Photo retouching in Photoshop cs6 in Russian. Photo retouching in Photoshop: an overview of tools and examples. Additional information about image resolution and size

It is a very painstaking work in processing Photo. The Internet is filled with a variety of professional lessons on portrait retouching in photoshop, which deal with many technical aspects, such as the preservation skin texture, giving naturalness, preserving small details of the face, etc.

But I noticed two problems: either the lesson is designed for professionals who pay a large number of time ( 3-6 hours or more) for processing, or the lesson is not “good” enough, because after processing it turns out a plastic face, an unnatural look of the model.

In this article, I would like to find golden mean ", namely: fast, simple, quality retouching, which does not take a lot of effort and time, while with a phenomenal end result.

For processing, I chose this female portrait (be sure to click on the photo below to enlarge, so you can better see the result before and after):

And here is the result:

What will be done in this lesson?

1. small skin cleaning(moles, flaws, black dots on the nose, etc.). By the way, it is not at all necessary to remove moles, this should be done only in agreement with the model!

2. while maintaining the texture of the skin. Under the texture of the skin is usually understood its roughness, small hairs, relief, etc.

4. Smoothing/Erasing wrinkles.

5. Were a little processed hair.

Also, several steps were taken to giving volume: creating a vignette, concentrating lighting on the model's face, working out light and dark areas of the skin.

It seems like quite a lot of work to be done, but in fact the retouching took me no more 15 minutes, as you can see by watching the video at the end of the article. By the way, in the course of work you will need to apply the plugin, if you don’t have it yet, I advise you.

ATTENTION!!! Before you start, be sure to review video by this processing at the end of the article.

Getting started in Adobe Photoshop

1. The first thing you usually start with face retouching- cleaning the skin from various defects. To do this, open the photo in Photoshop and immediately duplicate layer(press right click mouse on layer -> Duplicate Layer), we do not touch the original, so that in the future there is always the opportunity to return to its original position. Choosing a tool Spot Healing Brush Tool(Spot Healing Brush, Button J on the keyboard) with the following settings:

First value ( diameter) set as needed, i.e. for large defects, set a larger value, and for small ones, for example, if you want get rid of blackheads on nose, set the value to a smaller value. Rigidity ( hardness) be sure to put 100% . Spacing leave within 10-15% .

Once you have set up the tool, go over the imperfections of the face with it. If something didn’t work out the first time (for example, a mole), try clicking a few times, or change the Diameter or Spacing values ​​to taste.

2. After cleaning the facial skin, we proceed to the initial retouching. We will use two methods - standard Photoshop filters and a plugin Color Effect Pro. the main task- save skin texture, prevent the effect of plastic on the face.

So, choose a tool History Brush Tool(Historical brush, button Y on keyboard). We go to filter -> Blur -> Gaussian Blur(Filter -> Blur -> Gaussian Blur) and set the value Radius in 30 pixels. Click OK. After that, you should blur the image completely. Now you need to open the panel History(History, if you can't find it, click at the top of Photoshop on the inscription Windows -> History) and click once on the box next to the Gaussian Blur inscription to make the tool icon appear. After that, you need to become one step higher, so that it turns out like this:

Made? Excellent! Instrument settings ( top left) set the following:

I took the size of the brush 65 pixels(you can choose according to your taste). Mode: Normal and transparency ( Opacity) exposed 15% not to overdo it (remember that the main task is to preserve skin texture).

As soon as everything is ready, we begin to gently pass the brush over the face, without touching eyes, mouth, eyebrows. In order to remove glare from the face, you need to set the brush in the settings (top left) mode(mode) on Darkens(replaced by dark). Transparency in this case can be set 30% .

After all these steps, you will be able to see good improvement facial skin compared to the original (first layer). Now let's move on to the second stage of smoothing the skin. To do this, we need, as I wrote above, the Color Efex Pro plugin. We go into it and look for a filter called Dynamic Skin Softener. From the name of the filter, it is clear that the plugin is aimed specifically at softening the skin. We don’t touch the settings (although you can twist the sliders to taste, but I preferred to leave it as it is for better conservation skin texture), leave everything according to the standard and click OK:

As you can see, this plugin softened the skin on the face a little, but did not kill it. details. If your softening effect is very strong, you can reduce the layer's opacity to about 75% . Keep in mind that the plugin affected the entire image, and we need it to apply the effect only to the skin of the face. For this, we take the usual soft edge eraser(key E on the keyboard) and we pass them through the hair, mouth, eyes and eyebrows so that they do not “soften” with us, this effect is completely unnecessary on them. Merge this layer with the bottom one.

