Congratulate your loved one on the day of the engineering troops. Poems of congratulations on the day of engineering troops

The roots of this holiday go back to the time of Peter the Great, according to the decree that founded the first school of engineers. Two schools were established in largest cities Russia, which were soon merged into one school. Engineer troops heroically proved themselves in many wars and battles. Employees engineering troops showed amazing courage, taking responsibility for the battles in Sevastopol, as well as during the First and Second World Wars. These troops in Transnistria, Afghanistan and Chechen Republic. In Russia, this holiday has been celebrated since 1996. In addition to Russia, this holiday is also celebrated on January 21 by Belarus. Date, we celebrate the day of engineering troops - January 21.

Today the engineering troops
They deserve to celebrate their holiday.
Of course, your service is not easy,
But that's what attracts you.
We wish to serve the Motherland with honor,
Avoiding embarrassing mistakes.
And to bring benefit to people by service.
Let everything be harmonious and fine in it.

The best people serve in the engineering troops,
The service is clearly carried out, they know their business.
Let your ardor never and nothing cool.
In your honor, let the whole world sing today.
And congratulate you on your professional day,
Wish you peace, without wars and conflicts.
Your service will always be perfect.
And the merit to the Motherland will be great.

Engineer troops do not take courage for you,
You faithfully carry out your duty - to defend Russia,
You must build the defense competently,
So that the soldiers could pass in time.
Let me congratulate you on the holiday,
Wish a grateful service
Life joyful and without sorrow,
So that you can not avoid career success.

The army is nowhere without you, of course,
She needs engineering troops so much,
The safety of the army always depends on you,
You must build quickly, accurately, as if for centuries.
FROM professional holiday We congratulate you
We wish you courage, good luck,
May luck always accompany you
Let more days you happen to be happy.

Engineering troops - you are the pride of the army, support,
Resourceful, you are always brave,
You deal with problems very soon,
It is simple and easy for you to provide a crossing,
So that tanks and infantry go far without problems.
On the day of the infantry, let me wish you good luck,
Happiness, joy, luck in addition,
So that the family is always proud of you,
So that your important service is appreciated.

Mine fields or build pontoons,
You are the hope of the engineering troops,
You are simply indispensable in the army,
Your service is not easy, but so important.
Today we are in a hurry to congratulate you all on the holiday,
We wish you health and patience,
May the service always be grateful,
And the beloved family is always waiting impatiently.

Made a fine choice to take you away
I congratulate you on the holiday Engineer. Troops.
You are responsible if the fight starts
Good heredity, since everything works out,
Study of the terrain, troops escort,
The engineering troops know where the solution is.
Always act in good conscience, and with honor,
So that later you would not be ashamed because of past actions.

Wish light service no problem,
So that everything turned out more than successfully.
Without cataclysms, turbulent changes.
Handle your assigned task.
Let these engineering troops
Fate for you in life will be.
The responsibility is, of course, great.
But this is what the troops are pulling towards themselves.

The engineering troops are not an easy service.
For more than three hundred years, the Fatherland has been defended.
In rain and cold, snow and hail, under the rays of the sun
Demines the detachment for maneuvers field.
And when there is sadness in the heart, anxiety in the soul,
Let the bright road drive away troubles.
Houses are waiting for you day and night, letters - as a reward.
Congratulations, friends, pride and joy.

On the day of the troops, we congratulate you engineering,
May the service bring joy and peace.
Let nothing strain the nerves
And it doesn't stop you from chasing your dreams.
May the sky be peaceful above you
And there will never be wars and troubles.
And in a peaceful life you will find yourself
Many achievements and victories.

