How to properly care for your nails at home. How to properly care for your fingernails at home. The best recipes for strengthening nails

Hello dear! For most women, nail care at home has become a routine procedure, because beautiful nails for a woman, it is stylish and well-groomed, and every Woman wants to look just like that. On the other hand, beautiful nails are an indicator of health.

What the nail plate can tell

By form nail plate, by color, by how smooth it is, knowledgeable person can tell what is missing in your body first of all.

For example, few people know that:

  • dull color nail is a consequence of a lack of vitamins A, B and E in the body, and sometimes indicates anemia (anemia);
  • what the nail plate is too thin means that the body lacks calcium and phosphorus;
  • slow growth nail sometimes it can talk about metabolic disorders;
  • accelerated growth of r talks about a surge in hormones;
  • longitudinal darkish grooves talk about an excess of iron in the body;
  • transverse stripes- about the problems of the gastrointestinal tract.

Like this appearance and the condition of the nails tells us where to look for the problem and how to take care of our health.

Taking care of your nails at home is not so difficult. You just need to know the basic techniques of nail care and develop the habit of doing simple procedures.

First of all, you should be careful with your hands. Remember that hands should be protected from wind and frost, from chemistry, which has become more than enough in our everyday life.

Watch a video on how to take care of your nails at home. Despite the fact that it is small in volume, it covers most effective procedures for nail care.

Baths for nails

Special nail baths are the most effective, albeit simple, nail care product. They are different in purpose and composition. nutrient.

Oil baths for nails

Pour some castor or olive oil, slightly warmed in a water bath, into a small bowl. Dip your nails into a bowl for 5-10 minutes.

Trays are generally useful for nail polish.

First, this procedure significantly moisturizes nails and prevents them from brittleness.

Secondly, it feeds them vitamins and minerals... Adding freshly squeezed lemon juice to oil bath especially useful if nails are flaking.

Thirdly, after such a procedure accelerates nail growth.

Do so at least once a week. If you have problems with your nails, then you should carry out this procedure 2 or even more times a week. After the bath, be sure to smear your hands. nourishing cream.

If your nails are peeling, then here some tips for the care of peeling nails:

Prepare a bath of the mixture various oils and hold your nails for 5 minutes:

  • 2 drops of lemon oil
  • 2 drops of incense
  • 2 drops tea tree,
  • 2 drops of rose,
  • 10 ml of wheat grain oil,
  • 10 m of jojoba oil.

Make a corn oil hand bath once a week with 3 drops of iodine added.

For strengthening brittle and brittle nails

1-2 times a week should be done with warm vegetable oil with the addition of vitamin A, 3 drops of iodine or 5 drops of lemon juice.

If you don't have time to hold your nails in the bath, you can simply wipe your nails with a cotton swab dipped in warm oil.

Salt baths

Saline solution helps to strengthen nails at home. Maybe you have noticed before that after relaxing at sea, when you swim daily in the salt sea ​​water, nails become much stronger and begin to grow faster.

Dissolve a few spoons of coarse sea ​​salt warm water in a small container and dip your nails there for a few minutes.

Do this 2-3 times a week, but not more often, because too long exposure to salt water does not reflect well on the skin.

If the nail plate turned yellow then lemon can help. Cut the lemon in half and soak your nails in the lemon pulp for a few minutes. Lemon juice whitens nails and prevents splitting.

Correct manicure

One more important condition for the beauty of nails - this is a manicure. If a manicure is done correctly (even if it is done at home), then short nails without varnish will look neat and well-groomed. When doing a manicure at home, you must adhere to some simple rules.

1. What kind of nail file you use is very important

Try NOT to use metal files as they destroy the structure of the nail plate. Best to use glass nail file, she has a fairly smooth surface, and she files the nail very gently without breaking it.

More for natural nails nail files are good for rubber or cardboard base .

It is best to file your nails BEFORE using the baths, while they are still dry, and ALWAYS in the same direction. When you move the nail file back and forth, the nail plate becomes brittle and easily exfoliates.

