How to protect yourself from a domestic energy vampire. How to protect yourself from energy vampires in a team. How to resist depletion of energy reserves if a friend or girlfriend depletes strength

Since ancient times, man has tried to understand his place in the world and learn to live in harmony with it.

And if Western philosophy has chosen the path of materialism and belief in facts, the East still proclaims the victory of the spirit over the flesh. It was there that the idea arose that a person is not only and not so much a physical shell, but also an energy-information system.

The physical shell of a person needs food, while the spiritual component needs other food - energy, otherwise the person will weaken and become exhausted as well as from hunger. Philosophers believe that pure soul can draw clean energy from space. However, there are other so-called energy vampires.

Energy vampires - who are they

These are just people forcibly taking away someone else's energy contrary to the laws of mutual energy exchange.

According to the theory of the energy-informational approach, the entire universe is a single energy system. It is she who is the source of spiritual support for a person, but only on condition that he is in harmony with the Universe. In other words, only a high level of spiritual development gives a person the opportunity to directly draw energy from the Universe. All others who are not available are forced to consume the energy of those around them. Colleagues, friends, acquaintances, passers-by and even family become such a source. A person who absorbs the bioenergy of others is an energy vampire.

Energy vampires are usually divided into two types: those who are unaware of their condition, and those who deliberately "feed" from others.
The first type is not so threatening to society. In fact, anyone can inadvertently become an energy vampire without realizing it. After all, each of us sometimes experiences energy starvation, for example, during periods of illness, in stressful situations, at work. At the same time, some of the “hungry” restore their strength in nature, while others unconsciously pump out energy from everyone who has turned up under the arm.

The second category is socially much more dangerous. They are usually not worth it. great work recognize. Around such people, a certain fog of aggression, contempt and negativity always seems to thicken. They deliberately and voluptuously suck the life force from those around them. Only when such types get what they want do they begin to feel noticeably better, become smiling, deliberately polite and friendly.

The one who has lost part of his energy feels weak, exhausted, vulnerable, and, in turn, also draws strength from those around him. Thus, being an energy donor for one person, one can also be an energy vampire in relation to another.

How does the exchange of energy take place

In order to win the battle for energy, the "vampire" must unbalance his victim. Quarrels, squabbles, hatred, envy, resentment, irritation are perfect for this. A victim suffering from such harassment, from attacks and aggression from the vampire, is unable to fight, and resignedly gives away his spiritual strength and energy, weakening himself even more and strengthening the vampire's strength.

It is important to remember that only a strong spirit can achieve harmony with world energy, and therefore it is necessary to try to prevent energy vampires, not to allow them to make themselves weaker. But for this you need to learn to recognize energy vampires.

Energy vampires are everywhere!

Energy vampires live in many families. For example, a jealous person is an energy vampire by definition. With his exhausting mistrust and suspicion, he sucks the strength from the objects of his "love".

Often the relationship between mother-in-law and son-in-law, between daughter-in-law and mother-in-law turns out to be nothing more than communication between a vampire and his victim. A sick person is also able to turn into a energy vampire. With his whims and whining, he will take your strength in order to quickly recover himself. Bedridden invalids often consciously take revenge on their relatives for their misfortune, in which they are not guilty, stealing energy and strength in megaliters.

It is unbearable to work under the guidance of an energy vampire. Such a boss will definitely take out his inferiority on his subordinates, insult them in the face and arrange daily “debriefings”.

The accumulation of people of this type can be found in bureaucratic institutions, at post offices, at points for receiving utility bills, especially when angry pensioners gather there.

However, you can still somehow protect yourself from such vampirism. Suppose, retreating until better times. But it is completely unrealistic to protect yourself from energy vampirism in the crowd where you landed. Please note: almost exclusively energy vampires always take part in any rallies and demonstrations. Most of them go there for a portion of "fresh blood", that is, energy, in fact.

The main signs of energy vampirism

After communicating with some people, you experience unreasonable irritability, your mood drops sharply, all your strength disappears somewhere? Do you want to literally cry and bang your head against the wall? Most likely, you were used by an energy vampire. But how to distinguish it from a normal person? And finally, how to safely communicate with an energy vampire

The main distinguishing feature of such people is that they always piss off their interlocutors. And the reason for this can be any nonsense. It is their style to humiliate someone in the presence of witnesses, to laugh, to play an evil joke to cause the desired effect. In the old days, in a similar way, cold killers, duellists-breters, looked for their victims. Such types can borrow money from you and not give it back for a long time, stuffing promises and enjoying your helpless anger.

At the same time, energy vampires are always suspicious people, bores and selfish. Often they do not hear the interlocutor at all, because his opinion, thoughts and feelings do not bother them at all. Often such a person is very jealous and vindictive. But he often surrounds his “regular donor” with increased attentiveness and care, and is jealous of other people.

It is noticed: energy vampires love to talk on the phone for hours. Moreover, they immediately “load” their counterpart with endless personal problems. This dialogue resembles a monologue about nothing, but after it a load of spiritual depression falls on the interlocutor, there are nervous breakdowns. Get rid of the energy vampire well-mannered person difficult: resentment begins. It's better to just refer to a bad connection and disconnect.

An energy vampire needs throw a person off balance. For example, hiding behind the fact that he does not understand something, he will pester his mentor with questions and mistakes, he will not listen to his explanations at all, ignore his help, only trying to ensure that the person, tired and annoyed by the explanations, loses his temper . They say about such people that it is easier to do it yourself than to explain it.

Energy vampires often turn on long conversations "about nothing" that cannot be interrupted and have to spend hours holding the phone to their ear and listening to their complaints and stories of hard life, problems and failures. Are you uncomfortable, tired and tired of the interlocutor, but you can’t interrupt the conversation? You are an energy vampire.

Another technique of energy vampires is to create situations in which a person dependent on them will forced to wait until the end tormented by anticipation and ignorance. Obtaining important documents, the question of employment and so on. How more important information, the more the process of obtaining it is delayed. As a result, a person is exhausted, nervous, not knowing what to do, and the energy vampire gets his food.

Among the signs of energy vampires can also be called the desire for retelling the details of catastrophes, tragedies, wars, deaths and other. Savoring the details of the victims' suffering, they evoke fear, compassion and pain, experiences in those around them, and thereby unbalance them. The same purpose is served by long stories about the problems and tragedies in personal life- your own or friends. These stories always have a sad ending and a gloomy mood that breeds depression.

It is believed that cats are an indicator of an energy vampire. These free-spirited, independent creatures dislike vampires and treat them aggressively without seeming apparent reason. Also, energy vampires are unlikely to have a talent for growing plants or flowers - they say about such people that flowers do not like them.

About energy vampires they are often said to be honest, frank people. And in fact, they are happy to tell the truth-the uterus - especially unpleasant - in the face of an opponent, humiliating him and hiding behind the truthfulness of the statement.

Energy vampires seek direct contact. They touch a person with pleasure, clap if it is a friend, cling to public transport, shoved and pushed, if it is a bystander.
In other words, if during communication a person constantly irritates others, and after communicating with him people feel weak and tired, then most likely this is an energy vampire.

