Energy, Hawvs, the true purpose of humanity. Unknown secrets of life. "Hawvach", "Lyarva", "Ginny. The cult of suffering or interest in the energies of the lower worlds

- Not the same thing. These two psycho-energy categories differ from each other by the ratio of energy and information contained in them. The more energy and the less information, the longest and intense the subjective experiences of people.

Rage is a relic energy, it concluded the greatest potential that feeds all emotional life man. In ordinary everyday life She flows in a life-giving stream, painting our life with a whole gamut of experienced states, supporting the tone of all functional systems The organism, and creates a raised mood. But just as the murmur mountain stream in the period of flood turns into a stormy stream, which demolides everything on its path and the energy of rage can turn into crushing power. Subjectively, we are experiencing it as the state "fight or run". Such a powerful emission astral Energy happens as a rule critical situationsWhen the question may be about life or death.
This type of astral energy is not subject to conscious control, the only thing we can do is prevent the manifestation by it. If this energy has already manifested itself, it necessarily requires exit. And if there is no way out, it destroys a person from the inside. Next appearance Astral energy is an obsession / passion. If, with rage and panic, sensible thoughts do not occur, the energy of passion has an information fixed charge, and the person becomes obsessed with any passionate desire or idea. In the motivation of his behavior, some supervection begins to dominate.

Passion It can manifest itself in a variety of spheres and directions. Sometimes its manifestation can be constructive, sometimes destructive, it all depends on the information orientation of this energy. The emission of passion energy may occur completely suddenly and connect with the first information that fell, and the person suddenly is fond of the fact that it was not at all interested in him. For example, he can become a passionate dachanik or esoteric, a passionate collector or traveler.
The energy of passion can enhance both the intensity of manifestation and duration in time. If the object of passion escapes, the motivation of passion satisfaction is enhanced and becomes dominant. In this case, a person usually says: "This is the matter of my whole life." If the "case of his whole life" collapses, the energy of passion can transform into the energy of the riot or in the energy of suffering. One of the signs that can be judged that a person is obsessed - the ability to create about the object of passion to infinity, even if it is not interesting to anyone.

Some species of astral dependence we only mention, and some most significant from an esoteric point of view, consider more details. Communicative dependence B. lately many people began to suffer, and she manifests themselves in the inability to exist without mobile phone. The same category includes the dependence on the news - sports, political, etc., as well as the inability to silence - we must say all the time, talk and talk.
For gambling The person includes the whole range of astral states, from rage to Euphoria, when he goes the Va-Bank and wins or wins everything. But most of the time in the energy sector of the player, along with obsession, there is anxiety, which can transform either into suffering - in case of loss, or enjoyable - in case of winning. With those emotional drops The astral body becomes very labile (unstable, volatile), and the person is unbalanced, any emotions can be overwhelmed at any time.

In the game, there is a so-called intermittent reinforcement, which is associated with periodic winnings and losses. This is the most powerful mode that shapes the dependence and fixation of astral energy on the illusory object of passion.
As for suffering, this category of astral energy is connected to harmful to of this person information. People can not suffer long and should not suffer. The body simply does not withstand such an energy information and collapses. To be clearer, I will bring as far as the analogy. If a person feeds unsuitable food - harmful, poisonous, etc. (Even if it is delicious), it will very soon come, to put it mildly, body discomfort. When consumed by the thin body of an unsuitable mental-astral, psychological soul-spiritual discomfort comes, which, with long-term exposure, will definitely manifest itself in bodily illnesses.
Another analogy: if the car's engine is calculated on the consumption of gasoline A -95, and in the benzobak pour a -80, with a completely different octane number and temperature of combustion, it is obvious that this car will not go to the far path, and its systems will very soon come out of Building. If the computer is designed to consume electricity 220 volts, then when the voltage drops by 5-10 units, it will inevitably hang, and when the voltage jumps may generally fail.
In the same way, our organism is not designed for a long consumption of the energy of suffering, it fails. It is necessary to distinguish torment and suffering. We feel the subjectively torment in the chest area, where there is a noncomfortable tension, this state is known as the "soul hurts." And suffering show themselves in the throat area - in the form of coma, spasm, bitterness.
People suffer, in principle, can long for months or even years, but people cannot suffer for a long time and should not.

The energy of suffering is so destructive that it destroys our body, and primarily the nerve fibers for which energy impulses pass.

You probably met people who twisted the eyelid eyes, sometimes a face can be slightly shied - these are signs that a person is too long "stuck" in the suffering phase. Our nervous fabrics from this energy are simply burn out and cannot function normally. Neuritis facial nerve - most normal consequences This state. Most often, this is observed in women, since they can produce higher voltage energy, and their nervous psychological organization is thinner. In men, the vessels of the brain suffer more from these states. So it turns out on the saying: where it is thin, there and breaks ...

