Preparation for CT of the retroperitoneal space with contrast. Contrast enhancement in computed tomography of the abdominal cavity, retroperitoneal space

Identification of pathologies and diseases of the kidneys, adrenal glands, ureters, pararenal tissue, deep lymph nodes is carried out using computed tomography. This examination method is used to obtain accurate images of these organs. Quite often, CT is accompanied by ultrasound or MRI. abdominal cavity.

When a lesion develops in a small organ, it can no longer be individualized, but a large sarcomatous tumor can "kill" the adrenals without causing it. Renal vein interruption may reflect the onset of leiomyosarcoma.

The main feeder artery of the tumor is important element in determining the origin of the lesion. The sensitivity and specificity of these different signs have not been clearly established. However, these semiological elements remain very useful in diagnostic development.

Clinically, semiology is poor. Pain or heaviness is present in 50% of cases by invasion or compression neighboring bodies. Symptomatology can be misleading and vary, truncate or predict pain. For example, neurological signs are present in 30% of cases and digestive signs are seen in 60% of cases, however, urinary involvement or venous constrictions are rare. These tumors are well tolerated by patients for a long time, and one patient in three suffers from a general condition.


  • to detect kidney stones;
  • to study closed injuries;
  • to study tumors, metastases, lymph nodes, perirenal tissue;
  • before carrying out operations on the organs of the retroperitoneal space;
  • to detect anomalies and polycystic kidney disease;
  • to control the process of treatment and recovery;
  • to study the affected lymph nodes;
  • with abscess and carbuncle of the kidney;
  • with nephroptosis.

Choice of research method

Both MRI and CT are used to diagnose these organs. Which method to carry out the examination, the doctor chooses, depending on the nature of the pathologies, diseases, injuries. For example, magnetic resonance imaging is used to detect formations in soft tissues. Computed tomography is more suitable for examining the adrenal glands and kidneys. Also, CT is better suited for checking ultrasound data and other diagnostic methods.

The clinical examination perceives a retroperitoneal mass if it is bulky. Radiological reconnaissance becomes necessary to confirm the tumor, its retroperitoneal position, its primitive nature, and to guide the etiological diagnosis. There are radiological elements of focusing on the diagnosis of nature. First, frequency arguments, to which we will return.

Lymphangiomas and gangliononemas lie between normal structures. These tumors grow and expand between organs without compressing or invading them. Early diagnosis in children under 2 years of age, they are discovered incidentally and late in adults. Then they reached large sizes remaining completely asymptomatic. On various radiological studies, lymphangiomas appear as essentially cystic masses, united or multicellular, with sometimes a low course.

Effects on the patient's body

l When carrying out this method examinations use X-rays, which do not negative impact on the body. Therefore, CT can be performed several times in a row.


  • during pregnancy;
  • with pain syndrome;
  • with hyperkinesis.
  • children under 14 years of age (due to the use of x-rays during the examination).

CT with contrast

To obtain clearer examination data, a contrast agent is used - an iodine-based preparation. Most often used to identify foci of inflammation, malignant tumors, stones, blood clots, polyps. The drug-contrast is excreted from the body in 1-1.5 days, and does not adversely affect the body. At the same time, contrasting is strictly prohibited for patients with renal insufficiency, pregnant and lactating women.

Paragangliomas lie along normal structures. Of sympathetic origin, ganglioneuromas have egg-shaped along sympathetic chains. When visualized, the specific density or characteristic signal of the tumor components allows you to focus on the diagnosis of nature.

A lesion with an exclusively fatty component is likely a lipoma. However, imaging does not rule out a small sarcomatous focus in the fat mass, and the diagnosis of lipoma should be made with caution. A lesion with mixed fat and tissue components is usually a liposarcoma. Liposarcoma is the most common retroperitoneal sarcoma. It has a histological variety ranging from well-differentiated sarcoma to undifferentiated sarcoma. The amount of intratumoral fat depends on tumor differentiation, some liposarcomas high class may not have macroscopically visible fat.


The patient is obliged to follow a diet 2-3 days before the examination, excluding from the diet foods that cause gases and slow down peristalsis. It is also worth taking medicines for flatulence and clean the intestines (with an enema or laxative). For diagnostics, the patient brings a referral, an extract from the outpatient card, pictures, and the results of the tests.

A large exoornal angiomyolipoma of the kidney is a complex differential diagnosis well-differentiated retroperitoneal liposarcoma. The presence of a renal connection associated with the presence of a bulky main dysplastic feeder artery in the mass is an argument in favor of the diagnosis of angiomyolipomas.

Teratomas may also have a fatty component. Mature teratomas are characterized by the presence of an association of fats, fluid areas, and calcifications or "ossification". The most effective radiological intelligence is a scanner. After injection of gadolinium chelate, enhancement is early and massive in malignant lesions, moderate or non-existent in benign masses.

CT scan

  • Before the examination, the patient must remove all metal objects;
  • lie on a movable table, which will then be located inside the tomograph;
  • lie still;
  • contact the medical staff via a special communication system if you feel discomfort during the procedure.


Tomography data will be recorded on large-format images, which are accompanied by a description. After receiving the results, the patient should contact the attending physician, who will prescribe further treatment or consultation with narrower specialists.

It is found in large, high-dimensional malignant lesions such as leiomyosarcomas. This refers to cystic lymphangioma, an exclusively fluid or granular lesion. Neurogenic tumors are solid lesions containing cystic areas.

Lack of improvement classically witnesses a benign lesion: lipoma, lymphangioma, cyst. Bulk and early amplification contrast rather in favor of a malignant lesion if there is a "delayed wash". Thus, the degrees of amplification are very diverse, but retain the character of the orientation. However, there are important areas of overlap between benign lesions and malignant lesions.