Statuses about tears, resentment and pain. The best collection of statuses about tears

Statuses about tears, resentment, pain are not at all a sign of weakness. This is a manifestation of honesty not only to your friends in social networks, but, above all, to yourself.

No point hiding behind empty smiles!

  1. When a dream is destroyed, you are stunned by suffering. But worst of all - It's a dull pain when you pick up the pieces of that dream...
  2. Thoughts of happiness are not only in the fact that it will ever pass, but also in the fact that it will someday end.
  3. I was betrayed so often that I learned to see rottenness in a person from the very first meeting.
  4. Sometimes the best thing that happens in a day is the opportunity to finally be alone and cry...
  5. I've been unlucky enough to be too kind, too considerate, too sensitive. And if you knew how...
  6. Unfortunately, being a woman means crying at least once in your life because of some idiot.
  7. True pain always begins with silence: it does not matter, with or without tears.
  8. Be careful with the person who gives you happiness. By unnecessarily breaking away, you give him the opportunity to make you suffer further.
  9. The stupidest thing we can do is to convince ourselves that “this is not love” when you are already jealous of him to the tips of your fingers ...
  10. I'm starting to hate myself just for crying so often...
  11. It's better to cry because you didn't succeed than because you didn't try!
  12. No, I'm not sad. I'm just tired of proving that what you do hurts.
  13. The only thing that pleases me is the thought that I did not show it, even though everything was icy inside.
  14. I don't like the past. It brings back too many bad memories...
  15. After what you did to me, it's even sadder to remember childhood failed dreams, where I am a princess.
  16. Most often, the one because of which we suffer at night, it lights up quite well at this time.

Before experiencing pain, make sure that a person can survive it ...

No one should see our tears, and in general it is desirable that there be as few of them as possible. And in order to emphasize your sad mood, use statuses about heartache.

  1. Ice cries when it is burned, eyes when they are deceived.
  2. Tears are needed not only for sadness, but in order to erase everything unnecessary when looking at life.
  3. In principle, we can give a smile to everyone, but tears ... no, only special ones.
  4. My tears were invisible, but the trouble is that such tears cannot dry...
  5. I don't want this love to be real. I'm so afraid that I won't be able to forget her...
  6. Until you betrayed me, I didn't realize how useless the word "I'm sorry."
  7. Yesterday you said that we can't be together for any reason at all for some unknown reason. I just pour myself another cup of tea.
  8. It is impossible not to trust a person with this eye color. So I gave up!
  9. It's good that you so rarely look into my eyes. And you do not see all the inner pain.
  10. I already know that I reject the good guys. And all for the sake of one who mixes me with dirt ...
  11. Even after what you did to me, I still want to be beautiful for you!
  12. And yet there are days reserved for black glasses, inconspicuous clothes and a piece of time that belongs only to you.
  13. I don't want to hide my pain under makeup. I don't want to hide the pain...
  14. It seems like so many years have passed. And I'm still the same girl, and as if you recently rejected me.
  15. I smile at my parents and say that everything is fine. Anyway.
  16. She asks for some incredible gifts and flowers, and he just asks for her attention.

If your makeup is expensive, you won't cry for anyone!

Statuses about pain in the soul and heart, unfortunately, are usually dedicated to the closest people. As you know, only they can hurt the most...

  1. Heart? No, it doesn't hurt. Is that coffee was drunk too much.
  2. Perhaps time heals, but, again, not soon. Oh how soon!
  3. Since you have not become my happiness, then you should be my pain!
  4. If your consciousness is wide enough, then you are doomed to suffering.
  5. In fact, we don't care about each other. But everyone wants their pain to be perceived more acutely than the pain of someone else.
  6. I'm not afraid to remember something bad. I'm afraid of sudden surging pain!
  7. Do not beat yourself up for not being able to fully feel the pain of another. It still won't work.
  8. A wedge is knocked out with a wedge: finding misfortune, you forget the previous one ...
  9. I realized that all this time I was scared not from the fact that you would leave me, but from what I would feel after.
  10. I don't hurt anymore. It was just that the pain was too much to last.
  11. I finally fell in love with the morning, because at this time I need to smile, and not cry into the pillow.
  12. I had the impression that I was losing consciousness. Missing you so much...
  13. Yes, I agree, I asked a lot. I asked for love and understanding.
  14. I am ready to hear people's condemnation, just not to come to an empty apartment in the evening!
  15. You hurt without any purpose, and I cry at night without any boundaries.
  16. Why do I love bitter coffee so much? Yes, because too often you have to hear the bitter truth!
  17. No, no, I don't blame you, I blame myself. Already had a dream.

Statuses about tears, resentment and pain are extremely needed in moments of despair. They help stop inner suffering when it is needed...

But she was happy and almost did not know tears ... Through the pain and cry: I'm STRONG, whispered: I'm tired ...

There is no pain stronger than the pain in the heart, the broken heart...

Pain is a state of mind, you can get used to it.

