Family characteristics. Study of the influence of family composition on the personality of a child. For one or more generations living on one living space

topic: Young family and its features


On the one hand, the family is a voluntary union of two people who unite for cohabitation, running a common household and business, giving birth and raising children.

On the other hand, the family - the primary and basic unit of society, one of the main social institutions, the most important function of which is the reproduction of generations.

From birth to death human life usually associated with family. In the family in Everyday life the formation and self-realization of the personality takes place. The family also performs such important functions in a person's life as guardianship and care, social and psychological protection. She is a kind of buffer, shock absorber, contributing to the adaptation of the personality of men and women in crisis conditions. For each of us, the atmosphere of the family is of great importance.

Questions of family policy, problems of preserving and strengthening the family, problems of demography, consolidation and revival of traditional family foundations, morality of society, spiritual and moral education of young people are among the most urgent today.

Object of research: the development of marital relations in a young family.

Subject of research: features of marital relations in a young family at various stages of its formation and functioning.

Purpose of the work: to highlight the features of the development of marital relations at various stages of the formation and functioning of a young family.

The chosen topic is very relevant in the modern world, where the family occupies a priority place in the hierarchy of human vital values ​​and marriage and family relations play an important role in society.

Young family, including an incomplete young family - a family consisting of 1 young parent and 1 or more children, if the age of each of the spouses or 1 parent in an incomplete family does not exceed 35 years.

Today, a young family is faced with new problems of existence in modern society, having inherited the negative experience of our parents: the instability of state power, and as a result, the lack of their own housing, lack of means of subsistence, massive unemployment, inflation.

The most acute is housing issue... Despite state support, young families today spend most of their budget for renting housing.

1. Features of a young family

1.1 Features of the relationship to marriage

Marital and family representations are the most significant for predicting the development of the institution of the family.

Marriage and family - social forms of regulation of relations between people who are in family ties, but, despite the closeness of these concepts, they are not identical.

Marriage - a special social institution, a historically conditioned, socially regulated form of relations between a man and a woman, establishing their rights and obligations in relation to each other and to their children. Marriage is the foundation of family formation.

A family - small social group, essential form organization of personal life based on marital union and family ties, i.e. relations between husband and wife, parents and children living together and leading a joint household. Family ties can be of three types: consanguinity, procreation, marriage.

In the modern world, there are no rigid boundaries for choosing a marriage partner, with the exception of some religions and countries in which the traditions of creating a family are revered by the younger generation and are poorly evolved.

It should not be forgotten that the family should always occupy one of the most important places among the life values ​​of a person, but, nevertheless, with the development of the family and changes in its functions, the value attitude towards the family is gradually changing.

The most important function of the family is the felictive function - the function of satisfying a person's need for happiness. Family is an essential factor in the emotional well-being of an individual, determining the affective tone of her attitude. Love and marriage decisively determine a person's experience of happiness and life satisfaction. People who are married are happier than single people. According to M. Argyll, satisfaction with marriage determines overall satisfaction with life and a state of happiness. Results from 58 studies in the United States show a statistically significant correlation between experiences of subjective well-being and marriage as opposed to loneliness.

Adverse family events turn out to be the most significant stressors, sharply increasing a person's sensitivity to various kinds of hazards and, accordingly, susceptibility to diseases. For example, it has been shown that the most adverse effect is the death of a spouse, then divorce, family separation, death of a close family member.

In modern family psychology and family psychotherapy there are two possible theoretical positions in relation to the analysis of the family. According to the first, the family is a group of individuals with common and different interests, and family context viewed as an environment for socialization and personality development. This version of the interpretation of the family is characteristic of the initial stage of formation family psychology as an independent discipline and to a certain extent is reflected in the behavioral approach and psychoanalysis. According to the second position, the family is considered as an integral system and the “unit” of analysis is the family. This position is characteristic of systemic family therapy and psychologists who emphasize the non-additive nature of the family, which is not reducible to the total aggregate of its members.

The given definition of the family also contains an indication of two subsystems of the family structure - matrimonial and child-parent. Two generations define the composition of the modern nuclear family: spouses are the “architects of the family” and their children are the same as parents, equal participants and “builders” of the family.

I.S. Cohn analyzed works devoted to the problem of the cultural and historical characteristics of the family and its development, in order to identify criteria that make it possible to distinguish the family itself from a group that includes several generations, including those united by family ties, i.e. from "non-family". The conclusion reached by the researcher turns out to be very prosaic: the criterion for differentiating a family from a “non-family” is living together and running a joint household. It is this feature that is accepted by society for the specification of the family as a social institution, which, although it acquires qualitatively unique forms at each stage of the historical development of society, at the same time retains a certain stability of the structural and functional characteristics of the family. No wonder the common Slavic term "family" goes back to the designation of a territorial community. In Russian, “family” was initially designated the entire circle of relatives with household members and servants living together, and only from the 14th century. it began to be used in a narrower, specific sense. So, the main characteristics of the family are: 1) marital and consanguineous relations between family members; 2) living together and 3) joint management households or the general family budget.

The family, like any system, implements a number of functions in the hierarchy, reflecting both the specifics of it, the family, cultural and historical development, and the originality of the stages of its life cycle:

1) economic, household. In pre-industrial society, the family was the primary production group, providing itself with all the basic material conditions existence or creating products for exchange. At present, the economic function of a family is determined by the pooling of incomes of its members and the distribution of these incomes for consumption in accordance with the needs of each family member. The household function is realized in the form of organizing the family life and the personal life of each of its members. The distribution of household responsibilities and their content are determined by the historical era, living conditions, the composition of the family and the stage of its life cycle;

2) reproductive. A.G. Kharchev considers this function to be the most important social function of the family, ensuring the reproduction of the country's population. The importance of the reproductive function of the family was realized by society back in Ancient rome, where, during the reign of Emperor Augustus, laws were issued to stimulate the birth of children in families of Roman citizens. Solving the problems of planning the birth rate and reproduction of the population is an important function of state policy in almost all countries, regardless of whether they are faced with the problem of a crisis in the birth rate and a “shortage” of human productive resources, or, on the contrary, the need to limit the birth rate;

3) the function of raising children. The family is the institution of the child's primary socialization. It ensures the continuity of the development of society, the continuation of the human race, the connection of times. It is known that upbringing in a family, emotionally positive full-fledged communication of a child with a close adult determines the harmonious development of a child in early years... With the age of the child, the upbringing function of the family does not lose its significance, but only the tasks, means, tactics of upbringing, forms of cooperation and cooperation with parents change. At present, it is the upbringing of children that is considered as the most important social function of the family;

4) sexually erotic. Only selective, stable sexual relations with a permanent partner, acting as a unique and unrepeatable personality, create the conditions for achieving the fullest sexual harmony of partners;

5) the function of spiritual communication, which presupposes the spiritual mutual enrichment of family members; information exchange; discussion of the most significant for the individual problems of socio-political, professional, public life; communication in the context of perception of literary and artistic works of art, music; creating conditions for the personal and intellectual growth of family members;

6) the function of emotional support and acceptance, providing a sense of security and belonging to a group, emotional understanding and empathy, or the so-called psychotherapeutic function. In the modern family, another aspect of this function is the formation of the individual's need for self-expression and self-actualization;

7) recreational - the function of providing conditions for the restoration of neuropsychic health and mental stability of family members;

8) the function of social regulation, control and guardianship.