Electric file Schol nail l has 3 interchangeable attachments in the set - for correcting the shape of the nail, sanding the nail plate and polishing.

The first nozzle the shape of the nail is corrected... It perfectly removes irregularities, grooves, exfoliating scales, and can also be used to shorten the length.

The second is used for grinding and obtaining a smooth, uniform surface of the nail plate, removing the irregularities of the nail.

Using the third nozzle the nail is polished to a natural glossy shine. It is also very convenient to polish the sides and end of the nail.

Each accessory has a number on it, so you will never mix them up.

It will take no more than a minute to process one nail, and the process of nail processing itself will be very soft and delicate, giving the nails the desired shape and without damaging them.

With the help of this file, it is very easy to put your nails in order and maintain them in a beautiful form, creating a manicure or pedicure of any complexity.

2. Cuticle treatment is an essential part of nail care.

The sequence of actions when processing the cuticle is as follows:

  • Cuticle first soften special means.
  • When it is hydrated and soft, the cuticles need to be gently push back using a special manicure stick. These are usually orange or bamboo wood sticks.
  • After that, you can cut off the burrs... Just do it carefully so as not to damage your skin or cut yourself.

3. After processing the cuticle, you need to cover the surface of the nail with a protective agent.

There are many different means for nails. These are both nail care products and products that level the nail plate. There are also firming agents with diamond inclusions, brightening and many, many others. Choose the one that's right for you.

For example, Fito Nails System Is a professional salon cosmetics, and you can use it at home. After two weeks, the nails become stronger, stop breaking and exfoliating.

Fito Nails System is made from raw materials High Quality purchased from the French company FIABILA - famous manufacturer nail care products.

These funds are also good because, in addition to their main purpose, they can be used as a base for varnish. The varnish applied to the base lasts longer and lays down smoother.

4. And the final action - applying varnish

Start by choosing a varnish and approach this moment with all responsibility. And it's not just the color of the varnish, although this is also the case. If you prefer the dark colors then you should know that dark shades it is better to apply to the base, otherwise the nail plate will quickly darken or turn yellow.

Avoid cheap nail polishes as they damage the structure of the nail. Today you can buy modern persistent remedies for covering nails that do not spoil the nails and give an even coverage with a rich color.

For instance, Jessica Geleration gel varnishes lasts 3 weeks. They not only give an excellent look to the nails, but also solve the problems associated with the restoration and protection of the nail plate.

Hands are a part of the body that should not be deprived of care. Indeed, very often, when meeting, the gaze falls on them. And, naturally, nails are one of the parameters of hand beauty. They should be in perfect condition every self-respecting woman. How to make your nails a source of pride? There are several simple secrets available to everyone.

How to properly care for your nails at home

To begin with, your nails should always be clean. Not worth applying sharp objects for the cleansing procedure, as this can damage the plate of the marigold. Use special cleaners.

Also, don't forget about the cuticle. Do not under any circumstances cut it off, as it protects from germs. Better to gently push back the skin with a spatula.
Trim your nails regularly, preferably after taking a bath or shower, as the water will steam up the handles and facilitate the procedure. We must not forget about cosmetic care.

Use a variety of hand and cuticle creams to keep you hydrated. You can also make various baths. For example, a two-minute bath with olive oil makes nails healthy, and with sea salt - strengthens them. Use argan and coconut oil, they will give the skin a silky feel.

Responsibly you need to approach the choice of a nail file. It is better to choose glass or crystal, as they do not destroy the nail. The file should be a purely individual item and should be changed every 2 months. If the nails are peeling, then it is necessary to process them in one direction, and over time the problem will disappear.

Be sure to keep your nails dry. Dry them completely after various water treatments... This will prevent bacteria from multiplying and unpleasant diseases such as fungus. During cleaning, do not forget about gloves. Aggressive chemical substances as part of detergents can cause great harm nails.

