What to eat per year An important element of proper growth and development is feeding newborns in the early days: suitable postures, diet and useful tips for young mothers. Second, you need to know that

You can plan a daily menu for a child at 1 year old, taking into account the foods that adult family members eat. Gradually transferring the crumbs to the common table, it is necessary to thoroughly think over the balanced and nutritious nutrition of the baby. From proper diet the health and development of the peanut directly depends.

Features of feeding

The digestive system at the age of 12 months is able to absorb new food, there are already a number of teeth in the mouth, ready to actively chew it. While not all products can be introduced into children's diet, but gradually there is no need to grind all the ingredients. It should be remembered that children of this age are already forming their own taste preferences. They learn to choose for themselves which foods they like and which ones to refuse.

If the child is still breastfed, do not deprive him nutrients found in mother's milk. The process of feeding provides the baby with a sense of security and close connection with a loved one. An evening portion of mother's milk will help the baby fall asleep faster. Weaning from the breast should be gradual, reducing the number of sessions to morning and evening, with a gradual complete rejection of breastfeeding.

The diet of a child in 1 year almost does not change. You should stick to 4-5 meals a day - every 3-4 hours. During this time, the little one will have time to get hungry. 5-6 meals a day are also allowed, taking into account the attachment to the breast. Depending on the baby's appetite, the mother will decide how many times a day to give him food. It is important not to violate the established regime for correct operation digestive system. From night feeding should be gradually abandoned.


Morning awakening is accompanied by a gradual transition from breast milk or formula milk to a full breakfast. Porridges remain the main product in the diet. In addition to the usual oatmeal, buckwheat and rice porridge, you can offer corn or wheat porridge, which are no less useful.

If necessary, milk porridge is replaced with boiled in water. You can also use vegetable broth.

Serving volume one year old baby is from 150 to 200 ml. Put 5 g of butter in the porridge. You can add chopped fruit to the plate, and separately prepared fruit puree is also suitable. Boiled yolk will complement the morning diet. Porridge can be replaced with a steamed omelette. For a sandwich with butter, you should choose wheat bread: products from rye flour can provoke fermentation processes in the intestines.

The diet for a child of 1 year includes up to 3 chicken eggs per week. When calculating the norm, it should be remembered that eggs are also present in the soufflé, they are added to cutlets and cheesecakes. Drinks include juice or tea.


You can start lunch with salads made from fresh or boiled vegetables and leafy greens, seasoned with sour cream or sunflower oil. Soups or broths are made from sirloin lean meat. Vegetables, cereals and pasta are used for seasoning soups. A one-year-old child can be given puree soup made from vegetables, cabbage soup or borscht, milk soup, and soup with meat or fish meatballs.

What to prepare a child for the second? You can make meatloaf. Meatballs, cutlets or zrazy are prepared as a second dish, using fish or meat. Vegetable puree is suitable for garnish. Veal and chicken liver dishes will help to diversify the menu. From these valuable products are obtained delicious puddings and useful pates. You can complete the dinner with juice, jelly, compote of fresh fruits and berries or dried fruits.

afternoon tea

After daytime sleep for an afternoon snack, you can eat cottage cheese with sour cream or yogurt, cottage cheese, casseroles or milk soufflé. To obtain a sufficient amount of phosphorus and calcium, 70 g of cottage cheese per day will be required. Children will also enjoy eating fresh fruit puree or drinking juice.


The baby's dinner consists of vegetables with the addition of cereals or some meat. It can be pumpkin added to porridge or carrot puree, vegetable stew with meat. Berries or fruits will complement dinner. From drinks - juice or tea.

Before going to bed, it is useful for a crumb to drink kefir or yogurt. The daily norm of a fermented milk drink is 200 ml. A baby who is still breastfeeding will have enough mother's milk.

About fish and meat

When purchasing fish for a baby who is one year old, you should pay attention to low-fat varieties. Pollack, cod or greenling fillets are suitable. Pieces of fish are boiled, all the bones are carefully selected and crushed. The baby is enough from 40 to 80 g fish dishes per week, cooked in the form of a soufflé or cutlets.

Meat must be introduced into daily diet food in the amount of 60–80 g. When buying, it is recommended to choose rabbit or poultry meat. Suitable veal and lean beef. Pate or puree soup is prepared from carefully boiled meat. Minced meat will go to steam meatballs, zrazy, meatballs and casseroles. It is allowed to introduce into the monthly diet the liver of a chicken or calf, as well as the tongue and heart.

About vegetables and fruits

Salads and purees from vegetables and fruits must be present in the children's menu to provide the body with vitamins and trace elements and improve the functioning of the digestive system. AT seasonal time it is preferable to use fresh products grown in your area. Vegetables with a high fiber content must be thoroughly boiled to avoid the appearance of colic in the intestines and bloating in the child.

For the preparation of vegetable salads are used:

  • boiled potatoes;
  • green pea;
  • tomatoes;
  • cabbage;
  • boiled beets;
  • boiled pumpkin;
  • raw or boiled carrots;
  • stewed zucchini;
  • cucumbers.

Fruit salad for baby consists of chopped apples or pears. Bananas, peaches or apricots can be cut into slices. Freshly picked berries are added to cereals, salads and fruit purees.

Pay attention to a number of tips that pediatricians give to new parents.

  1. Unfamiliar components are recommended to be introduced into the diet gradually, observing the body's reaction to the products.
  2. Vegetables and fruits bright colors may cause allergic reaction therefore, offer them to the baby with caution.
  3. Meat dishes are recommended to be given for lunch, so that during the day they have time to be absorbed by the body.
  4. Hard cheese can be added to dishes in small quantities - for example, sprinkle cheese on casseroles or serve it with pasta.
  5. The nutritional value of pasta is not very high, therefore, in the diet of a 12-month-old child, they can appear no more than 1 or 2 times a week.
  6. Dishes are recommended to be slightly salted, but if possible it is better to do without salt.
  7. Sugar in the daily diet should not exceed the norm of 30-40 g, it is preferable to replace it with fructose.
  8. From confectionery biscuits, marshmallows, marmalade and jam are allowed.
  9. Right drinking regimen necessary for the health of the child. The baby can only be given clean bottled or boiled water to the extent that he wishes.
  10. You can feed your baby only freshly prepared food.

Features of nutrition of young children

When compiling a child's menu at 1 year old, certain norms must be taken into account. To feed a toddler, you need 1200-1250 ml of food daily. It is necessary to alternate meals during the week to provide the children's body with the right amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Most a large number of calories for lunch, less for breakfast and dinner, and at least for an afternoon snack.

Products are distributed so that every day at lunch the child receives about 35%, at breakfast and dinner about 25%, at afternoon tea about 15% of the total daily food.

