Scenario of the autumn holiday for children of the middle group “Autumn has knocked on the door. always be cheerful. And never lose heart

Beautiful autumn time

Adults: Autumn, Sunflower, Crow, Watchman in the garden.
Children: artist, Rain, staging "Our Garden": birds, hares, Scarecrow.
To the music of a slow waltz, the boys enter the hall, stand in two lines. Girls run in, in their hands are autumn twigs. They stand scattered.

Children read poetry.
Autumn time, it's your turn!
Everywhere in autumn we feel the breath.
And leaf fall, and bird flight,
Both the forest and the garden are full of charm.
In the autumn forest, every bush is sweet.
Everything froze, as if in a wonderful fairy tale.
And a fine rain sprinkled from above
Foliage, its changing color.
Clusters of ripe mountain ash turn red,
Mushroom will show us his hat.
And the gold of birches and aspens
So you want to take it with you in an armful.
Beautiful autumn! succession of days
They fly towards the gray winter.
But we save every magical moment,
it will be marked in our memory.
Perform a song
Today I was very surprised:
The leaf fell on the palm,
Like a bird flew from the sky
Who made him so handsome?

Mom told me: “On the path
Autumn walks in yellow boots,
In a golden, bright sundress,
With red handkerchiefs in his pocket.

Paints everything around with magic paint,
The world becomes a fairy tale.
Here she is, what a magician!
Everything will be colored by Golden Autumn!

Well, where is she? I can answer:
"Autumn can be found everywhere"

The song "Shur-shur"

What kind of artist with a magic brush
So colorfully painted all the leaves?
We are waiting for the artist to visit today.
You hear, artist, we call you.

The artist enters.

I am very happy with this meeting
I was afraid to be late.
Came for the holiday Kindergarten.
What would you like to draw?

All children
We will all ask you:
Draw, autumn artist.

The artist "draws" and displays Autumn.

Here comes my time.
Autumn has arrived.
Managed to finish everything on time.
I am the forests, the fields of partition,
Harvested the whole harvest
sent the birds south.
You can also have some fun
Play and spin.

I painted autumn for you
Waving the magic brush
Let them spin happily
Leaves in the autumn waltz.

Girls dance with autumn leaves

Let's continue the holiday
Sing songs, read poetry!

Stop, stop. Wait a minute
I won't let you start!
Invitation not sent
You are the autumn rain.
I will be here crying
I will scout puddles and slush.
I will wash you all now
And, of course, upset!

Rain waves at the children with rain
Autumn Guys, what are we carrying over our heads if it's pouring rain?
Kids Umbrella
Oh, you are a mischievous rain.
We should not be offended in vain
In the rain with umbrellas
We dance beautifully.

Girls dance with umbrellas

Thanks to the rain, it watered the beds well.
Look how many vegetables have grown.

Quatrains about vegetables, children put them in the garden.

Scene "Our garden"
The watchman comes out and sits a little aside.
Birds fly to the music.
We fly high, we fly far.
We will fly to the garden, we want to try everything.
Birds fly around the vegetables to the music. The watchman gets up.
Hey, that's not good enough! Come on, fly away, birds.
To make it more useful, I'll take my double-barreled shotgun.
Uff, I'm tired, I'll sleep a little. (falls asleep).

One bird flies up to the watchman, checks whether he is sleeping. Calling others.

Hey, help out! The rest of the birds fly up to the watchman. Carefully pick up the gun.
The watchman wakes up.

Watchman. Ah, you again? But wait! Here was my double-barreled gun!
I won't leave the vegetables, I'll put the Scarecrow here.
After all, he does not need to sleep, he will stand day and night.
The watchman brings the Scarecrow, puts it not far from the vegetables.
I need to get some sleep
You will drive away the birds
So as not to dare peck here
Zucchini, peas, lettuce.
Planted their kindergarten. The guard, yawning, leaves.
Birds are flying.
The birds take turns.
Look, it's such a miracle!
Where did you come from?
They put me here, they forced you to drive.
We are not allowed to peck here.
For whom then grow
Zucchini, carrot salad
It's all for preschoolers! Pointing at the kids!
We love the guys very much, and everyone is happy to help them.

