20 november is world day for the rights of the child. World child's day

The protection of human rights is guaranteed by the state. Exists legal regulations related to providing favorable development child and the formation of personality. The prosperity of society depends on the level of his education and moral qualities. An international holiday calls for paying attention to the underage members of society.

When celebrate

World Children's Day is celebrated on November 20 in many developed countries. The event was established by Resolution No. 836 (IX) of the General Assembly of the United Nations (UN) in 1954. The date is not a national holiday in Russia, but the actions associated with it are supported by the authorities.

Who is celebrating

For celebrations on the occasion International Day child are relevant to all children. Their parents, relatives and close people take part in the events. The holiday is considered their teachers, educators, human rights and charity organisations corresponding specialization. It is celebrated by everyone who is associated with pedagogy in their field of activity.

History and traditions of the holiday

The event dates back to 1954. On December 14, a meeting of the UN General Assembly took place. The result was the adoption of a document recommending the countries of the world to establish such a holiday since 1956. The Organization later decided to hold events on 20 November. The selected date has symbolic meaning... It is timed to coincide with the signing of the 1959 Declaration of the Rights of the Child.

The event is marked by numerous actions that direct attention to the protection of the rights of minors. In the West, there are demonstrations and flash mobs (collective actions according to a predetermined scenario). The question is raised about the advisability of abortion. Discussions discuss moral side similar operations. Supporters of the ban on termination of pregnancy walk the streets with slogans and posters. They put forward demands at the legislative level to prohibit the medical procedure.

Charitable foundations collect money, things, textbooks for orphanages and poor families... Public organizations organize educational sessions in various institutions, including schools. Participants are told about the basic rights of minors. The mechanisms of counteraction and prevention of violations of the law are described.

World Children's Day 2019 is marked by promotions in major cities. In their course, leaflets and memos are distributed. Questions of hunger and poverty are being raised. It talks about the scale of the problems and how to overcome them. Well-known figures of culture, arts, stars of show business record videos. They urge people to be caring and attentive to children, not to be indifferent to the difficulties they face.

On the eve of World day seminars, conferences, lectures are organized to help children. Certificates of honor, awards, valuable gifts awarded to human rights defenders, public figures, teachers for outstanding achievements. Many families maintain the tradition of congratulating their children. The media publish stories about the events taking place. Programs on education are broadcast. The plots tell stories about the life of inmates of orphanages. Their adoptive parents become the heroes of the interview.

In Russia, it is more widely celebrated established on June 1. High-ranking officials usually mention in speeches about memorable date... The authorities are satisfied sport competitions, exhibitions of photographs, handicrafts, drawings. Cultural institutions carry out performances by creative groups with song and dance numbers.

For the first time this holiday it was proposed to celebrate back in 1954. The General Assembly took an interest in creating special day aimed at improving the well-being of children around the world. A few years later, on November 20, 1959, the UN signed the Declaration of the Rights of the Child. Since then, November 20 has been celebrated as "World Children's Day", which every year becomes more and more popular in different countries the world.

Despite the fact that enough time has passed since this holiday was organized, the problem of children in the world has not ceased to be relevant. High mortality among children continues to be one of the most important problems of all mankind. According to the UN, 11 million children under the age of five die each year. The main causes of death of children are disease, poverty, discrimination, violence. Children who are defenseless in the face of the adult world need their help like no one else. No less acute problems children in many countries of the world are: cruel treatment in families, lack of education, homelessness.

On the holiday "World Children's Day" it is customary to hold various events devoted to the problems of children, charity events aimed at helping orphanages, children's medical institutions, sick children, children from poor families. Charity concerts and festivals, as well as donations from all comers, are a significant contribution to the development of a society that takes care of all children without exception. And, of course, this holiday is intended to cultivate love for children and the importance of reverent attitude towards them in parents and all people.

Child rights video

A large selection of books for adults and children can be found in the electronic library. Go to the library website

The future of any country depends on children, their education and the level of culture, therefore it is necessary to pay as much attention as possible to this. This fact understood perfectly well at the UN when they decided to establish new holiday dedicated to juvenile members of society. This day serves to draw attention to the problems of children and improve the laws that concern them. This holiday is celebrated on November 20, when parents of the whole world should think about the future of their offspring.

history of the holiday

The date was chosen because the UN General Assembly on this very day in 1954 adopted the Declaration of the Rights of the Child. The document had ten basic principles, and its main goal was, according to the creators, the ability to provide children with a dignified childhood. Thirty years later, the Convention on child rights, which contains several basic postulates to ensure that minor citizens have good living conditions... The document met with support in our country as well.

Children's Fund The UN is doing extensive work on all aspects child health- from prenatal period right up to adolescence. The Foundation takes measures to ensure that pregnant women have access to adequate medical supervision before and during childbirth, strengthen the ability of families to cope with childhood illnesses at home, and advise communities on how to ensure the maximum level of health care. Children's Fund is providing special efforts ensuring that children who have lost their parents to HIV / AIDS receive the same care as their peers. It also helps to ensure a decent life women and children with AIDS.

