Standards for the provision of living space to those on the waiting list. How many square meters per person

The housing issue has been and remains one of the most pressing issues for the majority of Russians. Some people try to solve it on their own, relying on either accumulated savings or a mortgage. Others turn to the state for help, and in this case they need to know how square meters relies on one person by law ... Let's try to deal with this problem.

How many square meters per person

There are certain norms established Housing Code of the Russian Federation, which allow you to calculate how much area is per tenant. Based on the characteristics of a particular region, this indicator may vary. The average rate is 12 square meters of habitable space per person.

Additionally, there are sanitary and social standards, which are also spelled out in the Code. The sanitary share remains unchanged and amounts to 6 square meters per person.

Such normative calculations are not always made, but only in a few specific cases:

  • When registering foreign citizens, registration, etc.
  • When calculating general house expenses
  • In case of unresolved questions regarding the division of property
  • If there is a need for resettlement of tenants (recognition of the house as emergency, etc.)

How to calculate the social part

Social share is calculated in relation to data on the number of persons written on the established area.

  1. For one person, this rate is 33 square meters.
  2. For two - 42 square meters
  3. For three tenants - 18 square meters per person, but not less than 16 square meters. m. based on the characteristics of the region.

When calculating, it is necessary to take into account some of the nuances prescribed in the Housing Code. For example, with the possible residence of two relatives plus one outsider, the living space should be at least 54, but not more than 62 square meters. If three people live on the same living space who are not family ties, then the area of ​​the room in this case will be equal to 62-74 square meters.

Housing accounting rate

This provision is mentioned in the RF LCD and means how many squares are installed per tenant when registering it. This figure is not constant and varies from region to region, but is set by the municipality. The accounting norm is used by authorized bodies when it is necessary to provide a person with social premises.

Dormitory standards

This topic is more relevant than ever in Russia, because about a third of the population is still forced to come to terms with the measures of residence adopted by law. According to article 105 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation in a hostel there is at least 6 square meters of living space per person.

Standards for military personnel

All employees in the internal authorities of the Russian Federation receive housing directly from Ministry of Defense... By law, they are assigned an area equal to at least 18 square meters per family member. This figure may also vary depending on the region and subject of the federation.

In some cases, the indicator can be increased, but the difference should be no more than 9 square meters. However, this does not apply to single people for whom the 33 square meter norm applies.

If a soldier rents an apartment, he can rely on legal compensation in the amount established by the LCD:

  • For cities of federal significance (Sevastopol, Moscow, St. Petersburg) - 15 thousand rubles
  • For regional centers- 3.6 thousand rubles
  • For other cities and towns - 2.6 thousand rubles

This amount can be increased by 50% if the family of a soldier consists of 3 or more people.

Accommodation rates

People living in a territory unsuitable for further existence due to accidents or dilapidation must be resettled in places more favorable for living. There are some details to consider here. If people lived in a rented real estate object, then during resettlement, the state provides them with a hostel. You can read about the living standards in it above. If people are evicted from a privatized object, then the municipal authorities are obliged to provide them with an apartment or a house of the same type, equal in size. However, in this case, as in other matters of living space, different regulations apply for different regions.


We tried to find out how many square meters one person should have based on the Act on Residential Premises. We hope that the acquired knowledge will help you in resolving housing issue and make it less painful.

Buying or at least renting an apartment, or changing housing, tenants do not always understand some of the details of the legislation. And if you suddenly decide to take a room for yourself, then you should be aware of the minimum social norms of the area prescribed for one person. If the size of this norm does not meet these criteria, then you have the right to disagree and appeal against such an attitude or proposal at the legislative level.

Talking about housing issue and looking for housing in Moscow, you should know how many squares of living space are required per person in 2017. It is the capital that sets the main indicator, on which the regions also depend. Knowing this indicator is necessary in order to correctly calculate both payment and possible difficulties in everyday life.

The area norm in an apartment for one person is established and spelled out in the Housing Code, but you immediately need to understand that everywhere it can differ from each other. Different regions also represent different levels of comfort. According to the legislation, each region sets its own indicators. In Moscow, this figure is 12 sq. meters for 1 person. The area itself is obtained from the addition of all the living quarters of the apartment. The entire footage of rooms and places is also added. common use houses or apartments. In a hostel, this figure is half as much, 6 ka. meters, and a violation of the sanitary standard as a decrease in this mark can have a bad effect on the tenant with medical point vision.