Over the past decades, the importance of the function of emotional support and acceptance has noticeably increased, realizing a person's needs for affiliation and love. In modern society, love is an essential characteristic of family relationships; marriage is determined primarily by the presence of love between spouses. However, the reasons for divorces in a significant number of cases lie in the sphere of emotional and personal relations of spouses: more and more often spouses refer to the loss of a feeling of love during divorce.

Currently, there are such main signs of family transformation as:

Decrease in the number of marriages;

An increase in the number of long-term premarital relationships;

Trial marriages;

Falling fertility;

Increased divorces;

Increased fertility of premarital children.

This is due not only to the economic downturn and changes in the financial and political sphere, but also to a change in value orientations, incl. changes in the norms of sexual behavior.

Of course, in Russia, changes in the norms of sexual behavior began later than in the West, and, apparently, accelerated (especially in large cities) due to the changes taking place in Russian society in the last decade of the 20th century.

It should be said that now the average age of marriage for men is 24 years, for women - 22 years. The decline in the age at first marriage in Russia stopped only in 1993, and from that time it began to increase. The new trend towards an increase in the age at first marriage is not accidental. The rate of marriage among the youngest boys and girls declined rapidly, reaching historically low levels by the end of the century. Only 12 girls out of 1000 and 15 boys out of 10 thousand aged 16 to 18 got married in 2000. The increase in marriage at the age of 25 and older was also significant. As a result of all these changes, the average age of the bride and groom in Russia is rapidly increasing. More intense "aging" of marriage among men caused an increase in the average difference in the age of the bride and groom during the first marriage. This shift may be explained by changes in social behavior (for example, the fact that girls, when they marry, are more and more inclined to choose grooms with stable social and economic status).

While the recent trend towards "aging" nuptiality is too young to be absolutely certain that it represents a definitive rejection of traditional model early marriage, which has long prevailed in Russia.

Throughout the twentieth century, as widowhood lost its role as almost the sole reason for remarriage, the number of divorced remarriages increased rapidly. The gross marriage rate for remarriages reached its maximum value in 1987, but soon a sharp drop in the indicator began, and in a short time it returned to almost the level of the late 1960s. At the same time, the share of repeated marriages in the total number of marriages has become much higher than then (more than a quarter of both men and women), and is quite stable. The average age of entry into remarriage... Since the 1970s, it has increased at a slow rate, which was a consequence of the increase in the duration of marriage after divorce. Perhaps such contradictory dynamics reflects general change relationship to the registration of marriage - both the first and the second.

The compensation for divorce and widowhood by repeated marriages, not being, of course, complete, is very significant (especially for men) - already 5 years after the termination of the marriage, 44–45% of men and 22–23% of women remarry, and after 5 years more than half of men and every third woman have been in a registered or unregistered union with a new partner. Note that women have a generally positive tendency to remarry, apparently due to a decrease in fertility and changes in social norms regarding the possibility for women with children to look for a new family partner.

One of the central places in the latest trends is occupied by changes associated with the socio-economic and psychological reassessment of the position, roles of women and men in society and the family.

The young woman at the very beginning life path, received an unprecedented freedom of choice in all spheres of life, including the freedom to start a family - in the form in which she considers herself acceptable, with the number of children she wishes, and at the time that she considers necessary. Professional employment has become the norm in women's biography and has changed the type of life strategy of women and the family as a whole.

At the same time, the man finally lost his indisputable right to be the sole breadwinner of the family and the organizer of life in the household, but at the same time he increased his participation in family affairs in a role that was not traditional for him.

family spousal young crisis

1.2 Psychological features

Family psychology - a relatively young branch of psychological knowledge, which is in its infancy. It is based on the richest practice of family psychotherapy, the experience of psychological assistance to the family and family counseling, the practice of psychological counseling of parents on the upbringing and development of children and adolescents. A distinctive feature of family psychology as a scientific discipline is its inextricable bond with psychological practice... It is the social demand for optimizing the life of the family, increasing the efficiency of marriage and parent-child relations, solving the problems of raising children in the family that accelerated the development and process of institutionalizing this scientific discipline.

Over the past decade, a number of alarming trends have emerged, indicating crisis phenomena in family life, affecting both marital and child-parent relationship... The relevance of the development of a new scientific discipline - family psychology - is associated with a general deterioration of the psychological atmosphere and the growth of dysfunctional and conflict tendencies in a significant part of Russian families. These unfavorable trends are explained by socio-economic conditions: instability of the social system, low material standard of living, problems of professional employment in most regions of Russia, the transformation of the traditionally established role structure of the family and the distribution of role functions between spouses. The number is increasing dysfunctional families, in which deviant behavior spouses - alcoholism, aggression, betrayal, communication disorders, unmet needs of partners for respect, love and recognition cause an increase in emotional and personal disorders, tension, loss of feelings of love and security, impaired personal growth and identity formation.

Changes in the demographic situation - a fall in the birth rate and, as a result, an increase specific gravity one-child families - leads to difficulties in personal development and insufficient communicative competence of children brought up in such families. It should be noted that the level of the father's educational function in a significant number of Russian families is unsatisfactory. Along with the favorable tendency of the father's active involvement in the upbringing process, even at the stage of the child's early childhood, the tendency for the father to distance himself from the problems of upbringing, with low emotional involvement and orientation towards parenthood, is a significant factor in achieving personal identity and psychological maturity... Population migration associated with employment and the specifics of professional activity has led to an increase in the number of functionally incomplete families in which one of the spouses cannot constantly fulfill his role.

Another social problem is the growing number of informal marriages. Between 1980 and 2000, the number of civil marriages increased sixfold; 30% of men between the ages of 18 and 30 live in civil marriage, 85% get married in the future, and only 40% of the concluded marriages are preserved. The main reason preference for civil marriages is the unwillingness of spouses to take full responsibility for the family, partner and children. Due to this, a family living in a civil marriage is quite often characterized by destructiveness, conflict, and a low level of security.

Another one social problem associated with an increase in the number of children left without parental care, in particular, a sharp increase in social orphanhood. Today, there are more than 500,000 such orphans. The reasons for social orphanhood are divorces, an increase in cases of deprivation of parental rights, refusal of parents from a child and the transfer of parental rights to the state, temporary placement of children by parents in orphanages and children's homes due to the difficult material and economic situation of the family. In the case of deprivation of parental rights in the overwhelming majority of families, the father and mother suffer from alcoholism. Voluntary refusal from parenting is most often due to the child's illness, difficult material and living conditions, usually in an incomplete family. The number of street children is growing. Thus, an insufficiently thought-out system of housing privatization led to a sharp increase in homeless children. Expansion of the network of social rehabilitation centers and social shelters allows, to a certain extent, to provide the necessary level of protection and social adaptation such children, however, neither the number of such institutions, nor the level of psychological assistance provided to inmates in these centers can be considered sufficient and satisfactory to ensure the conditions for their full-fledged mental development.

Decrease and impoverishment of communication in the family, lack of emotional warmth, acceptance, low awareness of parents about the real needs, interests and problems of the child, lack of cooperation and cooperation in the family lead to difficulties in the development of children. At the same time, one can state the tendency of shifting parental functions to children's educational institutions, as well as to specially invited personnel, and, thereby, parents' self-removal from the process of raising a child.