Don't forget to merge your layer with the bottom one after you have gone over it with an eraser and removed the "excess".

This concludes our retouching of the skin, now you can work a little with the rest of the face, for example, whiten the teeth, process the eyes and add a little bit of beauty to the hair.

For teeth whitening I applied my own method, which I already talked about in . It concludes as follows:

Go to the Color Efex Pro plugin and select a filter White Neutralizer, set all values ​​according to 100%

Below, in paragraph control points click on the button with the plus sign (highlighted in red in the picture above) and click once on the teeth, i.e. put a dot. After that, drag the gray circle (highlighted in red in the picture below), making it so that the overall field of action of the plugin decreases and captures only the teeth

By the way, you can put such points before our eyes, to whiten the eyeball. We press OK. As you can see, the plug-in whitened the teeth and a little bit of the eyes, but a slightly noticeable stain appeared around them. white area. In order to remove it, take an eraser with soft edges and clean the areas around the eyes and teeth.

By the way, since we have moved on to processing the eyes, we can work them out in more detail. From the photo you can see that it would not hurt remove blood vessels and add a little expressiveness to the eyes. In order to remove the vessels, we take the tool Spot Healing Brush Tool(Spot Healing Brush, Key J on the keyboard), set the size at the top left to approximately 5px (or as needed, I chose this small size to remove small vessels) hardness(hardness) and Spacing(Interval) leave as is (100% and 10%, respectively) and begin to carefully pass the brush through the vessels.

If you are not quite comfortable using this tool (Spot Healing Brush) and the vessels are not completely eliminated, you can try to take Clone Stamp Tool(clone stamp, key S on keyboard). Turn on this tool, set the hardness to 0% and the size as needed, by the way, sometimes it is useful to set Opacity(transparency) brushes approximately 60-70% for getting best effect. Hold down the key alt, you will see how your mouse cursor will change to "sight", click once without releasing Alt next to the vessel to be eliminated and then brush over it. You will see how the vessel is replaced by the adjacent eyeball texture.

What else can be done for the eyes? For example, add "colors" and saturation, which of course will change its color, but not much. There are thousands of ways to do this, I personally did the following in this lesson: open Color Efex Pro, look for a filter Photo Styler. We put the value Strength on the 100% and just like last time, we put “dots” on the eyes and reduce the plug-in field of action so that it covers only the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eye. Made? Excellent! Do not forget to go over the eraser around the eyes after that and remove unnecessary areas.

to finish eye treatment, can be strengthened shine. We take the tool DodgeTool(Clarifier, key O on the keyboard), set the following values for him:

I chose a brush size of 65, but you can choose any as needed. Range(Range) set highlights(Light), exposure(Strength) exhibit 15% (although you can also taste it) and brush over glare in the eyes, thereby enhancing their "glow".

Finished with the eyes, now it would not hurt to remove the small wrinkles next to them, I described in more detail how to do this in. We take the tool PathTool(Patch, key J on the keyboard) and carefully outline the wrinkles. As soon as we have a selection, we click on it and without releasing we lead a little lower, onto a clean area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. It should look something like this:

After you release the left mouse button, you will see that wrinkles are gone. If the first time it didn’t work out to the end to remove them, you can try to repeat this action. repeatedly. Likewise, after this processing there may be a feeling of unnaturalness, i.e. this area of ​​the skin will stand out strongly. It can be retouch just like we did with the entire face with the History Brush Tool just above.

As I wrote above, in this portrait you can also add beauty to the hair. To do this, open Color Efex Pro and select a filter Glamor Glow. Set the settings as in the picture and click OK:

Now take the eraser with soft edges and go over the face to leave the effect only on the hair. By the way, you can add a little sharpness, because. The filter washed my hair a little. For this we go to filter -> Sharpen -> Sharpen(Filters -> Sharpness -> Sharpness) and you will see how the hair has become sharper. Merge this layer with the bottom one.

By the way, since we are talking about sharpness, it would not hurt after such processing add sharpness for the entire image. To do this, take the tool sharpen tool(Sharpness), at the top left, turn down the power by about 80% and go over the eyes, eyebrows, mouth with a brush. You can also reduce the strength to about 50% and go over the entire skin of the face, thereby emphasizing the texture of the skin.


