Speech on the day of the engineering troops. Congratulations on the day of engineering troops

Today the engineering troops
Celebrate their holiday.
We wish you cloudless happiness,
Let the surf rage in your heart!

May joy bring good luck
There will be fun, laughter,
And you can even drink a little
It wouldn't be a sin!

Engineering Troops!
Happy Holidays!
May fortune be on the way
Happy luck!

We wish you excellent service,
Let everythnig will be alright,
Relatives will meet you at home,
Buy delicious wine!

With day engineering troops. I wish you a bright thought and a useful idea, brave strength and great luck. Let the goals be achieved, friends will be near and in Hard time, and at the moment of success, and loved ones love you deeply and are proud of you.

Engineering troops are celebrating their day today!
Let worries go away, let melancholy go away!
Every military engineer could read today
Small, imperfect, but heartfelt congratulations!
We will raise toasts today without end
For their bright minds and brave hearts!

Engineering Troops -
This is our Head!
This is the pride of the whole country,
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!
We wish you success
Optimism, no hassle,
We know that your work is not fun,
May you be lucky in life!

engineering troops,
As always, in high esteem,
Your creative thought
Everything is in flight!

We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,
With this glorious day of yours,
And we wish happiness
Arrived with the wind!

To be at home, at work
Were always happy
So that the tenth road
You've been in trouble!

Day of glorious engineering troops
We dedicate our congratulations!
Everyone wants to tell them personally:
They work great
They are brave and humble
Their minds are strong!
We believe in military engineers
And we wish the engineers
Invent many miracles
And bring glory to the Motherland!

Engineering Troops -
This is not a joke to you!
After all, we can't live without them.
Even minutes!

On this happy day
We congratulate you
And the best health
We sincerely wish!

And also love and friendship,
To live great!
Our sincere congratulations
Looks good!

We wish military engineers -
Resourceful, brave and skillful,
Excellent health, mood,
And further develop your skills,
So that they can sometimes rest,
And the sky is peaceful overhead.
Today is their holiday - we give congratulations,
Funny and short rhyme!

We wish you not to fight,
Get more medals
Sunbathing with family on the beach
Fly on a hang glider.
On a yacht to see the whole world,
And chew delicious fruits,
Avoid any illness
Buy stylish clothes.
Let these lines be for the future
After all, this is super congratulations!

You provide the crossing
Build a bridge out of nothing.
And defuse the mine immediately -
And the rye is earing in the field.

You will build a hangar and a mine,
For aircraft and missiles,
Don't let yourself run into the attack,
But without you there is no attack!

I congratulate the fighters today
I want engineering troops.
After all, these brave guys
All obstacles on the shoulder.

I wish peace in my heart
In families of tenderness, warmth.
So that the service is only a joy,
Life in love and happiness went on.

Unfamiliar to these people
From inaction longing.
We congratulate today
Engineering Troops.

Let it be hard sometimes
But the elements are victorious
So we know that everything is possible.

Be always in business
Let bad weather pass you by.
We want to wish from the heart
Only joy and happiness.

Happy Engineering Troops Day. I wish you to always remain a strong support and glory, firm confidence and strength of our country, my family, the whole world. good luck and right ideas, success and excellent results of work, achievements in your favorite business and constant well-being in life.

Happy Engineering Troops Day
Accept congratulations,
Who on holidays and weekdays
In service, in training.

In ammunition - pros,
And with technology on you.
When the rivers are flooded
You are building bridges.

We wish you a starfall
We are on your shoulder straps,
May you always be happy
And waiting with love at home!

Engineering troops today
We celebrate a glorious day.
Conquered, you guys
Not a single step.

I wish you sweet service
Happiness in personal life
So that happiness is dimensionless
It was indecent.

We congratulate today
engineering troops,
Be happy always you
Let melancholy not come to you
Let the service go smoothly
There will be no trouble and war
We are grateful for all of you
Our country needs you!

You, as a representative of the engineering troops, have a holiday today. Let, despite the cold outside the window, your soul will be cozy and warm. May you be surrounded today and always by close, dear, understanding people. Well, I thank you, a professional in your field, for your military work! Congratulations!

Congratulate on Engineering Troops Day
Let all of you from the bottom of my heart.
Worthy you are serving,
You guys are all good.

I wish you health on holiday
And new stars for you on shoulder straps,
May it always be above you
Just a peaceful sky.

Engineering Troops
The holiday is celebrated today
All the fighters I heartily
On a beautiful day, congratulations.

Let the service help you
Unleash your potential
I wish you with interest
And with bestowal only to serve.

Happiness to you and growth in rank,
Manages to let you all
Let your spirit be cheerful
Let nothing grieve.

