The meaning of the word dear from a man. Affectionate nicknames: what they really mean. What do the nicknames mean? Love dictionary

Lovers often come up with affectionate nicknames for each other. They are born on their own, but they hide under themselves deep meaning... It is believed that by an intimate nickname you can learn about true feelings your partner, as well as the nature of the relationship.

Because affectionate nicknames there are so many, psychologists have divided them into several categories and deciphered the hidden meaning of each.

Animal nicknames. These include all "bunnies", "fish", "cats" and other nicknames. If your partner calls you such nicknames, then he treats you with tenderness and awe. You are something special and amazing to him. He wants to take care of you and make you happy all the time. The relationship in such a pair is warm and trusting.

Banal nicknames. These include such addresses as "beloved", "sweetheart", "dear". These nicknames indicate that there is some tension in the couple. If your partner addresses you with such words, then you should be wary: he is probably unfaithful to you or is with you for his own benefit.

By surname or patronymic. If in a couple, lovers begin to call each other by last name or patronymic, then this may be evidence of both positive and negative tendencies. On the one hand, such an appeal indicates complete trust and openness to each other. On the other hand, this may be a sign of a stagnant relationship, when partners know everything about each other and they have nothing more to rejoice in the relationship.

By the name. As a rule, lovers call each other by name in the early stages of a relationship. But if your partner already long time just calls you by name, and not always in a diminutive form, which means he takes the relationship very seriously.

Romantic and pretentious combinations:"My love", "pearl of my heart", etc. These nicknames indicate a partner's insincerity. Most likely, your partner just loves to speak beautifully, but when it comes to actions, he quietly disappears somewhere.

Intimate nicknames. These include the nicknames "sweet", "hot" and the like. If your significant other calls you similar words, then you should think about the seriousness of his intentions towards you. He is attracted to you only in sexually... He does not hide his desires and always wants to emphasize your temperament in bed. Nicknames that emphasize external data. This includes "beauty", "baby", "angel", "lapulya" and others. If your partner calls you such names, then he is attracted to you, first of all, by your appearance. This speaks of the frivolity of his intentions.

Fictitious nicknames. This group includes the nicknames that the lovers came up with themselves. This emphasizes the personality of the couple, the partner's rich imagination and interest in you.

Nicknames with negative connotations:"Scarecrow", "monster", "bastard", "fool" and so on. These nicknames are not at all offensive if spoken in a gentle and condescending tone. If your partner calls you that way, he accepts you with all your shortcomings and no longer tries to fix anything.

Nicknames that emphasize kinship: "Dear", "relatives", "my half." Such nicknames indicate serious and deep feelings... The partner values ​​you very much and is afraid of losing you.

Oddly enough, but the affectionate nicknames that lovers give each other an arc arise on their own, spontaneously. The subconscious mind gives an impulse, on the basis of which nicknames are born from the lips of a loved one, reflecting him real attitude to you. If the article seemed interesting to you, click on and

12.11.2013 12:55

You can find out the name of your future husband using old fortune-telling. There are many ways of fortune telling about a husband. We present to you ...

Psychologists have interpreted the meanings of the “affectionate” words of lovers.

Baby - looks after, but your real feelings are hardly interesting to him.

Hippo - absorbed in you, respects your independence, but does not mind playing.

Babe- is specific in his desires and does not want to complicate anything.

Dear dear- values ​​confidence and certainty in a relationship. Feelings come second.

Durynda- I am ready to forgive you any mistake and take control of the situation.

Hedgehog, hedgehog- gives your relationship a special meaning. Sometimes he is unrestrained, because he is afraid of losing you.

Toad- energetic and playfully assertive, but values ​​your relationship very much.

My life- pathos betrays a tendency to brute force. Check if he has another "life" on the side.

Hare, hare, hare, hare- prone to excitement and would not mind playing with you. At heart, jealous and closely watching you.

Gold, gold, gold- emphasizes the importance of your relationship, although his mind prevails over feelings.

Kitty, pussy, kitty, kysik- is tuned in to close contact and does not want to complicate the situation.

Goat, goat, goat- feels with you complete closeness... You
very much for him native person although he doesn't mind teasing you.

Mulya, musya, musipusechka- feelings are very strong. He is inclined to get carried away and often does not know when to stop.

