How to make rf energy minecraft. How to create a source of infinite energy in Minecraft

Energy is produced by several types of generators, many devices and tools work on it.


Initially, energy is stored in one way or another in the surrounding world. Generators turn this energy into electricity. Energy, including electrical energy, is measured in ee, units of Energy (English) EU, Energy Unit). Similar units from life are the kilowatt-hour (kWh) and the Joule (J). Energy is extracted from fuel or environment generators and can accumulate in devices and tools, some of which can give it back, some of which are spent on work.

Power and packages

Power, the derivative of energy with respect to time, characterizes the amount of energy produced, transmitted or consumed in certain time. measured in EU/f, Energy units per frame (English) EU/t, Energy Unit per tick), where a frame, or tick, is an in-game unit of time equal to 1/20 of a second (50 ms). Analog EU/f in real life- Watt (W). In the game, energy is generated and transferred packages having certain size in EU. Each frame the following happens:

  • Generators and energy storages send packets equal to their power output;
  • The wires check the packets for the possibility of passing them, and explode if at least one of the packets exceeds the allowable size;
  • Step-down transformers receive a packet, divide it into packets smaller and send all smaller packets at once;
  • Step-up transformers receive a packet and, if enough EU is accumulated, they pass on a large packet, otherwise they continue to accumulate;
  • Devices and energy storages receive packets and send them to work or to internal storage if the packet size is within the working range, if the packet is larger, they explode.

The number of packets and their total size are not limited in any way. Thus, the total amount of transmitted and received energy can be much larger than the maximum allowable packet size. So, for example, three bat-boxes feeding a splitter through one copper wire transmit a total of 96 EU / f, but neither the wire nor the splitter will explode, since the energy will be transferred in three packages of 32 EU each, one from each battery. boxing.

Often, the size of packets, especially the maximum allowed, is called tension, however, from a physical point of view, this name is incorrect.

Practical application of wires

Task: to minimize energy losses, to minimize the consumption of valuable resources (first of all, diamonds). Rubber, despite the troublesomeness of obtaining it, does not apply to valuable resources; therefore, non-insulated wires are excluded from consideration. You will need a lot of rubber, so get yourself a grove of a dozen heveas, put a chest next to it, put a tool in it and harvest every time you pass by.

Name Description Max. voltage, EU per package loss per block, EU per packet without loss, blocks losses during transmission to N blocks at maximum voltage, %
10 35 50 100 500

low voltage wire
Cannot be used for anything other than connecting wind, hydro or solar generators. 5 0,025 39 0 0 20% 40%

Insulated copper wire
Used to power workshops until you want to use more than 5 accelerators. You can use 6 accelerators by connecting 2 buttboxes in parallel, but why? 32 0,2 4 6,3% 21,9% 31,3% 62,5%

Gold Wire Double Insulated
Used to power workshops (induction furnace + all other machines with 1 transformer upgrade and 6-7 accelerators) unless you are swimming in diamonds. 128 0,4 2 3,1% 10,9% 15,6% 31,3%

High Voltage Triple Insulated Wire
If you need to transfer energy beyond the horizon and you don't have an extra stack of diamonds, triple insulated high voltage wire is your friend. Don't forget to bring rubber. If you have at all no diamonds - you will have to use it in 512 EU pack mode, see the next line. If you have a lot of diamonds - better make fiberglass. If you have two diamonds - make a pair

Minecraft is a pretty easy game. But it is very interesting and therefore has gained popularity among a huge number of Internet users. There are many different options for players here, for example, you can create energy, or rather, it is practically endless source . Energy in the game is done according to the same principle as it happens with all kinds of buildings and objects. But many players lack energy all the time, and therefore everyone strives to make energy resource endless, i.e. endless.

Power Generators

By itself, the energy in Minecraft is generated by several generators different types, in which a huge variety of devices and various tools function perfectly. At the same time, generators are needed in order to turn the same energy into electricity, which is essential for all players without exception. Energy is initially on the territory game world- in different amount. And many are puzzled over how create energy. The answer is simple: you need to build a generator, for which you can use different methods. In any case, you will need a battery, an iron furnace and three iron ingots.

