Simoron - the best rituals for fulfilling desires and attracting love and good luck. Simoronsky ritual "We charge money with batteries." Why it works

Do you want to attract good luck and become a lucky person? There is a solution! With the help of the Simoron ritual, you can make all your desires come true. This will require your sincere intention to become happy and positive attitude.

Simoron ritual"Sew on your happiness" will help you once and for all deal with your bad luck and attract good luck.

In order for your luck to always be with you, you need to sew it to yourself. Everything is very simple. For the ritual, you will need a piece of cloth and your favorite items of clothing. Choose the clothes in which you were once lucky. You can choose those outfits in which you really like yourself.

  1. Take a piece of cloth and write the word "happiness" or "luck" on it. Sew in wrong side your clothes. Now your luck or happiness will accompany you when you put on your magical clothes.
  2. In order to discreetly sew your happiness to your clothes, you can tear off the labels and sew pieces of fabric in their place. So the Simoron ritual will work much faster.
  3. You can sew happiness to several items in your clothes and name each of your outfits in your own way. For example, to business suit that you wear to work, you can sew on the phrase "good luck in your career." And you can sew a “good luck in love” label to a romantic dress.
  4. Change your positive-charged outfits in accordance with your goals, luck will always be there.

For this Simoron ritual to work, it is important to observe a few simple rules:

  • When sewing your lucky word or phrase onto your clothes, think positive. A positive attitude is very important here. You can sing at this time or just smile and imagine how your clothes attract good luck to you.
  • Don't sew words on old clothes. It is better to take something new, which must necessarily cause you positive emotions.
  • Every time you put on your lucky clothes, be sure to look in the mirror and smile at yourself.

This Simoron ritual will take effect immediately, as soon as you believe in its power and that miracles do happen in our lives! Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

03.07.2014 10:00

Want to change your life for the better but don't know where to start? We suggest you use...

The five proposed Simoron rituals are based on popular expressions and sayings that we often use in our lives. They say that...

And good luck are rituals that are becoming more popular every day. There are many magical rituals to improve the quality of everyday human life that a person involuntarily deprives himself of the pleasure of enjoying this very life to the fullest. Fortunately, among the serious modern teachings on how to better cope with your life problems, there has appeared such a frivolous and at the same time incredibly powerful in its simplicity simoronism.

How to understand simoron?

Actually, not at all.

Do not try to comprehend the Simoron rituals, guided by complex philosophical reflections and heavy teachings about the meaning and complexity of life.

Create your life on your own, with a smile on your face and a light heart, without looking back at complicated books and tricky advice - then the Universe will smile at you in response, help you life path, fulfill your dream.

To call the ritual of Simoron magic is a mistake. Nothing to do with higher powers simoronists do not have. So what is simoron and simoron techniques? the only the purpose of technology is to teach a person to live positive thoughts, do not dwell on your failures and do not attach importance to the dark streaks of life. Techniques do not provide for any “magic” interventions - everything that happens around a person depends only on himself, as well as his desire to change his life for the better.

The simoron system will not force you to engage in nonsense, only nonsense that is useful for a comfortable and fun existence.

Why are Simoron rituals needed?

Only to improve your interaction with the world, other people, but above all - with yourself. Only harmony with your own inner world, and not magic rituals can lead a person to happiness. Simoron - the real magic of ours with you Everyday life, which does not tolerate boredom, stagnation, and long breaks for careful and meaningless reflection. Create your own life and you will see that no one can do it better than you.

A real simoron, any rituals of which can be used everywhere, is very easy to comprehend.

Nothing supernatural is required of you, only the most simple steps, seemingly completely meaningless and stupid. But it is precisely in simplicity and stupidity that the meaning of this technique lies - this is how a person abstracts from his busy life, the problems of which, out of ignorance, he considers the most important in the world, and looks into his inner world. Let go of yourself, let yourself relax, and accept the motto of this useful, relaxing teaching - "simonim together."

Where would such rituals be useful?

Almost everywhere. Simoron's technique, being a deeply vital practice, despite its outward carelessness, covers all spheres of standard and non-standard human life. You can apply it anywhere, it all depends on the area in which you have problems.

Rituals are very diverse - you can find any of them in abundance, looking back at your life's complaints.

Separate rituals:

With a positive attitude, you can cope with any trouble if you take into account your desire to change everything for the better and sincere faith in the result.

Where do the roots of this movement come from?

Founders - married couplePeter and Petra Burlan, Not last people in the psychological arena. More than 20 years ago, with their hands, the Simoron school was created in Kyiv - a technique for fulfilling desires, which still works and has weight.

According to the founders, life is a series of pleasant and unpleasant events, which in no case should be angry, offended or rush into attempts to fight fiercely.