Culinary processing of dishes is carried out by stewing, baking and boiling in water or steam. From semi-liquid dishes, the child gradually switches to pureed, then to crushed ones and, along the way, learns to chew food with a dense texture. To develop chewing skills, it is recommended to offer pieces of fruits and vegetables. For some babies, 2 or 3 months is enough to begin to cope with such products on their own. In children who are 1 year and 6 months old, due to the increase in the number of teeth, there are more opportunities for the assimilation of coarser foods.

How to make a menu?

When compiling a menu for a child at 1 year old, one should be guided not only by the recommendations of specialists. It is necessary to take into account the preferences of the baby. After waking up in the morning, he can be offered breast milk or formula. Before going to bed - any fermented milk product or mother's milk. Servings for breakfast, lunch and dinner should be calculated taking into account morning and evening feeding.

We offer you several options for a sample menu for one year old baby with recipes.

Menu #1

Menu number 2

Menu number 3

How to feed a one-year-old baby: recipes

Turkey meatballs

  1. Pass 300 g of turkey fillet through a meat grinder.
  2. 2 tbsp. l. Soak rice in water and add to minced meat.
  3. Throw in the chopped onion.
  4. Salt lightly.
  5. Steam the minced meat balls for 20 minutes.

Cottage cheese casserole

  1. 2 eggs beaten with 2 tbsp. l. sugar and a bag of vanilla.
  2. Mix with 2 tbsp. l. semolina and 500 g of cottage cheese
  3. Lubricate the baking dish butter.
  4. Pour in the curd mass and bake for half an hour at 170 degrees.

milk pudding

  1. Cook semolina porridge from 50 g of cereal, 150 ml of milk and 150 ml of water.
  2. Mix with 10 g butter and 1 tbsp. l. Sahara.
  3. Crack an egg.
  4. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.
  5. Grease the form with butter and sprinkle with breadcrumbs.
  6. Put the dough and bake for 20 minutes at 175 degrees.

Do not rush to transfer the crumbs to the common table. It is much more useful to create an individual feeding regimen. It is important to follow all nutritional recommendations so that the child grows and develops in accordance with age.

Proper nutrition is an essential part of a child's life. The state of health of the baby and its adaptation to environmental conditions depend on how well and balanced his diet is built.

The consistency of food should be in the form of liquid puree. After two weeks, when the child is accustomed to one y, they begin to give the second, and the child is also gradually accustomed to it. At 6 months, the following vegetables are allowed: zucchini, pumpkin, potatoes, cabbage, squash, peas, beans, carrots. You can also give buckwheat, rice, corn, and later oatmeal. Semolina does not contain any substances useful for the child, therefore, at least up to ten months, it is simply useless to introduce it into the diet. Barley, pearl barley, millet porridge can be offered to a child not earlier than one year old. To improve the taste and usefulness, add vegetable oil (olive, sunflower or corn) to cereals or vegetable puree, starting with three to five drops and bringing it up to a teaspoon.

Thus, by seven months, the child should eat 2 times a day: porridge and vegetable puree. The rest of the feedings continue to be breastfeeding. Between the main meals at 6 months, it is recommended to give fruits in the form of juices or purees, offering the child from 1 teaspoon per day, bringing their amount to 100 grams by the year. Apples are best tolerated. To avoid allergies, buy varieties of green or yellow color. Very helpful for baby baked apple. It is good if the child likes pear juice or puree, which are allowed to be consumed by children from the age of six months. But bananas, peaches, apricots, nectarines should be eaten no earlier than from seven months, plums and cherry plums - from nine months. All Exotic fruits(kiwi, pineapple ... a child should try only at 1.5 years old. Give the child a little at first, observe if an allergic reaction has appeared, if not, you can give a larger piece. It would not be superfluous to recall that all dishes intended for infants, must be in ground form or in liquid form.

What a child can eat and what not

Starting from 7 months, a child can eat egg yolk, cottage cheese, butter. The yolk is added to vegetable puree in the amount of ¼ part and is brought to the whole by the year. Be sure the child should receive the meat of a rabbit, turkey or calf. At first it should be mashed potatoes, at 9 months soufflé, and from 10 months you can cook steam cutlets or meatballs. It is not recommended to give waterfowl meat, pork and lamb to children. It is advisable to eat chicken fillet for a child from a year old. It is necessary that the baby receives beef liver and white bread. Offer homemade cakes and kefir when he is 10 months old. From drinks, unsaturated compotes from dried fruits, from fresh soft berries, non-carbonated water are shown. Nowadays there are quite a lot of tea drinks for children in stores. They are intended for children from 2 months old, but only artificial children can give children's tea from this age. For those who receive breast milk, tea can only be drunk from the age of six months.

Sugar and salt in small quantities can be added to dishes from 10 months. If possible, use fructose instead of sugar, a fruit sugar that does not require insulin to digest, so it is harmless to the baby. Green onions, dill and parsley will be useful.

That's the whole set of products that you can and should feed children up to a year. When teaching a child to y, keep in mind that they are given before breastfeeding while the baby is hungry, otherwise, having eaten mother's milk or mixture, it will be difficult to persuade him to eat something else.

All of the above applies to the nutrition of healthy children. The presence of a particular pathology or disease in a child requires a review of the timing of administration and diet.

Taking into account the timing of the introduction of fruits and other products, the mother should always keep in mind individual characteristics. child's body. When offering a new type of food to a child, you need to watch his reaction. gastrointestinal tract and skin, and if any pronounced changes appear, cancel this type of product, postponing its introduction for several weeks.

Now on the free market there is a large number of varied baby food that you can feed your child. However, it is worth using it only from time to time, because the food that caring mother cooked by myself.

What can a child over a year old eat

In the second year of life, children change significantly, although the same dishes predominate as before the year. The consistency of food and its quantity changes. However, it is too early to seat the baby at the common table. What new can be given to a child at this age?

Instead of meat 3 times a week, give him fish without small bones. It can be both sea (cod, hake, pike perch) and lake fish. cook from it steam cutlets, meatballs, or simply stew in your own juice with carrots and onions. Occasionally, after two years, as a snack, it is allowed to give soaked herring (herring) with a side dish.

Sausage, ham are excluded from the menu of children of the second year of life. In the third year, occasionally, instead of meat, it is allowed to use milk sausages, sausages, low-fat boiled sausages (Doctorskaya, Molochnaya, Ostankinskaya, etc.), lean ham. But such food should not become the rule.

The range of vegetables is also expanding. In summer, a child can have radish, lettuce, eggplant, Bell pepper, tomatoes, fresh cucumbers, turnip. In winter, it can be sauerkraut. It is useful to give vegetables to the child in the form of salads, rubbing them on a grater and seasoning vegetable oil or sour cream.