At the end of processing, you can give volume photographs, i.e. highlight light/dark areas of the skin on the face, as well as direct a small beam of light on the face of the model using the Darken / Lighten Center filter.

First, select the light areas of the skin using the tool DodgeTool(Clarifier). I set the following settings:

Range(Range) set Shadows(Shadows) exposure(Strength) exhibit 50% and lightly go over the light areas of the skin, making them lighter.

After that, we take the tool BurnTool(Dimmer) with the same settings, only set the strength 10% and go through the dark areas of the skin of the face.

At the end of processing, you can do one more detail, this is to add a light spot to the face, which will give more more volume Photo. Go to the Color Efex Pro plugin and find the filter Darken/Lighten Center. Set the settings to something like this and click OK:

That's basically it! before/after treatment you can see at the very beginning of the article. Below I provide a video clip with all the actions that I described above

In fact, there was still a lot to do here, to add various effects, make-up, etc., but I described only the basics of what facial retouching consists of. At fast execution work can be done in minutes 5-10 time, depending on the complexity and contamination of the skin of the model. By the way, if you are interested in complex, you can read about it in. And if processing is interesting male portrait, .

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Hello, dear readers of the Start-Luck blog. There is a lot to retouch portraits, but if you want to achieve an amazing effect, then you have no choice, you have to use Photoshop. It will allow you to create such a result that even hang on the wall, even in glossy magazine use. All friends and acquaintances will envy your photo, and most importantly, no particularly complex manipulations.

Today I will tell you how to retouch a face in Photoshop professionally. The work is easy but painstaking. It may take you at least an hour. But the result will exceed all expectations. It was exactly like that with me.

I will not hide it, I took one of the first videos on YouTube and tried to repeat it and didn’t even particularly hope for a high-quality result, but it turned out to be perfect. You can read the text from step by step pictures, or you can immediately go to the end of the article and try to do everything exactly the same as in the video. For beginners, I would recommend the first option, but it's up to you.

To do this, drag the topmost slider slightly towards blue, and the bottom one towards blue.

I open "Tone" - "Shadows" and do the same.

Don't be afraid, the photo won't be that blue. Hold Alt + Del, everything will return as if in its place.

Now select a brush white color and circle the pupils in the portrait. You may have already worked with . Now you are doing just that.

Lower the opacity of the layer to make the picture look more natural.

Add another adjustment layer - hue/saturation.

We make the picture less saturated.

Now Curves.

Align the colors to your liking.

face on this moment looks not quite natural, it is too pale. Go to the red channel. And try to revive it a little.

The same can be done with blue and green.

The opacity of this layer is also better to make a little less. For naturalness.

Again merge all previous layers into a heap.

Select the filter - sharpening and add contour sharpening to the portrait.

Set the effect to 50 and the radius to 1.

Once again go to the Unsharp Mask filter, but this time set the effect to 100 and the radius from 1 to 2.

OK it's all over Now. This is how our photo looked originally.

And also upon completion of all work.

Video instruction

I believe that the text and video mode will help you understand all the intricacies and add an excellent result. If you don’t understand something in the text, you can always go to the video and vice versa. For example, I could not understand initially how to reduce all layers into one. But then I figured it out.

Well, if you want to learn how to masterfully, thoroughly, professionally and thoughtfully retouch any photos, I can advise you on the course « Photoshop for photographer » in it you will find detailed analysis each tool and learn how to use them with a specific purpose and knowing what you are doing and why. You will be able to learn how to use the professional program masterfully.

OK it's all over Now. See you soon and don't forget to subscribe to the newsletter.

In general, retouching involves the removal of unnecessary details, the elimination of defects, color correction, restoration and other work aimed at improving image quality.

Photoshop has an impressive arsenal of photo retouching tools, which I'll talk about now.


We have already talked about filters in this lesson. There are a lot of them in Photoshop, and some of them are specifically for retouching images.

For example, we have an old photo.

Defects spoil the image too much, and partially solve the problem as much as possible. short term The Dust and Scratches filter will help. To use it, do the following.

  1. Open the photo.
  2. In the main menu of the program, run the command Filter -> Noise -> Dust and scratches.

  1. The filter has only a couple of settings.

  • Radius. Specifies the size of the area in which the program will search for similar friend to another pixels. The higher the value, the more defects the filter will remove, but the less sharp the photo will end up being. In the case of the selected image, I settled on a value of 3.
  • Isohelium. Specifies the tone difference of the pixels to replace. Experiment with the setting. I set the value to 0.
  1. Click OK and evaluate the result.