It was ratified by Soviet Union in 1990. In 2000, the Millennium Declaration was signed, containing eight goals - reducing poverty, stopping the spread of diseases, and so on. Great importance this document has for children too. The observance of the rights of minors is monitored by UNICEF, an organization operating in 191 countries of the world.

The date for the celebration of World Children's Day was chosen in honor of the adoption by the United Nations on this day in 1959 of the Declaration of the Rights of the Child. On the same day, but in 1989, the Convention on the Rights of the Child was adopted. That is why the date November 20 is considered a day dedicated to all the children of the world.



The song “Children of the whole earth are friends” is played. The presentation accompanies all performances.

Lead 1. Hello,………………………

Lead 2. Hello,………………………

Lead 1. You know, I remembered one today folk wisdom"The parable of the camel and the horse."

Lead 2. Remind me, I don’t remember her.

Lead 1.

Once a camel and a horse met. The camel said: “How ugly you are, horse. Your back is smooth, there is nothing to look at. " The horse snorted and said, “How ugly you are, camel. What disgusting two humps you have on your back. The horse and the camel argued for a long time and decided to go to the sage, let him decide which of them is better. The sage listened to them and asked the horse: Tell me, could you walk a week or two without water and food? No, the horse replied. A camel can. Look how handsome he is, how high and proud he holds his head, and his humps, like two mountains, look into the sky. Then the sage turned to the camel: Could you gallop as fast as a horse? No, the camel replied. The sage said: Look how beautiful this slender horse is when it rushes like the wind. The camel and the horse were ashamed of their argument and made up.

Host 2. Yes, and the morality in this parable fits the present day as well as possible: “Nobody is better than nobody. It's so good that we are all different - brown-eyed, blue-eyed, gray-eyed, tall and small. Otherwise it would be boring to live. "

Dear guys, we with ………… .. congratulate you on the holiday! Are you surprised and have no idea what holiday we celebrate on November 20? We will find out about this now.

SCENE / Grade 6 /

1. I am a child, I am a man, I must have rights
To live in a free country, and not where there is a war.
I have the right to love and to be loved,
I have the right to live and be the happiest in the world.
I have the right to have peace on Earth always and everywhere.
I have the right to always have silence in the big sky.

2. Children are happiness, children are joy
Children are a fresh breeze in life.
They cannot be earned, this is not a reward
God gives them by grace to adults.

3. Children, oddly enough, are also a test.
Children, like trees, do not grow by themselves.
They need care, affection, understanding.
Children are time, children are work.

4 ... Children are like life started over:
First smiles, first steps
First successes, first failures.
Children are experience, children are us!

(Book heroes visiting schoolchildren)

  1. I am Little Red Riding Hood. And the Wolf ate me.
  1. I am Chippolino. Senor Tomato put me and my friends in jail.
  1. I am Cinderella. My stepmother made me work day and night.
  1. I am the Boy-with-finger. And nobody noticed me.
  1. I am Thumbelina. And they wanted to deprive me of the Sun.
  1. And I am Buratino. Karabas Barabas almost threw me into the fire.


  1. I can protect youI am the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

In the convention, everyone will find the answer:


The child is the one

Who is under eighteen years of age.

Moms, dads all over the country

They should have known this for a long time

Their kids have rights

For example, reading books.

Also for care, affection

And for life, as if in a fairy tale,

Still the right to be happy

In our best world!

Lead 1. In the USA, in the city of New York, there is the Headquarters of the United Nations (UN). The purpose of this international organization- maintaining world peace and protecting human rights. On November 20, 1989, the UN General Assembly unanimously adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Lead 2. The date for the celebration of World Children's Day was chosen in honor of the adoption by the United Nations on this day in 1959 of the Declaration of the Rights of the Child. On the same day, but in 1989, the Convention on the Rights of the Child was adopted. That is why the date November 20 is considered a day dedicated to all the children of the world.

Speech by a lawyer.

2 leading. Why did it become necessary to adopt a Convention?

The fact is that children are not always able to protect themselves, although they are often in a very difficult situation. What are the difficult life situations may there be children? (the list of situations is accompanied by a slide show)

* Children without parental care

* Neglected and homeless children

* Disabled children

* Children - victims of armed and ethnic conflicts, natural disasters

* Children are victims of violence

* Children serving a criminal sentence for crimes committed in places of deprivation of liberty.

1 presenter

Here are some examples that indicate problems in the lives of children:

* about 100 million children, abandoned by their families, subsist only on exhausting work, theft, begging;

* 120 million children between the ages of 6 and 11 are deprived of the opportunity to attend school;

* About 3.5 million children die each year from treatable diseases.

The main goal of the Convention on the Rights of the Child is to encourage states to make every effort to solve these and other equally serious and important problems.

2 presenter

A convention is a treaty that must be strictly enforced by those who signed it. The Convention is about ensuring that all children of the Earth have the same rights. Parliaments and governments should enact laws so that all children in their country should have an equal and ample opportunities for personal development. Our state signed this document in 1990.

Computer presentation and quiz on the rights and obligations of adolescents / grade 7 /

Grade 9 performance with song - dance (after poetry)

1.The wealth of your country is you!