There is an unproven opinion that in the presence of energy vampires household appliances break down regularly and the flowers wither. At home, you won’t notice any plants either, because they simply can’t stand them. And those, in turn, dry up and simply do not take root in the apartments of such individuals.

Energy vampires love gatherings of people. And they will not fail to appear where there is a high probability of scandal or clash. Conflict for them is a wonderful source of energy.

They are so different!

Absolute energy vampires are not often seen, they are usually found mixed types. Thus, one person can manifest himself in different situations both as an energy vampire and as an energy donor. In addition, among spontaneous vampires there are charming, cute, good people who simply do not notice their negative impact on outsiders.

Very often, one relative lives off the energy of another, which manifests itself in scandals and the eternal showdown. Or, for example, some family may be considered just perfect, but there someone is constantly sick or considered a loser. From what? Most likely, this person gives his energy to a vampire loved one. And if two vampire spouses coexist in a family, then they either constantly swear and try to get a divorce, or they live in perfect harmony, fueled by energy from casual relationships.

There is also a very curious type of energy-sucking - sex vampires. Usually, at the moment of orgasm, a person is filled with positive energy, but vampires take it away without giving anything in return. After sexual contact with such a partner, irresistible emptiness and dissatisfaction gnaw.

How to protect yourself from energy vampires

Ideally, as mentioned above, a person should constantly improve spiritually, and then, receiving energy directly from space, he will be protected from energy vampires. However, achieving perfection is not easy. What else can a person do when faced with an energy vampire?
If among the above examples and characteristics you recognize a relative, friend, colleague or even a loved one, then what should you do?

Tactics should be next.

Firstly, it is important to remember that energy vampires cannot take energy from a person who is in a calm, balanced state. That is why they try to evoke negative emotions. If in such a situation a person can remain calm, he will avoid the fate of the victim, so you should never get annoyed when contacting this person. After all the main objective vampire - to stab you in the most painful place. And you, instead of breaking out, try to either get away from the conflict, or make your reaction unexpected for the aggressor: for example, joke or smile.

Secondly, which is perhaps more difficult it is necessary to keep such emotions as pity and compassion. An energy vampire, talking about his problems and anxieties, usually stares into the eyes of the victim, not allowing her to look away, touches her, trying to prolong contact. In such cases, you can simply move away or do some business, get distracted from the conversation, or, if all this is not possible, turn your thoughts to something detached, for example, make a mental shopping list for the evening or remember a children's counting rhyme. This will help keep emotions under control.

Thirdly, it is better not to communicate with an energy vampire at all. Especially if this person is unpleasant and uninteresting. You do not need to draw the attention of the energy vampire to your person, you should not enter into any relationship with him, do good deeds for him. Such types will appreciate nothing anyway - they will simply take away your energy as soon as they feel gullibility and weakness.

Fourthly, it is necessary to learn how to protect personal energy and biofield. To do this, during a conversation, you should cross your legs or arms, you can (an old proven method) keep a fig in your pocket. It's not bad to imagine that there is a large mirror between you, the reflection of which is directed at the vampire.

Fifth, if you do not have the opportunity to avoid talking with such a person, then should try to take everything with humor, from any rude attacks invariably laugh it off, not allowing yourself to be drawn into a serious dispute. Be sure: the energy vampire will not be able to endure this and therefore will not be able to cause harm.

At sixth, especially it is important to control oneself when a person is weakened by problems, illnesses, anxieties. If you feel bad, and an energy vampire is nearby, you will become for him easy prey. This is all the more dangerous because vampires often pretend to be kind, patient, understanding people, you want to go to them for advice and support, which they successfully use against you.

How to protect yourself from an energy vampire if your work colleague is one

Sometimes at work we have to communicate with people after talking with whom we feel as if we had drunk all the juice out of us. AND similar people- not necessarily our immediate superiors. They can be anyone, and we can communicate with them for only a few minutes, sometimes even once during the day in a smoking room, but the result remains the same. And if it repeats over and over again, then there can be no doubt - a real energy vampire has appeared next to you.

However, one should not panic, although communication with a vampire can be more than detrimental to the health of anyone whom he decides to cling to in order to feed his energy. Also, do not tell anyone about your guesses, because they will most likely not believe you, and it will hardly benefit your career that they will begin to consider you "weird".

All you can do in such a situation is to protect yourself. And to do this is quite easy. The main thing is to know how to protect for different cases which we will teach you.

1. The energy vampire is your boss

His methods are very simple: he calls you to his place, arranges a dressing, starting to reproach you with poorly done work or even an early dismissal, as a result of which you involuntarily experience a powerful energy release. The vampire will immediately take all this energy in order to calm down, smile and “forgive you”, allow you to leave. And he doesn’t need more, because he called you only in order to feed.

In order to protect yourself from an energy vampire, you need to learn not to be nervous, and to take all threats and reproaches calmly. And it will help you in this thought that you are hardly deservedly found fault with, and that as soon as you stop feeding the vampire boss with your energy, he will immediately and forever lose all interest in you. He will not fire you from work, but on the other hand, he will stop calling you to his carpet almost every day, and this should be more than enough for you.

2. Energy vampire - a colleague with whom you share one office

You can recognize him by his heavy gaze and by the fact that he has already done everything so that your tables stand so that you sit with your back to him, while he is facing you. As for its impact, it begins to “feed” only when you plunge headlong into work, forgetting about everything else. Did you think that this work takes so much energy from you? So, you are mistaken, because beloved and interesting job on the contrary, it energizes us, and does not deprive us of them.

From such energy vampires are protected as follows:
- first of all, they rearrange the tables so that now you and the vampire are facing each other with their shoulders;
- put on the table a pot of geraniums, which from time immemorial has been considered in Rus' the best remedy from energy vampirism;
- any guarding or protective prayer that you should read every time before delving into work also helps;
excellent tool is a player with headphones that will short-circuit your energy, blocking any of it from flowing out;
- and you can also put a mirror on your table that will reflect the action of the vampire directed at you, making all his attempts to feed at your expense fruitless.

3. Energy vampire - a person whose meetings are always "accidental"

This person suits you at the slightest opportunity, but how - after all, he considers himself your close friend, and you are of the same opinion, even if you ask you why you like him, you will not find an answer. His usual manner of influence is to joke, tell a joke, discuss yesterday's movie, or vice versa, make you upset and complain about life. No matter what your emotions are, in any case, grieving or laughing, you will involuntarily begin to splash out of yourself energy, which he will not miss the opportunity to use.

And it is very simple to protect yourself from an energy vampire - just put a tiny mirror in your breast pocket, turning its reflective side towards you. This alone will be enough for the vampire not to be able to drink even a drop of your energy.

Energy vampires - how to protect yourself

Healing yourself is good too.
Irritation and fatigue from the attacks of an energy vampire are good to remove with the help of your favorite music, films, poems, books, aromatic oils.
After being in crowded places, it is recommended to take cold and hot shower, drink delicious hot tea.

Dendrotherapy helps: it is beneficial for the soul to walk among the trees, touch them, because these silent doctors process negative energy into positive.
Based on materials:,

Protection from energy vampires is necessary if you suspect that some people from your environment are literally "sucking" the energy out of you. How to determine that your interlocutor is an energy vampire and protect yourself from him? Let's consider in detail.