Some defects (especially on a dark background) have become less pronounced, but the image has become more blurry.

In order not to spoil the entire picture with a decrease in contrast, you can apply a filter to a specific area of ​​​​the photo. For practice, let's try to remove a long horizontal scratch using the filter in question.

  1. Select the Rectangular Marquee tool from the palette.
  2. Highlight the defect.

  1. Set up and apply a filter.

The scratch became less noticeable, while the quality of the rest of the photo was not affected. And although in this case the filter did not solve the problem completely and badly, yet, like many other filters, it is a retouching tool. Let not perfect, but very fast.

The program has many more useful filters for retouching. In particular, the filters of the Sharpen group allow you to sharpen the details of the image, and the filters of the Noise group are needed to either mask defects that break the harmony of the picture, or, conversely, remove roughness that spoils the photo. Using the filters of the Blur group, you can smooth out secondary details and rid images of scanning defects.

In general, take a closer look at the filters, they are an extremely useful and very diverse category of tools.

The group of retouching tools, which opens by clicking on the icon, consists of five tools.

Spot Healing Brush. Allows you to correct some imperfections in images in full automatic mode. In the options bar, you can specify the diameter and type of the brush, as well as enable or disable certain retouch settings. For example, apply restoration using a texture, proximity match, or fill.

Suppose we need to remove the mole in the photo below.

  1. Select the Spot Healing Brush tool.
  2. Set its size and style.
  3. Click on the element to be removed.

  1. The birthmark has disappeared.

Restores areas of the photo according to the sample, taking pixels from the area you specify, matching and fitting them according to the characteristics in the area being retouched.

As an example, remove the freckles from the photo below.

  1. Select the Healing Brush tool and set it up (specify type, diameter).
  2. Move the pointer over the place where the pixels for replacement will be taken from (in our case, the place without freckles).
  3. Press the Alt key (the pointer will change to a crosshair) and, while holding it down, click to select the sample area.
  4. Now draw on the freckles, removing them. Pixels will begin to be replaced and retouching will work.

Patch. Allows you to close one part of the image with another, copying the pixels of the source area to the destination area, replacing them.

Remember, in one of the lessons we wrote a seagull in a seascape? Let's now remove it from there with the help of the Patch tool.

  1. Open an image.

  1. Select the Patch tool.
  2. Outline the area to be erased (in our case, the seagull).
  3. Using the mouse button pressed, move the area to where the program should take pixels for replacement (for us it is the sky).
  4. Immediately after you release the mouse button, the picture will change: the seagull will be replaced by the pixels of the selected area.

Content-aware navigation. The tool can work in two modes (selected from the list on the options panel).

  • Move. With it, you can move objects, moving them away or bringing them closer to each other.
  • Expand. Allows you to clone objects and resize them.

As a simple example clone a seagull using this tool.

  1. Open an image.

  1. On the Options Bar, from the Mode drop-down list, select Extend.
  2. Carefully select the seagull.

  1. Move the area to the place where the bird clone will be located.

  1. In the main menu of Photoshop, run the command Selection -> Deselect and look: there are two seagulls.

AT this example the tool worked well, but often it is not very accurate.

The tool removes red-eye and flash artifacts.

  1. Open a photo that has one of the imperfections removed by the function.

  1. Select the Red Eyes tool from the palette.
  2. Click on the pupils with the mouse button to remove the effect.

  1. If a desired result has not been reached, in the Options Bar, adjust the pupil size and shading amount.


The group consists of just a couple of tools: Stamp and Pattern Stamp.

Stamp. A tool to copy pixels from one part of an image to another. Usually used to replace damaged areas - remove scratches, get rid of stains, dust and other defects.

  1. Open the old photo that we tried to process with the filter at the beginning of the article.

  1. Select the Stamp tool from the palette.
  2. Move the mouse pointer over the place where you want to take pixels for replacement.
  3. Hold down the Alt key and click to grab the pixels.
  4. Release Alt and click on the damaged areas of the image, moving the selected pixels into them.
  5. By repeating steps 3-5, remove defects in different parts photo, not forgetting to choose the right pixels for cloning.
  6. Save the result.

Pattern stamp. Unlike the usual one, it works with textures, thanks to which it allows you to edit complex surfaces (water, human skin etc.).


