How to teach a dog to follow commands. Special training. Training of decorative dogs

Every dog ​​needs to be trained, regardless of its size and character. For some, minimal obedience is enough, but there are pets that will require long sessions. Special commands can be learned on your own if you make a little effort and first establish contact with the animal.


Many owners of various breeds, especially large ones, are faced with a problem when a pet does not want to run after a stick or a ball. Before teaching the dog the fetch command, they reinforce the “give” command. This will allow you to more accurately control its behavior.

Suitable for aportation any old thing without fur, such as a glove. They give her a sniff, tease the pet a little to arouse interest in the subject. When the glove is in the mouth, on the command "give" it is taken away. Performance is rewarded with treats or praise. Next, you need to give the thing back and walk the dog on the “near” command.

The final stage is to teach how to lift an object from the ground, but only with the permission of the owner. It is difficult for a puppy to concentrate, so this training begins after 6-8 months. They throw the glove aside, give the command "fetch" and lead to the thing on a leash. Having fixed the skill, you can send the pet for a thing without ammunition and command “come to me”.

After giving back things, praise the dog and repeat the exercise 10-15 times. In subsequent lessons, it is important not to forget about fetching. In addition, it is included in the general training course, and the acquired skill is confirmed in the exam.

It is easier to teach a dog commands after walks, when most of the energy will be spent on games and communication with relatives.

To "die" the pet is laid on the floor or ground, but without excessive physical effort. While the animal is lying on its side, repeat the command, holding its position.

Waiting for calm state, the owner praises the pet. For a puppy, the steps are similar. At the end, it is advisable to reward him with a delicious piece of food and gently pat on the withers. Again, repeated repetition of the command with fixing is required.

“Give a paw” is a very useful skill that will help you take care of an animal at home. An easy way and a favorite treat will do here. It is clamped into a fist in front of the dog. The hand should not be very high, approximately at the level chest animal. A sensitive nose will warm up his interest and make him touch his fist with his paw.

Having opened his palm, a person gives a delicacy and says "give a paw." This is one of the first commands for a puppy of any breed. After fixing, it will become easier to cut the nails, inspect the pads and carry out medical manipulations. The dog gets used to touching the limbs, and all training is based on his ability to remember.

Obedience is always honed before teaching the dog the commands “foreign” or “face”. If the first is suitable for all breeds, then the second is learned mainly with service books. Only a well-bred dog with an adequate psyche should receive such skills, because they require the manifestation of aggression and strength.

It is better to turn to professionals and follow their advice on how to teach your dog the front command. However, there are options for preparing without their help. main meaning- to interest the pet in the correct capture.

A toy is useful for this if training begins with a puppy, or useless thing. An adult pet is trained with the involvement of a second person. He puts on a protective sleeve or suit, teases the animal, causing malice in him, and the dog makes a grip.

"Alien" makes the pet wary of a stranger or indicate his presence with a voice, a roar. The command is convenient to use in everyday life when they come uninvited guests or a suspicious stranger approached on the street.

To train a pet, a helper is invited. He plays the role of a "bad" person, takes a stick and swings at the dog. The pet will show aggression or distrust. This moment should not be missed without praise. A treat will prevent you from focusing on a dangerous object, so it is excluded from the reward.

The dog must be recalled at the first request of the owner or members of his family. Otherwise, there is a chance of getting an uncontrollable dog.

The “alien” command is contraindicated for a puppy due to the peculiarities of the development of the psyche.

"Serve" or "bunny"

Tricks are usually easily given to dogs, often they enjoy their performance and the positive reaction of the owner. "Serve" suggests that the animal sits down and draws its front paws at chest level. So it looks like a rabbit.

Due to the peculiarities of the structure, it is easier to “serve” dogs of medium size. big dogs it is harder to keep balance, but the experience of trainers shows that teaching a dog commands or tricks when right approach is quite real. This requires simple preparation - a learned “sit” command and a treat.

The algorithm indicates a sequence of several actions. The pet is seated and attracted by a hand with a piece of food or unsalted cheese. The palm is squeezed and wound behind the head of the animal.

The dog should straighten its back while remaining in a sitting position. They give a treat after a short exposure, clearly pronouncing aloud “serve”. Repeat until perfect. At home, "bunny" can be learned for a short time both adult and baby.

The interval between execution and treats is gradually increased to several seconds. "Serve" helps to train endurance and attention.

To understand how to teach a dog to stand, sit, or special skills, you need to know about training techniques. The first is taste-promoting, it involves treating with a treat. The second is mechanical, based on light pushing actions of the hand or leash.

A good push is given by imitation of adult dogs, if they can be trained before the training of the recruit begins. Experts also use contrast method, which includes techniques from the other methods listed.

One of the simplest commands is the “Serve!” command. Small dogs love this command more, but large ones often perform with difficulty. However, the "Bunny" trick is a fairly common trick, and is suitable for all dogs that have a healthy back.

Team "Serve!" or the “Bunny” trick consists in the fact that the dog from a sitting position takes its front paws off the ground and lifts them into the air, folding them together or hanging like a bunny.

Teaching the command "Serve!"