There is always something missing in life complete happiness, then stools, then ropes, then soaps.

The sight of someone else's pain makes it easier to endure your own.

It's clear you're drunk. - I didn't get drunk, I tried to drown out the pain!

There will always be people who will hurt you. You have to keep trusting people, just be a little more careful.

Do you want to hurt me? What about the meaning? I will smile, look condescendingly and turn away ... and it will hurt you.

Life is a smile, even when tears flow down your face.

Live through pain, love through tears, laugh even if it hurts...

Why does a person need a heart? It only brings pain!

When we say that we fear death, we think first of all of pain, its usual predecessor.

Darling, I brought you so much pain... where to put it?

Love is like a tick in the heart ... you have to tear it out along with the pieces, experiencing hellish pain ...

People sooner or later get tired of pain...

People are too cruel and obsessed with their problems to understand someone else's pain.

I was crushed by my own love ... As much as I loved, it hurt so much.

Forever in the heart will remain a tender pain.

It is not words that cause pain, but the arrogance and arrogance that offended us.

There is no pain greater than that which lovers inflict on each other.

There is no such pain, there is no such suffering, bodily or spiritual, which time would not weaken and death would not heal.

She is not like everyone else! She has a pain in her heart, which she can skillfully hide ... Her smile is always bright and will never be fake!

Try to escape the rain if it's inside.

Why are there people who brought into your life the happiest moments and the biggest pain at the same time? Now, remembering you, there is a smile on my lips, tears in my eyes ...

It's hard to forget the pain, but it's even harder to remember the joy. Happiness leaves no scars. Peace teaches us so little.

Know how to forgive and let go, so as not to increase the pain ...

What could be worse than death? - The pain of the closest and dearest person!

What does not hurt is not life, what does not pass is not happiness.

Feelings are broken and the heart is erased to dust, only pain and some kind of stupid fear remain.

I'm trying to learn how to hide the terrible pain behind a sincere smile...

I smile to hide the pain. I laugh to hide my tears. And I dream to forget!

  • The pain stings more sharply when it is caused by one of the relatives. (Babriy)
  • There is no such pain, there is no such suffering, bodily or spiritual, which time would not weaken and death would not heal.
  • Any physical pain is much easier to bear than mental pain... There is no anesthesia and medicine for mental pain... It must be endured...
  • You and I are living wolves. And my heart probably hurts from strong coffee... (Elchin Safarli)
  • Sad statuses about pain in the soul - Know how to keep all the pain inside, people don't care about your feelings.
  • I was in so much pain that I started sticking needles under my nails to numb the pain in my heart.
  • Sometimes in life there comes a moment when you were betrayed……….It hurts in my soul…But this moment is a thing of the past and we again live a full life.
  • Better to be loved than to love. No pain, no worries.
  • Hurt? Difficult? And you smile! After all, you're still alive. In the meantime, he is alive - everything is ahead.
  • Remembering the pain that you caused, and not feeling anything at the same time, is scary. It's scarier than going through it all over again.
  • Each of us has a person who brought us a lot of pain, but he will forever remain in the heart of those who brought a lot of happiness.
  • There is such pain that you can not cry out. (Jodi Picoult)
  • Method of anesthesia: if it hurts somewhere, find another pain. (Margaret Atwood)
  • Sometimes those who are very dear to you have to hurt ... so as not to make it even more painful later.
  • If one person hurt you - do not answer the same, do him good. You are a different person. You are better!
  • My pain is only my pain. It has never interested anyone, it has always been and always will be. She will stay with me. (Iar Elterrus)
  • Pain is useful because it makes you move on. To be successful in life, you only need to win one battle - the battle with yourself.
  • It is our own illusions, fantasies and dreams that give us the greatest mental pain.
  • It hurt too much the last time to risk it again. (Janusz Leon Wisniewski)
  • Good way forget about the whole - look closely at the details. A good way to isolate yourself from pain is to focus on the little things. (Chuck Palahniuk)
  • I don't want to hurt you, and the more I climb on you, the more it hurts you. And I don't want you to hurt me, and the more you push me away, the more it hurts me. (John Fowles)
  • Whatever it hurts so much, I will try to love loneliness ...
  • Passion is, first of all, a cure for boredom. And, of course, pain is more physical than mental, the usual companion of passion; although I do not wish you either one or the other. However, when you are hurt, you know that at least you have not been deceived (by your body or your soul). (Joseph Brodsky)
  • The danger lies in the fact that sometimes we deify pain, give it the name of a person, think about it incessantly. (Paulo Coelho)
  • Never hurt someone who loves you.
  • Pain is a state of mind, you can get used to it.
  • Unfulfilled hopes, even the most modest, always cause incredible mental pain ... (Nicholas Sparks)
  • The one who has nothing to lose can achieve everything, the one who is not sensitive to pain, nothing hurts. (Colin McCullough. The Thorn Birds)
  • - When it hurts, cry. And never cry when it hurts. These are different things.
  • It's hard to forget the pain, but it's even harder to remember the joy. Happiness leaves no scars.

