How to cultivate good qualities in a child. How do Canadian children communicate with each other. How to develop certain qualities in a child

The upbringing of the child's personal qualities is the transfer of knowledge about correct forms behavior in society, focusing on generally accepted norms and values. Therefore, raising a child, first of all, implies personal examples, on which the baby will learn from his educator.

Stages of education of personal qualities

So, let's talk about what stages of educating a child's personal qualities exist.

The first stage is the formation in the child of the need for knowledge social peace and the development of certain qualities.

The second stage is the assimilation by the child of knowledge and concepts of personal qualities.

The third stage is the formation of various skills, abilities and habits of behavior.

A child will be able to go through all these stages only if education includes various forms active activity. Therefore, the task of the educator is to organize some kind of business, and then motivate the child to take an active part in it. It must be remembered that from time to time, the purpose of education necessary qualities can change, depending on what the child learns, what conclusions he draws and how he reacts to situations. The changes that take place in society also affect the upbringing of personal qualities. The teacher must follow them in order to correctly orient the child. But it is worth noting that in any society such qualities as humanity, spirituality, freedom and responsibility are valued. To cultivate these qualities, the teacher must clearly understand the goal and find an individual approach to each child. Only in this way can he quickly achieve results and be sure that the pupil has received everything. necessary skills and can correctly prioritize life.

Multifactorial education of personal qualities

Remember that parenting is always multifactorial. Personality is constantly affected by a variety of life factors. Therefore, you can not try to raise all children equally. Methods need to be selected according to the external factors can affect the child's worldview and the formation of his values. Also, do not forget that all children different tempers. For example, some are stimulated to action by strict treatment, while others, on the contrary, are frightened. Anxious and vulnerable child will perceive this form of education as humiliation and insult on the part of the teacher.

Another important fact that the educator should always remember is that education never gives instant effect. Therefore, you should not try to instill in the baby all the necessary qualities at one time. Children do not always understand what teachers are trying to convey to them due to a wide variety of factors that affect them. Therefore, you need to show the child how to behave and react to certain events by your own example, repeating this until you see that the child consciously repeats your behavior model.

Positive emotional background for education

Working with children, it is necessary to create a positive emotional background. Therefore, the teacher must carefully monitor that there are good relationships in the team. There must be equality between them. Also, in no case should you focus on the mistakes and mistakes of the child.

What qualities should be cultivated in a boy?
/2nd edition, corrected and supplemented/


This article was written based on the dialogue in "Google.Q&A", but this service has now closed, and the answers have gone beyond all acceptable limits, which is why a separate article was required. It is very useful for everyone who has small (up to 3 years old) sons, nephews, grandchildren, and who would like to raise them properly. The main drafts were ready in 2012, the first edition was published in 2014 on the Proza.Ru portal, and an additional section called "Manifestation" was written in the spring of 17, some minor errors and shortcomings were also corrected.
Presenting to the esteemed public the Second Revised and Expanded Edition, and in no way interfering with your family, the author would like to humbly remark that these recommendations will be useful to you.

The essence of the original question is that the woman asks the author how she should raise her boys. She has two sons, the eldest is 2 years old, she asks for the future, her mother is an ordinary worldly woman.
Our response is below.


Until the age of 5, it is better not to punish or scold the child: neither son nor daughter; try to be calm and kind, no matter what he does. Your child will have a normal childhood and will remember you fondly. Many begin to "build" their children almost from birth, and as a result become enemies of their own children for life. But it shouldn't be allowed either. After all, small children are not intelligent, and you need to control the child so that he does not cause danger to himself and others. Children under 4-5 years old are not very friendly with logic and do not understand the meaning of words, but they understand intonation very well. Therefore, you can say anything, the main thing is that it be with care and kindness. I saw how a young mother almost swears at her 4-year-old son, but since there is no hatred in her heart, the boy is not angry with her and understands everything adequately (although, of course, it is better not to use swear words - this is not favorable for children , nor for adults).
Qualities are usually already given from birth (in fact, even earlier). They just need to be identified and developed. It is foolish to "develop" something for which the child has no inclination. Many people have been broken like this all their lives. By the age of three, a boy usually shows certain inclinations that will be with him for almost his entire life. Let's consider them in more detail:

1. Tendency to learn, distinguish colors, memorize large volumes text at a time, counting, decomposing objects into their component parts, "sorting things out" and systematics. He likes to play board games (or likes to watch it), listens very carefully to adults from the very beginning. early childhood almost always calm. Eats little, not prone to fatty and heavy food, especially to meat (often naughty when they try to feed him with meat and lard). Such a child also sleeps a little, does not like to sleep during the day, without special problems wakes up early in the morning. Often silent or begins to speak much later than normal children. Learns to read before school. Likes to look at the stars. And these children often have an increased tendency to cleanliness.

2. Prone to activity, mobile, almost never gets sick, even in early childhood, when almost everyone gets sick. An extremely heightened sense of justice, forgives nothing and remembers everything. Can easily get angry, but also easygoing. Loves outdoor games. A born leader, both boys and girls listen to him, and much older than his age, and even some adults. He likes to mess around with the kids, even if he is not asked about it. Extremely attached to external forms glorification: awards, regalia, diplomas, badges, etc. Painfully proud and vain, loves flattery and self-respect, cannot calmly pass by this. But for all that, he has an impossibly independent character and does not recognize any authorities - only a person much smarter and more experienced than him can argue with him.

3. A penchant for music, songs, dances, drawing, modeling, calligraphy, etc. He likes to be in nature, sleeps for a long time in the morning, and vice versa less at night. Rich imagination, constantly composes something. Very often he says some things that he did not witness and could not learn about them from any of his friends, acquaintances or older relatives; at the same time, if you check, then his words for the most part turn out to be true, but he cannot explain how he learned this. The mood is extremely changeable, and can change several times a day. Doesn't like to eat a lot. This type is more common among girls, but boys are also found.

4. Economic, likes to clean up, lay out and shift things (not only his own), cook, mess with pets, even if he is not asked about it. Knows what and where lies, can help find any thing, even in young age. Very attentive and almost never makes mistakes. Knows what and where is sold, and how much it costs. It is very difficult to deceive him. Likes to collect anything, especially coins. If such a boy lives in the city, then at an early age he can be trusted with money and asked to buy something in a store; if in the village - it will be best helper on the farm or farm.