Signs of an energy vampire

Energy vampires are dangerous because after communicating with them, you may feel emotionally tired. You lose energy, feel bad, see the world in black colors. You can protect yourself from this kind of influence, but first you need to determine whether the energy vampire is really in front of you.

Here are the signs:

  • Does not perceive and does not rejoice in the success of people, but envies them and wishes for failure
  • In a company, he often insults someone, especially if the object of ridicule is stronger and more successful than him.
  • He loves to criticize other people, but he perceives criticism inadequately.
  • In any, even the brightest and most joyful situation, he will find something bad
  • Constantly complains about life, but does not notice good moments. Loves to dump a bunch of problems on others
  • Looks for someone to blame for his own problems around - blames friends, the state, superiors or relatives
  • Unable to perceive anything new, clings to the past and does not let it go

Energy vampires are very toxic people who pose a real danger. They are able to make you doubt the positive outcome of the case, criticize in such a way that a person drops his hands, they spoil the mood and introduce into the mindset "how bad everything is."

The best way to protect yourself from an energy vampire is to refuse to communicate with him. But it is not always possible to do this: parents or other close relatives, bosses and other people who are unrealistic to get out of the environment often “vampire”.

Therefore, it is important to know the methods of protection - we will consider them further.

What kind of people are not afraid of an energy vampire?

Signs of an energetically stable person whom "vampirism" is not able to harm:

  1. He is always full of strength and energy. This is a person who never sits still, is constantly busy with something. He has a lot of hobbies, affairs, hobbies, a varied and eventful life. This is a generator of ideas, creative or for business, "give"
  2. He possesses positive thinking. Capable of any, it would seem, the most negative and unpleasant situation find something good. Grateful to Fate and the Universe for what he has, he never complains about life. He does not think about problems, but looks for their solutions. Perceives troubles as an experience useful for further development
  3. He does not have negative blockages like: “only thieves and scammers earn a lot”, “it is impossible to marry a child after thirty”, “all people are bad and think only about themselves”. On the contrary, he knows for sure that life is beautiful and everyone is free to live the way they want, you just need to look for right ways and set the right goals

If you are just such a person, you do not need to be afraid of energy vampirism. Unless in rare moments of emotional instability and vulnerability - they happen to everyone, even the most cheerful optimists.

The Best Ways to Protect Against an Energy Vampire

How to counter an energy vampire? It's easy and you will definitely succeed. If you feel that you are having a dialogue with an unpleasant person, because of whom you are losing energy, use the following techniques:

  1. "Closed posture". A person who feels uncomfortable begins to unconsciously defend himself: crosses his arms over his chest or crosses his legs. This is not surprising - in this case the subconscious feels the energy vampire and acts reflexively. If you don't want to sit in a closed position, at least cross your fingers
  2. "Water column". When communicating with an energy vampire, mentally imagine that there is a thick and powerful wall of water between you. This technique is ideal for those cases when you feel a sudden loss of strength, a deterioration in well-being. Water column prevents energy leakage
  3. "Waterfall". This technique can be used after have a hard day, communication with an energy vampire. When you feel that you are very emotionally exhausted and tired of contact with people. Get under the shower and imagine that you are standing under the purest mountain waterfall. Water murmurs, flows from the head to the feet, washes away all fatigue and accumulated negative energy. If the imagination is well developed, you can imagine a waterfall mentally without getting up in the shower
  4. "Cocoon". This technique is best used in anticipation of a meeting with a potential energy vampire or just an unpleasant person. Imagine that your body is surrounded by a dense cocoon, consisting of thin golden threads. You are calm, you are comfortable, you do not feel any irritation or any other negative emotions

Watch a video about methods of protection against energy vampires:

The listed techniques require at least a little concentration, but not everyone succeeds in right moment to focus on. Therefore, if you can’t apply any of them, just mentally draw a circle around you and imagine that no one can step over it, not a single trouble will penetrate the border.

And remember: never share plans, ideas, thoughts, events that happen in life with a vampire. Do not feel sorry for him and do not help even in small things. Do not listen to complaints and whining - either leave or get off with the phrase: "I believe you can handle everything." And do not try to remake a toxic energetic person into a normal one - you risk getting out of this venture with big losses.

Fortune telling today with the help of the Tarot "Card of the Day" layout!

For correct divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card:

Everyone in their life had to deal with men or women who, because of any seemingly trifle, start a quarrel. And they procrastinate their resentment for a long time, scrolling it like broken record, again and again. Everyone cannot calm down and continue shouting and scolding. After communicating with such a "scold" one feels tired, weak, the mood deteriorates for a long time. With annoyance, the thought flashes that “what an absurd person he is, how unpleasant it is to communicate with him!”.

However, few people would think that such people are energy vampires, who take incomparable pleasure to “spoil the blood” of their neighbors. This is the meaning of their entire existence. They diligently “smear” their counterpart on a “plate” and simply “go crazy” when they see him in a confused, upset look.

It happens because such individuals have a bad aura, which actively influences others. Drawing their bioenergy "tentacles" into someone else's biofield, such energy "ghouls" suppress and destroy it. This affects those in contact with them with bad moral, psychological and emotional well-being. And the "ghouls" only rejoice and gain strength.

In common parlance, these are called "draculas" and "bloodsuckers", without thinking at all what contributes to their appearance and why they behave this way. Psychologists believe that there are about 30% of them by nature, in the process of life, 50 percent become "bloodsuckers", the remaining 20 - from time to time.

Psychologists distinguish two types of energy vampires: unconscious and those who consciously feed on the energy of others. The first includes "bloodsuckers" who take away someone else's energy unconsciously. They lack their own life force, and in order to get it, they “steal” bioenergy from their relatives and friends.

Probably, many can recall a case from their lives when someone, for example, from relatives, constantly starts quarrels over a seemingly completely trifling fact, inflating it to a “universal” scale. Such a “truth-lover” will not calm down until he proves his “rightness”, which ends with completely inflated nerves for someone who fell for his “energy bait”. And he, on the contrary, has a surge of strength, he good mood smiling cheerfully. This is nothing but energy vampirism.

The second kind includes those who consciously live off the bioenergy of their opponents. Such "bloodsuckers" are very dangerous. They are not embarrassed by any moral arguments, they have no sense of compassion at all. Like predatory spiders, they catch prey in their energy nets in order to suck out vital energy thus strengthening their strength.