The guys pour crumbs on the windows and paths for us.

We'll sit with you for a while, look after the garden.
Birds sit down for vegetables.
Hares appear.
Oh, rabbits, garden! Let's see what's growing here.
Oh, the carrot is red!
And cabbage is delicious!

Hares. Ooooh, now we will get (run away)
The mouse is running.
Oh what a garden! Let's see what's growing here.
I really like the turnip, but it sits very firmly.

Scarecrow and birds. Who climbed into the garden?
Mouse. Ooooh, I'm getting it now. Oh, how scary, oh-oh-oh! I'll run home soon.

Birds fly out.
The thieves ran away, even the little mouse.

The watchman returns, checks the vegetables, turns to the Scarecrow
Thank you, both carrots and zucchini are ripening.
These birds were not lazy, they helped as best they could
Everything is ripe, everything is ripe, the harvest will be generous.
There is something for everyone here, do not be lazy, but collect.
General bow.
Crying is heard.

Someone is crying
What? Who is in great pain?

Brings Sunflower out from behind the door

All collected in the garden.
No onions, no carrots,
There are no cucumbers in the beds,
Tomatoes - well done
Standing alone in the rain
I cry bitterly, shed tears.

Raven flies.

What a nightmare!
Oh, rascal, oh, prankster!
Why did you run away to the party?

Guys, hurry up
Save from the crow!
Get in a circle
Play the drums.

Tambourine game. Polish folk tune

You made a great noise
But you're trying hard.
My Sunflower doesn't care.
I will peck him!

Crow please
Sunflowers do not peck!
You won't stay hungry
Winter, don't worry.

Sit here for a while
The guys will pick up potatoes for you.

The game "Collect the potatoes" is held.

Well, crow. Now, can I stay at the party?
There is no place for gloomy faces.
Let this autumn day
dance and have fun
Nobody will be lazy.
What are we to quarrel to no avail,
Let's dance the polka together.

Children perform the dance "Invitation".
The crow and the sunflower dance with the children.

And let's guess our riddles together.

Riddles take turns

The berry is beautiful, juicy and sweet,
Very tasty, but grown in the garden
It is bitter in haymaking, and sweet in frost.
What is a berry?
- Two sisters, green in summer.
By autumn, one turns red, and the other turns black.
(currant black and red)
What other berries do you know?

Ouch! How much! Which one do you like the most?

Listen to our song

Girls sing "Blueberry Song"
For saving me
And in my sad life
The autumn holiday has been brought.
I say thank you.

Thank you for the holiday.
And I'll give you my gift.

A crow and a sunflower give children a fake sunflower. Something delicious inside.

Everyone leaves the room to the music.

Elena Astakhova

To the music, children enter the hall, sit on chairs. coming out group of children preparatory groups s.

Vedas 1. Knocked again at the door Autumn -

Golden, generous time. With the harvest, leaves with colorful flowers

She came to our kindergarten for a holiday.

1. Autumn time, it's your turn!

Everywhere autumn we feel the breath.

And leaf fall, and bird flight,

Both the forest and the garden are full of charm.

2. In the forest autumn each bush is sweet.

Everything froze, as if in a wonderful fairy tale.

And a fine rain sprinkled from above

Foliage, its changing color.

3. Clusters of ripe mountain ash turn red,

Mushroom will show us his hat.

And the gold of birches and aspens

So you want to take it with you in an armful!

4. Look how beautiful the day is,

And how clear the sky

As the ash tree burns under the sun,

Maple burns without fire.

And circles over the meadow,

Like a firebird, a crimson leaf.

And scarlet like rubies

Rowan berries bloom

5. Beautiful autumn! succession of days

Your gray winter is flying towards.

But we save every magical moment,

He will be marked in our memory.

SONG "OH WHAT AUTUMN» (Z. Root)preparatory group.

Children come out senior group .

Ved2: The leaves are turning yellow again.

Light rain drizzles since morning.

Summer flew by very quickly

Has come it's time for autumn.

1. How many leaves:

Yellow, red.

The wind blows - they fly.

And in a waltz spinning beautiful

Leaf fall overhead.

2. Autumn, autumn outside the window:

The rain is pouring down

Leaves are falling...