5. A penchant for craftsmanship. Likes to watch someone do physical work, and if you do not stop him, he will definitely climb to help. With early years holds tools well in his hands and uses them much better than his peers. His toys often contain electronic components, car parts, some kind of piece of iron, nuts, etc. Loves puzzles, constructors, computers, Cell Phones. Any toy will definitely disassemble. By the age of 3, he manages with a mobile phone or tablet no worse than adults. Very independent and not inclined to theoretical training. Eats and sleeps a lot. Physically developed. Influenced by almost everyone. He reads little and does not like this business. Wants to go to work from an early age. At an early age, he does not particularly communicate with girls, and they also shun him. Favorite place rest - dad's garage.

These are the main types of little boys. It is very rare that one child exhibits qualities from several points at once. Children do not always show all the qualities and inclinations from any point, but more often than not, MOST of the qualities from one point are manifested in one way or another. These sections are arranged in order of prevalence, ie. The 1st type is the most rare, the 2nd more often, etc., and the 5th type is the most common.
We recommend that all young parents and nannies take a closer look at their children and determine which category they belong to - usually these qualities are manifested almost from birth, and by the age of three you can clearly distinguish them.


In the next section, entitled "Application", we will describe in which direction to develop the child, depending on his natural inclinations, but first we will give a special secret test. He, in principle, is not particularly needed, because all the inclinations and qualities have already been listed, and you must not know your child at all in order not to notice them. But if you don't want to wait three years or for some reason you can not follow your son, you can put this unusual experiment.
The essence of the experiment is that a little boy CAM will show his type, you don’t even need to carefully observe him for several years. However, you can observe later and make sure that he told you everything correctly. For girls, such tests are of little use, because, firstly, they have a scattered mind, and it will be difficult for them to choose one subject (she wants everything at once), and secondly, women rarely open up in external environment(they need more peace and quiet in their own family). Therefore, there are other experiments for girls. But if you have little son and nephew, you can check it as it will be described here. In terms of age, the recommendation is as follows - he should be small enough that he does not yet use his mind to choose, but big enough to be able to walk on his own and firmly hold objects in his hands. So ideal age for such an experiment, it is from 1.5 to 2.5 years. After three years, the mind begins to turn on (more earlier child already catches what people want from him), after 4 years he can be cunning and clumsily deceive, and after five he already deceives "by full program". Therefore, it is better not to delay the experiment, otherwise you will not get a "clean" result, but only what you want, and your child will "play along" with you in this. can, the children at this time are pure and sincere.For additional honesty and "purity of the experiment" you should not direct, hint, suggest, indicate, wink and in any other way interfere with the child to make his choice - it is important that this is HIS choice, not yours. But leaving him alone in an empty room is also not worth it - children at a young age are very shy, and the child, left alone, will not choose anything, but will start crying and calling for his mother. Therefore, his parents and / or older relatives must be present , but they should not prompt him and influence his choice in any way.Another recommendation is that the experiment should be carried out in your own house / apartment, in extreme cases - where you and your child are very often (for example, with a grandmother), because in an unfamiliar place boo baby children feel insecure and either make the wrong choice, or (more often) choose nothing at all, but will look around more. He should also be clean washed (be sure to change the diaper!), recently eat, go (or not want to) to the toilet and sleep. The weather should be good and calm, no thunder, wind or storm, it should be daytime. So, for the purity of the experiment, no one and nothing should distract your child: neither place, nor adults, nor urges own body, nor the weather outside the window.
This test, which is not too well known among us, is more than one thousand years old, and if it had not worked, no one would have conducted it until now. So please take it seriously! Before conducting this test directly, you need to prepare 5 (five) groups of items. The most important condition is that all items must be real, real (that is, no models, models, toys, plastic knives, fake money and inflatable books). The second and also important condition arising from the first is that since real items will be used and some of them are dangerous for a small person, you must somehow secure them. But it is not allowed to replace a real, "adult" object with a children's toy - otherwise the child will not develop into adulthood, and will search for himself and "buzz around" for a long time. In fact, four groups of objects are used, but since we have five types and there will be the same number of ways of education, we will use five groups, again for the purity of the experiment.

1. The first group is books. They should not be children's coloring books, pop-up books, popular cartoon comics, etc. – only adult, serious books! The ideal option is something Holy Bible, such as the Bible or the Quran, or the Buddhist sutras (depending on your religion), spiritual books, theological, yoga literature, etc. will also work. Even if you do not adhere to any particular religious direction or "believe in your soul", without following special rituals and rules, still prepare something "spiritual". But if you are a principled opponent of religion and you are more attracted to science, it's okay - you can find scientific and popular science literature, textbooks, collections of lectures, encyclopedias, dictionaries, and so on. It is also very good to prepare something philosophical, medical and / or legal: you can lay out the Constitution or collections of laws, a medical atlas, some serious books on economics, quantum mechanics or the problems of being. You must understand that your child will not read this (at least for now), he just needs to be given the opportunity to CHOOSE. The less beautiful and bright pictures on the covers of these books, so much the better (which is why it is not recommended to give children's books), believe me, if a person is destined to choose books, he will choose them, even if nothing is drawn on them. Actually, this is even better: therefore, pay more attention to the importance, seriousness and, oddly enough, the thickness of books than their colorfulness. It is very good if the books are not only thick, but also old. For this purpose, you can even make acquaintances in the library and ask for something from the century before last. It's also a good idea to have the books intended for your experiment already read by someone (you or someone else), which is why library books and antique folios are preferred. Book with history best gift to your baby! However, this is also true for all other groups of objects: they should not be new, but already used by other people - this is an extra guarantee of their "realness". Do not worry if you yourself are not friends with books and last read at school - you are not doing this to yourself, but to your child. You can be a simple laundress or a cleaner, and your son will become a great scientist - such stories are not uncommon (but the opposite situation may also happen - nature often "rests" on the children of intellectuals and artists). That is why it is important to conduct such an experiment! You, as a mother, can fantasize anything in your mind, but you cannot deceive nature.