The group includes three instruments.

Eraser. Like a real eraser, it erases what you have drawn. You can work with it like with a pencil or a brush: select the tool and, holding down the mouse button, just drag the pointer where you want to erase.

Background eraser. It differs from the usual one in that it separates objects from the background, leaving behind transparency instead of color.

Magic eraser. The most convenient tool. A hybrid of a regular eraser and " magic wand”, which allows you to clear the background from the image in one click.

Suppose we want to free a puppy from the background.

  1. Open the image in Photoshop.

  1. Set up the instrument. To work well in our example, it is enough to change the tolerance to 150 .

The following items are available on the Options Bar.

  • Tolerance. The value in this field determines how wide a range of pixels similar in tone will be considered by the editor as the background and removed. How more value, the more pixels the program will erase.
  • Smoothens the transition at the edges. If the button is pressed, then the transition between the remote and the remaining will be smooth.
  • Erases only adjacent pixels. A tool with this option, if there are dots of the same color in different parts of the picture, will only delete the area that you click on.
  • Opacity. The field specifies the percentage of background transparency to be erased. For example, if you set 50% here, then the erased part will become only half transparent.
  1. Click on the background with the mouse button and see what happens. Gray-white squares represent transparency.

With this, the tour of retouching tools has come to an end, and I suggest moving on to the next lesson, from which you will learn about image correction tools.

In this tutorial, I will show you how to do quick face retouching in Photoshop. Face retouching in Photoshop is a daily task for many photographers and designers. Since there are a lot of photos to be processed, and processing tasks are typical, the least labor-intensive and most effective method retouching, which allows you to achieve acceptable results quickly.

The main task of face retouching is to hide visible defects in the skin of the face without losing its texture.

Previously, we discussed with you the most simple methods retouching with the Clone Stamp (S) and Healing Brush Tool (J). Today I will talk about alternative way retouching used by photographers.

I found a photo on the Internet with which I will work. The girl in the photo problem skin, hidden under makeup, we will try to make it smoother and more uniform with a quick face retouch in Photoshop.

Getting Started

Open the photo - Ctrl + O.

Go to the layers palette - F7, duplicate the layer with the original photo CTRL + J, so that there is something to compare the result of the lesson with.

Color correction

Let's adjust the brightness and contrast a bit.

Go to the menu "Image - Adjustsments - Brightness / Contrast" (Image - Correction - Brightness / Contrast). I increased the brightness value to +40, and, on the contrary, lowered the contrast to 40.

Removal of large defects

We remove large irregularities in the old fashioned way with the Healing Brush Tool (J).

We take a sample normal skin using the Alt key, the cursor is filled with the texture of the sample taken, click on the pimples to smooth out large protrusions on the skin.

Sample clean skin we take next to the fragment that we want to smooth, since the overlay takes place taking into account the substrate, which means that the lighting of the edited area is taken into account.

Align the skin

After getting rid of major defects go to the menu Filter - Blur -Gaussian blur.

We set the blur radius to such a level to smooth out the texture of the skin, hiding bumps and enlarged pores.

I set the blur radius to 23px.

Add a mask to the layer by clicking on the icon at the bottom of the layers palette.

Appears next to the layer. white mask in the layers palette.

Pay attention to the squares for choosing the main color and background color, they have become black and white.

The mask works in our case in this way: with a black brush we erase areas that we do not need, with white we restore what has been erased.

Switching between colors is done with the X key.

Take the Brush Tool (B) standard round brush with soft edges, choose black color.

We erase parts of the photo that should not be blurred: eyes, background, lips, nose, ear, hand (in general, everything except the skin).

If we made an inaccuracy somewhere, switch to white color (X) and restore the erased fragment.

It should look something like this:

Restoring the texture

Go to the first source layer (select it in the layers palette). Turn off the visibility of the second blurred layer by clicking on the eye next to the layer thumbnail.

Open the channels palette Window – Channels (Window – Channels).

We go to the "Channels" tab, turn on / turn off the channels in turn, Red, Green, Blue. We select the channel on which the skin texture is most clearly visible (one of three).

I chose the red channel.

Select the entire image - Ctrl + A and copy the selected channel - Ctrl + C.

Turn all channels back on (click on the top RGB channel).

Go to the layers tab - F7, paste the channel - press Ctrl + V.

The copied channel will appear above the source layer.