The theoretical basis of family psychology was research in social psychology, personality psychology, developmental psychology, educational psychology, and clinical psychology. Social psychology, based on the concept of the family as a small group, studies the issues of the role structure of the family and leadership in the family, the stages in the development of the family as a group, the problems of choosing a marriage partner, problems of family cohesion, conflicts in the family and ways to resolve them. Developmental psychology and age-related psychology the focus of their research was made on the patterns of personality development in the family at different age stages, the content, conditions and factors of socialization, the problems of raising a child in the family, psychological characteristics child-parent relations.

Age-related psychological counseling aimed at monitoring the course of the child's mental development, prevention and correction negative trends development, considers family and family education as the most important component of the social situation of the child's development. Family education and pedagogy have always been the most important branch of pedagogical science. Personality psychology considers communication and interpersonal relationships in the family as the basis for personal growth and self-realization, develops forms and methods for optimizing a person's personal development, taking into account the resources of the family.

Within the framework of clinical psychology, intrafamilial relationships are considered as an important factor in the context of problems of etiology, therapy and rehabilitation after overcoming mental disorders and deviations. So, the system of scientific knowledge obtained in different areas psychological research, the experience of the practice of providing psychological assistance to the family and family counseling have created the theoretical basis of modern family psychology, urgent task which is the integration of knowledge about the family and practical experience work with the family into a holistic psychological discipline - the psychology of the family.

The subject of family psychology is the functional structure of the family, the basic laws and dynamics of its development; personality development in the family.

1.3 Social features

At the beginning of the 20th century, the predominant type of family in Russia was the traditional peasant family, and few thought that its days were numbered and it would take only a few decades for such a family in Russia to become a thing of the past under the onslaught of accelerated industrialization and urbanization - just like the traditional Russian village itself ...

You can treat differently both to these changes themselves and to the methods by which they were carried out, but it is impossible to dispute their final result. By the middle of the last century, families of urban residents predominated quantitatively in Russia, and the proportion of such urban families was growing all the time. Between 1926 and 1989, the population of Russia increased by 59%, the urban population by 6.6 times, and the number of urban families by more than 8 times.

The number of urban families increased rapidly because the urban population grew rapidly, and this in turn was a consequence of the movement of most of the labor force from Agriculture into non-agricultural sectors, the rapid spread of industrial and other urban occupations. At the same time, the production activity of an increasing number of people moved outside the family and turned for most of them into labor for wages. As a result, family and work responsibilities were separated from each other in space and time, their combination became more complicated. In Russia, as in some other republics of the former USSR, these global trends have been pushed to the extreme, in particular with regard to female employment (it hardly differed from that of men in the 1970s and 1980s).

Another key change, which also could not but affect family and family roles, is the rapid growth in the level of education of men and especially women. In Russia, even in the 1920s, the problem was ordinary literacy, the ability to read and write. Since the generations born in the second half of the 1930s, the proportion of men and women in higher or secondary education has grown rapidly. For men born in the first half of the 30s, 333 people per thousand received secondary or higher education, for women - 294. For those born thirty years later, in the first half of the 60s, the corresponding figures were 911 and 947.

The sharply increased requirements for the upbringing and education of the younger generation also could not remain without consequences for the family, because the costs for each child and the length of the period of their maintenance by their parents increased greatly. And since, in parallel with these changes, infant mortality decreased rather quickly, the number of surviving children and the amount of costs (not only money, but also time, emotional energy etc.) for each of them.

The family faced new challenges, many of which they were not ready to answer. The close relationship between the number of eaters and the number of workers, characteristic of a peasant family, was broken. Now the needs of a family, all other things being equal, depend on the number and age of its members, primarily children, who remain dependents much longer than before, and economic resources depend on the remuneration of the workers in its composition. There is no direct connection between the one and the other.

In addition, in the new conditions, in order to give children an education, to provide the necessary level of care for the health of family members, etc., special professional knowledge was needed, special institutions with developed infrastructure, which the family cannot replace. The development of modern educational and medical institutions, systems social security assuming the support of some disabled family members (for example, pensioners, disabled people), helping mothers with children and a number of other functions of material support for the family, as well as developing the sphere of free or partially paid services, access to which is not strictly related to family income (education , healthcare, etc.).

As a result, even the minimal “investment in a person” increased sharply - both the investment of the family and the investment of society, while the resources of both families and society in the 1920s – 1930s were more than limited. Is it any wonder that, just as it happened in other countries, a rapid decline in the birth rate began in Russia, which was a response to both a decrease in child mortality and an increase in the "cost" of a person.

The objective meaning of the institution of marriage has always been that it created a social framework for relations between a man and a woman in that part of these relations that concerned sexual life and the production of offspring. Of course, there were many more functions - economic and social - that marriage simultaneously performed, many relationships that were regulated with its help. But such relations, for example property relations, between family members could exist (and did exist) and regardless of marriage, and the rights and obligations associated with sex life and the production of offspring, as a rule, gave only marriage.

Currently, the "Family", as a small socio-psychological group and a special social institution, is subject to serious changes and modernization. Its structure is being transformed, its functions have become more complex, its typology has changed, destructive processes have intensified, new orientations and motives for marriage have emerged, and a modern family policy is being formed.

The combination of social and economic difficulties external to the family in our country and global, institutional, and family problems actually put the Russian family in such a difficult conditions that her own protective forces are not enough. The interests of the state and society, the needs of the social well-being of individuals require the introduction of a stable and stable system of social assistance to the family.

Practice shows that legal acts and financial measures that try to support certain aspects and functions of certain types of families turn out to be ineffective, not least because the presence of even a clearly fixed right does not guarantee its availability; in addition, the difficulties of families are far from being limited to material difficulties.

The generally recognized system of such assistance, to which the Russian Federation has resorted to the experience of other countries, is the organization of social work within the framework of the entire state and society, carried out on professional basis specially trained people belonging to special structures.

As a result of the deep socio-economic crisis, a significant part of the population of our country found itself in the disaster zone. There have been significant deformations in the structure of meeting the material and spiritual needs of people. The group of low-income people currently includes not only large and single-parent families, families of the unemployed, but also young, student families, families with small children. In the category of families requiring special assistance, the young family comes first. This determines the need to consider the issues of how today a young family is protected by the state, what has been done, and what needs to be done to improve its life.

Family faces next the most acute problems some of which she cannot resolve without the help of social work specialists. All functions of rendering assistance to the needy are performed by the subject of social work, i.e. all people and organizations that are involved in the social work process. This is the state as a whole, implementing social policy, and public associations, foundations, confessions, local government bodies.

The organs of social work have a great influence on the social well-being of society and its members. The organizational and managerial component is one of the main components of social work with the family: the more adequately the organizational structure of management corresponds to the goals, objectives, functions of social work with the family, the greater the impact on the social well-being of society.

In the Address of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly, it is especially noted that in modern conditions in Russia, the social burden on young people is sharply increasing. This is determined by both the demographic situation and the challenges of our time. Despite 13 years of experience implementation different models youth policy, implemented mainly at the regional level, in modern Russia requires further development of programs "Youth Policy" and social support for a young family.

1.4 Housing issue

If you are a young family and need housing, there is a special state program for you, according to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 13, 2006 No. 285 “On approval of the rules for granting subsidies to young families for the purchase of housing within the framework of the subprogramme“ Provision of housing for young families ”and Federal target program "Housing" for 2011 - 2015.