The official holiday of this type of troops comes on January 21 and the Day of Engineering Troops is celebrated by the military personnel of Russia and Belarus. The engineering troops are engaged in the search and clearance of ammunition - this is the main task, but in addition to this, there are still a lot of secondary, but no less serious goals on the agenda. In those days, the power of the engineering troops was perfectly felt by the French during the war with Russia in 1812. Last but not least, thanks to excellent engineering training, we managed to defeat the enemy. The same can be said about further great battles, for example, the defense of Port Arthur during the Russo-Japanese War and two wars of the twentieth century. Congratulations on the day of the engineering troops of Russia - January 21.

Mine fields and build bridges
You can handle pontoons.
You and the military, you and the engineer,
And they always set you as an example.
I wish you peaceful service
Let everything be smooth in your destiny.
"Happy Engineering Troops Day" - I'll tell you
And I'll reward you with a hot kiss.

Congratulations on the day of the engineering troops.
May all ideas come true.
There will be order and stability in the service.
You always serve for the benefit of people.
Never give up adversity
Continually advance in the service.
Let fabulous salaries await you
And generous rewards for military work.

Army engineering troops are needed,
To mine fields, to build pontoons you are indispensable,
You are on duty at any time of the day, in snow and hail,
In a matter of minutes, you will eliminate a lot of all obstacles.
Congratulations on the day of the engineering troops,
I wish you patience, courage and endurance,
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your service
I appreciate you for your heroism, I adore you for your courage.

Military engineers - reliable protection the whole country,
Perfectly prepared, brave and strong,
Like air, you are needed in our time and during the war years,
Worthy and brave sons of Russia.
On the day of the engineering troops, let me congratulate you,
Good luck, happiness, endurance wish you,
Send a lot of congratulations to you,
Go through life boldly, never lose heart.

Your service is so dangerous and important
The army is strong with engineering troops,
The sappers' dexterity is very good,
You can't go wrong in your business.
I hasten to congratulate you on your professional holiday,
Joy, good luck, I want to wish you
May the cherished dream always come true
May the golden angel always keep you.

Engineering troops - the standard of dexterity, strength,
In the service you are indispensable to anyone,
To mine the fields, skill is needed,
Thank you from all let there be a reward.
Happy holiday to you all,
Let luck and success accompany you in your work,
Let life surprise you with surprises
Let the cuckoo count a hundred years of life.

You serve in the troops of a special kind,
You combine genius mind and courage,
Enjoy the respect of the people
Protect peace on earth.
Brilliant service and personal happiness to you,
Let bad weather bypass you
Happy holiday, engineering troops, congratulations,
We wish you good health, prosperity.

The military profession has always been in a well-deserved honor. After all, respect for the uniform is justified by valiant victories and confirmed heroic deeds. In this area, there are specialties that require skill, responsibility and courage. That is why we are happy to celebrate the holidays of representatives different kind troops. These include the Day of Engineering Troops, which is celebrated in our country for quite a long time. high level. Its history dates back to the time of Peter I, who transformed Russia into a great power and made a huge contribution to the development Russian army. After all, it was this sovereign who issued a decree on the creation of a school for the Pushkar order, which trained the first sappers in Moscow, after which the engineering school was separated from it. A little later, it was also created in St. Petersburg, where the Moscow one was also transferred, creating a single educational institution in the northern capital.

Engineer troops took part in campaigns and battles, honorably fulfilling their sacred duty to the Fatherland. But legislatively, their merits were noted only in 1996, when the date was officially set as the Day of the Engineering Troops - January 21. From that moment on, solemn congratulations on the Day of Engineering Troops. We offer the opportunity to pick up for the heroes of the occasion beautiful poems in which their courage and professionalism are sung. Also on our website you can find original sms for congratulations. Our resource presents wide selection wishes that will surely please and surprise your friends.

Poems on the day of engineering troops in SMS

We congratulate the engineering troops on the day,
We wish to be on the battlefield less often,
So that at home they always wait for you, appreciate you,
To be taken care of and well fed.

May success follow you everywhere
And in moments of happiness, laughter will be heard.
May luck always walk with you
And fate will give joy in full!