Instead of cereals, periodically cook pasta for your child, combining them with cheese, cottage cheese, meat or vegetables. After two years, you can eat flour dishes (pancakes, pancakes). But do not feed your baby with sweet pies, shortbread cookies. Let him eat dry cookies, bagels or white bread crackers. For dessert, after the main meal, the child can eat a small amount of marshmallow, jam, candy. Unacceptable until three years of age chocolate in any form.

First courses are allowed to be cooked on unsaturated low-fat broths without adding any seasonings ( Bay leaf, fried onions, hot peppers).

Up to two years, the milk that a child drinks should be 3.2% fat, and after two years, milk with a reduced fat content can be given to him. Cook cocoa with milk for your child, this is a very useful product that children of the third year of life can drink.

The basis of the child's menu at 1 year

The main menu is still milk and dairy products. The baby can still be breastfed and, in addition, receive yogurt, sour cream, cottage cheese, cheese, kefir, cow's milk. It is best if the dairy products are specialized for children, in them
contains less harmful fats and preservatives.

During the day should eat about 1000-1200 gr. food. Thus, at breakfast, he will eat about 260 grams, at lunch - 360, at lunchtime - 220, at dinner - 360 grams.

Protein food is mandatory for a small one, so the menu should include meat. It is best to use veal, lean beef and chicken. Meat must be cooked or stewed long enough to be safe and tender. Pates, mashed soups are prepared from boiled meat, casseroles, meatballs, cutlets - from minced meat. Meat dishes are usually included in the lunch menu.

Buckwheat and oatmeal are the most useful, but in order to diversify the table, it is best to alternate them with barley, semolina and pearl barley. Porridge is boiled in milk and served to a small gourmet for breakfast. Be sure to put butter in it. It should be a little, during the day it can eat about 12 grams. Happy owners of teeth can be offered for breakfast a sandwich of white soft bread with butter.

Sunflower oils - an indispensable source of vitamins - should also be present in the diet. A little sunflower or corn oil can be added to the so-called "salads" for babies, which are mashed vegetables. The daily intake of vegetable oil is approximately one incomplete teaspoon.

Salads are best for lunch. They can consist of both fresh and boiled vegetables, herbs, fruits and berries. Unfamiliar food components should be introduced gradually: no more than one per day. This will help better job digestive system of the child and in the event of an allergic reaction will narrow the choice of reagent.

vegetable salads one year old baby you can cook from boiled potatoes, carrots (raw and boiled), cabbage, boiled beets, zucchini (stewed), pumpkin and tomatoes. You can add boiled egg yolk to them.

Fruit salads, consisting of fruits mashed on a fine grater, are prepared from apples, pears, bananas. In them, as well as in cereals, you can put fresh berries: raspberries, black currants, sea buckthorn, lingonberries and cranberries. Fruits and berries are excellent food for an afternoon snack.

It is advisable to add to the child and fish. Low-fat varieties are suitable, for example, pollock, cod, greenling. Boiled fillets with carefully removed bones are crushed and made into cutlets, soufflé or mixed with vegetables. A child is entitled to up to 80 grams of fish per week. It, like meat, is best included in the lunch menu.

At this age, the mother has a great chance to accustom the baby to eating first courses. Mashed soups, mashed borscht for kids are cooked in vegetable or secondary meat broth. It's easy to prepare. The broth, in which the meat has been boiled for 10-15 minutes, is drained (it can be used for "adult" dishes), the meat is poured clean water and start cooking again. Soup on such a broth will be lean and safe for the child's body.

As a dessert, fruit candy, marmalade, dry cookies, biscuits may be present on the child's table.

Here sample menu#1 for your 1 year old baby:

Barley porridge (buckwheat, semolina, oatmeal) 150 gr.

Tea 100 ml.

Wheat bread 10 gr.

Butter 5 gr.

Vegetable puree soup 100 ml.

Chicken pate with herbs 50 gr.

Mashed potatoes 100 gr.

Fruit juice 100 ml.

Wheat bread 10 gr.

Kefir (milk, yogurt) 100 ml.

Cookies 15 gr.

Banana 100 gr.

Cottage cheese casserole 150 gr.

Omelet 100 gr.

Milk (kefir, yogurt) 100 ml.

Wheat bread 10 gr.

Sample menu number 2

Breakfast - 8.00 h.

Oat milk porridge - 200 g

Weak tea with milk - 100 ml

Slice of wheat bread with cheese - 20/10 g

Lunch - 12.00 h

Vegetable puree soup - 100 ml

Steamed fish meatballs - 50 g

Mashed potatoes on broth -100 g

Kissel from fruits - 100 ml

2 slices of wheat bread - 10 g each

Afternoon snack – 16.00

Half a glass of kefir

Baked sweet apple 100 g

Cookies - 15 g

Dinner – 20.00

Grated cottage cheese with milk - 80 g

Carrot puree - 100 g

Cup of boiled milk

Before going to bed or at night, you can give kefir.

What to feed a one year old baby?

The menu of a child at 1 year old has varied significantly. Now it is not only milk and various mixtures, but also other products.

Consider detailed menu child at 1 year old


For breakfast, the baby can be offered porridge and half egg yolk. Fruit puree or fruit, they can be added to the porridge.

What kind of cereal can a one-year-old child?

It can be gluten-free cereals (corn, buckwheat, rice), as well as gluten-containing cereals (wheat, oatmeal, semolina).

The volume of porridge should be approximately 150-200 ml. Add 5g butter to the porridge.

Tea, fruit infusion, juice.

Another breakfast option.

Steamed omelet. To the omelette, a piece of bread, spread with butter or cheese. A baby from a year to a year and a half can receive up to 15-20 g of oil per day. For a child of this age, it is better to choose white bread, it is easier to digest (up to 40g per day)

Kissel or compote.

You can start your dinner with a vegetable salad. For example, cucumbers or tomatoes, or carrots, grated and seasoned with vegetable oil (5-7g) or sour cream (5-10g).

Dairy with vermicelli. Remember: pasta is often not recommended for a baby, about once a week and every a small amount(30-35g).

Vegetable (from cauliflower, cabbage soup, borscht, etc., including mashed soups).

For the second.

Vegetable puree. By the age of one, you can already add vegetables such as beets, turnips, green peas, radishes, beans.

Meat dish. Remember that the meat is cooked separately. Meat puree, meatballs or soufflé. Do not abuse potatoes, they are high in starch.

Twice a week, instead of meat, the baby can be given river or sea fish. Definitely not fatty varieties.

Compote or jelly, you can fruit tea or juice.