There are several programs for lending to young families: mortgages can be provided both at the regional and federal levels. For a young family, a special subsidy calculation is carried out according to the cost of one square meter housing in a certain region. An equally important role in providing a specific loan amount will be played by the composition of the family, whether the young family has children.

The federal program Young family is based on the following indicators:

A childless family can be provided with a subsidy in the amount of 35% of the total cost of the purchased living space;

A young family, which includes children, can count on 40% of the total cost of housing.

The size of the living space is calculated as follows:

For a family of two, housing is provided in the amount of 21 sq. m for each of its members;

If there are three or more people in a family - in the amount of 18 sq. m for each family member.

The 2010 Young Family Program has only age restrictions for spouses - they must not be over 35 years old. Almost any family can get the subsidy.

Affordable housing for a young family is provided on a first come, first served basis, which is registered with the executive authorities of the region where they live. In this case, a certain amount of the value of residential real estate is contributed by young people.

The future federal program, according to which any young family will be able to apply for housing, this is a young family program 2011, does not imply any special changes in the rules and registration procedure. If the family managed to pass the preliminary selection and in housing stock the region has free municipal apartments, the family receives a special certificate, according to which it will have the right to deal with the registration of the acquisition of housing. Subsidies are paid by bank transfer: the amount due under the subsidy will be transferred to the bank account of the organization that provides housing. The amount that will provide the opportunity to get affordable housing for young families can be used both as an advance payment for the purchase of an apartment, and for the construction of a private house.

Citizens of the Russian Federation who fall under the definition of a young family are:

Families that have been recognized by social services as in need of a qualitative improvement in the conditions in which they live.

Families that, according to the law, cannot be recognized as low-income, however, according to other requirements of the legislation on queuing for a qualitative improvement in living conditions, pass.

Families whose members are young professionals. According to Russian law, such families must live on a living space of at least 18 square meters per person. But in this situation, there is also an amendment that the members of this family did not take actions aimed at deliberately worsening living conditions: they did not exchange living space, did not move in and did not register strangers on the living space, etc.

Families whose members were recommended by the rectors of state universities of the country as teachers of educational institutions, specialists who continue scientific activity in graduate school, etc.

A young family can purchase housing in two different ways:

By drawing up a lease agreement for a dwelling with its subsequent redemption.

By completing a sale and purchase transaction.

Buying a home by Federal Program"Young family" can be carried out in installments. Funds received under subsidies for a young family cannot be used for other consumption purposes.

Many people confuse the State Program “Young Family - Affordable Housing” and the mortgage program “Young Family” of Sberbank. But these are different programs.

Government program - is intended for those on the waiting list: in accordance with the program “Affordable housing for a young family”, housing is provided on preferential terms. Housing not on the waiting list State program is not provided.

Sberbank program - ordinary mortgage. "Young family" - expands the possibilities of conventional mortgage programs of Sberbank as follows. To participate in the Young Family program of Sberbank, you do not need to be on the waiting list: those on the waiting list are not provided with benefits for this program. To participate in the Sberbank program, in addition to the appropriate age, you need to have income that allows you to pay on a mortgage loan.

In accordance with the requirements of Sberbank, a Young Family is a family in which at least one of the spouses is less than 35 years old. For example, both spouses are 36 years old - the family is not "young"; if she is 20, and he is 70 (or vice versa), the family is considered young.

Also, a "Young family" is an incomplete family consisting of a mother and a child (or a father and a child), if the mother (father) is less than 35 years old.

Sberbank programs "Young Family" are not independent programs, but expand the possibilities of borrowers (of the appropriate age and marital status) for "Housing loans":

"Loan for real estate";

"Mortgage" loan;

Loan "Mortgage +".

The Young Family programs have a number of features that distinguish them favorably from other credit programs of Sberbank:

As co-borrowers on the Young Family loan, the income of not only the young spouses, but also the parents of each of the spouses can be considered (which may be important when determining the maximum loan amount).

Moreover, in the case when the Co-Borrowers are spouses and the Parent (Parents), in the calculation of the solvency of each of the Co-Borrowers-spouses, in addition to income at the main place of work, Additional types of income can be taken, and only income received them in one place of work (pension);

in the case when the Co-Borrowers are a mother (father) from an incomplete family and her (his) Parent (Parents), in the calculation of the solvency of each of the Co-Borrowers, in addition to income at the main place of work (pension), additional types of income may be taken into account under the "Young Family" program ...

At the request of the Borrower / Co-borrowers under the "Young Family" program, a deferral in repayment of the principal debt may be granted (with a general increase in the loan term up to 5 years):

for the period of construction of the Real Estate Object, but not more than for two years;

at the birth of a child (children) during the period of validity loan agreement until they reach the age of three years.

There is no deferral in the payment of interest.

If the Young Family has a child, the bank may require smaller size down payment from the borrower than other programs. For example, if the mortgage loan stipulates that the first installment of the borrower is 20%, then under the Young Family program, the first installment can be from 15% of the cost of the apartment purchased and pledged to the bank.

Do not confuse the Young Family program of Sberbank with the Affordable Housing program for a young family.

Also, one should not forget that in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 27, 2009 No. 63 and other acts, one-time subsidies for housing are provided, including for young families in the public service.


Young family as a subject of population reproduction and an object of social policy, these are spouses of active reproductive age (up to 35 years old) living together from the moment of the actual formation of the marital union for at least two years, with or without relatives, with or without children, with any orientation towards childhood ...

The abstract defines the main functions of a modern young family: generative (reproductive), family-role, primary socialization of children, household, economic, sexual.

The grounds for entering into a legal marriage of young people have been clarified: pregnancy; desire to leave parents; love; the need for economic independence; pragmatic calculation.

The tendencies of changes in the modern young family are revealed: the composition and structure of the family; cohabitation of spouses without marriage registration; transformed reproductive function, which contradicts the basic needs of society in the quantitative and qualitative reproduction of the population.

The objective and subjective factors influencing family problems and non-fulfillment of reproductive function by a young family have been determined. Objective: low level family income; lack of housing; increased risk of poverty with childbirth; low efficiency of state organizational, economic and legal mechanisms for ensuring social protection of families with children. Subjective: unpreparedness of young people for family life; ignorance of its moral and psychological foundations; inability to resolve conflicts; selfishness.

It should not be forgotten that a family is a unique social institution, a mediator between an individual and society, a translator of fundamental values ​​from generation to generation. It contains a powerful potential for influencing the processes of social development, the reproduction of the labor force, the formation civil relations... The family is of consolidating importance, resists social confrontation and tension. Marital and family relations in modern Russia are undergoing profound changes, which are not always conducive to the establishment of social harmony and stability in the family and society. Crisis phenomena in the family are manifested in its instability. There are 40 million families in Russia. Young families make up over 17% of the total number of families. In the process of population reproduction, the young family plays a decisive role, 3/4 of the total number of children in the country are born to parents under 30 years of age.

However, the birth rate is 1.5-2 times lower than required for simple reproduction of the population. According to this indicator, Russia occupies one of the last places in the world.

According to experts, if we do not take drastic measures to increase the birth rate, the population will decrease by 2-4 times by 2040, which directly threatens national security country. Today, the difficult demographic situation has a significant impact on the pace of social development.

However, the young family is one of the most vulnerable groups of the population. It is she who first of all needs support from the state. All of the above indicates the acute social relevance of the problems of a young family, and especially a family with children.