Sweetie- be careful: you seem to be considered their property.

Kitten, cat, kitty, kitty - feels close to you and inextricable link, wants to convince you of his loyalty.

Crocodile- emphatically energetic, not inclined to beat around the bush and hold back emotions for a long time.

Doll, chrysalis- is passionate about you, but does not attach too much importance to your relationship.

Paw, lapula, lapusik- very active and ready to work and live for you.

Martin- very attentive and absolutely confident in you.

Fox, chanterelle, fox- all attention is absorbed by you and he expects the same from you.

Beloved, beloved, love- prone to sensual overkill and ready to act decisively and assertively.

Lyalya, lalik- very emotional, may not control the outburst of feelings - both good and bad.

Little, little, masik, masya- feelings are very deep, they are ready to take care of you.

Baby baby- you absorb all the attention, and the same is expected of you.

Teddy bear- a very sensual person, but not in a hurry. He is discreet and does not want to lose you.

Sweetheart, sweetheart - promises you strong relationship... His senses are in balance with the mind.

Mulya, musya, musipusechka- feelings are very strong. He is inclined to get carried away and often does not know when to stop.

Mouse, mouse- very attached to you, sometimes unrestrained, but his love is deep.

Pampushka- counts on complete closeness and interaction.

Donut- with all his might wants to attract your attention and protect himself from possible rivals.

Belly, belly, teletuz- configured to create and arrange family hearth.

Bobblehead, bobblehead, pushechka, bobblehead- seeks full contact with you, but behind this are not so much feelings as practical interest.

Small fish- looks at your relationship in a more businesslike way. In the first place he puts not romance, but practical interest.

Sweet, sweet- deliberately emphasizes his emotionality. But in his soul he is balanced and calm.

Baby elephant, elephant- attaches great importance to your relationship and expects complete reciprocity.

Sun, sunshine- feels genuine tenderness and keen interest in you.

Tigger, tiger cub- respects your independence. He is not averse to joking at you, but in fact he offers an equal union.

Hamster- prone to impulsive actions and can easily succumb to momentary impulses.

Chick, chick- offers you active contact, but, perhaps, deep down, he is afraid of something.

Psychologists explained meaning affectionate words lovers, for girls it will be extremely interesting to know what men really think about them)

Baby is caring, but he is hardly interested in your real feelings.

Hippo - absorbed in you, respects your independence, but does not mind playing.

Baby - he is specific in his desires and does not want to complicate anything.

Dear, dear - in a relationship he values ​​confidence, certainty. Feelings come second.

Durynda - I am ready to forgive you any mistake and take control of the situation.

Hedgehog, hedgehog - gives your relationship special significance. Sometimes he is unrestrained, because he is afraid of losing you.

Toad is energetic and playfully assertive, but values ​​your relationship very much.

My life - pathos betrays a tendency to brute force. Check if he has another "life" on the side.

Hare, hare, hare, hare - prone to excitement and would not mind playing with you. At heart, jealous and closely watching you.

Gold, gold, gold - emphasizes the importance of your relationship, although his mind prevails over feelings.

Kitty, pussy, kitty, kysik - tuned in to close contact and does not want to complicate the situation.

A goat, a goat, a goat - feels complete closeness with you. You
for him a very dear person, although he does not mind teasing you.

Mulya, musya, musipusechka - feelings are very strong. He is inclined to get carried away and often does not know when to stop.

Sweetie - be careful: you seem to be considered their property.

A kitten, a cat, a kitten, a kitten - feels closeness and an inextricable bond with you, wants to convince you of his loyalty.

Crocodile - emphatically energetic, not inclined to beat around the bush and hold back emotions for a long time.

Doll, doll - passionate about you, but does not attach too much importance to your relationship.

Paw, lapul, lapusik - very active and ready to work and live for you.

Swallow is very attentive and absolutely confident in you.

A fox, a fox, a fox - all attention is absorbed by you and he expects the same from you.

Beloved, beloved, love - prone to sensual overkill and ready to act decisively and assertively.

Lyalya, lyalik - very emotional, may not control the surge of feelings - both good and bad.

Small, small, masik, masya - feelings are very deep, they are ready to take care of you.

Baby, baby - you absorb all the attention, and they expect the same from you.

The bear cub is a very sensual person, but he is not in a hurry. He is discreet and does not want to lose you.