Everything that exists comes to a person “outside”, which means that fighting him seriously is a waste of nerves and, in general, mental health.

At the dawn of activity and now the school had and has one sole purpose- to help people who are new to the simoron movement get rid of giving human body(shell) such of great importance, but paid attention to your inner self, freed your inner creative, creative impulses.

Why do practices work?

Because you are positive about the result and are sure that everything will end up the way it should be. Rituals help you understand what is really important. A few such "stupid" actions, and a person begins to rely on his inner self in solving his life's obstacles.

Self-improvement, not a blind fight with external manifestations your disharmony - here the main objective a ritual that you are sure to achieve.

Performing Simoron's techniques only releases in you everything that you carefully press, not allowing you to get out and make you happy. One has only to start their implementation, and you will see how your changes in outlook on life begin to work to improve the quality of this very life. Allow yourself to do stupid things and you will realize how much room there is for stupid things in our lives.

What do we have to do?

Choose your goal that you want to work on. Perhaps in the process you will realize that you don’t need this goal at all, but it’s definitely worth a try - rituals clear the mind, turn the world upside down in your eyes, show you the wrong side of reality and, possibly, the backyard of your mind. Here are some examples.

Simoron for the second half

Can't find a worthy life partner? It's okay, everyone has it. You just need to get it right.
  1. Prepare two carrots, red paper and the same color ribbon and scissors.
  2. Put two carrots in front of you, before doing them appearance- Wash and dry thoroughly. Put close, close.
  3. Cover the vegetables with your palms, transferring your energy to them, but do not touch. Rotate the brushes around the carrot counterclockwise, while repeating three times " INI'll cry, I tell fortunes, I will charge carrots with love!»
  4. When finished, rub your palms over the vegetables three times, repeating already “One, two, three - my carrots are all in love!”
  5. After that, you can use a red ribbon - tie carrots to it as a sign of a future strong union.
  6. Cut out a small heart from red paper to place on top with the words " May it be so!”- this you fix the ritual.
  7. Then it is very desirable to eat carrots - the effect will be incredibly strong and fast.

Simoron on the living space "Golden Fish"

Remember the power gold fish in the fairy tale of the same name - impressive, right? Try replicating it at home, especially if you don't have pets in your house yet.
  1. Head straight to the nearest "bird market" or pet store to find yourself a "benefactor" to your liking.
  2. Choose carefully - a strong bond should form between you. Choose only the fish that you like.
  3. Get a worthy aquarium for a magical creature, decorate it and make it a prominent place in the room - let your pet always be surrounded by care and attention.
  4. Every day, turn to the fish with small requests, casually mentioning your main goal.
  5. Do not rush the fish - live your life and do not interfere with it. After some time, such a calm and measured your life together you will definitely get what you want.

Treat the psychology of simoron with humor and kindness - you will get the same back, but in larger size! Live easily, and the Universe will surely reward you for your good nature and inner light.

Ritual to attract good luck "Hours of luck"

Bad luck is very annoying. Just one word can take away a positive attitude from even the sunniest day.

You can safely carry a watch charged in this way with you or put it in important place your home - now they will bring you good luck.

Ritual for weight loss "Elixir of harmony"

Do you dream of a magic potion that will make you thin and slim in one moment? Make it yourself.
  1. Buy two liters of any drinking water(necessarily non-carbonated).
  2. Make a label that is beautiful to your taste, which, in your opinion, should be on the elixir of harmony. It will be very good if your label can be easily removed.
  3. Stick it on a bottle of water with tape and put it in a place with a moderate temperature - now the storage of your potion.
  4. During the day, the entire elixir must be drunk, and in the morning it must be refilled. Start your morning with a sip and see how it works day after day.
Do not skip the elixir tricks - this way you have a chance to worsen its effect.

Unlike other materialization technologies, Simoron rituals for the fulfillment of desires are distinguished by the ability to invent the rules of the game themselves, and magically influence the development of a life scenario. Some of them will be discussed in more detail.

Principle of the Appear Technique

Simoron's method is conditioned by visualization and mental work with specific images. To develop a skill, it is better to practice on the little things. For example, to find a lost item, you should:

Formulate and make a wish.
Close your eyes and focus your gaze up.
Present the desired item in detail and say the phrase: “Keys (any item), appear!” or "Documents, sign!".

Worth paying attention to inner feelings. Speaking words in a state of drive, an exciting feeling is noted. It can be regarded as the reaction of the Universe to the request.

Although this Simoron ritual is designed for modest requests, no one forbids testing the technique on global desires. Who knows what will happen if you say “Beloved, appear!” Every day, presenting a male image in front of you.