2. The second group - attention, WEAPONS! Moreover, the weapon must be REAL, this is all very serious! If you slip a cardboard knife or a plastic pistol on your son / grandson, this may further adversely affect his career: he may suffer in a conflict - if he becomes a military man, or go to jail or fly out in disgrace from his post - if he becomes an official. A mother under five "programs" her child in many ways (a father after five), so treat this experiment not as a game. Where you get the REAL WEAPONS is not my problem, I hope you will not have to do anything illegal. Obviously, in our country it is much more difficult for a woman to get a weapon than for a man, but if you do not have a husband or a friend in law enforcement agencies, try to do it somehow, otherwise the experiment will not be counted. It immediately comes to mind to buy a spray can, a knife, an "injury", or even a "Saiga" in the nearest weapons or hunting store. And this is really an option, but only if you do not take into account that weapons, like books, should also not be new. But I understand the complexity of the task, therefore, in the absence of real, military weapons, a new, purchased one will also go. But God forbid, do not replace hunting or throwing knives with kitchen and penknives! A kitchen knife (even a professional, "restaurant") knife is a TOOL, not a weapon, and it belongs to the fifth category, not the second. Do not deceive yourself or your child!
!!! VERY IMPORTANT - TAKE CARE OF SAFETY!!! I didn't write this sentence for nothing. capital letters, placed at the beginning of a new paragraph and framed exclamation points- after all, you have to solve a difficult task: a real weapon that you will offer your to a small child, at the same time should not harm him. Therefore, concern for his safety, as well as the search for weapons, are your problems. In the case of firearms, gas and traumatic weapons, be sure to remove all ammunition from magazines, clips and chambers, put all “barrels” on fuses, loosen all strikers and springs and in every possible way secure the possibility of accidental operation - but it is best to entrust this matter to a professional. In the case of edged weapons, all sharp blades must be forcibly blunted and ground. You might think that in this case it would be better to keep pistols in holsters and swords and daggers in sheaths, but this is not better, believe me - because if your son chooses a weapon, he will highly likely wants to take a closer look. And in this case, you need to disarm the barrels and dull the blades - then the weapon will be both real and safe for your child at the same time. You should also understand the meaning of this experiment - if your son chooses a weapon, he will approach him and take it in his hands, but he will not shoot a pistol at all, wave a saber, throw a knife and twist nunchucks. If you take care of safety and keep a close eye on everything, then the likelihood of injury is minimal. But the weapon must be real (as well as books and all other items), there's nothing to be done - unless you want your child to live a fake life.

At the beginning of this section, it was said that according to this ancient test for little boys, you need to have not five, but four groups of objects. Where is the "extra link"? And right here - in the third paragraph. But since we decided to separate creative people into a separate social and psychophysical group, we hope that you will forgive us for this slight digression from the "canon".
3. So, in the third pile you should put musical instruments: a flute, a guitar, a drum, a harmonica, a bell - in general, not very bulky items (you should not drag the piano into the room). And something else for painters: paints, brushes, a frame and a canvas. You can also use a camera (preferably an old one - film), film and photographic film, vintage postcards, a jar of ink (tighten it well!), fountain pen, and if you're lucky - then a goose feather. Suddenly your son / grandson / nephew could become the new Leo Tolstoy, Raphael, George Harrison or Federico Fellini, and you necessary items If it doesn't, it'll be a shame!
To be honest, musical instruments should be placed in the 5th group, and tools for drawing and writing - in the first, but since we place creative people in a separate sphere, we will leave their objects to them.

4. Further a little easier - you must prepare the money. Not necessarily a lot: you don’t have to fill a sports bag and a photocopier box with banknotes. But they (money), like everything else in this unusual experiment, must be real. If possible, you can get a currency - in this case, if your child chooses money, he will grow up not just a businessman, but will also work in foreign markets. As with books, it's a good idea to have old money, especially coins. Finding used money is not difficult, you can also borrow from collectors for the duration of the experiment or buy at souvenir shops old banknotes and coins. But with jewelry it will be more difficult! But try to solve this problem as well: it is very good to have (at least for the duration of the experiment) gold and silver bars and coins, Jewelry from REAL metals and precious stones(jewelry and cubic zirkonia instead of diamonds will not "fail"). With jewelry and coins, there may be one problem for your child: children love to put everything in their mouths, and small “things” are so special! And one more for you personally: earrings, valuable coins, scattered pearls and diamonds can easily roll if a child suddenly decides to play with them a little. Therefore, carefully monitor the hands of your child, but in no case do not scold him, no matter what happens - it is unacceptable to scold children under five years old! It is desirable to enclose the room for the experiment with a kind of barrier in a circle so that nothing rolls anywhere. Along with money and jewelry, you can also put electronic money - bank and credit cards(only "charged" and valid), as well as accounting tools: calculators, portable cash registers, desktop terminals for bank cards, you can even old scores - in a word, everything related to money, prosperity and the real economy.

5. And last group items (but according to statistics, the most frequently "triggered", so give this item Special attention!) - these are the tools used by workers: a hammer, a saw, an ax, a screwdriver, a wrench, a small spade, a chisel, a construction trowel, a soldering iron, and so on. There we will also include kitchen items used by cooks: a rolling pin, a ladle and the previously mentioned kitchen knife. And also hairdressing and tailor's scissors, knitting needles, a broom, a rag or a small whisk, some spare part from a car, a wooden block and a metal blank. Since among these objects there can also be a lot of sharp, cutting, piercing and small ones, then, as in paragraph 2, keep an eye on your child: so that he doesn’t cut himself, don’t accidentally pierce something, put it in his mouth, don’t roll it under the sofa etc. And just as in paragraph 2, protect it from possible injuries: grind all sharp details and tools, do not put anything particularly heavy in front of it (so as not to drop it on your foot) and limit the place of the experiment with a barrier approximately to the waist of your baby.

Now I will ask you to go over all five points of this section and think about what you can really get / buy / ask for from this, and what is more difficult? There are two points to consider here:
1) you do not have much time, and you need to prepare in a few months, a maximum of a year. This experiment loses its accuracy after three and a half years of a child's life, and after four there is little chance of really finding out anything.
2) no need to drag everything into the house - the above list is redundant. You don't have to turn your residence into a hardware store, armory, music studio, and library—be smart.
Therefore, of everything that you have, what you have accumulated, bought and begged for, leave the most valuable, but it must be REAL, "adult" items - not toys or dummies.