Varieties of energy vampirism

To recognize people living off someone else's energy and not fall for their "bait", you need to know the forms of energy vampirism. They can be:
  • Vampirism "absentee". When a “good” friend or buddy is not around, and when you look at, say, his gift, it suddenly becomes hard on the soul, not at all rosy thoughts arise. Another option is online messaging. Communication is kind of gray, it only brings anxiety, it does not bring any satisfaction. It is likely that such acquaintances are energy vampires, through their gifts and letters, even at a distance, they draw out the energy they need so much.
  • Collective. Man is a social being, always in all life circumstances is among people. Let's say it's a work group. And not always he can be "respectable". If an atmosphere of hostility, envy, lies, acquisitiveness reigns in it, this can play its negative role on those of its members who have completely different moral attitudes. Such "collectives" will suppress their opponents, voluntarily or involuntarily feeding on their energy.
  • Family. One of the spouses can be a vampire in the family. Older relatives, for example, a mother-in-law or a father-in-law, are often “bloodsuckers”, whom you never please. A quarrel always gives them pleasure, they enjoy it, and one of the spouses - a constant headache. In such cases, it often comes to divorce. It is not for nothing that there are many jokes about "evil" mothers-in-law. But this is nothing but a kind of family energy vampirism, when the older one is fueled by the energy of the young one. You can also talk about children's vampirism, when children literally draw blood with their whims - they take away energy from their parents.
  • Informational. There is a lot of negativity in the media these days. Reports of wars, terrorist attacks, robberies, murders, and other grave crimes filled the pages of newspapers and magazines, they are constantly talked about on TV, and criminal films are shown. This is now considered the rule. good manners. However, such "horror films" depress the psyche, take away energy from people with a weak biofield and an unstable psyche.
  • Erotic. If a marriage is “unequal”, when one loves to the point of self-sacrifice, and the other uses it, we can talk about sexual vampirism, when one of the spouses takes the energy of their partner. A variation is a situation where the husband is elderly and the wife is young (sometimes vice versa). He just uses her energy and feels great. Not without reason in ancient China, decrepit emperors, in order to prolong their years, slept with young concubines.

It is important to know! If after communicating with someone there is a feeling of weakness and fatigue, it is highly likely that there was contact with an energy vampire.

The main signs of energy vampires

The main signs of an energy vampire is his appearance and behavior.

As a rule, these people are rather gloomy, eternal discontent is “written” on their face. They look much older than their years: a wrinkled physiognomy, thick, fused eyebrows (women thin them out with tweezers), the corners of the lips are often lowered. The eyes are dull, inexpressive, and the look is cold, repulsive, it is not easy to endure.

By the way they behave, they are aggressive and whiny. The former always run into a scandal and enjoy the tears, pain and suffering of their victim. The latter constantly whine that everything in their life is bad, and in this way they draw energy from people who sympathize with them.

The following indirect factors will help to recognize the energy vampire:

  1. Food preferences. Such people avoid sweet and hot, indifferent to tea and coffee. But drinks “with ice” are respected, they pepper their food a lot, add hot spices to it.
  2. Poor attitude towards domestic animals. "Love" here is mutual. Pets and plants feel negative aura such people. A dog or a cat, if they suddenly start up in the house, try to escape, and the flowers simply wither.
  3. body contact. A vampire always tries to touch his counterpart: hold his hand, stroke his head, seemingly inadvertently push or step on his foot. This is the immediate moment when energy flows to him from the one opposite.
  4. Permanent Debt. Such a person is an eternal debtor. He likes to borrow money, promises to give back on time, but deliberately does not keep his word. The lender is nervous and “feeds” the energy vampire with his emotions. It's the same with any business. Lots of promises, but nothing. Only one disorder and a spoiled mood, but for the "ghoul" - joy.
  5. Severe mood swings. Feeding off someone else's energy, the vampire is always excited and cheerful. And when there is no one to “pinch” her at least a little, she seems sick and walks gloomy.
  6. Love for mass events. Such people simply adore various crowded "parties" when you can grumble and show your displeasure. In the crowd, you can always knock around, come into contact with someone. It adds energy.
  7. negative emotions. An energy vampire always speaks evil of people, for example, of friends of his loved ones. This gives him pleasure, so he feeds his aura.
  8. Constantly complaining about your problems. Complaining about his alleged hardships in life, the vampire involuntarily draws his interlocutors into a bad conversation, thereby fueling their energy.
  9. Avoiding positive emotions. Cheerful, positive people are avoided by vampires. They are afraid of a good aura, which they cannot penetrate with evil intentions.
  10. Striving to win trust. Vampires can be sympathetic, sympathize with someone else's grief, but their compassion does not bring relief, it only makes it worse.
You can recognize an energy vampire by date of birth. To do this, add the day, month and year of birth. It turns out a two-digit number. We divide it into two single ones and add it again, and so on until we get an unambiguous number. It determines the energy of a person.

Interpretation of the result. If it is in the range from 1 to 4, this means that the energy is weak, constant replenishment is needed, such a person may well become an energy vampire. A number in the range of 5-7 says that everything is in order with your biofield, but you should be careful, avoid people who are not averse to feeding their aura at the expense of others. If the resulting value is more than 7, then you have an excess of energy and can share it with others without fear for your health.

Example: 03/30/1990 = 3 + 0 + 0 + 3 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 0 = 25 = 2 + 5 = 7

Biofield with excellent energy! Such a person should not be afraid of energy vampires.

It is important to know! All of these signs are not a 100% guarantee that you have a vampire in front of you. They may just be hallmark behavior. In each case, an objective analysis is needed. Only one thing is certain: one should not succumb to any provocations of suspicious individuals. Only in this case will it be possible to avoid the loss of one's bioenergy.

How to protect yourself from an energy vampire

Protection can be different, for example, with the help of amulets and amulets. But before you figure out how to protect yourself from an energy vampire, you need to recognize who it is. And then, depending on this, take appropriate measures. And this can be one of the family members, for example, a child, close relative, friend or work partner. Even a casual fellow traveler on public transport can be such a dangerous person. For each specific case, their own advice is appropriate. Let's consider them in more detail.

How to protect yourself from an energy vampire in the family

If in a young family an energy vampire is one of the relatives, for example, a father or mother (husband, wife), with whom you have to live under the same roof, the most best advice- leave immediately. The truth is trivial, but because of such energetic vampirism of the elders, when constant squabbles, for example, that, for example, the son-in-law did not look at the mother-in-law in the right way or “he doesn’t like the way I cook,” many families broke up.

A forced vampire can be a seriously ill relative. He tries to replenish his fading vital energy at the expense of loved ones. This needs to be given more attention. True care will calm him down, he will not get nervous over trifles, cause unnecessary inconvenience to his loved ones. Simply put, will not "drink their blood."

A good help so that the patient is less nervous can be a flower in his room or, say, an aquarium for fish. TV will also distract him from negative emotions.

Quite often, vampires are children. The body grows, develops, its energy is still small, the child tries to replenish it at the expense of his parents. He is naughty, naughty, wants to be paid more attention to him. Constant childish whims exhaust the elders, but bring pleasure to the children. And here comes the problem right upbringing. Otherwise, with age unconscious children's vampirism will grow into a conscious adult and take the rest of the strength from aging moms and dads.

It is important to know! Protection from an energy vampire in the family suggests that harmony, peace and tranquility reign in relations between relatives. Then there will be no one to defend positive energy will be distributed among all members of the family in a reasonable measure.

How to protect yourself from an energy vampire in a public place

Such energy "bloodsuckers" can be a boss, a partner or one of those with whom you have to deal in the process of work, maybe even your subordinate. From communicating with them, you always feel discomfort in the mood, there is annoyance, resentment and bewilderment why this could happen.

And to prevent this from happening, you need to try to avoid all conflict situations with an unpleasant person. Even if he calls for a quarrel, you should try to translate everything into a joke. She will disarm even the most inveterate lover of quarrels, he willy-nilly calm down and leave you behind.