The generation of parents, whose fundamental values ​​have developed in the era of socialist social relations, are experiencing deep contradictions associated with the need to combine the old moral principles and the new market morality. By definition of academician S.V. Darmodekhin, many families during the entire period of reforms did not manage to form "protective" strategies and mechanisms.

However, the paradox of modern socially stressful reality is that it inevitably led the younger generation to the need to take responsibility for their future upon themselves. In these conditions, in order to survive and stay healthy, you need to make an independent choice and control your behavior yourself. At the same time, it is quite obvious that young people are not ready to overcome the increasing intense social stress and choose pathological forms of coping with it: drug addiction, alcoholism, criminalization, suicidal behavior, or simply learned helplessness, which condemns a young person to the impossibility of normal, effective adaptation.

The adult part of the population called upon to educate and teach children and students - parents and teachers - also for the most part lacks knowledge, skills, adaptive strategies of behavior. The old stereotypes of upbringing inevitably proved to be ineffective in the face of the current socio-psychological crisis. This does not allow them to provide the necessary educational impact, psychological and social support in modern conditions. Thus, children and adolescents turned out to be lonely and psychologically helpless due to the lost ties with the older generation. At the same time, parents are forced to admit that the established, time-tested family values ​​are not viable in the new socio-economic conditions. Therefore, today there is a situation that is completely atypical in the centuries-old practice of intergenerational relations in the family, in which parents turn to minor children for advice on life issues, adjusting their ideas about the real values ​​of modern Russian society through their children. Children in these circumstances, due to their age-specific readiness to accept everything new, are more adapted and become the conductors of modern values ​​of society in the sphere of the family.

The considered features of a young family in the abstract must be taken into account both when creating a family and in the newly created family.

Youth policy is the most important priority of the Russian state. This priority should be aimed at creating legal, economic and organizational conditions and guarantees for self-realization of the personality of a young person and the development of youth associations, movements and initiatives.

Everyone understands that it is young people who are an important subject of social change, a huge innovative force and at the same time constitute a great social group the population of the countries of the world, including ours in Russia.

Used Books

1. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 13, 2006 N 285 "On approval of the rules for granting subsidies to young families for the purchase of housing within the framework of the implementation of the subprogram" providing housing for young families "of the federal target program" Housing "for 2002 - 2010"

2.http: // - affordable housing for a young family (legislative base)

3.http: //otherreferats./psychology/00037272_0.html - family, marriage and psychological characteristics of a young family

4. Karabanova O.A. The psychology of family relationships and the basics of family counseling. M: 2004

5.http: // - electronic journal "Ecology and Life"

6. Suomi, I.P. The basics of parenting: Tutorial... / I.P. Suomi. - Chelyabinsk, 2007.

7.http: // - youth policy in Russia

8.http: // - State youth policy in the Russian Federation

In the pre-Christian model of the family in Russia, the distribution of roles assumed the man's responsibility for the external, natural, social environment, while the woman was more included in the internal space of the family. She had freedom both before marriage and in marriage, the power of men - husband, father - was limited. The woman had the right to divorce and could return to her parents' family. Unlimited power in the family was enjoyed by the "bolypukha" - the wife of a father or eldest son, as a rule, the most able-bodied and experienced woman. Everyone was obliged to obey her - both women and the younger men in the family. A large family prevailed, uniting relatives along straight and lateral lines. Status married man was higher than the status of a lonely person.

With the penetration of the Christian model into the organization of family life, relations between household members changed (see the First Epistle of the Apostle Paul to the Corinthians, ch. 7). This model in the "Russian version" is reflected in the code of family life rules called "Domostroy" (16th century).

According to "Domostroi", the relationship between spouses implied strict compliance with family and gender roles... The man reigned supreme over family members and bore full responsibility for it. The wife was instructed to obey her husband ("Let the wife fear her husband"), to do handicrafts, housework, as well as the upbringing and education of children. Parental roles in the family dominated over erotic roles that were considered insignificant. Family pleasures, according to "Domostroi", are associated with the comfort in the house, a tasty beggar, honor and respect from neighbors. Educational strategies of "Domostroi" are reflected in the following recommendations to parents: "Raise a child in prohibitions", "Loving your son, increase his wounds." The main duties of children are absolute obedience to their parents, taking care of them in old age.

Condemnation of significant and respected people was considered a terrible punishment for the family, and dependence on people's opinions became an important feature of the national character of Russian family relations. It was necessary to demonstrate family well-being to the social environment, it was strictly forbidden to divulge family secrets, i.e. there were two worlds - for oneself and for people. Moreover, due to the specifics Russian population, the overwhelming majority of which was the peasantry (for a long time it was a serf), it is traditionally accepted to idealize the described family way of life, endowing the patriarchal family with purity and "correctness" of morals and denying the realities of life. Thus, the historian NI Kostomarov in his work "An Outline of the Domestic Life and Morals of the Great Russian People in the 16th and 17th Centuries" writes: "All foreigners were amazed at the excess of domestic despotism of the husband over his wife. Russian woman was a constant slave from childhood to the grave<...>A spirit of slavery reigned between parents and children, covered with false holiness patriarchal relations» .

The specificity of the Russian family is largely due to the predominance over the centuries of such a form of life and family structure as the peasant community. The family was not only related, but also an economic union, in which the head of the family (bolshak) had a dominant position, and the family property was collectively owned. Bolshak (usually the most experienced and oldest man) managed the entire household, was responsible for the welfare of the family, distributed work among its members, resolved disputes, punished the guilty, followed morality, concluded deals, paid taxes, etc.

The family structure was characterized by a rigid vertical of power, manifested in a rigid hierarchy: everyone is humiliated before the head of the family, women - before men, younger ones - before elders, children - before adults. The family was dominated by forced collectivism and centralism; the common interests of the family, as Bolshak understood them, did not just dominate, but were a kind of absolute value that absorbed the interests of individual family members. The foregoing allows us to classify the peasant patriarchal family as an authoritarian type, in which violence is recognized as a completely normal and effective form of influence.

The peasant family itself lived within the framework and under the care of the rural community, or the world, as the peasants called it. The community had wide circle duties: ensured the redistribution of land that was in collective communal ownership, distribution and collection of taxes, consideration of civil and minor criminal cases between members of the community, defended the interests of peasants before the state, landowners, took care of the sick and the weak, etc. The state had relations not with individual peasants, but with the community. An important function of the community was that through public opinion, which was a collective conscience brought out from the outside, it regulated the behavior of the peasants.

The community was a closed, closed system. Low mobility of peasants contributed to the conservation of communal order. The socialization of the younger generation took place within the community and mainly through oral tradition, living examples, direct transfer of experience from parents to children.

The family-communal organization of peasant life gave rise to a personality with certain characteristics and values ​​inherent in an authoritarian structure. Family members and community members knew how to sacrifice individual interests in the name of common interests or did not have interests at all that differed from community ones. They felt the need for strong power and leadership, easily admitting coercion, strived for like-mindedness and united action. They were guided by tradition, antiquity, authorities - they were looking for models, ideals, answers to questions, they had a negative attitude to all kinds of innovations, they did not like changes, from which they only expected a worsening of the situation. The Russian peasant lived under fear of violating numerous prohibitions, rules, requirements, he kept looking back at his neighbors, community, church, fearing to go astray. And if he dared to get off the beaten path, then - with the whole world.