Next, you need to prepare the room where the action will take place: first, wash and ventilate it, and also arrange all 5 piles in a circle. You can put it on rugs on the floor, but it’s better on low tables or stools - they should be exactly the same (so that the child is not distracted by the location of objects), and about the height of your baby’s chest (so that he makes a conscious effort and clearly indicates to everyone, what he wants). By the way, you can break it all down mentally, roughly outline where everything will be, and first do it alone, without people. During the test, the child must stand in the center of the room, around him at the same distance lie 5 heaps of various objects: books, weapons, musical instruments, money and work tools. The space is limited by a barrier about the height of the child's waist, so that he does not roll up any small items, and on the other hand, he did not leave or run away during the experiment. All spectators, including parents, are behind the barrier, sit and stand quietly, do not make noise or talk, do not interfere in any way, do not prompt or hint to the child where he needs to go. No matter how long the selection process takes, the boy must make it himself, and everyone else must wait patiently. Adults can show all emotions only at the end of the experiment, not earlier. The room should be spacious, clean and ventilated, it must have clean washed windows, from which sunlight. You should not conduct the experiment in the basement, in the garage, bathhouse, toilet, attic or closet, in a dirty and untidy apartment, on the street and in the presence of people who do not know your child. The room for the duration of the experiment should not have a lot of extra things, carpets on the walls, curtains on the windows, the room should not be cluttered and heavily cluttered with furniture, no garbage and the presence of pets (with the exception of aquarium fish). Windows can be open or closed, but no unfavorable sounds should be heard from the street: crying, screaming, howling, whistling, creaking, swearing (especially swearing!), next to the house no one should beat anyone, listen to loud music, yell and drink alcohol. All the guests gathered, relatives, acquaintances, as well as the parents themselves, during the experiment should behave quietly, do not chat, do not chew, do not smoke indoors, be calm, ABSOLUTELY SOBER and healthy, not excited or depressed, radiate joy and optimism, the mother of the child should not have a monthly discharge that day. Filming is allowed, but it is better to put the camera on a tripod or stand in advance so that the child is not distracted by all this. It is absolutely not necessary to call all the neighbors and friends - for a child, the fewer strangers, the better. And then people can show the recorded video. Loud music is not allowed either in the room itself or behind the wall: chanson (songs about prison), rap, hard rock and heavy metal are especially unfavorable. If you really need music, and you can’t do without it, then turn on the lounge, instrumental, new age, chillout or classical, but very quietly. This test should be carried out during the day in good clear weather.
So, the child is placed in the center of the room, around him at the same distance lie 5 heaps of various objects listed above, and he must choose one of them. He makes this choice purely intuitively, showing you which of the five classes of people he will become (more on that in the next section). This is very important choice, both for the child and for his parents, so take it seriously! This choice is very accurate (approximately 90% accurate for at least his first 25 years) and often for life. More accurate information about his future fate, vocation, education, wife, financial condition and life expectancy can be obtained from his signs and lines on the palms and feet, but now there are few such specialists, while the above experiment is easy to conduct, and the child CAM shows you who he will become. I remind you once again that for the purity of the experiment, none of the observers (including parents) should say anything, point anywhere, clap their hands and distract the child in every possible way - he will have the first serious choice in life, do not interfere with him, please! If he has chosen dangerous items - knives, screwdrivers, pistols, scissors, etc. - watch him carefully, be ready to immediately come to the rescue in case of something, but do not interfere with your child in his choice, do not distract or switch his attention. Usually the time of the experiment lasts from 5 to 7 minutes (preparation is much longer), but it happens that up to half an hour - the child just sits still and does not go anywhere. Wait for his clear choice, don't get angry and be patient. It is best for the child to explicitly choose one of the five options, go to the appropriate stool and take some object from it in his hands - this will be the best. However, it happens that he just looks and does not take anything, or he takes it and quickly throws it back - in this case, his mood will be changeable, he will “look for himself” in adulthood for a long time and will not immediately understand what he should do.
Usually a child fits only one of the five heaps, but this is not always the case - the author of these lines was told about a great man who, in early childhood, his parents conducted such an experiment. So, first the boy went to the table with money and jewelry and looked at them for a very long time, then he took the coins and beads in his hands, looked at his parents and smiled at them. But the parents were not particularly happy, as they expected a different fate for their baby. Then the boy threw the coins and ornaments back on the table, turned and walked quickly to another table where the sacred books were laid out. Taking one of them, he immediately pressed it to his heart, and seemed completely happy. The parents almost cried with joy and clapped their hands. Tellingly, this boy did not even look at the hammers or weapons. As you might guess, his life completely repeated this experiment, carried out in deep childhood: at first he was a successful businessman and earned a lot of money, later he went bankrupt and became an equally successful preacher (and, characteristically, earned more more money, although he spent little on himself). In general, conduct such an experiment yourself and look at the result - your child! It is not only necessary to perform this ritual several times, until you like the choice of your son, otherwise he himself will not know his destiny and will suffer for 30 years of his life. It should be understood that no one promises a 100% result, but if you do everything as described in these recommendations, then 9 out of 10 that your son will follow the path that he indicated to you. A separate story - if, God forbid, he becomes a criminal, a dictator or dies at a young age. Usually, for such categories of citizens, such experiments are not carried out, and in general, everything is bad with their childhood and parental love. However, if something like this suddenly happens, then in this case the test will also show its effectiveness - in the first two cases, the child will try to cause some kind of physical pain to people around him, and in case of early death, he will definitely cut or injure himself. If an accident occurs with your boy during the experiment, this is an alarming sign for you, and you should especially monitor it. But don't become a crazy mom and make your son's life hell - you should use unobtrusive, "soft" controls (as described in the next section in point 5). In any case, the result of this test is a good help to young responsible parents who are thinking about raising their child. We will talk more about parenting in the next section.
And here, in the end, let's say that a ninety percent prediction is a very good result that will not provide you with any child psychologist. Since our psychologists do not know anything about this division of people into 5 main classes, they do not know about the qualities of these people, how they need to be trained and educated, and they have no idea about such experiments. Their tests are primitive and often ignorant, they divide people only by sex and age, and this is extremely simplified approach. Therefore, child psychologists, educators, nannies, teachers and, of course, young parents need to get real, complete knowledge and successfully apply it in their lives. Only then will we stop "tormenting" with our children, and will begin to love, appreciate and respect them, and our children will repay us with the same coin and begin to show their natural inclinations. And only in this case peace and harmony will appear in the world!


