What to take with you on a hike: a list of things and rules for fees. General use equipment. Things for an overnight trek

A backpack is one of the most important parts when you are going to leave the house for a long time. If his choice is not unsuccessful, then the whole sortie can go to dust. To avoid this, here are seven key points to look out for when choosing a backpack.

1. Dimensions of the backpack

A person intuitively feels only the dimensions of his figure. If the backpack protrudes beyond these dimensions, it will cling to branches, tree trunks, and get stuck in confined spaces. In the case of a military backpack, the ability to shoot in a prone position is also critical, without resting your head on the backpack.

A large rug tied over the top of your backpack? Volumetric side pockets filled with the essentials of course, a rifle barrel overhead? Put on your backpack and try to walk through the doorway. How are you going to move through the forest?

If the dimensions of the bag do not go beyond the shoulders and sides, then how to put all the things in it? It is possible to increase the volume of the backpack in depth, but up to a certain limit. The farther the load is from the center of gravity, the more the back muscles have to be strained to compensate for the weight. As a result, we get the optimal dimensions, limited in height by the shoulders and a depth of 30-35 cm.

Something like this, for example, looks like our T40 bag with a volume of honest 45 liters. This is not only an advertisement for T40, but also a rationale for why it was made that way. It is no coincidence that this is the most popular model among our military buyers.

If your goal is a two-week hike with family, barbecue and guitar, no questions asked, most likely you really need a 120-liter bag. But for sure you are not reading this post.

2. Volume of a backpack

Is the 45 liter backpack too small for everything you need to put in it? Let's figure it out. The military should have a significant amount of hardware. The remaining volume must fit personal belongings, food and water. A simple question: what is more important - quiet and accurate movement, the absence of a mound over your head in a prone position, or these things, because of which you are carrying a 100-liter bag?

If the first, then the following questions: how do you gut the ration or pick up food, why do you need so much food and water? What have you done to be able to get by with less? Why didn't you spend money on a compact sleeping bag, why do you need such a warm sleeping bag now? Why are you carrying a tent? Why are you carrying two sets of clothes? Do you have valid answers to all of these questions?

If the military has about half of the volume of the backpack occupied by "iron" and with a certain skill they fit all things in 45-50 liters, then what does this volume of civilians do? Are you sure that a backpack in a store that says 70-90 liters really holds 70-90 liters? Marketers are well aware of customer preferences and sometimes gloss over reality. Focus on the outer dimensions of the bag.

3. Backpack weight

The conversation about dimensions always turns into a conversation about the weight of a full backpack. The first common comment: "My backpack weighs 40-50 kg!" After this phrase, various irreplaceable things that need to be packed into a backpack are usually listed again.

There are many reasons why a full backpack suddenly weighs 40-50 kg. The military has the requirements of the chief, an example of senior "experienced" colleagues, valiant courage and banal lies. If you really carry 40-50 kg, then as a professional (you are a professional) you can probably calculate (or at least know where to look, how to calculate) the energy consumption when carrying a certain weight depending on the speed and distance traveled. Not by eye, but in calories. Taking into account the difference in height. Naturally, as a professional, you plan how you will replenish these energy costs.

Also, when planning the mission, your commanders took into account the weight you carry and adjusted the time it takes you to be at the location of the mission, to be able to efficiently complete it, and then evacuate. Naturally, taking into account possible unforeseen complications. Is this the case? You think intervertebral hernia adding coolness at 30?

The second common comment refers to the weight of the backpack itself. “Your backpack is too heavy! I saw a 100-liter backpack that weighs 900 g! ”... Take a large garbage bag and sew the straps to it. Any military-grade backpack weighs more than a trash bag for two reasons.

First, its designers thought about how to make a power frame that would effectively remove the load from the shoulders and transfer it to the hips. Various armor, arcs, frames, cunning belts and other engineering solutions that are not striking, unless you just pick up an easel backpack. Add to this the requirements for reliability, and you get a certain weight of the frame, belt and straps, below which it is impossible to fall. Check out how much the Mystery Ranch and Kifaru backpacks weigh. You don't want this whole structure to fall apart, for example, after dropping a stuffed backpack from the car to the ground?