How are you autumn is good.

3. The leaves are embroidered with gold

The paths are washed with rain,

Mushrooms in bright caps.

All to us autumn you give!

4. It's raining down the street,

wet road,

Many drops on glass

And a little warmth.

How autumn mushrooms,

We carry umbrellas

Because in the yard

Has come autumn.

5. Has come autumn,

Our garden turned yellow.

Leaves on a birch

They burn with gold.

Don't hear merry

Nightingale song.

The birds have flown away

To distant lands.

Vedas. 2. Very beautiful autumn in the forest. On the ground there is a carpet of leaves, evergreen trees. Hiding under the trees

mushrooms, berries glitter in places. Guys, let's go to the forest for mushrooms!

SONG-DANCE "PO MUSHROOMS" I. Lesser - senior group.

Vedas 1. Knocking at the door to us autumn, and for autumn winter.

We don’t wait for her, we don’t ask, but she goes by herself!

Children come out middle group#1 and #2.


1. Spider webs fly

With spiders in the middle.

And high from the ground

The cranes flew by.

Everyone is flying! It must be

Our summer is flying by.

2. The sun hid

The sky darkened

The first will be soon

Throw snow flakes!

3. Turned yellow in the garden,

maples crumbled,

And only a bench

Stayed green.

She is worth

In a quiet alley

Knocks on the bench.

4. What time of year-

The rain is drizzling.

It's simple autumn

In a hurry to kindergarten!

5. Maple leaf on the palm

It will slowly fall.

it autumn golden

On the path to us!

6. Golden leaves fall, fly *,

Golden leaves cover the garden.

There are many golden leaves on the paths,

We will make a good bouquet of them,

We will put a bouquet in the middle of the table,

Autumn golden came to visit us.

SONG « AUTUMN COMES TO VISIT US» E. Gomonova - middle group #2.

To the music of the song's loss enters Autumn.

That's Autumn has come to us.

The kids are having fun

Because a lot Autumn

She brought us surprises.


I'm always happy for the holidays

Come to kindergarten.

I love to have fun

Play with kids.

Vedas 1. Yes. It's time to warm up, compete.

Autumn. I invite you to play "One two Three! Take this sheet!

One two Three! Take the red sheet!

One two Three! Maple Leaf!

One two Three! Get two sheets!

One two Three! Take the same sheet as mine!

One two Three! Take nothing!

Vedas 2. Does everyone like to harvest?

Vedas 2. Now we will dig potatoes. (Leaders lay out hoops, scatter potatoes in them and put baskets, Autumn builds two teams) .

The game "Dig up a potato".

(group of children need to be divided into two teams, which are built in two columns. Near each team there is a hoop, potatoes are scattered in it - this is a garden, on the contrary, there are two baskets at a distance from the teams. On the count of one, two, three, the team members take one potato from the hoop, run and put the potatoes in the basket, run back and stand at the end of the column. The first team wins "dig up potatoes").

After the game, the children go to the chairs, Autumn praises helpers.

(Vegetables enter. scene"Vegetable Dispute")

I'm such a pretty smart little boy!

If I want, I'll treat everyone with peas!

I am a beetroot, just a miracle

So blush and pretty.

You will eat beets

All blood will be cleansed!

Is all blood cleansed?

The main vegetable is me, carrots!

Here is the cucumber, the shooter

He unexpectedly came to us.

What, you don't need a cucumber?

Without it, what's dinner?

And in a pickle and in a salad ...

Everyone is happy with a cucumber!

Zucchini ripened in the garden,

Everyone is happy, everything is in order.

I lay down on the bed of zucchini

And lies to himself, silent!

I am cabbage of all thicknesses,

Without me there will be no cabbage soup,

Borscht, salad and vinaigrette

They love to eat for lunch.

And besides, remember, children -

The main vegetable in my diet!


I am a potato so modest

She didn't say a word.

But everyone needs potatoes -

Both big and small!

End your stupid argument.

The main thing is the tomato,

Painter, no matter where,

I'm not a vegetable, but a star! (All vegetables tease the tomato)

Vedas 1. Apparently, this dispute will never end. We have enough stars. We need to reconcile the vegetables!