Any president should understand:

Only there do dreams turn into truth,

Where children are ready to give all the best!

2. Someone else's pain passes quickly,
Other people's wounds do not hurt
And the path does not seem thorny

When they only talk about him.

3. Someone else's children crying somewhere -
Not everyone can hear their voices.
Who is responsible for other people's orphans?
In whose souls do their eyes look?

4. Spring disturbs with bird warble,
We compose love songs
And for a stranger, closed door,
The child whispers: "Help ..."

5. Don't pass by, people!
There can be no strangers' children!
Do not pass by destinies
Caring only about your own.

6. The planet is ours! Our kids!
The coming day is one for all!
And we are all responsible today
For the carefree laughter of children.

The song "We are little children" is played. Lyrics by Entin Y. Music Krylatov E. (version by "Fidgets")

Presentation "Our rights - I care about ..." / Grade 8 /

1 ... There are so many countries in the world
Everyone knows this.
Who, tell me, in these countries
Most - most important?

Don't rush, don't try
Give an answer in one moment.
There are many main ones - choose
There is a king, here is a president !!!

2. About kings and leaders
We know from the cradle.
But more importantly, more importantly, more importantly
For the country - a child!

1. Which lovely word- "friendship". When people are friends, they want to be together, they are interested in each other, trust each other. True friends understand you and respect your interests.

2. So what is friendship? Friendship is a close relationship based on mutual trust, affection, community of interests.But we are worried about our school problems.


Lead 1.

When you live together

What could be better?

And there is no need to quarrel,

And you can love everyone.

We are on a long journey

We invite friends with us.

They will help us all

And it's more fun with them.

Lead 2.

We invite you to play with us. Repeat the movements behind us!

(Leader 1 reads, leader 2 shows, everyone repeats the movements to the music).

Lead 1: (game - wish) Friendship is a smile, warmth, conversation.

Raise your hands, look to the sky.

Hold freedom in the fingers of the wind.

Friendship is for all peoples!

Smile to everyone, because everyone is good.

Let's clap our hands to us and friendship!

Nobody is offended, everyone has something to be proud of.

Spread your arms out like birds!

A kind word to everyone will heal the soul.

Place your hands on each other's shoulders.

We are children, we are of a good disposition.

Swing left, swing right

Waking up early in the morning

The sun is shining tenderly

Sprinkled with dew

Both the grass and the flowers ...

Gives plenty of freckles

To all children in the world.

Grow up happy!

Health and joy to you!

The song "Childhood is you and me" is played. Words by M. Plyatskovsky, music by Y. Chichkov

The UN General Assembly in 1954 recommended that all countries celebrate Universal Children's Day as a day of world brotherhood and mutual understanding among children, dedicated to activities aimed at ensuring the well-being of children around the world.

The UN invited the governments of the countries to choose any day to celebrate the days. But the date was chosen on November 20: it was on this day in 1959 that the assembly adopted Declaration of the rights of the child, which became a fundamental document in addressing issues of children's rights, and in 1989 - The Convention on the Rights of the Child, which links the rights of the child with the rights and responsibilities of parents and others who are responsible for the life, development and protection of children.

Now, by law, November 20 - World Children's Day. The purpose of celebrating World Children's Day is to draw attention to actual problems modern childhood, call on the leadership, public organizations and each person to activities aimed at ensuring normal conditions for the mental and physical development children all over the world.

The Russian Federation ratified the Convention in 1990. Since then, the Russian government has submitted periodic reports on the measures taken to implement the provisions of the Convention. The committee, in turn, formulates recommendations that should improve the work on the protection of children's rights.

Problems of concern to the world community- a large threshold for child mortality preschool age, unacceptable living conditions, a large number of diseases. It is within our power to change the situation. Eleven million children do not reach the age of five every year.

In many cases, children are deprived of their lives due to the devastating consequences of poverty, discrimination, ignorance and violence. Many of the deaths could have been prevented.

Often the cause of child mortality is the lack of respect for children's rights. The number of crimes against children (pedophilia, violence, murder, etc.) has increased in the world, and crime among children has increased significantly.

United Nations Children's Fund conducts active activities aimed at preserving children's health from early age and until adolescence. The Foundation also works towards ensuring proper medical supervision for pregnant women during pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum period... Also, women are consulted and trained in medical knowledge so that they can independently provide the child with first aid and cope with the symptoms of illness at home.

The UN Children's Fund pays special attention to the creation of appropriate living conditions for children who have lost their parents due to HIV / AIDS, fights for equal rights and a tolerant attitude of society towards women and children with HIV.

One of the main partners of UNICEF is Association of Commissioners for the Rights of the Child. At present, the Plenipotentiaries work in every fourth region of Russia. They monitor the observance of the rights of children, protect them from violence and abuse, help families in difficult life situations, protect various social groups children.

The Association of Ombudsmen for the Rights of the Child cooperates with local and federal authorities, carries out an independent assessment of the observance of children's rights, represents their interests in courts, and contributes to the development of relevant legislation.

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