Sweetheart, sweetheart - promises you a strong relationship. His senses are in balance with the mind.

Mulya, musya, musipusechka - feelings are very strong. He is inclined to get carried away and often does not know when to stop.

Mouse, mouse - very attached to you, sometimes unrestrained, but his love is deep.

Pampushka - counts on complete closeness and interaction.

Donut - with all his might wants to attract your attention and protect himself from possible rivals.

Belly, belly, telepuz - tuned in to the creation and arrangement of the family hearth.

A bobblehead, baby doll, pusheka, pusya - is looking for full contact with you, but behind this there are not so much feelings as practical interest.

Fish - looks at your relationship in a more businesslike way. In the first place he puts not romance, but practical interest.

Sweet, sweet - deliberately emphasizes their emotionality. But in his soul he is balanced and calm.

Baby elephant, elephant - attaches great importance to your relationship and expects complete reciprocity.

The sun, the sun - feels genuine tenderness and keen interest for you.

Tiger, tiger cub - respects your independence. He is not averse to joking at you, but in fact he offers an equal union.

Hamster - prone to impulsive actions and can easily succumb to momentary impulses.

Chick, chicken - offers you active contact, but perhaps deep down he is afraid of something.

Friends and "partners" of the opposite sex often call each other not by their real names, but by nicknames and cute nicknames. More often than not, people don't think about the sound of these nicknames. Here there is a complete analogy with the name of a person - sounds and words carry a certain energy, in addition to the meaning of the names themselves.

Often, cute nicknames for girls and guys use the sound "K" (for example, as the suffix "-ka"). From point of view emotional state, "To" expresses the idea of ​​closeness, simplicity and ease.
The sound "Ш", according to statistics, is generally found 3 times more often than in ordinary vocabulary words. The sound "sh" distracts your partner from everything around him, allowing you to focus on your person. Likewise, this sound is used in simple communication with the aim of demanding silence: "shhhhh ..."

Also very popular in petting nicknames the sound "L", which gives the word an emotional coloring.
Sounds "X" and "F", on the contrary, are used in affectionate nicknames much less often than in normal conversation, because most often they express dissatisfaction.

Using certain nicknames, a person does not really think about the emotional coloring of the sounds included in this word - everything happens unconsciously. Words are chosen subconsciously, reflecting deep feelings and experiences.

How do you know what your loved one really thinks, calling this or that nickname?

Below we present to you a list of the most common affectionate nicknames, as well as true meaning feelings of the person who uses these nicknames in communication. With this interpretation, you will be able to understand the real feelings of your loved one towards you.

The meaning of affectionate nicknames

Baby - Your partner actively calls you for contact (most often, with sexual intentions), but your real feelings are of little interest to him.

Hippo - Your partner's feelings are absorbed by you, he is attentive, respects your independence, but does not mind playing.

Baby - Your partner is specific and not inclined to complicate things. Perhaps he lacks a sense of humor.

Dear, dear - Your partner values ​​confidence and certainty in a relationship. Feelings for him are in second place.

Durynda - Your partner is ready to forgive you for any mistake. He is energetic and ready to take control of the situation.

Hedgehog, hedgehog - Your partner gives your relationship a special meaning. Sometimes he is incontinent, but deep down he is afraid of losing you.

Toad - Your partner is energetic and playfully assertive, but deep down he really values ​​your relationship.

My life - Paphos betrays your partner's tendency to brute force. Just in case, it is better to check if he has another "life" attachment somewhere on the side.

Hare, hare, hare, hare - your partner is prone to excitement and would not mind playing with you. Do not be fooled by his appearance - deep down, he is jealous and is watching you intently.

Gold, gold, sweetheart - your partner emphasizes the importance of your relationship, although his mind greatly prevails over feelings.

Kitty, pussy, kitty, kysik - your partner is tuned in to close contact and does not want to complicate the situation.

Goat, goat, goat - your partner feels complete closeness with you. You are a very dear person to him, although he does not mind teasing you.

Sweetie - Be careful, your partner is very sensitive to your behavior and seems to take you as their own.

Kitten, cat, kitty, kitten - Your partner feels closeness and an inextricable bond with you. He wants you to believe him, or is trying to convince you of his loyalty.