Autumn. Okay, so be it, I will reconcile the vegetables. To be healthy, strong, you need to love vegetables! All without exception! There is no doubt about it! And in honor of the conclusion of the settlement agreement, we will sing a song about the rain.

SONG "RAIN" - middle group #1.

Autumn. Guys, our vegetables are reconciled. For this they offered us to play a game with them "Taste Vegetables".

The game is being played "Taste Vegetables" (conducts Ved 1).

Vedas 2. You listen Autumn what poems our children know.

Children middle groups read poetry(3 verses from each groups) .


Autumn: spinning, spinning,

Leaves are leaves.

I ask you to play

For me, friends.

DANCE WITH LEAVES (music "SAD RAIN"- SEPTEMBER) - girls preparatory group.

Children senior and preparatory groups read poetry(3 verses from each groups) .

Autumn: Guys, I also have gifts for you (Picks up a basket.)

Autumn: Guess - ka riddle: there is something sweet and smooth in my basket. What's this?

Children: Apple!

Autumn: Well done! Get your apples! (Gives to host)

Vedas 2: Thanks! Guys, let's all say thank you together!

Autumn. I wish you guys always be cheerful.

And never know about diseases! Goodbye! (Leaves, children wave).

Vedas 1. Well, our holiday has come to an end.

We are happy, we have fun, At our holiday.

Let the children smile clear autumn day!

Music sounds, children leave the hall.

Children enter the hall to the music


Autumn knocked on the door.
Golden, generous time
With the harvest, leaves with colorful flowers
She came to our kindergarten for a holiday.

Children read poetry

1. Autumn time, it's your turn
Everywhere in autumn we feel the breath
And leaf fall, and bird flight,
Both the forest and the garden are full of charm!

2. In the autumn forest, every bush is sweet
Everything froze as if in a wonderful fairy tale,
And a fine rain sprinkled from above
Foliage, its changing color.

3. Clusters of ripe mountain ash turn red,
Mushroom will show us his hat
And the gold of birches and aspens
So you want to take it with you in an armful.


Beautiful autumn! succession of days
They fly towards the gray winter,
But every moment we keep in our hearts,
He will be marked in our memory.

Children sing a song "Autumn is Coming"

1. Cap, cap, the rain is pouring.
This autumn is coming to us.
Leaves fly in the wind
Sprinkling kindergarten.

2. We will put on boots.
You, rain, catch up with us!
We will run away from you
And let's hurry under the umbrella.

3. The sun will come out again.
Let's go for a walk in the forest.
Let's run and play
And collect mushrooms!

Children read poetry

1. How many leaves!
Yellow, red.
The wind blows - they fly.
And in a waltz spinning beautiful

Leaf fall overhead.

2. Leaves fall playing,
And they cover everything around,
And we, walking in the garden,
We will collect leaves in a bouquet.

Performing a dance with the leaves


Here comes Autumn
The kids are having fun
Because there is a lot of autumn
She brought us surprises.

To the music, Autumn enters the hall with a basket in his hands. (vegetables in a basket)


I'm always happy for the holidays
Come to kindergarten.
I love to have fun
Play with kids.

I have a basket in my hands
It contains autumn gifts,
Everything I'm rich with
Brought for the kids.

I brought vegetables
From the garden bed
And here, to know them,
Guess riddles.

Riddles about vegetables, guesses Autumn.

A beautiful girl sits in a dungeon,
And her braid is on the street (carrot)

And white, and juicy, and full, and tasty
It stands on a thick leg
Her clothes creak (cabbage)

Dig a little under the bush
And it will appear (potatoes)

Curious red nose
Rooted into the ground up to the top.
Only stick out in the garden,
green heels (Beet)

He bites - only now, there are teeth,
Where is the mouth? (garlic)

I am green and crispy.
Very tasty, real.
Marinate me salt
If you want, take it fresh.

I have water inside
And she is useful.
That's how good I am
And I'm called (cucumber)


Oh well done guys
They solved all my mysteries.
I dressed everything around
Dark forest gilded,

And you are all my friends
I invite you to visit me.


Guys, Autumn invited us to visit the forest,

Shall we accept the invitation? (children answer)

Then hold hands, quickly become in a circle.

