Children's regional consulting clinic. Moscow Regional Advisory Diagnostic Center for Children

Consultative Diagnostic Center

Existed since 1973, at that time it was a children's regional consulting clinic and provided specialized medical care Children's population Ryazan region. The opening of the advisory polyclinic significantly increased the diagnostic potential of the Pediatric Service of the Ryazan region, improved the quality of diagnosis of diseases. In the mid-90s, the number of specialists has increased, more opportunities have appeared to provide specialized assistance. IN different time He managed the institution: Simanaytes A.K., Filimonova I.G., Fomin N.A., Zhukova N.A., Epishche M.R., Filkina L.F. In 2014, the Advisory Center has an accession to GBU RO "CSTOs them. N.V. Dmitrieva. " Today we provide advisory and diagnostic Help children From the period of newborn to 18 years. The consultative and diagnostic center employs doctors 19 specialties. The volume of advisory care is more than 100,000 visits per year. In the reception of the clinic introduced an automated recording system to doctors to specialists. The feature of the Advisory Center is the possibility full examination (including laboratory, ultrasound, radiological, methods functional diagnostics ) Without leaving the walls of our institution. Today, highly professional specialists who have the highest and first qualifying categories have been working in the Advisory Diagnostic Center, which have the highest and first qualifying categories, are noted by departmental and state awards.

    registry: Tel. (4912) 25-30-31 and 25-41-87

    head of the Advisory Diagnostic Center of Prokopieva Olga Mikhailovna: Tel. (4912) 25-27-51

    older nurse Forest Elena Anatolyevna: Tel. (4912) 25-50-81

Moscow Regional Advisory Diagnostic Center for Children. In November 1936, the establishment of regional subordination was created by order of Mosoblotvotel - the Moscow Regional Advisory Polyclinic (MEKP). Her task is to provide highly qualified advisory specialized medical care to children in the Moscow region. At the first stage of its work, the advisory clinic had to concentrate the flow of children in need of specialized medical care. Until 1941, only the children of senior preschool and school age. In the clinic at the time, 2 pediatricians and "narrow" specialists (oculist, otolaryngologist, surgeon, dermatologist) worked at the time. The clinic had a diagnostic hospital for 5 beds. Attendance was 6-8 thousand visits a year. To date, MOKDDS provides advisory and diagnostic specialized medical care to children in the Moscow region in 24 areas (105 thousand visits per year). 4 doctors lead in the center medical Sciences, 12 candidates of medical sciences, 2 honored doctors Russian Federation. The Moscow Regional Advisory Diagnostic Center for Children works closely with the Monic Pediatric Clinic. M.F. Vladimir and with many federal medical institutions.
Neurological service continues to develop: 4 neurologists work, advise research staff Monica them. M.F. Vladimirsky, Institute. N.N.Burdenko. In 2002, a regional children's epileptological office was organized, a register of children suffering from epilepsy was created, organizational and methodological work with districts.
Doctors Cardiologists MOKDCD work closely with the Cardiovascular Surgery Clinic Monica. M.F. Vladimirsky, with the Children's Clinic Research Institute of Rheumatology, Ramna, with Research Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery. A.N. Bakuleva Ramna. Specialists of this clinic are also advisory receiving on the basis of the Center. Created register of children in the Moscow region with congenital defects Hearts, in the near future it is planned to open a children's regional arrhythmological office equipped with Holter observation systems and daily monitoring of blood pressure.
Currently, a slender system for the provision of speech therapy assistance to children in the Moscow region has been created. The speech therapy office of the center is permanent basis To pass practitioners by students of pedagogical universities in Moscow.
The development of the sirological service made it possible to children with hearing impairments to be comprehensively examined by specialists: an audioologist, a psychoneurologist, a survolution, a survival, speech therapist. During recent years Children suffering from hearing loss, at the expense of the budget of the Moscow region and MO FOMS were provided by free auditory apparatus.
Today Mokddsd is modern institution With great development potential, continuing the rich traditions of regional medicine.

