"Holy war" in the UAE: Russians "punished" Ukrainian patriots on vacation. Russian tourists kicked out ukrainian boors from the beach in the arab emirates

Billionaire Drozdov heads the Russian Pension Fund. How was the official able to earn a billion rubles for his position? (answer at the end of the article) Nothing. Where did he get this money? And after all, no state structure asks the question of how a government official was able to take possession of a billion? The head of the FIU is an official with life experience - Anton Viktorovich Drozdov. He started working at the USSR Ministry of Finance in 1986. This figure in the pension movement has relatives, and relatives have real estate: This is the daughter of the head The Pension Fund Drozdov. Anna studies at the Scottish University of St Andrews ($ 1.5 million). Her Grandmother (Drozdov's mother-in-law) lives on an estate on Rublevka (600 square meters, 400 million rubles She got it all from her daughter Olga Demchinskaya - the wife of the official Drozdov.). Parents live in 7-room apartments on Patriarshikh with parking (480 million rubles) and special rooms for caring for dogs. TWO APARTMENTS ON DOLGORUKOVSKAYA - 60 MILLION RUBLES In our state, it is very beneficial to be the head of the pension fund money. It is not profitable to be a pensioner. But an official is a completely different matter. In the photo is the head of the Russian Pension Fund. who pays pensions to elderly people of 8,000 rubles. Some of the deputies from united Russia called such people parasites and alcoholics. My question is, what benefit did the daughter of the head of the Russian pension fund bring to Russia? What is her pension? Let's talk about the pension fund, which provides the relatives of the head of the PFR and which pays pensions to the elderly. The FIU is essentially a service organization that has no money. She is obliged to manage public money for the benefit of retired people. If so, and if so, then the FIU is an organization created for people. By the way: The budget of the Russian Pension Fund this year is again in short supply: more than 175 billion rubles are missing. Knowing that the relatives of the head of the Pension Fund of Russia are very wealthy people, we understand for what kind of people citizen Drozdov and the Pension Fund of Russia work as a whole. Drozdov's official salary is a little more than 300 thousand rubles a month, about 4 million rubles a year. The total income of his family over the past 9 years - 79 million rubles - is ten times less than the value of their real estate. Question: where did the money for the sweet life come from? By the way: eldest daughter official Anna Drozdova is a student at St Andrews University in Scotland, where the heir once studied british crown Prince William. Excluding housing costs, loving father you have to pay for the future of the heiress one and a half million rubles annually. Your pensions of 8,000 rubles are laughter and mockery of people. Their size is beyond the bounds common sense because living wage in the country about 12,000 rubles. My opinion is this: Old people are slowly but surely getting rid of. The answer to the question: "How could a civil servant earn a billion rubles as an official?" His Vacation home adjacent to the territory of Rottenberg, close friend Putin. All clear?

The "patriots" convenient to the state, unlike most ordinary Ukrainians, can afford a lot, including rest in warm countries, but all this does not mean that their statements and ideology should be tolerated by citizens of other states. It is noteworthy that when they first put up resistance, such Ukrainians hastily forget about the "superiority" of their nation and all other "victorious" theses imposed by the authorities.

The Russian woman told about an incident that took place during her vacation in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), where she encountered rude citizens of Independence, who, according to Kiev, have the correct ideology. Her story is quoted by the REN TV channel.

On the social network, the woman said that on one of the beaches in the UAE, where she was staying with her child, a company of Ukrainians appeared who decided to disturb the peace of other tourists by loudly discussing the situation in Donbass and making radical statements about Russia.

According to the woman, the citizens of Ukraine did not pay attention to the children on the beach, and their conversations were extremely offensive. However, they probably did not expect to be on the same beach. a large number tourists from the Russian Federation who will not appreciate their statements.

It is worth noting that the Russians, in response to the insults, did not indulge in similar speeches and did not show themselves to citizens. neighboring country no aggression, but they managed to "get rid" of the boorish tourists: several elderly Russian tourists sang a Soviet song from the Great Patriotic War"Holy War" 1, which was followed by other visitors to the beach. This was enough for the Ukrainians to defiantly leave the scene of the incident.

“But we have not offended anyone. It's just that all as one sang in response to the insults of our country, showing how much we are all united - even if we are unfamiliar, despite the different cities ",- wrote the Russian woman.

The propagandists of Ukraine began to actively cultivate Russophobia in their compatriots immediately after the collapse of the USSR and the formation of Ukraine as a separate state. In the end, all this resulted in a revolution, which "gave" the country a tougher Russophobia and an increased level of radicalism and a complete rupture of relations with the Russian Federation. The new Kiev government encourages "patriotism" bordering on tough nationalism and pushes Ukrainians to oppress the Russian-speaking population. All this, however, does not correspond to the norms of liberalism and democracy, which are necessary for Ukraine to join the EU.