Today the engineering troops
They deserve to celebrate their holiday.
Of course, your service is not easy,
But that's what attracts you.

We wish to serve the Motherland with honor,
Avoiding embarrassing mistakes.
And to bring benefit to people by service.
Let everything be harmonious and fine in it.

Your service is not easy.
Our press writes:
Engineering Troops -
Engine of progress.

We wish you peaceful days
Turned into years
Happiness, loyal friends,
Sweet weather.

The best people serve in the engineering troops,
The service is clearly carried out, they know their business.
Let your ardor never and nothing cool.
In your honor, let the whole world sing today.

And congratulate you on your professional day,
Wish you peace, without wars and conflicts.
Your service will always be perfect.
And the merit to the Motherland will be great.

I wish the service easy without problems,
So that everything turned out more than successfully.
Without cataclysms, turbulent changes.
Handle your assigned task.

Let these engineering troops
Fate for you in life will be.
The responsibility is, of course, great.
But this is what the troops are pulling towards themselves.

The army is nowhere without you, of course,
She needs engineering troops so much,
The safety of the army always depends on you,
You must build quickly, accurately, as if for centuries.

Congratulations on your professional holiday,
We wish you courage, good luck,
May luck always accompany you
May you have more happy days.

The engineering troops are not an easy service.
For more than three hundred years, the Fatherland has been defended.
In rain and cold, snow and hail, under the rays of the sun
Demines the detachment for maneuvers field.

And when there is sadness in the heart, anxiety in the soul,
Let the bright road drive away troubles.
Houses are waiting for you day and night, letters - as a reward.
Congratulations, friends, pride and joy.

On the day of the troops, we congratulate you engineering,
May the service bring joy and peace.
Let nothing strain the nerves
And it doesn't stop you from chasing your dreams.

May the sky be peaceful above you
And there will never be wars and troubles.
And in a peaceful life you will find yourself
Many achievements and victories.

We congratulate the engineering troops
With the day that is dedicated to their work!
We remember - your service is not easy,
But the world is securely protected by you!
You are warriors, talents, masters!
You create roads to victories!
We wish you happiness, peace and kindness,
Love, health and not to know anxiety!

The engineering troops are not an easy service.
For more than three hundred years, the Fatherland has been defended.
In rain and cold, snow and hail, under the rays of the sun
Demines the detachment for maneuvers field.
And when there is sadness in the heart, anxiety in the soul,
Let the bright road drive away troubles.
Houses are waiting for you day and night, letters - as a reward.
Congratulations, friends, pride and joy.

Happy Engineering Troops Day, I congratulate you,
And I want to wish from the bottom of my heart.
Let the service never tire
Brings you peace and grace.
May your commander be fair
And nervous system doesn't play pranks.
But, just be always happy.
Live in harmony and without offense.

Congratulations, gentlemen, engineering troops!
Let the brave soldiers be completely unfamiliar with melancholy!
Road workers so that service was easy for sappers,
And on your holiday, so that intoxicating beer flows like a river!
Let the wives be cheerful, they are beautifully greeted from work,
The authorities in the service of severe merit always notes.
It’s easy on the heart to be, and joy in the soul rises,
And the location of Fortune has always remained with you!

Happy great holiday, engineering troops,
Congratulations loudly, clearly, without question,
Let the pontoons of frisky crossings shine,
Loud "hurrah" sounds polyphonic!
We wish you good health and great victories,
And above the head of the mischievous sun,
Let the angel protect from all troubles
An engineer in the rank and just an ordinary!

Such a difficult service you have,
Courage, patience, good luck,
Happy Engineering Troops Day
With warm words we congratulate you!
Let confidence not leave the heart,
The reward will find a fighting hero
The Motherland appreciates every fighter,
May success fill your heart with peace.

Happy Engineering Troops Day, military man!
Celebrate your holiday today.
And with an excellent mood
You will meet your working day.
Let the service peacefully and slowly
Year after year goes by.
May everything be successful in life
And may good luck await you.

