixth of the world's population. And if specifically - almost a billion inhabitants. At the same time, you can name figures for some countries. In England itself, which has already celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of this movement, as you know, 59.5 million people live. Six million are vegetarians. In the US, the population is much larger - 278.3 million, therefore, vegetarians too - 11 million, while 42 percent of them consider the killing of animals to be murder. In Spain, the figures are appropriate: 39.4 million of its inhabitants account for 788 thousand vegetarians. 58.6 million people live in France, 1 million and 172 thousand of them are vegetarians. Well, what is the situation in Russia? According to these indicators, we are not ahead, but behind the whole planet. Of the 150 million people living in the country, vegetarians of all forms account for only two hundred thousand (!?). And by the way, every year there are fewer supporters of eating plant products. This is largely due to our harsh climate. People logically believe that without meat, fish on some cabbage leaves, bunches of carrots and other things, you can easily stretch your legs!

There are many celebrities among vegetarians. Of ours, for example, Leo Tolstoy, the author of "War and Peace", "Anna Karenina". He even once released a study entitled "On the unreasonableness of meat-eating." A staunch supporter of vegetarianism is the head of the Liberal Democratic Party, Vladimir Zhirinovsky. And also the Russians - Alexander Revzin, director, Nikolai Drozdov, zoologist, doctor of biological sciences, professor, host of the popular program "In the Animal World", Rashid Nurgaliyev, ex-Minister of Internal Affairs, Nadezhda Babkina, head of the ensemble "Russian Song" and many others. Among the foreigners are talented film actors - Leonardo DiCaprio, Richard Gere, Brad Pitt, Nobel Prize-winning theoretical physicist Albert Einstein - and the list goes on and on.
Of course - International Vegan Day is celebrated in the world widely and with a wide variety of events. But the main thing is active propaganda among the population of eating food of plant origin, a ban on killing for the sake of one's greedy appetite of the animal world!

On November 1, vegans around the world celebrate their holiday - World Vegan Day.

The holiday appeared on November 1, 1994, when the first "Vegan Society" (Vegan Society), created in the UK back in 1944, celebrated its 50th anniversary. On this day, events and information campaigns dedicated to veganism are held.

Vegan Day concludes Vegetarian Awareness Month, which began on October 1 - in.

Every year, the number of supporters of the rejection of meat and other products associated with the exploitation and killing of animals in the world is steadily growing. One of the main reasons for veganism is: unwillingness to be involved in the killing of animals and abuse with them.

The ethics of veganism considers the question of the moral right of a person to deprive animals of life in order to satisfy their needs. First of all, this concerns the question of whether the consumption of meat food is compatible with the morality of a highly civilized person.

It is an important incentive to stop consuming animal products. To date, there have been many studies proving the harm of animal foods. Vegan nutrition provides the human body with everything it needs to normal development and suitable for all ages.

A well-balanced plant-based diet is enriched with protein, iron, calcium and other essential vitamins and minerals. plant sources of these nutrients Generally low in saturated fat, high in fiber and antioxidants, they help reduce some of the world's current health problems such as obesity, heart disease, diabetes and cancer.

Animal husbandry leads to. The production of meat and other livestock products places a heavy burden on environment. The vast amount of grain feed required for meat production is causing deforestation, loss of habitat and extinction of species.

The United Nations has been issuing reports for several years now that large farms collectively generate more greenhouse gas emissions than Automotive industry the whole earth. A study published by Chalmers University of Technology boldly states that in order to effectively combat climate change, we must drastically change our eating habits, namely reducing the amount of meat and dairy products in our diets.

Having analyzed modern system nutrition, declared that eating meat harms everyone and everything, and the rejection of it will turn out to be of great benefit to the world.

Scientists at Oxford University that the rejection of animal food could not only save millions human lives by 2050 and save billions of dollars in medical costs, but also prevent climate change by significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions from animal husbandry. The research report was published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

VEGAN congratulates its like-minded people - vegans, as well as those who are just starting their journey, realizing the horror of the violence committed by humanity against animals! Patience, success and new victories to all! Be happy!