Second: its designers tried to enrich the backpack with some features that would improve its functionality. Sewn pockets, zippers and the like. All for tough conditions. The main factors that affect the weight of the product are the amount and density of the fabric. At the same time, all reasonable manufacturers switched to using Cordura with a density of 500D instead of 1000D, because the latter is excessively strong and weighs almost twice as much.

Can lighter materials be used without losing strength? Surely look at backpacks made from materials like Dyneema or Dimension Proliant. Just don't look at the prices.
How much molle do you need on a backpack? Satisfied with a perfectly sleek bag? No problem, cut off all molle lines, take electronic balance and experience the enjoyment of the grams saved. For reference: the weight of all molle lines sewn onto the largest T60 cargo bag is approximately 160 (one hundred and sixty) grams.

After all, how much weight, in kilograms, is "unreasonable", and how much is "still normal"? If the backpack of your dreams weighs 1 kg, and after 30 kilometers with a weight of 30 kg, your shoulders and back are in order, and you are ready to go the same amount, then you have really found a great backpack.

4. Fitting the backpack

You have no idea how many people do not know how to fit a backpack. More than a half those who come to our workshop do not know how to do it. It's sad because even if you have cool backpack for $ 700 like a SEAL, you still get tired more than necessary and injure your spine.

Relax the shoulder straps, tighten the belt on the right place to transfer the load to the hips and, if necessary, adjust the height of the straps so that they fit snugly and evenly around the shoulders. What's so hard about that? More than half of the buyers do not know how to do this.

In our workshop, demonstration backpacks are specially stuffed with things and weigh about 15 kg so that you can feel the difference between a backpack that is correctly fitted on the belt and a backpack that is not adjusted to your figure.

5. Belt

Why bother with a belt? Somewhere 70 percent of the load is transferred to the legs, if the power frame (also called the “back” in common parlance) and the belt of the backpack are designed correctly, and the harness is clearly adjusted to the figure. Look in the mirror and compare the volume of the muscles in the back and the volume of the thigh muscles. What other than naive arrogance makes you not fasten your belt?

On the question that "clear guys" do not fasten the belt in order to quickly drop the backpack in case of a sudden fire contact. It is foolish to say that someone's kung fu school is better or worse. The representatives of the school of the unfastened belt are certainly right if their point of view is supported by personal combat experience in which the unfastened belt helped them survive.

6. Comfort

When all the extra molle lines have been cut off, a 1 kg raid backpack has been found, additional bells and whistles can be discussed in the form of a "ventilated anatomical" back, a "beaver" tail, a quick drop, and so on. Everything that creates the notorious comfort.

In our opinion, comfort is when a 35-kg backpack does not rub anywhere on either the second or the fifth day, and the shoulders do not go numb from the load. The rest of the concept of comfort is simply naive.

Unambiguous layout: the airmesh does not ventilate anything, it absorbs sweat well. It also collects dirt. Some kind of ventilation is only possible if there is an empty space between the body and the backpack, and not a soft sponge.

7. Useless knowledge

You can argue until blue in the face about the NSN numbers on the equipment of a potential enemy. V best case your erudition will exceed the erudition of the employee of the foreign warehouse where this equipment is stored.

It would be great if they shared online personal experience, one way or another equipment behaved in a multi-day hike in the taiga, in the mountains, and not when traveling from home to work or on a weekend hike. A careful study of the photographs of "specialists" on the Internet will not add to you personally either dexterity or muscle mass, no stamina. The best shooters, civilian and military, are much less familiar with the material part of the weapon than many Internet gurus. What's stopping you from cutting back on your Facebook time and spending more time on your physical fitness?

In contact with

Many people like hiking, because it is so interesting and romantic. Indeed, you can get a lot of new emotions, even in a few days spent outside of civilization. A popular question among novice tourists: "How to pack a backpack for a hike, what exactly should you take with you?" - we will now analyze.

The choice of a backpack and the secrets of filling it

The most popular mistake newbies make is wanting to buy the biggest backpack. Experts say that for 10-20 days of the hike, a volume of no more than 80-90 liters for men and, accordingly, 60-75 liters for women is enough. Only the essentials should be taken with you on a hike. If you are in doubt whether a particular item will be useful, it is better to refuse it. Remember when you go every extra kilogram weight will spoil your mood.