Let's go to the autumn forest, where many miracles await us.

Children perform a round dance "Autumn has come to us"

1. Hush, hush, hush.
Autumn has come to visit us.
Rain sings a song
And sheds tears on the ground.

Rain sings a song
And sheds tears on the ground


Children catch drops.

2. Let's take umbrellas together,
Let's go for a walk in the rain.
More fun, more fun
Rain, drip, don't be sorry!

More fun, more fun
Rain, drip, don't be sorry!


Children clap their hands.


Here we are in the forest, look what a beauty!

I hung red, yellow leaves on the trees.

Shall we play with my leaves?

Children play a game "You fly, fly leaf"


Well done guys. How well you sing and dance.

Ouch! Listen: someone is still galloping towards us across the forest lawn. Long-eared, fast-footed.

Who is this?



Only he is a coward who is afraid of everyone.
Let's call him!
The children call the bunny.
Bunny jumps - a child of the older group


Hello kids.
Girls and boys.
I want to frolic with you.
Sing songs and have fun.


It's time to know now
Dance to us kids!
Performing "rabbit dance"
Under musical accompaniment fox appears with a basket


I am funny fox
I am beautiful to the whole world!
I ran around here
I heard your songs!

It smells delicious here like a bunny

Where is he? Show me baby!


You are very sweet, Lisa sing,
What are you carrying in your basket?


I am the cunning fox
Brought forest gifts,
You need to sing a little louder
And wake up my big brother.


Who are you speaking about?


You will see for yourself now!
Here he seems to be coming
Into your merry round dance.
And I have to go!

The fox leaves.

A bear enters under the musical accompaniment


I haven't eaten in a long time

I'll eat you guys.


Stop, stop!

Where did you come from, how did you get here?


How? How? I really wanted to eat.
Almost ate the kids.
I'm kidding, I'm kidding!
I didn't want to eat anyone.


Children have a holiday today
And you decided to play prankster?
Don't scare the guys
Better play with us.

Children play a game "Children and Bear"


It's fun with you, but I have to go.
The clouds are gathering
The rain starts.
The bear leaves


Is the rain starting?

Guys, are we afraid of the rain?



Then let's sing funny song about the rain


Great song guys
I loved it.
It's a pity to part with you
But winter is coming.

I'll come back to you guys
You are waiting for Autumn in a year!

Autumn passes a basket of goodies for children to educators.



Autumn is leaving.


And it's time for us guys to go home, to treat ourselves to delicious autumn treats.

Children leave the hall to the music.

Feast of the Intercession in Cossack group. Senior group

Target: To instill in children the desire to learn the culture of their people
1. expand children's ideas about the traditions and customs of the Russian people;
2. encourage interest in the subjects of Russian life;
3. continue to work on enriching the children's vocabulary with new words and terms.
4. Continue to enrich the musical impressions of children, causing an emotional response when performing Russian folk songs and dances.

Children to the music of "Waltz" by G. Sviridov enter the hall.
Great Kuban,
Wide Kuban.
From the seas to the steppes.
You are not more beautiful.
The anthem of the Kuban, I verse, performed by the Kuban Cossack Choir sounds (audio recording, children stand up, listen.
Sounds "Autumn" (background) G. Glazunov "Seasons"

Children read poetry
You are beautiful at any time of the year.
And therefore you are considered a pearl of nature,
Loved by the people in winter and spring,
But no beautiful autumn golden!

Autumn is a nice time
Happy to her Kuban kids.
Autumn we invite you to visit,
We will dance and sing for you.

The round dance "Golden leaf fall" is performed
1. Multi-colored autumn is knocking on our window,
Migratory birds gather in flocks.
They fly away, beyond the seas and oceans,
Where the scorching sun, very hot countries.
Autumn, autumn - golden leaf fall.
Autumn, autumn - colorful outfit.
2. Autumn leaves like dancing
And they lie on the ground like a multi-colored carpet.
Colorful autumn - we don't need another,
Autumn is beautiful, and a little sad.

Autumn knocked again on the door -
Golden, generous time.
With the harvest, leaves with colorful flowers
She came to our kindergarten for a holiday.