Also, there are other social points prescribed and established in the legislation regarding the concept of the area norm in an apartment for 1 person. For example, when relocation from dilapidated and dilapidated housing is carried out. In such a situation, according to the law, you must be provided with housing, the area of ​​which is not less than your previous apartment. The footage of the new living space should not be less. The servicemen, a category of citizens that belongs to the privileged category, have completely different indicators of the norms of living space, as well as the right to receive it. At the federal level, it is established that the living area of ​​the provided area is 18 meters per person. In cases of division of property and divorce, the acquired living space divided into two equal parts between the spouses. It is also an important point that after the partition, the area received by each family member is not less than 6 square meters. Otherwise, one of the parties may claim to receive monetary compensation equal to the equivalent of living space.

Depending on the subjects of residence, when registering, the norm for the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bdwelling premises is from 6 to 9 square meters. But the accounting rate for the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe living quarters per person can change in different situations... When evicting for debt, in the case of non-payers and debtors, the court may decide on immediate eviction. And this is exactly what goes into the account of the debt on non-payment of debts. But still he must be provided Alternative option housing, albeit not similar in parameters to its previous housing, but making up at least 6 square meters.

Accounting rate of living space per person

At the legislative level today, several types and differences in the norms of living space can be distinguished. The rate of living space per person in 2017 may vary. Differences are divided according to their principles, which are characterized by their own indicators. For example, the rate of housing provision, when meters are presented under a concluded contract social recruitment... The factors in the contract depend on the wishes of mainly the municipal authorities. The accounting norm is taken into account when relocating citizens who plan to change their living conditions. Well, as well as social indicators, compensation when paying the calculation utilities... This is how the norm for the provision of living space per person is spelled out and drawn up.

All this is described in great detail in the legislation of the Russian Federation. The Housing Code explains in sufficient detail almost any life situations and methods of solving them from the point of law. In any difficult situations you need to find out all the important points by which you can prove your housing rights. Every slightest violation of rights must be punished, especially when it comes to social norms.

Came from the era Soviet Union the concept of "housing standards" is actively used to this day. Taking into account the cost and importance for a person of each meter of living space, we are forced to treat him with special trepidation. In what conditions a citizen of the country will feel comfortable living is determined by some legislative acts, while others establish those responsible for observing the rules for the distribution of free housing. The task is to learn how to navigate the existing laws.

Types of living space standards in Russian legislation

There are three categories of housing standards in the legislative acts of the Russian Federation:

  • provision rates;
  • accounting standards;
  • social norms.

Let's take a closer look at the differences between these concepts.

The term "provision rate" (NP) is introduced by the "Housing Code of the Russian Federation". Quoting Art. 50 of this body of laws:

NP is the minimum area of ​​housing, taking into account which the total size of the living space allocated to Russians in the framework of social hiring is calculated.

Taking into account that NP is a parameter regulated by local government, the concept can be simplified. NP is the minimum footage of housing provided per person in accordance with regional standards.

The second type of housing norm is accounting (UN). Its definition is given in clause 4 of the same article of the LC RF:

UN is called the minimum allowable area of ​​a dwelling, according to which the level of provision of Russians with housing is noted in order to take them into account in the number of those who need to expand their existing housing.

The interpretation of the concept boils down to the following: accounting norm - a criterion for considering citizens among those in need of optimization housing conditions... It is also installed on regional level... The only limitation is that UN cannot be higher than the provision rate.

Clarifications and comments

The state cannot refuse to use these concepts. main reason lies in the limited living space available for resettlement. It is also worth understanding that the allocation of residential premises for social rent is usually carried out on better conditions, in comparison with the existing ones.

Everything described above comes down to a simple formula. Residents of overconsolidated premises are registered when the values ​​of the accounting norm are reached in order to optimize their living conditions in accordance with the NP.

Example: at an accounting rate of 15 sq. m. a family of four is accommodated in a room with a total area of ​​55 sq. m. In this case, the municipality includes them in the lists of those in need of housing. If the area of ​​housing is 60 "squares", the improvement of conditions should not be expected, since the norms are met.

The social norm (SN) of housing in the housing estate is not mentioned. This is a kind of variable used in regional legal acts. Its mission is to provide support to those in need. Depending on the SN, the family can receive compensation, make utility bills for preferential terms... The size of the social norm is also established in the regions.

Let's give an example. NP in the city of N is 20 sq. meters. per person, and CH - 18 sq. meters. Under a social employment contract low-income family of the three members were given an apartment with a living area of ​​65 sq. meters. In this case, the benefits will apply to utility bills for 54 sq. meters. (3 x 18). The rest of the payments will have to be paid in full.