In a conversation with a vampire boss, when a joke is inappropriate, you can cross your arms or legs. Even better, mentally imagine a glass wall between you. In case of a bad conversation, this will block the outflow of your energy into the aura of an unwanted commander.

Another example. A partner or someone else constantly complains about their life, so that they would take pity on him (her), thereby “earning” for themselves the much-needed energy. Such "unfortunates" should be avoided, communication with them should be reduced to a minimum under the pretext, for example, that there is a lot of work. And in no case do not discuss your personal problems with them.

To protect yourself from energy "beggars" on the street or in public transport, you just need not to get involved in any conversations with them. And in the case when they try to start a quarrel, you can smile and even apologize, saying, “I was wrong,” although there is no fault of yours. This will disarm them and defuse the situation. The conflict will be nipped in the bud. It will not be possible to profit from energy at your expense.

It is important to know! It is far from always possible to exclude communication with an energy vampire. In any case, you need to behave calmly and sensibly with him, so that, seeing that he cannot “rock” his interlocutor, he lags behind him.

How to use energy vampire charms

Since ancient times, our ancestors used amulets and amulets. They protected from damage and the evil eye. They were worn on the chest or wrist. Such protection from bad energy you can do it yourself, for example, weave a bracelet, putting into work the idea that it will certainly protect against evil eye.

The made amulet should be carried to the church and consecrated. This is a guarantee that no otherworldly forces will cling to you. And here is the benefit of prayer. It protects against all sorts of ghouls and vampires. And it is worth reading it not occasionally, but every day. It can be "Our Father" or "Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner ...".

A good talisman would be a stone suitable for the sign of the Zodiac. For Aries men, for example, pebbles of red, blue, purple color are suitable: ruby ​​or amethyst. Aries women fit black obsidian. This will help strengthen the energy, protect it from the vampire's energy tentacles.

It is important to know! Various talismans help only if a person sincerely believes in their miraculous power, otherwise there is no need to wear them.

How to restore energy after communicating with an energy vampire

After communicating with an energy vampire, one feels great fatigue, weakness throughout the body, and all because the biofield is weakened. A familiar or unfamiliar "vampire" managed to ingratiate himself and "feasted" on someone else's energy.

To restore your biofield, the following available methods will help:

  • Walk in the city park, meadow, field, forest. Nature is the most powerful stimulator of vital forces, it will support a person in all cases of life and restore his spent energy. It’s good to run barefoot in the dew in the early morning, stand leaning against a tree, listen to the light rustle of foliage, it calms and invigorates. Oak and birch have excellent energy during a breakdown. Pine helps relieve stress. And trees such as alder and poplar consume energy, you need to be careful with them.
  • Communication with pets and plants. Our smaller brothers and their own garden, for example, on the windowsill, relieve fatigue and energize. Cats have a special energy, they subtly feel their owner (hostess) and always fawn over them when they want to show their disposition.
  • Music. A quiet melody relaxes, irritation and obsessive thoughts go away. There is peace in the soul.
  • Cold and hot shower. It relieves fatigue, invigorates strength, removes negative energy, puts thoughts in order.
In the end, find yourself a source of positive emotions. Let's say eat a piece of cake, watch your favorite movie on TV, or take your dog for a walk if you have such a good one. house friend.

It is important to know! In any communication, the exchange of energy must be voluntary and mutual. Only in this case, there will be no outflow of one's vitality to the other side, and then restoration will not be required.

How to protect yourself from an energy vampire - look at the video:

Energy vampires are all around us. So that they do not "eat up" our vital energy, you need to save your strength, lead healthy lifestyle life. Only in this case, the energy of the body will be at the proper level. And this is a guarantee from any damage and the evil eye, assorted vampires and ghouls who love to live at the expense of someone else's "blood". They are afraid of people with a positive biofield.
I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will tell you about energy vampires among people. There is a special category of predators that hunt for other people's energy and take it by force - energy vampires. Everyone has heard about energy vampirism at least half an ear.

Energy vampirism is a social phenomenon based on hidden and overt human interactions. Some people tend to consider energy vampires as a unique ailment, but personally, I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, look at this as a kind of corruption. If you forcefully influence someone else's energy, pull some of the flows onto yourself, then you are inducing a destructive program of black negativity.

Energy vampirism is not a new phenomenon.

Energy vampires have always been companions of the main human mass. But in our century, this phenomenon has grown, began to occur almost everywhere! The more tense, sharper, more dramatic the relationship between people, the more complex and dangerous psycho-emotional connections, the more often energy vampirism causes various diseases, often in dangerous or chronic form. Illness is a punishment

  • for an unrighteous way of life,
  • dirty thoughts
  • and wicked deeds.

But, energy vampires are not aware of their illness. One thing is obvious: they suffer and suffer if others rejoice before their eyes, if others feel good, if others are lucky, rich and happy.

When communicating with an energy vampire, when in contact with this black energy hole, others begin to get sick, and he is just recovering! Other's:
  • spoils the mood
  • there is a feeling of dissatisfaction,
  • melancholy,
  • fatigue
  • or hyperexcitability,
  • exacerbated chronic diseases.

This happens because a vampire, coming into contact with healthy people, takes their energy, is filled with their strength, peace of mind and serenity.

What does the victim of energy vampire attacks experience?

Fear, loss of strength, mental instability. Bringing the victim into a state of irritation, the energy vampire closes her attention to herself and draws all the light out of the person - joy, love, peace of mind and happiness.

People do not just give the vampire their power. If a person is balanced and serene, the energy vamp is powerless against such protection. But it is in a state of excitement, extreme irritation, indignation that a person breaks down, literally dumping his vital energy. Here on these energies and there is energy vampirism, forcing others to be donors, to be victims, after which people get sick, and sometimes really seriously.

In his spiritual development each person goes through a stage when he is forced to take energy from others by force. But some educate themselves, grow spiritually, fill their souls, and they have the strength to get out, to overcome this stage. Others, until their inglorious death, remain energy vampires. Patients with various kinds of psychopathy, who show aggression, hostility, hardness of heart, sadism towards other people, also become vampires, feed on other people's vitality.

A vampire cannot exist in isolation, he needs people like food, like energy supply. In a closed space, devoid of own energy and unable to take strength from others, he will slowly fade away. Not everyone is ready for a painful death, he never emerges victorious from such a situation, it is easier for him to settle accounts with life than to let love and true life into his soul.

Solar and lunar vampires - what are their features, and how to recognize them

Energy vampires have their own classification - according to the quality of their temperament, they are usually divided:

  1. on solar
  2. and lunar.

What is the difference here, I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will now explain. The energy of solar vampires is hot, dry, emotional, aggressive, it is the energy of conquerors. The Solar Energy Vampire is self-centered, cruel, and can act brutally towards others, and they often make no secret of their intentions. They behave:

  • defiantly,
  • brazenly,
  • create conflict situations
  • throwing insults in the face
  • provoke others to quarrels, clashes,
  • scandals and fights
  • causing people to experience mental and physical pain.

They are driven by envy and anger, they need an explosion of negative emotions from others. If the person with whom the solar energy vampire is trying to get in touch does not react to his aggression, he is able to attack, just to get what he needs - a portion of human energy.

People vampires of the Moon are different from the sun in everything.