There will not be many words and sentences in this section, but all of them will be extremely important and mandatory for use. After all, this section is the most practical of all in this article! AT previous section we have long described a rather curious experiment, but it is up to you to decide whether to conduct it, but there is no place for experiments and doubts, all this is highly desirable to perform for the benefit of both your child and you - his parents. If you don’t want to do anything, then there’s no point in even reading this article! Therefore, starting with the next paragraph, all the words are very important, and like the army regulations, they are specific, binding and it is impossible to remove a single word so as not to lose the whole meaning of the sentence.

The point is not even to "develop" some qualities, they ALREADY exist and will develop where necessary, the main thing is not to interfere with a person being himself. The essence of all education is to control the excess and mitigate the side effects. So, for example, an excess of physical strength leads to aggressiveness, and an excess of thrift and frugality leads to greed, etc. Therefore, the task of parents and teachers is to ensure that there are no distortions, and a person develops harmoniously.

Now for the points.

1. "Scientist". You need to enroll him in an early development school (the sooner the better) and read-read-read. He tortures you with his questions, so it’s better to buy smart books right away. You can study anything with him quantum physics- captures everything. Side effects: a sedentary sedentary lifestyle, rare communication with peers, with girls - also in no way (especially in adolescence it will be disturbing). You need to take him out for a walk, he won't go anywhere on his own. An overabundance of knowledge leads to pride (“woe from wit!”), your boy will think that everyone around is fools, and he is the only smart one, there is no one to talk to. And it will become more and more isolated. The cure is the need to share knowledge. It is not enough to study and understand something yourself, you have to explain it to others. DEFINITELY make him tell EVERYTHING he has read and learned.

2. "Warrior". Sports are out of the question. The main thing is to find a good coach, so that he is both a professional and loves the boys. If you don't want your son to be a dumb jock, put him in martial arts- there, in addition to strength and endurance, spiritual and moral qualities are also developed. Side effects: anger, irritability, impatience, a tendency to rash acts, involuntarily offends people, especially girls (not physically, but mentally). There must be someone wise, experienced and patient nearby - they will not listen to others. An excess of power is a propensity for violence, an excess of power is a propensity to manipulate people and "walk on their heads." Be sure to watch for these symptoms and stop them right there (for example, bullying insects and pets is a warning sign). It is necessary to explain to the child that he takes care of the younger ones and protects the weak. It should be understood that scolding and punishing such a child is useless, he himself will scold and spank anyone you want. The only approach is to appeal to his nobility. Such boys know what shame, disgrace and honor are from birth, they do not need to be taught these concepts. If you explain to your son that he behaved unworthily and people suffered through his fault, he will be offended for a week, will not eat or talk for two days, but there is no other way to reach his heart.

3. "Artist". Write him down in some creative circle (the sooner the better - talents need to be developed from birth), and it doesn’t matter which one - he’ll figure it out along the way, besides, creative people have a variety of talents. "Artist" is the most difficult case for his family. You will have to endure all his whims, mood swings, depression and creative crises. Patience will require angelic! Let him show all his creative achievements in front of you, do not be shy. Mom is the best spectator. Just do not always praise him, if you see a "jamb", immediately notice - it's better you criticize him in home environment than he then screwed up in front of the public. Side effects for any creative people: restlessness, an overflow of emotions, a penchant for adventure, starting various projects that he cannot complete, passion, a feeling that no one loves or appreciates him. You will need to constantly inspire him and involve him in creative work(because one talent is not enough, one must study and train), if he has a decadent mood. And, on the contrary, to restrain and extinguish his emotions, if he is full of enthusiasm and ready to love the whole world (so as not to "break wood" in such a state). Successful creativity leads to fame, and an overabundance of fame leads to pride and "star disease". If you notice such signs, then explain to the child that his talent is from God, and he owes all his achievements to his teachers. Let's not be proud.

4. "Merchant". The perfect helper around the house. Teach him the simplest housekeeping things: clean up, cook, take out the trash, go to the store, wash the dishes. The criterion for such a boy is that his toys are never scattered, and he prefers order in everything. With him you can go to work from childhood. The ideal place of work for him is trade. There is no point in developing him especially - he has practicality from birth, and he will never become a scientist. You can only give him general knowledge. Don't worry if he gets an A in school - many successful businessmen weren't straight A's. Accept that studying is not his element, and do not scold strongly for bad grades. Traveling will be the ideal pastime for him. Earn, borrow or beg - get money anywhere - and travel with him until all finances run out - this will give him a lot in life. Very good experience for him there will be a stay in the village - but not on vacation, he must actively help with the housework: mow, weed, graze cows, etc. You can entrust him with housekeeping. Also, such a boy should have his OWN household project, come up with something for him. There is only one side effect (but what a side effect!) - a tendency to deceive. Moreover, it is incredibly difficult to deceive him himself, do not even try. Too much practicality is greed. You need to constantly remind him that everything in this world is for everyone, so you need to take only what you need in this moment, and do not claim the rest, do not need to accumulate anything. Having brothers and sisters is a good cure for greed, by sharing with them your son will develop his generosity. You must know the basic formula of education: " best advice- this is your own example, "you can’t teach anyone anything with words alone. Therefore, if you - parents - are eaten up by greed and a passion for hoarding, then it is useless to scold a child for this.