Move it to the very top of the layers palette, above the blurred layer.

Go to the menu Filter – Other – High pass (Filter – Other – Color Contrast).

I set the radius to 2.5px, you can set the value to your liking experimentally - move the slider and see how the image sharpness changes.

Change the blending mode of the last layer at the top of the layers palette to “Linear light” (Linear light), layer opacity (Opacity) set to 50%.

Take an eraser with soft edges Eraser Tool (E), erase the excess.

Finished with the skin.

In conclusion, I treated the red inflamed eyes a little.

I will tell you in detail about eye retouching in one of the following lessons.

That's all. My result:

Photo before processing:

In this tutorial, we looked at how quick face retouching is done in Photoshop. This method of retouching is not unique, but it allows you to relatively quickly get rid of visible defects on the face, make the skin smooth and, very importantly, preserve the texture of the skin.

I hope you enjoyed the lesson.

Very helpful and effective reception for photo processing, it is not complicated and quite fast and everyone should know it! This lesson will be useful for those who often encounter photo processing, and for those who want to learn how to create beautiful effects in Photoshop. The author here considers a large number of tricks with layers, it should be noted that we will use a large number of layers, so in order to repeat everything later in practice, you need to have a fairly powerful computer at home. Of course, you can reduce the size of the photo, thereby reducing the load.

Here is the picture, half changed:

Before starting this tutorial, the author decided to show us how we will arrange the layers for skin correction in the photo. It should be noted that this scheme can be considered successful, because thanks to it you can quickly not only find the necessary layers, you can also change their effect on the photograph. Below are all the layers. Now it's the turn to give the name of these layers in Russian. Let's go in order the retouching layer, the adjustment layer, the light correction, the make-up, the various “rubbing” of freckles, and at the very bottom is the original layer.

Step 1

We'll start by duplicating the original layer, then using the Clone Stamp Tool (S) and the Healing Brush (J). Further, using these tools, remove all dots, pimples and freckles from the skin (of course, if there are any in the picture), etc. For work, you need to use only a soft brush, since with it you can get better result. If large areas come across, then you can use a brush with a large diameter, but still it should be soft.

Step 2

It's best if you duplicate the layer right now. Now it is necessary to give the skin of the face the so-called plastic effect, thanks to which the model can be safely printed on the main page of the magazine. But it is best to start working with the area around the eyes and eyebrows. Open the Warp Tool or filter Shift + Ctrl + X. Now increase the area around the eye just a little bit with these tools in the filter.

Step 3

Now let's start adding contrast and adjusting the light in the photo. For this we will use one interesting technique Angelic face. Duplicate the layer again, then apply a Gaussian blur to it Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur with a blur parameter of about 8-10px. Then change the blending mode to "Soft Light" or Soft Light in Russian version of Photoshop. We don't want this effect to affect the entire photo, so we'll use a mask. Create a layer mask and paint over it as shown in the picture. The author used a large soft brush for the mask, sometimes reaping transparency.

Step 4

Now we need to focus on the actual process of correction and drawing. To do this, you first need to use a brush that has a low transparency (about 20%). The color is chosen on that part of the skin, which will be further corrected. Also, after you have chosen the size of the brush, set the exact same size on the Eyedropper Tool (I), for example, the author chose 51 by 51 pixels. Then start experimenting with correction, be sure to look at the results of the author to understand the whole point of the lesson.

The changes are very noticeable, especially in the areas around the nose, try to do the same.

Step 5

After we corrected the skin, let's take care of the eyes. In principle, we will repeat here what we did in the previous step, only now take the color more carefully. Now create a selection around the eyes, then use Layer > New > Layer via Copy to duplicate the area onto a new layer so we can work with it. On a new layer, use the Dodge Tool with these settings to highlight the eyes a bit.

Step 6

This is the final step before we start applying layers for adjustment. Follow these three points very carefully.

1. Use a brush with a low opacity of about 20% to make up the eyes. With this step, you can not try so hard, anyway, we will correct everything in the last steps with adjustment layers.

2. Now repeat the technique we used in Step 4, only now in the areas around the eyes themselves.

3. Now let's correct the white part of the eye. There are many ways, but the author settled on the best and at the same time simple. Create a new layer, choose a white brush with soft edges. And now gently whiten the eyes, just do not overdo it.

Step 7

Create two new adjustment layers:

These are the settings for the Levels and Curves or Levels and Curves layers.