Simple riddles for children 3 4 years old. Children's health riddles. About flowers and plants

Riddles for the smallest

1.Mikhnatya, buttenaya,
Peel milk, sings songs? (Cat)

2.ku-ka-re-ku shouts in a ringing
Shopping the wings loud-loudly,
The chicken is a faithful shepherd, what is his name? (cock). sits obedient very,
Bang he does not want at all
Wool he is big
Well, of course it is - (dog).

4. Without the rain she walks,
Pinching grass loves
Vary shouts, all this is a joke,
Well, of course it is - (duck).

5. I have a question for you - who stains his mouth and nose?
Who is sitting in the pool all day?
Gryukhkaya and swimming,
Tell me friends - what is her name - (pig).

6. Each evening, so easy
She gives us milk.
She says two words
What is her name - (cow).

7. I don't sleep at all,
House from mice will fit
Milk from the bowl is drinking,
Well, of course it is - (cat).

8. In one - ha ha,
Who offended? Where? When?
I'm not afraid of anyone
Well, of course it is - (goose).

9. In the cell the whole day sits,
And under his nose herself says
But hearing the door of the creaking,
He screams "Philip Philipp",
Keshe drink faster
Who is - (parrot).

10. He is sleeping in Berlog in the winter
Sourling sniffs

And wake up, well, roar,
What is his name - (bear).

11. On a cheekychka decided to marry,
Girl saved only the bird,
Grain he pins the mouth
Well, of course it is - (Mole).

12. Her pallet she buzzes
To the hive quickly flies,
Honey gave his honey
What is her name - (bee).

13. Movement on the ground crawls,
Here is a tongue, open mouth,
All bite everyone, I am ready
Because I am - (snake).

14.The time on the forest he chops
He is looking for someone in the bushes.
He from the bushes to the teeth is a pitch,
Who can tell it - (wolf).

15. Loves red carrots,
Cabbage nibbles very deftly
He's jumps here, then there,
On the forests and fields,
Gray, white and oblique,
Who tell him such - (hare).

16. He is gray, big,
On four pillars
Look at him
And you just say, ah!
The trunk will upward raises
All out of the fountain watering,
Tell me, who is he?
Well, of course it is - (elephant).

17. Path in the woods,
I big apple carry
On the needles, I look like
To call me of course - (Yozh).

18. Martial beasts russed back
All the animals are in a hurry,
On the stone gracefully north
Tell me, who is - (lion).

19. In the forest on the branch, she sits,
One "ku-ku" she says,
Years she believes all
His chicks she loses.
"Ku-ku" then there is here,
How does the bird name? - (cuckoo).

20. Oranges and bananas are very loved ... (monkeys)

21. I died my sock, dragged him ... (puppy)

22. Very many windows in it.
We live in it. This ... (house)

23. Not I'm afraid I am words "Stuck", - I am a forest cat ... (Lynx)

24. In the dawn, sings in the yard, on the head of the scallop.
Who is it? .. (Cockerel)

25. Sitting the grandfather, he dresses a hundred coats.
Who undresses him - that tears sheds. (Onion)

26. The maid of the girl is sitting in the dungeon, and Spit on the street. (Carrot)

27.The clothes and everything without fasteners. (Cabbage)

28. Azhal Antosha revolves on the leg.
Where the sun is worth it, he looks there. (Sunflower)

29. I wait - you can't wait
And how they will see - they scatter. (Rain)

30. The toothy animal gnaws with a screech of Dubok. (Saw)

31. Two abdomen, four ears. (Pillow)

32. Four brothers under one hat. (Table)

33. Haired I am friends
They are taking them to order.
Thank you hairstyle,
And call me ... (comb)

34.Fig in the ground I dig
In a dirty puddle swim. (Pig)

Children's riddles for children of 4-5 years old help the kids logically think, develop speech and show fantasy. Plus, this kind of folklore is gymnastics for thinking, smelling and intelligence. In the article you will find riddles that will be interested in the children of the middle group.

Riddles about animals

We offer riddles to children 4-5 years old with answers that will help parents not be lost and prompt the desired option on time.