5. "Worker". The so-called "ordinary person", of which the majority in the world. If your child is like that, rejoice - there will be no special problems and troubles with him. He must be taught to do something with his hands, especially since his hands grow from where they need to, and it’s stupid not to use it. Find a locksmith, turner, auto mechanic or electronics engineer and ask him to teach your son something simple, or at least let him just watch. Professional men terribly do not like it when boys climb into their work, so you have to persuade, but it's worth it. If this option is not foreseen, teach him how to cook - such boys become good cooks. You can go to work with him from childhood if the work is related to production (including food). The best birthday present for such a son is a visit to a car service. If you have a car mechanic friend, he will become best friend your boy. Such children study at school in different ways, but most often in an average way, i.e. neither good nor bad. Do not strive for him to get a higher education - you will lose money, and your child will lose time, and studying at a university will not do him any good. It is better to let him master a specific profession in a technical school. Look on the Internet to see how much, for example, bulldozer operators earn. A skilled worker in our time is more valuable than any lawyer / economist, regardless of whether the economic crisis is in the yard or not. side effects There are quite a lot of such character traits, and almost all of them are associated with a low level of intelligence. So it is very important that someone adult, experienced and reasonable is next to him. The good news is that he will listen to such a person, and the bad news is that he will listen to everyone in general, even those who are not worth listening to. Therefore, you should always know with whom he communicates. You do not need to stand behind him, but you must know his friends. Including his friends girls - you know what girls are now ... VERY IMPORTANT for him - to earn the first money in childhood, this will greatly inspire him for life. If he has an acquaintance girl older and more experienced than him, do not worry - she will look after him, you will have less worries, and for your son it will be perfect option. Such people do not have an overabundance of qualities, rather the opposite - a lack of zeal gives rise to laziness, gluttony, drowsiness, and in adulthood such an unpleasant thing as drunkenness. Encourage him to learn and practice—even with his natural ability, nothing comes easy.

Points 2. and 5. MANDATORY require male participation. It won't hurt everyone else either, but "Warrior" and "Worker" just need to male influence and upbringing. Otherwise, nothing will work. So if your child shows the appropriate qualities and inclinations, and you live without a husband, then you urgently need to get acquainted with some uncle.


This is a very authoritative and practical knowledge that can be used in our time. I did not invent anything, I just compiled and stated it intelligibly. I wish your sons to grow up as worthy citizens of their country!

Every parent always strives to raise their children to be very obedient, to instill in them good manners. And that everything in their life turned out very well. After all, their life in the future will depend on how they educate and instill manners.
The first thing you need to bring up in children, I think is honesty. How much a child will be honest and open to his parents, so he will be honest to others. And parents in the future will not have to blush for him and for his lies. So honesty is the most important thing.
The second is respect for elders. A child from an early age should understand that you need to respect elders. As parents instill respect for themselves, so he will treat other people. If the kid is rude to his parents and shows character, then he will behave in the same way in kindergarten and at school, and indeed with strangers. In the future, this will have a very bad effect on his life and communication with the people around him.
The third is obedience. The child must be obedient. Of course, you can sometimes allow the child to indulge a little, but it is necessary to educate him. In order not to blush for him later in a crowded place, also in the garden and at school. And then sometimes you look at the children how they indulge, and the parents get away with everything. After all, pampering can lead to bad things. Therefore, it is always necessary to have conversations with the child on the topic of what can and cannot be done. That you must obey your parents, otherwise something bad may happen.
The fourth is kindness to the world around him. It is worth making sure that the child is kind, not embittered. To do this, try to forget about the negative and educate him in a favorable area. Try to instill kindness towards animals so that in the future the child does not mock animals. For example, my husband was not instilled with kindness to animals. And when we took the dog into the house, and this was my initiative, he treated her with negativity. It took me a lot of work to fix this. Constant explanations and joint games with the animal, husband, me and my daughter got the better of anger. Now he does not have a soul in her. Therefore, try to do everything possible to prevent this from an early age.
Fifth is a sense of humor. Have more fun so that your child does not know sadness and so that he laughs more. Then his life will become much more fun and colorful.

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Every parent dreams of seeing a worthy little man in their child, for this you have to work hard. From the early age Children need to be taught respect for other people. This is a very important factor for the development of the child. What is it for? The child is gradually growing and he has to communicate with other children, and later with teachers, if you look even further, then with his work colleagues.
The child must be constantly told that it is necessary to respect the older generation namely grandparents. Do not forget to say thank you, give way to public transport. After all, it is precisely from an early age that this is what is needed so that it fits and remains in the mind of the child for his entire life. later life. You should never be rude to the older generation, they simply do not deserve it. But never forget your parents. Whatever they were, it was they who gave him life and lead him along the further path of life. Help him to understand the choice of profession and other difficult situations also come to the rescue.
It is also worth instilling responsibility in a child so that the child understands that no one will pay for his sins. Why a child needs responsibility depends on his age. If your child is a teenager and you are still responsible for his actions, he must remember that with his bad deeds he will set up his parents. To prevent this from happening, you must explain to your child from the very beginning what is good and what is bad. It is during adolescence that situations occur when a child falls under the influence bad company and it becomes, to put it mildly, bad.
There is one more quality that should be present in your child - love for others and for their loved ones. He can't do without it. This is important quality he can only learn from his parents. We must remember that the child copies everything that his parents do, they are big for him, life example. Try to show love with the child, and if there are emotions in your life, do not try to throw them out in front of the child so that he does not repeat your mistakes.
In order for you and your child to do well, try to put all your efforts into raising him at a very early age.

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Every parent wants to see their child successful and humane in the future. What you lay in your child from an early age will be reflected in his life in the form of character and manners. Much will depend on this in the fate of the child. So, let's look at what still needs to be developed in a child, the most important aspects in the formation of character.

1. Kindness. Try to explain and instill this factor in your child. After all, the future character of the child depends on kindness.
2. Care. This needs to be developed from an early age. It would be nice if the child had something or someone to look after - an animal, a plant. It is necessary to explain that without care the animal will feel bad, it needs care, feed it regularly.
3. Respect for yourself and people. It is important. Everyone must be respected without exception.
4. Honesty. Explain to the child that better truth than sweet lies. That cheating is part of not respecting the person you're lying to.
5. Diligence. Let the child have his own duties, which he is obliged to fulfill. Start with the most basic - cleaning toys. When you see that the child began to cope with ease, increase his responsibilities.
6. Politeness. Also one of important factors communication. The child should not be rude.
7. Courage. Show me how to deal with fear.
8. Independence. Leave the child, at least a little of yourself. Just go to another room. For a child, sometimes it is necessary to be alone with himself.
9. Responsibility.
10. Patience. Since children are impatient, this will be more difficult. Try to explain that in a hurry it is possible to make a lot of mistakes.