Andrei Tsny "Mystic of earthly happiness"

Why from TV screens and from cinema screens
do not disappear scenes of violence?
Why do wars and revolutions occur?
Who needs it?

These are the same demons and devils who are involved in your ear on all sorts of vicious thoughts and seduce on the unrighteous way.Therefore, in Muslim, they are called Jeans.

What is modern PR technologies that are used in any area human attitude Different from cynical methods of black magic? Which frankly teaches beginner witches and sorcerer to methods exciting human curiosity. Earn the attention of subconscious, and half battle you are playing
Semi-roll, thoughtful mystery, mystery enough will prepare the soil in your victims will raise their interest so much that they will start spending their energy already on emotion impatience

The lowest desire of the Energovampira is at least to attract attention to themselves.
This is not enough. Biovampiru must enter with us in the energy contact, that is, enter us into a closer condition. The fact is that there is one remarkable ability of a man's aura: she can only take energy related to it.
Therefore, a person who sewers on someone's energy is trying to configure the victim at its low-spiritual frequency frequencies.
He needs your irritability, aggressiveness, fear, anxiety, the fussiness of all needs leakage of your life forces - feed forvampire ..

Psychotechnics to get rid of Larv
This practice is as safe and useful as washing dirty hands. It is worth noting that it can be done, both to yourself and other people. Moreover, they are not at all necessary to explain what you are doing. Mandatory condition It is only the presence of a request - requests for help from their part. Otherwise, the law may work: do not ask for no climb. " Without request, you can only help blood relatives, husband or wife (boyfriend or beloved girl is not falling under this category).
- fit more comfortable, relax and imagine that you are covered large cloth, emitting around you on the floor. In case of helping to another person, you need to do everything, the same, only instead of yourself, to represent it with a covered cloth, etc.
- Imagine that it is impregnated with any fuel liquid, such as alcohol or gasoline. Try to feel the wet cloth and the characteristic smell.
- Imagine that you set up this cloth, and it burns with a blue flame from the outside, without causing you harm.
- The edges of the fabric slowly rise, in the end it is completely raised above the head.
- Continue to raise up the edges and subject them, thereby forming a certain container burning inside.
- Squeeze this container to the size of the forest walnut, increasing the temperature and brightness.
- Imagine that some hole opened in the floor, leading to the center of the Earth itself, there is a huge pressure and heat below. Send this "forest walnut" there and close the hole.
Symptoms of Lyarva Liberation

If the cause of your problems was Larva, there will be such signs:
- Wave of heat or chills will go through the body.
- Heat flashes on the back and the back.
- Fingers and legs will be warmer.
- There will be a feeling of heat in the solar plexus.
- Vision will cease to bother.
- There will be a feeling that some cargo withdrew from the back.
- Cases of the occurrence of headaches will cease almost completely.
- There will be a liberation from psycho-emotional problems.
- Relief from harmful habits or dependencies.
- Termination of bad dreams.
- Good health in the morning


Larves (Mafloki) - Sed
Maflocks (they are lyrics and subtles) - creatures causing most human diseases.
May be everywhere where the human energy is weakened.
There are several acquisition opportunities:
1. Take the law similar to this
2. Get from a person who is full of these creatures,
3. Some people are masks of such formations.
It is possible to get rid of these creatures, you can only with deep intense relaxing, meditation techniques.

If anyone offended you, avenged courageously. Stay calm and it will be the beginning of your vedna, then forgive, it will be the end of it. " Pure conscience, peace of mind, selflessness, high spiritual goals and faith in divine protection - guarantee of your invulnerability!
Remember, the high-dimensional energy of the biovampir cannot be fueled!


Pesh. Hawvs as a source of "alternative" Energia.
There is no such phenomenon in the Russian MIPE, therefore there is no word .. all alien and, often, the enemy phenomena of no accident are called the words of foreigners.

However, about the collection of Hawvaha, we hear more and more often, discussing the incidents with a tragic outcome - fires, crashes, earthquakes, terrorist attacks, war ..

So what they write on the Internet:

Hawvach is the subtle radiation of the human suffering, allocated by our being both in life and in a downward postility.

Hawvach fills lifting vitality for many categories of demonic creatures and Gagtungra ...
... The radiation of suffering and pain is able to saturate the giant crowds of demons of almost all kinds and ranks. Essentially, "Hawvach" - their food ...

Among different species "Hawvach" special meaning It has one that is associated with the expiration of physical blood.
When the blood of people and animals follows from the body, in the first minutes of this process, it highlights the burning radiation of a special force.

Therefore, some classes of demons are interested not so much in the death of the living beings of Enrof and not in the afterlife suffering from their souls, but exactly in bloodshed ...