1. Blesses, louds loudly and there is no strangers in the house. (Dog).

2. In the summer, this animal is gray, and in the winter it only happens white. (Hare).

3. Winter sleeps in Berlogue, in the spring honey asks. (Bear).

4. Redhead, fluffy tailBut very shameless and very, very tricky. (A fox).

5. Strong it goes loudly, instead of the nose wears a trunk. (Elephant).

6. Redhead, fluffy in the trees jump Yes, and in nuts knows a lot about. (Squirrel).

7. "Kukarek" - he sings early in the morning, to work all calls. (Cock).

8. This beast in the winter is sleeping in Berlog, sometimes even snoring. When I wonder, starts to roar. What is his name? Well, of course, ... (Bear).

9. Find out it is quite easy. This spotted animal is very high height. (Giraffe).

10. On the paws are red flippers, these birds are completely non-dangerous. (Ducks).

Each must be with a hidden minimum tip. After all, at this age, the kids only learn to solve. If the baby can not guess, you should not scold him for it. After all, you can beat off his hunt to think and fantasy.

Riddles about vegetables and fruits

Kids should develop in different areas. Therefore, make out on different topics. Including about vegetables and fruits.

1. This berry is red, sugar, and she has a green and velvety caftan. (Watermelon).

2. Little berry, first green, then red, tasty and sweet. (Cherry).

3. Autumn bitter, sweet in winter. Highly useful berry Red. (Kalina).

4. Three sisters in the summer of green. Autumn one sister is red, the other is white, and the third is black. (Currant).

5. On her orange uniform, sits on a branch, as if commander. Take the unfortunate - the stomach hurts, and if ripe - eat convince. (Apricot).

6. For a green tail dying, the red nose from the ground will get out. (Carrot).

7. The thick green grows the bush. If you dig a little, suddenly appears ... (potato).

8. old grandfather In a thick fur coat dressed. Who undresses him, he sheds very bitterly. (Onion).

Children's riddles for children 4-5 years should be available for understanding. After all, the kids are just beginning to understand the meaning of such a game. First of all, interest the child. Before the game, show him pictures, tell us about vegetables and fruits a little fairy tale, story, etc.

About the tool of labor

The child should know how a person works and that he needs to work out of items. It can be a hammer for clogging nails, sewing needle, watering watering can and much more. That is why children's riddles are ridden. For children of 4-5 years, it is important to know the items that a person faces regularly throughout life.

1. This old woman with one ear runs on the fabric boldly. It pulls over the entire web web and can create beautiful pictures. (Needle).

2. She began to go for business and boldly the song of Pockel: "I can't stop on the tree, I can not stop." (Saw).

3. This is a bold gardener, not afraid of anything. A little spout tilted and the flowers quickly wrapped. (Watering can).

4. There are big teeth. They never don't go, do not hurt, as they go through the ground, the whole garbage will immediately gather. (Rake).

5. He will score a nail into the wall. (A hammer).

6. With the janitor we are friends and couple, we walk together together and snow we will remove everywhere. (Shovel).

Riddles help children pay attention to some details that were not noticed before. Kids expand the horizons, they begin to show interest in the surrounding subjects. However, do not forget that the riddles must be selected in accordance with age.

Winter riddles

For must be not only interesting, but also cognitive. After all, the kids have already switched when it is necessary to make focus on training and development. We offer you winter riddles for children 4-5 years old.

1. Blizzard and bad weather, snow has become a lot. Take sledges and forward, I will run soon. (Winter).

2. From the sky threw a lot, everything around it with white. (Snow).

3. Magnificent white stars from the sky fly to us. They lie down in the park, in the yard for cheerful defensions. (Snowflakes).

4. Collect from the snow com, put on the edge. Print his nose, bucket, and maybe the ears. Let's give him a big beautiful broom in his hand. Suppose that while frost. He is unusual for heat, because it (snowman) is normal.

These winter riddles are needed so that the child knows that not only in the summer it is fun and good. In winter, you can also find a lot of entertainment, which likes not only to children, but also adults.


Riddles can be made to children with three-year-old age. More older guys will be able to recognize animals, plants, professions and much more. However, do not forget that sometimes children need to push to thoughts. That is, the guys need to not suggest, but to give to understand the logic, help the imagination, etc.

Teaches to develop attention, logically think, show fantasy and imagination. When a child plays in such games, he has a great deal of speech, so that the baby begins to express his opinion more correctly.