How to pack your backpack for a hike yourself? It is advisable to start preparing and collecting things in a few days. Make a list and highlight the corner in the apartment where your gear will be stored. Just don't fill up your backpack right away. After all, it is also an art to put everything collected correctly. Put down that which will not be used during the day. The main part of the backpack fills up as needed (the most commonly used items are on top), place the heaviest items closer to your back. In the uppermost compartment (upper "valve") we put what we need on the road. Be sure to put something soft near your back, even if it is a layer of clothing. Believe me, there is nothing worse on a hike than hard objects resting on the spine with every movement.

A properly assembled and stowed backpack does not dangle when walking and does not pull back. Remember to adjust it with all of the available restraints.

General use equipment

If you are going on vacation as part of a group, the question of how to properly pack a backpack on a hike and what to take with you should be discussed with your travel colleagues. Make a list of public equipment. By distributing his positions among the members of the squad, you can significantly reduce the weight of the backpacks. What items can be included in this list?

Usually 2-4 people are accommodated in one tent. It is very convenient to agree in advance on who will share housing with whom. Food and utensils for cooking should also be taken for the whole group. What do you need to hike from other public goods? Funds household chemicals, for example, washing powder and toothpaste can also be purchased in an organized manner for all participants in the trip. Don't forget about the tools: an ax and a saw are a must on any hike.

Putting together a first aid kit

When discussing your upcoming trek with the group, be sure to ask if anyone has any allergies or intolerances. medicines... Be sure to write down any positive answers and keep the list in your medicine cabinet. As practice shows, in the warm season, many hikes along simple routes pass without serious illnesses and injuries. Nevertheless, each participant of the trip must have a set with him. necessary funds for first aid.

A first aid kit with special and potent medicines can be assembled for a group of 5-10 people. The first aid package includes: dressings (tourniquet, bandages, sterile napkins, plaster), antiseptics (iodine, brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide), scissors. In the main first-aid kit, you should put universal pain relievers, antipyretics, as well as drugs to normalize digestion. Additionally, you can take with you ointments for bruises / sprains, insect bites, remedies for normalization blood pressure and allergy medications.

How to pack a backpack for a hike: a photo of personal equipment

The most necessary things for the hike are sleeping gear. Foam and a sleeping bag should be available for every tourist. preferably packed in a waterproof case. Many tourists also prefer to take an inflatable rug or pillow with them on a hike.

Do not forget to bring your personal utensils: an unbreakable plate and mug, cutlery. A flask for water will also be useful, it is advisable to hang it on your belt. A knife will be necessary in any hike, and even more convenient is a tool "several devices in one" (for example, a knife / opener / scissors). If you choose the second option, get a quality accessory from a travel goods store.

Usually, they talk about how to pack a backpack for a hike during collection before going on a trip. Depending on the complexity of the route and the natural landscape, the list of equipment may change. Additional equipment will be needed if any sports activities are planned.

Hiking clothes

Special travel clothing can be found in shops sporting goods... Its cheaper counterpart is camouflage sold in any "workwear". Remember, the main requirement for clothing is its practicality and durability. Things should not hinder movement, which means that familiar jeans will not work.

How to pack your backpack for a hike, how much clothes do you really need? Take enough underwear and socks. These items of clothing should be changed regularly, there may be problems with washing and drying in field conditions. Choose comfortable shoes... It is best to purchase special sports shoes, ankle boots are also suitable. In any case, do not forget to take your flip-flops with you. They will help out in the heat, while swimming in a natural reservoir and will help you quickly put on your shoes if you have to leave the tent at night.

Necessary little things

Be sure to take a paper map of the area with you on your hike. Do not rely only on electronics, the most modern gadget can always run out of charging. The usual ones are also useful. wrist watch... Choose sporty models that are resistant to moisture and mechanical damage... Lanterns, matches and candles will be useful in any hike.

Everything positive emotions from a close acquaintance with virgin nature, insects can spoil. Be sure to bring enough sprays and mosquitoes with you.

It is worth thinking about personal hygiene products: toothbrush / paste, soap bar, towel, razor, shampoo, toilet paper they will definitely not be superfluous. It is also recommended to bring along some kind of document proving your identity and a certain amount of money (not too much).