For an afternoon snack, you can cook, from the usual cottage cheese and kefir, soufflé, cottage cheese with sour cream, closer than 1.5 years you can give pancakes with cottage cheese, if the child has erupted enough teeth. Not often, of course, once a week. In addition, give fruit puree, you can low-fat varieties of cookies, not every day.

Juice, you can also fruit tea.

For dinner, you can offer a vegetable-cereal or vegetable-meat dish. For example: zucchini soufflé with meat puree, oatmeal porridge with pumpkin, stewed beets with apples, vegetable stew with meat puree. Plus fruit puree or juice. A child is offered no more than 100g per day fruit puree and no more than 100 ml of juice.

Before bedtime.

If you continue to feed your baby, then in this case, breast milk. Or a fermented milk drink (baby yogurt).

At this age, the baby's diet should not include: cakes, pastries, chocolates, no matter how much you want to pamper your little one. This does not mean that you can pamper your child, choose from sweets: marshmallow, jams, marmalade, jam (if they are on fructose).


If you don’t know what to cook for your child for dinner and please your little gourmet unusual dishes- read the recipes below. Below are original dishes made from healthy products that are suitable for a light dinner for young children.

Baby cutlets

This dish can be served with boiled or baked potatoes, mashed potatoes, carrots.

2 tablespoons (28 ml) whole milk

225 g ground beef

2 tablespoons (14 g) crumbled white bread

Cooking on the stove

Whisk the egg and milk together in a small bowl. In a bowl, mix the ground beef and breadcrumbs. Add eggs and milk mixture to mixture and stir. Manually make 4 small cutlets from the resulting mass.

Heat oil in a frying pan over medium heat.

Add the patties and cook, turning often, until they are cooked through.

Cooked meatballs can be stored in the refrigerator for 2-3 days. You can also freeze them for up to 2 months by wrapping them in plastic wrap.

Quantity: 4 servings per patty.

Tuna Casserole

Tuna is a high quality source of protein as well as heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids. This delicious light the food is perfect for dinner.

160 ml champignon cream soup (boil champignons with a small amount of potatoes and onion and together with the liquid grind in a blender)

1 cup (140 g) whole wheat pasta

140 g tuna

1/4 cup (38 g) fresh or frozen peas

1/4 cup (60 ml) whole milk

Cooking in the microwave

Mix mushroom soup with pasta, mix well. Add tuna, peas and milk. Cover and microwave until cooked through, stirring occasionally, until the casserole is fully cooked.

Quantity: 4 servings of 1/2 cup (about 115 g).

Chicken with noodles and carrots

Toddlers (and adults too!) never get tired of classic combination foods in this dish. In addition, it is very useful.

100 g chicken fillet

2 small carrots

1/4 cup (40 g) boiled egg noodles

2 teaspoons olive oil

Cooking in the microwave

Boil the chicken fillet and cut into small pieces. Cut the carrots into strips and put them in a microwave-safe bowl, pour in some water and cook for a minute and a half until the carrots are soft. Combine chicken, boiled egg noodles and carrots, pour oil on top and cook for 1 minute until all products are warmed up.

The dish can be stored in the refrigerator in an airtight container for 3-4 days.

Quantity: 3 servings (1 piece of fillet in each).

Cod with egg

Serve this dish with boiled, baked or microwaved potatoes and spinach.

You can also cook flounder and halibut.

55 g cod fillets (fresh or frozen)

1 small carrot

1 hard boiled egg

7.5 cm celery stalk

1/4 cup (60 ml) water

1 tablespoon (14 g) butter

Cooking on the stove

Remove skin and bones from fish. Cut carrots and celery. Put the fish, carrots and celery in a small saucepan, cover with water, bring to a boil over low heat and simmer for 5 minutes. Lightly mash the fish, egg, carrots and celery, put butter on top, sprinkle with egg.

Quantity: 1 portion.

Sauteed pasta and broccoli

Don't use garlic if your baby doesn't like the taste.

1 tablespoon (15 ml) olive oil

1 teaspoon finely chopped garlic

1/4 cup (45 g) finely chopped tomatoes

1/2 cup (150 g) steamed broccoli, cut into small pieces

1/2 cup (35 g) boiled pasta horns

Cooking on the stove

Heat oil over medium heat in a heavy bottomed saucepan. Roast the garlic for 30 seconds. Add the tomatoes and simmer for 3 minutes, then add the broccoli and simmer for another 2 minutes. Reduce heat to low and add pasta. Stir to mix well.

Quantity: 5 servings of 1/4 cup (about 55 g).

Carrot puree

Carrots are one of the favorite vegetables for most children. It is rich in antioxidants, good for eyesight and helps prevent colds.

1/2 cup (55 g) chopped carrots

1/4 cup (60 ml) water

1/2 tablespoon (7 g) butter

2 tablespoons (28 ml) warm whole milk

1 tablespoon (5 g) finely grated parmesan cheese

Cooking in the microwave

Place the carrots in a small microwaveable dish, pour in the water. Cover and microwave for 3 minutes until the carrots are soft. Transfer the carrots to a blender. Add butter, milk and grated cheese. Mix well.

Quantity: 1 serving, or 1/4 cup (about 55g).

Tubes with peas

This dish is very quick to prepare. Use this recipe if the baby is hungry and can't wait. If desired, replace the peas with one of your child's favorite vegetables. Can be added to a meal

1-2 tablespoons boiled beef or turkey.

4 cups (950 ml) water

1/4 cup (25 g) dry tube pasta

1/4 cup (33 g) frozen peas

2 teaspoons olive oil

2 tablespoons (10 g) grated parmesan cheese

Cooking on the stove

Boil water. Add pasta and cook for 5 minutes. Add the peas and cook for another 5 minutes until the pasta and peas are cooked through and soft. Drain and transfer the pasta and peas to a small dish. Add butter, cheese and stir.

Quantity: 1 children's portion.

Important to remember

There is a basic rule, a child from one to one and a half years old should be four to five times a day, with intervals between feedings of 4 hours. Observe Enough strict regime nutrition, the baby should develop a conditional. The amount of food should be 1000 - 1200 ml, not counting the liquid, per day. These recommendations should be followed for up to a year and a half.

Moms, follow the rules for the introduction of new products, keep the products clean and fresh. also keep your hands and the baby's hands clean, as well as the cleanliness of the child's dishes in order to avoid intestinal infection.

After a year

Unfortunately, many mothers cease to be responsible for the nutrition of their baby as soon as she is one year old. At a year old, the child is traditionally transferred to a common table. But in vain. Nutrition should remain specialized.

Gradual chewing apparatus requires the introduction of solid food of varying degrees of grinding into the diet of a child older than 1 year. As before, a large role belongs to milk and dairy products, which should be included in the child's daily diet (milk in any form up to 500-600 ml, cottage cheese on average 50 g, cream or sour cream 5 g). Cottage cheese, cream, sour cream can be given after 1-2 days, but in the appropriate amount.