Riddles - not just an important, but the necessary tool for the development of the mental abilities of the child. At the age of 4-5 years, you can use this tool in full, offering riddles of different levels of complexity.

The simplest one is proposed in this selection, suitable for a relaxed game. They are presented in the form of "added" - poetic miniatures in which the answer is suggested by rhyme.

More complex - old riddles, which are based on unexpected images. They give real food to the mind of the kids, but to help them find adults with the help of leading issues.

Angry eye
Bogatyr Taras.
In the dungeon gone
Ten brothers found.
See what
What are the warriors!

* * *
This is who with a big tail
Hiding behind that bush?
Foresting mushrooms
I'm not far from the mountain.
Corn the nuts finely,
Who guys are it?

From the sky fall in winter
And spin over the earth
Light Pushushki
White ... (snowflakes).
* * *
Knock on the wall -
And I rebound.
Throw to the ground -
I'm jumping.
I'm from the palms in the palm of hand -
I don't want to lie feel mad.
* * *
Tail with patterns
Boots with spurs,
Songs singing
Time counts.

* * *
On the back needle
Long and stuck.
And he will turn into the ball -
There is no head, no legs.
* * *
Without hands, without legs,
And the gate is answered.
* * *
Does not fly, not buzz
Beetle on the street runs.
And burn in the eyes of the beetle
Two shiny lights.
(A car)

* * *
He is a big honey lover.
He sleeps half a year in Berld.
Loves loudly fuck.
And his name is ... (bear).

* * *
What kind of strange beast under the Christmas tree?
The needles stick out of the back.
Round, he looks like a ball,
But, prickly. This is ... (Yozh).

* * *
This guy is striped
Eating potatoes, there are tomatoes.
He is not a friend.
This is ... (Colorado Site).

* * *

Without a saw and ax
Grown house in the forest in the morning.
Thousand in him residents,
Little builders.

* * *
An unprecedented bridge arched over the field.
But it is impossible to reach the stars on the bridge.
He melts in the sun, to what it is hurt!
Just he was in the sky, and now it is not visible.

* * *
Light lumps wool
In the sky floats somewhere.

* * *
Like orange slices,
Only bitterness picked up.
It is useful, though bitter.
And his name is ... (garlic).

* * *
On a stem in a sweet house
Live funny gnomes.
Delicious, good,
Round ... (peas).

* * *
Emerald cloud
Above the water bowed.
As if sealing
Or guided.
From her in the district
It became so beautiful!
Trevia week
Call ... (Iva).

* * *
Grandfather all his name is
He comes to the holiday.
From him gifts are waiting
And surprises of different.
Naughty nose pinch
Good old ... (Santa Claus).

* * *
Fun begins,
All ride laughter!
In the arena ... who is he?
Well, of course ... (clown).

* * *
He looks like a tiger, he just did not come out,
And his mining is not larger than the mouse.
Milk from my bowl drink
Our purr gray ... (cat).

* * *

There is malicious grass.
Looks beautiful,
But the back is barely -
It hurts ... (nettle).

Riddles about animals for children are the simplest and interesting riddles, just like . They are suitable for both babies and older children. All riddles about animals with answers and in poetic form - Read and guess to the child.

Riddles about animals for children with answers

A long tail,
Tiny growth.
Gray fur coat
Sharp teeth ( mouse).

Pocket plow,
Long ear
Jumps cleverly
Loves carrot ( hare).

Drinks milk, sings songs.
Often washed
And with water it does not have ( cat).

On the field jumps -
Ears hide,
Will post a pillar -
Ears Torky (hare).

He sleeps in Berlog in winter
Under the honey pine
And when spring comes,
Wakes up from sleep ( bear).

I know how to clean -
Not water, but language.
Meow. How I often dream
Saucer with warm milk! ( cat)

He is high and spotted,
With long-long neck
And it feeds with leaves -
Leaves of trees ( giraffe).

The lush tail sticks out from the top.
What kind of strange little animal?
Clicks the nuts finely.
Well, of course, this ... ( squirrel)

He slept all winter in the fur coat,
Susks sick paw
And waking up, began to roar.
This beast is forest - ... ( bear).