I am from the area, three months pierced to this center to the speech therapist g ... An E.M. I was praised her as a super specialist. The first with which I encountered is a record, one and a half hours without a breather on the phone, I ask what time I will bring a child to the reception mom or grandmother said without a difference. I'm grandmother, I do not work, well, I was lucky, then for it, I was paid for it. We approached us at15-00. We arrived at 14-30 until the map started to get to the cabinet. And there is a queue. It was very surprised how this two of us will be taken whether they will take, that also in shock. I will take it to 17-00. It's 1Avgusta, doctor first day after vacation, time 17-40 We are invited to the office, something child 4 years and she is C12-30, then it is waiting, you understand. The doctor asked a couple of tests like animal pictures. It is necessary to put pictures with fruit than the animal feeds. The granddaughter put the hare put carrots-correctly, and the apple is wrong, the hedgehog eats an apple, and we live in a private house and keep the rabbits that eating markings, apples, and mostly grass and feed! And the hedgehogs are preferred for meat. The information and dyatyatko it sees everything. If one in the cartoons, one thing, and in life, others do not want to buy a toy pink elephant, and in the zoo, explain the child that in the life of the elephants is gray. But this is a lyrics, and the diagnosis was delivered immediately and we were sent to a psychoneurologist! No monopulations were made with a child with a child, she played fun in the toys than finally brought himself to the doctor. And I safely listened that my daughter, my irresponsible cuckoo, dropping the child on the grandmother. I am 40 years old. In my event I can give birth to myself, and many do it. I asked the question what caused her negative attitude Mobysche to our family, you need to come to my mother, and not me. That I asked the phone turned out to be not true! I suggested to understand not with me or granddaughter, but with the employees of the registry, everyone remained with his opinion, and we are also with An impartial diagnosis. On how to deal with the child that would better pronounce the words answered the answer was-drinking pills that will write a psychoneurologist, everything, the reception is over. I'm going home in shock, by the way, the granddaughter now began to be afraid of all doctors. I closed at all ceased to react to doctors. Our therapist came to vaccinate us, but the point is not in this. For a year and a half almost every day, someone at the reception due to the delay of speech, there were also paid and free. And now I would not get there tooth ... It turns out it was necessary not to swallow that stimulate the brain so that the child began to vote words correctly, and Crop the sublard bridle .... We made this operation, under the general anesthesia. It's not a baby, the bridle was already working hard, so I have a question, if I didn't climb into her mouth, though speech therapist, what does it work? But on five it turns out to be ocked and humiliate patients? We are no longer a foot! There are excellent doctors, not pensioners and pensioners come to adequate. Attentive, good, loving kids, and g ... an ... Yes, God is a judge, and as she. And I advise mommies before feeding the child's pills, visit not less than three Doctors of the same specialty, and suddenly the baby is healthy as a bull, and we have a brain tablet to stimulate, maybe it's better that the doctor himself drank them ... Think. These are us thousands of us, and our kids and only ours!

Hello everyone. Today was for the first time at the reception at the doctor of the neurologist-epileptologist Provatovoy M. A. remained very satisfied. The doctor listens very attentive to the parents, examined the child carefully, without a rush. Explains everything is slow, understandable, for ordinary parents, tongue. Talks OT. possible treatment And about preparations. Thank you very much to this doctor (other specialists have not yet been). Card We made quickly and without any bustle, honey. The worker explained clearly and clearly ...

It is impossible to make an appointment. Tried many times by phone (499) 236-32-63. If you call, then you are told that the records are no longer. On my question in 9-20, when it was possible, I was told that I was never, since the phone takes a maximum of 2 calls, and the rest recorded a turn of the clinic. In his clinic, he tried to sign up through the registry, but could not. There were no places. Ugly attitude towards people.

In the registration card, our lost. With ehi and inspection of the eyepiece. 18 Coupon to the oculist, and she cannot write down the glasses to the child, without these research and records. After the map found and we had to go to the oculist again. Thus, there were dissatisfaction of people who came in time (, which is understandable). People in the reception a lot and with breasts Stand. Why it is impossible to make 3 queues. The first to the primary reception. The second who was already and needed just a reception card. Well, the third about the coupons ...

Very long in the registry. Someone make up a map, someone is looking for. These processes are long. Before us was in line 5 people, the result of 30 minutes is lost. Sign up to doctors through the registry of your hospital. Through the phone is useless.

It used to be just difficult to sign up on the phone in the Mokdsd (Mytishchi), but it is possible that it is very important! Now it is not just difficult, but it is impossible to do it! Only through your attending pediatrician! Of course you will be recorded, but in a month (let God give!), When there will be at least some place, but before that you are with breastfish Once 10 go to get this coupon! We are infant and we stand on the control of the gastroenterologist, for children up to a year not only a month, but the day is very important! Dear A. Karapetyan, hover ...