If a child does not succeed in many things, only you will help instill in him good qualities. There is that the bad is transmitted genetically, but this still should not be stopped or given up. The character is formed before the age of 16 and you can make adjustments, the main thing is to do everything unobtrusively and without aggression. If the child does not want to perceive something, convey information in the form of a game. Don't insist. If the child does not perceive something, postpone this educational moment for later.

When instilling good manners in raising a child, do not forget that you must not only tell how to behave correctly, but also stick to what you say. After all, it is your child who reacts to your example. No wonder they say, "if you want to properly raise a child, first educate yourself and you will see success." Love and respect your kids, do not forget that despite such young age, in front of you is a person.

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The most important thing is to love children! It doesn’t matter if they are yours or neighbors, they must be treated with all care. Smile, have you noticed how children smile sincerely? Looking at this miracle, you can’t help but smile. Yes, they are like angels, sparkling and kind, reaching out to you with all their hearts. It is we who instill in them humility, obedience imposed by society. But if they feel not dictate, but sincere love, the children will respond to it, they will not want to just upset you.

Our children need attention, not parenting books. If a child turns to you, break away from your affairs, and not after 20 minutes, or even an hour, or when you finish everything. This is very important for a child. Suddenly, when you need his attention, he can ignore, count more important than the game. But if you get angry and demand attention from him for you, be attentive to your child yourself. It's like a boomerang here.

The words that children copy their parents did not appear from scratch, this is actually true. After all, what you sow, you will definitely reap. If mom, dad, and other relatives that surround the baby are kind, polite, compassionate, generous to everyone without exception, the child will certainly grow up with the same qualities! He will never lie, dodge, be greedy, demand something, be capricious, etc.

If we talk about raising children, an important fact also plays what kind of atmosphere is in your home. Are there any contradictions between the parents, is one of them trying to show superiority in relation to the other. We are all equal. Characters, temperaments are different, everyone has their own habits, preferences, but we are all children of the Universe, which loves us equally. If this is not forgotten, children will grow up well-mannered and happy.

It is important not to seat the child at the TV for a cartoon or a children's program, but to give him live communication. Read fairy tales, play theater with him. Take a walk, watch birds and animals together. This is a great benefit for parents, most of them sit at the computer for a long time, a walk will not hurt, and besides, you can recharge with positive energy from it.

To do everything with the baby together, what a happiness for the child! Love and example, that's the best teacher! Love children and they will definitely love you back!

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Unfortunately, this has happened in modern society that the main function of raising children rests solely with the parents. If earlier, a couple of decades ago, when our school notebooks were not characters from foreign cartoons, but “Octobers are friendly guys”, “Octobers are truthful and courageous, dexterous and skillful” and other postulates bouncing off the teeth of any schoolchild, one way or another otherwise forming the idea of ​​children about a real person, the teacher for an obvious misconduct could point out to the student in front of the whole class and make some kind of useful reprimand, then today, practically, there is no teacher who decides to make at least a remark to a rabid teenager kicking someone else's briefcase on change, so as not to involve yourself in some kind of unreasonable story related to the violation of the rights of the child, etc., which could lead to further undesirable consequences both for the teacher himself and for the entire institution as a whole.

In general, to exaggerate, today at school teachers perform only their main function - they teach, convey the material and that's it. Therefore, the question of what a child can get at school today, except for knowledge, is no longer relevant. And so, starting from preschool institutions where educators still help us, parents, to instill little man basic self-service skills and a certain system of elementary values ​​from the categories of “good-bad”, “possible-impossible”, you need to be able to lay in a small personality those seeds that will subsequently bring good shoots.

Naturally, each parent has their own view on raising their child: someone allows him everything in the hope that the absence of prohibitions will form a kind and sweet personality, someone, on the contrary, prohibits a lot, thinking that constant monitoring and shouting will help educate a responsible fighter. Both those and other parents can seriously make a mistake, making a bias in one direction. However, there are a number of qualities that no adequate parent will ignore, which should be cultivated in the baby from the first days of life, and for the most part by demonstration by personal example.

1. Honesty. The reasons for lying can be very different: fear of telling the truth, a desire to receive praise, awareness of one's “power” in the case when a lie remains undisclosed, a lie for protection, etc. In any case, the lack of honesty in a person will sooner or later unequivocally lead to a negative result, ranging from elementary quarrels with loved ones, ending with deviant behavior, up to criminal. In order to cultivate honesty in a child, one must be extremely selective in the system of censure and praise for lies or truth, so as not to confuse him and not to bring up in him a misunderstanding of this important quality.

2.Courtesy and respect. Those who have children cannot fail to notice the deplorable trend in the behavior of modern children who grow up on unlimited viewing of television shows, Internet resources and in the absence of proper control from the same teachers: all-consuming rudeness has captured our children. And we give up, because we understand that we are unable to cope with this vice on our own, because if within the walls of our housing we can still control and demand from the child a respectful attitude at least towards ourselves, then outside the apartment we cannot even imagine we can, how our children can behave on the street, in public place or at recess at school, often learning some "juicy" details about their son or daughter from third parties. As in the poem about Lyubochka, remember? “..But if you come to this girl’s house, you will hardly recognize this girl there ...” Therefore, from an early age, the child should not only be enveloped in the boundless and zealous love of his parents, but also contemplate daily examples of the manifestation of a respectful relationship between family members , between peers on playground etc.

3. discipline and subordination. It is very difficult to instill these qualities in a child, because sometimes we ourselves do not clearly know the boundaries of what is permitted and what is not permitted, sometimes we ourselves hesitate and doubt that we are right, and this is very subtly felt by a small person, turning any of our mistakes into his merit and becoming a manipulator of our feelings and emotions. If we remember our forefathers and great-grandfathers: each of their words was the law and it does not matter whether it was true or not. And now parental authority is very shaky, and not many parents manage to raise their child in the spirit of past years, when the son did not argue with his father because endless feeling respect and duty to him. Perhaps it makes sense when a child enters secondary educational institution to think about such an option as a cadet school, for example, where, to this day, we still receive all possible assistance in educating and developing a personality.