Who sets the norm for square meters in 2017?

The regulation of the norms described above is left to the mercy of local lawmakers. This decision it is logical, since the main category of those in need of housing under a social tenancy agreement belongs to the category of the poor. ZhK has no right to indicate the criteria for determining “ poor families", Therefore this parameter is regulated at the regional level. This is natural given the fluctuations in income differentials across the country.

The average Russian indicators for all types of norms are different. In addition, they may differ within the same constituent entity of the Russian Federation. An important factor- availability in a particular region of municipal housing suitable for allocation under a social tenancy agreement.

There are also restrictions that prevent "arbitrariness". For example, the sanitary standard, which will be discussed below. In the country, it is 6 square meters. m. This value is constant.

What are living space standards for?

It should be noted that housing norms are formed not only with the aim of providing citizens with housing. At the regional and federal levels, subsidies are provided for certain categories of citizens. In particular, compliance is required in the following situations:

  1. Payment of utility services;
  2. improving the living conditions of the family;
  3. property section;
  4. temporary registration;
  5. eviction of residents during major repairs.

Citizens face these situations on a regular basis, but their study requires a detailed acquaintance with the decisions of regional self-government bodies. At the state level, it is worth paying attention to the Decree "On federal standards for payment for housing and utilities." This document, in addition to introducing restrictions on the maximum cost of housing and communal services, introduces the previously mentioned concept of social norms (SN):

State standard SN: 18 sq. meters of the total area of ​​the premises per person.

What laws regulate the number of square meters assigned to a person in 2017

Despite the fact that decrees regulating the size of housing standards are adopted at the regional level, all of them are aimed at the implementation of legislative acts of the Russian Federation. Among them:

  • Art. 40 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. It obliges the state to provide the poor and other categories of citizens with housing free of charge or at an affordable price.
  • Art. 49 of the LC RF (hereinafter in the list - articles of the LC). Indicates the obligations of the state to provide housing to the poor, as well as other categories of citizens.
  • Art. 50 . Regulates the use of the concepts of "accounting rate" and "provision rate".
  • Art. 51. Forms the criteria on the basis of which people are considered to be in need of premises provided in the framework of social employment.
  • Art. , Art. , indicate the minimum floor space per person.

A common reference to Art. 38 ZhK RF, once limiting minimum size provided by the norm is not relevant. In the current version of the code of laws, this parameter is not indicated. You can find it only in regional regulations.

Are there minimum living space standards?

The social norm is one of the few regulated at the state level. By the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, its value is fixed at around 18 sq. m. However, this does not mean that the regions cannot set their own criteria for social norms. According to the law of the Moscow region N 120/2009-OZ, the following conformities are established in the region for 2017:

  • lonely people - 33 sq. m.
  • for each member of a family including two people - 21 sq.m.
  • for each person in a family of three or more citizens - 18 sq. m.

It should be understood that social norm is a parameter that does not regulate the distribution rate of the municipal housing stock... Its main task is to establish payment standards, as well as to formulate rules for the provision of benefits for low-income families.

The minimum norm is another concept that appears in many materials related to the description of the rules for the allocation of housing for social rent. However, it should be noted that as such, this definition is not currently used in LC. Previously, it appeared in Art. 38 of the RF LC, however, in 2017, the edition of the code of laws does not use this term.

There are two cases in which the minimum area of ​​housing allocated to citizens is regulated at the state level. We are talking about hostels and the provision of a flexible housing stock.

Under Part 1 of Art. 105, when allocating residential premises in hostels, a citizen cannot be allocated less than 6 sq. meters. In Art. 106, item 1, the same figure appears, but with respect to the premises of the maneuvering fountain. Thus, citizens cannot be provided with housing of a smaller area in the following situations:

  • at the time of overhaul;
  • until the end of settlements with citizens who have lost their housing as a result of collection;
  • at the time of making settlements with citizens whose housing has become unsuitable due to circumstances for placing citizens;
  • other cases established by law.

It should be understood that the concepts of "social norm", "sanitary norm" and "provision rate" are not identical.

Although on household level they are often equated, in the current legislative acts the first is not present in principle. The other two terms are used in different regulations with conflicting purposes.

Examples of housing standards for certain categories of citizens

Caring for certain categories of citizens is a state task. Therefore, the need to provide them with housing under a social rental agreement is regulated at the state level. The area of ​​housing provided is regulated by regional acts.