Autumn time, it's your turn!
Everywhere in autumn we feel the breath.
And leaf fall, and bird flight,
Both the forest and the garden are full of charm.

In the autumn forest, every bush is sweet.
Everything froze, as if in a wonderful fairy tale.
And a fine rain sprinkled from above,
Foliage its changing color.

Clusters of ripe mountain ash turn red,
Mushroom will show us his hat.
And the gold of birches and aspens
So you want to take it with you in an armful.

Beautiful autumn!
A succession of days are flying towards your gray winter.
But we save every magical moment,
He will be marked in our memory.

The wind will spin to the song of the rain,
Throw leaves at our feet.
Such a beautiful time.
A miracle has come to us again - autumn!

The song "Autumn knocked on our door" is performed
1. Autumn knocked on us with a golden rain,
And with, alas, an unkind ray of sunshine.
Dragged the sad song of the fall,
And the garden falls asleep to this song.

2. A mountain ash-berry, like a light,
Warms, pleases a cloudy day.
In puddles, like boats, the leaves are circling,
Gray, cold clouds rush into the distance.

3. Birds no longer sing sonorous songs -
They gather in flocks and fly south.
Quiet evenings the rain drizzles,
A lullaby song knocks on glass

Leading: Another holiday is celebrated in autumn. October 14 is our Orthodox Church celebrates the Feast of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos.
Pokrov is one of the most revered autumn holidays among the people.
It was a long time ago.
Some people were praying in the church. And suddenly, she lit up with light. People raised their heads to the sky and saw the Mother of God. She took it off her head white handkerchief and waved it, blessing the praying people. She, as it were, covered her with her cover from troubles and misfortunes.
And at that time a heavy snow fell, covering the whole earth. And there was a transition from autumn to winter. Since then, this day has become revered in Russia, and in the church it is called the Intercession.

On the autumn gray clouds, the Mother of God entered the temple.
She knelt down and prayed before the image of her son.
And over all who are ready to believe, she spread Her holy Veil.
He is from the light of the heavenly retinue, weightless and transparent in appearance.
He will protect from sorrow and troubles.

Let the slush and off-road.
Do not be sad, downcast eyes.
After all, the Mother of God is above us
Spreads out its cover.

From everything evil
Forest and field and houses
Covers everything
Mother of God herself!

All invisible cover
Graciously overshadows
And in the earthly way harsh
Saves from misfortune.

Leading. On Pokrov, young people gathered for parties and gatherings. They amused themselves with games and distinguished themselves by jokes, they amused themselves with dances and ditties.

That's so miracle miracles
All the forests turned yellow
Time for fabulous gifts
We all celebrate the Intercession!

Autumn covers the earth with a colorful festive carpet,
So nature congratulates everyone on the Great Cover

Above our village
Feast in full bowl,
Ringing with music and songs
Hot dance, Cossack daring
The holiday in the Kuban is famous.

Dance "Varenka"

Leading: And what signs about the Pokrov do you know?

Where is the wind on Pokrov - from there frosts will begin.
- If in Pokrov the wind blows from the south, then to warm winter if from the north - to a cold winter.
- What is the Veil and such is the winter!

In October, October
It often rains outside
But it's not a barrier.
Everyone is very happy with him.
If the rains come
Winter crops will grow.
A girl comes out with an umbrella in her hands
How nice it is in the rain
Whisper with an umbrella together.
And you can even take an umbrella
And dance in the rain.

Dance with umbrellas

Presenter: Rain, rain all day drumming on the glass.
The whole earth, the whole earth got wet from the water.
But I'll give you an umbrella and you're not afraid of rain.

Attraction. Running under an umbrella in galoshes.

Leading. And the Cossacks do not have fun without a Cossack ditty!