Bath leaf magnetism

The meaning of the fixed expression regarding the ability of a leaf to adhere to a causal place is clear to everyone. Why not turn this property to your advantage?
from thin paper a sheet is cut out;
the goal is clearly written;
the fragment is attached at the required point;

In the alternative Simoron version, a birch or oak original is taken, where the words are written with a marker. A creative “tattoo” is worn for several hours.

If you use another part of the body, located closer to the brain, the results of creativity will also not disappoint. With a pencil for eyeliner (lipstick) on the forehead, in one word, the result of what you are striving for is fixed: to become a wife, a politician, a beloved. The reflection in the mirror will periodically remind you of the goal.

Happiness in a box

The basis of this psychotechnique for the fulfillment of a wish according to Simoron in this ritual is taken by Ostap Bender's phrase about a saucer with a blue border. A dream symbol is placed at the bottom of the corresponding plate:

who wants to get married leaves a ring;
money - throws a bill;
children - a pacifier;
own house - puts a toy model;

It is necessary that, at your request, it be presented as a gift. To enhance the effect of the ritual, it is permissible to cut a shiny star (from foil) and hang it in the area where you spend the most time (on the kitchen chandelier). Life becomes easier under a lucky star.

Simoron birthday ritual

Simoron's wish fulfillment technique is as follows. On my birthday I get raspberry jam. Since the berry is considered a panacea for 7 ailments, and is associated with sweet life, a jar of dessert will become a guide to the world of dreams come true. On the outside, a sticker “Not a chef, but a raspberry” or similar allegories is pasted.

After 27 days (the magic number in Simoron), the contents must be eaten. Now we freeze in anticipation of pleasant changes.

magic mirror

A powder box with a mirror is used. To begin with, it should be washed with water and salt to remove excess information. After manipulation, the iagic object is assigned as the main tool for transforming thoughts into happy events. cosmetic pencil a short statement like “I am loved”, “I am healthy” is written on the glass. Those. you need to briefly and succinctly describe your request to the Universe.

While admiring the reflection, one should pronounce a sacramental phrase aloud. And so every time you open the accessory. At this moment, stay in bad mood and not to believe in the power of magic is strictly prohibited.

Simoronsky ritual for the fulfillment of a wish: 25 dreams.

Mandatory condition: all "Wishlists" are prescribed twice in the specified amount (25 wishes, 2 times each). After a whisper, magic words are pronounced
“All wishes come true on their own. It will be the way I want!”

In the next 10 days, you need to pamper yourself: buy expensive lipstick, update your wardrobe, forget about the diet, and attach importance to the little things that uplift your mood. Experts have noticed that the Universe is more willing to fulfill dreams for those who are positive and please themselves in every possible way.

Magic rite "Jumping Tiger"

Winnie the Pooh in a foreign interpretation of the cartoon bounced with happiness on his tail. It's time to draw conclusions and:
Look for something striped in the wardrobe (borrow a vest from your husband) or buy knee-highs and shorts with a horizontal print.
In the absence of things and the desire to acquire new clothes, hand-made body art (with a cosmetic pencil) is allowed.
In addition to the outfit, the hair is fluffed up and styled in the appropriate "hairstyle".

The actions taken are to match the image and the storyline. High jumps are accompanied by rhyming text like
“I’ll fly up to the sky on my tail, and along the way I’ll grab a lot of money.”

For the fulfillment of each new desire, its own rhyme is compiled.

It is required to perform 27 ritual jumps (27 is the magic number in simoron). Riding with a cheerleading team is more fun and efficient because the collective energy works wonders.

Simoron technique "Magic Potion"

A pot (preferably red) with water is placed on the stove. Spices, garlic and herbs are placed nearby. The magic session begins. Adding magic ingredients one by one to the container, you need to think about desires, and when adding a new portion, pronounce them. In order not to go astray, it is better to prescribe them in advance. Each phrase should end something like this: "I agree to any positive result." The more seasonings, the more voicing.

The secret of this Simoron ritual for the fulfillment of a wish is that voice vibrations create a certain energy field (as in conspiracies), which contributes to the realization of what has been said. It is important to feel the moment, and not to miss the little things.

Ready "soup" can be flavored with sauce, sour cream, lemon and other ingredients, but we must not forget that it must be edible. At this stage, all desires are repeated anew. Then the brew is poured into a plate with a golden rim, and 3 spoons are sent into the mouth. The process is necessary to activate a given program, which is better to fix later with another portion of the broth.

Simoron nodular magic

Many admire the results of "tied" desires. For a simple ceremony, you will need shoelaces (black ones are excluded). The technique is simple: holding an accessory in your hands, a wish is pronounced. The words "I want", the wording in the present tense, negative particles are ignored. The proposal must be concise and specific. After the dominant phrase, the following phrase is spoken: “as I tie a lace, so I tie desire to myself.” The knot is pulled. Then the rope is hooked in such a way that it hangs down (door handles, chair back). How many desires, so many loops knit.