From meat products children older than a year are recommended, along with beef, meat of chickens, chickens, rabbits, lean pork and lamb, and various offal. The number is increasing fish. On average, a child from 1 to 3 years old needs 85 g of meat and 25 g of fish per day. During the week, he can receive 4-5 days of meat (100-120 g each) and 2-3 days of fish (70-100 g each).

A child older than a year can be given a whole egg (every other day, or half a day), and not just the yolk. However, this should be done with caution, as in some children, egg protein can cause an allergic reaction. In such cases, the protein should be discarded and only the yolk should be given for a while.

From fatty foods, we recommend giving 12-17 g of butter (for a sandwich, in ready meals) and up to 8-10 g of vegetable oil (for dressing salads, vinaigrettes, various vegetable dishes), but not margarine and refractory edible fats (beef, mutton).

Among cereals, oatmeal and buckwheat are the most useful, barley, pearl barley, and wheat are allowed. You can also use specially enriched cereals. Pasta (noodles, vermicelli) is given infrequently, as they are poor in vitamins and contain an excess of carbohydrates. Legumes (peas, beans, soybeans) are given in limited quantities to children over 1.5 years old in the form of pureed soups. On average, a child needs 15-20 g of cereals per day, 5 g of pasta, about 100 g of bread (including 30-40 g of rye). fit and bakery products(crackers, bagels, buns) with a corresponding decrease in the amount of bread.

The main source of carbohydrates in the diet of a child older than a year is sugar, but its amount should be strictly limited. "Overdose" of sugar can lead to metabolic disorders, overweight body, sometimes to a deterioration in appetite. A child under 3 years old needs 35 to 50 g of sugar per day. Of the confectionery products, marshmallow, marmalade, fruit caramel, jam, jam, honey are allowed (with good tolerance).

The total amount of confectionery products should not exceed 10-15 g per day. AT baby food vegetables, fruits and berries are widely used as the main source of minerals and vitamins.

Vegetables can be given a wide variety, including radish, radish, green onion, garlic, as well as leafy greens (dill, parsley, sorrel, spinach, lettuce, nettle). A child needs about 120-150 g of potatoes and up to 200 g of other vegetables per day. The daily diet should include fresh fruits, berries (up to 200 g) and juices (100-150 ml).

Up to 1.5 years is usually still on 5 meals a day, although some already at this age refuse the last (night) feeding and switch to 4 meals a day: breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner.

Between feedings, the child should not be given any food, especially sweets, as this leads to disturbances in normal digestion and a decrease in appetite. This also applies to fruit juices, which are sometimes offered to the child instead of drinking. In this case, it is better to use fruit drinks, compotes, unsweetened infusions of herbs.

Make sure that he gets the amount of food appropriate for his age. So, for a child aged 1 to 1.5 years, it should average 1000-1200 ml, from 1.5 to 3 years - 1400-1500 ml (juices, decoctions and other drinks are not included in this volume).

Reducing the amount of food can lead to malnutrition, excess - to a decrease in appetite. It is especially irrational to increase the volume of the first course, which parents often do if they willingly eat soup or broth. However, having eaten a lot of soup, he can no longer cope with the second dish, which, as a rule, is more complete, as it contains meat, vegetables, etc.

Culinary food processing for young children has its own characteristics, due to the peculiarity of their development. Up to 1.5 years old, the baby does not yet have sufficient opportunities to assimilate coarse food, so he is fed mashed potatoes, liquid porridge, etc. But at the same time, the child must be taught to eat more dense food. If a long time receive only semi-liquid and pureed dishes, they develop bad chewing skills and subsequently they are very sluggish and reluctant to eat meat, raw vegetables and fruits.

Children over 1.5 years old are given boiled (but not mashed) cereals, vegetable and cereal casseroles, stewed vegetables, cut into small pieces, meat and fish cutlets.

After 2 years, meat can be given in the form of fried cutlets, finely chopped stew, fish - boiled and fried, freed from bones.

As widely as possible, use fresh vegetables in the form of finely chopped salads, and for children under 1.5 years old - grated on a coarse grater. Salads from raw vegetables can be given not only for lunch, but also for breakfast and dinner.

To save nutritional value products must strictly follow the rules of their culinary processing.

Milk can be boiled for no more than 2-3 minutes, avoiding re-boiling. When preparing cereals, vegetable purees, casseroles, milk is added to already boiled cereals or vegetables.

Meat after careful mechanical cleaning it is better to cook in a large piece, lowering it into hot water. At the same time, proteins coagulate on the surface of the meat and the meat juice does not flow out. Fry meat, cutlets should be in boiling fat, which also contributes to the formation of meat retaining juice. The stew is being prepared by easy frying and then boiling in a small amount of water.

It is very important to properly process vegetables. When cleaning, cut off as much as possible thin layer, exactly at upper layers contained the largest number vitamins. For vinaigrettes and salads, vegetables are best boiled in their skins in a small amount of water or steamed. Peeled vegetables should not be left in water for a long time, so that vitamins and minerals are not washed out, but they should be boiled in a small amount of water, then using it as food. Cooking time is strictly limited: potatoes, cabbage, carrots are boiled for no more than 25-30 minutes, beets - 1-1.5 hours, sorrel, spinach - up to 10 minutes.

Vegetables and fruits for raw salads are peeled and cut (rubbed) immediately before eating, since when exposed to atmospheric oxygen on peeled and chopped foods, vitamins, especially ascorbic acid, are destroyed in them.

What can a child from 3 to 7 years old eat

At the age of three to seven years, children's activity reaches its peak, so there should be 4 times more carbohydrates in food than proteins and fats.

Children of this age can periodically prepare fried dishes, but it is still better to give them to oven-baked, boiled and stewed dishes. Avoid adding ketchups, soy sauce, hot peppers, horseradish, vinegar, mustard, adjika, mayonnaise to them.

As a seasoning, you can give children homemade mayonnaise, cooked with lemon juice and olive oil. Avoid fatty meats, at least until high school age.

Onions, garlic, as well as parsley and dill, use sparingly. To improve the taste of food, it is good to use fresh fruits, berries and vegetables, use cranberry sauce, lemon juice.

If you go out into nature with the whole family, you usually use the opportunity to cook barbecue on a fire. In this case, the child will certainly ask you for a piece. Therefore, make sure that the meat for the barbecue is not fatty and of high quality. Be sure to fry it well and give the child that piece that will not be fried. It is very good if the baby eats it with vegetables, drinks it with juice or compote.