Beast I humpback,
And likes the guys ( camel).

In Dupel lives
Yes nuts all nibble ( squirrel)

Beard yes horns
Run along the track ( goat).

Serovat, Dust,
Along the field
Calves, lambs looking ( wolf).

Changed the browse color
And then launched a trace ( hare).

With a beard, not an old man,
With horns, not bull,
Milking, not a cow,
Lyko tread
And the noodles do not row ( goat).

The field goes, hurts herb
Moisten "Mu-U-y", and who, not understand ( cow).

Who has one has a horn?
Guess ... ( rhinoceros)

Picked up between the Christmas trees
Pillow with needles.
Quietly faced
Then suddenly ran away ( hedgehog).

Although believe, even though do not believe:
Ran through the forest beast.
Carried on his forehead
Two chewing bushes ( elk).

The house is guarded,
Big Zabi -
Who is it ( dog).

Hungry - mice.
Found - chews.
Little guys
Milk gives ( cow).

It goes, wanders, bears a beard.
Children asks: "Me - Eh.
Give delicious herbs to me "( goat).

Gray wolf in thick forest
Met red (fox).

Hot summer in the mountains
In the fur coat runs ( ram) .

As the mountain is huge he -
Very kind, kind ( elephant).

Small, white,
On the loss jump jump,
In the snowshop pumpk-pump ( hare).

Redhead rowing in the forest walks,
A fluffy tail leads
Chicken loves
Petushkov steals.
Who is it? ( a fox)

Most of all its size.
Color - normal, smooth, gray.
Loads wears as a robot.
Instead of hands and nose - trunk ( elephant).

For some reason not to games,
If you wanders next ( tiger).

Oranges and bananas
Very love (monkey).

Instead of nose - Piglet,
Instead of tail - hook,
Voice screeching and bell
Who is it? ( piggy).

In the forest lives,
Malina chews.
Cheerful brazing -
Who is it? ( bear)

Lives in mink
Cork gnaws.
Gray Baby -
Who is it? ( mouse)

I go to the fluffy fur coat
I live in a dense forest.
In the voupel on the old oak
Nuts I rryzu ( squirrel).

What is this beast forest
Has stood like a pine column?
And stands among the grass -
Ears more heads ( hare).

With the owner is friends
House worshi
Lives under the porch,
And the tail of the ring ( dog).

Jumping away
Floats deeply.
Cheerful cuckoo -
Who is it? ( frog)

In the sky grips
Fun buzzing.
Landed on bitches -
Who is it? ( bug)

He sat on the flower,
Like on a small hand
He lit and flew away:
He has a lot of cases ( bug).

Curled to the girl
Fluffy lump
Pink Rotik -
Who is it? ( cat.)

Jumped the beast on the lampshade,
Murly: "Meow, Mur-P" ( cat).

"Uglychuchu-ka! Swallowing-ka! ", -
Clicks your teeth ( pike).

On the river floats the log -
Oh and frowning it!
Those who land in the river
Nose bite off crocodile ).

Quickly hiding from fear
In the solid shell ( turtle).

Where does the underground move?
This knows only ( mole).

"And-go," the child shouts.
So it is ( foal).

Knit mom
Long scarf
Because son ( giraffe).

Let the roof flow
And broke the wicket,
Your home for nothing
Will not leave ( snail).

Whose animals
Tail Fluffy
And longer? ( a fox)

Give someone
Ears long it,
The tail is short as Pompon,
Fluffy himself - who is he? ( hare)

Does not say not sings
And who goes to the owner,
She knows it ( dog).

Sharp ears
On the paws pillows,
Mustache like a bristle
Arc the back.
Happy sleeps
On the sun lies.
Night wanders
Hunting walks ( cat).

In water lives,
Tail wishes
Zubasta, not barking ( pike).

Winter sleeps
In the summer, the hives are grumble ( bear).

Like Christmas tree
All in needles ( hedgehog)

Fluffy tail
Golden fur,
In the forest lives,
In the village of chickeys steal ( a fox).

In summer - gray,
In winter - white ( hare).