You also need to purchase nail polish remover correctly. It should not contain acetone, since this component of the product makes the nails weak, brittle and dries them out. Therefore, use products with soft impact on nails and without adding harmful substances... Read,.
Don't forget about massage. Yes, nails need it too! Massage improves blood circulation and makes them strong. This helps to accelerate growth and strengthen nails.

Of course, beauty starts from the inside out, and nails are no exception. Therefore, it is necessary to observe proper nutrition... For healthy nails, eat more meat, eggs and grains, seafood, milk, and a variety of foods that contain gelatin and iodine. This will enrich the body with essential vitamins and useful substances... Such a diet will definitely have a positive effect on the condition of the nails.

Yes, of course, nail care at home should be regular and get into the rhythm of life, as a constant habit. But this is not as difficult as it seems. Follow this simple rules, and soon the marigolds will thank you with health, beauty and become the subject of universal envy and admiration.

If you can't grow long nails in any way, then pay attention to this service, as in other cities it can be done in almost every salon.

How to take care of your nails with masks and baths to strengthen them and so that they grow quickly

Homemade masks and nail baths

Due to various adverse factors such as improper nutrition, lack of vitamins, stress, etc., the nail plates lose their protective properties, which leads to delamination, brittleness and development of burrs. Beyond special cosmetic preparations, natural remedies do an excellent job with these problems, with which you can make various home masks and strengthening nail baths.

Nail masks

One of better means to strengthen the nail plates is considered olive oil... To for short term put your nails in order, you need to lubricate them daily with natural olive oil and leave to dry completely. If, in addition to brittle nails, you are also worried about the frequent formation of burrs, you should also lubricate the areas around the nails with olive oil. For better effect after this procedure, you can put on cloth gloves and leave them overnight.

Good natural remedy strengthening nails, as well as getting rid of yellow and white bloom, is the usual lemon... To do homework lemon mask, you just need to cut the fruit in half and immerse your nails in its pulp for about 10 minutes. After the procedure, you should apply olive oil or any other strengthening oil to your nails. In addition, to prevent brittle nails before doing a manicure, you can lubricate them. lemon juice and wait until completely dry.

V Lately especially popular japanese manicure, which is carried out using natural beeswax... A similar procedure can be done either at or at home. To do this, just melt a little beeswax in a steam or water bath, and as soon as it becomes soft, add a few drops of olive oil and liquid honey to it. The warm mixture should be applied with a brush to the nail plates and left for about half an hour. If you do this procedure every night, after a week your nails will become stronger and healthier.

Baths for nails

Even the most brittle nails are noticeably strengthened during sea recreation. You can make an analogue of marine procedures at home using natural sea salt, which contains all the necessary nutrients... In about 250 milliliters of warm water, you should dissolve 3 tablespoons of sea salt without various additives and artificial flavors. For the best effect, add a little lemon or orange juice to the bath, as well as any essential oils. This bath is recommended to be repeated at least three times a week.

Also good action baths from various herbs , for example, celandine or oak bark. 2-3 tablespoons of chopped herbs should be poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for an hour, after which a little sea salt or iodine can be added to this mixture.

You can treat flaky and brittle nails with a warm bath of olive oil, honey, and egg yolk. After melting two tablespoons of butter and honey in a water bath, add whipped egg yolk, and lower your nails there for 10 minutes. In order for the nutrients to be completely absorbed into the nail plates, it is advisable not to paint the nails for a while after the procedure.

Also an excellent natural remedy for strengthening nails is gelatin... To make a firming mask, you need to soak half a spoonful of gelatin in a glass of warm water and hold your nails in it for 15-20 minutes, and then apply on them nourishing oil... It is advisable to repeat the procedure 2-3 times a week.

Well-groomed nails are one of the best decorations of our hands. Even if you do not have time to visit the salon, at least once a week your nails should be given due attention. Especially if you love leisure as shock labor at the dacha or trips to the nearby forest for a picnic. Get rid of the stubborn earth and return to nails well-groomed appearance can be done without much difficulty.