You are two in one - both an engineer and a warrior:
You must always be calm
To build up all the defenses,
To build pontoons in time.
Sappers, builders and engineers,

You agree short term building bridges,
You float the pontoons on the water:
God himself, you see, leads your hand,
May you leave your mark on the earth!

Happy Engineering Troops Day! I wish you
Success and luck, love -
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart!
And what you have in mind - do everything!

Celebrate Engineering Troops Day
im 300 s extra years already,
And we will congratulate them all together
With special warmth in the soul!
Let's say "thank you" to them.
And we wish, appreciating them,
Always be the pride of Russia,
Grow in everything, day by day!

On the day of the troops, we congratulate you engineering,
May the service bring joy and peace.
Let nothing strain the nerves
And it doesn't stop you from chasing your dreams.
May the sky be peaceful above you
And there will never be wars and troubles.
And in a peaceful life you will find yourself
Many achievements and victories.

Congratulations Engineering Troops
From the bottom of my heart with their great holiday,
For their well-deserved deeds,
Yes, for fair rewards without errors.
We are glad to congratulate you, friends,
Absolutely not sparing the time
You can not be ignored -
Relies on you country's entire burden.
We bring food to your table,
Clear obstacles in your way
We want to eliminate all problems and dangers.

Day of Engineering Troops Russia celebrates
They create the basis for victories,
Not every civilian knows this.
Relatives, in your honor today fireworks!

From the heart we say the following congratulations:
wish good health and patience
It is known: the strength of the spirit you are supposed to doubly -
In the ranks of the advanced go to any war.

May fate give you happiness in the "citizen"
Native care, joy, warm home,
And may Fortune never change
The guardian angel protects with his wing.

Military, military, old and young love you.
The military from the warrior keep our house with you.
May the alarm never sound for the soldiers,
And let there be no obstacles and barriers for you.

Everyone is happy to congratulate you on the holiday.
And wish more confessions and awards.
Let the sky shine peacefully, let the sun shine
May the Angel protect you from death.

Congratulations on the day of honor
engineering troops,
Everyone in this world knows
The life of heroes is not easy!
Everyone knows it's hard
repair bridges,
rebuild roads,
Clear posts!
Skill and skill required
This service is not easy!
Engineer! You are our savior
Our desperate hero!

We congratulate the heroes
Happy Engineering Troops Day!
Guardians of goodness and peace -
Anxiety melts like wax!
We trust you wholeheartedly
You are proud and strong!
So accept hello
Our best sons!
Let the service be easy
Life is brighter and brighter!
We will never forget your work
You are not wiser and bolder!

Simultaneously an engineer and a warrior:
You must always remain calm
To build competently all the defense,
To make pontoons on the river in time.
Sappers, builders and engineers,
Don't let your work get on your nerves.
Let your uniform be your pride
And your commander will be just!

Poems of congratulations on the day of engineering troops

We decided to congratulate today
Our engineering troops,
And we thank you
You don't live in vain.
Today we celebrate Engineering Troops Day,
We wish you happiness, joy, kindness,
You work for the good of the motherland, we know
Without you, all the troops will not do.

Thought alone melts measuredly
Since dawn, my brain:
So, do not forget to congratulate
Happy Engineering Troops Day
Everyone who was involved in them
To all those who are still in them ...
Not about love and happiness
My conversation will be:
Even after retiring
Brave having lost its gloss,
Know that everyone will see you
The power of engineering troops;
This is what is valuable in you!
To hell with the dictates of manners:
Happy holiday, soldier!
Congratulations, engineer!

The old wars have already sunk into oblivion,
Campaigns of the past are gone for centuries
But the difficult service is worthy
All the same engineering troops.

We know how hard it is
Be one of the first to fight
Without you, victory is impossible!
In the era of modern warfare.

We are grateful to you beyond measure,
For work that can not be called simple.
Therefore, military engineers
We want to congratulate you on the holiday today!