I was struck by a very strange recording system for reception. About the recording by phone is already silent. But now in the receptionist not written - it can only be done by your pediatrician. The girl from the registry explained that "today, for example, the record was from 9:50 to 10:00. Recording for two weeks ahead." I would not need anything, but we need a doctor epileptologist, and my words about the fact that a child epileptic attacks (to kid less than a year) And what urgently needs to see a doctor, I "cute" answered that everything urgently needed. Direction ...

Good day! Recently, the recording system was introduced into the MOKDC, through urban polyclinics! Now it is not possible to sign up! There are no longer coupons, I can assume that they diverge in their own! So the doctor should write on the ultrasound to the ultrasound, now instead of one day, you have to ride 3 times and then if there is a coup for a doctor! That is, first you need to manage to take a coupon for reception, come with a child, sign up for a doctor on the ultrasound, although the doctor in the previous reception itself wrote on what to do with their ultrasound, then come ...

Very not satisfied. My child was refused to consult a doctor and even the door was closed before the nose for the fact that the child came to the consultation with his grandmother, and not with her mother. We could not sign up for this consultation for almost a month, and when they recorded the 3-hour road from the MO with a 3-hour road and having spent a bunch of money, and in the end, my child was put out on the street. For such rudeness remains only to write complaints to all instances.

I am also half an hour and more without a break, I type number: 84992363263 And nevertheless I always call. Just need to be not annoyed in these minutes, but to gain patience and try to feel calm. Imagine, one girl operator sits, which takes calls from all over Moscow. And in one minute, they are trying to call several dozen people at the same time.

Good day! Although that day he is no longer kind. For the second month now. At the time when the record is being recorded, it is not realistic. One room is long beeps and goodbye. The second number is short, forever busy. When all the tongs are already disassembled (the feeling is created that they are diverted according to your own), I apologize the first time. Forced to sign up for paid doctors. Once again prove the fact that we have no free medicine. Sad, a disgusting approach to the recording of sick people. A huge request to change the attitude towards people in need.

I join those unhappy who can not get through. Constantly employed when not busy, "the recording has already ended, call tomorrow." Yesterday, I got through at 9:25 in each century, but I was told that the record from 9:30, although on the site information that from 9:00. I can not say anything bad about the corresponding multi-channel: (499) 236-32-63 employees' phone - do not rude, everyone explains in detail. Recommended to be recorded through the EMIAS. But for some reason it is difficult for some reason, a whole epic, and now the doctor is generally ...

He recorded us at the reception in the MOKDC doctor surgeon of our clinic. Your doctor can also record your child if there is a computer in the office. We and our acquaintances did not call themselves into the center. We arrived on the day of the record, got a child's card and calmly passed all examination on the day of arrival. If necessary, doctors guide the child in Monica.

There were at the reception at the Allergologist Leontyeva M. 30.08.2016, the son is allergic to something in the apartment, he is 4 months old. (The direction was given in the clinic 2) first we had cats, we removed them, changed soft furniture. They removed all the carpets, etc. But it still hesitates and sneezes, of course no edema and allergic conjunction. At the reception, I started to tell her everything, the doctor did not listen to saying how it cut off that there are no such allergies to have such allergies because they have no antibodies. And I did not try ...

For three days I could not get through in any way. Constantly busy. I had to send a husband to the center itself to record a child to the doctor. There was a queue in front of him (after 30 minutes, he stood there), but! Not a single call came to the registry! I called and was busy at this time. A man in line asked the room for which you can get through, he was answered that he was the only one, multichannel! And these "women" began to speak to everyone in line: you can sign up by phone, why come, etc., in response ...

Already 7 years have been observed in the center. Horror with a reception record. The tube does not take or reset the call. You cannot explain about the rules of recording. I myself work in the clinic, we have allocated for such work all for a long time. There is no one to complain here, there is no telephone manager. If it would not be a doctor who was grateful no longer visited this institution where the supervisory authority looks. Ugliness!

Every day you have to call half an hour so that only the phone took, and it is impossible to record a cardiologist, every day they say the recording is finished, call tomorrow. And in June Gusev, will make him on vacation and what? Write down only one hour and for one day, really you can not think over comfortable optionsexcept to torment people. Do not have time, take more specialists to work.