Lunar energy is cold and wet, and has a powerful magnetism. Lunar vampires gently, gently, imperceptibly take the life force from others. The lunar energy vampire will not allow himself to be thought of as an unscrupulous villain, he will never act openly, as the solar ones do, he approaches imperceptibly and inaudibly, this is an incognito person, he is always sad, he complains, cries about his difficult life, talks endlessly about some problems.

He clings, sticks, whines, he seeks advice, asks for help. But no matter how much you give him advice, and no matter how much you help, his problems do not change. Complaints aren't getting any better.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful amulet attracts good luck and wealth. MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately correctly adjust it to yourself in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally well suited for people of any religion

With this, the lunar energy vampire infuriates those around him.

People get annoyed, lose their peace of mind, and the thief gets what he needs - pure human energy. After contact with him, you literally collapse vitality, forces leave, the person begins to yawn, feels, the throat squeezes and hurts.

The lunar energy vampire will never tell offensive word, he is sympathetic, he knows how to value friendship, his worst nightmare is that the one to whom he picked up the key repels him. He will do everything possible to restore friendship, in order to again be able to gently connect to the energy flows of his donor - a friend.

Any energy vampire needs conflict.

Any conversation comes down to an argument, he pretends that he does not hear and does not understand the interlocutor, stating that he can accept someone else's point of view only after solid evidence, provoking a potential victim into an energy clash. Woe to the one who accepts his challenge, because he will come out of this conversation devastated!

An energy vampire, in principle, does not care and is not interested in someone else's opinion, his goal is different - to bring a person to a frenzy, to eat his junk energy. This is an egocentric, he loves only himself and values ​​only himself, and therefore is not able to love others and openly enjoy life.

An emotional, creative person never engages energy vampirism, does not take away the life force from others, but the people around him strive to use his huge energy potential, who feel pure energy, like mosquitoes from afar feel the warmth of living flesh.

I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, am convinced that energy vampires:

  • unable to create
  • they are corroded and de-energized by envy,
  • a poisonous feeling of annoyance caused by the talent, well-being, success of another person.

An envious person cannot be convinced of anything, he is bilious, he is possessed by annoyance and anger at everything and everyone. His actions boil down to one single goal - to take someone else's life energy for himself. This is a special type of harmful effect, which is commonly called energy damage. And therefore, one must be able to defend oneself from the energy vampirism of empty, de-energized individuals.

How to protect yourself from energy vampires?

What needs to be done in order not to become an easy prey for your envious - energy vampires? And is man given the strength to fight the attacking side? This is exactly what I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will tell you in this part of the article.

Energy protection - how to protect yourself from people vampires

Each person has a natural defense - this is his biofield, and it is this shield that withstands all blows, from unintentional attacks by energy vampires, the evil eye, to severe spoilage. In addition, natural protection has to withstand the onslaught of everyday magic -

  • streams dark energy envy,
  • conspiracies,
  • curses,
  • spoilage made by an amateur,

- which lie down, albeit weakly, but still destabilize the work of the body's energy. Under pressure from the dirty energy flows the biofield becomes thinner, the protection weakens, the person becomes vulnerable. There are rituals to strengthen protection from energy vampirism, screens for closing the contour of the biofield, which are easy to master on your own and successfully put into practice.

Closing the contour of the human biofield is a series magical rituals, which are very effective, protect people from the effects of energy vampirism, improve, increase psychological stability. Some rituals are best applied at night, about 30 minutes before bedtime, in the morning, immediately after waking up, and during the day, especially if, by the nature of your work, you are forced to communicate with large flows of people. If you are expected to meet with an energy vampire person who is disgusting to you, and you know that this meeting will not bring joy, use one of the ways to strengthen the aura. This will save you from headaches, failure in business, and even from more significant troubles and blows.

Self-defense against energy vampires - Crossroads.

Crossing arms and legs is the simplest and most common way to establish protection against energy vampirism. The vast majority of people make this gesture intuitively, not really thinking about the fact that they are performing an energy protection technique. Protection Cross, effective when communicating with a human energy vampire, from which you can expect trouble, or a magical attack. By crossing your arms and legs, you close the circuit of the aura and prevent its breakdowns.

A stronger protection against energy vampires at work is the Ring method.

A very effective technique, which not only closes the contour of the biofield, but also condenses it, makes it impervious to the impact of energy vampirism at work. This method is performed as follows: they connect the thumb and forefinger of one hand into a ring, and put it into the palm of the other hand. Then they change hands. Now the thumb and forefinger of the other hand form a ring, which, in turn, is inserted into the palm of the first hand. Then the hands change again. This is done three times. Applying the method of protection against energy vampires of colleagues at work - Rings, especially for the first time, you can feel squeezing and. This will soon pass, the pain is associated with the compaction of the biofield, with its qualitative changes. None side effects personal protection against energy vampirism in the workplace does not cause.

You can apply another option for protection from the energy vampire of the boss or leader at work, on the Ring, it's quite simple: the thumb and forefinger of one hand are connected to the thumb and index finger the other hand, forming a ring. The remaining fingers of one hand are placed on top of the fingers of the other. This gesture will close your aura, through the thickness of which it will be difficult to break even for a person with strong dark energy, who vampirizes in black.

Self-protection against the energy vampire of a family member - Mirror Wall

  • This is a great way to protect yourself from an energy vampire if he is a member of your family, husband,
  • mother,
  • father,
  • grandmother with grandfather,
  • daughter-in-law or mother-in-law, etc.

The mirror wall has proven its effectiveness, and therefore this independent way quite popular. But, much to our chagrin, it is not effective in protecting against the strong. An independent method of protection against energy vampires- relatives, built on the visualization of a protective wall, a barrier that will not let the negative through. On a mental level, you build a wall of bricks, row after row, not missing a single brick, not leaving a single gap. This wall surrounds you in a dense ring, and on the outside, each brick is covered with a thin, shiny mirror layer. From whichever side the enemy tries to attack you and suck out your energy, he invariably delivers a reflected, repeatedly amplified blow.

Strong protection against the influence of a woman's energy vampire - Egg

To use this method of blocking a woman's energy vampire:

  • mothers,
  • wives,
  • mother-in-law,
  • mother-in-law
  • co-workers at work

And, blocking the black negativity coming from outside, you must learn not only to visualize, but also to feel your own energy barriers. Feel a dense energy wall at arm's length, feel these walls from all sides, feel them, feel their real physical presence. You are inside an egg whose impenetrable shell protects you from any destabilizing effects of energy vampirism which may harm you. Your protective shell should be blue, gold, or orange.

Effective protection from an energy vampire husband

This is a series of simple, effective and interesting techniques that protect an energy vampire from her husband, which repel or remove black negativity. Let's start with the simplest technique: rub your palms together until heat appears, then bring it to your face, as if applying a mask. Close your eyes and imagine how something dark gets off your head and goes into your hands. Gathering the palms of the negative, shake it off your hands into the fire - let it burn with a bright flame! I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend doing such manipulations before starting to cook food so as not to introduce negative energy into food.