Now in the downpour, now in the swamp,
Without a halt, without an overnight stay,
Without a stake and without a post;
The cart will not pass
Across the river without a bridge;
strategic missile
Don't live in this world
Without reliable mines;
Privates and generals
Midshipmen and admirals
Without comfort - seams!
It's chilly for a tank in an open field,
And the submarine is in the sea,
The plane to live in the wild,
Without a hangar - woe!
Engineering Troops!
Longing without housing in the troops!
How do you celebrate today -
Build again! For centuries!

On the day of the country's engineering troops
I want to congratulate you.
Russian brave sons -
The time has come to praise you.
I wish you on any day
Health and good luck
Help Saint Daniel
Solve war tasks.

Congratulations on Engineering Troops Day today,
Although there is no place for wars, you are always held in high esteem!
And may the sky bless you on this day,
And may it fulfill all your dreams!
For your homeland you are ready to the end
Go against the obstacles of fate!
Strategies you cunning know the basics,
Fires of patriotism always burn in you!

Engineering Troops -
This is our Head!
This is the pride of the whole country,
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!
We wish you success
Optimism, no hassle,
We know that your work is not fun,
May you be lucky in life!

Congratulations on Engineering Troops Day today
Military engineers! We wish them
Build your lives with reinforcement
From happiness, joy, love, luck!
Have bridges of understanding in friendship
And ladders with climbing up the service!
Health was like an iron tank
And make every day interesting!

Military, military, old and young love you.
The military from the warrior keep our house with you.
May the alarm never sound for the soldiers,
And let there be no obstacles and barriers for you.

Everyone is happy to congratulate you on the holiday.
And wish you more recognition and awards.
Let the sky shine peacefully, let the sun shine
May the Angel protect you from death.

You build bridges in a short time,
You float the pontoons on the water:
God himself, you see, leads your hand,
May you leave your mark on the earth!

Happy Engineering Troops Day! I wish you
Success and luck, love -
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart!
And what you have in mind - do everything!

Thought alone melts measuredly
Since dawn, my brain:
So, do not forget to congratulate
Happy Engineering Troops Day
Everyone who was involved in them
To all those who are still in them ...
Not about love and happiness
My conversation will be:
Even after retiring
Brave having lost its gloss,
Know that everyone will see you
The power of engineering troops;
This is what is valuable in you!
To hell with the dictates of manners:
Happy holiday, soldier!
Congratulations, engineer!

Congratulations on Engineering Troops Day today,
Although there is no place for wars, you are always held in high esteem!
And may the sky bless you on this day,
And may it fulfill all your dreams!

For your homeland you are ready to the end
Go against the obstacles of fate!
Strategies you cunning know the basics,
Fires of patriotism always burn in you!

Build bridges, clear roads
You are always ahead, first of all!
Just don't let the war worry you
Peaceful exercises await you success.
You are military, you are engineers,
Aces in two directions at once.
Be clear in your actions
You can never be wrong!

On the day of the country's engineering troops
I want to congratulate you.
Russian brave sons -
The time has come to praise you.

I wish you on any day
Health and good luck
Help Saint Daniel
Solve war tasks.

Congratulations, gentlemen, engineering troops!
Let the brave soldiers be completely unfamiliar with melancholy!
Road workers so that service was easy for sappers,
And on your holiday, so that intoxicating beer flows like a river!
Let the wives be cheerful, they are beautifully greeted from work,
The authorities in the service of severe merit always notes.
It’s easy on the heart to be, and joy in the soul rises,
And the location of Fortune has always remained with you!

Happy great holiday, engineering troops,
Congratulations loudly, clearly, without question,
Let the pontoons of frisky crossings shine,
Loud "hurrah" sounds polyphonic!
We wish you good health and great victories,
And above the head of the mischievous sun,
Let the angel protect from all troubles
An engineer in the rank and just an ordinary!

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