Energy can also be produced in another way, in which, in general, everything is the same as described above, but instead of iron ingots, you need a body from the mechanism. This method is considered more practical. The generator constructed in this way is used to form a perfect and very powerful energy source. This is an analogue of a hydro generator modern type or even a nuclear reactor.

An energy map will help you navigate the terrain and determine exactly where the resources are located. With it, you can build a modern and strong empire. It must be remembered that energy is not only in the surrounding space - it is in tools, devices, it can be extracted from fuel. In addition, some of the elements may give their energy reserve repeatedly.

You will need two mods to get infinite energy. This Industrial Craft 2 and Build Craft 2. With their help, you can create a whole factory of endless energy. It needs not a simple generator, but a geothermal one. First install the pump, and above the place where there is lava. The device is best placed near the lake. Then get a mechanical engine, a waterproof pipe, coal and a lever. On the sides of the pump you need to put towers. Then install the lever and other components. As a result, your character will receive an infinite energy source. We hope that after reading this guide, you will no longer ask the question of how to create a source of infinite energy in minecraft.

Getting energy in Industrial Craft 2 is not difficult if you know how it's done. Basically, several energy sources are used for this:

How to get energy in IC2

water mills- the easiest and most affordable source of energy in Industrial Craft 2. They require very few resources to create, but they will bring very little energy. Usually placed in large quantities in the middle of the oceans and seas, charging energy storage devices by wiring.

Solar panels give more energy than water mills, but they are also much more expensive to create. They also require sunlight, which forces them to be built above the house or sometimes as a roof. This source is very common and in a house that does not use too large amounts of energy, several of these will suffice, however, to work at night, you will need to collect energy in storage devices, but this is not a problem either.

Windmills or windmills are a good source of energy, but you need to place it high in the sky, since the amount of energy they produce depends on the height at which they are located. During a thunderstorm, the amount of energy generated greatly increases, so it is better to place them in the appropriate biomes and conduct energy to the energy storage devices with good wiring, since energy can be lost over long distances.

geothermal generator- A source of energy that could once be considered the best, as it provided a huge amount of energy if you just put lava in it. Now the amount of energy received from it has been reduced by ten times and it has become not as good as it was before. However, it is still profitable to run in lower world, dial great amount capsules with lava and refuel it, getting a good amount of energy. A regular generator is also not bad, but it is very primitive and is more suitable for initial stages development, when there are no storage facilities and resources for strong energy generators.

Nuclear reactor- the best source of energy in Minecraft. However, you shouldn’t be very happy about this, because you need to be able to work with it, its production is very expensive, plus everything, it is very picky about fuel and “eats” only uranium, which can be found underground, and the search for it can take a long time, but it’s worth it Togo. To work with a nuclear reactor, you immediately need to create cooling elements, after which a capsule with uranium and cooling around it should be placed inside the reactor. You can greatly increase the energy gain by placing several uranium capsules nearby, but such a reactor can overheat and explode, which cannot please. Another disadvantage is that the wiring coming from it must be fiber optic, that is, created from diamonds.

How to store energy in IC2

Now about drives. Energy storage devices are used in Minecraft in order to store energy for a long time and use it at the moment when the player needs it. Drives are different, I will write about some of them below.

energy saver- the simplest drive, capable of accumulating 40,000 units of energy, which is the equivalent of 20 lava capsules and is only enough for a couple of infrequently working devices, not to mention armor and tools.

MFE- the most popular drive in Minecraft, capable of accumulating up to 600 thousand units of energy, this energy reserve is enough to maintain the house, so it is used most often, it also does not need so many resources - four diamonds, red dust and some gold.

IFSU- a drive for the "rich" and those who hold entire factories. Accumulates up to 10 million units of energy, which makes it a very "thick" drive, and it is difficult to fill it up. I believe that in order to fill it, you will have to fill the whole Nether world with lava into geothermal generators.