The feeling of fear, but it is accompanied by the increase in the pulse, and the release of hormones, and many other changes that happen to you, but are not tracked by your sleeping consciousness.
But at the same time, the emission of energy occurs, or as it is called "Hawvs".
A huge number of entities living in our world are just waiting for this Hawvach to fit them ...

This energy can not replace anything .. But they can be deprived of them!

What to do for this? How to protect yourself? Do not take part in mass views that arrange managers of all levels.
This applies to the rallies "for" and "against", among other things.

(Maidan and Antimaydan - phenomena of one order, like fascism and anti-fascism, like globalism and anti-globalism!)

Most often they write about that, angry, so much frightening, we are the same and give our emotional energy Tsarians.

Unfortunately, the creatures do not discern and crazy euphoria, mass bailings on the occasion, for example, the Olympic victories or the joining of the Crimea ..

Human potential is one of the most expensive energies in our multidimensional space ...

People think that manipulation is carried out through some cunning technologies, and in fact, everything is much easier.
We are a society of consumers, and what we sent our attention, we gave our energy there.
If we remove the energy from consumption objects, they will lose any value.
If you stop watching some transmission or there is some kind of product, everything is simple, this TV shows are removed from the channel, this product is stopped producing. And nothing moreā€¦

Now imagine, a de-energized mass of people is ready for everything, just only to get a sip of the human, their own potential.
We are pulling there, where our collective energy is collected.
Therefore, ideologies arise, teachings, guru, places of worship, rites.

People come to these places of worship, someone pray, someone's candle behind the rest of the competitor, and the other works. The concentration of energy is large.

Because it is the laws of nature. God in heaven does not exist, but there are laws of nature and principles. To create the simplest generator, you need two people, and imagine what condensation creates a crowd ...

It is necessary to understand the difference between beliefs and knowledge.
If you meet some guru and start to believe in it, your development process immediately stops, as we say, you get into the sect.
Why does the development process stop?

Because the development is the development of human potential, respectively, development we can start only with themselves, and not with a guru.

If there is at least a hint of beliefing in the guru or faith in the doctrine, if there is a substitution of knowledge about its nature by any kind of belief or confidence in some ideal, then the consciousness is blocked.
And all the energy goes, merges to these authorities, and from these authorities - part to aliens, part to maintain their charisma and the power of influence to attract you ...

You have noticed, probably, no one closes porn sites. Why?

People are accustomed to being manipulated, go for someone or something. That is, schizophrenia and psychosis are more attractive for people by filling out emptiness than the development of themselves as a source or an energy generator.
They have learned to think and realize, and at the same time all the ecology against people ...

Development point is within you! And at all exercises, even at the very meaning of clean, there are beings that are engaged in collecting human potential ...

The fucking path of the inertial zombies, the man himself deprived himself the meaning of life, and then she suffers all his life and looking for him. In this case, a person is like a broken machine ..

Because more and more people become thinking and fewer gives them their potential, sometimes the sacrifice is the only food that they remain.

If you do something formally, you do not give energy if you feel about something formally, you do not give energy.

You will be able to use your attention to self-expression, and not for limiting ideas ..
You can not imagine how a person is a capable creature, and what an incredible amount of abilities in it is laid by nature.
If you drop unnecessary, confidence occurs automatically.

In the ancient manuscripts it is said that the Most of the people attack when the king and dignitaries are shuds, that is, the representatives of the lowest in moral plan Clauses, concerned primarily by the valit and personal profit, representatives of the Nariy Race, who have been fraudulent, who are fraudulent ...

"The country that is inhabited mainly by the shuds, full of unbelievers, deprived of twice-birthday, quickly dies, exhausted by hunger and diseases," this is the ideas of "laws mana"
I want to pay attention to readers and the blog of your friend, Rodom-Iz-Tiflis in particular, on his article about Mate, more precisely, about the most unconscious and voluntary surrender vitality Tsays:

The conversational mat is a kind of household magic, when the ancient gods from alien Egyptian, Sumerian and other pantheons are called.
The call of gods is usually strong emotional state (stress), which is extremely strengthened by the transfer of energy from the pronouncing curses to the name called God or God.
The energy transfer process occurs besides the will and even the awareness of this fact, the lamess themselves.
The effectiveness (effectiveness) of words is provided by the goddess of Maat, which gave the name of the entire mechanism for the constant pumping of the ancient gods of the Emotional human energy ...
Swearing is bad, because the energy is pumped by the Russian egregor.

This energy is then used against us.

That is why the person instinctively avoids swearing with mat and disapprovingly refers to motherschinniks.
... The mat is also called "faded words", that is, weapon.
This is true, only the weapon is a "fine plan" and directed towards the most troubled, destroying him spiritually.
And in conclusion about one form of energies - sound energy
Balalaika-sound - Genetic memory -Funk energy

(About Husls, Balalyaks Other researchers write as long-standing "standards" tools have long been reconfigured.
Tsadkov tool. Gusli and Old Testament

It is possible that it is, because civilizers are the whole world lead to digitization, testing popular memory from self-identification skill, unifying everything and all ..