Now you know how to pack your backpack for a ten-day hike. Do not forget to take your camera, for sure during your trip you will see a lot of beautiful and interesting things.

By the way, in addition to backpacks for tourism, in our travel backpacks store you will find a large selection of tactical, city backpacks, a collection of drinking systems and themed accessories... Backpacks vary in functional purpose, volume (displacement), suspension system, frame stiffness, materials used, design solutions.

Universal expeditionary frame backpacks from 100 to 130 liters due to their correct geometry are perfect for long trips and carrying weights. Frame backpacks from 70 to 90 liters are suitable for both serious hikes and soft outings.

Take a closer look at small and medium backpacks for tourism and assault backpacks from 40 to 65 liters. Trekking backpacks of this size are suitable for mountains, local outings, hunting or fishing trips. In addition, it is optimal size backpack for children and adolescents.

Backpacks for freeride, ski tour, backcountry, multisport, small trekking, assault and city - fall into the category of backpacks up to 35 liters. Here you will also find soft frameless compression backpacks. Hermetic backpacks are good for boating, caving and hiking in the off-season.

Separately, we can highlight tactical backpacks and backpacks up to 95 liters. Everything here is adapted for use in the armed forces and special forces.

Why is it worth buying travel backpacks from our online store?

  • Our tourist, tactical and city backpacks with a carrying capacity from 3 to 130 liters, developed by experienced tourists and real professionals in their field

  • Our backpacks are designed with the expertise of athletes, travelers and global manufacturers in mind. We do everything to ensure that your back is protected as much as possible from overvoltage and overheating. Lightweight frames of an ergonomic shape, good ventilation of the back, adjustable harness systems and well-thought-out waist belts are aimed at convenience and safety. Much attention is paid to organizing the optimal distribution of weight inside the backpack, the presence additional pockets and equipment attachment points

  • If you want to buy high-quality, durable backpacks for tourism in the online store at competitive prices - here you can do it

  • Our consultants will be happy to answer all your questions regarding backpacks and help you choose the best one for you.

More and more people prefer to spend their weekends on leisure in nature, rather than mindlessly spend them sitting in front of the TV. Different kinds hiking trips are becoming more and more in demand. However, few novice tourists take a responsible approach to collecting the necessary things for the trip.

Even if the route of the hike is thought out to the smallest detail, and is only 1 day, the tourist's backpack must still be assembled according to all the rules. This is a pledge have a nice rest Outdoors. Big mistake tourists - newbies is overload. In this article, we will try to figure out what you need to take with you on a hike, what are the requirements for a tourist's clothing, whether you need a first-aid kit, and how to assemble it yourself.

A complete list of possible things for the hike is available by clicking the download button after the article.

Preparing for the hike

The fees will depend on many factors. First you need to decide on the route. In what terrain it will pass (forest, taiga, mountains), the approximate duration in days, will you spend the night outdoors or are you planning to settle in hotels for the night. You should take into account the time of year, the age of the participants in the hike and their number.

Be sure to read the information:

When solving the dilemma of what list of things to do while hiking, keep in mind that Weight Limit a backpack for a man is 30 kg, but for a woman it is limited to 15 kg.

The required minimum of things can usually be divided into 3 categories:

  1. For movement. This includes all navigational items (map, compass), comfortable clothes, shoes. In addition, for active actions in nature, you will need any auxiliary items (flashlight, whistle, magnifying glass, rope) and a first-aid kit.
  2. For relax. For a day trip, a blanket or a tourist rug will suffice. If you plan to spend the night in the woods, then you need to think about a tent and sleeping bags. Funds will be needed to make a fire (matches, a lighter, paper or newspaper).
  3. Nutrition. Minimum set for a picnic, consisting of metal kitchen utensils, a knife and a dry ration. For long hikes, it makes sense to purchase a gas burner.

Many are worried about the question of what to take with a child on a hike? All of the above, but do not forget about sport equipment, which will help pass the time on vacation. It can be a ball, tennis rackets, badminton.

Clothes and footwear

Tourist cutaway

The most important rule of choosing clothing for a hike: it should cover and protect the skin from various hazards in nature. These can be insects, stones, branches of trees and bushes, poisonous plants. The material should be good for air permeability, be light and dry quickly in the sun. Almost everyone meets this requirement. modern suits designed for outdoor activities.