1. A rooster crows,
Indians quarrel.
We will sing to you now
Funny ditties.

2. Balalaika plays,
So you have to go out
And have some fun
And make people happy!

3. There are a lot of guys, a lot of guys,
Guys have nowhere to go.
When the horses are tired
We will harness them

4. Guard! Guard!
Cossack Misha drowned!
Not in a swamp, not in a river -
Just in sour milk!

5. I was sitting on the window,
A Cossack rode on a cat!
I began to drive up to the window,
I couldn't keep my cat!

6. Cossack Cossacks,
Remove heads!
I'm going to dance
I'll find a Cossack!

7. Father-Pokrov has come,
We got a party.
Soon - soon we will play
Ringing talyanochka.

8. Let me dance
Let me stomp
Is it in this house
Are the floorboards cracked?

9. Accordionist - for the game,
Well, for me - for dancing,
Harmonist - kalach,
I - a bunch of lamb!

10. They say that I blush,
They say that I'm white
I will wash myself in the river with everyone -
And I won't change my face

presenter: if the Pokrov happened to be warm, then people arranged the last mushroom picking on that day and hurried home as soon as possible, because, according to legend, it was dangerous to stay late in the forest that day - people said that before going to hibernation there Leshy was a hooligan. And let's pick mushrooms for the last time.

Attraction. Who will gather mushrooms faster.

Presenter: And now we will all be silent, but as in ancient times, we will listen to fairy tales and poems, about autumn, about red!
Poems about autumn
Autumn, autumn, autumn,
We ask you to visit
With rich bread
With high sheaves
With falling leaves and rain
With a migratory crane.

autumn, autumn,
Stay for eight weeks:
With strong thunders
With rain, with showers,
With a threshed sheaf
And ruddy pie!

Autumn do not scold
Don't scold autumn
glorious autumn,
Autumn, autumn, on the threshold!
Autumn people - a pie!
For our patience
A treat for everyone!
We ate a pie
More wanted!

The song "Autumn has come" is performed
1. Came after the summer
Autumn, autumn.
We tell her about different colors
Let's ask, let's ask.
Leaf fall swirled in the sky,
These are the leaves from the trees.

Birds fly away.
Autumn, autumn, one, two, three,
You give us colors.
Rainbow-arc colors
Bright, colored.
Autumn, autumn one, two, three,
You give us colors.
So that we can color
Leaves and mushrooms in the forest.
Autumn, autumn, one, two, three,
You give us colors.
So that we can color
Leaves and mushrooms in the forest.
2. It pours from the sky more often, more often
Rain, rain.
We will open soon
Umbrella, umbrella.
Clouds cry, clouds
Moms and dads have sad faces.
Children's faces are sad
From the autumn slushy pores.
La la la la…
3. Came after the summer
Autumn, autumn.
We tell her about different colors
Let's ask, let's ask.
Leaf fall swirled in the sky,
The leaves are flying from the trees.
It's a pity to say goodbye to summer
Birds fly away.
Birds fly away
Birds fly away

Leading. And it's time for us! This concludes our holiday! Goodbye!