As a result, proactive, independent individuals did not get along in the village: they left it either voluntarily or under duress. The community, at least from the middle of the 18th century, had the right to expel "vicious members" to the army, Siberia and other remote places.

From about early XVIII v. the Russian peasantry (85% of the population in 1914), on the one hand, the nobility, the bourgeoisie, the liberal intelligentsia, on the other, ideologically began to drift away from each other more and more: if the peasant family and community seemed to be conserved, then other strata of the population gradually transformed in accordance with the European cultural standards established by that time. In the XVIII - early XX century. neither the peasant family nor the community underwent any fundamental changes. The government, which in 1906 began the struggle against the community through reforms, was unable to destroy it in 10 years, although it pressed it out (in 1906-1916, 26% of the courtiers left the community). The strength of the foundations of the peasant family and community was an important reason for the modest success of the reforms of the 19th and early 20th centuries, carried out by the Russian government from above.

Subsequent events brought community psychology to an extreme form. Forced collectivization of the 20-30s. XX century. did not contradict the foundations of traditional peasant culture. The use of the collective as a means of depersonalizing people, the cult of collective rather than individual success, the socialization of private life ( labor collectives were responsible for the moral character of their members before the competent authorities and solved their family problems), the nationalization of society (each person was formally or informally an employee of the state, a civil servant, was assigned to a place of residence, often to work), alienation from property and power under declarations of the principles of democracy - all this was characteristic of communal-type relations. Mass repressions of the 20-50s. XX century. and the state of the Cold Civil War, which became a kind of social norm, were possible for the authorities largely due to the reliance on the communal worldview of the majority with its desire for like-mindedness, disrespect for the individual, minority opinion and property rights.

During the period of revolutionary upheavals in Russia, works devoted to the "women's question" appeared. In the articles of A. M. Kollontai, for example, the freedom of a woman from her husband and motherhood was proclaimed. Kinship feelings were assessed as a less strong bond than party camaraderie. The psychology and sociology of the family were declared to be bourgeois pseudosciences, incompatible with Marxism. Among the first decrees of the Soviet government were the decree on civil marriage and divorce, issued in December 1917. These decrees nominally abolished the laws in force earlier, which placed a woman in a family in an unequal position with a man in relation to children, rights to property, in case of divorce. However, these decrees served to strengthen the ideology of the Soviet regime rather than reflecting the realities of Russian society and helping the lives of specific people.

In the 20-50s. XX century. under the conditions of wars and mass repressions, as well as under the influence of state propaganda in the Soviet family, there is a weakening of marital, parent-child, family ties. During the “stagnation” period (1970s-1980s), the following model of the Soviet family developed: the mother bears responsibility for everything, she dominates the family and is closer to the children emotionally; a man is “thrown out” of family relations, does not live up to the expectations of his wife and children. The family faced the problem of paternity: public education was considered basic, the system of benefits in connection with the birth of a child, caring for children, their upbringing was provided only to mothers, and fathers - only in connection with the death of a mother, her long departure or illness. Consequently, the man knew that his fate as a father did not depend on his worries and personal qualities, and the child - above all female problem.

So, throughout the XX century. the family in Russia was in extremely difficult conditions:

  • - wars and repression destroyed families physically and psychologically (physical and emotional breakdowns);
  • - the totalitarian state was introduced into the functioning of the family (values ​​and traditions, raising children, self-determination, etc.), depriving it of its autonomy and self-sufficiency;
  • - the collapse of the totalitarian state in the 1990s. created an inevitable value vacuum, devaluation of the usual stabilizing norms.

The modern Russian family has its own cultural and historical characteristics, which can be conditionally divided into two groups. The first group includes the features associated with the living conditions of the family in Russia in the 20th century. :

  • - in many families, men are absent for several generations: during times of wars and repressions - physically, during the period of "stagnation" - rather psychologically. Partly due to these circumstances is the contradictory attitude towards the man in the Russian family (on the part of both wives and mothers): much is expected from him and at the same time he is protected from unnecessary stress;
  • - Generations depend on each other emotionally and often materially, the boundaries between them are poorly structured: many nuclear families, having no separate housing, continue to live in parental families; young spouses enter a new family on the basis of children's rights; in some families, addressing the spouse's parents "mom" and "dad" is appreciated; parents who have already matured continue to financially support them;
  • - the ideology of a totalitarian society has formed a rigid system of coercion and obligation, in which personal interests are of less value than the interests and rules of a stronger system.

After the collapse of the USSR and the opening of borders, the Russian family began to acquire the features of a modern family of post-industrial culture (the second group of features).

  • 1. The idea of ​​the meaning of creating a family is changing. Due to the increased life expectancy, children have time to grow up, and parents are still active and young. They will have a long life outside of parental functions, as well as without grandchildren, since the lower boundary of parenting is being pushed back.
  • 2. The division of roles in marriage ceases to be rigidly defined, the differences between "male" and "female" affairs are practically leveled out, which is largely due to the manufacturability and ease of life, which now does not take so much time and effort from one of the family members - as a rule , women. Possible minimization of everyday life in everyday life helps to reduce the number of joint affairs among family members. In this way, marriage becomes more emotional, person-centered, and less durable.
  • 3. Along with the growth of divorces, great amount binuclear (or polynuclear) families with children from previous marriages, in which the former spouses maintain contact with each other as parents. However, there are still no generally accepted rules and well-established ritualizations of organizing such a life in society.
  • 4. Communication technologies are actively changing, which deepens the gap between generations based on absolutely different ways obtaining information and thinking - a book and a computer. The child becomes an expert in the field of information technologies teaching or helping him. At the same time, the child's household dependence on his parents is growing, especially in large cities.
  • 5. In a multicultural, rapidly changing society, a unified understanding of correct upbringing children, which leads to increased parental anxiety and insecurity.
  • 6. Many different forms and conditions of school education appear and at the same time arise difficult task The “right” choice of school for the child. The level of parental anxiety is growing again, responsibility for choosing an educational institution increases, which leads to forced education of the child, overloading the whole family, and excessive involvement of parents in the learning process.

So, the family is a dynamic education that is sensitive to changes in the cultural and historical context, of which it is a part ( close relations families with other social contexts are especially obvious in the case of certain deviations of its development from certain expectations of the cultural norm; see chapter 5). The structural and functional characteristics of the family have changed especially rapidly in recent decades with the development of the post-industrial era. The specifics of the modern socio-cultural situation of developed countries, to which in this case can be attributed to Russia, is the coexistence of various variants of family lifestyles, which is most noticeable in megalopolises. Such variability of family forms, on the one hand, reflects the normative and value mobility of the modern world, and on the other hand, it testifies to the crisis state of the family as a social institution undergoing significant changes.

The modern family is characterized by the following features.

First, it is nuclear, that is, it is formed only by the family nucleus: wife, husband, children. Other relatives, such as the parents of the spouses who were formerly part of the extended family, in nuclear family are not included.

Such a family is the prevailing form of modern family life. 87% of the population of developed countries today lives in nuclear families.

An extended family (a family with relatives, consisting of several generations) can exist in the following forms:

patrilocal (young people live in the husband's family);

matrilocal (young people live in the wife's family);

neo-local (young people live separately).

Second, the modern family is egalitarian. The basis of such a family is an equal, voluntary union of a woman and a man, free from coercion, material calculations, interference or pressure from third parties. In such a family, the rights and dignity of men and women are not infringed upon, providing each of them with equal opportunities for professional, intellectual and spiritual growth.