From the age of 3, a child can eat a sandwich with hard or soft cheese. Include in the diet sour cream and cream, as well as yogurt, cottage cheese. At this age, offer your child kvass, just be careful - kvass should be natural, without preservatives and dyes. There are many homemade kvass recipes that are good for the whole family.

In addition to kvass, in the fourth year of life, children can be given ordinary black or green tea. However, one should not get carried away with them, it is especially not recommended to drink meat food with tea. Tea contains tannin, which slows down the absorption of iron from meat in the intestines. Natural coffee for children under 18 years of age should not be consumed.

A product such as mushrooms, children can only be consumed in school age. Mushrooms are useful, but difficult to digest, so preschoolers are not recommended to eat them.

After 7 years, the usual recommendations should be followed. healthy eating similar to those for adults.

You can end this article with these words: "everything is good in moderation." Let the child eat everything, but little by little. Of course, provided that he is healthy. In the presence of chronic diseases the child's diet will be significantly changed by the doctor.

The baby grows daily, its level of development, daily routine and diet change. The nutrition of a child at 1 year old is noticeably different from the nutrition of a newborn baby and becomes more like adult food. However, even now the baby needs a well-thought-out diet, which should contain all the necessary trace elements and nutrients.

Many children at 1 year old are still breastfed, but despite this, the baby needs additional food that can replenish energy.

Children after a year are already showing physical activity - running, crawling and jumping. No less energy is taken from the baby and his mental activity. Since it is proceeding at a rapid pace, parents must certainly take into account given fact and when preparing the menu.

The dependence of nutrition on physiological development

Closer to six months, the first teeth erupt in the child. Therefore, his chewing apparatus also begins to actively develop. Often, many parents consider this the most the right time for and dating the baby with new food. In the second year of life, the baby should consume about 1200 ml of food per day. In percentage terms, meals can be divided as follows - 25% for breakfast and dinner, 35% for lunch and 15% for afternoon tea. Thus, a child after a year should eat at least 4 times a day. If you feel that the baby is not eating enough, then between breakfast and lunch you can offer him to drink kefir or eat a pear or an apple, this will not break the regimen and will help the baby continue his research activities.

Until the child has mastered the skills of chewing food, his dishes should be mostly porridge-like. But many parents try to introduce complementary foods in small pieces. Regardless of the form of serving dishes, the baby’s diet per year should be the following products:

  1. Dairy products and milk.
  2. Kashi.
  3. Egg.
  4. Poultry meat.
  5. Fruits and vegetables.
  6. Sufficient liquid.

Despite their early age, kids can already express their taste preferences regarding the menu you have compiled. Therefore, parents should take into account the fact that the formation of taste preferences begins precisely at the time of the introduction of complementary foods. What you give your child a year to eat will determine his attitude to nutrition in the future..

Daily menu

The diet of a one-year-old baby must certainly contain the daily intake of vitamins for growth and all the necessary nutrients. Many believe that compiling a daily balanced menu for a one-year-old child is a task that only a highly qualified specialist can do. In fact, this is just a delusion. The seven-day menu below contains all necessary products for child nutrition. Subsequently, having understood the principle of compiling a daily diet, you will be able to independently replace products, based on the preferences and needs of your crumbs.

Menu for 7 days

Day of the weekBreakfastDinnerafternoon teaDinner
MondayOatmeal porridge with milk, scrambled eggs, wheat bread, milkChicken soup with noodles fish meatball, mashed potatoes with green peas, wheat bread, compoteKefir and cookiesBroccoli puree, sweet cottage cheese, milk tea, wheat bread
TuesdayDairy vermicelli, wheat bread with liver pate, chicory with milkPea soup, boiled chicken breast with buckwheat, compote and wheat breadBoiled milk and gingerbreadBaked zucchini, mashed potatoes, sweet tea and bread
WednesdaySemolina porridge, wheat bread, cheese pudding, tea with milkmashed potatoes, cauliflower soup, Rye bread, fish salad with vegetables, compoteYogurt and cookiesCottage cheese with milk, carrot puree, milk, wheat bread
ThursdayOmelette with cabbage, apple pie, kefirFish soup, lazy cabbage rolls, wheat bread, chicory with milk.Curd pudding, appleBuckwheat, liver soufflé, bread, milk
FridayRice pudding, sweet tea with milk, bread and butterCabbage soup, mashed potatoes, beef cutlet, dried fruit compote, breadBanana, cookies, ryazhenkaCottage cheese, fruit puree, kefir
SaturdayRice porridge, tea with milk, bun with buttersoup with meatballs, squash puree, bread, chicory with milkPear, yogurt, cookiesBuckwheat with milk, apple, tea with honey
SundayCheesecakes, sweet tea, bananaSoup with homemade noodles, fish nuggets, compote, breadRusks with warm milkFritters, ryazhenka

What to feed at night

Since the diet of a one-year-old baby still implies the presence of breast milk or formula, the child needs nightly snacks. Some parents, having worked out a certain feeding regimen, give the crumbs a snack not only before going to bed, but also during the night awakening. If the baby is breastfed, then it will be enough for him to refresh himself only with his mother's milk. If the baby eats an artificial mixture, then not only the adapted mixture, but also kefir and compote will fit perfectly into his nightly diet.

Inappropriate diet or harm to the general table

Despite the fact that the baby has already grown up, his diet has changed, and the diet has become more varied, mothers should remember that it is still too early for the baby to eat "adult" food. Many parents believe that as soon as the child has learned to chew the pieces, it is time for him to eat with common table. This belief is fundamentally wrong. A kid for several years, and preferably all his life, must observe not only a certain regimen, but also eat right.

The following foods should be excluded from the diet:

  • fried and smoked;
  • salty and very sweet;
  • fatty meats;
  • coffee and carbonated drinks;
  • spicy dishes;
  • mushrooms (up to 6 years).

Baby's diet

Since the child has more “free” time per year to explore the world around him, he can constantly demand something for a snack. Breaking the diet is not recommended. Since this will not only reduce the quality of food intake, but also make it adapt to kindergarten more severe. Already in early age it is worth accustoming the crumbs to observe the regime preschool to reduce the burden on the psyche in the future. The child grows every day, the menu changes, the daily routine, new needs of the body appear. Therefore, a mother should know how to correctly compose her baby’s diet so that he grows up strong and healthy.

A grown up baby has a sufficient set of teeth to switch to solid food. It's time to gradually replace semi-liquid dishes with solid foods: whole cereals, potato casseroles and vegetable, stewed vegetables and salads. Four meals a day. Most of the calories come from the lunch meal. The total energy value of the foods consumed by the child varies between 1350–1500 kcal.