Socks and underwear best used from the "thermo" category. There are special sports models. It is recommended to choose T-shirts without seams so that the straps of the tourist backpack do not cause discomfort.

Going to the mountains, please note that outerwear should provide full protection not only from winds, but also from precipitation. For hiking in winter time better take ski suits marked - tex. They have more a light weight, retain heat due to a special membrane structure and do not impede movement.

In the hot season, it is not recommended to go on a hike in light and open clothes... The sun, various blood-sucking insects, and damage from stinging plants will only spoil your holiday. Pants tucked into socks are required, as well as a jacket with long sleeve and collar.

What to pack for a day hike that includes climbing a mountain peak and walking through the woods?

Trekking shoes are your best bet. They have good degree shock absorption, which reduces the load on the spine when walking for a long time. This is especially important when there is a heavy backpack behind. In addition, the special pattern on the outsole provides durable traction on any surface.

Shoes should be athletic, fit and have firm soles. Heeled shoes or any open shoes completely unsuitable for hiking. This choice can be fraught with various injuries, including trauma and dislocation.

Things for an overnight trek

Things for an overnight trek

Tent most the best option if you decide to spend the night in nature. However, it is also necessary to choose it according to the rules. It must be made of high-quality and waterproof material, the seams must be glued.

Pay attention to the Water Resistance Index (PU). For demi-season hikes, it is better to use a tent with an index higher than 3000. Cheap models usually have a PU of 1500. They get wet quickly enough during a long and heavy downpour.

Sleeping bags come in many varieties. For summer vacation and for big company preferable bags - blankets. By unfastening the zipper, you can get a wide blanket that will cover several people.

This will allow you to take fewer sleeping bags with you, which will lighten the load. Plus, it can easily replace your picnic rug or blanket when needed.

When planning a trip on hot summer days, you can take an awning with you. It will protect you from the sun and wind and make your halts more comfortable.

Food and kitchen utensils

Cooking is one of the most important issues when planning a hiking trip. A bonfire can be used. To do this, you need to put matches packed in a waterproof material or a lighter in your backpack. It is recommended to put fire-starting products in different places.

For the preparation of safe place a spatula may be needed for a fire. A pocket chain saw for camping trips or a folding knife will be an excellent assistant. Big company tourists can take an ax with them. Going to places where it will be problematic to find firewood, it is better to take a gas burner. Don't forget about gas cylinders for refueling.

From the dishes you should definitely take:

  • Ladle or small ladle.
  • Metal mug, bowl and cutlery.
  • One pot is enough for a group of no more than 4 people. There are models in which the lid can be used as a bowl.
  • Cutting board.
  • Disposable set plastic utensils... They are lightweight.

In addition, during the hike, you will definitely need napkins, garbage bags, antibacterial sprays. Most grocery set should be drinking water especially if you go hiking in the summer.

If you take perishable food, then use a cooler bag, but it is better to refuse them. The usual travel food set includes: canned food, cereals, vegetables, fast food, salt, seasonings, tea, herbs.

Life hack of the Ministry of Emergency Situations: so as not to get lost in the forest

How to assemble a first aid kit

In nature, being far from settlements, you should be prepared for any troubles. A tourist's first aid kit is a must. Its composition will depend on the time spent on the trip, the presence of certain health problems in the group members.

When assembling a first aid kit, consider the following rules:

  1. Injuries, strains, cuts and dislocations are common. Disinfectants and dressings must be taken for 2-3 injuries.
  2. Sorbents must be taken in larger quantities than other medicines. Approximately 1 package per person.
  3. Pain relievers, antihistamines with the specified period suitability.
  4. Insect bite remedies.
  5. Individual medicines that must be taken as prescribed by a doctor for any of their tourists.
  6. Sunscreens and ointments for burns.

For a travel first aid kit, it is better to choose a container with different compartments. Pack in waterproof material.

Specifically, about how to assemble a travel first aid kit read in the article:

Assemble correctly travel backpack not that hard. You just need to make a list in advance the required minimum things you can't do without during the hike.

IMPORTANT: pay attention to Additional materials in the RELATED MATERIALS block!