4. Responsibility. One of the qualities that should also be cultivated in a child from a young age: from the first conscious days, he must be able to be responsible for his actions and understand that he can not only be “kissed” and praised, but also be punished for certain actions.

Of course, this is not a complete list of those properties and qualities that we must cultivate in a child. A modern person is already quite different from the image that was typical ten years ago, so how a son or daughter should grow up is up to the parents themselves.

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Children are not only the flowers of life, but also a reflection of their parents. As a rule, what you initially invest in your child will manifest him as a person in the future. Therefore, in order for the baby to grow up as a decent and law-abiding person, it is necessary to devote as much time and love as possible to his upbringing and to abuse money less.

Key qualities to instill in your children:
1. First of all, you should cultivate kindness and mercy in your offspring so that in the future he can help those in need, show compassion and care not only for people, but also for animals. To do this, parents should show everything by their own example, for example, give alms to a beggar or feed a starving kitten, and so on.
2. Instill in the crumbs respect for you, as well as for others, especially for the older generation. After all, if a child grows up on his own mind and knows only the word “I”, it will be difficult for him to walk through life, conflict moments are definitely provided, and even in parental old age you won’t even get a cup of water from him.
3. Develop hardworking traits in your baby, as well as a love of cleanliness and order. To do this, involve him in household chores from early childhood, do not neglect to once again ask him for help, talk about the hygiene of both your own body and the room, that dust and dirt cause a huge number of different diseases. In general, do everything so that a lazy piglet does not grow out of your offspring.
4. Nip in the bud such qualities as envy and greed, as they live in the soul of a selfish nature. The baby should know that it is necessary to share, for example, their toys or sweets. Explain that you can’t envy anyone, but you should achieve everything only with your own efforts and patience.
5. Teach your baby to ask for forgiveness and step over somewhere even through your pride. If you apologize to him, never say: "Forgive me, please, and for this I will buy you new toy!" as it will gross mistake and a child will never learn to selflessly forgive someone. Everything must come from pure heart and without hiding evil in the soul.

Carefully take care of your flower, so that in the end it blossoms and pleases everyone around.

It is necessary to educate in children the possession of the word! Yesterday, watching an 8-month-old son, I realized that nature endows us from birth with such qualities as charm, feeling and contemplation. A baby can be understood without words and you can communicate with him with pleasure. He learns a lot by contemplating, he often laughs just for no reason just like that , looking into the eyes of another person. It turns out that speech is something more, this is a step in development, but notice that many have mastered speech apparatus, they begin to speak, to speak thoughtlessly using the word everywhere and always. It turns out that you need to learn from babies to be silent, look at smile and laugh. he says most of the time...
In general, children are not born as a white sheet of paper on which you can write down whatever you want. And they don't necessarily look like their parents. The main thing is not to interfere with growth and development little miracle. And help develop his talents. Do exactly what the child wants, not parents and grandmothers. And remember that children are the same people. And they already have thoughts and feelings, and own point there is a vision for everything. And they understand no less than adults. Well, all the same, the most important thing is that you must instill in your child love, spiritual love, love for all living things. After all, now our children from the age of one are sitting on computers and tablets, the child does not feel connected with real cat, a bird, flowers, because it is so important to touch it all, to feel it, and the child gets the opinion that everything is virtual, without feelings, so I, as a mother, refrained from tablets for at least 5-6 years. Well, let's draw conclusions, love a child, give him only positive emotions, and this will return to you in double size.

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There are people who seem to be pursuing success. They are called lucky, they are envied, admired, etc. Many people want the same way ... I can’t even pick up words ... They try to imitate them, to be like them. And what happens? At the very least, it's a parody. Sometimes even good ... Parody of successful person. A person twitches like this and says to himself: “Such, apparently, my fate, I can’t achieve ...”.

Not true! Don't trust anyone who says so!
Even to (yourself) yourself.

A successful person is, first of all, the one who achieves his goals. Every person has the makings of the necessary qualities. Perhaps I will reveal to you terrible secret, but once you could not walk, talk, and, oh horror, even hold a spoon! Now you simply do not notice it, because you do all of the above automatically.

So, the qualities of a successful person can be learned.
To develop these qualities, to grow them, as a grain grower grows bread! If you gradually develop them, they will gradually become second nature to you. Gradual, almost imperceptible changes beyond recognition will change your life! And you will be called lucky, you will be envied, and asked for your opinion with or without reason, and try to be just like you.

And all you need to develop in yourself the following qualities.

1. The ability to speak openly about your desires and requirements in the first person. No "we". I am the first, not the last letter in your alphabet!

2. The ability to speak openly about your feelings. We were taught from childhood to hide our feelings. Especially boys. But who needs it? Openly expressing your feelings, you only inspire respect from those around you.

3. The ability to say "No". This will save you a lot of time, nerves, health. And the respect of others, paradoxically, it will only add! "Smile and say no until your tongue bleeds." Harvey McKay named one of the chapters of his book How to Survive Among Sharks. The man worth 350 million knows what he's talking about.

4. The ability to establish contact, maintain a conversation, and simply the ability to inspire confidence.

5. Constantly find new uses for your talents and abilities and constantly learn. Ask stupid questions if you want to learn something new.

6. The ability to be an optimist always! For any problems and failures! Get into the “idiotic” habit of celebrating failure. Take failure not as a tragedy, but as an experience, and take advantage of this failure.

7. The ability to remain in any situation with a bright memory. Many people call it self-confidence, but… It is better to call it self-confidence. Confidence that any problem can be solved quickly and easily.
8. The ability to rejoice even in your small successes and achievements. Praise yourself! Allow yourself small and big pleasures.

9. The ability to selflessly and sincerely help others. This is necessary, first of all, for you to raise your own self-esteem.

10. And most importantly! Realize your uniqueness! Wear what you want, say what you want, if you compare yourself with others, the comparison should always be in your favor. Never think: “What will people say about me?”.
The main thing is that you tell yourself about yourself!

And tell yourself: “I can do anything! Everything!!!". And just believe it.