  • Before proceeding with the manicure, thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water, removing the remaining varnish with a conditioner with vitamins.
  • After removing the varnish, the nails are shortened and given desired shape... If you have a wide palm, your nails will look best. middle length and square shape. The best option for all brush types - oval nails... After trimming your nails, be sure to smooth out the sharp scratching edges with a special file. Move it lightly, without pressure, only towards the middle, being careful not to grind the smooth surface of the nail. The nails should be filed in one direction - then they will not split.
  • To get rid of stubborn dirt, take a lemon, cut an edge off it, and dip your nails into the pulp. Leave the juice on the nails for three minutes. We wash it off - and we get perfectly clean nails. In a similar way, you can solve the problem of yellow nails, often found in smokers.
  • Then the hands are lowered into the hot water soap solution, so that the nail skin is soaked and steamed. The duration of the bath depends on the structure of the skin. Some women need 15 minutes, while others have so soft and pliable skin that after 3-4 minutes you can treat your hands.
  • After the skin has become soft, a nourishing cream is rubbed into it, and the nail skin along with the nail roller is shifted and removed with the help of nail tweezers. Excessive removal of skin in places of contact with nail bed unacceptable - the nail will not increase from this, but the wound can become inflamed and cause the nail to fall out.
  • After processing the skin around the nail and carefully removing the burrs with scissors, the nail roller is processed cotton swab moistened with 3% hydrogen peroxide solution and olive oil.
  • Now you can apply varnish to your nails and complete the procedure by lubricating your hands with a nourishing cream. If you possess increased sensitivity to varnish, or you just do not want to often cover your nails with varnish, the shine of your nails can be increased by using lemon juice or grape vinegar, or by polishing your nails to shine with a piece of suede ...

To acquire nails healthy look, include in your diet more products containing vitamin A (cottage cheese, milk, liver, eggs, fish, nuts, carrots, spinach, pumpkin), and also more often eat jelly from the juice of berries - cranberries, currants, etc.

The most simple and affordable means to get rid of the stratification of nails are baths using sea or ocean salts. Dissolve a tablespoon of salt in a glass of warm water and keep your fingertips in it daily for 15-20 minutes. It is useful to pamper fragile and brittle nails 1-2 times a week with baths of warm vegetable oil (ideally olive oil). Add a few drops of vitamin A (available at the pharmacy), 3 drops of iodine, and 5 drops of lemon juice.

Types of manicure

Popular today European style , that is, the nail plate rectangular... As for paints, the fashion for color is constantly changing. In summer, the color of ripe berries is considered extremely relevant. And for the winter, the mother of pearl of the most different shades: pink, beige, steel. By the way, it is recommended to apply pearl lacquer in two layers, and any other, regardless of color, in three.

Very fashionable also foil effect and art painting : on one nail plate there may be several colors. Those who prefer an avant-garde style can use the decals that are applied to the varnish. Rhinestones are also popular nowadays - small shiny pebbles. Of course, they will look vulgar on all fingers, but on one they are quite original and even piquant.

One of the most elegant ways to decorate your nails is French manicure ... When doing classic French manicure apply a base on the nails, let it dry and cover the nails with varnish natural color... Best to use transparent varnishes delicate shades. When this varnish dries, apply to the tip of the nail white varnish, and then covered with white varnish the whole free edge nail. It is better to start covering from the right side edge brushing to the middle of the nail, then repeat on the left side. After this layer has dried, apply a layer of pink polish over the entire nail in one or two coats, and finally cover the nails with fixer.

Many girls are interested in how to properly care for nails on their hands at home. After all, it is believed that it is the hands - business card women. Their appearance can tell a lot about the hostess.

There is also an opinion that they are the ones who are able to betray her age if the face looks younger. Nails are an important part of the hands, and they are often forgotten about.

  • Oval
  • Trapezoidal
  • Square
  • Round

The most frequent form is oval... She is considered the most beautiful and almost does not require any filing - you just need to file the corners. This shape of nails gives the hands gracefulness, makes the fingers longer and thinner. The length of such nails is unlimited.