Who is cold in winter
Walks evil, hungry? ( wolf)

Summer in a swamp
You will find it:
Green cake.
Who is it? ( frog)

Fluffy tail-tails.
Who is it? ( a fox)

On the branch is not a bird -
Lucky animal
Fur warm, like a heater.
Who is it? ( squirrel)

Mink day and night dig
Almost the sun know.
Who will find my long run
Immediately say: it ( mole).

Are you unfamiliar with me?
I live at the bottom of the sea.
Head and eight legs
That's all I - ( octopus).

Day and night all year round
Mink Roet is kind ... ( mole)

Behind the door is heard ring ringing,
And in the house hear Lai ... ( puppy)

Who in Berorge to Spring
Day and night looks dreams ( bear)?

M thorn growth, long tail,
Serious fur coat, acute teeth ( mouse).

Little boy
In the gray Armenian
Collects crumbs.
He is afraid of cats ( sparrow).

Lives in the house owner:
Satin fur coat
Spare paws,
Ears are sensitive ( cat).

In the trees of the scough yes,
Lively flies lights ( squirrel).

This little crumb
Rada even bread crumb
Because Dothemna
She hides in mink ( mouse).

Not a beast, not a bird
Everything is afraid.
Half flies -
And in the water - plume! ( frog)

No lamb and not a cat
Wears a fur coat all year round.
Fur coat gray for summer
For the winter of another color ( hare).

Look at what -
All burns like golden
Walks in the fur coat dear
Tail fluffy and big ( a fox).

Front - Piglet,
Rear - hook,
In the middle of the back,
And on her bristles ( piggy).

Gray chases white,
Wants to dine white ( wolf).

Who in the forest is deaf live -
Clumsy, clumsy?
In the summer eats raspberry, honey,
And in winter it sucks paw
Or on the forest Radet ( bear).

Thick cheeks,
Fluffy bar
My house lives with me ( hamster).

On the dog he looks like
Each tooth is like a sharp knife.
I buried, dropped the mouth:
At the sheep wanted to attack ( wolf).

Smooth - caresses
Tease - bite.
On the chain sits,
House worship ( dog)

Who is afraid of everyone in the forest -
Bear, wolf and fox? ( hare)

Who is a forest owner strict
And in winter sleeps in Berorga? ( bear)

Winter night under the moon
Warning it in the wilderness of the forest.
In debt knows
This predatory scary ( wolf).

On the ground does not go,
It does not look at the light,
And for lunch, for dinner -
All her name is. (a fish).

Two horns
And not a bull,
Six legs -
Without hoofs. (cancer)

From above stone
Bottom stone
Four legs
Yes, one head. (turtle)

Eyes - on the horns
And the house - on the back. (snail)

Collection of mysteries for fun and cognitive classes with kids. All children's riddles are given with answers.

Riddles for children are poems or prosaic expressions describing the subject without calling it. Most often the focus of children's mysteries is given to some unique property subject or its similarity with another subject.

For our distant ancestors, the riddles were a kind of tool for wisdom and smelting fabulous heroes. Like every fairy tale asked questions to which the main characters needed to answer to get a magical gift.

It is customary to share riddles for children and adults. In this section you will find only children's riddles, the unregrants of which turns into the game and not only trains, but also develops the logic of your baby. Their number is growing constantly, because people still continue to invent, and we continue to post the most interesting.

All mysteries for children are answered, so you can check yourself. If you play with a very small child, then the answers should look in advance, because you need to make sure that he already knows the word that is a randering. Play with your child in solidays and he will understand that learn can be interesting and even fun!

Children's riddles: how to choose?

Surprisingly, the preferences of children in mysteries are so different that it is not possible to identify any trend possible. Of course, the kids will delight the riddles for children about birds, animals, all sorts of bugs and spiders. Older children adore to play riddles about fabulous heroes and the heroes of modern cartoons.

To turn the breakdown in entertaining game, you need to choose the themes in accordance with what you do now and where are you. On the city's holiday, choose children's riddles about animals and birds, if you follow the mushrooms in the forest - the mysteries about mushrooms. Such a choice will bring you new impressions and joy to your child. Imagine that you relax on the lake or river and your baby saw the fish. And if you prepared in advance and took the riddles about fish with you? Success to you in the game in solidayka on water and marine Topic Provided.

ATTENTION: Riddles for children with answers are placed on the site! Just click on the word "answer".