People try to express themselves in different ways. Emotions, sensations, thoughts the artist splashes on the canvas, the writer leaves notes on paper, the musician plays sad music.

What to do modern people who do not have special talents and skills. It remains to pour out the soul through statuses in in social networks. Expressions should be precise and concise, full of meaning.

When a person constantly thinks about sadness and feels empty, it is better to express feelings with the help of a status on a personal page on a social network.

This will help inform the world about inner feelings and experiences.

Note! It is advisable to use expressions with meaning open type so that others do not perceive the record as a suicide note.

Many people use expressions famous people, quotes from the works of writers and poets.

Statuses for the soul that catch and convey the state of emptiness:

Phrases that tickle the nerves, conveying emptiness
Sadness permeates the heart, soul and thoughts. Painful and empty human food. It's worth saving yourself from this.
The state of the soul resembles a black hole - empty and lonely. I want to fill the dark space with bright stars
Explodes thoughts, emotions and feelings silence, reminiscent of the emptiness of the night
The soul is devoured by a thoughtless emptiness rising from the depths of human self-consciousness
Emptiness can push to new achievements, indicating completely new and amazing events in life.
A cry into the void will not give an answer, like my soul, which is in a state of weightlessness, uncertainty, longing
Thanks to the emptiness, there is so much space in my soul that I can fit the whole world into it.
Empty soul and thoughts. The world is rushing at the speed of light around a lonely heart. Save yourself or stay in the darkness of trouble
Wasteland in the heart and soul, can not be compared with any sensation. It is better to get rid of sadness and sadness through love

Sad statuses about pain and resentment

You need to choose words and phrases that optimally reveal the soul and emotional base. It is undesirable to indicate the name, the cause, the circumstances - only the consequences.

In the soul, a person can experience the brightest and darkest emotions and feelings. In the process of choosing words, you should not violently pour out resentment, projecting feelings into a social network.

Better choose correct phrases. The entry should not be too large and overloaded beautiful words- simplicity is the best option.

Sad statuses that speak of pain and resentment:

  • How painful and dangerous it is for the heart to open its soul. You can pay dearly for the mistake of sincerity and kindness.
  • The soul hurts, it burns with fire. Love has gone like a snowball. Resentment and pain - two faithful companion hearts.
  • It hurts and hurts when loved ones betray you. It is scary and dangerous when enemies do it. It is impossible to understand and forgive if this is a loved one.
  • A person's eyes can hide problems, lack of sleep, but the fire of pain and resentment will never be removed.
  • No physical pain compares to mental pain. No medicine can heal the wound of the spirit.
  • The heart is on fire. Feelings are mixed, blurred and interfere with thinking - this is due to a feeling of pain and resentment.
  • Do you want to feel the pain and resentment of betrayal? Rely on a friend or loved one once.
  • Resentment, pain are woven together when there is no more strength to withstand the betrayal of a loved one.
  • It hurts both the heart and the soul, the body is torn along to pieces. It will be nonsense if someone gives happiness.

In a desperate state of pain and resentment, you need to control the statements and make less eloquent entries on the wall on the social network.

A little secrecy will add mystery in the eyes of users and visitors.

thoughts of loneliness

Loneliness is the most terrible feeling experienced by a person. You can find a sincere friend, a loved one thanks to social networks.

A suitable status can attract attention, reveal the needs of a person.

Statuses about how lonely:

  • Loneliness allows you to feel people so deeply that tears well up in your eyes.
  • Thoughts do not see depth, the soul is torn upwards - this is the result of loneliness that a person experiences.
  • Heart broken forever. I'm abandoned and alone. How to regain strength and faith in yourself? Find solace, love.
  • Thoughts, thoughts and words can inspire loneliness. To get rid of the threat, you need a special person with love in his heart.
  • Only can brighten up lonely longing worthy person, so problems are not a sentence.
  • When it's bad and lonely, you want to cry and suffer indefinitely. But someday the time will come, and the darkness will dissipate.
  • Only cold comes from a lonely heart. It needs to be warmed, caressed, saved.
  • You suck, nothing works? The worst problem is loneliness. Only love and acceptance can save you from this.
  • Loneliness is a terrible feeling that causes disgust for others and oneself. You have to deal with these feelings.
  • There are many friends and relatives around, but there is no one to talk heart to heart with. This terrible feeling of loneliness eats from the inside.

Loneliness can also manifest itself in aggressive statements. It is important to pay attention to the sensations, and not cause disgust with tearful statements. It is worth using proud, dignified words and phrases.

Attention! Under the condition of loneliness, one must independently be able to get out of this circle so as not to aggravate the psychological state.

It is worth finding a new hobby, meeting interesting people.

In the absence of thoughts, inability to speak out, it is worth choosing statuses on the Internet.

It is advisable to use sayings and quotes of famous writers and poets. You can correct the text yourself by making minor edits.

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