Major dietary changes

The volume of dishes is slightly increased. If before the portions were very small, now they are 20–30 g larger. Mom will no longer have to bother with grinding dishes, but she will have to be more careful when preparing salads and snacks. Menu planning tips:

  • the baby is not yet ready for fried foods, but now he can be offered stew and liver, cut into small pieces;
  • cereals and vegetables must be well boiled, not allowing them to remain half-cooked;
  • dinner and breakfast should be from "light" dishes;
  • fresh vegetables are required in the diet, mainly carrots and cabbage.

Particular attention should be paid to the intake of vitamins in the baby's body. Buy him enough fruits, keep in mind that they are healthier fresh.

What foods are needed for a child at 1.5 years old

As before, the child needs calcium. A significant proportion of his diet is milk- within 500–600 ml. To improve the taste, it is allowed to season the dishes with sour cream, but only in boiled form. The daily norm for a baby 1.5–2 years old is only 5 g. You should not exceed it, as this will negatively affect the functioning of the liver.

Almost every day, the baby needs meat- from 70 to 90 g. Preferably veal or turkey. Suitable and chicken fillet or rabbit meat. Make sure that there are no veins in it - the baby is not yet able to chew them. Twice a week treat your baby with fish. He needs quite a bit - up to 30 g / serving. Make sure that the baby does not get bones.

Your baby has already grown up and now he needs more bread- up to 100 g per day. It can be given along with sandwiches or as a "companion" to first courses. The rate of potatoes has also increased - now it reaches 130-150 g / day. If on some day there are no potato dishes on the menu, do not worry, because these recommendations are indicative.

Every day the baby is recommended to give up to 150-200 g vegetables- zucchini, pumpkin, beets, carrots, kohlrabi and others. Absolutely all products are taken into account, including those coming with first courses or in the form of salads. Try to gently offer vegetables to your baby, even if he does not show much love for them.

A common mistake many parents make is egg abuse. You can often see mothers offering crumbs fried eggs or a large portion of an omelette. Please note that daily rate for one and a half year old children is 0.5 eggs daily. This means that you can cook 3-4 eggs for your baby in a week.

Butter and vegetable oil are necessary for crumbs in a minimum amount. Alternatively, you can offer your baby a sandwich with cheese or jam. A serving of cottage cheese is now 50 g. It will taste better if seasoned with jam or sugar. Do not abuse salt - no need to accustom the baby with early childhood eat excessively salty foods.

The desire of parents to offer their child sweets is quite understandable - kids get great pleasure from any sweets, cookies and cakes. But, believe me, this is not the kind of food that will make the baby happy. It is better to treat your daughter or son with fruits - they are just as tasty, but at the same time much healthier.

Menu for the week

We bring to your attention a menu option for the week. Dishes are selected simple, the preparation of which will require a minimum amount of time.


  • Breakfast. Buckwheat porridge with milk. Cocoa with milk. Sandwich with butter and cheese.
  • Dinner. Cucumber salad with cottage cheese. Chicken soup with rice and broccoli. Rice porrige with meatballs. Tea.
  • afternoon tea. Fruit salad with yogurt (bananas with strawberries and kiwi). Bun. Juice.
  • Dinner. Vegetable puree with chicken cutlet. Milk.
  • Breakfast. Oatmeal milk porridge with raisins. Bread with butter and jam. Tea.
  • Dinner. Salad of boiled beets with prunes. Pumpkin soup-puree with croutons. mashed potatoes with stew and cabbage. Dried fruits compote.
  • afternoon tea. Cottage cheese pudding with apples or cherries. Currant jelly. Bun.
  • Dinner. Chicken liver with buckwheat. Tea with gingerbread.
  • Breakfast. Wheat porridge in milk with wild berries. Apple juice. Cookie.
  • Dinner. Carrot salad. Borscht with beans. Vegetable puree with stewed fish. Cherry jelly.
  • afternoon tea. Apple and apricot puree. Kefir with a bun.
  • Dinner. Omelette. A cheese sandwich. Tea.
  • Breakfast. Corn porridge(It is better to cook in a slow cooker). Bread and butter. Milk.
  • Dinner. Chinese cabbage salad, seasoned lemon juice and greenery. Rice soup with meatballs, cauliflower and green peas. Spinach and broccoli puree with meat pudding. Dried fruits compote.
  • afternoon tea. Cottage cheese with fresh fruit. Bun with kefir.
  • Dinner. Vegetable puree with stewed rabbit meat.
  • Breakfast. Pumpkin porridge with rice and milk, seasoned with raisins. Pie (baked) with liver pate and tea.
  • Dinner. Salad with cucumbers and tomatoes (without peel). Chicken noodle soup. Rice porridge with fish cakes. Dried fruit compote and crackers.
  • afternoon tea. Yogurt with cookies. Fruit juice.
  • Dinner. Buckwheat porridge with stewed chicken liver. Tea with a sandwich.
  • Breakfast. Millet milk porridge. A cheese sandwich. Cocoa with milk.
  • Dinner. Cabbage salad with carrots and onions. Broccoli, cauliflower and spinach soup. Mashed potatoes with stewed veal and tomato sauce. Dried fruits compote.
  • afternoon tea. Omelette. Oatmeal cookies with fruit juice.
  • Dinner. Vegetable puree with stewed turkey. Tea with cookies.


  • Breakfast. Oatmeal with banana and raisins. Cocoa with a bun and hard cheese.
  • Dinner. Beet salad. Pea soup with croutons. Puree of spinach, broccoli, zucchini and cauliflower. Fruit juice with gingerbread.
  • afternoon tea. Cottage cheese pudding with fruits. Cherry jelly.
  • Dinner. Mashed potatoes with veal meatballs. A cheese sandwich. Tea.

Traditionally, the baby is supposed to have an evening portion of kefir. True, not all children are accustomed to this.

Baking in the diet of babies

Almost all children love cakes and pastries, but this does not mean that you can follow the child's lead. Industrially prepared products contain many additives: they contain thickeners, dyes, flavors and other ingredients that can harm the health of the baby. For this reason, it is always worth giving preference to the simplest cookie.

If you want to cook something for the crumbs with my own hands, you can bake cookies or gingerbread with the minimum amount eggs, fat and sugar. In no case should you use margarine - it is extremely harmful not only to children, but also to adults. Recommend to replace chicken eggs quail. Firstly, they do not cause allergies, and secondly, they contain a lot of useful substances. Instead of sugar, you can put fructose in the dough.

After a successful introduction, mothers begin to think about how to diversify the baby's diet further. The nutrition of the child after a year takes on a new character. It is replenished with food, because the baby already has half and can chew solid food with them, the mode and frequency of eating is changing.

The chewing apparatus and the digestive system of the baby are constantly developing. The nutrition of a child after a year should consist not only of foods that are cooked in a blender to a puree state, but also mashed with a fork. In a plate of crumbs, already small pieces may come across. Delaying with the start of the introduction of solid food is dangerous for the intestines and stomach, because peristalsis is disrupted.