Engineering Troops!
For steel to be strong
To bold projects
And secret objects
Strengthened the defense
Received without defects!
So that all calculations are accurate,
The drawings didn't disappoint.
And not to know that overtime.
Happiness in service and love!

Engineering Troops -
We are rightfully proud of you.
Always much appreciated
After all, the profession is a blessing!

On this quiet, warm day,
We wish you good luck.
Let the enemy be only a shadow,
And let it not be otherwise.

To make life smile at you
So that everything always comes true.
Let the work burn in the hands
But at home - care awaits.

On January 21, military personnel and employees of the engineering troops celebrate their professional holiday. Engineer troops are a branch of the armed forces (special troops) of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, which are intended for engineering support: equipping the territory of military (combat) operations, escorting troops in an offensive, engineering reconnaissance and other tasks. The engineering troops include governing bodies, enterprises, institutions, engineer-sapper, pontoon, road engineering and other formations, military units and subunits. Very soon, the ranks of the engineering troops will be replenished with "shock" units.

Engineering Troops Day was established by order of the President Russian Federation Boris Nikolaevich Yeltsin dated September 18, 1996. This memorable date was established taking into account the contribution to the development of the defense potential of Russia, which was made by the engineering troops, and also as a tribute to historical traditions. Military engineering and military architecture existed back in the days of Ancient Rus', but the engineering troops received systematic development only after the formation of the regular army during the reign of Peter I.

Already in 1692 and 1694, under the leadership of Peter I, the first engineering training maneuvers took place in the country, during which the construction of various defensive structures was worked out. It is known that at that time, when developing engineering measures, the emperor used the work of the most famous engineer at that time - Marshal Vauban of France. Forming regular armed forces in Russia, Peter I tried to pay Special attention development of artillery and engineering troops. First legislative act, which dealt directly with military engineering, was the decree of Peter I of January 21, 1701 on the opening of the Pushkar Order School. The Pushkar Order School became the first artillery, engineering and naval school in our country, the historical forerunner of the entire modern system engineering education in Russia. And the day of January 21 is celebrated today as the Day of Engineering Troops.

Flag of the engineering troops of Russia (since 2005)

In 1712, Peter I ordered to separate the engineering school from the school of the Pushkar order and expand it. In 1719, by imperial decree, the St. Petersburg School of Engineering was formed, which 4 years later was joined by the Moscow School. In a combined form, they began to train non-commissioned and chief officers for the engineering troops. In the future, engineering troops took part in all significant wars waged by Russia. They stood guard over our country. The courage, courage and accumulated knowledge of military engineers to a large extent contributed to the successful conduct of hostilities in Patriotic Wars e 1812. Military engineers played an important role in the defense of Sevastopol (1854-1855) and during the Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905), as well as two world wars.

The fighters and commanders of the engineering troops especially distinguished themselves during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. For the feats committed on the battlefields, more than 100 thousand servicemen of the engineering troops were presented with orders and medals, about 700 of them were awarded the high title of Hero Soviet Union, 294 military engineers became full holders of the Order of Glory.

Today, engineering troops are special troops designed to solve the most challenging tasks engineering support for combined arms operations (including combat operations) that require special training personnel and use various means engineering weapons, as well as inflicting losses on the enemy through the use of engineering ammunition. Organizationally, the engineering troops of Russia consist of units, formations and subunits for various purposes: engineering-sapper, engineering-reconnaissance, engineering-road, engineering-technical, engineering-camouflage, pontoon-bridge (pontoon), crossing-landing, field water supply, assault and others.

In the preparation and conduct of combined arms operations (combat actions), the engineering troops are assigned to perform a number of basic tasks:
- conducting engineering reconnaissance of the terrain, objects and the enemy;
- the erection of various fortifications (trenches, trenches and communication passages, shelters, shelters, dugouts and other objects), the installation of field structures intended for the deployment of troops (economic, residential, medical);
- creation of engineering barriers, including the installation of minefields, equipment on the ground of non-explosive barriers (escarps, counter-scarps, anti-tank ditches, gouges, etc.), blasting;
- carrying out demining of the area and objects;
- preparation and maintenance of the ways of movement of their troops;
- arrangement and maintenance of crossings on various water barriers, including the construction of bridges;
- extraction and purification of water in the field.

And these are not all the tasks that the engineering troops have to solve today. They also take part in countering enemy reconnaissance and guidance systems (camouflage), simulating on-site concentrations of troops and objects, in providing misinformation and demonstrative actions designed to deceive the enemy. Among other things, engineering units should take part in eliminating the consequences of the use of weapons of mass destruction by the enemy.

In peacetime, the Engineering Troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation also perform a number of very important socially significant tasks. They are used to clear the area from all kinds of explosive objects, take part in the aftermath of natural disasters and man-made accidents and catastrophes, prevent the destruction of various hydraulic structures and bridges during ice drifts, and solve many other equally important tasks.