But about sound as an instrument running with energies, I advise you to think that it is enough to remember and analyze the state of well-being at massive concerts with an enhanced sound, which in the atmosphere creates chaos.
Tags: Purim, Analytics, Sacrifice, Are Art Lee?, Manipulations, Psi-Weapons, Psychotechnics, Self-Audience, Links, Energy

What is myself exterior Energy? Why is it called "external"?

External energy manifests itself as a material world and is the cause of countless universes, in which various material energies apply. It is called external, because It is highly separated from the ever-spiritual body of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, just like milk, being the energy of the cow, separated from it.

IN Bhagavad-gita (7.4) Krishna describes its external energy:

bhumir Apoto 'Nalo Vaih

Kham Mano Buddhir Eva Cha

ahankara ITIAAM ME

Bhinna Prakritir Astadha

"Earth, water, fire, air, ether, mind, mind and false ego - these eight elements make up my separated material energy."

If material energy is separated,does this mean thatshe is independent of the Lord?

IN Bhagavad-gita (9.10) The Lord explains that although material energy is separated from him, nevertheless, it is not independent:

ma'adhakshchen Prakritikh

sUYATE SA Charatcharam

hatununien Kaowna

jagad Vipariavartate

"Being one of my energies, about the son of Kunti, material nature acts under my supervision, producing all moving and fixed creatures. Under its beginning, the universe again and again arises and destroyed. "

So, since material nature is associated with God and obedient His will, it is called the Divine. Therefore, however, people would not try to overcome her influence, or subjugate her will, they would not succeed. That's what Krishna speaks about thisBhagavad-gita 7.14:

dive Hy Esha Guna Maya

mom Maya Duratiaya

mom Eva Ye Prapadyant

maam etame taranti

"To overcome the influence of my divine Energyconsisting of three Gun material nature is incredibly difficult. But the one who was betrayed by me, easily coming out of her power. "

Why, in fact,it is necessary for a person overcome this material nature? What's the problem?

Request or unconsciously, but a person's life still takes place in the fight against material nature. This happens naturally because the material world is alien to the nature of a living being. INBhagavad-gita (8.15) The material world is described by two words:

    Dukhkha-Alayam - "Place of suffering"

    Ashashvatam - "Temporary"

Thus, the material world is the "place of suffering." People are trying to be optimists and not noticing it. Having an optimistic mood, they are trying to adapt to any living conditions and extract crumbling pleasures. However, suffering again and again make themselves felt. Just as a person trying to enjoy a wonderful cake, it is terribly sad, finding that the sand is insanged, also a person seeking to extract pleasure in the material world will inevitably be sorned due to the sand of inevitable suffering. And what is this suffering? Any in the material world suffers from:


    of death

    old age


The entire scientific and technical progress of modern civilization is aimed at riding a person from these suffering. However, humanity will never be able to avoid these problems, since the material world, by definition, is the "place of suffering." Even if a person can reach the "paradist planets", he will still face these suffering.

The Lord confirms it inBhagavad-gita (8.16):

a-Brahma Bhwanal Locks

punar Avartino 'Rjuna

mom Upset Tu Kaown

punar Dzhanma in Viyate

"All the planets of the material world, from the highest to the lower, is Yudol suffering, where everyone is forced to be born again and dying. But the one who reached my monastery, about the son of Kunti, will never be born here. "

In addition to birth, death, old age and disease, a person throughout life in matter, forced to experience other three types of suffering, which we have already mentioned in previous lessons:

    adchidaivika-Claysh - suffering from natural disasters caused by higher forces Nature.

    adchibhautic Clasche - suffering that cause other living beings

    adheiatimika Clasche - suffering that cause us own body and mind

So, becoming the prisoner of the material world, the soul is deprived of peace. She struggles to avoid all these types of suffering, but they overtake it again and again. Sometimes, however, it seems to her that these sufferings do not bother her. These moments of life, a person usually perceives for happiness, although, in reality it is only a temporary termination of suffering. Such moments of "happiness" quickly end, because the material world has another property - heashashvatam - "temporary". That is, everything that man reaches in this world is a temporary achievement and it will certainly have to part with it. This circumstance becomes the cause of fear, grief and concern.

"Temporary" means that all objects in the material world, starting with a microscopic level and, ending with universal, pass through three states:

    Creation (Start)

    Maintaining (Saving, middle)

    Destruction (end)

Vedes are taught that behind the external, visible processes of creation, support and destruction are hidden, subtle forces that permeate everything in the material world. These forces are calledguna . Word gUNA Translated as quality, modus, mode, as well as rope.