Separately, it is worth noting the citizens living in housing subject to demolition. According to Art. 89 of the RF LC in the current version, if the tenant and his family members were accommodated before relocation in a room that includes two or more rooms, then they receive the right to acquire housing with the same number of rooms. True, in a communal apartment.

Who is entitled to additional meters of living space?

Certain categories of Russians have the right to receive additional square meters, regardless of the provision rate established at the regional level. According to the laws in force in 2017, the list includes:

  1. military personnel with the rank of colonel and above;
  2. military personnel with an academic position;
  3. disabled people suffering from severe chronic ailments.

With regard to citizens who have linked their lives with military service, the need to allocate additional living space is regulated by the federal law from 05.27.1998 N 76-FZ. According to him, the first two categories of citizens from the above list are entitled to an increase in housing area by 15-25 square meters. meters.

Besides, in judicial procedure determined that this benefit provided only subject to special legal status... Therefore, after the termination of the status, the right to the benefit is terminated. Thus, additional living space is not allocated after dismissal from the RF Armed Forces.

For the disabled, suffering chronic diseases, it is possible to provide housing with an increase in the provision rate, but maximum twice as high. This is stated in Art. 17 FZ No. 181-FZ. The list of diseases is approved by a separate decree.

In the current version of the law "On social protection disabled people in the Russian Federation ”there is no restriction on expansion within only 18 sq. meters

Features of accounting and provisioning standards in Moscow and St. Petersburg

In all regions of the Russian Federation, laws are established that govern the norms described above. For example, in the capital, the law of the city of Moscow No. 29 "On ensuring the right of residents to housing" is in force. This document fixes the accounting rate equal to 10 sq. meters for individual apartments. It also regulates the provision rate equal to 18 sq. meters per person. It also has a number of features for the provision of space:

  • 44 sq. meter for a family of spouses;
  • 50 sq. meters for two people in family ties, but not spouses;
  • 62 sq. meter for families of three members, two of whom are spouses;
  • 74 sq. meter for a family of three citizens - not spouses;
  • 18 sq. meters per person for families of four or more members.

In the latter situation, the area of ​​the room can be increased within 9 sq. meters. Also, Muscovites, whose families have disabled people with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, are provided with housing in specially built buildings. The premises must comply with the prescriptions of the rehabilitation program.

In St. Petersburg, UN living space is also 9 sq. meters per person in separate houses and apartments, 15 sq. meters - for communal apartments. NP is regulated in less detail than in the capital. In 2017, residents of the city are entitled to 33 sq. meters of living space for living in a room alone and 18 sq. meters per citizen in families with two or more members.

The above listed norms for the provision of sq. meters of housing concern individual premises and communal apartments. The minimum area in hostels is 6 sq. meters. But there are also criteria for providing workspace in offices. They are regulated by SanPiN 2.2.2 / 2.4.1340-03. In particular, workers engaged in activities with PCs with CRT monitors have a working area of ​​6 sq. meters. If the office uses an LCD monitor, the area per person should be 4.5 square meters. meters.

Who is entitled to apartments from the state in 2017?

According to the RF Housing Code, housing from municipal funds is distributed to low-income citizens. However, Art. 50 also refers to “other categories of the population”. Here is a list of those who can expect to receive apartments from the municipal housing stock in 2017:

  1. WWII and labor veterans;
  2. servicemen who have been in hostilities in hot spots;
  3. war invalids;
  4. disabled children;
  5. persons whose disability belongs to a non-working group;
  6. citizens displaced by natural disasters;
  7. orphans;
  8. military, transferred to the reserve by seniority;
  9. large families;
  10. families whose breadwinner died in the line of duty;
  11. categories of citizens in accordance with regional laws.

Note that the protection of families with insufficient income is carried out at the level of regional governments. Therefore, the classification of citizens among the poor is carried out at individual conditions for each constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

Peculiarities of the application of the norms of provision for the housing being resettled

One of critical issues compliance with housing standards in 2017 is associated with resettlement. This process regulated by Art. - LCD RF. Note main feature processes associated with obtaining new housing. Art. 89 reads:

The allocated dwelling must have the same area as the previously occupied dwelling and be located within the boundaries of the same settlement.

Moreover, this parameter does not negate the following fact: if citizens in a room to be settled are listed among those in need of better housing conditions, housing is distributed to them in accordance with the NP operating in the region of residence.