The engineering troops, like all the armed forces of the Russian Federation, do not stand still, they are trying to meet the challenges of the time and are constantly developing. By the end of 2018 in Russian army"shock" units of sappers will appear. They will be created in all regiments and brigades of engineering troops of the RF Armed Forces. On Friday, January 19, the head of the engineering troops, Lieutenant-General Yuri Stavitsky, told reporters about this. In an interview with the newspaper "", he noted that at present, engineering assault, engineering and reconnaissance units and special mining units are preparing for use. The lieutenant general noted that, according to calculations, by the end of 2018, brigades and regiments will have one "shock" unit each.

According to Stavitsky, with the advent of such units, “a radical revision of the tactics of using troops will not happen, but the quality of engineering support will change, and the speed of performing such tasks will also increase, which is very important in modern wars.” According to the general, one of the most important qualities engineering assault units can be called their versatility - from specific engineering tasks, clearing objects and terrain to direct fire suppression of enemy resistance in any even fortified firing point.

Robotic demining complex "Uran-6"

For the period from 2012 to 2017, 19 units of engineering units and organizations were formed in Russia. In addition, four military units have been reassigned to the Chief of Engineering Troops of the RF Armed Forces, and two federal budget institutions. The formation of army engineering and sapper regiments in the Russian army, which began back in 2013, continues. It is planned to complete the process of their formation by 2021. At the same time, in 2017, a newly formed engineering and sapper regiment entered the 2nd Combined Arms Army of the Central Military District. The regiment was formed in Udmurtia in the village of Kizner, previously there was a military unit for the safe storage and disposal of chemical weapons. At the end of September 2017, the program for the elimination of chemical weapons was officially completed.

Also, the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation were replenished by the engineer-camouflage regiment of central subordination, formed in 2017, the main purpose of which is to increase the ability to hide and imitate important objects and areas. Two months after its creation, the new regiment already took part in the special exercises of the engineering troops, which took place as part of the large Zapad-2017 exercises, while receiving high marks for their actions.

It is impossible to imagine modern engineering troops without new technology, often robotic. According to Yuri Stavitsky, in 2017, 18 modern means were adopted for armament and supply of engineering troops. In particular, the development of advanced engineering weapons has been organized: a multifunctional robotic complex for clearing anti-tank mines, an induction mine detector, a capacitor explosive device, group and individual sources of electricity and other means that are designed to increase the efficiency of performing special tasks.

Already in 2018, it is planned to adopt the Uran-6 sapper robot, as well as the Sfera and Scarab guided systems, which were tested in combat conditions during the operation in Syria, into service with the engineering troops. The experience gained in Syria was taken into account, it will be used in the future to train officers of the engineering troops, the general noted. The engineering troops are being replenished with new combat vehicles, for example, equipment for overcoming and destroying obstacles.

The units are being replenished with engineering barrier vehicles, wheeled vehicles for various purposes, armored bulldozers, heavy mechanized bridges, and modern means of overcoming water barriers. Important innovations are high-tech modern facilities field water supply of troops, engineering units are replenished with mobile drilling rigs, water conservation complexes and comprehensive treatment stations. New means of mechanization are coming earthworks: military excavators and front-end loaders and many other special equipment, without which the work of military engineers is impossible.

On Engineering Troops Day, the Military Review team congratulates all active soldiers and officers of the Engineering Troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, as well as veterans and all citizens involved in this type of troops, on their professional holiday.

The roots of this holiday go back to the time of Peter the Great, according to the decree that founded the first school of engineers. Two schools were established in largest cities Russia, which were soon merged into one school. Engineer troops heroically proved themselves in many wars and battles. Employees of the engineering troops showed amazing courage, taking responsibility for the battles in Sevastopol, as well as during the First and Second World Wars. These troops in Transnistria, Afghanistan and Chechen Republic. In Russia, this holiday has been celebrated since 1996. In addition to Russia, this holiday is also celebrated on January 21 by Belarus. Date, we celebrate the day of engineering troops - January 21.

Today the engineering troops
They deserve to celebrate their holiday.
Of course, your service is not easy,
But that's what attracts you.
We wish to serve the Motherland with honor,
Avoiding embarrassing mistakes.
And to bring benefit to people by service.
Let everything be harmonious and fine in it.

The best people serve in the engineering troops,
The service is clearly carried out, they know their business.
Let your ardor never and nothing cool.
In your honor, let the whole world sing today.
And congratulate you on your professional day,
Wish you peace, without wars and conflicts.
Your service will always be perfect.
And the merit to the Motherland will be great.