The diet of a child after 1 year of life should be five times, so you must follow the basic rules for eating:

  1. Regularity - the baby needs to be fed at the same time every day so that he has a good appetite.
  2. You can deviate from the regime for no more than 30 minutes.
  3. All food for the crumbs is steamed, stewed, boiled or baked.
  4. Products for your child must be of proven and high quality.
  5. Snacking at this age is strictly prohibited, especially for various sweets.
  6. If the baby wants to eat, and there is still a lot of time before the next meal, then give unsweetened fresh fruits or vegetables.

Is it necessary to feed a child at night after a year?

Many young parents dream of sleeping through the night, so they have a question about whether it is necessary after a year. There is no definite answer, because it all depends on the personal characteristics of the baby, his body and habits. Children's experts agree that it is still necessary to wean, because given time days is intended for rest not only for mom and baby, but also for his digestive system.

Weaning from the desire to eat at night will be easier with artificial feeding than with breastfeeding. Adapted Blend longer digested and absorbed by the child's body, and the mother's breast is also sedative during teething. Feed your child hearty before bed, let him get tired, and instead of food, offer warm water, kefir or compote.

The nutrition of a child after 1 year may consist of such new products:

  1. Dairy and sour-milk products: mild cheese, curdled milk, sour cream. Kefir, cottage cheese and yogurt should also be present in the diet.
  2. Fresh seasonal vegetables seasoned with vegetable oil. Products must not contain nitrates and other harmful substances.
  3. Sweets: marshmallow, marshmallow and marmalade. They are introduced gradually and in small quantities.
  4. Low-fat fish and meat should be present in the child's daily menu.
  5. Children's cereals, juices and fruits remain on the baby's menu, as before.

Each product is introduced gradually and in small sizes. Parents are required to carefully monitor the reaction of the child's body for 3 days. If the allergy does not occur, then increase the amount of new food. The diet of the child should be saturated with minerals, vitamins and other useful components. Moms can keep food diaries in which they will record all the information about the nutrition of the crumbs.

Feeding a baby after a year often depends on what your baby prefers. To understand how he likes this product or not, mom should offer it to the baby about 10 times a different days. If the dish is constantly rejected, then it is not necessary to give. In this case, parents will have to select a replacement that is close in composition. For example, chicken fillet is similar to cottage cheese in terms of protein content.

If the child's diet after a year includes mixtures, then they must be discarded, gradually reducing to a complete cessation. healthy baby at night, it no longer needs feeding and may not wake up until the morning, so the mother should feed the baby a hearty dinner, and during sleep offer a bottle of water or just shake it in her arms.

Should I breastfeed my baby after a year?

If the family decided to turn breast-feeding, and the baby still eats during sleep, then the question arises of how to feed the child at night after a year. You can transfer the crumbs to or replace food with a drink. During the period of illness or teething, children have a special need for warmth and comfort, they become capricious. In this case, the mother can soothe the baby with her milk.

Nutritional norms for a child after a year

Children's doctors calculated the nutrition for children after a year and found out that the daily norm is 1300 kcal, and the total amount of food is about 1100 ml. Babies are fed 4-5 times, the interval between meals is approximately 4 hours. The mode should include:

  • 08:00 - first breakfast - 20% of the daily allowance;
  • 10:00 - second breakfast - 10%;
  • 12:00 - lunch, it should be the most nutritious - 30%;
  • 16:00 - afternoon snack - 15%;
  • 20:00 - dinner - 25%.

Parents can tell about the child's nutrition after a year food distribution table. Per day, for one kilogram of crumb weight, you need:

  • fat - 4 g;
  • carbohydrates - 16 g;
  • protein - 4 g.

Baby nutrition after a year - menu, recipes

Answering the popular questions of young parents about how to feed a child after a year, menus and cooking rules, it must be said that it is necessary to focus on a full and balanced diet. Every day the baby should eat:

  • cereals cooked in water or milk;
  • vegetable soups and purees;
  • sea ​​fish (pollock or hake) and meat (liver, heart, tongue);
  • compote of dried fruits or rose hips, and drink water throughout the day;
  • dairy products.

Baby nutrition after a year - menu

Choosing products for children after a year to draw up good nutrition refer to this menu:

  1. The first breakfast should be protein-carbohydrate. Baby can make an omelette vegetable salad, milk porridge or soup, boil an egg or give low-fat cottage cheese with sour cream.
  2. The second breakfast may consist of fruit puree or compote with cookies. In this way, you stimulate the production of gastric juice before next trick food.
  3. For lunch, offer the crumbs fish broth, soup with meat or vegetable puree. Give your child a vegetarian day several times a week to relieve the stomach.
  4. An afternoon snack may consist of milk, yogurt or kefir. Dairy products are served with cookies, a bun, pancakes or pancakes, but in small quantities.
  5. Dinner should consist of vegetables, rice, semolina, buckwheat or oatmeal, boiled vermicelli. Before going to bed, you can give a fermented milk product, for example, kefir or fermented baked milk.

Nutrition for children after a year - recipes

When compiling a menu for her baby, mothers often face the question of how to cook delicious and healthy dish. Recipes for children after a year can be very diverse. Consider the most popular of them.

beetroot salad


  • beets - 1 piece;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • vegetable oil (sunflower or olive) - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • lemon juice - a few drops;


  • Take a medium beet, wash and boil.
  • Then it needs to be cleaned and grated.
  • Season with oil, salt and lemon juice.



  • egg - 1 piece;
  • milk - 2 tablespoons;
  • salt - a pinch.


  1. Crack an egg, add milk and beat.
  2. You can cook in the oven, slow cooker or steam bath.

Meat soup


  • meat (rabbit, veal) - 20 g;
  • carrots - 1 piece;
  • potatoes - 2-3 pieces;
  • water - 250 ml.


  1. Vegetables and meat should be washed and finely chopped, put in a saucepan and pour water.
  2. Cook for about 40 minutes until fully cooked.

Milk soup


  • oatmeal - 20 g;
  • baby milk - 200 ml;
  • fructose - 3 g;
  • butter - 5 g;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • water - 150 ml.


  1. Pour water into a saucepan and bring to a boil, then add the oatmeal and simmer for about 5 minutes.
  2. After the mass thickens, you need to add warm milk, fructose and salt.
  3. Cook the porridge for 25 minutes, and then add the oil.

During the meal of the baby, the mother must follow certain feeding rules:

  1. Consider your child's dietary preferences.
  2. Let the baby eat on its own.
  3. Let your child choose their own food.
  4. Do not force feed.
  5. Watch your portion sizes.
  6. Be careful with salt and sugar.