  • First you need to seat the dog with the command "Sit!" .
  • Next, you need to raise your hand with a treat above the dog's nose, and then move your hand slightly behind the dog's head. In this case, your ward should not get up.
  • As soon as your dog lifts his paws off the ground and sits with his back straight, give him a treat.
  • The next time the dog understands what is required of him, perform this trick along with the command "Serve!"
  • To the dog on command "Serve!" froze for a few seconds, you need to increase the interval between the execution of the command and the reward.

You can teach your dog the Bunny trick with your hand. At the command "Serve!" the dog is allowed to lean on his hand, holding a treat in his fist. Gradually, the dog begins to understand the essence of the trick, and the hand is removed. Further, the dog during the trick simply raises its paws in the air.

Variants of the trick "Bunny"

As soon as the dog learns well to execute the “Serve!” command, you can complicate the trick.

On command, the dog can position its paws in different ways, for example, like a bunny or stretching forward.

You can get the dog to answer the question “Are the paws clean?” and your hand gesture, raised the front paws up.

This is such a fun and easy trick, good luck with your training!

Practicing the "Serve" command: When "please" doesn't work...there's a better way. From a sitting position, the dog raises its front paws, sitting on its hind legs. It should sit on both hind legs, with a straight back, keeping the front paws at chest level. Aligning the back, chest, front legs and head is very important to maintain balance.

"Serve" command for small dogs

  • 1. Command your dog "Sit!". With the treat, have her lift her head up and back while repeating the "Serve" command. Holding the treat in your fist, let your dog take a bite while holding it in the same position. If the dog stands up on its hind legs, lower your hand a little, give the command "Sit!" and press her butt to the floor.
  • 2. When the dog learns to balance, move back and combine the command with voice and gesture. Throw her a treat after a few seconds. Remember: you can reward only as long as the dog remains in correct posture, not when she lowers her front paws.

Serve Command for Large Dogs

  • 1. Command your dog "Sit!". Stand close behind her, keeping your heels together, toes apart.
  • 2. With the treat, make the dog lift its head up and back until it sits up. Hold her chest with your other hand, helping to keep her balance and giving the command "Serve!" Until the dog learns to balance, lightly hold him from behind and by the chest.

Expected results. Some dogs learn this trick easily, others find it difficult to balance. The exercise helps to strengthen the muscles of the thighs and back parts body, which is good for everyone. Your dog will learn to sit and beg for you to praise him! Questions and problems. 1. The dog jumps on the treat.
Slowly move your hand with the treat. Don't reward your dog if it jumps. 2. The dog stands up on its hind legs.
Lower your hand down and quietly command "Sit!". Keep the food at the level of her muzzle. 3. The dog cannot keep balance.
This trick is easiest for small or fat dogs. Large, long-legged, or massive dogs can learn to serve, but take longer to learn to balance. Where can I use this command. Now that your dog is confident in his balance, try teaching him to stand or walk on his hind legs. Cunning. To make this trick easier, have a small dog sit on a table.

One of the simplest commands is the “Serve!” command. Small dogs love this command more, but large ones often perform with difficulty. However, the "Bunny" trick is a fairly common trick, and is suitable for all dogs that have a healthy back.

Team "Serve!" or the “Bunny” trick consists in the fact that the dog from a sitting position takes its front paws off the ground and lifts them into the air, folding them together or hanging like a bunny.

Teaching the command "Serve!"

  • First you need to seat the dog with the command.
  • Next, you need to raise your hand with a treat above the dog's nose, and then move your hand slightly behind the dog's head. In this case, your ward should not get up.
  • As soon as your dog lifts his paws off the ground and sits with his back straight, give him a treat.
  • The next time the dog understands what is required of him, perform this trick along with the command "Serve!"
  • To the dog on command "Serve!" froze for a few seconds, you need to increase the interval between the execution of the command and the reward.

You can teach your dog the Bunny trick with your hand. At the command "Serve!" the dog is allowed to lean on his hand, holding a treat in his fist. Gradually, the dog begins to understand the essence of the trick, and the hand is removed. Further, the dog during the trick simply raises its paws in the air.

Variants of the trick "Bunny"

As soon as the dog learns well to execute the “Serve!” Command, you can complicate it.

On command, the dog can position its paws in different ways, for example, like a bunny or stretching forward.

You can get the dog to answer the question “Are the paws clean?” and your hand gesture, raised the front paws up.

This is such a fun and easy trick, good luck with your training!

A dog is your friend, but in order for it to be a competent and intelligent companion, being with you in a house or apartment, on a country walk or personal plot, you need to teach the dog to follow your commands, instill in your pet several useful skills. To interact with the dog ordinary life it is quite possible to master with her the general initial principles of training.

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These skills include:

  • walking a dog next to its owner;
  • execution of your command “Come to me” and return to the starting position;
  • execution of a command at a distance: “Lie down”, “Sit”, “Place”, “Stand”;
  • delivery of the item upon execution of the “Fetch” command and return to its owner upon the “Give” command.
  • the “Fu” command, by which the dog needs to stop any actions.

Before starting training, you must teach the dog to respond to the nickname, calmly allow it to fasten the collar on itself, and not kick at the moment the leash is fastened.