Engineering troops do not take courage for you,
You faithfully carry out your duty - to defend Russia,
You must build the defense competently,
So that the soldiers could pass in time.
Let me congratulate you on the holiday,
Wish a grateful service
Life joyful and without sorrow,
So that you can not avoid career success.

The army is nowhere without you, of course,
She needs engineering troops so much,
The safety of the army always depends on you,
You must build quickly, accurately, as if for centuries.
Congratulations on your professional holiday,
We wish you courage, good luck,
May luck always accompany you
Let more days you happen to be happy.

Engineering troops - you are the pride of the army, support,
Resourceful, you are always brave,
You deal with problems very soon,
It is simple and easy for you to provide a crossing,
So that tanks and infantry go far without problems.
On the day of the infantry, let me wish you good luck,
Happiness, joy, luck in addition,
So that the family is always proud of you,
So that your important service is appreciated.

Mine fields or build pontoons,
You are the hope of the engineering troops,
You are simply indispensable in the army,
Your service is not easy, but so important.
Today we are in a hurry to congratulate you all on the holiday,
We wish you health and patience,
May the service always be grateful,
And the beloved family is always waiting impatiently.

Made a fine choice to take you away
I congratulate you on the holiday Engineer. Troops.
You are responsible if the fight starts
Good heredity, since everything works out,
Study of the terrain, troops escort,
The engineering troops know where the solution is.
Always act in good conscience, and with honor,
So that later you would not be ashamed because of past actions.

Wish light service no problem,
So that everything turned out more than successfully.
Without cataclysms, turbulent changes.
Handle your assigned task.
Let these engineering troops
Fate for you in life will be.
The responsibility is, of course, great.
But this is what the troops are pulling towards themselves.

The engineering troops are not an easy service.
For more than three hundred years, the Fatherland has been defended.
In rain and cold, snow and hail, under the rays of the sun
Demines the detachment for maneuvers field.
And when there is sadness in the heart, anxiety in the soul,
Let the bright road drive away troubles.
Houses are waiting for you day and night, letters - as a reward.
Congratulations, friends, pride and joy.

On the day of the troops, we congratulate you engineering,
May the service bring joy and peace.
Let nothing strain the nerves
And it doesn't stop you from chasing your dreams.
May the sky be peaceful above you
And there will never be wars and troubles.
And in a peaceful life you will find yourself
Many achievements and victories.

Dear employees of military units and units of engineering troops, service veterans, I congratulate you on your professional holidayDay of Engineering Troops of the Russian Federation !
Preparation for combat operations, their conduct, restoration of objects of strategic importance, ensuring the security of territories after battles - all this is part of the professional duties of military engineering troops, and without them active participation just impossible. This has been the case since the time of Peter the Great, when, by his decree, engineering schools of the Pushkar order were opened, the first engineering units appeared, which became the progenitors of modern engineering troops in Russia.
During the Petrine era, during the First World War and the Great Patriotic War, the military personnel who are part of various formations of the engineering troops, in fact, proved their courage, fearlessness, and high professionalism. Their selfless service devoted to the Fatherland contributed to the preservation of manpower and equipment in many battles, and the manifestation of Russian ingenuity, indomitable heroism, self-sacrifice in the performance of assigned tasks, was highly and deservedly evaluated by degrees of distinction, orders, and medals.
Soldiers of the engineering troops armed forces The Russian Federation are people who, like no one else, understand that human life depends on how clearly the tasks assigned to them are fulfilled, how professionally the work is done.
Moreover, their knowledge, skills and professional skills are extremely in demand not only during military operations, in the settlement of armed conflicts and the provision of international assistance. They also find application in civilian life. Moreover, even today, it is not uncommon for servicemen of the engineering troops to take risks, show courage, and sacrifice themselves.
With their inherent courage, they rush to eliminate the consequences of emergencies, accidents, man-made disasters, proving their constant readiness for a feat in the name of life. The clearest example of this is the liquidation of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, where it would be much more difficult to cope with the task of ensuring the safety of the population of Ukraine, our country and European countries without representatives of the engineering troops.
Dear servicemen and veterans of the engineering troops! IN Day of Engineering Troops of the Russian Federation - I from you pure heart I congratulate you! You worthily continue the glorious historical traditions previous generations and honorably fulfill your duty to the state. Thank you for your professionalism, for saving civilians and property, for playing important role in the development of the defense potential of Russia and stand on the protection of the security of its interests.
I wish all servicemen of the engineering troops constant self-improvement and professional growth, but not so that their knowledge, skills, high combat training you used during armed conflicts, but in order to demonstrate them during exercises and training. Be lucky, happy, loved, value your life and the lives of your loved ones, believe in a better tomorrow and your lucky star. Peace to all of you and prosperity, success and well-being, health and good mood.