Crocodile - Your partner is emphatically energetic. He is not in the mood to beat around the bush and is not inclined to hold back emotions for a long time.

Crocozyabra - Your partner is ready to forgive you for any mistake. Often his behavior seems unrestrained and picky, but resentments do not last long with him.

Doll, doll - your partner is passionate about you, but does not add too much to the relationship great importance... Paw, lapul, lapusik - your partner is very active and ready to work and live for you.

Swallow - Your partner is very attentive and absolutely confident in you.

Fox, chanterelle, fox - All your partner's attention is absorbed by you and he expects the same from you.

Beloved, beloved, love - your partner is prone to sensual overkill and is ready to act decisively and assertively.

Lyalya, Lyalik - Your partner is not at all inclined to restrain his feelings.

Small, small, masik, masya - Your partner's feelings are very deep, he is ready to be caring and attentive.

Baby, baby - the feelings that you evoke in your partner are immeasurable. You absorb all of his attention, and he expects the same from you.

Teddy bear - Your partner is a very sensual person, but in no hurry. He is discreet and does not want to lose you.

Sweetheart, sweetheart - Your partner promises you a strong relationship. His senses are in balance with the mind.

Mulya, musya, musipusechka - the feelings that you evoke in your partner are very strong. He is inclined to get carried away and often does not know when to stop.

Mouse, mouse - Your partner's feelings go beyond, even if it is not visible in his behavior. Sometimes he is unrestrained, but he is very attached to you.

Pampushka - Your partner expects total closeness and interaction.

Donut - Your partner wants to get your attention by all means. Subconsciously, he seeks to protect himself from possible rivals.

Belly, belly, teletuz - your partner is clearly determined to create and equip a family hearth, and this thought captivates him.

Bobblehead, baby doll, pushechka, pusya - your partner is looking for full contact with you, but most likely, this is not so much a feeling as a practical interest.

Rybka - Your partner looks at your relationship in a more businesslike way. In the first place, he puts not romance, but practical interest.

Pig, pig, pig - your partner energetically calls you into contact and is ready to take the situation into his own hands.

Sweet, sweet - Your partner deliberately emphasizes their emotionality. At the same time, in his soul he is balanced and calm.

Baby elephant, elephant - Your partner attaches great importance to your relationship. His emotions are focused on you, and he expects complete reciprocity.

Sun, sun, sun - your partner feels genuine tenderness and keen interest in you.

Tiger, tiger cub - Your partner respects your independence. He is not averse to joking at you, but in fact he offers you an equal alliance.

Hamster - Your partner is prone to impulsive actions and can easily succumb to momentary impulses.

Chick, chicken - your partner offers you active contact, but perhaps deep down he is afraid of something.

Miracle Beast - Your partner literally demands your attention, highlighting the importance of your relationship.

Chocolate - Your partner offers you a simple, easy relationship, but in fact, you absorb all of his attention and deep down he expects the same from you.

Berry - Your partner is energetic, self-confident and appreciates their independence. Feelings for him are in second place.

The most affectionate nicknames:

The most affectionate, in our opinion, are the following nicknames:

  • For girls: kitten, swallow, cute, sun
  • For guys: masya, bear cub, cute, tiger cub

The opinion of the forum members from the side on the topic "Cute nicknames"

I like to call my husband all sorts of nicknames - from kisanka to elephant, he is not offended. Do you give any nicknames to your loved ones?

Sometimes it happens, I call my wife or "beauty", or "lapul". But you can't abuse it too much, she likes petting on behalf of her more.

And how! And a lot, and constantly1 He is thin, I really like that he does not get fat. And I like to call him "fatty" and "toddler"!

I also like it when my man transforms my name into an affectionate form) And I usually suppress cute nicknames. Although I mercilessly exploit whole list not addressing her husband by name. Yes, I'm a contradictory person) From the extreme versions of cute nicknames: Yurkozyabr. I identified my beloved as a strong and brave dinosaur)

And the transformation of the surname? An affectionate nickname? I know a family where husband and wife address each other by their last names (the same), but with different intonations.

If my wife refers to me by her last name, it means that she is dissatisfied with something, and I think that such “cute” nicknames do not sound very good.

And my wife and I call only such cute nicknames. That "sun", then "masya", then something else in this spirit. Sometimes I catch myself thinking that I have forgotten what my wife's name is.