Prepare the following items needed for class:

  • soft collar;
  • muzzle;
  • strict collar (for dogs of large breeds);
  • short leash up to two meters;
  • long leash up to eight meters;
  • a dumbbell-shaped stick, a ball, any favorite dog toy;
  • a small rug that will serve as a designation of the place.

Now let's take a look at this important issue how to teach your dog to follow the commands you give him.

We teach the dog to follow the “Next” command.

Having heard the command, the dog should start moving next to the owner, both straight and turning in different sides, and changing the speed of movement, and stop as soon as you stop. We work out this skill Thus. We take the dog on a short leash, holding it close to the collar with the left hand, and holding its free part with the right hand. The dog should be next to your left leg. Having said the command “Near”, start moving, allowing the dog to move away from you a little forward, backward, move to the sides.

At the moment when the dog overtakes you, you need to strictly say "Next!" and jerk the leash back so that the dog is next to your leg again. After making sure that the dog understood you correctly, stroke your left hand, give a treat and say "Okay, next."

The test for mastering this command by the dog is as follows: wait until the dog goes somewhere again and say “Nearby” without pulling on the leash. As soon as the dog stands at your left foot, you can be sure that the skill has been acquired by it.

After that, we complicate the task by commanding the pet “Near” when changing the pace of movement, turning, starting and stopping the run. Having consolidated these skills, repeat the exercises, lowering the leash to the ground and even unfastening it. Good contrasting ways of learning. At first, the formidable command "Nearby", and when good performance her - to affectionately approve the pet, stroke it and reward it with a treat.

Let's move on to learning the "Come to me" command.

This command does not need to be tied to some circumstances that are unpleasant for the dog in order not to develop fear or fear in it.

Let's say your dog was running freely, and at that moment you commanded him "Come to me." You don’t need to immediately, as soon as he runs up, fasten his leash, but on the contrary, you should give him a treat, pet him and let him go for a walk. In the early stages of training, it is not recommended to punish dogs if they do not immediately begin to follow your commands.

To practice the “come to me” command, lead the dog on a long leash. After releasing it for some distance, clearly pronounce the nickname, command “Come to me” and show the delicacy that you hold in your hand.

The approaching dog must be encouraged. A distracted dog should be reasoned with a gentle jerk on the leash. A dog that follows the command sluggishly should be encouraged by pretending that you want to run away from it. In all cases when the command is executed, be sure to repeat “Come to me, good” and give a treat.

Subsequently, link this command with a gesture - raise your right hand, stretching it to the side, at shoulder level, and immediately lower it to your hip. Repeat these steps several times, and the dog will follow the commands given by gestures.

How to teach the "Sit" command to your dog.

All commands controlling the dog at some distance must be divided into two stages. The first is the execution of commands on a leash, the second is after mastering the first stage, with gestures or voice.

We start processing the “Sit” command in this way:

Keeping the dog on a shortened leash, to our left, we turn half-turn towards it, and give the order. At the same time, we pull the dog with the right hand, pulling the leash up and back, and with the left hand we press him on the croup. So the dog sits. If the dog tries to get up, say “Sit” again while continuing to press on his croup. With a good fit, reward with a treat.

With the help of treats, they work out this command in this way. The dog is on your left, and you are holding, for example, a piece of cheese in right hand, raising it above the dog's head. He will be forced to raise his head, continuing to follow the cheese and involuntarily sit down. Take advantage of the moment and help him sit up by pressing his croup with your left hand. The commands “Lie down” and “Stand” are practiced in the same way.

Teaching a dog to execute the "Place" command

When the dog is at a distance from you, he wants to run up to you. It needs to be returned by the team to its place. At your call “Place”, he should return and lie down on the rug or next to the thing. Slowly move away, waiting for him to rush after you. Then go back and put the dog back in place with the words "Place, lie down." Continue until he learns the command.

We execute the command "Aport"

"Aport" means - grab, bring. Extremely desired command for service dog breeding. By teaching her a dog, you can teach him to bring some thing you need. The command is worked out based on the dog's innate ability to grasp an object. Waving a ball in front of the dog's face, say "Aport" and give him the opportunity to grab the toy. While he is holding the ball in his mouth, say "Aport, good." Gradually, you will achieve that the dog will begin to bring you this toy.

The “Give” command is also practiced here. The dog, having brought the ball, must give it to the owner, first exchanging it for a treat.

We practice the prohibiting command "Fu"

This is an extremely important command. It is necessary to achieve its strict implementation, because it is with the help of the shout “Fu” that you stop any negative actions of your pet. The command is worked out with the assistance of a painful stimulus. A jerk with a leash and even a strict collar is used, a blow to the croup with a whip, with a force you have determined.

Engage in working out this command on walks. Keeping your dog on a long leash, wait until he wants to rush to someone else and bark intimidatingly, pounce on another dog, or accept a treat from a stranger. Immediately pull the leash towards you or hit with a whip, but in no case with your hand, on the croup. Also teach your dog to wear a muzzle, giving the command "Fu" in case he wants to rip it off. Only having learned this command, the dog can walk without a leash.