Thirdly, the family today is exogamous (that is, it obeys the ban on marriages of close relatives). In addition, people of modern society continue to more or less adhere to the norms of endogamy, which limit the possibilities of their choice. Factors such as religion, race, social class and educational level determine the group within which an individual prefers to seek a life partner.

Fourth, the modern family is "symmetrical" (husband and wife work), characterized by a high degree of flexibility family roles, which, in turn, gives a high adaptation in the face of rapid changes in society. The rigid division of roles based on gender is a thing of the past. Both spouses now perform both leadership and follower functions, depending on the situation and competence in a particular issue. The symmetrical structure is more typical for families of educated people in a society with a high level of socio-economic development. Relationships that are “asymmetrical” (for example, a husband's career is more important than that of a wife) is typical for families with less educated spouses and in less developed societies.

Family and marriage relations are very sensitive to changes in the economy, politics and in the social sphere of society. Hence the trends that the modern family is subject to, and the problems they cause. What are these problems?

Later formation of social readiness to create a family. What is causing this? One of the factors is that it takes more time to complete education (due to the increase in the volume of necessary knowledge). Another factor is the desire to first make a career in order to economically provide for the newly created family.

Increased divorce rate. The fact that this problem of the family is quite acute is evidenced by the following facts. Over the past thirty years, the number of divorces in Russia has increased sixfold, and every third marriage breaks up every year. This problem is typical not only for our country, but also for all developed countries. Sociological research shows that there are economic reasons behind this problem. The fact is that the achieved level of development of productive forces and education allows a woman to support her family independently (alone), that is, to feed and raise children.

The modern scientific and technological revolution has transformed marriage from an economic institution into a moral and legal one. At the same time, in such a moderately developed country like Russia, the asymmetry of family relations still takes place due to the fact that male family responsibilities(to get food, build housing, prepare firewood, etc.) have gone into oblivion, and women (cooking, keeping the house, husband and children) remained. The situation when the husband does not take part in household chores often leads to divorce. Of the ten cases of divorce, seven of them are initiated by a woman.

What are the consequences of the increasing divorce rate? Children suffer the most from them.

Every year in our country over 700 thousand children remain in single-parent families. At the same time, they receive and incomplete education, that is, they receive less parental attention, love, warmth. This, in turn, leads to child delinquency. So, 90% of repeat offenders began their criminal activities from childhood, and many of them grew up in single-parent families.

3. Reducing the number of children in the family. Currently, in our country, about 90% of families have 1-2 children, and 58% of families have one child. And demographic statistics assert that for at least a small increase in the population, it is necessary for a family to have 2-3 children.

There are objective and subjective factors that are associated with this family problem.

Social Security. Previously, a large number of children were required in order for them to subsequently support their parents. Nowadays, pensions, medical care, various social benefits, lifetime savings enable the elderly not to resort to the help of children.

Medical support. Previously, the poor development of medical care in Russia led to the fact that almost half of the children born died before reaching the age of active workers. Therefore, the birth rate was kept on high level... The situation has now changed. Modern medicine able to put almost any child on his feet.

Weighed down heredity. The threat to the health of the child comes, as medical statistics show, mainly from two sources: from the so-called dementia (for example, mental retardation) and alcoholism of the parents. According to official data, the proportion of newborns in whom signs of oligophrenia are recorded reaches 12%, in severe form the disease affects 33.5% of children. At the same time, as shown by a sample survey in one of the regions of Russia, drunkenness of parents is the cause of more than 80% of all cases of this disease.

Changing the motivation for marriage. Studies of the motives for marriage have shown that love is usually the main factor in choosing a future spouse. However, a significant proportion of marriages in which love is the main motive are assessed by the respondents as unsuccessful. Consequently, we have to state the absence of a rigid relationship between the main motive of marriage and the strength of the marriage union. The reasons for this include the following:

the complexity of the phenomenon of love itself, which includes such characteristics as constancy, depth, strength, which directly depend, firstly, on the prevailing moral and aesthetic values ​​in society and, secondly, on the interpretation of these values ​​at the individual level;

the expectation of romantic love, which in marriage breaks down on the reality of life. By raising expectations associated with marriage, and with them the requirements for the chosen one, love thereby increases the risk of disappointment in both, and therefore, often creates psychological conflicts capable of causing and negative attitude to this particular love marriage;

rallying the family on the basis of inherently antisocial interests (for example, individualistic, egoistic, etc.). There is an obvious contradiction in some social requirements and family norms (length of the working day, salary, etc.). This is due to the need accelerated development modern society and ultimately leads to an increase in the isolation of the family as a social institution and the weakening of family ties;

there is a big difference between those getting married in terms of intelligence, education, general culture.

In addition, each specific society, country has its own special, national family problems. Russia also has them. According to the results of a survey by the Research Institute of the Family of the Ministry of Social Protection of the Russian Federation, the main problems of Russian families are.

If we generalize the smallest units of society - families - we can single out the most characteristic features and problems of modern kinship relations. Russian sociologist A. Antonov, in particular, identifies 10 features of the current family.

1. The superiority of personal ambitions over general

If in a traditional society the values ​​of the clan, communities were above all, in the modern world, the needs of the individual and his immediate environment prevail over everything else. In Russia, this trend is not as noticeable as in the West. Rather, we can talk about a mixture of related, national and individual needs.

2. Clear separation of earnings and households

Very few people live on their own. Moreover, the general level of consumerism has reached the point that there is no big difference between the basket of a rural dweller and a city dweller, a family person and a single person. At the same time, the roles of men and women also continue to change. However, there is a certain bias towards the double burden of a woman - she earns on an equal basis with her partner, but this implies that she alone should look after the household.

Some men's participation in family life is limited to getting home on time and taking out the trash on a regular basis. As a result, there is nothing surprising in the desire of women to be independent. And that is why single women with a child are no longer something exceptional - such a situation completely satisfies her.

3. A clear separation of family relationships and friendships

Colleagues, friends, friends and relatives are less and less involved in the life of a single family. A modern husband and wife may well exist without involving society in internal affairs.

4. Great horizontal and vertical mobility

The very concepts of dynasty and predetermination of the future have practically ceased to exist since birth. The child is completely independent in choosing his own path and does not need to inherit social status. This gives rise to ease of transition from one stratum to another and greater geographic mobility - modern people not tied to home and family nest.

5. Personal achievements and own "I"

It means much more family responsibility, raising children, caring for elders, uncritical perception of parents. In today's family, relationships depend on individuals, not the other way around. Modern man and woman understand that they can survive without family ties. Good or bad - time will tell.

It is a primary small social group, an association of people related by blood or marriage, responsibility, a single household and way of life, mutual assistance and understanding, a spiritual community.

Each of its members plays a clearly defined role - mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather, son or daughter, grandson or granddaughter. The cell of society is the conductor of the norms and rules that are accepted in society. It contributes to the formation of a full-fledged human personality, fosters spiritual and cultural values, patterns of behavior. It gives the younger generation the first ideas about morality and humanism, life goals.

Characteristics of the family as a small social group

The initial basis of all unions is marriage, which is concluded by two young people out of mutual love and sympathy. Traditional view relations in our country is considered to be a union between a man and a woman. Other forms such as polygamy, polyandry or same sex are prohibited in Russia.