Doors of desires or dreams come true in a matter of days

Let's check in practice? You will need to find about 20 minutes of free time. Should:
Think of a goal and write it on a piece of paper.
Go into the next room, close the doors and fix the post with adhesive tape to the wooden canvas.
Read the text with enthusiasm and proudly go beyond the threshold.
Then go back and duplicate the process. And so ... 27 times.

The task is to create a relaxed atmosphere where laughter, play, ease are welcome. The door portal will become a guide to new life where goals materialize.

Ritual with helpers

Virtual assistants can also help in the realization of desires. First you need to prepare a photo famous people who created financial empires or excelled in certain areas. And with their participation are allowed different problems up to love. The personas of the actors are not considered, since almost everyone has scandalous stories. Images can be cut from magazines or printed.

A snapshot of one millionaire is put in a wallet, the second is sprinkled with semolina, the third is in a safe with papers or is attached at the workplace. Once a week, all posters are placed in a container with cereal for the night. At the same time, processes should be monitored, praised or scolded according to merit.

Spiritual and personal development, the charge of motivation and good mood. Get answers to your questions from experts

The wish fulfillment technique called simoron is a little familiar to you. You have already tried some with cabbage, flowerpots, red shorts, soda, semolina or with a charger stuck in your wallet. Someone has everything FLOODED, and someone is indignant with surprise “so far nothing has happened”.

Questions arise: What is the secret of Simoron's techniques, why do they work? Are there magical principles in everyday life?

Take a notepad and write magic recipe happiness for daily use!

From the point of view of psychology, the goal of Simoron is to overcome destructive psychological attitudes, fed as usual by classical teenage complex inferiority. Often, after all, caring relatives with the best intentions push their children: “Well, why are you such a bungler, lazybones?” (Underline whatever applicable). A person grows up hypnotized by these attitudes… And where, pray tell, will happiness come from in his life?

Technique "Minus" - on the "plus"

It's time to change something in life! But what? Quit work, wife (husband)? Swap a dog for a cat? Move to a place where it's still good because we're not there? All of the above is a classic example of the destructive habit of thinking in negative categories. The universe exists thanks to the eternal law of harmony, which says: "Like begets like."

Let me remind you of one anecdote:

A man rides in a trolleybus to work, immersed in thoughts: “The wife is a drinker, the children are idiots, the boss is a bastard ...”, and the angel writes down behind his back and thinks: “What self-sacrifice! And every day he orders the same thing!”

How not to click through your happiness?

The technique for success is extremely simple. It consists of three main components:

  1. wish
  2. positive
  3. action

If you don’t like something in life, immediately ask yourself the question: "What do I want?". And formulate your request not as a complaint, but as a positive statement!

We woke up in the morning and, lying with eyes closed, immediately perform the ritual: “Today I have a joyful day, three miracles will happen to me.” Snapping fingers right hand: "I allow it!" We snap the fingers of the left hand: “I cancel all obstacles!”.

We are not lazy - we repeat the ritual every day.

At first, miracles will be small: the transport arrived on time, the weather is good, colleagues are smiling. Noticed small miracle– thank the Universe mentally and ask: “How can this get better?”.

Your soul will tune in to the positive, you will begin to broadcast it into space, and the space will begin to reflect the positive back to its source - you!

Is loneliness a pain? Sorry, do you like men in general?

If you think about why you are still single and answer this question honestly, the answer will surprise you. As a rule, it seems to a woman that "no one needs her." And if you explore the immediate environment, it turns out that there are many people who simply need you. Another thing is that they do not suit you!

What to do?

Change minus to plus! From this moment we tune in to our own: we determine for ourselves what qualities your chosen one should have, and we attract into our life male energy and love:

“My beloved man is a great conversationalist, an excellent host, a generous breadwinner, trusted friend, beautiful lover, I adore him!

The fact that your betrothed has not yet reached you does not mean that he does not exist in nature. He is, just a little busy. The task is to meet the declared qualities itself. Like attracts like, remember? Be patient and practice self-improvement!

All women are like women, and I am a fairy!

Who are you - an offended and disappointed depressive person? From this moment we rename ourselves: beloved, happy, lucky, beautiful, adored, delightful, energetic, successful. And no one says that being a sorceress is easy. Even the most simple technologies work only when they are actively used.

In order for the red braid to grow to the waist, it is not enough to buy a comb, you need to comb the braid regularly with this comb!

So, scratch, dear, scratch, apply magical techniques Simoron in practice, we scratch our happiness on the silk sides, and it grows, personal, huge, sugary! And I almost forgot, learn the right way.

That's the whole secret of the Simoron techniques! Recorded? Are you ready to start?

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