1 Terrorist organization whose activities are prohibited on the territory of the Russian Federation

MOSCOW. 18 Sep - RIA Novosti, Andrey Stanavov. The roar of powerful aircraft engines, a wall of spray and a multi-ton machine gliding over the water at an incredible speed of up to 500 kilometers per hour: the production of multipurpose ekranoplanes is reviving in Russia. Industrial design bureaus are already working on projects, and both light and heavy multi-purpose vehicles are being created. High carrying capacity, efficiency and the ability to cover vast distances in a matter of hours make ekranoplanes indispensable for solving a wide range of tasks, including combat ones. About why this technique is so interesting for the military and what promising ekranoplanes are capable of - in the material of RIA Novosti.

© Photo from personal archive Vladimir Bukovsky

Flying on the waves
According to its capabilities, the ekranoplan is located between ships and aircraft, combining them best qualities... The "screen effect" is the creation of an "air cushion" between the body / wings of the machine and the surface of the water due to the incident flow. Rising above the sea, the device acquires stability and the ability to "slide" with minimal fuel consumption. At the same time, instead of the sea below, there can be any other flat surface - an ice field, snow or steppe.

Promising heavy ekranoplan A-050 "Chaika-2"
In terms of efficiency and carrying capacity, ekranoplanes outperform aircraft and helicopters, and in terms of speed, they outperform hydrofoils. From a military point of view, these machines are good for their invisibility to radars. A device flying at low altitude is invisible to enemy radars, while the absence of contact with water excludes detection by sonars and the likelihood of running into a mine.

The main developer of such equipment in Russia is traditionally the Nizhny Novgorod Alekseev Central Design Bureau - the leading Soviet and Russian enterprise for the design of ekranoplanes, hydrofoils, air-cavern vessels, hovercraft, and boats. The Bureau deals with a whole line of "winged ships", among which there is a heavy ocean A-050 "Chaika-2", capable of speeds up to 450 kilometers per hour and covering a distance of up to five thousand kilometers.

The takeoff weight of the device will be 54 tons, and the carrying capacity will be nine tons, or 100 passengers, who, if necessary, can always be replaced by marines or special forces. The R-195 (as on the Su-25 attack aircraft) will presumably be used as starting engines, and TV-7-117 (as on the Il-114) as cruise engines. According to the developers, "Chaika-2" will take off by 2022 - the preliminary design has been successfully completed and now work is underway on the technical appearance.

Advanced ekranoplan A-080 "Chaika-3"
The vehicle will be equipped with Russian avionics and a modern navigation and aerobatic complex, it will be able to independently go to the unequipped coast with a slope of five degrees, be based on water and airfields. According to the declared characteristics, the ekranoplan is ideal for the Federal Border Service, Emergencies Ministry, FSO, patrolling the near coastal zone as part of the Russian Navy.

In addition, the Alekseev Design Bureau is working on the creation of an even heavier vehicle - the A-080 Chaika-3 multipurpose transport ekranoplan with a takeoff weight of 100 tons.

Fit for service
Despite the fact that the dual purpose of such equipment is not advertised, it is obvious that the Ministry of Defense will not disregard it. In particular, the head of the shipbuilding department of the Russian Navy, captain of the first rank, Vladimir Tryapichnikov, blurted out at one of the exhibitions that the item "Development of ekranoplanes" would be included in the shipbuilding program until 2050.

Russian ekranoplan of the "Eaglet" type
The management of the Morinformsistema-Agat concern has repeatedly heard statements about carrying out a whole range of scientific research works in order to "fit" ekranoplanes into the fleet management system of the future. In particular, "Chaika-2" was called very "promising for the Ministry of Defense" and it was proposed to equip the BrahMos anti-ship cruise missiles, thereby turning it into a high-speed strike combat complex. It is curious that China became interested in the Seagulls, which in 2015 even initiated negotiations with Russia on the purchase of several vehicles for the People's Liberation Army.

Flying destroyer
It is known that in the USSR, ekranoplanes were already adapted for the delivery of paratroopers and missiles, and very successfully. Projects 903 "Lun" and 904 "Orlyonok" have become perhaps the brightest pages in the history of domestic combat ekranoplan construction. The fate of the landing "Eaglet" and the shock "Lunya" ("Caspian monster") are equally tragic - the collapse of the USSR and the lack of money practically destroyed this type of weapon without a fight.
The giant "Lun" caused awe in the West as soon as the secret machine with strange "unearthly" outlines was photographed by American spy satellites. The semi-aircraft-semi-ship had incredible dimensions (length 73 meters, height 19 meters), a fantastic speed of 500 km / h and carried six launch containers with heavy anti-ship missiles ZM-80 "Moskit". "Lun" could destroy the US aircraft carrier group in one salvo and was comparable in striking power to a full-fledged missile cruiser, only it moved ten times faster. The ekranoplan made its first flight in 1985 in the Caspian Sea.

"The topic of ekranoplanes never went beyond the experimental framework," Igor Kasatonov, the former deputy chief of the Russian Navy, told the Zvezda TV channel. In addition, it was not possible to combine the concept of the project's cost, its effectiveness and expediency, which determined the fate of the ships in the future. "

The landing "Eaglet" was smaller, had a bow tilted to one side and was intended for the rapid transportation of troops and equipment - it could accommodate up to 150 soldiers or two infantry fighting vehicles. They began to create it long before Lun, at the end of the 60s. For military trials, three "Eaglet" were built, which since 1979 were enlisted in the Navy.