I don't like nicknames, especially "cute" ones. I can call children by nicknames, but adults and these "musi-pusi" are somehow stupid, the behavior is like that of adolescents.

Affectionate derivatives on behalf of - that's all of what, alas, I have enough imagination. And for some reason this is not done without difficulty. Maybe some kind of complexes buried inside?

Favorite nicknames? In this case, the main thing is not to overdo it, so that communication does not turn into a "lisp". It quickly becomes annoying.


And I like to call each other with affectionate nicknames with my husband. As soon as they started dating, they immediately came up with nicknames for each other. Now we call each other by name only when the evil ones.

The meaning of affectionate words addressed to you

Everyone knows that every word, every thought has its own hidden implications and in most cases they occur unconsciously, in the subconscious. I would like to offer you a list of affectionate words that your chosen one can call you and what a hidden moment can be in each word.

Your partner calls you this:

Baby- looks after, but your real feelings are hardly interesting to him.
Hippo- absorbed in you, respects your independence, but does not mind playing.
Babe- is specific in his desires and does not want to complicate anything.
Dear dear- values ​​confidence and certainty in a relationship. Feelings come second.
Durynda- I am ready to forgive you any mistake and take control of the situation.
Hedgehog, hedgehog- gives your relationship a special meaning. Sometimes he is unrestrained, because he is afraid of losing you.
Toad- energetic and playfully assertive, but values ​​your relationship very much.
My life- pathos betrays a tendency to brute force. Check if he has another "life" on the side.
Hare, hare, hare, hare- prone to excitement and would not mind playing with you. At heart, jealous and closely watching you.
Gold, gold, gold- emphasizes the importance of your relationship, although his mind prevails over feelings.
Kitty, pussy, kitty, kysik- is tuned in to close contact and does not want to complicate the situation.
Goat, goat, goat- feels complete closeness with you. You are a very dear person to him, although he does not mind teasing you.
Sweetie- be careful: you seem to be considered their property.
Kitten, cat, kitty, kitty- feels closeness and inextricable connection with you, wants to convince you of his loyalty.
Crocodile- emphatically energetic, not inclined to beat around the bush and hold back emotions for a long time.
Doll, chrysalis- is passionate about you, but does not attach too much importance to your relationship.
Paw, lapula, lapusik- very active and ready to work and live for you.
Martin- very attentive and absolutely confident in you.
Fox, chanterelle, fox- all attention is absorbed by you and he expects the same from you.
Beloved, beloved, love- prone to sensual overkill and ready to act decisively and assertively.
Lyalya, lalik- very emotional, may not control the outburst of feelings - both good and bad.
Little, little, masik, masya- feelings are very deep, they are ready to take care of you.
Baby baby- you absorb all the attention, and the same is expected of you.
Teddy bear- a very sensual person, but not in a hurry. He is discreet and does not want to lose you.
Sweetheart, sweetheart- promises you a strong relationship. His senses are in balance with the mind.
Mulya, musya, musipusechka- feelings are very strong. He is inclined to get carried away and often does not know when to stop.
Mouse, mouse- very attached to you, sometimes unrestrained, but his love is deep.
Pampushka- counts on complete closeness and interaction.
Donut- with all his might wants to attract your attention and protect himself from possible rivals.
Belly, belly, teletuz- is determined to create and equip a family hearth.
Bobblehead, bobblehead, pushechka, bobblehead- seeks full contact with you, but behind this are not so much feelings as practical interest.
Small fish- looks at your relationship in a more businesslike way. In the first place he puts not romance, but practical interest.
Sweet, sweet- deliberately emphasizes his emotionality. But in his soul he is balanced and calm.
Baby elephant, elephant- attaches great importance to your relationship and expects complete reciprocity.
Sun, sunshine- feels genuine tenderness and keen interest in you.
Tigger, tiger cub- respects your independence. He is not averse to joking at you, but in fact he offers an equal union.
Hamster- prone to impulsive actions and can easily succumb to momentary impulses.
Chick, chick- offers you active contact, but, perhaps, deep down, he is afraid of something.
Miracle, monster- literally demands your attention, emphasizing the importance of your relationship.
Chocolate bar- offers you a simple, easy relationship, but in fact, you absorb all of his attention.
Berry- energetic, self-confident and appreciates his independence. Feelings come second.