Square nails it is enough just to file the corners a little, but then it will turn out not to be an "oval", but a "square", which is also a good option. They also visually lengthen the fingers, which looks very attractive. But long length is not very desirable. Pointed ends are also not recommended, as they make the hands look rough and ugly, especially if the fingers are plump or short.

Trapezoidal nails require a somewhat more serious approach. They are advised to file them under the "oval", otherwise the hands may look rough. The oval shape is perfect for any hands and will give them neatness.

Round nails all are good in the same "oval", but they, in contrast to the natural "trapezium", are easier to file. In this case, there should not be a great length. They look good on short and long toes.

Rectangular shape, like oval, is relatively versatile and has almost no restrictions in length. It is almost unnecessary to file it, except for a neat "rectangle", which any will do the shape of the hands and the length of the fingers.

Worth remembering that long and thin fingers work well with a rounded or oval shape nails of any length, but the owners of short or full fingers can take a closer look at the same figures, but smaller in length.

It is also important to take into account the fact that the resulting shape of the nails should be comfortable (that is, inconveniences in daily affairs are excluded). A general form- organic and beautiful.

How to file nails correctly

Firstly, it is worth remembering that the file must be held strictly in one direction. You cannot cut it from one side to the other, as this will lead to delamination of the nail plate. It is better to file the nail as if from under it, but carefully and carefully looking at the shape.

Nails and color

Color can greatly affect the shape and length of the nail. For example, with wide and long nails dense dark tones, especially in the form vertical stripes in the middle of the nail. On the sides you can use light shades... Such a manicure will add both length and elegance.

Light and not so bright colours good for short nails regardless of their width and shape. Beige and pinkish tones are considered universal.

However, it is worth remembering what a long use dark varnishes harmful to nails, since sunlight is necessary for their development - without it, they fade and acquire a yellowish tint. The varnishes themselves should be of high quality, you should not skimp on them - cheapness can play badly on the health of the nail plates.

To remove varnish coating need special liquids, which are called so - nail polish remover. But they should not contain acetone, which has a detrimental effect on the nails and the skin around them.

How to grow beautiful nails?


In all the tips regarding any appearance problem, you can read about the need for healthy eating and vitamins. This also applies to nails. Minerals, vitamins and essential trace elements can have a beneficial effect on their thickness, growth and appearance. Shiny, smooth, straight nails are impossible without proper nutrition.

Especially useful for such purposes, vitamins of groups E and A, as well as D. Calcium is also required, which, however, cannot be absorbed without vitamin D.

Nutrition primarily affects such unpleasant signs of ill health as white spots, stripes (horizontal and vertical), waves on the nails, as well as delamination of the plate. Hard diets without taking into account the balance of substances, problems with hormones, frequent nervous tension, problems with the absorption of trace elements - all this can be called possible reasons these unpleasant external signs.


Various baths are highly recommended for those who have exfoliating, fragile and weak nails... You can use for this oil: sunflower, olive, castor. It takes ten to fifteen minutes of immersing your nails in the oil for it to take effect on them. Good and different essential oils, especially lemon or orange. In addition, such nail "masks" are beneficial for the skin around the nails.

Currant and cranberry juices are rich in vitamin C, which can be very beneficial for the condition of the nails. They have a firming effect. An alternative could be table vinegar, which also gives shine.

For nails, sea salt diluted in warm water... It saturates them with essential trace elements and strengthens them. The time for the salt bath is about the same as for the oil bath. And the regularity of such procedures can be about one or two times a week.


For washing dishes, wet cleaning, using strong chemicals to clean something, it is better to wear gloves, and before that, lubricate your hands with vitamin cream. It works well on the skin of the hands and nails, and also protects them from the effects of chemicals.


Lemon juice is perfect for these purposes. It is also recommended for whitening skin from freckles, but it is also good for nails. You can cut the lemon in half and dip your fingertips into the pulp for a few minutes, or you can moisten cotton pad its juice and just lubricate your nails if there is no time for a longer procedure.