The second interesting method of combined protection from her husband, an energy vampire, is perfect for hypersensitive, insecure women who are exposed to stress. And its essence is to, using the defense techniques you like, supplement them with psychotherapeutic techniques - auto-training with repeated repetition of positive verbal formulas - affirmations. Affirmations improve the psycho-emotional background when interacting in a family with an energy vampire husband, strengthen self-confidence, stimulate positive life changes, and give hope for a favorable outcome of the situation.
Not always a decrease in energy, a drop in tone and vitality is associated with negative impacts energy vampirism or magical attack. Often the cause of unpleasant changes are:

  • fatigue,
  • chronic fatigue,
  • emotional exhaustion,
  • stress.

To improve your tone, use periodically a contrast shower, in addition, a cup of coffee (espresso) with a small piece of hot pepper is considered an excellent way to cheer up.

Learn to accumulate bioenergy, practice it constantly, and you will be ready to repel an attack at any moment. energy vampire. Do not forget to fumigate the rooms in the house with incense. The world of incense is diverse. They have an exquisite, sophisticated scent that changes the energy of the room, creates a comfortable, serene atmosphere, creates a special internal state the one who inhales the aroma, contribute to spiritual work. In addition, incense gently relaxes, relieves accumulated fatigue, removes negative energy, evil eye, household damage, gives strength, and gives clarity of mind.

Protective amulet against energy vampirism

Another lovely way the so-called combined protection from human energies that weakens you, destabilizes the work of your body - strong amulet against the energy vampire. If during the day you are forced to meet with people unpleasant to you, and after such communication you feel, put magical protection. There are many protective amulets against vampirism, and each of them has its own purpose. I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, suggest that you make such a talisman against the actions of an energy vampire: on a long narrow paper strip, draw a row on one side female faces, and on the other hand, a row male faces, roll the strip into a tight roller and tie with red woolen thread. Tie the thread in a knot, and cut the ends of the thread and burn. Wear the amulet under your clothes so that it touches your skin.

Many people, having heard about "energy vampires", think that we are talking about something supernatural, mystical or even occult. However, even in everyday life, we often hear stories about how someone "sucks" the vital energy of a person, negatively affects the mood, causing aggression and irritation, depression and fatigue of his "victim". What is really happening? Are there "energy vampires" in our lives, or just some people, under the influence of the media or the stories of their acquaintances, are trying to shift their own psychological problems on other completely innocent people?

So, who are these "vampire" people and how to distinguish them from the rest? The most important criterion of the townsfolk is very individual, it is something like this: if after periodic communication with a person there is annoyance or irritation, anger or depression, headaches or fatigue, then there is no doubt that you have a real “vampire” in front of you.

The generally accepted classification divides "energy vampires" into active and passive. Active ones act openly, provoking quarrels and conflicts. Passive prefer to get energy, exhausting a person with long conversations, complaints or overprotection. Some authors introduce their own typology.

Up to eleven types of "energy" or "psychological vampires" can be found in the psychological literature. In fact, it is not so important to which type or type each particular “vampire” is attributed, because they all have one thing in common: the desire to receive a certain emotional reaction from the interlocutor.

It is no secret that communication is extremely important for the normal functioning of our psyche. And not just communication between people as a kind of exchange of information, not formal communication, namely emotionally colored, communication as an exchange of emotions. For example, in infants deprived of the necessary emotional contact with people, irreversible changes in the psyche occur, which subsequently prevent them from adapting to social life. An adult person is just as hard to endure emotional hunger. For example, prolonged solitary confinement causes fear even in people who can endure severe physical punishment.

When in communication a person experiences positive emotions, this means that at this moment some important needs of the psyche are satisfied. Mental needs are not associated with any practical benefit, but, nevertheless, are very important. These may be the needs for emotional attachment, security, recognition, respect and love, self-identification and self-realization, awareness of one's own uniqueness. The need to be meaningful to others, to express feelings and be the object of feelings of others, to feel community and unity, belonging to a circle of people, to share something of value, to influence others, to tell and be understood, to listen and understand, to discover a new vision of the world through the eyes of another person and thus expand the horizons of your own personal experience. This is far from complete list psychological needs, and the priority of one or another is purely individual for each specific person.

As you may have guessed, the type of "psychological vampire" depends on what need of his psyche he satisfies at the expense of his "donor". This happens just at the moment of the emotional reaction of the "donor" to the corresponding influences of the "vampire". The reasons for this destructive behavior may be different, but usually they all come down to some traumatic situation in the past, as a result of which the psyche of the “vampire” chose just such a way, destructive for itself, to satisfy its needs.

In general, we can divide "psychological vampires" into four groups: "aggressive", "pathetic", "helpless" and "overly caring". "Aggressive" species are distinguished by the fact that during communication they look for the most sensitive and most vulnerable point in the psyche of the interlocutor, and then skillfully strike at this sore point. And when the “victim” violently and irritably begins to defend himself, expressing his emotions, the “vampire”, having received what he sought, may even smile in response.

The “pathetic” constantly demand sympathy. These are people who, despite their completely normal state, still represent everything in a black light, just to arouse pity in the interlocutor.

The “helpless” species differs from the “pathetic” one in that it constantly needs help. It seems that he is not able to solve his own problems. And his actions are aimed at forcing the "donor" to do it for him.

The last type of "psychological vampirism" is observed on the part of overly caring people who often have psychological problems expressing their own interests and therefore passing them off as someone else's.

And although from the point of view of official science "energy vampirism" does not exist, psychology studies this way of interaction between people through the laws of the functioning of their psyche and helps to correct this interaction for the benefit of all its participants.

How to protect the boss, and if the boss himself is one of those?

The situation with “psychological vampirism” in the work team is becoming more complicated: firstly, it is difficult to get away from it, because it is quite difficult to avoid contacts with a colleague with whom a person is associated with some working moments. Secondly, the hierarchy of working relationships initially implies some inequality, which can create additional favorable conditions for possible psychological pressure. For example, you can’t run away from a conversation with your boss, and this conversation itself may not take place on an equal footing.

Nevertheless, when it rains, we sit at home, and if we go outside, we take an umbrella with us, but do not scold the sky and clouds. What can become such an "umbrella" when meeting with " psychological vampire»?

Often provoking a conflict, the "vampire" always encroaches on the personal psychological space of the interlocutor, which should be immediately told to the provocateur.

There is a fairly simple and effective response scheme:

1. Stop someone who crosses your psychological boundaries. Sometimes one word is enough: “Enough!” or "Stop!".
2. We say that a person invades our psychological space, and how exactly this manifests itself (in other words, HOW he invades)
3. We ask him to stop doing it.
4. If this does not help, then we warn of negative consequences.
5. If this does not help, we will implement the promise (therefore, the negative consequences should be real and only those that you are ready to bring to life).

What could be like this negative consequence? Anything: refusal to communicate, help, and so on. The main thing is that it be undesirable for the offender.

Of course, you need to speak in a calm voice, without aggression and as unemotionally as possible, because, as we remember, the emotional response of the “victim” is precisely the goal of the “vampire”. But at the same time, you can emphasize that you are open to constructive, respectful communication.

The same person very often turns out to be both a "vampire" in relation to some people and a "donor" in relation to others, how to contact such a colleague?