The cells are very different. In some, harmony, openness, emotional closeness and trusting relationship, in others - total control, respect and obedience to the elder.

The family, as a type of a small social group, can be of several types:

By the number of children

  • Childless - there are few of them, but they still exist.
  • One-children - most often these are residents of large cities who have only one baby.
  • Small children - in which there are two children. This is the most common option.
  • Large children - from three or more children.

By composition

  • Full - in which there are mom, dad and children.
  • Incomplete - one of the parents is absent for various reasons.

For one or more generations living on one living space

  • Nuclear - consisting of parents and children who have not yet reached the age of majority, i.e. two generations who live separately from their grandparents. This is what every young couple strives for. Living separately, only with your family, is always better - it takes less time to "fit in" to each other, minimizing situations when a husband or wife is "between two fires", forced to take someone's side and make a choice in favor of the parents or a spouse. However, it is not always possible to live separately immediately after the wedding, especially in large cities. Many newlyweds in their early years married life forced to "stay" with their parents, in anticipation of a solution to their own housing issue.
  • Extended or complex - those in which several generations live at once, three or four. This is a common option for a patriarchal family. Such social groups are found both in rural areas and in cities. The situation when grandparents, parents and their grown children, who also managed to acquire their own wives, husbands and children, live in one three-room apartment is no longer a rarity. As a rule, in such unions, the older generation accepts Active participation in the upbringing of grandchildren and great-grandchildren - gives advice and recommendations, leads to additional developmental classes in the Palaces of Culture, Houses of Creativity or educational centers.

By the nature of the distribution of family responsibilities

  • Traditional patriarchal. Main role a man plays in it. He is the main earner, fully financially providing for the needs of his wife, children, and possibly parents. He also makes all the main decisions, settles disputable situations, solves emerging problems, i.e. takes full responsibility for the members of his surname. The woman usually does not work. Her main responsibility is to be a wife to her husband, daughter-in-law to her parents and mother. She monitors the upbringing and education of children, as well as order in the house. Her opinion is usually not taken into account when making important decisions.
  • Egalitarian or affiliate. The complete opposite of patriarchal. Here the spouses play equal roles, negotiate, compromise, jointly solve problems, take care of children. Household responsibilities in such cells are usually also segregated. The husband helps his wife to wash the dishes, floors, vacuum, takes an active part in the daily care of the children - he can also bathe them if they are too young, change clothes, work out with them or read a bedtime story. These families are usually more emotionally close. For spouses and children, gentle touches, sweet words, hugs and kisses at night and before leaving are the norm. Children, based on the example of their parents, express their feelings more openly, both tactilely and verbally.
  • Transitional type - they seem to be not patriarchal, but not yet partnership. This applies to those unions in which the wife and husband decided to be more democratic, to equally share responsibilities around the house, but in reality it turns out that the woman still pulls all the burden on herself, and the husband's actions are limited to only one thing - for example, vacuumed the apartment or washed the dishes once a week. Or, on the contrary, the union decides to become more patriarchal - the husband works, the wife takes care of the house. But despite this, the spouse continues to actively help his wife in everything related to everyday life and children.

The functions of the family as a small social group

They are expressed in its vital activity, which has direct consequences for society.

  • Reproductive, most natural function. This is one of the main reasons for the creation of a social unit - the birth of children and the continuation of a kind.
  • Upbringing and educational - it is expressed in the formation and formation of the personality of a small person. This is how children acquire the first knowledge about the world around them, learn the norms and permissible models of behavior in society, and become familiar with cultural and spiritual values.
  • Economic and economic - it is associated with financial support, budget management, income and expenses, the purchase of food, household items, furniture and equipment, everything that is necessary for a comfortable life. The same function includes distribution job responsibilities around the house between spouses and grown-up children, in accordance with their age. So, for example, a five-year-old child is already introduced to the minimum obligations - to clean up toys, dishes, and make a bed. Economic and economic support also affects the care of elderly or sick relatives, custody of them.
  • Emotional and psychological - the family is a reliable stronghold, a safe haven. This is where you can get support, protection and comfort. Establishing an emotionally close relationship between family members helps to develop trust and care for each other.
  • Spiritual - associated with upbringing younger generation cultural, moral and spiritual values. This is the reading of fairy tales, poems and fables to children by adults, which tells about good and evil, honesty and lies, generosity and greed. From each fairy tale you read, you need to draw a conclusion about how to act well and how bad. Everyone should attend children's puppet and drama theaters, the Philharmonic Society, watch performances and concerts. All these actions contribute to the formation of moral and ethical guidelines adopted in society, introduces to culture.
  • Recreational - joint leisure and recreation. These are ordinary everyday evenings spent with relatives, interesting travels, excursions, hikes, picnics and even fishing. Such events contribute to the rallying of the clan.
  • Socio-status - the transfer to children of their status, nationality, or belonging to any place of residence, in a city or rural area.

Signs of the family as a small social group

As a group formation, it has several types of signs - primary and secondary.


  • common purpose and activity;
  • personal relationships within the union, formed on the basis of social roles;
  • a certain emotional atmosphere;
  • their values ​​and morals;
  • cohesion - it is expressed in friendly feelings, mutual support and mutual assistance,
  • clear distribution of roles;
  • control over the behavior of members of the family in society.


  • Conformity, the ability to concede or submit to common opinion.
  • Emotional closeness of relationships, belonging, which are expressed in mutual sympathy, trust, spiritual community.
  • Norms of behavior and values ​​are passed on from the older generation to the younger through traditions and customs.

Features of the family as a small social group: what characterizes the unit of society

The family, as a small social group, is distinguished by the following features:

  • Growing from within - by doing reproductive function, it expands. With each new generation, the number of its members increases.
  • Closedness regarding the joining of adults. Each child has its own mom and dad, grandparents, there will definitely not be others.
  • Every change concerning a separate unit of society is monitored by the society and recorded government bodies... On the day of the wedding, in the registry office, a record appears in the official book about the registration of marriage, at the birth of children, first certificates are issued, and then a certificate, in case of divorce, all legal formalities must also be completed.
  • Longevity of existence. Each union in its development goes through a certain natural cycle - the creation, the appearance of the first child, then the subsequent children, their upbringing and education, the period of the "empty nest", when already adult children marry or get married and leave their father's house. And then it ceases to exist when one of the spouses dies.
  • The family, as a small social group, unlike others, does not imply the presence of a single activity for all. Each member fulfills his duties, they are all different. Parents work, financially provide for everyone, keep order in the house. The main activity for children depends on their age - play or educational. And only on certain days all relatives can be busy with one thing - joint leisure, for example, or a volunteer clean-up.
  • Dynamic features - they are expressed in norms of behavior, ideals, traditions and customs, which each cell of society forms for itself.
  • Obligation of emotional relationships. Parents and children are bound by love, tenderness and care. This psychological involvement is total for all members of the surname.

A distinctive feature of the genus can be the creation of its own pedigree, family tree. The work on the design of a family album can perform several tasks at once:

  • Involves each member of the surname in this process, joint activities- mom, dad, children, grandparents.
  • It helps to strengthen the clan, its cohesion.
  • Forms a respectful attitude of the younger generation to the history of their ancestors.

To make a family tree according to all the rules and not get confused in scientific complexities, use the service offered by the company " Russian House Genealogies "in the form of a genealogical book. Its authors have developed unique technique, give detailed recommendations and instructions, guided by which you can easily compose a documentary history of your family.