In conclusion, we can say that nail care should be regular. But if all the problems with their health are eliminated, then all these procedures will eventually become a habit, and a pleasant one.

On the first date, many men pay attention not to their eyes and figure, but to their hands and nails. Therefore, a woman should always know about these subtleties. It is not necessary to cover your nails with a thick layer of pink varnish and attach rhinestone tones to it. It is enough to have healthy and strong nails with delicate skin of the hands.

To look nice - it is a whole art that is quite easy to comprehend. It is not necessary to go to expensive beauty salons, the main thing is to steadily monitor the condition of the nails and skin of the hands, and the result will appear in the first week of use.

How to properly care for your nails at home

The first thing to make as a rule Is the use of warm baths. This process takes only a few minutes, but it can be combined with your favorite movie or listening to songs. The most effective recipe, it is considered the use of one teaspoon of salt per half liter of boiled species. The duration of the procedure can be determined independently, but experts recommend no more than 40 minutes. After the procedure, you should wash your hands under warm water and lubricate with a moisturizing cream. In the absence of sea salt, you can use regular table salt with a few drops of iodine added.

A very popular method among beauties - these are paraffin masks. Similar remedy very well strengthens nails and nourishes the skin of the hands. For cooking, you need to melt a piece of paraffin in a water bath. Next, you need to grease your hands with cream and lower it into the finished bath. Keep in the bath for 2-3 minutes. Then they put on cellophane gloves and wrap their hands in a towel. You can remove the mask after 15-20 minutes.

It has a beneficial effect on the health of the hands and olive oil. To do this, just rub a couple of drops into the skin and nails. Then put on cellophane gloves and leave overnight. The skin will become silky and smell good. Baths can also be made with olive oil. To do this, add 5 teaspoons of olive oil to half a liter of water and, for greater effect, a couple of drops of lemon juice. After 10 minutes, rinse your hands in warm water and lubricate with moisturizing cream.

To keep your nails and skin of your hands always healthy, you need to follow these simple rules and tips:

  1. Correct nutrition. A healthy diet is the most important component of a woman's health and beauty. In order for your nails to always be beautiful and strong, you need to eat foods such as vegetables, cottage cheese, dairy products, cauliflower, citrus fruits, broccoli, herbs, fruits, seafood, dried fruits, as well as foods that are rich in vitamin C.
  2. The choice of varnish. The choice of varnish must also be approached responsibly. Do not paint your nails very often with dark colors. This can lead to yellowing or darkening of the nail plate. Also, it is recommended to buy a more expensive and high-quality varnish so that the nails always remain healthy, and this does not affect their structure.
  3. Protective equipment. After various procedures use special protective equipment, which are usually intended for nail care. You can buy them at beauty stores.

How to get the right manicure

1. Your nail file

Do not use metal files, as they destroy the structure of the nail plate. Instead, you can use glass, cardboard or rubber files.

File your nails before using the trays and in one direction only.

First nozzle used to correct the shape of the nail. Such a nozzle perfectly copes with irregularities, exfoliating scales, shortening the length, as well as grooves.

Second nozzle needed for sanding. With its help, you can get a fairly smooth, uniform surface of the nail plate.

Third nozzle, usually used to polish nails. You will be able to get natural glossy shine without much effort.

Each nozzle has its own specific number, so it will be difficult to confuse. These attachments will help you to take proper care of your nails at home, and it will not take long. Usually one nail takes no more than 1 minute.

2. Cuticle care

How to treat cuticles at home:

  1. To begin with, the cuticle must be softened with a variety of means.
  2. After softening, the cuticle is pushed back a little with a manicure stick.
  3. Then the barbs are carefully cut off with tongs. Everything must be done very carefully so as not to get hurt.

After processing the cuticle, protective agents must be applied to the nails.

3. Applying nail polish

First you need to choose a very high quality and resistant varnish... Many varnishes can last more than 3 weeks on nails. They give them saturated color, beautiful view and also protect against a variety of problems.