Almost always, a "vampire" in relation to some people becomes a "donor" - these are two sides of the same coin. The obvious encroachment of the "energy vampire" on the psychological space of the interlocutor indicates his problems with his own psychological space:

  1. On the one hand, the “vampire” has a destructive fear that his sensitive spot may be hurt.
  2. On the other hand, his sensitive place is already hurt, or was hurt in the past, and therefore numerous attempts are being made to satisfy his mental needs and “lick” his wounds in this way.

In any case, it is important to remember the five basic rules for effective behavior in a pre-conflict or conflict situation:

Politeness is the key to safety

Do not start being rude yourself, especially when the situation does not require it. It happens that, feeling their own rightness, people do not realize that they themselves are too active, and sometimes even somewhat tactless, to impose it on others. Thus, they unconsciously, on the one hand, provoke an aggressive reaction, and on the other hand, act as a target for the "psychological vampire", exposing their vulnerabilities.

Balance and emotional stability

If you control your emotions, then you control the situation; if your emotions control you, then your opponent controls the situation. Remember that it is always up to you and only you to choose your emotional reaction. As long as this is the case, you decide which one to show to the “energy vampire” or not to show at all. Be emotionally mature and the leverage of the situation will always be in your hands. Remember the phrase Gandhi said to himself mentally: "They are not able to take away our self-respect if we ourselves do not give it to them."

Awareness and understanding

Situations are very different, but in each of them it is important to realize your own goal. Why do you need communication with this person, what do you want to achieve as a result? And, based on this, build your line of behavior.

“Whoever owns information owns the world”, remember this and enrich your knowledge about the world around you and about yourself. Be interested in other people and improve your ways of interacting with them. This will help you better understand the motives of the behavior of others and, as a result, build more effective communication with them.

Learn to manage conflict inner confidence in oneself, extract useful lessons from his life experience, set the right questions, which, when used wisely, can become tools for controlling the interlocutor's thought.

Relieve stress if the provocation of the "vampire" still hooked you

Mental health is no less important than physical health, take care of it, keep it in good shape and use the help of good psychologists who will help you work through problem situations, find the causes and understand ways to resolve them.

How not to fall for the provocations of "energy vampires" and learn how to control relationships with them?

IN certain situation Every person can unconsciously become an "energy vampire". All people are connected by different ties: family, friends, relatives and, of course, workers. What to do if you notice that you have become a target for a "vampire"?

Smile but stay away

As soon as the “energy vampire” tries to engage you in a conversation that is unpleasant for you, try to smile and remain silent. All that is required of you "energy vampire" - an emotional reaction. If it is not there, the “vampire” will be left with nothing and after a couple of attempts he will understand that in communicating with you he will not get what he wants and will stop wasting energy on you. abstract from own emotions and sensations that suddenly arise during your communication with the "vampire". Try to look at the situation as if from the outside, take the position of an observer who, by and large, does not care how this communication goes.

Don't let the guilt take over you

Frequent false sensation guilt is characteristic of communicating with "psychological vampires". Remember: you are not responsible for the other person and for their experiences. In no case should you blame yourself for the fact that someone feels unhappy. In addition, it is important to get rid of the idea that you have to offer each interlocutor a solution to the problem. Some people sometimes just have to part so that they can take responsibility for their own lives.

There are no coincidences

If it seems to you that there is simply nothing to hurt you, since everything is equally important to you, and suddenly your opponent finds a way to do this, then be grateful to him. Because he groped for your value, which you attach excessive importance to. It helps you to identify and recognize your own erroneous beliefs and irrational thoughts so that you can eliminate them. Each person has his own set of ideals, and it is them that the “vampire” worries about, trying to cause irritation. In fact, he is your doctor, because he shows what is excessively dear to you. Consider this and try to be grateful to this person. He is a kind of catalyst for moving forward. If not for him, perhaps you would have remained a hostage to routine, optional, difficult relationship or life situations. Being a kind of stimulus, "vampires" make us move forward, look for ways to solve the problem, reach a new level of awareness in life.

If any special person with frightening frequency brings you to white heat, think about why this happens? Analyzing your inner world and emotions that were a reaction to the negative, you can understand a lot about yourself.

Very important help this can be provided by a psychologist, for example, to find a way out of difficult situation, which a person encounters at work and is unable to cope on his own, or help change the quality of his life, in the event that a person is seriously not satisfied with some moments in his relationship with the outside world. Maria Minakova's Center for Psychology and Training is always happy to help you the best specialists, passed strict quality control work.

In any case, remember that the more positive you have inside, the more likely it is that the surrounding negativity will simply go unnoticed by you. Learn to enjoy every moment, every day. Learn to forgive. Get used to living in joy, harmony, love, and then no "vampires" will harm your health.

Case Studies

  1. Irina came with complaints of poor sleep, as a result of which her working capacity was greatly reduced and problems began at work. It turned out that a bad dream is associated with a sense of guilt that Irina experienced in relation to her elderly mother. The last few months, after the death of her father, Irina's mother constantly complained about her loneliness and depression associated with it. Irina organized various classes and events for her mother, at which there was an opportunity to make new acquaintances with people of her age, but if she attended them, she behaved very passively there. Acquaintances were not made, and my mother continued to complain about her lonely lot. Irina felt strong guilt before her mother for not giving her enough time and attention, for not inviting her mother to live with her or in some other way not filling her loneliness.

In this situation, Irina's mother was an unconscious "psychological vampire", her subconscious goal was to make her daughter feel guilty. After the therapy, Irina realized that her mother herself was responsible for her experiences and no longer felt guilty for her mother's feelings. As a result, Irina began to sleep well and her working relationship improved, and her mother, having ceased to receive the necessary emotional reaction from her daughter, switched her attention and made new acquaintances in her own entrance. At the same time, communication between Irina and her mother began to bring joy to both.

  1. Constantine had difficult relationship with the new head of the department, to whose sharp remarks Konstantin reacted very aggressively, as a result of which he could not concentrate on his current affairs for a long time. In working with a psychologist, Konstantin realized his internal installations that made him react so violently in a conversation with the leader. Having decided to change these attitudes to more constructive ones, Konstantin, together with a psychologist, developed a new line of behavior for himself with the head of the department. After two weeks of unsuccessful attempts to provoke aggression from Konstantin, the leader completely stopped finding fault with him.
  2. Lyudmila wanted to improve her relationship with her husband, which had deteriorated after the birth of their son. In the process of working with a psychotherapist, it turned out that the reason for the deterioration of relations was Lyudmila's strong irritation at her mother-in-law's constant remarks about raising a child. In addition, the mother-in-law often tried to take on some of the responsibilities for caring for the baby. All this caused a violent emotional reaction of Lyudmila, which was the subconscious goal of the mother-in-law. There were grievances against the husband who remained aloof from conflicts, which worsened the relationship of the spouses day by day. As a result of the psychotherapy, negative emotional reactions Lyudmila (irritation and anger), which completely changed her attitude towards the behavior of her husband's mother. Gone are the reasons for resentment against the spouse. After five weeks, the interference of the mother-in-law came to naught, and the relationship with her husband improved significantly.

As you can see life situations may be completely different, but they all have something in common. This is an opportunity to find a favorable way out of any impasse on your own or with the help of a psychologist and, taking from the experience gained all the most valuable for your personal growth, live happily on.