Scenario for the senior group
Leading. Which beautiful autumn
What a golden carpet!
And visit today guys
The autumn holiday has come to us!
The wind will spin to the song of the rain,
Throw leaves at our feet.
Such a beautiful time
The miracle autumn has come to us again.
Children. 1 Autumn time, it's your turn!
Everywhere in autumn we feel the breath.
And leaf fall, and bird flight,
Both the forest and the garden are full of charm.
2 In the autumn forest, every bush is sweet.
Everything froze, as if in a wonderful fairy tale.
And a fine rain sprinkled from above
Foliage, its changing color.
3 Clusters of ripe mountain ash turn red,
Mushroom will show us his hat.
And the gold of birches and aspens
So you want to take it with you in an armful!
4 Beautiful autumn! In a succession of days Your gray winter is flying towards.
But we will save every magical moment, It will be marked in our memory.
5 How many leaves: yellow, red.
The wind blows - they fly.
And in a waltz the beautiful leaves are spinning Overhead.
Children sing the song "Leaf fall" music. T. Popatenko.
Leading. Let's take a look now
In the autumn thicket, at least for an hour!
A bear is building a den from deadwood. Look, there is a squirrel in a hurry to help.
And there fussing oblique hare
He white paint spreads dew
And the yellow leaves fly and fly
They lay down on the ground and quietly rustle.
Dance with autumn twigs
Leading. We ended up in a marvelous forest, There are many different miracles in it. We'll sit quietly Who lives here, we'll see.
Theatrical scene "Forest Umbrella"
(magazine "Kolokolchik" No. 39 p. 13)
Leading. Where is the golden autumn?
Here's the riddle, here's the secret.
We saw animals here
And she still doesn't exist.
Where are you, Autumn, respond?
Where are you, Autumn, appear!
Autumn. Did you call me? Here I am!
Hello my friends! We didn't see each other whole year Summer is my turn.
Are you glad to meet me?
Do you like forest outfit?
autumn gardens and parks?
Leading. Yes, your gifts are good!
The trees are all autumn day Such beautiful Now we will sing a song About golden autumn. Autumn. Will you sing a song now?
Well. I will listen to you!
Song "Golden Autumn"
Autumn. Thank you dear singers
I praise you! You are great!
Leading. And we know the verses
We will give them to you now.
Autumn. And now guys, let's play the game "Merry Garden".
Game-attraction "Merry Garden"
Leading. You're still a little bit Autumn, play with us, In a cheerful round dance, get up quickly!
Round dance "Gifts of Autumn" and music. M. V. Sidorova (magazine "Kolokolchik" No. 26 p. 14)
Leshy's roar is heard outside the door
Autumn. What a howl, what a roar? Is there a herd of cows there? No, there are no cows, This is Leshy-roar. (Brings Leshy out) Leshy stop soon,
Don't scare my guests. (Autumn wipes Leshy's tears)
Goblin. I am a very kind Leshy,
Not at all evil.
But the little animals don't want
Don't be friends with me.
Autumn. Let's get along guys
Shaggy Leshy and me?
We will brush you a little
Let's give a bow to Leshem
And we'll invite you to the party.
Goblin. I love to have fun
I'm going to dance with the guys.
I dance a big master,
You try it like this!
Get up in a circle, everyone
Let's dance with me!
Dance on Leshy's show
Goblin. This is such a dance, just a miracle! How beautifully you dance! The bear also said
What can you sing! Is it true or not?
Leading. We will sing back to you.
"Blueberry song"
Performed by a group of girls

Autumn ditties
Performed by a subgroup of children

Goblin. You guys know everything:
Songs to sing and dance. And I'll guess riddles, Can you solve them?
Riddles any The last riddle about mushrooms
Goblin. Oh, and who is there early in the morning
Hastening to the clearing?
Mushroom boys come out
Borovik. Did you find out porcini?
I'm hit with a strong foot.
Well, why should I brag?
Of course, I am familiar to everyone.
Boletus. Though not a white mushroom, but still
I'm a good fungus too.
Boletus - friends (takes off his hat, bows)
That's what they call me.
Oily. We are funny guys
We call them "oils".
They make us a marinade
Whoever eats us will be happy!
Mokhoviki. We are moss mushrooms,
Toddlers and old people.
If the mushroom picker finds us,
Will definitely take.

Russula. Russula is known to all
Of course, I'm a lovely mushroom.
Fly agaric. Ugly mushrooms.
But who needs you?
There is no more beautiful than me, mushroom:
Red and with white dots.
Seen from a distance in the forest,
I bring joy to mushroom pickers!
Here I am! Run to me Yes, put it in a basket!

What kind of mushroom is so boastful It asks for a basket?

Goblin. Boast like that, what a shame!
We know who you are Amanita!
Fly agaric is very dangerous, Nobody wants to take you. You are poisonous to people! This, here, is famous. Get out of the clearing, you poisonous toadstool!
Autumn. No, don't touch the fungus
There is sense from the Amanita!
If suddenly in what forest
The big elk is in trouble
Then moose from all diseases of Amanita are not more useful!
And you remember, you can’t take fly agaric friends!

You don't argue, don't get angry Get into the dance together!

Mushroom Dance
Goblin. You guys are masters! Do you want to play?

Children. Yes!
Game "Turnip"

Autumn. You are wonderful guys, I look at anyone, And for this, dear ones, I will reward you with something!

Autumn with Leshy handing out gifts.
Autumn. Well, it's time to say goodbye
I have a lot to do
I wish everyone good health
Together with Leshy. Goodbye, friends!

Presenter: We had a good time autumn forest.
Well, friends, it's time to go back to kindergarten. In order to find ourselves on the spot, we all need to spin around!
Children spin to the music

Leading. We were spinning, we were spinning And we found ourselves in place.